Wikwemikong Tourism. 1975 MEMORIAL

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Wikwemikong Tourism 1975 MEMORIAL BEBAMIKAWE MEMORIAL TRIAL Began in 2010 in collaboration with Wikwemikong Tourism, WiiniiGutch Tood LDM, Health Center, Ontario Works, Public Works and Department of Lands and Natural Resources. Develop an tourism driven outdoor attraction that also promoted healthy active living for the membership. To create employment and a transferable skill set for the WUIR membership. (2 yrs-employed 15 Members) BEBAMIKAWE MEMORIAL TRAIL Opened in June 2012 Over 3500 Users in First Year, 65% were first time visitors to Wikwemikong Pay Per use Trail (2014) Employs 1 season Parks employee and 2 summer student staff Cultural Tourism Experiences are launched from the site with FIT, school and Group Tours Trail Features Over 14 Kilometers of hiking trail along Niagara Escarpment 11 km of single tract natural surface trail with 2km granular 1.5 kilometers of Granular Surface Fitness Trail 5 Outdoor Fitness Stations Trail Features Cultural Lodges throughout trail Educational Signage at three scenic lookouts Overlooking La Cloche Mountains North Channel and Traditional Fishing Islands of Wikwemikong Trail Features Lake Front Pavilion and Picnic Area Daily Cultural Experiences CONNECTING OUR COMMUNITIES THROUGH TRAILS WIKWEMIKONG TRAIL DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES TRAIL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POINT GRONDINE PARK Phased development of Eco Resort and Park First nation owned and operated Recreational Park nestled between Killarney and French River Provincial Parks Training and marketing partnership with Killarney Provincial park acres of park, 8 interior lakes Northern terminus of the Georgian Bay Coast Trail 21km stacked looped pay per use hiking trails opening this summer 2015 Water Trail along the GB Coast Interior Canoe Routes opening in 2016 Authentic Aboriginal Experiences Mervs Landing -6km Wemtagoosh Falls-21km CANOE ROUTES-8 LAKES AUTHENTIC ABORIGINAL EXPERIENCES OPENING JULY 3, 2015