www.forensicanalytical.com Forensic Analytical Consulting Services November 27, 2018 Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance Assessment Webster Elementary School 3602 Winter Canyon Road Malibu, CA 90265 Prepared for: Tanya Hernandez ASCIP [email protected] Gary Bradbury Santa Monica/Malibu School District [email protected] Prepared By: Michelle Rosales, MPH, CIH Forensic Analytical Consulting Services 2959 Pacific Commerce Dr. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 310-668-5600 | [email protected] FACS Project #PJ39913

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November 27, 2018

Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance Assessment

Webster Elementary School 3602 Winter Canyon Road Malibu, CA 90265 Prepared for: Tanya Hernandez ASCIP [email protected] Gary Bradbury Santa Monica/Malibu School District [email protected] Prepared By:

Michelle Rosales, MPH, CIH Forensic Analytical Consulting Services 2959 Pacific Commerce Dr. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 310-668-5600 | [email protected] FACS Project #PJ39913

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Contents Introduction ................................................................. 1

History .......................................................................... 1

Site Characterization ................................................ 1

Scope of Work ............................................................ 1

Conclusions ................................................................ 3

Recommendations .................................................... 4

Limitations ................................................................... 4

Appendix A .................................................................. 5

Appendix B .................................................................. 9

Appendix C ................................................................ 10

Appendix D ................................................................ 11

Appendix E ................................................................ 14

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Webster Elementary School (11/27/18)

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Introduction This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations relevant to the wildfire smoke impact clearance assessment conducted at Webster Elementary School located at 3602 Winter Canyon Road in Malibu, CA. Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (FACS) conducted the investigation on November 20, 2018. The investigation was conducted at the request and authorization of ASCIP on behalf on Santa Monica/Malibu School District. The purpose of the investigation was to assist in confirming that cleaning efforts put forth were sufficient in removing smoke related particulate due to the recent wildfire event (Woolsey). The findings contained in this report are based solely on the results of sample analysis and on-site observations from the assessment date listed. Additional sites or agents not discussed in this report are not represented. History The following history of events was developed based on discussions with various parties:

• The Woolsey Fire ignited in the region on November 8, 2018 and was fully contained on November 21, 2018. The campus was located within the fire perimeter.

• Professional cleaning began on November 16, 2018 and ended on November 18, 2018. Cleaning included HEPA vacuuming and wet wiping of all interior surfaces; power washing of the exterior; and cleaning of the HVAC system (including ducts). Air filtration devices were setup and operating in select rooms (see observations for specific locations).

• Reportedly no fire damage occurred or was observed on site. Site Characterization The subject campus is an elementary school located in a residential neighborhood in Malibu, CA. The campus includes several standalone buildings that house various classrooms, office spaces, and restrooms. The majority of rooms were equipped with their own heating ventilation and air conditioning units. Scope of Work In the course of this project, FACS conducted the following scope of work:

1. Development of a site characterization and history (see sections above). 2. A limited non-destructive visual inspection of all interior rooms on the school campus. 3. Collection of surface samples from representative surfaces for particle characterization analysis.

Samples collected in regularly occupied rooms (e.g., classrooms; office spaces). 4. Collection of total volatile organic compound (tVOC) data using a photo ionization detector (PID)

in the interior locations, in addition to outdoor control locations. 5. Collection of airborne particulate concentration levels by size (10 µm; PM10). 6. Analysis of data and report generation.

Data collection methodologies are described in Appendix C. The date collected in the course of the investigation is presented in this report as follows:

• Appendix A: Observations and Sample Results Summary • Appendix B: Photographs (depicting inspection observations) • Appendix D: Sampling Results (summary tables, laboratory reports and chain of custody forms) • Appendix E: Site Plan

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Background Generally, the composition of smoke depends on the nature of the burning fuel (source) and the conditions of combustion. Some of the most common particulates produced are soot (particles of mostly carbon created during incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons) and partially burned particulates (char/carbonized material/ash). During wildfires, these particles could deposit on the exterior of nearby buildings and infiltrate into the interior of the building through openings such as doors, windows, and vents. It would be expected that there would be minimal heat due to the distance of the flames, and minimal, if any, thermal discoloration would be involved. When smoke enters the interior of a building, smoke particles can deposit on finished surfaces (e.g. flooring, walls, sills) and on the sides, tops and back surfaces of contents. Depending on the fuel sources, other indications of heavy impact may be evidence of corrosion (due to corrosive nature of potentially acidic particles), though this is not common in most cases of wildfire smoke infiltration. No standards or exposure limits exist specifically for carbonaceous material or combustion product settled on surfaces. In this assessment, these particle types are used as general indicators of potential deposition of smoke related particles and any contaminants that may be associated with them (e.g. metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.), although such associations are not well studied. Evaluation Criteria FACS evaluates fire and smoke impact using the following criteria: 1) background information; 2) sensory observations (observable smoke odors, visually confirmable (as fire related) debris/staining/corrosion indicative of smoke particle deposition), 3) dust composition sample results, and 4) air monitoring results. Conclusions and recommendations are generated based on review of all parameters noted above. Further discussion of the evaluation criteria is noted below. Sensory Observations In cases of 1) distinct observable smoke odor; or 2) clearly visible fire/smoke debris (char, ash), staining, or corrosion indicative of fire related smoke particle deposition, FACS recommends cleaning and restoration of such impact. Surface Dust Composition Sampling Results – Combustion Product Specific Discrete surface dust samples were collected in representative locations in rooms identified as regularly occupied (e.g., office spaces, classrooms). Currently no standards or exposure limits exist specifically for combustion product settled on surfaces. Settled dust is composed of a variety of particles depending on a variety of factors including but not limited to organic debris, skin cells, biological materials, minerals, metals, combustion by-products and fibers. Samples are analyzed using various optical and electron microscopy by the Visual Area Estimation (VAE) Technique. VAE estimates the relative projected area (reported as a percentage) of a certain type of particulate relative to the total amount of particulate observed on the sample. There is inherent variability in estimates made using this technique. Currently this variability is unknown. Based on these considerations and review of available lab data from a variety of environments, FACS reports sampling data for combustion products in dust for consideration, as follows:

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% of Combustion Product (Char+Ash+Soot)) Prevalence on Typical Surfaces

> 10% (Major)

Uncommon - Indicative of an unusual percentage of the dust composition (but may or may not contribute to corrosion potential or environmental health risk) and likely due to a large source of combustion particles (e.g. wildfire).

1 – 10 % (Minor)

Less common (but found from time to time) - Indicative of less common percentage of the dust composition; however, can be found on surfaces from time to time due to combustion sources other than wildfires.

< 1% (Trace or ND) Common - Indicative of a common background percentage of the dust composition, typical of recently cleaned surfaces or absence of a significant wildfire impact.

Air Monitoring (tVOCs & PM10) The burning of organic materials (e.g. building materials, wood) can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) into the air. Single point measurements for total VOCs were measured in the air using a handheld photoionization detector (PID). Based on project and technical considerations, results greater than 0.4 parts per million (ppm), FACS recommends cleaning and restoration of such impact. While no US standards currently exist for tVOCs, a target threshold level of 1000 ug/m3 (approximately 400 ppb; 0.4 ppm) is currently being considered by Health Canada, the Canadian department of public health. Wildfires can also cause large increases of outdoor airborne particles that could potentially migrate into interior spaces through exterior entry points. Single point measurements of particulate mass concentrations, by size PM10 (particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter) were collected in rooms to assist in determining cleaning efficacy. Results were compared to exterior controls as well as the California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) for PM10, 24-hour average (50 micrograms per cubic meter; 0.050 milligrams per cubic meter). Ambient air quality standards (AAQS) define clean air and are established to protect the health of the most sensitive groups in our communities. An air quality standard defines the maximum amount of a pollutant averaged over a specified period of time that can be present in outdoor air without any harmful effects on people or the environment. (Source: https://www.arb.ca.gov/research/aaqs/caaqs/caaqs.htm) Conclusions Based on assessment findings, the following conclusions and recommendations were developed:

1) All interior rooms assessed, with the exception of the restrooms and janitor closets, passed the sensory assessment criteria. No smoke odors were present in the rooms and no significant dust accumulation was identified on settled surfaces. Additionally, no smoke related particulate was identified either.

2) All interior rooms assessed, with the exception of the restrooms and janitor closets, passed the air monitoring assessment criteria. In general, interior particulate readings were below exterior controls and below the CAAQS 24-hour level of 50 micrograms per cubic meter for PM10 particulates. Additionally, total VOCs measured were less than 0.4 ppm.

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4 of 5 Webster Elementary School (11/27/18)

3) Sensory observations and air monitoring results were indicative of smoke impact in the restrooms and janitor closets.

4) In general, the majority of surface sample results indicated trace (<1%) and no measurable levels of combustion related particulates present in the settled dust. Minor levels (1-3%) were identified in a few interior locations sampled; however still considered consistent with general background levels for human inhabited environments. Locations with Minor levels of combustion related particulates identified in the dust are as follows:

a. Room 19 – window sill b. Room #1 – door threshold c. Electrical room - fixture

Recommendations Although surface sample results indicated levels generally consistent with general background levels for human inhabited environments, for best practice, FACS recommends re-cleaning of the following locations:

1) Room 19 – adjacent to exterior entry points. 2) Room 1 – adjacent to exterior entry points

Based on sensory observations and air monitoring results, FACS also recommends cleaning of the following locations:

1) All restrooms 2) All janitor closets 3) Electrical Room

For most surfaces, this will entail vacuuming with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner and damp wiping as appropriate. To assist in filtering the air during the disturbance of dust, FACS recommends an air filtration device be set up in each room to assist in cleaning efforts. Cleaning of the electrical room should be performed by a licensed and qualified electrical professional. Limitations This investigation is limited to the conditions and practices observed and information made available to FACS. The methods, conclusions and recommendations provided are based on FACS’ judgment, expertise and the standard of practice for professional service. They are subject to the limitations and variability inherent in the methodology employed. As with all environmental investigations, this investigation is limited to the defined scope and does not purport to set forth all hazards, nor indicate that other hazards do not exist. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 310-668-5600 with any questions or concerns. Thank you for the opportunity to assist ASCIP and SMMSD promoting a more healthful environment. Respectfully, Reviewed by: FORENSIC ANALYTICAL FORENSIC ANALYTICAL

Michelle Rosales, MPH, CIH Lydia Feng, MS, CIH

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Appendix A

Appendix A Observations and Results Summary Table

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Appendix A

Classroom Number/Functional

Area Odor (Y/N)

Deposition (L, M, H)

Visible S.R.P. (Y/N)

Sample #

VOCs (ppm)

Part. Conc.

(mg/m3) Comments/Notes

Exterior Y -- N -- 0.0 0.053 -0.082

SRP observed on various exterior surfaces.

Main Office N L N -- 0.0 0.059 NA

Classroom 11 N L N T101 & T102 0.0 0.037

AFD operating in room; Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room

Classroom 12 N L N T001 & T002 0.0 0.044

Samples collected adjacent to exterior entry points and one

in center of the room.

Computer lab – Classroom 13 N L N T103 &

T104 0.0 0.035 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room

Classroom 14 N L N T003 0.0 0.046 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Classroom 15 N L N T105 0.0 0.032 Sample collected in center of room

Classroom 16 N L N T004 & T005 0.0 0.033 Sample collected adjacent to

an exterior entry point Classroom 16A N L N -- 0.0 0.040 sign

Girl’s Restroom Y L N T06 0.0 0.059 Adjacent to classrooms 11/12; Observable smoke odor and


Boy’s Restroom N L N T07 0.05 0.062 Adjacent to classrooms 11/12; strong mint odor

Janitors closet N L N -- 0.522 -- strong chemical odor; not wildfire

Classroom 17 N L N T08 & T09 0.0 0.049 Samples collected adjacent to

an exterior entry point

Classroom 18 N L N T10 0.0 0.045 Samples collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Classroom 19 N L N T11 & T12 0.0 0.041

Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room Classroom 20 N L N T13 0.0 0.038 Sample collected adjacent to

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Appendix A

Classroom Number/Functional

Area Odor (Y/N)

Deposition (L, M, H)

Visible S.R.P. (Y/N)

Sample #

VOCs (ppm)

Part. Conc.

(mg/m3) Comments/Notes

an exterior entry point

Classroom 21 N L N T14 0.0 0.015 Sample collected from center of room

Classroom 22 N L N T15 0.0 0.021 Sample collected from center of room

Classroom 23 N L N T16 0.0 0.049 AC was operating during site assessment

Girl’s Restroom N L N -- 0.0 0.054 adj Room 13 Boy’s Restroom N L N -- 0.0 0.060 adj Room 13

Classroom 8 N L N T17 0.0 0.049 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Classroom 9 N L N T18 0.0 0.046 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Classroom 10 N L N T19 & T20 0.0 0.046

Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room Boy’s Restroom N L N -- 0.0 0.057 Adjacent to classroom 10 Electrical room N H Y -- 0.0 -- SRP at door threshold Girl’s Restroom N L N -- 0.0 0.052 NA

Classroom 1 N L N T21 0.0 0.038 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Classroom 2 N L N T22 & T23 0.0 0.030

Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room

Classroom 3 N L N T24 & T25 0.0 0.032

Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point and on

in center of the room

Classroom 4 N L N T26 0.0 0.035 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Auditorium N L N T27 0.0 0.047 NA Break Room N L N -- 0.0 -- NA

Classroom 7 N L N T28 0.0 0.043 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Library N L N T29 & 0.0 0.043 Sample collected adjacent to

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Appendix A

Classroom Number/Functional

Area Odor (Y/N)

Deposition (L, M, H)

Visible S.R.P. (Y/N)

Sample #

VOCs (ppm)

Part. Conc.

(mg/m3) Comments/Notes

T30 an exterior entry point and on in center of the room

PTA office N L N -- 0.0 0.040 MA Electrical room N L N -- 0.0 -- adj to MPR

Front office N L N T31 0.0 0.044 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Boys and girls club N L N T32 0.0 0.039 Sample collected adjacent to an exterior entry point

Note: SRP – Smoke related particulate (e.g., char, ash) L = Light; M = Moderate; H = Heavy Adjacent to exterior entry point refers to surfaces within a 5 foot radius. Sample results provided in Appendix D Results in bold considered elevated 0.050 mg/m3 = 50 µg/m3 (CAAQS 24-hr avg for PM10)

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Appendix B

Appendix B Photographs

Photo #01: Classroom 11 – general overview Photo #02: Smoke related particulate on door threshold at Electrical Room

Photo #03: Portable air filtration device operating in room Photo #04: Girl’s Restroom - overview

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Appendix C

Appendix C FACS Data Collection Method Particle Characterization: Samples may be collected using transparent adhesive tape or by vacuuming dust onto a filter (aka micro-vac). The surface dust samples are labeled with unique samples numbers and information recorded on field chain of custody forms. The samples are promptly delivered to the laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, samples are analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM). The laboratory estimates the percentage of the visual area of the dust particulate composed of the various particulate types (a technique known as visual area estimation - VAE). Particulate Concentration. Airborne particle levels were collected using a TSI DustTrak Aerosol Monitor – mobile particle counter. Particulate concentrations were reported by size (10.0 µm). Results are expressed in concentration of milligram per cubic meter (mg/m3). Volatile Organic Compounds. Total Volatile Organic Compound (tVOCs) measurements were collected using a RAE Systems MiniRAE 3000, a Photoionization Detector (PID) with a range of 0 ppm to 15,000 ppm. The monitor was calibrated to isobutylene with a 10.6 ev Lamp. Measurements were expressed in parts per million (ppm).

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Appendix D

Appendix D Sample Result Summary & Laboratory Report Sampling results are summarized in the table below. Supporting laboratory reports and chain of custody forms are attached in the pages that follow in order of laboratory report number.

Sample Location Sample


Sample Visual Area Estimate1

Most Common Particle Types (%)

Soot (Opaques

consistent with Combustion


Char Ash Combustion

Products (Char+Ash+Soot)

Classroom 11 – content adj. to door T101 Epithelial cells (40%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 11 – center of classroom T102 Epithelial cells (45%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 13 – content adj to door T103 Cellulose (32%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 13 – content center of class T104 Cellulose (35%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 16 – window sill T105 Cellulose (40%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 11 T01 Carbonate minerals (35%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 12 – outlet adj. to door T02 Cellulose (65%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 12 – desk center of room T03 Cellulose (50%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 14 – floor adjacent door T04 Cellulose (40%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 16 – file cabinets adjacent door T05 Cellulose (28%) ND <1% ND <1%

Girl’s restroom – window sill T06 Cellulose (40%) ND <1% ND <1%

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Appendix D

Sample Location Sample


Sample Visual Area Estimate1

Most Common Particle Types (%)

Soot (Opaques

consistent with Combustion


Char Ash Combustion

Products (Char+Ash+Soot)

Boy’s restroom – window sill T07 Cellulose (45%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 17 – fixture adj. to window T08 Cellulose (35%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 17 – content adj. to door T09 Cellulose (25%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 18 – window sill adj. to door T10 Soil Minerals (45%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 19 – window sill T11 Soil Minerals (38%) ND 2% ND 2%

Classroom 19 – desk middle of classroom T12 Cellulose (40%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 20 – content adj. to door T13 Cellulose (95%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 21 – desk center of room T14 Epithelial cells (50%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 22 – content center of room T15 Cellulose (55%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 23 – content center of room T16 Yellow coating (80%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 8 – window sill T17 Cellulose (30%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 9 – content, cabinet adj to window T18 Cellulose (40%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 10 – fixture adj. to window T19 Cellulose (48%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 10 – content center of room T20 Cellulose (60%) ND ND ND ND

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Appendix D

Sample Location Sample


Sample Visual Area Estimate1

Most Common Particle Types (%)

Soot (Opaques

consistent with Combustion


Char Ash Combustion

Products (Char+Ash+Soot)

Classroom 1 – door threshold T21 Soil minerals (35%) ND 1% ND 1%

Classroom 2 – window sill T22 Cellulose (38%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 2 – content center of room T23 Cellulose (35%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 3 – content adj. to door T24 Cellulose (68%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 3 – content middle of room T25 Cellulose (55%) ND ND ND ND

Classroom 4 – content adj. to door T26 Paint (60%) ND <1% ND <1%

Auditorium – content T27 Soil minerals (55%) ND <1% ND <1%

Classroom 7 – content adj. to entry T28 Cellulose (50%) ND <1% ND <1%

Library – fixture (shelf) T29 Paint (80%) ND <1% ND <1%

Library – desk middle of room T30 Cellulose (50%) ND ND ND ND

Electrical room – fixture T31 Carbonate minerals (42%) ND 3% ND 3%

Front office – fixture T32 Cellulose (47%) ND <1% ND <1%

Boy’s and Girl’s Club – window track T33 Cellulose (50%) ND ND ND ND

ND = Not Detected 1Results expressed as a % of the sampled dust comprising the target analyte, not a concentration per unit area or volume

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(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

38Total Samples Analyzed:11/20/2018Date(s) Collected:Total Samples Submitted: 38

Job ID/Site: FALI Job ID:PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265


11/21/18First Reported:Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 Date Printed: 11/26/18

Date Analyzed: 11/21/1811/21/182959 Pacific Commerce Drive Date Received:

Michelle Colleen Rosales Report Number: P012836Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs Client ID: LA05

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T101 Class Room #11 / Content adj to door51188350

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 37

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

10Soil minerals


3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T102 Class Room #11 / Center of classroom51188351

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 45

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

45Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T103 Class Room #13 / Content adj to door51188352

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 32

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

25Soil minerals

20Epithelial cells

15Iron oxide

3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

1 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

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(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T104 Class Room #13 / Content center of class51188353

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 35

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

27Epithelial cells

20Soil minerals

5Iron oxide


3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T105 CR 16 / Window sill51188354

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

18Epithelial cells

10Carbonate minerals

7Black non-fibrous material


5Pink non-fibrous material

5Soil minerals

3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T06 Girls Restroom / Window sill51188355

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

37Carbonate minerals

10Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

2 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

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(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T07 Boys Restroom / Window sill51188356

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 45

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

45Carbonate minerals

5Epithelial cells

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T08 Rm# 17 / Fixture adj to window51188357

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 35

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

25Epithelial cells

20Soil minerals

5Carbonate minerals

5Iron oxide

5Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T09 Rm# 17 / Content adj to door51188358

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 25

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

25Epithelial cells

25Soil minerals

10Iron oxide


TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

3 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 19: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T10 Rm #18 / Window sill adj to door51188359

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 25

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

45Soil minerals

12Epithelial cells

5Iron oxide


3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T11 Rm# 19 / Window sill51188360

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 25

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

38Soil minerals

12Epithelial cells

10Iron oxide


3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

2Pyrolized plant material (char)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

T12 Rm #19 / Desk middle of classroom51188361

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

Hair 5

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

30Epithelial cells


5Iron oxide

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

4 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 20: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T13 Rm #20 / Content adj to door51188362

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 95

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T14 Rm# 21 / Desk center of room51188363

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

50Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T15 Rm# 22 / Content center of room51188364

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 55

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

35Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T16 Rm# 23 / Content center of room51188365

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 5

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

80Yellow Coating

5Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

5 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 21: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T17 Rm# 8 / Window sill51188366

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 30

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

30Epithelial cells


5Iron oxide

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T18 Rm #9 / Content, cabinet adj to window51188367

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

25Epithelial cells


10Iron oxide

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T19 Rm# 10 / Fixture adj to window51188368

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 48

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

20Epithelial cells


7Soil minerals

5Insect parts

5Iron oxide

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

6 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 22: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T20 Rm# 10 / Content center of room51188369

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 60

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

30Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T21 Rm# 1 / Door Threshold51188370

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 20

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

35Soil minerals

15Epithelial cells

10Carbonate minerals


5Iron oxide

2Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

1Pyrolized plant material (char)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

T22 Rm# 2 / Window sill51188371

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 38

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

35Epithelial cells


10Soil minerals

2Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

7 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 23: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T23 Rm# 2 / Content center of room51188372

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 35

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

25Epithelial cells

25Soil minerals

5Fungal spores

5Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T24 Rm# 3 / Content adj to door51188373

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 68

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

10Epithelial cells


5Soil minerals

2Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T25 Rm# 3 / Content middle of room51188374

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 55

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

8 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 24: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T26 Rm# 4 / Content adj to door51188375

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 10

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):


20Iron oxide

5Epithelial cells

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T27 Auditorium / Content51188376

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 10

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

55Soil minerals


5Iron oxide

5Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T28 Rm# 7 / Content adj to Entry51188377

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 50

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

9 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 25: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T29 Library / Fixture (shelf)51188378

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 5

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):


10Iron oxide

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T30 Library / Desk middle of room51188379

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 50

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

45Epithelial cells

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T31 Electrical Room - Fixture51188380

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Light

Fibrous Particle(s):Cellulose 10

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):42Carbonate minerals

25Spray paint

10Soil minerals

5Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

3Pyrolized plant material (char)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

T32 Front Office - Fixture51188381

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 47

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

30Epithelial cells

10Soil minerals


3Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

10 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 26: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T01 Class 1151188382

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 20

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

35Carbonate minerals


10Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T02 Room 12 / Outlet adj to door51188383

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 65

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

30Epithelial cells

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T03 Room 12 / Desk center of room51188384

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 50

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

11 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 27: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

T04 Room 14 / Floor adjacent door51188385

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 40

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

10Soil minerals

5Iron oxide

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

T05 Room 16 / File cabinets adjacent door51188392

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Very light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 28

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

20Blue non-fibrous material

20Epithelial cells

15Soil minerals

5Iron oxide


2Opaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

TracePyrolized plant material (char)

T33 Boys & Girls Club - Window track51188688

Sample Type: Tape Sample Loading: Extremely light

Fibrous Particle(s):

Cellulose 50

5fibrous & non-fibrous:Misc. Components,

Non-Fibrous Particle(s):

40Epithelial cells

5Soil minerals

TraceOpaques (inconsistent with combustion products)

NDOpaques (soot)

NDPlant ash (white ash)

NDPyrolized plant material (char)

12 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 28: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

(Visual Area Estimation)

Amended Report

PLM Characterization

Forensic Analytical Consulting Svcs

Job ID/Site: PJ39913; Webster ES, Malibu - Wildfire Clearance Assessment 3602 WinterCanyon Road Malibu CA 90265

Report Number: P012836

Sample ID Lab Number Gross Description% %

Analytical results and reports are generated by Forensic Analytical Laboratories Inc. (FALI) at the request of and for the exclusive use of the person or entity (client) named on suchreport. Results, reports or copies of same will not be released by FALI to any third party without prior written request from client. This report applies only to the sample(s) tested.Supporting laboratory documentation is available upon request. This report must not be reproduced except in full, unless approved by FALI. The client is solely responsible for theuse and interpretation of test results and reports requested from FALI. Forensic Analytical Laboratories Inc. is not able to assess the degree of hazard resulting from materialsanalyzed. FALI reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. All samples werereceived in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted.

Tiffani Ludd, Laboratory Supervisor, Rancho Dominguez Laboratory

13 of 132959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684

Page 29: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

k /"- . f i r iv i ! . .'A Smoke fmpact Assessment Analysis Request Form (COC)

Name & Address: Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS) 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

PO/Job#: PJ 3 I 3 Date: Name & Address: Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS) 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

Turn Around Time: ^ - " ^ ^

Same Day / • 1 Day / 0 3 Day / ^S-^rfTS^

Name & Address: Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS) 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

4Tta^ytBlf TjgMH'

• lAQ Partide IdentHication (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Soot

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Spedal Project

• Limited Partide IdentHication with pH

S) Limited Partide Identification

• Carbonaceous and daric opaque particles and/crash components.

Contact: MidheRe Rosates

4Tta^ytBlf TjgMH'

• lAQ Partide IdentHication (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Soot

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Spedal Project

• Limited Partide IdentHication with pH

S) Limited Partide Identification

• Carbonaceous and daric opaque particles and/crash components.

Phone: (310)668-5600 j Fax: (310)763-8684

4Tta^ytBlf TjgMH'

• lAQ Partide IdentHication (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Soot

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Spedal Project

• Limited Partide IdentHication with pH

S) Limited Partide Identification

• Carbonaceous and daric opaque particles and/crash components.

E-mail: [email protected]

4Tta^ytBlf TjgMH'

• lAQ Partide IdentHication (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Soot

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Spedal Project

• Limited Partide IdentHication with pH

S) Limited Partide Identification

• Carbonaceous and daric opaque particles and/crash components.

4Tta^ytBlf TjgMH'

• lAQ Partide IdentHication (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Soot

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Spedal Project

• Limited Partide IdentHication with pH

S) Limited Partide Identification

• Carbonaceous and daric opaque particles and/crash components.

Comments: Hoid Samples: Report Via: S Yes • No • Fax S E-mail

Sample ID Sample Location / Description Sample Type

C/c$^ ZCcy^^'^ \ /^oiTi\f^^ C,c/\ c/e y-

"7/ 0^

• 7

1 5 - 7 ^ i - ^ ^ t^ r ' C V / ^ - ^ - ^ j / c . L ^ T'.i(

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/ /7->-t<^-K w ^ ^ ^ K -

TY * = t 7 l / 17(;?K i^e.^4€^ ^ c . i ^

Samp/e Type: T = Tape, MV = hAicmvec, S = Swab, B = Su/ft

Sampled By; B d ^ . ^ , K.^ CW„ , Date: \Uxc.-xoi% . Time:-Vanous

Shipped Via: • Fed Ex • DHL O UPS D US Mail • Courier H Drop Off O Other

Relinquished By [y^^^^^ / Cn Relinquished By


Relinquished By:

X)atp,/ Xicni^'

Received ^y^7_-^-^l|~~5^^1__.

Date/Time: t $ & ^ r n

Condition Acceptable?l3vYes • No

Received B Y

Date / Time:

Condition Acceptable? • Yes • No

Received B Y

Date / Time:.

Condition Acceptable? • Yes • No


Page 30: Wildfire Smoke Impact Assessment: Findings of Clearance ...fip.smmusd.org/reports/Webster/WFSImpactReport112718.pdf · This report contains findings, conclusions and recommendations

Smoke Impact Assessment Analysis Request Form (COC)

Name & Address: Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS) 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

POyJob#: PJ 3 1 ^ 1 7 iDate: / i - ^ ^ - p - ^ r Name & Address: Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS) 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

Turn Around Time:

S Same Day / • 1 Day / D 3 Day / J & ^ O a y


O lAQ Partide Identification (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Sool

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Partide Identification with pH

S Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque partides and/or ash components.

Contact: Micheffe Rosa\es


O lAQ Partide Identification (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Sool

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Partide Identification with pH

S Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque partides and/or ash components.

Phone: (310)668-5600 j Fax: (310)763-8684


O lAQ Partide Identification (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Sool

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Partide Identification with pH

S Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque partides and/or ash components.

E-mail: [email protected]


O lAQ Partide Identification (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Sool

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Partide Identification with pH

S Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque partides and/or ash components.

Site: PJ - 7 ^ ^ .


O lAQ Partide Identification (PLM LAB) • PLM Opaques/Sool

• Partide Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Partide Identification with pH

S Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque partides and/or ash components.

Comments: Hold Samples:

H Yes • No Report Via:

a Fax la E-mail

Sample ID Sample Location / Description Sample Type

3 c 7 n \ ? A i 4:̂ g- / 6 ^ . ^ / . ^ 5 ; / /

3 ^ 7 ; i CJ

I :5 l R A A 7- / X^^i/./ 'AV*»5U.(<A'

^ / v \ - ^ 7 - / U / . o ^ - w c , ,M •

R - y v v M 7 / R^ i -^ le- iA- ^^^^ "V^ ^ ^ ^ ^

17vAA^^ / 3^-Fl^> ^cd\

7 pV\ / /'<?./t 4e,^4 A., /=,<^'Tv^v-

T 3 6 ' Sampte Type: T - Tape, MV = Mkravac, 5 = Swab, S = Suf/c

Sampled Bv: ^w^-.i vC.^ L PAi^»^-J H Date: / / - , 4 ^ ' Sr . . Time:-Various

Shipped Via: • Fed Ex • DHL • tJPS • US Mall • Courier S Drop Off • Other:

Relinquished B Y B d ^ ^ O,,

Date/Time: U-^^.^^f^ .

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Condition Acceptable? "Ssyes • No

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El •r i- Smoke Impact Assessment Analysis Request Form (COC)

PO/Joti#: PJ 3 "1 5 \Name & Address:

Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc. (LAOS)

2959 Pacific Commerce Drive

Contact: Michelle Rosales

Phone:(310)668-5600 Fax: (310)763-8684

E-mail: mrDsales@forensicanalytjca!.com

Site: PJ

Date: l^-'X^-^^'^^

Turn Around Time:

-g^Tsame Day / • 1 Day / P S Day / H 0 Day

.AiOflJyKis Jypec

• lAQ Particle Identification (PLM LAB) D PLM Opaques/Sool

• Particle Identification (TEM LAB) • Special Project

• Limited Particle Identification with pH

IS Limited Particle Identification

• Carbonaceous and dark opaque particles and/crash components.

Comments: Hold Samples:

S Yes • No

Report Via:

n Fax ^ E-mail

Sample ID

I — R t v c o T T ^ ,

Sample Location / Description ^s, Sample


1 cf/cii 11—A-x^n

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Sample Type: T = Taps, MV ~ Mkrovec. S = Swab, B ~ Butk

Sampled By; F^^,^c.*< # KT-K, j (v^v^^ Date: //-p.c -a*/̂ -?- Time:-Various

Shipped Via: • Fed Ex • DHL D UPS • US Mail • Courier 12 Drop Off • Other

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Appendix E

Appendix E Site Plan

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Appendix E

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Appendix E

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Right People

Right Perspective

Right Now
