WILL Can Be Executed at Testators Wish

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  • 8/11/2019 WILL Can Be Executed at Testators Wish

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    CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9282 OF 2010





    CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9286 OF 2010CIVIL APPEAL NO. 7004 OF 2012

    J U D G M E N T


    1. All the three appeal !e"#$ %"rete% a$a"#t the

    ''# *%$e#t a#% 'r%er '+ the H"$h C'*rt %ate%

    ,-.-./0 1ere hear% a#al'$'*l2 a#% are !e"#$ %"p'e% '+

    !2 th" 'r%er.


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    2. 3# the pree#t appeal4 1h"h halle#$e a *%$e#t '+

    re5eral pae% !2 a D"5""'# 6e#h '+ the H"$h C'*rt '+

    Ma%ra4 %eter"#at"'# '+ 1hat " ee#t"all2 a 7*et"'# '+ +at

    '#+r'#t th" C'*rt e8er""#$ "t *r"%"t"'# *#%er Art"le

    ,9: '+ the C'#t"t*t"'#. The a"% 7*et"'# " 1"th re$ar% t'

    the 5al"%"t2 a#% le$al"t2 '+ a ;"ll %ate% ,,.,.,0-/ e8e*te% !2

    '#e K.P. Ja#a

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    lear#e% '*#el +'r the appella#t a#% Mr. V"a2 Ha#ar"a4

    lear#e% e#"'r '*#el appear"#$ +'r rep'#%e#t N'. ,.

    4. Tetat'r Late Ja#a

    %a*$hter a#% her %a*$hter t' the e8l*"'# '+ her '#. The


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    a"% ;"ll %ate% /-.,/.,0-, 1a *pere%e%re5'

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    6. The lear#e% Tr"al C'*rt '# a '#"%erat"'# '+ the ae '+

    the part"e a#% the e5"%e#e a#% ater"al a%%*e% t''< #'te

    '+ the +'ll'1"#$ "r*ta#e *rr'*#%"#$ the e8e*t"'# '+

    the ;"ll

    (") N' pe"+" rea'# 1a %"l'e% a t' 1h2

    the '# ".e. the pree#t appella#t ha% !ee#

    e8l*%e% +r' the ;"llB

    ("") At the t"e '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll the

    rep'#%e#t N'. , ha% 'e %'1# +r'

    T"r*path" 1here he 1a 1'r"#>"#teret '+

    appella#t "# C.A. N'. 0/-/ '+ /,)

    e8pre"#$ her "#te#t"'# t' part"t"'# the

    h'*e pr'pert24 1h"h 1a the *!et atter

    '+ ;"ll4 e7*all2 a'#$ all the h"l%re#B


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    ("5) N'#>pr'%*t"'# '+ the 'r"$"#al 'p2 '+ the


    (5) The %"repa#2 "# the e5"%e#e '+ the

    1"t#ee '+ the pla"#t"++ 1"th re$ar% t' the

    plae '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"llB a#%

    (5") The pr'"#e#t part pla2e% !2 the pla"#t"++

    (rep'#%e#t N'. , here"#) "# the re$"trat"'#

    '+ the ;"ll.

    Thee "r*ta#e4 a'r%"#$ t' the lear#e% Tr"al

    C'*rt4 1ere *p""'* e#'*$h t' *t"+2 a '#l*"'# that the

    ;"ll '*$ht #'t t' !e aepte% a a 5al"% "#tr*e#t e8e*te%

    '# the +ree 1"ll a#% 5'l"t"'# '+ the tetat'r.

    7. 3# appeal4 the H"$h C'*rt4 '# '#"%erat"'# '+ the

    $r'*#% a#% rea'# 1h"h ha% per*a%e% the lear#e% Tr"al

    C'*rt t' ta

  • 8/11/2019 WILL Can Be Executed at Testators Wish

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    e#t"'#e% a!'5eB the e5"%e#e "# *pp'rt there'+ a a%%*e%

    !2 the part"e a#% the ar$*e#t a%5a#e% !e+'re re5er"#$

    the +"#%"#$ '+ the lear#e% Tr"al C'*rt.

    8. Lear#e% '*#el +'r the appella#t4 "# all the three

    appeal !e+'re *4 *!"tte% that !et1ee# ,,.,.,0-/ ".e.

    alle$e% %ate '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll a#% /?.=.,00, ".e. %ate '+

    %eath '+ the tetat'r4 the !e#e+""ar"e *#%er the ;"ll ha% #'t

    "#+'re% a#2!'%2 a!'*t the e8"te#e '+ the ;"ll 1h"h

    a'r%"#$ t' the lear#e% '*#el " *##at*ral. P'"#t"#$ '*t

    the e5"%e#e 1"th re$ar% t' the plae '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll4

    lear#e% '*#el ha5e '#te#%e% that there " a# appare#t

    "#'#"te#2 "# th" re$ar% "#a*h a 1h"le "# the

    5er"+"at"'# *!"tte% al'#$1"th the pr'!ate pet"t"'# a

    re7*"re% *#%er Set"'# /-, a#% /-/ '+ the 3#%"a# S*e"'#

    At4 ,0/@ P;>9 ha% la"e% that the ;"ll 1a e8e*te% "# the

    h'*e '+ the tetat'r4 "# her e5"%e#e4 P;>94 ha% tate% that

    the ae 1a e8e*te% "# the '++"e '+ the S*!>Re$"trar.

    H'1e5er4 P;>=4 the S*!>Re$"trar 1h' 1a e8a"#e% %"% #'t

    ate$'r"all2 %ep'e a!'*t the plae 1here the ;"ll 1a

    e8e*te%. Re+ere#e ha !ee# a%e !2 the lear#e% '*#el


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    +'r the appella#t t' 'ther *p""'* "r*ta#e4

    e#*erate% here"#a!'5e4 t' '#te#% that the ae are

    *++""e#t a#% a%e7*ate t' *t"+2 reet"'# '+ the ;"ll "#

    7*et"'#. Spe"+"all24 "t 1a ar$*e% that #' e8pla#at"'# ha

    !ee# '++ere% +'r #'#>pr'%*t"'# '+ the 'r"$"#al ;"ll a#% the

    H"$h C'*rt ha aepte% the t'r2 '+ l' '+ the ;"ll '# the

    ere tatee#t '+ the +"rt rep'#%e#t. O# the a"% !a" "t

    " '#te#%e% that the +"rt rep'#%e#t4 a the Pla"#t"++4 '*l%

    #'t ha5e le% e'#%ar2 e5"%e#e "# *pp'rt '+ the ;"ll "# the

    a!e#e '+ lear a#% '#5"#"#$ pr''+ '+ the l' '+ the

    'r"$"#al ;"ll. 6r"#$"#$ "# a %"++ere#t et '+ attet"#$ 1"t#ee

    "# plae '+ the 1"t#ee 1h' ha% attete% the e8e*t"'# '+

    the +"rt ;"ll %ate% /-.,/.,0-,B the #'#>e8a"#at"'# '+ the

    attet"#$ 1"t#e Seetha Pa%a#a!ha# a#% the e8a"#at"'#

    '+ the e'#% 1"t#e (P;>9) Ja2a La

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    the 5'l*#tar2 e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll !2 the tetat'r. T1' 'ther

    %e""'# '+ th" C'*rt "# Rani nrnima !e"i and #n$ther

    V. %umar %hagendra Narayan !e" and #n$ther& a#%

    #p$line !'s$u(a V.)$hn !'s$u(a*ha5e al' !ee# plae%

    t' '#te#% that the a!e#e '+ a#2 e5"%e#e t' h'1 that the

    ;"ll 1a rea% '5er a#% e8pla"#e% t' the tetat'r4 "# 5"e1 '+

    her la< '+

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    pree#e "# Ma%ra at the t"e '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll 1"ll "#

    #' 1a2 a++et the 5al"%"t2 there'+4 "t " '#te#%e%. 3#'+ar a

    the %"repa#2 "# the plae '+ e8e*t"'# '+ the ;"ll "

    '#er#e%4 Shr" Ha#ar"a ha p'"#te% '*t that the 5er"+"at"'#

    +"le% al'#$1"th the appl"at"'# +'r pr'!ate 1a "# the ta#%ar%

    +'r prer"!e% !2 the Or"$"#al S"%e R*le '+ the H"$h C'*rt '+

    J*%"at*re at Ma%ra ('r N'. @@ 1h"h e#t"'# the plae

    '+ e8e*t"'# a the H'*e '+ .). 3#'+ar a the l' '+ the

    'r"$"#al ;"ll " '#er#e% "t " *!"tte% that the ae 1a "#

    *t'%2 '+ the tetat'r a#% 1a +'*#% t' !e ""#$ '#l2 a+ter

    her %eath. 3t " "# thee "r*ta#e that the pr'!ate

    pr'ee%"#$ 1ere "#t"t*te% '# the !a" '+ the ert"+"e% 'p2

    '+ the ;"ll 1h"h " a*th'r"e% *#%er the pr'5""'# '+ the

    3#%"a# S*e"'# At. 3#'+ar a the "*e 1"th re$ar% t'

    = (S*!>Re$"trar) ha% %ep'e% that "# all

    ae '+ re$"trat"'# the tetat'r " a

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    %e""'# '+ th" C'*rt "# entak$ta Satyanarayana and

    Others V. entak$ta Seetharatnam and Others+ t'

    '#te#% that ere at"5e part""pat"'# "# the re$"trat"'# '+

    the ;"ll !2 "tel+ 1'*l% #'t !e a 5"t"at"#$ +at'r. Rel"a#e ha

    al' !ee# plae% '# t1' %e""'# '+ th" C'*rt "# ,ahesh

    %umar -!ead "y /rs. V. Vin$d %umar and Others0

    a#% Ved ,itra Verma V. !haram !e$ Verma t' h'1

    that ere e8l*"'# '+ the 'ther he"r 1"ll #'t 5"t"ate the

    %"p'"t"'# a%e !2 a ;"ll.

    10. A ;"ll a2 ha5e erta"# +eat*re a#% a2 ha5e !ee#

    e8e*te% "# erta"# "r*ta#e 1h"h a2 appear t' !e

    'e1hat *##at*ral. S*h *#**al +eat*re appear"#$ "# a

    ;"ll 'r the *##at*ral "r*ta#e *rr'*#%"#$ "t

    e8e*t"'# 1"ll %e+"#"tel2 *t"+2 a l'e r*t"#2 !e+'re the

    ae a# !e aepte%. 3t " the '5erall aee#t '+ the

    C'*rt '# the !a" '+ *h r*t"#2B the **lat"5e e++et '+

    the *#**al +eat*re a#% "r*ta#e 1h"h 1'*l% 1e"$h

    1"th the C'*rt "# the %eter"#at"'# re7*"re% t' !e a%e !2

    52005 (8) SCC 6762012 (4) SCC 38772014 (9) SCALE 219


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    "t. The *%""al 5er%"t4 "# the lat re'rt4 1"ll !e '# the

    !a" '+ a '#"%erat"'# '+ all the *#**al +eat*re a#%

    *p""'* "r*ta#e p*t t'$ether a#% #'t '# the

    "pat '+ a#2 "#$le +eat*re that a2 !e +'*#% "# a ;"ll 'r

    a "#$*lar "r*ta#e that a2 appear +r' the pr'e

    lea%"#$ t' "t e8e*t"'# 'r re$"trat"'#. Th"4 " the ee#e

    '+ the repeate% pr'#'*#ee#t a%e !2 th" C'*rt '# the

    *!et "#l*%"#$ the %e""'# re+erre% t' a#% rel"e% *p'#

    !e+'re *.

    11. 3# the pree#t ae4 a l'e rea%"#$ '+ the ;"ll

    "#%"ate "t lear la#$*a$e4 a#% "t *#a!"$*'* p*rp'rt

    a#% e++et. The "#% '+ the tetat'r " learl2 %"er#"!le

    a#% the rea'# +'r e8l*"'# '+ the '# " appare#t +r'

    the ;"ll "tel+. 3#'+ar a the plae '+ e8e*t"'# "

    '#er#e%4 the "#'#"te#2 appear"#$ "# the 5er"+"at"'#

    +"le% al'#$1"th the appl"at"'# +'r pr'!ate !2 P;>9 a#% the

    'ral e5"%e#e '+ the a"% 1"t#e te#%ere% "# C'*rt "

    apa!le '+ !e"#$ *#%ert''% "# the l"$ht '+ the +at that the

    5er"+"at"'# " "# a ta#%ar% +'r ('r N'. @@) prer"!e%


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    !2 the Ma%ra H"$h C'*rt '# the Or"$"#al S"%e4 a alrea%2

    #'t"e%. 6e"%e4 "# the +at '+ the pree#t ae the

    part""pat"'# '+ the +"rt rep'#%e#t "# the e8e*t"'# a#%

    re$"trat"'# '+ the ;"ll a##'t !e a"% t' !e a "r*ta#e

    that 1'*l% 1arra#t a# a%5ere '#l*"'#. The '#%*t '+

    the +"rt rep'#%e#t "# *'#"#$ her +r"e#% (P;>9) t' !e

    a# attet"#$ 1"t#e a#% "# tae8a"#at"'# '+ Seetha Pa%a#a!ha# 1h' ha% attete%

    the e'#% ;"ll %ate% ,,.,.,0-/ ha !ee# *++""e#tl2


    12. The la< '+

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    "t*at"'# "#a*h a !e+'re re$"trat"'# '+ the ;"ll the

    '#te#t there'+ a# !e *#%ert''% t' ha5e !ee# e8pla"#e%

    t' the tetat'r 'r aerta"#e% +r' her !2 the S*!

    Re$"trar4 P;>=4 1h' ha% %ep'e% that *h a prat"e "

    #'rall2 a%here% t'. The #'#>pr'%*t"'# '+ the 'r"$"#al

    ;"ll a#% rel"a#e '# the ert"+"e% 'p2 there'+ " a

    "r*ta#e 1h"h ha !ee# rea'#a!l2 e8pla"#e% !2 the

    +"rt rep'#%e#t (pla"#t"++). The 'r"$"#al ;"ll4 a+ter "t

    e8e*t"'# '# ,,.,.,0-/4 1a "# the *t'%2 '+ the tetat'r

    a#% "t " '#l2 '# the %a2 'r her %eath ".e. /?.=.,00, that the

    +"rt rep'#%e#t (pla"#t"++) '*l% +"#% that the ;"ll 1a

    ""#$ +r' the e#5el'pe ar

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    !2 the H"$h C'*rt 1h"le re5er"#$ the *%$e#t '+ the lear#e%

    Tr"al C'*rt.

    14. 6e+'re part"#$ 1e 1'*l% l"appre"at"'# '+ e5"%e#e *t

    'e t' a halt at 'e ta$e '+ the *%""al pr'ee%"#$ a#%

    a##'t per'late t' the '#t"t*t"'#al '*rt e8er""#$

    *r"%"t"'# *#%er Art"le ,9:.


  • 8/11/2019 WILL Can Be Executed at Testators Wish


    1". ;e4 a'r%"#$l24 %"" thee appeal a++"r the 'r%er

    %ate% ,-.-./0 pae% !2 the D"5""'# 6e#h '+ the H"$h

    C'*rt "# Or"$"#al S"%e Appeal N'. ,-@ '+ /,. H'1e5er4 "#

    the +at a#% "r*ta#e '+ the ae4 1e a