WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai Triangle and surrounds bloom into a sea of green with the start of the ‘short rains’. The fact that the more central areas of the Serengeti National Park has seen fairly little rain means that the migratory herds have set anchor in more lush regions. Some of our guests were fortunate to get to witness a couple of sizeable river crossings (for this time of the year) during the course of the month. The largest of which was a herd of around 4 000 animals, and lasted for 20 minutes. Even though these wildebeest herds were on the move across one of arguably the most treacherous part of their entire journey, there was no crocodile activity, whatsoever. These monster reptiles are undoubtedly still in the process of digesting all the food eaten during the wildebeest migrations arrival in July! However, guests got to enjoy many sightings of hippo and crocodiles. With the Mara being a perennial river this does not force these water-dependant animals to have to move vast distances to locate other water sources.

WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai

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Page 1: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai


For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen

November has seen the Lamai Triangle and surrounds bloom into a sea of green with the start of the ‘short rains’. The fact that the more central areas of the Serengeti National Park has seen fairly little rain means that the migratory herds have set anchor in more lush regions. Some of our guests were fortunate to get to witness a couple of sizeable river crossings (for this time of the year) during the course of the month. The largest of which was a herd of around 4 000 animals, and lasted for 20 minutes. Even though these wildebeest herds were on the move across one of arguably the most treacherous part of their entire journey, there was no crocodile activity, whatsoever. These monster reptiles are undoubtedly still in the process of digesting all the food eaten during the wildebeest migrations arrival in July! However, guests got to enjoy many sightings of hippo and crocodiles. With the Mara being a perennial river this does not force these water-dependant animals to have to move vast distances to locate other water sources.

Page 2: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai

(Photos by Adas Anthony) Here’s an overview of our main sightings for the month: Lions During the month we had a total of 12 lion sightings. The reduced number is due to the fact that there were many days when the lodge did not have guests, but it goes to show that when guest were in camp not a day went by that lions were not seen. With November being a wet month with most afternoons brining a thunderstorm, the availability of water is drastically increased making it slightly harder for resident lions. This is because the herbivores in the area now don’t have to travel vast distances to locate water forcing the lions to work a bit more for their meals.

Page 3: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai

A few guests got very fortunate to see a mating pair of lions while out on drive. When you are lucky enough to find a mating pair you will see them copulate several times in a short space, basically every 15-20 minutes, and this last up to five days. The reason being is the male needs to make sure that he is the only male that will mate with a receptive female, thus ensuring that it is his genes that are passed on and not that of another male

(Photos by Adas Anthony)

Page 4: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai


As per the previous few months, the majority of our leopard sightings were seen in and around the camp. This made it relatively easy for our guides as they would begin their drives by scouting the area near the camp for the elusive felines. Leopards spend a great deal of their time perched up a tree which gives them a great vantage point to spot a prey item which could be in the vicinity. We had a total of six sightings seen this month. (Photos by Adas Anthony)

Page 5: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai

Elephant With the Mara River supplying water year round, the Mara River Tented Camp is spoiled with daily elephant sightings. Elephants provide guests with hours of great viewing as they are always doing something - feeding, pushing over trees, having a dust bath, wallowing in the mud or just standing in the shade of a tree cooling down. We had a total of 18 sightings this month.

(Photo by Adas Anthony) Cheetah

The two dominant male cheetahs did not disappoint again this month, with all seven of the sightings being of them. They were seen along the border between Kenya and Tanzania. They spent a great deal of time in this area due to the plentiful game. (Photo by Peter Chatama)

Page 6: WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of ... · WILDLIFE REPORT SINGITA LAMAI, TANZANIA For the month of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen November has seen the Lamai

Rhino The resident black rhinos were seen on a regular basis during the month, always a great sighting to witness as there are not a great deal of them in the area. The mother and her single calf, as well as a dominant male, made up all the sightings.

(Photos by Adas Anthony)

By Mark Nicholson

Singita Lamai Serengeti Tanzania

Thirtieth of November, 2016