wilkes portfolio

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steven wilkes

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Stephen WilkeS

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Vanity Fairstory From mao to WoW beijing national stadium, “the birds nest”

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CCtV headquarters, beijing

architect rem koolhaas

linked hybrid, beijing

architect steven holl

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story ryan hoWard, no aSteriSk

neW york timeS

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BeaVer Creek

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Vanity Fair story the riSe oF Big Water

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Vanity Fair

story interaCtiVe man: edwin sChlossberg

portFolio magazine

story business men new york

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jones beaCh, new yorkbloCk island, rhode island

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pinehurst Croquet Court, north Carolina bloCk island, rhode island

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new york times story elegy to a dumpSCape:FreSh killS landFill Staten iSland

CaliFornia onehuntington BeaCh

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FaCtorieS ChinaonCe all StruggleS are graSped, miraCleS are poSSiBle.—mao tse-tung

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Beijing Capital intl. airport t3 China the perSon attempting to traVel tWo roadS at onCe Will get noWhere.—Xun Zi

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urBan ChinaopportunitieS multiply aS they are Seized.—sun tZu

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three gorgeS dam ChinaWe think too Small, like the Frog at the Bottom oF the Well. he thinkS the Sky iS only aS Big aS the top oF the Well. iF he SurFaCed, he Would haVe an entirely diFFerent VieW.—

mao tse-tung

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rural China liFe iS really Simple, But We inSiSt on making it CompliCated.—confucius

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SalVation mountain, CaliFornia naShVille, tenneSSee

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Salton Sea, CaliFornia

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prizeFighter jimmy, Wyoming

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eriC Clapton, rolex CarloS Santana, hmg

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niCole Behaire - aCtor darrin deWitt henSon - aCtor

uniVerSal piCtureS: the expreSSthree perpeCtiVeS, one moment

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juStin martin - aCtor omar BenSon miller - aCtor

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ron meyer - preSident & Ceo uniVerSal StudioS

CharleS dutton - aCtor

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“i’Ve neVer liVed anyWhere elSe” evelyn stanley, 80 year old holy cross resident

to pray to eVery god there may Be”“i pulled my roSary out WhiCh i haVen’t touChed in 20 yearS and i Started

mary “Patsy” story, holy cross

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ameriCa in detail exhiBition For epSon | Curated By marVin heiFFerman

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rene FranCiSCo

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guStaVo eCheVarria

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time magazinegolF digeSt

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Brooklyn naVy yard

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iBm iBmmumBai, india mumBai, india

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platinum equity

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America’s Most Reliable Network

BeaVer Creek


adVertiSing tear SheetS

neW york timeS magazine

SportS illuStrated magazine time magazine

Vanity Fair magazine

editorial tear SheetS


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jCp - arizona jeanS



top oF the roCk




adVertiSing tear SheetS

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Still life: China’S Modernization By Peggy roalf friday, auguSt 1, 2008

onCe in a while i See a PhotograPh that iS truly revelatory. the one i found yeSterday iS By StePhen wilkeS and iS Part of an exhiBit of hiS reCent work froM China, on view through SePteMBer 13th at ClaMPart gallery.

thiS iS a PanoraMiC view of the BaCkSide of the three gorgeS daM at a tiny village in huBei ProvinCe. on the left iS a MaSSive SPillway whoSe ConCrete eMBankMent dwarfS SoMe old farM BuildingS in the fore-ground. they would Surely Be inundated if the authoritieS deCide to lower the water level in the reServoir, whiCh iSn’t Seen in thiS view.

three gorgeS daM, yangtze river, China

on the right, a village CoMPoSed of four-Storey ConCrete BloCk MultifaMily dwellingS CliMBS along the hillSide. the foreground iS filled with a raMShaCkle Courtyard StruCture that aPPearS to Be a Building SuPPly dePot. the MoSt SurPriSing eleMent in the PiCture, at firSt, iS a wall in the Middle that SeParateS the village froM the SPillway. PreSuMaBle it would keeP reSidentS Safe when water iS duMPed froM the reSer-voir.

after a while, thiS CoMPlex PhotograPh revealS that it ContainS an entire Photo eSSay that Could Be CroPPed iMage By iMage out of the overall SCene. a PeaSant Carrying goodS in a BaSket on hiS BaCk BuStleS into view along the dirt road. a Man PuSheS a heavily loaded two-wheeled Cart. the ColorleSS gray StruCtureS offer PiCtureS of everyday life, with laundry hanging froM a BalCony and MotorCyCleS Parked near a doorway

detailS froM three gorgeS daM, yangtze river, China

i aSked StePhen how he CaMe to get thiS PiCture, whoSe high PerSPeCtive iS identiCal to the angle of view found in ChineSe SCroll PaintingS. “the average touriSt,” he Said, “would never oBServe thiS SCene. the authoritieS Control exaCtly where the daM Can Be viewed and thiS iS not one of thoSe PlaCeS.” he went on to Say that he Caught fragMentS of the luSh green PatCheS through SPaCeS Between the gray BuildingS while driving through the area. he StoPPed at a rundown auto Body ShoP where the owner agreed to let hiM go uP onto the roof

“My tranSlator and i CliMBed uP thiS oPen Stairway -- the PlaCe waS full of junk and Covered with greaSe - and when we got to the roof i waS CoMPletely Blown away. you’re alwayS hearing StorieS aBout how PeoPle have Been SeParated froM their liveS By thiS daM, and here you See the laSt BitS of evidenCe of what had Been a rural, agriCultural lifeStyle.

“on My way BaCk to the hotel i heard an announCeMent By the governMent that BeCauSe of Poten-tial CataStroPhiC environMental ProBleMS related to the three gorgeS daM, SuCh aS MudSlideS and unStaBle land MaSSeS, 4.5 Million More PeoPle Might have to Be reloCated. that’S in addition to the Million who have already had their liveS offiCially reStruCtured By the governMent. But that’S Modern China, on a MaSSive SCale, froM the PeoPle that gave you the great wall.”

stephen Wilkeseducation1976 - 1980Bachelor of ScienceS.i. newhouse School of public Communications, Syracuse universitymajor: photographyConcentration; Business Communicationsmartin j. Whitman School of management, Syracuse university

awards:alfred eisenstaedt award for magazine photography 2000photographer of the year, adweek magazine 1992Fine art photographer of the year, lucie award 2004epson Creativity award 2004award of excellence: Communication arts 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008distinctive merit: the art directors Club 1992honors in graphis 1992award of excellence: photo district news 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008american photography, award of excellence, 2005, 20071st. place, Fine art, lucie awards ellis island: ghost of Freedom lucie awards 20071st. place professional photographer, editorial, lucie awards the rise of Big Water, 2007honorable mention; prix de la photographie paris, human Condition, 2007

solo exhibitions:america in detail, Chicago, new york, los angeles and San Francisco 2000Soho triad Fine arts, ellis island new york, ny 2001Soho triad Fine arts, the Female Form on the lava Beds of hawaii, new york, n.y. 2002apex Fine art, ellis island, los angeles, Ca 2003monroe gallery of photography, ellis island, Santa Fe, new mexico, 2004apex Fine art, Bethlehem Steel, los angeles, Ca. 2004monroe gallery of photography, Bethlehem Steel, Santa Fe new mexico, 2005World monuments Fund gallery, in katrina’s Wake, new york, n.y. 2006david gallery, ellis island revisited, los angeles, California 2006monroe gallery of photography, ellis island revisited, Santa Fe, new mexico 2006Clampart, Stephen Wilkes, ellis island, new york, april 2007Clampart, Stephen Wilkes, China, new york, april 2007grifffin museum of photography, Stephen Wilkes, ellis island, january 2008Chicago Cultural arts, Stephen Wilkes, ellis island, july 2008david gallery, China, los angeles, California, january 2008Clampart, the Construction of the olympic Stadium and other Chinese public Works new york june 2008monroe gallery of photography, China, Santa Fe, new mexico october 2008Skirball Cultural Center; ellis island los angeles, California october 2010

group exhibitions:george eastman house: the art of persuasion, rochester new york 1992Soho triad Fine arts, Summer Works, new york, n.y. 2000Florence lynch gallery, hypertexture, new york, n.y. 2004

collections:george eastman house international museum of Film and photographydow jonesthe museum of Fine arts, houstonlibrary of Congressgriffin museum of photographynumerous personal Collections

Professional memberships:the newhouse advisory Boardthe goldring journalism arts program

teaching experience:maine photographic Workshop 1988, 1999eddie adams Workshop 2000- presentphoto plus expo east 2000- presenthallmark institute of photography 2007iCp guest lecturer, 2007palm Springs photo Festival 2008

Bibliography:Studio light, issue # 2 1987photo district news 1988international photography issue # 1 1988photo district news February 1998the San diego union, december 29, 1987the new york times magazine, november 21, 1993the new york times magazine, march 22, 1998photo district news october, 2000life magazine Spring 1998life magazine, Spring 2000Communication arts, march /april 2001the new york times, june 8, 2001Westport magazine, november 2001the los angeles times, February 7, 2003art Scene, February 2003photo insider january 2003Studio photography & design, may 2004pasatiempo october 1-7, 2004the Santa Fe new mexican, october 8, 2004the Santa Fe new mexican october 14, 2005the albuquerque north, october 3, 2004pasatiempo october 14 -20 , 2005journal of the print World, Spring 2006artnews october, 2006interior design September , 2006the london daily telegraph , august, 2006the Wall Street journal, december 2, 2006 time magazine, december 18, 2006american photographer, december 2006Forbes magazine, november 2006play magazine, the new york times, march 2007Vanity Fair, april 2007Communication arts august 2004 – 2008art in america, december 2007los angeles times, February 2008the Boston globe,, February 2008metroWest daily new, gates publications, February 2008Focus magazine april 2008 the Village Voice june 2008French “photo” june 2008Vanity Fair august 2008l”illustre France august 2008readers digest august 2008new york magazine on line august 2008Bloomberg on line august 2008the Week august 2008design arts daily: Still life: China’s modernization, august 2008life magazine; China august 2008pasatiempo, new mexico, october 2008Santa Fe new mexican, october 2008

monographs:California one, the pacific Coast highway, Friendly press 1987ellis island :ghosts of Freedom, W.W. norton 2006

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repreSented By BernStein & andriulli



Stephen WilkeS at Clampart

StePhen wilkeS here Showed two Striking grouPS of Color PhotograPhS: Se-leCtionS froM “elliS iSland” (1998-99) and froM hiS More reCent, ongoing “Chi-na” SerieS, Begun in 2005. aS “elliS iSland” haS Been widely Seen and diSCuSSed, i will foCuS on the China PiCtureS, whiCh offer viSually raviShing viewS of a SoCiety in a State of draMatiC flux. wilkeS firSt viSited China aS a College Student, in 1978, only two yearS after the death of Mao and the end of the Cultural revolution. he Saw Civil-ianS dreSSed in Blue and SoldierS dreSSed in green, Children waving red SCarveS, everyone riding BiCyCleS and alMoSt no CarS. when he returned to China 27 yearS later, he Saw a radiCally tranSforMed SoCiety. in a ChanCe enCounter i had with hiM in the gallery, he rePorted that townS and CitieS he had PreviouSly viSited are now unreCognizaBle. “PlaCeS are vaniShing, farMland iS diSaPPearing and hiStory iS Being eraSed.” the MeSMerizing and SoMewhat terrifying develoPMentS lie at the heart of “China.” wilkeS uSeS 4-By-5 filM or 4-By-5 digital CaMera BaCkS to reCord hiS iM-ageS, whiCh are then Printed with arChival PigMent. (he MakeS theM in three SizeS; thoSe diSCuSSed here are the MediuM- Size PrintS, at 30 By 40 or 40 By 30 inCheS.) he ManiPulateS the iMageS By draining the Color froM Certain areaS of hiS CoM-PoSitionS So that they Stand out SignifiCantly in relation to the reSt. in lanSwe SoCk faCtory: girlS in a row, the feMale workerS, Shown in Profile, Stand at their MaChineS in two rowS that PreCiPitouSly reCede toward the vaniShing Point of a lit doorway. the workerS are arranged at equal diStanCe froM eaCh other, PerforM-ing the SaMe rePetitive taSkS. they are dreSSed nearly alike in Saturated orange ShirtS, white CaPS and dark PantS, interChangeaBle exCePt for SMall detailS, SuCh aS the faShionaBle SneakerS through whiCh they exPreSS their PerSonalitieS on the joB. thiS MetiCulouSly CoMPoSed iMage ProvideS a SuitaBle MetaPhor for a SoCiety Being StrenuouSly reBuilt. lanSwe SoCk faCtory: lone girl, exPreSSeS alienation in a different way. juSt a woMan’S head and ShoulderS Can Be SPotted aMid an allover grid of MaChinery. an illuSion of BoundleSS dePth iS onCe again Striking in tower, Showing an interior view Straight uP into SPiraling BalConieS riSing one aBove the other to an oPening of Sky – a MaelStroM oPtiCally SPlintered and Confounded By the refleC-tion of the BalConieS on gleaMing glaSS. PerCeived froM thiS viewPoint, the arChi-teCture evokeS a turBine. thiS Configuration, in light BrownS, white and a touCh of Blue at the tower’S PinnaCle, SuggeStS Both unliMited PoSSiBilitieS and the annihila-tion of anything Standing in the way of aChieving the new.- MiChael aMy

a ‘time-lapSe’ ChroniCle of a rapidly Changing ChinaBy Shana ting liPton --

feBruary 14, 2008

when StePhen wilkeS firSt viSited China in 1978 aS a SyraCuSe univerSity Student, the new york native had an inkling the Country waS in for ChangeS. it waS two yearS after the death of ChairMan Mao tSe-tung, PoSt-Cultural revolution. and though wilkeS waS right, he didn’t realize the extreMe degree of the tranSforMation that he’d Be ChroniCling alMoSt three deCadeS later. “i never would have iMagined that one of the oldeSt CultureS in hiStory would Change aS radiCally aS it had,” he SayS. “it’S like watChing a tiMe-laPSe Movie.” the reSultS of hiS four reCent follow-uP triPS -- 17 iMageS of landSCaPeS and individualS -- are on diSPlay in the new exhiBition “StePhen wilkeS: China” at the david gallery in Culver City. wilkeS traveled all over China, froM MegaloPoliSeS SuCh aS Beijing and Shanghai, to More ModeSt (But Still large) CitieS SuCh aS ChangSha and guilin, atteMPting to CaPture old China’S CoexiStenCe with new China. along with traditional PaStoralS, there are long ShotS of elaBorate faCtorieS. “China’S Moving away froM Being a farMing SoCiety and Putting More weight on ManufaCturing,” wilkeS SayS. “i’d heard the faCtorieS were aS Big aS aMeriCan footBall fieldS.” wilkeS got to See thiS firSthand. through hiS ConneCtionS aS a CoMMerCial Photogra-Pher for ClientS SuCh aS iBM, Perrier and nike, the artiSt waS aBle to arrange to Shoot one of the Shoe CoMPany’S faCtorieS. “they have 20,000 PeoPle Making SneakerS at one tiMe. it waS like a City within a City,” he exPlainS, injeCting hiS own Cultural referenCe Point into the deSCriPtion: “when they Break for lunCh at 11:30, it lookS like yankee StadiuM Being eMPtied in the fifth inning.” another iMage, “Boy in Beijing,” hintS at the riSing artS SCene that haS develoPed alongSide induStrialization; it ShowS a Boy inSide the 798 SPaCe, a forMer faCtory deSigned By eaSt gerMan arChiteCtS in the 1950S that now ServeS aS an avant-garde gallery. for wilkeS, known for hiS elliS iSland ProjeCt ChroniCling the deteriorated South Side of the iMMigrant landing Pad, the foray haS Been journaliStiC and PerSonal. he hoPeS to Share hiS huManiStiC take on China’S growth with aMeriCanS who Might PerCeive the Coun-try’S faCtory laBorerS aS roBotS in an aSSeMBly-line ProCeSS. the very tangiBle PriCe of SuCh growth Can Be Seen in hiS “Before and after” ShotS of a farMing CoMMunity, whiCh the governMent had deCided to turn into ManufaCturing faCili-tieS. “i did a Portrait of a faMily at twilight, not knowing that it waS going to Be the laSt night they SPent at their houSe,” he SayS. “i CaMe BaCk a few dayS later and the houSe waS gone.” MuCh like China’S raCe to advanCeMent, wilkeS’ ProjeCt iS a work in ProgreSS; he PlanS to Continue ChroniCling the ChangeS there, aS well aS thiS SuMMer’S Beijing olyMPiCS. “My hoPe,” he SayS, “iS that China Can find BalanCe.”

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