/ ) t~ ) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM,G,TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W, .A.ND-- tL-I~srx/~ L~ CKehXCX/}I-’, MAY’S LA-~DI~’G, N. J. JOSIDPII TIIO!~PSON, Jr., ~a Attorney at Law Mastez m Chancery, AND C03L~II.<SIO.YE11 OF D.E~D Rln3,’s Landing, N. J. C. I[. D. JOLLNE, CQL’N~’IELLOI~ AT LAW, ,~outk-Ea~t C,,’,J~r oi" &tend and 31axk~ ,St,c~t~ ¯ CA3ID.E~, ~Y. J. T. %V.IIIIgEN O~EIL 61ti, Walnut .8I:, PHILADELPHIA, Attorney and Counsellm at ~a’~ar. Co!l,,clions carefully and prm~ptly atteud ed hi., CH.-L~ T- ABBO’rTI Attorney at Law, &ND ~olicitor in Challcery~ .VA 1"~5 LA2;D ING, .¥. 4. lt2~.C, Lh’,ction* ta’omptly marls. JOltN I~. R. ItEW-~TT, I J AXtorne3 at Law llnll ¯ ] Solicitor In Claoxx~eer~. 1 p Devoted ,LAb W: Lu cas’ ~lllre VA:RN~SIW:ES ! 0 L A), 1 C. N. J., C _ dDEN, Pa~y. SATU AY, ge~o,OOO "- l ¯ /JYA"AUL 1)ARALLEL. 7. ~ost everxthihg we get ~r,w corn FraM:e--an(l I sai:pos,: we may-nexl to have France hen." itself, by a sort graphical /ui~,.,,.~ ,:o,’l,!~s. (I extra for this beautiful figure.) ’saw the aboiencvel p’o:’d ia a ; olh,,’r day, [iinstalttly said : "That ! Gaul, 1 )iet f’" I I (’~uall)l toobup the paper, ’. nately had imt £eefi destroyed, ant tained thaLthe meaning of ----~gl 1 MArkET STI~:ET,-- * CAMDEN, N. J. .El. ;I11. J~I~XITT, J1-ST,( E ~)F TIIE I’EACT. Real Estate & Insurance Agent, A;l,I A I-CTIO_V£’L’.R, ~’In~low, Cltll/den Courtly, R.I. I All btlsill,*~ eutrusted.to me will receive prompt attention. March ~1, 1~78. 23-3m J. E. :P. ABBOTT, t~Olb’NSELI,OR AT ~W A~N-D RIA,~TER IN CIIA~NC~RY. MAY’S .LAS"DIS"b,N. J. :HARRY L. SLAP:E, Altonle;y line Couns~Iloi- it TAW. SOLICITOR IX C~IL~C]ERY, ’Id.A~TEJI IN CIIA.~,’C~Y, SUI’:REME COUE3 CQMMI~&IOS"F~R, A_ND NOT2.d~’l" PIII3~AC~ CO,YKXY~L~’CI.%’G in all ira ~ranch~. ATLAN~I C C1TY. ATLA.L~TIC COU~-TT, .~. ~, Special attention given to foreclosing :Mort- gages. Notes and accounts collected in ,,ll parta of the United State~. Prompt atten- laun given to all Legal :Matters. Acknowl- edgements and Affidavits t~k.em. Pr-aztict in all the Courta. 2MLLEN B, :ENDIOOTT, STORES.~. Yacto’ry--- Gi Dec 2~ ly .41.N. CIIAS. E. FRI ’CAt. /" Nos. & 15 EXTRA SALT FERTILIZERS, l~IT¯ FLOUR, G] A]N, 511l.I. t-’El:I), ’;E.-;’t DltiED BEEF, EXTRA ¯ ~ItOilE 31AOKEI’EL. MESS’ ,~II.\D ROCK, RSE AND 1-’~xE 5.~A.I’,,I!.’~Y AND Sq BY I’ALE *,511 LIUNL, I_2., AXLE IiE.~E AND C~.T- dec=":t E POWDER. I.~IPLE),IEN’fS :~.ND Tlil’(’K tk\Sl,:E £5. HEATEi - HA@, ¯ lo’th ,~l., PDi/..L I/;~t’,/. ,’.m/ -aT-- was that on the "0:h of 3larch, A. 9a L,,;,,c, N. ~. ¯ " " ~ i the v&st ,luantities of ice which ¯ E"<’ li lrb~,r Clt$,’" " ~. J. \ .’ mulated atlhe North- .)Iole, since tl: 3. ~- cC , / i weather s,’.~ in there, wilt break tm ~,= ~-~,--~ The produc;" t’abov," vin~-y:~rds CoBslBt,~ ov,::ivl.,.,Im;the worhl in total dest ¯ .,: . . . ,...~.~... pur,, tir:i_.’ld- r,! ¯t t, ,’, ..I’bl’:ttrd ’:E:~g H&I’OCg’ ",, ¯ : . " ( ’~-:.’- ( . ..,¯ ,’--. \; :h,:~.’ Fur,;. ’ ,’1 ~*,. ar...l-<-groom the)" .~i,:s w~lS eertahdy an astotdshing p .... i ’" " " . IlJ~ n ’_’,Iz, IKl~ I. did not make me ner’vo - "~ri’-’~ -"~ N -T ,>-, I ,-~ " ~ tl~F,’i’l eti t’ifill I’ [¯I¯l" .i1 ~ 1 [¯~, ;’,+i : I’ll ,¯on~i,~ls oI tie ¯ S~,’, t julc( ,)I :’ g:~, .: L,ilb." k,’p: in , he con= felt e,mq,lent that hy the time the av ~} 9 [11i ,,n a:., l; h film llr,-:-s I)v tnilrely pro- . . ’,, , ¯ il I~:i~ i’ nt l’ll,)n "thus obtadlILn~ ’ ucctl!’re,l l~,ion.-I be in ~. condition ’. Vt’I~l 111.~" [iat~ ll’;il ,,~)tl~ %,,~,i.ou**.n} ll’d. ~v, . li.~ $’~ " i t~ UST, .’ . " at id siu¯pr’se , le ,va~ Lie an ou ’EALEI:S IN ," tit t!<~ this dire prophecy emanated fr For ti,:., l’,a:h .2t ’:.," r~,Ta’.a the orlg"n~ name [ Adhenlar, all eniilt~ll~ Fl.enel~Jm~t Of I; afi:lni.,er:te,1 :’r :l,w ju:ee, as it lS ltOt a *’Wllle" I --~’-~l, ~l~"a~--"~"~, ()il ac,, u!,t flt 1’" t.~-’NO ,n’rlluotl, or oleo- ; .:ih:l, -I knew the n:nne at once. ) h’,’l,"p,’,;;,, rli, :- l, 1.s i ,?l),ll, ~s 20 ."~pe&k OI 1_110 ; that Iof ah pid fr[,:.ud- of mine, d’~ ~i;I !Tl[h(-’’5 th’.s I,,’Ve, age. as all wltl re~d- I, i~’~ pt’r~,.l’/,t, h,= | ts v,l~ival, lit to c~,nsumlng =,,7%~. a:,:,~beeoming amorously emb: ti~.r ¯ ,lel el, us ;’r: In l:(ti.ld form. Forlnvalll:~ II ha~ pr,.v,.: exhll,.ralln~ and- hlgllly in: this cr,’J:,tri’, weuQto Fairope and });.ht-P,c¯:ll. 1() ’,vi b, .,’lllia .r .ll-~ Phy8t,?la.ns can. ~c!.¯l:Ch)ll.ttl. lte w:~s a man far t,-.-!’.iy. ’I,-h*i... ¯;w:e l’COl,le can bare no ,,bJeeo i t:.’l: ’o rl,. ¯ u-.(r :du~,, ;~n~l wl’¯l ee%tainly ),all had al.,vayls cute, tained the hi II .:-. a pl’(.1]~u)t,’I (’T Ih’ lr ,.ause. Churches are u~:- it h r ..a~ r~;ne;~ta l:urp~.~os In preference . "-u,’ to seet his ham.ethus in the tO l~c V tr:¢~l.l> ~. :l[e+..s,a.. q, ~"h,:Y b~gin to di~. ! i, i ;l,tS, coli::ecte,t with such a craz’ , co,or the p.,-A r :)l.ng qu.d.l:ies oI Must. (.)r,LFo will b,_’ : lil’ed at, the f.:)Ilow;ng p: i~;,u! tic ln(.)l’¢ ti:an words ea~llt _ R ATF..~ : doz.bottI0s - i.,, ,~oabt "~aaLit ’.¥as a t}pographica 7,I::st, r, lr cas ot I I4.00 or the base Max:der of 8omedesigni: ",Vlil[e WlI:e " " "- e.O") ,led wine (cla t) .’. 5-00 [’erms. 12. O.D. Addresa all cr ers t,) .. M. 8. J. l’i. WOLSIEFFKR, Egg HrGbor City., N, J. 0vert0 & .Hawkins, --on. My miad was made up at’ t t:, dq. 1 would communicate with sta:,tly, and :-e,p:est an authoritative .4 tLe repprt. The lbllowing query lhshed lkrou ’ ovean eabie: " Are you the author Id~=~lx,llusis ? I ). I’." The answez iu ti,’e miaute~: "I am. Further his.by inai!.--A." The suswnse ! endured" waiting 11 9 "!11 ¯% II li }"1" "i~[l[ "’ t’A’~IllY’N ’ "%" J" "I " ’ST AtMa’,s i.~.:,.ii:~a. ~ ..... W..,.dhesday% aml 5at:i "’:"’"’ :":’ 7’ "" t’ I SLATE._ ND_. (Late ,hlskio ) .Mterney at Law...- ~ 5tiprelnf- I (,ti;", .N..I. ) GED S, WOODHULL, I.AW OFY117E~.~, 5. W. t;or. Front and Market ~treet~, LA).IDEN, N.J. ]lOtJM~-, 1 AND "2 TA~ Lt)J; ~L li.DING. .&. ST t Real Estate f Insurance ~gent, Phila,Jxlphia.Av:’~, bdvw Ara~9 ~trcd, Egg llarbor City N. J. ]Read IRstate and Gollec- tion Agenb I>I]ILADELPIIlA AT~.N’L":F~ . (Nea! Postoffice) ECC HARBOR CITY,N,J, 1132 J HILA ,WILL :.~All Orders by 3ia ltammonton, A i PHILIP HINCKE’S ~’ Iolhink " Vineva~d~, EGG lJAI~BOg CITY, N. J. The Wines ma]e and ~tored in the vaults ,tit and I;.ft lne aloue. You of th’e "iolhildl "ards " are the follow- w:m not ],)ng hi getting to th, in_-: ¯ l:.pisHc. }lt-eot)tamed’.hese ft IdlhlI~k~A ndid l,"~.ting Table Wine, ~ ,elhe ~eslnn cf de.-ti’nctiol of a rich nlnl bca~ titu,l red color ; tiffs, ~tVine is the best relief t u~e’ak stomaeh. :Franklin~Or. Anwrican Bur~mdy~" a more heaw and’f I-be{ ed Wine than the former, ofalnmst dark co!or and a very lalea~ant and taste. ¯ Jersica---A : swee~bitter tasting "Wine, of golden ~ g~:eat ~ichness¯ Catawba~A li ;hi colmed, quit~ pleasa, n t tnsti~g Wine~th ~’elcome aid a~aiust tob great corpulence. Of the ab{vc-mined Wines, vintages ot five Yems will al, a}’s b~ on sale as per the following :CE ~.ST. , Per doz. Per gall. JERSICA, ~8 00 $2 50 YI{ANKLIN, ’i b0 2 25 IOLHI,NK, ¯ 6 O0 1 75 CATAWBA, 6 00 1 75. any ,t !reef ;y aho; 3 old l,oll <isis l~lOrlihlg li i t’IIn it, fdr we chin We its clear Upt,? 1~ "f~ther could that he d~ until. once perfectly ed for the At , ly bright, almlg as If Natt ner, raisee manding part of afiue able to d~ friend spheres." stralns of ’ anxiousl .y 3:$9, a sky and noise told from fl~ ¢ 0 U- rs~ In torrent tion ; a an~y with the "Worlds ; path, and came ¯ space of so far Our tmsiti0 ly on the se and water i north pastlt bosom bore and hum deb#’i~ of @rods of ei some pec~,li: c, ipal by cei’tain I’bi ladelplii: 0othing of the bottom clinging to overwhelm( forever. Ing, ~t~ it dk sons tl{e Hy pieces of mansion, W~ emperors: old-time air ~ steepte, astri looking old last of the allof them A ingalong wi next an,mat( a crowd of agonizing uence upon parts of the Polar Sea, dashed the isotherm: the distance. were at h~t n the m~ht be, burning So! thaw rapid pazty, as tuward us. , they that, It Was "" Eor two o -t r i " J ° ¯ ¯ ’ . . , ¯ [: [" ’. _. " .. :" . - --: I " .- : .’5.-!,::~ ! ! ) ., 1880 t I ~o. - i r ) "" I ¯ ’i .nd, withoi~t k!mwing exac t- 1 found!myself on a hlgh Tl~h once beautifal :ransrormed inh:~ a noisy, with all;sorts of people, :and chattering li’~e anoth- not much opporlu- ble that he hadfallen born . the peak and beer~ lost in the s~rgingttood beneath P Hor- riblesffspicion! i arose and bent eve.r: the: cliff which formed one ~ide of ILhe mounI. I tho.ught .1:4mw him struggling ~nthe Water bei0w--my heads~amtittheh~rtible sigh~ --Ilost my balance i" and." fell--~ut Of my ¯ [on, for within- a. ~Innte arm-ehair~ prone upon.the floor. I was ¯crammed dow~~m [ Thatmy mental laeulti~.~ we~ con~ider- columbmd which po~ .uteri [ adlymixed, whenI recovered mys~h’~ may ~gle of about 45 de~e~.~ be n att~illy intuited. " Bnti took a seda- mmzwhere I wanted to’go"] tive--l:l°~der, retired to bed, andl went to I attributed it [o’the won-[ ~li~ep zignt" - - advancement everything,[ ~.he next nlorning i received- Mr. :Adh e- had ! reached ’in the[ mars letter. ~ What it contained I am nor i’ip was very ex-[ at liberly to ~[v’utge. Onething, howe:~er, ~lno time to talkeJ I may ~hy. If, some day, ~oU should find ’[ A sharp detona-l"n t~e ~d-#~ ~a {en~ or., the ~ty a slight ~e~se of warmth plastered withth0~r~at word"Hydrapol- lusts," donot be a]armed~ butpossess yore- ~oul in quietude--Lfor it will ~ig.nify nothing of detriment to ygurself or year succea.~m ~it will ouly mean ~mel.hing that - will be~,efit you~ and can be obtained 0i; a. r~. ~pec2able druggist, ~ one dollax per 1)oi11% etc. It has no hyperboiean sign!fi~!alio ~ except that theprolx"ie~rs consider’-it, a "l~ig thing on ice.": V’erb~ ~ap. " . . . .’.. - A ~I"~L~Glg ~TOIgY* Thirty-thre~ yeara.~,~c~ a family named Benton,. consisting of’ father, mother, ~0n, anddaughter~ resided inoneof the ~es.tern states n~ar a snlall town calledBlanl~. "l~e fatherwas weary and livedi.* ~tyle.,and hisdaughter iffa.bel, a.c, hiid between two and ~ee )ears of ag% wa~ always deg~tly dr~i~l, and 0e. orga, the son, a boy of seven~ wSs prepaxing: to enter andastern. "sch~x)l. C~e~day little. ZIab~l disappeaafed~¯and her p£rents never heard of heragain, _a~augh they spent t~ousand~ ~dollars in ~ .agching L r heT. The beart-brol/en moth~ .died n ~er the los of ht/~lin~, ~m~ f~ther, wandered all over w, urope, and~m~- ly settled in ~e~ Yo~k,.whe~hedied, ¯ :C.4e0rge g~w~to mmahood, and~the memory ofhisI0st, sister ~a~ ahnost~ from his mind. In-his twenty-sev~uth year, while visiting a married friend~ he fell in love wil~l~’~e gove.rne~ of his friend’schildren, ’a beautifnl girl of about twenty-thre%" and, after ~ome months they were mam-ied lived happily for fiv~ or Mx yea~ girl being born toia~.m dm-ing’that time.-" By the deathof ari nnd~n San Francis- ~,, ~ w~ l~ a ~,~ble ~,,~, and the lawyer who conve3e~leh, tthe- intelli- gence t6 himalsosl~ted ~ ~ ~isterha~.. of my !back, a sudden ~t m0meht I was in the cabmafl, by whom I was to the *rGrand of meeting mhch to say eet of Ity~tra- i it wasnoi until¯ it to him.: about Kuno ihis afternoon of destination by We seat- galvanic bat-. ~wal- ea1~u]eapiece, arid arrived. nine :rotes before we "startei~ e that qnter,~e,~ed ~ hefqm we ~a~used ng mathematical conun- a !it tie surpriseflllli~ .see wl,-ich had once"’Been o lilies , such as thi.meeting leS, .&e., were nOW "nO and. prql,OSlii~l 1~d o -aud I might say, all the him--Mr. A¢[hemal "did me a ~Hable. ef tha t on" ~ohcerning the Hy" connection, with it. I his "rood@t silence, ~-to see for myself, and ne~mary explazmfiom w~ ov~ ~ore he-was ~ we were .~ saidI needhave no ~’ assared, I calmly "wait- sexisatton. the sky l~ecame unusual- everything" arotm’d and anddistinct to the eye, the true theatrical man- Fromone corn-- h.~d a View of ev W A~ quarterpast three hea~., and not being lence it proceeded, my l jt was "the music of ~inut~ pas~ the away; and" we ~_~ precid~ly "’ .~. i " ¯ "’.’. ~-- ,.:: - . . . ¯ _ ¯ .’ .. ,~- :~ - . ~ / ~- ¯ ~-., been tra~d. ~. ta*a~p on his dear, h-bed. a St. I.~uis Ix~lice ~fion ~onf~&~l ~ he :and two eompaniens had stolen-little Mabel Benton for herclothea and, a locke~ ~hi.c.h she wor%. and that she had continu-: ed’with them:for several y.em~ .when her brigl~t, ~retty face attracted the attention Of a kind-he,ted .Ohio la~y,. whoadopte d and ." . . ¯ -7:-.¯ - " 11 ¯ :: o - : :. r *. -.:pL , * me-’sc~ar~ ,tee;. ~ ~he ~ g~ihe : :mefer.lettin de mau in ,-d~,:-i !.; (s’~. ~t, ),,_ ehillun she at’ bat~’ ter,rR i ~:/..[ her e~,ap ~,,ue, she’. .£er. er bo’.facl/~ "..:-’ meo~m~ go~" up’ago ,:: " ;’ ~ ~3!I~!1. " . W~L~ "’,HIS name W--, M&u~ ihey sweet rater ttT e]. I" valle$. "’- .... " u~iml, one #ear .-now-~torm: .:The fai~ll’ .,.i..n-thi" .¯.: oii the ..mouhiain.-. meant ’. i: hext day m ~eir .~ :::i ;!; The snow fell~nl,il it: 4:hot~ on ~e mountain._.’ wasi : i! wan~f anow ag~ ¯ They r.6ttld not eat m the hom~.. -Ther~ Xgas# - ntt~.~o " " ’ " " " ..... " - ." " I ¯ . _ . -= "- ? ) thingto .~.,. I wilr".!~lh..l~ritz" .up ta~. :: 7 :-:, ! ~y.: :Ithi~ ~e &aH~t-on.:.i~.:::.;: 1 If .~get~ 0~-hewill. lgodl?uiotl~-.it, Icy, ~o. me 0newill see 1~.m. Th.en’tl~y {:: ~" eomeand liellfus.’: :~hetold]gfi~- ! ’ go down*o -the valley. am~:~ ~ea~d to up:the f== ~ ~,u~¢ ::¯:-.::; ;held onwith ~ en he: leaped{-oZ ~d-~plni~l; :away:-:. the-~now. - .’. . .-... , ~ - :!:: . ¯ .... : . ) .- . . . :: . was ,cry ~rk ~ z~ ~am.an-..~.. snow;- .~ill~alMa}l[!lig!li for ~:- :ci~ld~en er~a--,~melam 9 new ,," fai~" hark.: ." :~l~ ~i~ ~i&a~a. :.,lie ~, ~=t~. ;,,_ !:;i:i they i~ :"voi/~L.’mi~ th~- ~t; -. At- l~ ~ef meal fOima-,::~ ¯ ..- p- _, . ¯ door. .T~n~..el;dldr~ heazd them ,’c- away t~Js.no w ~ ~st ~:.II~ : > :BYandby- the dobr :was-.O ..I~d." :7], children’s fa~ ’I’l~7~dre,,.’E...;..~a: :: ~e ;-*-e~ h~: ~bt foa~. ~ %:, ate the. fo0~. ~:.~{ d,,~ to,~ .:= . in." I.!1. e vaJl. e},. :’i~el n~ghlmr~ !~]-,:.:::?-~ and 1: comfortable. & m’ce :dilmer was zemly.:. up. in the distance roaring ice had broken loose north, and the grand ~1 commenced. % ¯ aw the ~mshing cburse ofdestrnc- of ieel~r~’, and t~ong), ,~e co~t,’s : Ol’d and Ig-6w 1 cities fell to rnins iu il~ tat, on of ~.~ globe be,- In aJvery shO~t ) "vestige ofcreation~ ~. was visible to rain upon which we "sat, abbva ¯high, .~ Could baok complacent t below, The ic~ 0n us from th% sonth~ and upon its lifeless form - qf:bt~st palaces and" huts, and ~da. Sometimes wlmle downifl tact~, and by tell to what taunt- had, belonge.d. Thus, detected lmrtions ~f I and Glasgow. I saw went to bv the~ ,~lood. Id see a living: being soon, however, to be fie~ee torrent and sink met our eyd, sho~- an .ti-respeeto~-of-t~r- was; Upon ,some been a ~:oyal king% ~ queons, a~l ., mel~y tothe I’m Idloat! ~# A! w~-~’some forlorn= (supposbd to be the their ~af4 and seht her to school, where she remained unttl v2fitdz’en never her i~atron~ di~L :~e} then ~c~mea th4mo~ The: reed; I to ~:~ir -b): :~: ~erin a ~g. ,~.ool in cin~a, hnt~ ~ 7~=~: ¯~e ::dog @~I =~,, ’i ~,: :’~’’:-: |s her bealth begFn to fail she app.liekl for a i !’ ; [ yoll lilt- net_tlmlped us’we"/ lx~ition as governe~ and was nOW iii the i died’u.udez:the" ~mow,, .... t’" " l ": t;~ - . . ". family of :Mr. /~. oi" at least th~ wa~ l~e ~ aisle story.... : ." . .- I 7-" , " :. ;- :,~- 7 ~ last pl~x he kad heard of her being.im i: " The.F~0t°~-°![~" " " "-= ::~- Wha~was~he nameof the -fAmily ~hl Ithinkoj~eof thembst beantifnl mal~:; :.i~." - ~’~ with ~" ~ e.~. ¯ ~/1.or ~ lo,~ la,~a ; ¯:_:,- :. pole came ricochel,- r’4pidi.ty," and the metoureyes was Esquimanx, whose the most e/~illi.~g in- which I was "composed of Cape . Cod,the Icy. M.otmtahls, caught a ~glimpee of awa~ in our allen-, ,~’ ,mall crowd of iceberg which ,was to be r, as well.tbey ¯ un was now’ ~e’t~ began to tobe coming dlrectly i d~cieved ~ and] had 0nly title to see ¯ party, a half ~’e-gazed on less -~/a- did’I scan t~’e~o- which shoed I to be. approacbing~ 1 "WI~ name did my. ~i~ter have P" "Mabel Ferris." -’ ,My God!" cxi~l George in agony; "She has been my wife for .five yearn-" Uponfurther inr.est~gaticn this proved-to the .uath, andthe girl pean~, went e#a~; as-she was a devout Episeopalia~ ~ separa- tion ensued, all property l~,g eq.~flly &ivid" ca, T.he children were placed with friends, as neither parent lxmld be&rthesight of I w]~t was to t~ ~e fruit of a si n. ~gai~t: God and man. The Ix)or girlis still living in a qdiet city in NewEnglrmd, wAffle.the husband a~d brother, ajte~spending al~his pmper~y ea,/e a few hundred dollar~ in isipation~ shut himselfvff from all ~mmani- ~cation with his friends, and ]s ~>dtay a poor :Carmel", andwhere few know his ~adly-re- marknble ~ry. o~,n sl ~n T~z crasrs. ]Dm~ii# In ~ llolil#]llold, " :From theAtlanta Consutution. " " " " "- Old Si Clime.in rathe r i~teye~terday/lop, k: ink somewha~ f.atigaed, dHter a minute he. ¯ said : ;’Dis am er moughtykurus per~edin’ dese menkerryin’ on ’roun. d h/ar wildde~e, fortfolyes2’ " :, .. = "Do you mean the census takem F’- ¯ ""t bleeve dat at’ de name dey goes l~y." "What have. they,been doing now Y.’[- : "vir’y dey’s beendowndaxin my nabor- hood jess .... sqrrin’ up my’ rath. dan. all .~,e par- sons insldv de k0rpra.shmn kin put . oW_~-~ er muuth." , _~ "" . "That is nufortnn~. Haze they visited you -2 et 2" . - ...... .’ Dat’s wl~t m,~be~.me 1 so he be.bim’-:. ~,im~.= ter day. Oneob ;dem dum ’dow’hrter. Iny h0use d~s m~’,fin’.an Jap ondegate ; .id~e d him ,what’s de. matter, an’ he say he done tartakemy sensus; an’ he.hadn’t no mp’n. got hit out c~n I ~ed ter jess ~ i~vay from. ¯ dar ;ka~ dar wztn% :n~ bizness in d~t shanty for enny drummers from de Ioonytick ¯ ylam~ P. ,. ! "What did hesay ?’. "He s~y/:1~. ’.ef I fools wid’ths slr~sus he done gwine .er put de law ter me he %planed de law. Den I rlte.m£ I ax~{~, him in." ." How. did youget along’then .~;. I. ,, We got ’long purty @ell uutell. :tea- de coJsnm whar de chi!lun aresot deh he say ~r me. wkat em de: ~allala ehillun ? Lr~y, ’ t~k8 ,. he/ax,’ yo/n ~hreonwk~delaw lo~tsan dou% earn ¯, = _ byar axt~’ ~ulfin, que~cMus. ~yd.t he got ~4..:- black ear melat~er--a.n’-den ol~- . "Howwas that ?~ " " De dle ’oom~ was . li~enen, an’ shehe~ dat’ s1~e opset de table ".what fo~tl’olyo was l~n’, and empte~l do bowl all ober de ar~turns an’ ’gi:n ~ holler. ~eal~ Tiler,- ~e~nke aefortyih~er~do~,: broke in de-.house I De census n~n" he t5 d up hi,~ doeky~, ents a.~ .mad4: ~u i twixt boldin"de old °"YW~,ere "m.d the*,.~,, m~n r e" es fromthe - e- ¯ ,,Deias ) 1"~10b’l .:==’-,- ~;::.{ - ; .. " :~ ..,~ - - . :- + ~of: poWe~: tb: " ¯ i: - :. ; .. :.-7 .;:: =: !{-~ :-anima/wlde.li" relatives alad friends.’. --v-- . . - %_ :. .- . - :’L , dOlear~mmwera(ph~, lmX=:,’- .,: :: th6y are a h]essed~’ror~on hi t~ mor~-; . "~: ¯ .1 "y r :. I pity the z~aa.uor woman who ;can- : :,i.,-. " . . - ~ .- ....~.~ :-: :weep. ~’liere are such.~x 1~ew.a ~e~r eomfo~’a c~i~ ~:sorrows, to the m~geI~ thdse of ehitdre~ the ie~ is "the :1~ The lad" b their ..~d ~,omer for " [ aM:we .:~-.’- ":_::’: % ;n6 ::&mht ~aon ::of~m.j:. ,d. ~d.~ d ~-L--:’ .: - . . -~ik¢ tast year’s birds;uests’and l~ve lost’. ~ :. ’:i the)l" joy, i2]en eomd the’teazlii~e-: a. be~a~-). ::< i[ ~01~- til/e :ILl ’++’: ~ _ , . .:o #o.m Gbdto and-b~m ; ,-:’ ,thew un ..... iSfn)(~ :-:~ I" . .:.’" ¯ ... -... lxi exlaliili " :~ : i’, ),:reponea s~)i,kxor,mo~4 so’.~e. ~.,s a yo~ xn~n-i~ w0m~ .~astakea:Z~l,:: ;: 7. :i her siekhe~ was attribu~Id 1~.1~ Bus-.~=- la~ thefact~ she wa~bieWil, b.he~" : : d a new" :ho~aeshoe. ~r0m a:lflgek- -; shoD, p~pgred..it in ~ome way ~. - and then 1 into the ~lie~ed ~t ~’. Witeli; " To m~-~~n’% he.fplaeed .~lma . tinder thecarpel, l the- doorway :of-the: ::.:: and awaiU~l" the [rlimilt,. =lSo)~ril "- ,--: the threshotd=-:withonl ~ ! "i .:: one r:it. - He intends to . _ ’Girl~ l~l.e Tha: custom . di.~o~-mg :7:! ; " . -i- .- -: . ;:. : .- .:.. ).-:- an adm frabie t6 me,-nol she .¯ ia n~hlier : l~liell ; 2" ~bsolet~ :7 " ::’ 5::_.:: ~--’, :: :F- -.,- " >~- ~’:-- r an mldilao/~ di" cm~." ! .ITS!.. ¯ *_4 -’ %: .- -’,~

,WILL - atlanticlibrary.org · t~) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W,.A.ND--

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Page 1: ,WILL - atlanticlibrary.org · t~) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W,.A.ND--







o %he Interests. of ~het

WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and

V()L. III.- _ _ .

PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD.



tL-I~srx/~ L~ CKehXCX/}I-’,

MAY’S LA-~DI~’G, N. J.


Attorney at Law Mastezm Chancery,


C03L~II.<SIO.YE11 OF D.E~DRln3,’s Landing, N. J.



,~outk-Ea~t C,,’,J~r oi" &tend and 31axk~


¯CA3ID.E~, ~Y. J.

T. %V.IIIIgEN O~EIL61ti, Walnut .8I:,


Attorney and Counsellmat ~a’~ar.

Co!l,,clions carefully and prm~ptly atteuded hi.,


Attorney at Law,&ND

~olicitor in Challcery~.VA 1"~5 LA2;D ING, .¥. 4.

lt2~.C, Lh’,ction* ta’omptly marls.

JOltN I~. R. ItEW-~TT, IJAXtorne3 at Law llnll ¯ ]

Solicitor In Claoxx~eer~.










L A), 1 C. N. J.,






"- l


~ost everxthihg we get ~r,w cornFraM:e--an(l I sai:pos,: we may-nexlto have France hen." itself, by a sortgraphical /ui~,.,,.~ ,:o,’l,!~s. (Iextra for this beautiful figure.)

’saw the aboiencvel p’o:’d ia a; olh,,’r day, [iinstalttly said : "That

! Gaul, 1 )iet f’"I I (’~uall)l toobup the paper,’. nately had imt £eefi destroyed, anttained thaLthe meaning of

----~gl 1 MArkET STI~:ET,--


.El. ;I11. J~I~XITT,J1-ST,( E ~)F TIIE I’EACT.

Real Estate & Insurance Agent,A;l,I A I-CTIO_V£’L’.R,

~’In~low, Cltll/den Courtly, R.I. I

All btlsill,*~ eutrusted.to me will receiveprompt attention.

March ~1, 1~78. 23-3m




:HARRY L. SLAP:E,Altonle;y line Couns~Iloi- it TAW.


CQMMI~&IOS"F~R, A_ND NOT2.d~’l" PIII3~AC~CO,YKXY~L~’CI.%’G in all ira ~ranch~.


Special attention given to foreclosing :Mort-gages. Notes and accounts collected in ,,llparta of the United State~. Prompt atten-laun given to all Legal :Matters. Acknowl-edgements and Affidavits t~k.em. Pr-aztictin all the Courta.



Yacto’ry--- GiDec 2~ ly


CIIAS. E. FRI ’CAt. /"

Nos. & 15




FLOUR, G] A]N, 511l.I. t-’El:I), ’;E.-;’t DltiED BEEF,EXTRA ~ItOilE 31AOKEI’EL. MESS’ ,~II.\D

ROCK, RSE AND 1-’~xE 5.~A.I’,,I!.’~YAND Sq BY I’ALE *,511 LIUNL, I_2.,

AXLE IiE.~E AND C~.T- dec=":tE POWDER.

I.~IPLE),IEN’fS :~.ND Tlil’(’K tk\Sl,:E £5.

HEATEi - ’

HA@, ¯

lo’th ,~l., PDi/..L I/;~t’,/. ,’.m/ -aT-- ’ was that on the "0:h of 3larch, A.

9a L,,;,,c, N. ~. ¯ " " ~ i the v&st ,luantities of ice which¯E"<’ li lrb~,r Clt$,’" " ~. J. \ .’ mulated atlhe North- .)Iole, since tl:3. ~- cC ,

/ i weather s,’.~ in there, wilt break tm~,= ~-~,--~ The produc;" t’abov," vin~-y:~rds CoBslBt,~ ov,::ivl.,.,Im;the worhl in total dest

¯ .,: . . . ,...~.~... pur,, tir:i_.’ld- r,! ¯t t, ,’, ..I’bl’:ttrd ’:E:~g H&I’OCg’",, ¯ : . "( ’~-:.’- ( . ..,¯ ,’--. \; :h,:~.’ Fur,;. ’ ,’1 ~*,. ar...l-<-groom the)" .~i,:s w~lS eertahdy an astotdshing p

.... ’ i ’" " " . IlJ~ n ’_’,Iz, IKl~ I. did not make me ner’vo

- "~ri’-’~ -" ~ N -T ,>-,I ,-~" ~ tl~F,’i’l eti t’i fill I’ [¯I¯l" .i1 ~ 1 [¯~, ;’,+ i : I’ll ,¯on~i,~ls oI tie¯ S~,’, t julc( ,)I :’ g:~, .: L,ilb." k,’p: in , he con= felt e,mq,lent that hy the time the av


[11i ,,n a:., l; h film llr,-:-s I)v tnilrely pro- . . ’,, ,¯il I~:i~ i’ nt l’ll,)n "thus obtadlILn~ ’ ucctl!’re,l l~,ion.-I be in ~. condition’. Vt’I~l 111.~" [iat~ ll’;il

,,~)tl~ %,,~,i.ou**.n} ll’d. ~v, ’ . li.~ $’~ "

i t~ UST, .’ . " at id siu¯pr’se , le ,va~ Lie an ou’EALEI:S IN ," tit t!<~ this dire prophecy emanated fr

For ti,:., l’,a:h .2t ’:.," r~,Ta’.a theorlg"n~ name [ Adhenlar, all eniilt~ll~ Fl.enel~Jm~tOf I; afi:lni.,er:te,1 :’r :l,w ju:ee, as it lS ltOt a *’Wllle" I --~’-~l,

~l~"a~--"~"~, ()il ac,, u!,t flt 1’" t.~-’NO ,n’rlluotl, or oleo- ; .:ih:l, -I knew the n:nne at once.)h’,’l," p,’,;;,, rli, :- l, 1.s i ,?l),ll, ~s 20 ."~pe&k OI 1_110 ; that Iof ah pid fr[,:.ud- of mine,d’~ ~i;I !Tl[h(-’’5 ’ th’.s I,,’Ve, age. as all wltl re~d- I,i~’~ pt’r~,.l’/,t, h,= | ts v,l~ival, lit to c~,nsumlng =,,7%~. a:,:,~beeoming amorously emb:ti~.r ¯ ,lel el, us ;’r: In l:(ti.ld form. Forlnvalll:~II ha~ pr,.v,.: exhll,.ralln~ and- hlgllly in: this cr,’J:,tri’, weuQto Fairope and});.ht-P,c¯:ll. 1() ’,vi b, .,’lllia .r .ll-~ Phy8t,?la.ns can. ~c!.¯l:Ch)ll.ttl. lte w:~s a man fart,-.-!’.iy. ’I,-h*i... ¯;w:e l’COl,le can bare no ,,bJeeo it:.’l: ’o rl,. ¯ u-. (r :du~,, ;~n~l wl’¯l ee%tainly ),all had al.,vayls cute, tained the hiII .:-. a pl’(.1]~u)t,’I (’T Ih’ lr ,.ause. Churches areu~:- it h r ..a~ r~;ne;~ta l:urp~.~os In preference . "-u,’ to seet his ham.e thus in thetO l~c V tr:¢~l.l> ~. :l[e+..s,a..q, ~"h,:Y b~gin to di~. ! i, i ;l,tS, coli::ecte,t with such a craz’

, co,or the p.,-Ar :)l.ng qu.d.l:ies oI Must.(.)r,L Fo will b,_’ : lil’ed at, the f.:)Ilow;ng p: i~;,u! tic ln(.)l’¢ ti:an words ea~llt

_ R A TF..~ :doz.bottI0s - i.,, ,~oabt "~aaL it ’.¥as a t}pographica7,I::st, r, lr cas ot I I4.00

or the base Max:der of 8ome designi:",Vlil[e WlI:e " " "- e.O"),led wine (cla t) .’ . 5-00

[’erms. 12. O. D.Addresa all cr ers t,) ..

M. 8. J. l’i. WOLSIEFFKR,Egg HrGbor City., N, J.

0vert0 & .Hawkins,

--on. My miad was made up at’

tt:, dq. 1 would communicate withsta:,tly, and :-e,p:est an authoritative

.4 tLe repprt.The lbllowing query lhshed lkrou

’ ovean eabie: " Are you the author

Id~=~lx,llusis ? I). I’." The answeziu ti,’e miaute~: "I am. Furtherhis.by inai!.--A."

The suswnse ! endured" waiting

11 9 "!11 % II li }"1" "i~[l[ "’ t’A’~IllY’N ’ "%" J" "I " ’STAt Ma’,s i.~.:,.ii:~a.~

..... W..,.dhesday% aml 5at:i

"’:"’"’:":’ 7 ’ "" t’ I SLATE._ND_.

(Late ,hlskio) .Mterney at Law...- ~5tiprelnf- I (,ti;", .N..I. )


5. W. t;or. Front and Market ~treet~,LA).IDEN, N.J.

]lOtJM~-, 1 AND "2 TA~ Lt)J; ~L li.DING.

.&. ST

tReal Estate f Insurance ~gent,

Phila,Jxlphia.Av:’~, bdvw Ara~9 ~trcd,

Egg llarbor City N. J.

]Read IRstate and Gollec-tion Agenb


(Nea! Postoffice)





:.~All Orders by 3ialtammonton, A


HINCKE’S~’ Iolhink " Vineva~d~,

EGG lJAI~BOg CITY, N. J.The Wines ma]e and ~tored in the vaults ,tit and I;.ft lne aloue. You

of th’e "iolhildl "ards " are the follow- w:m not ],)ng hi getting to th,in_-: ¯ l:.pisHc. }lt-eot)tamed’.hese ft

IdlhlI~k~A ndid l,"~.ting Table Wine, ~ ,elhe ~eslnn cf de.-ti’nctiolof a rich nlnl bca~ titu,l red color ; tiffs, ~tVineis the best relief t u~e’ak stomaeh.

:Franklin~Or. Anwrican Bur~mdy~" amore heaw and’f I-be{ ed Wine than the

former, ofalnmst dark co!or and a verylalea~ant and taste.

¯ Jersica---A : swee~bitter tasting"Wine, of golden ~ g~:eat ~ichness¯

Catawba~A li ;hi colmed, quit~ pleasa, n ttnsti~g Wine~th ~’elcome aid a~aiust tobgreat corpulence.

Of the ab{vc-mined Wines, vintages otfive Yems will al, a}’s b~ on sale as per thefollowing

:CE ~.ST. ,Per doz. Per gall.

JERSICA, ~8 00 $2 50YI{ANKLIN, ’i b0 2 25IOLHI,NK, ¯ 6 O0 1 75CATAWBA, 6 00 1 75.


,t !reef ;y

aho;3 oldl,oll <isisl~lOrlihlg

li i t’IIn

it, fdr wechin


its clearUp t,?



couldthat he d~


ed for theAt

, ly bright,almlgas If Nattner, raiseemandingpart ofafiueable to d~friend

spheres."stralns of

’ anxiousl .y3:$9, a skyandnoise toldfrom fl~¢ 0 U- rs~

Intorrenttion ; aan~y

withthe"Worlds ;path, andcame

¯ space ofso far

Our tmsiti0

ly on the seand water inorth pastltbosom bore

and humdeb#’i~ of@rods of eisome pec~,li:

c, ipalby cei’tainI’bi ladelplii:0othing ofthe bottom

clinging tooverwhelm(forever.Ing, ~t~ it dksons tl{e Hypieces ofmansion, W~emperors:old-time air

~ steepte, astrilooking oldlast of theall of them

Aing along winext an,mat(a crowd ofagonizinguence upon

parts of thePolar Sea,dashedthe isotherm:the distance.

were at

h~tn the

m~ht be,burning So!thaw rapidpazty, astuward us.

, theythat, It Was"" Eor two




i "J


¯ ¯’ . . ,

[: ["’. _ . " .. :" . - --:

I " .- : .’5.-!,::~




., 1880

tI~o. -i


"" I

¯ ’i

.nd, withoi~t k!mwing exact-1 found!myself on a hlgh

Tl~h once beautifal:ransrormed inh:~ a noisy,with all ;sorts of people,:and chattering li’~e anoth-

not much opporlu-

ble that he had fallen born . the peak andbeer~ lost in the s~rgingttood beneath P Hor-riblesffspicion! i arose and bent eve.r: the:cliff which formed one ~ide of ILhe mounI.I tho.ught .1:4mw him struggling ~n the Waterbei0w--my head s~am tit the h~rtible sigh~--I lost my balancei" and." fell--~ut Of my¯

[on, for within- a. ~Innte arm-ehair~ prone upon.the floor.I was crammed dow~ ~m [ That my mental laeulti~.~ we~ con~ider-

columbmd which po~ .uteri [ adly mixed, when I recovered mys~h’~ may

~gle of about 45 de~e~.~ be n att~illy intuited. " Bnt i took a seda-mmz where I wanted to’go"] tive--l:l°~der, retired to bed, andl went toI attributed it [o’the won-[ ~li~ep zignt" - -

advancement everything,[ ~.he next nlorning i received- Mr. :Adhe-had ! reached ’in the[ mars letter. ~ What it contained I am nor

i’ip was very ex-[ at liberly to ~[v’utge. One thing, howe:~er,~lno time to talkeJ I may ~hy. If, some day, ~oU should find’[ A sharpdetona-l"n t~e ~d-#~ ~a {en~ or., the ~ty

a slight ~e~se of warmth plastered with th0 ~r~at word "Hydrapol-lusts," donot be a]armed~ but possess yore-~oul in quietude--Lfor it will ~ig.nify nothingof detriment to ygurself or year succea.~m~it will ouly mean ~mel.hing that - willbe~,efit you~ and can be obtained 0i; a. r~.~pec2able druggist, ~ one dollax per 1)oi11%etc. It has no hyperboiean sign!fi~!alio~except that the prolx"ie~rs consider’-it, a

"l~ig thing on ice.": V’erb~ ~ap. " .. . .’.. -

A ~I"~L~Glg ~TOIgY*Thirty-thre~ yeara.~,~c~ a family named

Benton,. consisting of’ father, mother, ~0n,and daughter~ resided in one of the ~es.tern

states n~ar a snlall town calledBlanl~. "l~efatherwas weary and livedi.* ~tyle.,and

his daughter iffa.bel, a.c, hiid between twoand ~ee )ears of ag% wa~ always deg~tlydr~i~l, and 0e. orga, the son, a boy of seven~wSs prepaxing: to enter an dastern. "sch~x)l.C~e~day little. ZIab~l disappeaafed~¯and herp£rents never heard of her again, _a~augh

they spent t~ousand~ ~dollars in ~ .agching

Lr heT. The beart-brol/en moth~ .died

n ~er the los of ht/~lin~, ~m~f~ther, wandered all over w, urope, and ~m~-ly settled in ~e~ Yo~k,. whe~he died,¯

:C.4e0rge g~w~to mmahood, and~the memoryofhisI0st, sister ~a~ ahnost~ fromhis mind. In-his twenty-sev~uth year, whilevisiting a married friend~ he fell in lovewil~l~’~e gove.rne~ of his friend’schildren,’a beautifnl girl of about twenty-thre%" and,after ~ome months they were mam-iedlived happily for fiv~ or Mx yea~girl being born toia~.m dm-ing’that time.-"

By the death of ari nnd~n San Francis-~,, ~ w~ l~ a ~,~ble ~,,~,and the lawyer who conve3e~leh, tthe- intelli-gence t6 him also sl~ted ~ ~ ~isterha~..

of my !back, a sudden~t m0meht I was in the

cabmafl, by whom I wasto the *rGrand

of meetingmhch to say

eet of Ity~tra-i it was noi until¯it to him.:


ihis afternoon

of destination byWe seat-

galvanic bat-.

~wal-ea1~u]e apiece, arid arrived.

nine:rotes before we "startei~


that qnter,~e,~ed~ hefqmwe ~a~used

ng mathematical conun-a !it tie surpriseflllli~ .see

wl,-ich had once"’Beenolilies , such as thi.meeting

leS, .&e., were nOW "nO

and. prql,OSlii~l 1~do

-aud I might say, all thehim--Mr. A¢[hemal "did

me a ~Hable. ef that

on" ~ohcerning the Hy"connection, with it. I

his "rood@t silence,~-to see for myself, and

ne~mary explazmfiomw~ ov~ ~orehe-was ~ we were

.~ said I need have no ~’assared, I calmly "wait-

sexisatton.the sky l~ecame unusual-everything" arotm’d andand distinct to the eye,the true theatrical man-

From one corn--h.~d a View of evW

A~ quarter past threehea~., and not being

lence it proceeded, my ljt was "the music of

~inut~ pas~ theaway; and" we

~_~ precid~ly

"’ .~. i " ¯ "’.’. ~-- ,.::

- . . . ¯ _ ¯.’ .. ,~-

:~ - . ~ / ~- ¯ ~-.,

been tra~d. ~. ta*a~p on his dear, h-bed.

a St. I.~uis Ix~lice ~fion ~onf~&~l ~ he:and two eompaniens had stolen-little Mabel

Benton for herclothea and, a locke~ ~hi.c.hshe wor%. and that she had continu-:ed’with them:for several y.em~ .when her

brigl~t, ~retty face attracted the attention Ofa kind-he,ted .Ohio la~y,. who adopted and

." . . ¯ -7:-.¯

- " 11 ¯ :: o - ::. r *. -.:pL , *

me-’sc~ar~ ,tee;. ~ ~he ~ g~ihe ::me fer.lettin de mau in ,-d~,:-i !.;

(s’~. ~t, ),,_ehillun she at’ bat~’ ter,rR i ~:/..[

her e~,ap ~,,ue, she’..£er. er bo’.facl/~ "..:-’

me o~m~ go~" up’ago ,::

" ;’ ~ ~3!I~!1. " .W~L~

"’,HIS name W--,

M&u~ iheysweet

rater ttT e].

I"valle$. "’- ...." u~iml, one #ear

.-now-~torm: .:The fai~ll’ .,.i..n-thi" .¯.:oii the ..mouhiain.-. meant ’. i:hext day m ~eir .~ :::i ;!;

The snow fell~nl,il it:4:hot~ on ~e mountain._.’ wasi :

i! wan~f anow ag~¯ They r.6ttld not

eat m the hom~.. -Ther~ Xgas# -ntt~.~o " " ’ " " " ....."¯ " - ." " I ¯ . _ . -= "- ?

) thingto .~.,. I wilr".!~lh..l~ritz" .up ta~. ::7 :-:,! ~y.: :Ithi~ ~e &aH~t-on.:.i~.:::.;:1 If .~get~ 0~-hewill. lgodl?uiotl~-.it,Icy, ~o. me 0newill see 1~.m. Th.en’tl~y {:: ~"

eomeand liellfus.’: :~hetold]gfi~- ! ’go down*o -the valley.

am~:~ ~ea~d to

up:the f== ~ ~,u~¢ ::¯:-.::;;held onwith ~

en he: leaped{-oZ ~d-~plni~l; :away:-:.the-~now. - .’. . .-... , ~ - :!::. ¯ .... : . ) .- . . . :: .was ,cry ~rk ~ z~ ~am.an-..~..

snow;- .~ill~alMa}l[!lig!li for ~:-

:ci~ld~en er~a--,~melam9 new,," fai~" hark.: ." :~l~

~i~ ~i&a~a. :.,lie ~, ~=t~. ;,,_ !:;i:ithey i~ :"voi/~L.’mi~ th~-

~t; -. At- l~ ~ef meal fOima-,::~¯ ..- p- _, . ¯door. .T~n~..el;dldr~ heazd them ,’c-

away t~Js.now ~ ~st ~:.II~ : >:BYand by- the dobr :was-.O ..I~d." :7],

children’s fa~ ’I’l~7~dre,,.’E...;..~a: ::~e ;-*-e~ h~: ~bt foa~. ~ %:,

ate the. fo0~. ~:.~{ d,,~ to,~ .:= .in." I.!1. e vaJl. e},. :’i~el n~ghlmr~ !~]-,:.:::?-~

and1: comfortable. & m’ce :dilmer was zemly.:.

up. in the distanceroaring

ice had broken loosenorth, and the grand

~1 commenced.%

¯ aw the ~mshingcburse of destrnc-

of ieel~r~’, andt~ong), ,~e co~t,’s

: Ol’d and Ig-6w

1 cities fell to rnins iu il~tat, on of ~.~ globe be,-

In aJvery shO~t) "vestige ofcreation~~.

was visible torain upon which we "sat,

abbva high,

.~ Could baok complacenttbelow, The ic~0n us from th%

sonth~ and upon itslifeless form - qf:bt~stpalaces and" huts, and

~da. Sometimes wlmledown ifl tact~, and by

tell to what taunt-had, belonge.d. Thus,detected lmrtions ~f

I and Glasgow. I sawwent to

b v the~ ,~lood.Id see a living: beingsoon, however, to befie~ee torrent and sink

met our eyd, sho~-an .ti-respeeto~-of-t~r-was; Upon ,some

been a ~:oyal

king%~ queons, a~l., mel~y to theI’m Idloat! ~# A!

w~-~’some forlorn=(supposbd to be the

their ~af4 and

seht her to school, where she remained unttl v2fitdz’en neverher i~atron~ di~L :~e} then ~c~mea th4mo~ The: reed; I to ~:~ir -b): :~:~erin a ~g. ,~.ool in cin~a, hnt~ ~ 7~=~: ~e ::dog @~I =~,, ’i ~,: :’~’’:-:|s her bealth begFn to fail she app.liekl for a i !’ ; [ yoll lilt- net_tlmlped us’we"/lx~ition as governe~ and was nOW iii thei died’u.udez:the" ~mow,,

.... t’" " l ": t;~ - . . ".family of :Mr. /~. oi" at least th~ wa~ l~e ~ aisle story.... : ." . .- I 7-" , " :. ;- :,~- 7~

last pl~x he kad heard of her being.imi: " The.F~0t°~-°![~" " " "-= ::~-Wha~ was~he name of the -fAmily ~hl Ithinkoj~eof thembst beantifnl mal~:; :.i~."-

~’~ with ~" ~ e.~. ¯ ~/1.or ~ lo,~ la,~a ; ¯:_:,- :.

pole came ricochel,-r’4pidi.ty," and the

met our eyes wasEsquimanx, whose

the most e/~illi.~g in-which

I was "composed ofCape . Cod, theIcy. M.otmtahls,

caught a ~glimpee of

awa~ inour allen-,

,~’ ,mall crowd oficeberg which ,was

to ber, as well.tbey

¯ un was now’~e’t~ began to

to be coming dlrectly id~cieved ~ and]

had 0nly title to see¯ party,

a half ~’e-gazed onless -~/a-

did’I scan t~’e ~o-which shoed

I to be. approacbing~ 1

"WI~ name did my. ~i~ter have P""Mabel Ferris." -’

,My God!" cxi~l George in agony;

"She has been my wife for .five yearn-"Upon further inr.est~gaticn this proved-tothe .uath, and the girl pean~, went e#a~;

as-she was a devout Episeopalia~ ~ separa-tion ensued, all property l~,g eq.~flly &ivid"ca, T.he children were placed with friends,as neither parent lxmld be&r the sight of

I w]~t was to t~ ~e fruit of a si n. ~gai~t:God and man. The Ix)or girlis still livingin a qdiet city in New Englrmd, wAffle.the

husband a~d brother, ajte~spending al~ hispmper~y ea,/e a few hundred dollar~ in

isipation~ shut himselfvff from all ~mmani-~cation with his friends, and ]s ~>dtay a poor:Carmel", and where few know his ~adly-re-marknble ~ry.

o~,n sl ~n T~z crasrs.

]Dm~ii# In ~ llolil#]llold, ":From the Atlanta Consutution. " " " " "-

Old Si Clime.in rather i~teye~terday/lop, k:ink somewha~ f.atigaed, dHter a minute he.¯ said : ;’Dis am er moughty kurus per~edin’

dese men kerryin’ on ’roun. d h/ar wildde~e,fortfolyes2’ " :, .. =

"Do you mean the census takem F’- ¯""t bleeve dat at’ de name dey goes l~y.""What have. they,been doing now Y.’[- :"vir’y dey’s been down dax in my nabor-

hood jess .... sqrrin’ up my’ rath. dan. all .~,e par-sons insldv de k0rpra.shmn kin put . oW_~-~er muuth." , _~ ""

. "That is nufortnn~. Haze they visitedyou -2 et 2" ’ . - ......

.’ Dat’s wl~t m,~be~.me1 so he be.bim’-:. ~,im~. =ter day. One ob ;dem dum ’dow’hrter. Iny

h0use d~s m~’,fin’.an Jap on de gate ; .i d~edhim ,what’s de. matter, an’ he say he donetar take my sensus; an’ he.hadn’t no mp’n.got hit out c~n I ~ed ter jess ~ i~vay from.¯ dar ;ka~ dar wztn% :n~ bizness in d~t shantyfor enny drummers from de Ioonytick¯ ylam~ P. ,. !

"What did hesay ?’."He s~y/:1~. ’.ef I fools wid’ths slr~sus he

done gwine .er put de law ter mehe %planed de law. Den Irlte.m£ I ax~{~, him in."." How. did you get along’then .~;.

I. ,, We got ’long purty @ell uutell.

:tea- de coJsnm whar de chi!lun aresotdeh he say ~r me. wkat em de: ~allalaehillun ? Lr~y, ’ t~k8 ,. he/ax,’ yo/n~hreonwk~delaw lo~tsan dou% earn, = _

byar axt~’ ~ulfin, que~cMus.~y d.t he got ~4..:-black ear melat~er--a.n’-den ol~- .

"How was that ?~"" De dle ’oom~ was . li~enen, an’she he~ dat’ s1~e opset de table ".whatfo~tl’olyo was l~n’, and empte~l dobowl all ober de ar~turns an’ ’gi:n ~ holler.~eal~ Tiler,- ~e~nke aefortyih~er~do~,:

broke in de-.house I De census n~n" het5 d up hi,~ doeky~, ents a.~ .mad4:~ui twixt boldin"de old

°"YW~,ere "m.d the*,.~,, m~nr e" es from the - e- ¯ ,,De ias ) 1"~10b’l

.:==’-,- ~;::.{ - ; .. " :~ ..,~ - - . :-+

~of: poWe~: tb: "¯ i: - :. ; .. :.-7 .;:: =: ’ !{-~

:-anima/wlde.li"relatives alad friends.’. --v--

. . - %_ :. .- . - :’L, dOlear~mmwera(ph~, lmX=:,’- .,: ::

th6y are a h]essed~’ror~on hi t~ mor~-; . "~ :¯ .1 "y r :.

I pity the z~aa.uor woman who ;can- : :,i.,-. ". . - ~ .- ....~.~ :-: ’

:weep. ~’liere are such.~x1~ew.a ~e~r eomfo~’a c~i~

~:sorrows, to the m~geI~thdse of ehitdre~

the ie~ is "the :1~The lad" b

their..~d ~,omer for "

[ aM:we .:~-.’- ":_::’:

% ;n6 ::&mht

~aon ::of ~m.j:.,d. ~d.~ d ~-L--:’

.: - . .

-~ik¢ tast year’s birds;uests’and l~ve lost’. ~ :. ’:ithe)l" joy, i2]en eomd the’teazlii~e-: a. be~a~-). ::<

i[ ~01~- til/e :ILl ’++’: ~_ , . .:o#o.m Gbdto and-b~m ; ,-:’

,thew un .....iSfn)(~ :-:~

I" . .:.’"

¯ ... -...

lxi exlaliili " :~ : i’,),:reponea s~)i,kxor,mo~4 so’.~e. ~.,s a yo~ xn~n-i~ w0m~ .~astakea:Z~l,:: ;: 7.:i her siekhe~ was attribu~Id 1~.1~ Bus-.~=-

la~ the fact ~ she wa~bieWil, b.he~" : :

d a new" :ho~aeshoe. ~r0m a:lflgek- -;shoD, p~pgred..it in ~ome way ~.

- and then 1 into the

~lie~ed ~t ~’.Witeli; " To m~-~~n’% he.fplaeed .~lma .tinder thecarpel, l the- doorway :of-the: ::.::

and awaiU~l" the [rlimilt,. =lSo)~ril"- ,--:

the threshotd=-:withonl ~ ! "i .::one

r:it. - He intends to

. _ ’Girl~ l~l.e

Tha: custom .

di.~o~-mg :7:!; " . -i-

.- -: . ;:.: .- .:..


an adm frabiet6 me,-nol

she .¯

ia n~hlier :

l~liell ; 2"


:7" ::’ 5::_.:: ~--’,

:: :F- -.,- " >~- ~’:--


an mldilao/~ di"

cm~." ! .ITS!..

*_4 -’ %: .- -’,~

Page 2: ,WILL - atlanticlibrary.org · t~) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W,.A.ND--



financial problems as may~olutimi. Oar ~aper isnow

silver is perfermieg itsllon fi)r the im.)-p.ese of L’hange.which shonhl ~overn the re-ielements of tl;e eltrrenev are

"e no dete-

/tie. Andor paper,.rtd’s fixed

pr~l: tar eth:catiol:+~d. Allhotlgh it!

be-’biefly c

~.ml the individunates, they shouldthe Ih.,.+);!qlio..i t+

t)peraliou oI th? niele~t~ of

thai the .’idvi{I,~isystem shouldof e~cry citizen

can bard-ittterests

mfi,lest~l1 aetiSn r,f)).) ellCOllr-

,:hi:is, by~ Nationalthe wholeges of Oure ~lrougbtand th[,t

Importers and CoTnmission M

50, 52 & 5~ :No~rth :Delaware A~

4.9, 51 & 53 Wate~

tory ~eIl~Ini~s ~ hieh) haw been ~uggested,Rnd of certain proposed regulations govern-ing app<)intniei~ts tn pal,lie office. Theeffi-ciency of such regulations h~ been "dis-trlasted~ ma!niy because they have seemedto’exalt mere edueational an,Fab~traet t~tzabove general business capacity, aod erenspecial fithess for ,lie particular. "w~’rk inhand. It seems tb lne ,.hat the’rules ~hiel}slmnld b0 applied to the~managemeitt 9]’ the

pablie sen-ice may pr~>l’.erly conform~ in themain, to .~uch as rt.gplate Ihe con(:

i.~uec0_~sful private business. Orig, inalpoiutments should bt~ 1),’tsed ripen aseer-tallied, l~b’..~>~. Positim,s of responsibility~hou}d, ~ far as practicable, he fil}ed 6y thepromotion of ~’or)lly nnd efficient offieets.The investigalion of all eomplaints, and timpnnis.bment or all official misconductsbouhl b, prompt and thoroligh. These~’!ews, which I }lave long llo)(~ i~i~a~edly

Cal>tnln ~Vtlllani ]:h~lmill.


THE PENNSYLVANIA LIJ1~41 NORTH 9th st,, and 14 $0UT!i

vnept of local importance. .This idenUfiea-tion is lo the-county-official what a record~for ~ha~man~hip is to ,be ~¯eatest of nation-al o-fliee5 ; nJad aal entire ~eg]eet to plead iiin the eeanmeneeme~t of ,the struggle, isli)diei~ve of a aeries of leghinmte!y-drawnconelaMonz boding n~ :go(:,d to ,liege WhobeJibve in the dbel.15~e~ held by the framersof 12~ Constitution. "Though not behe~ersin I.he dec, line ’be One-man-power, as hasbeen charged neon the l%epublieans, by theDeln~ they believe in thepo,c,:r ,:f oii~man. The T>re.~dent is ,be o~cer dil~ctedtO guide th- ]~gislatn>n cf t}l~ c,n.~trT, r.,:,"vltted, miller ceri~in conditions, wit]] thepower of restricting it altogether. This

- I~ the function of Lhe Li~rson eleei~,l and"/ ~ ,be party electing ,]lim. Geue?a] I]an-

I~ all~ i~la~da befoi~ the- people of the~nited SLates, hill not )~hown himself ableIo do this, even in aceordane~ wii,h-the~

Page 3: ,WILL - atlanticlibrary.org · t~) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W,.A.ND--

[ <





Our Churches.

¯ I ,¯



¯ -- ..... highly, reslbected citizen of 6a|;--The ,’ Mflm" See)able, l~eld at U,,! - " ’

a^~ "^,~t- ..... r~ t~,t^. ~ .... i.d-"oppe~ in on big genHfl fl’iend,¯ ’ , , i,bee,]~) el tsJo Am~rlt~n Hotel, oFfi,]jty evening,, was a complete a~su ....¯ . ¯ ....... . ozuds week3 while en ,’,/~/,, f,

lgra~u mae~ resuJtlng In a net amoun~ ):J$25 being, don~.ed tQ the tmstces of tl’.. City, on the W. J. & A. It. ]l.-:Presby~rian c],nreb,

r MarMmt i~ .~e]i :,|*,l/ favorably

,’ ~,v~r the St at,, of New .l,.s¯s~Lv, :,_*--~r. Itarry ]{h~ne]~art. engineer bf el’..- roan’and a RVl;hl,!tra’n ,.f m,;qil

°’ ]gine .So. 2~ W.J.’& A. R. R., ~s now rus~- al!y." H,~ ~ra~ n,,~s, k,,,(-.:~ b, ,;Iningthe f~, train bet~en Atlantic Cil) fav,:r,-::d *I;o~" (<s) ,’i’sH," ’ ,:’~~nd Gamden, ~nd makez the run in 90 to a.~]st ll~e pour ahd uuinthminul,~ every tl~e. Duelling Thomas I sineere]y hope that ~lr.gldad aaide, , i f~yor us with his plea~tnt ~oeiel


To’ .~]iO


TABER OR( ebmblnes all ,tlr~

irst ~]ass ]ns~The are models ofqre:

walnut ~’ar,.’ings of


made of Solid

’he Patent ~to Action~~ec~nan/ca] arran: ~ o~ the

most s perfect easily ad.lusted, gel: zt ofo~dltr. "

MuSical b}nat|on~

are of var;e~: a=d clIence. Superior"~th, S~:ectnes-% .Evenness_ of

Tonc .Fine -’~OLO and ether effectss ar~,ic=-qrabtc qunlit/e of these Organs°.

Ever |-)rT:L-~ v,-arrznted FIVE YEAI~S..

.ce List,.


Conveyancers and./I"

C011e t0rs.


A .~I’EC[ALTY "3Ii\D!,." OF IN.’5UP,.&.~CEON ]’/?,Oi-- --__I______.____(’(.)[’X’OrV. " :" , .


i-.. - .

_’/ ; .


. "q . .

’U£1Y IS ATLAh’T/~3 ¯-.-i--I

" I,- :..

,-a:¯. . .

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/i{!-’~- -.-

ILLS:":tlTOilE~ ....: "". ’

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.a. - ---~- ...:o

:" ~ o

~ . = ’. :-:,:!,it"::...../ . .; -:-

. .sm_~.~s Too


I~POI;T]-:/~, ~:D DV.%LE,’t IN

!’Fine g ~oodf,

(Opp,~ite I,) ,.i,e:,,’,’.a.cc i~!i)


C L H IG ,EE & COShip 0kers


C tmmissioi Merchants

1 - :4-.- ¯ . - -

’" 0Uii : Glasses and:Pielur , : ,,¯ rm~,,u,r k~uo* i~a ,o

race. ~’7 ZvorOx ~0ox-



-aa~ or-- i-

St3=ntiflea.q/Comblnetk SoII~I |t WILL MOTCH~LX, CRACg o~ P~d. OFF. .

THIS PAINTr~ ackr~’~wledged, v.~ ~qx*.-, t.t.,m~practi¢-~l men¯ after ~-"~¢r~se3$onst ers’:y Coa.~ t[ th,zr exposedsitri.~tlo;~

~rXLLXTS a :

Page 4: ,WILL - atlanticlibrary.org · t~) i r o %he Interests. of ~he t WM, G, TAYLOR, :Editor and V()L. III. - _ _ . PR OF]t~l ON -AL C A][IDD. WM. MO01~E, ATTORNEY AT LA-W,.A.ND--

-. . _. i -"o .: ¯-> !. ~.

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d Wr ,:-iTobacc(L

l., "l ,- ;.,+., < . Mat:ix, w(’I.-,ler D,’[,’,’t’ 1 an{l will i)e

a I..,.mli n}r.. 31 If"




At]anite,AFN, FRUITS



and str~:n ...... llig thiof the animal,

of a~and

o :/ . .

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. ’- "o ) /


Address WILSON SEWING MACHI E ti£ ,OwiO.ilGO, ~0! .li. ~. S.:~..-

----~ -=it

)ill ~ALE,coni~iuillg

othertuated at Emrrmlviy’s.Landing, a

Atlan~i’¢lent condition.~of Timber5 acres partlytimber, suil~b:

Apply toJa~.


~s Cox ~ls- ’

iranitein Prict~ -of