Contents Articles RF Planning 1 Fading 2 Near field communication 5 References Article Sources and Contributors 22 Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 23 Article Licenses License 24

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RF Planning 1Fading 2Near field communication 5

ReferencesArticle Sources and Contributors 22Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 23

Article LicensesLicense 24

RF Planning 1

RF PlanningIn the context of mobile radio communication systems, RF Planning is the process of assigning frequencies,transmitter locations and parameters of a wireless communications system to provide sufficient coverage andcapacity for the services required. The RF plan of a cellular communication system has two objectives: coverage andcapacity. Coverage relates to the geographical footprint within the system that has sufficient RF signal strength toprovide for a call/data session. Capacity relates to the capability of the system to sustain a given number ofsubscribers. Capacity and coverage are interrelated. To improve coverage, capacity has to be sacrificed, while toimprove capacity, coverage will have to be sacrificedThe RF Planning process consists of four major stages.

Phase 1: Initial Radio Link BudgetingThe first level of the RF planning process is a budgetary level. It uses the RF Link Budget along with a statisticalpropagation model (e.g. Hata, COST-231 Hata or Erceg-Greenstein) to approximate the coverage area of the plannedsites and to eventually determine how many sites are required for the particular RF communication system. Thestatistical propagation model does not include terrain effects and has a slope and intercept value for each type ofenvironment (Rural, Urban, Suburban, etc.). This fairly simplistic approach allows for a quick analysis of the numberof sites that may be required to cover a certain area. Following is a typical list of outputs produced at this stage:•• Estimated Number of Sites

Phase 2: Detailed RF Propagation ModellingThe second level of the RF Planning process relies a more detailed propagation model. Automatic planning tools areoften employed in this phase to perform detailed predictions. The propagation model takes into account thecharacteristics of the selected antenna, the terrain, and the land use and land clutter surrounding each site. Since thesefactors are considered, this propagation model provides a better estimate of the coverage of the sites than the initialstatistical propagation model. Thus, its use, in conjunction with the RF link budget, produces a more accuratedetermination of the number of sites required. Following is a typical list of outputs produced at this stage:•• Number of Sites and Site Locations (and Height)•• Antenna Directions and Downtilts•• Neighbour Cell Lists for each site•• Mobility (Handover and Cell Reselection) Parameters for each site.•• Frequency Plan•• Detailed Coverage Predictions (e.g. Signal Strength (RSRP), Signal Quality (RSRQ) Best CINR, Best Server

Areas, Uplink and Downlink Throughput)

Phase 3: Fine Tuning and OptimisationThe third phase of the RF planning process incorporates further detail into the RF plan. This stage includes itemssuch as collecting drive data to be used to tune or calibrate the propagation prediction model, predicting the availabledata throughput at each site, fine tuning of parameter settings (e.g. antenna orientation, downtilting, frequency plan).This process is required in the deployment of the system or in determining service contract based coverage.Following is a typical list of outputs produced at this stage:•• A final List of Sites and Site Locations (and Height)•• Optimised Antenna Directions and Downtilts•• An optimised Neighbour Cell Lists for each site


RF Planning 2

•• Mobility (Handover and Cell Reselection) Parameters for each site.•• An optimised Frequency Plan•• Detailed Coverage Predictions (e.g. Signal Strength (RSRP), Signal Quality (RSRQ) Best CINR, Best Server

Areas, Uplink and Downlink Throughput)

Phase 4: Continuous OptimisationThe final phase of the RF planning process involves continuous optimisation of the RF plan to accommodate forchanges in the environment or additional service requirements (e.g. additional coverage or capacity). This phasestarts from initial network deployment and involves collecting measurement data on a regular basis that could be viadrive testing or centralised collection. The data is then used to plan new sites or to optimize the parameter settings(e.g. antenna orientation, downtilting, frequency plan) of existing sites.

External links• An Introduction to LTE RF Planning [1]

References[1] http:/ / sites. google. com/ site/ lteencyclopedia/ lte-radio-link-budgeting-and-rf-planning/ lte-rf-planning


Frequency-selective time-varying fading causes a cloudy pattern to appear on aspectrogram. Time is shown on the horizontal axis, frequency on the vertical axis

and signal strength as grey-scale intensity.

In wireless communications, fading isdeviation of the attenuation affecting asignal over certain propagation media. Thefading may vary with time, geographicalposition or radio frequency, and is oftenmodeled as a random process. A fadingchannel is a communication channelcomprising fading. In wireless systems,fading may either be due to multipathpropagation, referred to as multipathinduced fading, or due to shadowing fromobstacles affecting the wave propagation,sometimes referred to as shadow fading.

Key concepts

The presence of reflectors in theenvironment surrounding a transmitter and receiver create multiple paths that a transmitted signal can traverse. As aresult, the receiver sees the superposition of multiple copies of the transmitted signal, each traversing a differentpath. Each signal copy will experience differences in attenuation, delay and phase shift while travelling from thesource to the receiver. This can result in either constructive or destructive interference, amplifying or attenuating thesignal power seen at the receiver. Strong destructive interference is frequently referred to as a deep fade and mayresult in temporary failure of communication due to a severe drop in the channel signal-to-noise ratio.

Fading 3

A common example of multipath fading is the experience of stopping at a traffic light and hearing an FM broadcastdegenerate into static, while the signal is re-acquired if the vehicle moves only a fraction of a meter. The loss of thebroadcast is caused by the vehicle stopping at a point where the signal experienced severe destructive interference.Cellular phones can also exhibit similar momentary fades.Fading channel models are often used to model the effects of electromagnetic transmission of information over theair in cellular networks and broadcast communication. Fading channel models are also used in underwater acousticcommunications to model the distortion caused by the water. Mathematically, fading is usually modeled as atime-varying random change in the amplitude and phase of the transmitted signal.

Slow versus fast fadingThe terms slow and fast fading refer to the rate at which the magnitude and phase change imposed by the channel onthe signal changes. The coherence time is a measure of the minimum time required for the magnitude change of thechannel to become uncorrelated from its previous value. Alternatively, it may be defined as the maximum time forwhich the magnitude change of channel is correlated to its previous value.• Slow fading arises when the coherence time of the channel is large relative to the delay constraint of the channel.

In this regime, the amplitude and phase change imposed by the channel can be considered roughly constant overthe period of use. Slow fading can be caused by events such as shadowing, where a large obstruction such as ahill or large building obscures the main signal path between the transmitter and the receiver. The amplitudechange caused by shadowing is often modeled using a log-normal distribution with a standard deviation accordingto the log-distance path loss model.

• Fast fading occurs when the coherence time of the channel is small relative to the delay constraint of the channel.In this regime, the amplitude and phase change imposed by the channel varies considerably over the period of use.

In a fast-fading channel, the transmitter may take advantage of the variations in the channel conditions using timediversity to help increase robustness of the communication to a temporary deep fade. Although a deep fade maytemporarily erase some of the information transmitted, use of an error-correcting code coupled with successfullytransmitted bits during other time instances (interleaving) can allow for the erased bits to be recovered. In aslow-fading channel, it is not possible to use time diversity because the transmitter sees only a single realization ofthe channel within its delay constraint. A deep fade therefore lasts the entire duration of transmission and cannot bemitigated using coding.The coherence time of the channel is related to a quantity known as the Doppler spread of the channel. When a user(or reflectors in its environment) is moving, the user's velocity causes a shift in the frequency of the signaltransmitted along each signal path. This phenomenon is known as the Doppler shift. Signals travelling alongdifferent paths can have different Doppler shifts, corresponding to different rates of change in phase. The differencein Doppler shifts between different signal components contributing to a single fading channel tap is known as theDoppler spread. Channels with a large Doppler spread have signal components that are each changing independentlyin phase over time. Since fading depends on whether signal components add constructively or destructively, suchchannels have a very short coherence time.In general, coherence time is inversely related to Doppler spread, typically expressed as

where is the coherence time, is the Doppler spread (Doppler shift). This equation is just an approximation[1],to be exact, see Coherence time.

Fading 4

Flat versus frequency-selective fadingAs the carrier frequency of a signal is varied, the magnitude of the change in amplitude will vary. The coherencebandwidth measures the separation in frequency after which two signals will experience uncorrelated fading.• In flat fading, the coherence bandwidth of the channel is larger than the bandwidth of the signal. Therefore, all

frequency components of the signal will experience the same magnitude of fading.• In frequency-selective fading, the coherence bandwidth of the channel is smaller than the bandwidth of the

signal. Different frequency components of the signal therefore experience decorrelated fading.Since different frequency components of the signal are affected independently, it is highly unlikely that all parts ofthe signal will be simultaneously affected by a deep fade. Certain modulation schemes such as OFDM and CDMAare well-suited to employing frequency diversity to provide robustness to fading. OFDM divides the wideband signalinto many slowly modulated narrowband subcarriers, each exposed to flat fading rather than frequency selectivefading. This can be combated by means of error coding, simple equalization or adaptive bit loading. Inter-symbolinterference is avoided by introducing a guard interval between the symbols. CDMA uses the Rake receiver to dealwith each echo separately.Frequency-selective fading channels are also dispersive, in that the signal energy associated with each symbol isspread out in time. This causes transmitted symbols that are adjacent in time to interfere with each other. Equalizersare often deployed in such channels to compensate for the effects of the intersymbol interference.The echoes may also be exposed to Doppler shift, resulting in a time varying channel model.

Fading modelsExamples of fading models for the distribution of the attenuation are:• Dispersive fading models, with several echoes, each exposed to different delay, gain and phase shift, often

constant. This results in frequency selective fading and inter-symbol interference. The gains may be Rayleigh orRician distributed. The echoes may also be exposed to Doppler shift, resulting in a time varying channel model.

•• Nakagami fading•• Log-normal shadow fading•• Rayleigh fading•• Rician fading•• Weibull fading

MitigationFading can cause poor performance in a communication system because it can result in a loss of signal powerwithout reducing the power of the noise. This signal loss can be over some or all of the signal bandwidth. Fading canalso be a problem as it changes over time: communication systems are often designed to adapt to such impairments,but the fading can change faster than the adaptations can be made. In such cases, the probability of experiencing afade (and associated bit errors as the signal-to-noise ratio drops) on the channel becomes the limiting factor in thelink's performance.The effects of fading can be combated by using diversity to transmit the signal over multiple channels thatexperience independent fading and coherently combining them at the receiver. The probability of experiencing a fadein this composite channel is then proportional to the probability that all the component channels simultaneouslyexperience a fade, a much more unlikely event.Diversity can be achieved in time, frequency, or space. Common techniques used to overcome signal fading include:•• Diversity reception and transmission•• MIMO

Fading 5

•• OFDM• Rake receivers• Space–time codes

References[1] Lars Ahlin & Jens Zander, Principles of Wireless Communications, pp.126-130.

Literature• T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and practice, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.• David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication (http:/ / www. eecs. berkeley. edu/

~dtse/ book. html), Cambridge University Press, 2005.• M. Awad, K. T. Wong (http:/ / www. eie. polyu. edu. hk/ ~enktwong/ eie. polyu. edu. hk) & Z. Li, An Integrative

Overview of the Open Literature's Empirical Data on the Indoor Radiowave Channel's Temporal Properties,(http:/ / www. eie. polyu. edu. hk/ ~enktwong/ ktw/ AwadAPT0508. pdf) IEEE Transactions on Antennas &Propagation, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1451-1468, May 2008.

• P. Barsocchi, Channel models for terrestrial wireless communications: a survey (http:/ / puma. isti. cnr. it/dfdownload. php?ident=/ cnr. isti/ 2006-TR-16), CNR-ISTI technical report, April 2006.

External links• Fading due to multipath effect (http:/ / www. ylesstech. com/ terminology. php?letter=all& id=15)

Near field communication

An NFC-enabled mobile phone interacting with a SmartPoster

Near field communication (NFC) is a set ofstandards for smartphones and similar devices toestablish radio communication with each other bytouching them together or bringing them intoclose proximity, usually no more than a fewcentimetres. Present and anticipated applicationsinclude contactless transactions, data exchange,and simplified setup of more complexcommunications such as Wi-Fi.[1]

Communication is also possible between an NFCdevice and an unpowered NFC chip, called a"tag".[2]

NFC standards cover communications protocolsand data exchange formats, and are based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards includingISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa.[3] The standards include ISO/IEC 18092[4] and those defined by the NFC Forum, whichwas founded in 2004 by Nokia, Philips and Sony, and now has more than 160 members. The Forum also promotesNFC and certifies device compliance.[5]

Near field communication 6

UsesNFC builds upon RFID systems by allowing two-way communication between endpoints, where earlier systemssuch as contactless smart cards were one-way only.[6] Since unpowered NFC "tags" can also be read by NFCdevices,[2] it is also capable of replacing earlier one-way applications.

CommerceNFC devices can be used in contactless payment systems, similar to those currently used in credit cards andelectronic ticket smartcards, and allow mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems. For example, GoogleWallet allows consumers to store credit card and store loyalty card information in a virtual wallet and then use anNFC-enabled device at terminals that also accept MasterCard PayPass transactions.[7] Germany,[8] Austria[9] andLatvia have trialled NFC ticketing systems for public transport. And China is using it all over the country in publicbus transport. In India NFC based transaction is being implemented in box offices for ticketing purposes.Uses of NFC:•• Matching encrypted security code and transporting access key;•• Due to short transmission range, NFC-based transactions are possibly secure;•• Instant payments and coupon delivery using your handset, as we do with your credit card or debit card;•• Exchange of information such as schedules, maps, business card and coupon delivery in a few hundred

milliseconds;•• Pay for items just by waving your phone over the NFC capable devices•• Transferring images, posters for displaying and printing

Bluetooth and WiFi connectionsNFC offers a low-speed connection with extremely simple setup, and could be used to bootstrap more capablewireless connections.[10] It could, for example, replace the pairing step of establishing Bluetooth connections or theconfiguration of Wi-Fi networks.

Social networkingNFC can be used in social networking situations, such as sharing contacts, photos, videos or files,[11] and enteringmultiplayer mobile games.[12]

Identity documentsThe NFC Forum promotes the potential for NFC-enabled devices to act as electronic identity documents andkeycards.[10] As NFC has a short range and supports encryption, it may be more suitable than earlier, less privateRFID systems.

HistoryNFC traces its roots back to Radio-frequency identification, or RFID. RFID allows a reader to send radio waves to apassive electronic tag for identification and tracking.• 1983 The first patent to be associated with the abbreviation RFID was granted to Charles Walton.[13]

• 2004 Nokia, Philips and Sony established the Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum[14]

• 2006 Initial specifications for NFC Tags[15]

• 2006 Specification for "SmartPoster" records[16]

• 2006 Nokia 6131 was the first NFC phone[17]

• 2009 In January, NFC Forum released Peer-to-Peer standards to transfer contact, URL, initiate Bluetooth, etc.[18]

• 2010 Samsung Nexus S: First Android NFC phone shown[19][20]

Near field communication 7

• 2011 Google I/O "How to NFC" demonstrates NFC to initiate a game and to share a contact, URL, app, video,etc.[11]

• 2011 NFC support becomes part of the Symbian mobile operating system with the release of Symbian Annaversion.[21]

• 2011 RIM 2011 is the first company for its devices to be certified by MasterCard Worldwide, the functionality ofPayPass[22]

• 2012 March. EAT, a well known UK restaurant chain and Everything Everywhere (Orange Mobile NetworkOperator) partner on the UK's first nationwide NFC enabled smartposter campaign. (lead by Rene' Batsford, Headof ICT for EAT, also known for deploying the UK's first nationwide contactless payment solution in 2008) Aspecially created mobile phone app is triggered when the NFC enabled mobile phone comes into contact with thesmartposter.[23]

Essential specificationsNFC is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4 cm or less. NFC operates at13.56 MHz on ISO/IEC 18000-3 air interface and at rates ranging from 106 kbit/s to 424 kbit/s. NFC alwaysinvolves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively generates an RF field that can power a passive target. Thisenables NFC targets to take very simple form factors such as tags, stickers, key fobs, or cards that do not requirebatteries. NFC peer-to-peer communication is possible, provided both devices are powered.[6] A patent licensingprogram for NFC is currently under development by Via Licensing Corporation, an independent subsidiary of DolbyLaboratories. A public, platform-independent NFC library is released under the free GNU Lesser General PublicLicense by the name libnfc.[24]

NFC tags contain data and are typically read-only but may be rewriteable. They can be custom-encoded by theirmanufacturers or use the specifications provided by the NFC Forum, an industry association charged with promotingthe technology and setting key standards. The tags can securely store personal data such as debit and credit cardinformation, loyalty program data, PINs and networking contacts, among other information. The NFC Forum definesfour types of tags which provide different communication speeds and capabilities in terms of configurability,memory, security, data retention and write endurance. Tags currently offer between 96 and 4,096 bytes of memory.• As with proximity card technology, near-field communication uses magnetic induction between two loop

antennas located within each other's near field, effectively forming an air-core transformer. It operates within theglobally available and unlicensed radio frequency ISM band of 13.56 MHz. Most of the RF energy isconcentrated in the allowed ±7 kHz bandwidth range, but the full spectral envelope may be as wide as 1.8 MHzwhen using ASK modulation.[25]

•• Theoretical working distance with compact standard antennas: up to 20 cm (practical working distance of about 4centimetres)

• Supported data rates: 106, 212 or 424 kbit/s (the bit rate 848 kbit/s is not compliant with the standard ISO/IEC18092)

•• There are two modes:• Passive communication mode: The initiator device provides a carrier fields and the target device answers by

modulating the existing field. In this mode, the target device may draw its operating power from theinitiator-provided electromagnetic field, thus making the target device a transponder.

•• Active communication mode: Both initiator and target device communicate by alternately generating their ownfields. A device deactivates its RF field while it is waiting for data. In this mode, both devices typically havepower supplies.

Near field communication 8

kbit/s Active device passive device

424 kbit/s Manchester, 10% ASK Manchester, 10% ASK

212 kbit/s Manchester, 10% ASK Manchester, 10% ASK

106 kbit/s Modified Miller, 100% ASK Manchester, 10% ASK

• NFC employs two different codings to transfer data. If an active device transfers data at 106 kbit/s, a modifiedMiller coding with 100% modulation is used. In all other cases Manchester coding is used with a modulation ratioof 10%.

• NFC devices are able to receive and transmit data at the same time. Thus, they can check for potential collisions ifthe received signal frequency does not match with the transmitted signal’s frequency.

Comparison with Bluetooth

NFC Bluetooth Bluetooth Low Energy

RFID compatible ISO 18000-3 active active

Standardisation body ISO/IEC Bluetooth SIG Bluetooth SIG

Network Standard ISO 13157 etc. IEEE 802.15.1 IEEE 802.15.1

Network Type Point-to-point WPAN WPAN

Cryptography not with RFID available available

Range < 0.2 m ~100 m (class 1) ~50 m

Frequency 13.56 MHz 2.4–2.5 GHz 2.4–2.5 GHz

Bit rate 424 kbit/s 2.1 Mbit/s ~1.0 Mbit/s

Set-up time < 0.1 s < 6 s < 0.006 s

Power consumption < 15mA (read) varies with class < 15 mA (transmit or receive)

NFC and Bluetooth are both short-range communication technologies which are integrated into mobile phones. Asdescribed in technical detail below, NFC operates at slower speeds than Bluetooth, but consumes far less power anddoesn’t require pairing.NFC sets up faster than standard Bluetooth, but is not faster than Bluetooth low energy. With NFC, instead ofperforming manual configurations to identify devices, the connection between two NFC devices is automaticallyestablished quickly: in less than a tenth of a second. The maximum data transfer rate of NFC (424 kbit/s) is slowerthan that of Bluetooth V2.1 (2.1 Mbit/s). With a maximum working distance of less than 20 cm, NFC has a shorterrange, which reduces the likelihood of unwanted interception. That makes NFC particularly suitable for crowdedareas where correlating a signal with its transmitting physical device (and by extension, its user) becomes difficult.In contrast to Bluetooth, NFC is compatible with existing passive RFID (13.56 MHz ISO/IEC 18000-3)infrastructures. NFC requires comparatively low power, similar to the Bluetooth V4.0 low energy protocol.However, when NFC works with an unpowered device (e.g. on a phone that may be turned off, a contactless smartcredit card, a smart poster, etc.), the NFC power consumption is greater than that of Bluetooth V4.0 Low Energy,this is because illuminating the passive tag needs extra power.

Near field communication 9

Standardization bodies and industry projects

StandardsNFC was approved as an ISO/IEC standard on December 8, 2003 and later as an ECMA standard.NFC is an open platform technology standardized in ECMA-340 and ISO/IEC 18092. These standards specify themodulation schemes, coding, transfer speeds and frame format of the RF interface of NFC devices, as well asinitialization schemes and conditions required for data collision-control during initialization for both passive andactive NFC modes. Furthermore, they also define the transport protocol, including protocol activation anddata-exchange methods. The air interface for NFC is standardized in:ISO/IEC 18092 / ECMA-340

Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol-1 (NFCIP-1)[26]

ISO/IEC 21481 / ECMA-352Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol-2 (NFCIP-2)[27]

NFC incorporates a variety of existing standards including ISO/IEC 14443 both Type A and Type B, and FeliCa.NFC enabled phones work basically, at least, with existing readers. Especially in "card emulation mode" a NFCdevice should transmit, at a minimum, a unique ID number to an existing reader.In addition, the NFC Forum has defined a common data format called NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF [28]),which can store and transport various kinds of items, ranging from any MIME-typed object to ultra-shortRTD-documents,[29] such as URLs.The NFC Forum added the Simple NDEF Exchange Protocol to the spec which allows sending and receivingmessages between two NFC-enabled devices.[30]

GSMAThe GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing nearly 800 mobile phone operators andmore than 200 product and service companies across 219 countries. Many of its members have led NFC trials aroundthe world and are now preparing services for commercial launch.[31]

GSM is involved with several initiatives:• Standard setting: GSMA is developing certification and testing standards to ensure the global interoperability of

NFC services.[31]

• The Pay-Buy-Mobile initiative seeks to define a common global approach to using Near Field Communications(NFC) technology to link mobile devices with payment and contactless systems.[32][33]

• On November 17, 2010, after two years of discussions, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile launched a joint ventureintended to develop a single platform on which technology based on the Near Field Communication (NFC)specifications can be used by their customers to make mobile payments. The new venture, known as ISIS [34], isdesigned to usher in the broad deployment of NFC technology, allowing NFC-enabled cell phones to functionsimilarly to credit cards for the 200 million customers using cell phone service provided by any of the threecarriers throughout the United States.

Near field communication 10

StoLPaNStoLPaN (‘Store Logistics and Payment with NFC’) is a pan-European consortium supported by the EuropeanCommission’s Information Society Technologies program. StoLPaN will examine the as yet untapped potential forthe new kind of local wireless interface, NFC and mobile communication.

NFC ForumThe NFC Forum is a non-profit industry association formed on March 18, 2004, by NXP Semiconductors, Sony andNokia to advance the use of NFC short-range wireless interaction in consumer electronics, mobile devices and PCs.The NFC Forum promotes implementation and standardization of NFC technology to ensure interoperabilitybetween devices and services. As of March 2011, the NFC Forum had 135 member companies.[35]

Alternative Form FactorsTo realize the benefits of NFC in cellphones not yet equipped with built in NFC chips a new line of complementarydevices were created. MicroSD and UICC SIM cards were developed to incorporate industry standard contactlesssmartcard chips with ISO14443 interface, with or without built-in antenna. The microSD and SIM form factors withbuilt-in antenna have the great potential as bridge devices to shorten the time to market of contactless payment andcouponing applications, while the built in NFC contollers gain enough market share.

Other standardization bodiesOther standardization bodies that are involved in NFC include:• ETSI / SCP (Smart Card Platform) to specify the interface between the SIM card and the NFC chipset.• GlobalPlatform to specify a multi-application architecture of the secure element.• EMVCo for the impacts on the EMV payment applications

Security aspectsAlthough the communication range of NFC is limited to a few centimeters, NFC alone does not ensure securecommunications. In 2006, Ernst Haselsteiner and Klemens Breitfuß described different possible types of attacks, anddetail how to leverage NFC's resistance to Man-in-the-middle attacks to establish a specific key.[36] Unfortunately, asthis technique is not part of the ISO standard, NFC offers no protection against eavesdropping and can be vulnerableto data modifications. Applications may use higher-layer cryptographic protocols (e.g., SSL) to establish a securechannel. Ensuring security for NFC data will require the cooperation of multiple parties: device providers, who willneed to safeguard NFC-enabled phones with strong cryptography and authentication protocols; customers, who willneed to protect their personal devices and data with passwords, keypad locks, and anti-virus software; andapplication providers and transaction parties, who will need to use anti-virus and other security solutions to preventspyware and malware from infecting systems.[37]

EavesdroppingThe RF signal for the wireless data transfer can be picked up with antennas. The distance from which an attacker isable to eavesdrop the RF signal depends on numerous parameters, but is typically a small number of metres.[38] Also,eavesdropping is highly affected by the communication mode. A passive device that doesn't generate its own RFfield is much harder to eavesdrop on than an active device. One open source device that is able to eavesdrop onpassive and active NFC communications is the Proxmark instrument.[39]

Near field communication 11

Data modificationIt is relatively easy to destroy data by using an RFID jammer. There is no way currently to prevent such an attack.However, if NFC devices check the RF field while they are sending, it is possible to detect attacks.It is much more difficult to modify data in such a way that it appears to be valid to users. To modify transmitted data,an intruder has to deal with the single bits of the RF signal. The feasibility of this attack, (i.e., if it is possible tochange the value of a bit from 0 to 1 or the other way around), is amongst others subject to the strength of theamplitude modulation. If data is transferred with the modified Miller coding and a modulation of 100%, only certainbits can be modified. A modulation ratio of 100% makes it possible to eliminate a pause of the RF signal, but not togenerate a pause where no pause has been. Thus, only a 1 which is followed by another 1 might be changed.Transmitting Manchester-encoded data with a modulation ratio of 10% permits a modification attack on all bits.

Relay attackBecause NFC devices usually include ISO/IEC 14443 protocols, the relay attacks described are also feasible onNFC.[40][41] For this attack the adversary has to forward the request of the reader to the victim and relay back itsanswer to the reader in real time, in order to carry out a task pretending to be the owner of the victim’s smart card.For more information see a survey of practical relay attack concepts.[42] One of libnfc [43] code examplesdemonstrates a relay attack [44] using only two stock commercial NFC devices. It has also been shown that thisattack can be practically implemented using only two NFC-enabled mobile phones.[45]

Lost propertyLosing the NFC RFID card or the mobile phone will open access to any finder and act as a single-factorauthenticating entity. Mobile phones protected by a PIN code acts as a single authenticating factor. A way to defeatthe lost-property threat requires an extended security concept that includes more than one physically independentauthentication factor.

Walk-offLawfully opened access to a secure NFC function or data is protected by time-out closing after a period of inactivity.Attacks may happen despite provisions to shutdown access to NFC after the bearer has become inactive. The knownconcepts described primarily do not address the geometric distance of a fraudulent attacker using a lostcommunication entity against lawful access from the actual location of the registered bearer. Additional feature tocover such attack scenario dynamically shall make use of a second wireless authentication factor that remains withthe bearer in case of lost NFC communicator. Relevant approaches are described as an electronic leash or itsequivalent, a wireless key.

NFC-enabled handsetsIn 2011 several handset vendors released more than 40 NFC-enabled handsets. According to analyst firm BergInsight, global sales of handsets featuring Near Field Communication (NFC) increased ten-fold in 2011 to 30 millionunits. Growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 87.8 percent, shipments are forecasted to reach 700million units in 2016.[46]

Project trials and full-scale deploymentsSeveral hundred NFC trials have been conducted to date. While NFC trials continue, some firms have moved tofull-scale service deployments, spanning either a single country or multiple countries. As a consequence, programslisted below date from 2010 forward and are cited for ease-of-reference. Programs were updated through April 2011.Multi-country deployments include:

Near field communication 12

• Multiple European countries: Orange and operators, banks, retailers, transport, and service providers.[47]

• Africa: Airtel Africa, Oberthur Technologies (15 countries)[48]



• Mobile payments: LPTIC, Al Madar, Libyana[49]

 South Africa

• Public transport: Aconite, Proxema[50]

• Mobile payments : Absa[51]



• Public transport: Mobilkom Austria (A1), ÖBB, Vienna Lines[52]


• Mobile payments: Belgacom, Mobistar, Base[53]

• Paper vouchers study: IBBT, Clear2Pay/Integri, Keyware, Accor Services[54]

 Czech Republic

• Mobile payments: Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, Komerční banka, Citibank Europe, Globus, Visa Europe,Baumax, Cinema City, Ikea[55]

•• NFC social board game: NFCengine launched in 2011 NFC based social board game, with several virtual,entertaining and marketing layers.


• "NFC Payment" [56] (public event), Roskilde Festival, Danmark: NFC, 140.000 visitors.• Mobile payment vending machines: NFC & SMS payment, CocaCola and Microsoft, NFC Danmark.[57]


• Home healthcare: ADMR,[58] Extelia, Inside Contactless, Abrapa[59]

• Field service: Orange France[60]

• Event ticketing: Stade de France, Orange[61]

• Museum services: Centre Pompidou[62]

• National NFC infrastructure: Paris, Bordeaux, Caen, Lille, Marseille, Rennes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Nice, FrenchGovernment[63]

• Nice, Ville NFC: AFSCM (Orange, Bouygues Telecom, SFR, NRJ Mobile), Gemalto, Oberthur Technologies,multi-bank (BNP Paribas, Groupe Crédit Mutuel-CIC, Crédit Agricole, Société Générale) with MasterCard, VisaEurope, Airtag, Toro, ConnectThings, Veolia Transport, Adelya and more (to be completed)

• Loyalty programs: La Croissanterie, Rica Lewis, Game in Nice[64]

• Public transport: Veolia Transport in Nice[65]

Near field communication 13


• Public transport (selected regions): VRR, RMV and Deutsche Bahn (combines the companies’ previousHandyTicket and Touch & Travel programs)[66]

• Mobile payment: Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone Germany, Telefonica 02 Germany[67]

•• Health insurance card: All public health insurance providers


• Event ticketing: Sziget Festival, Vodafone Hungary[68]


• Loyalty program: AIB Merchant Services (Allied Irish Bank, First Data), Zapa Technology[69]


• The First NFC news&shop website:NFC-Israel [70][71]


•• Mobile payment: Telecom Italia.• Public transport: ATM[72]

• Contactless payment cards: Intesa Sanpaolo, Mastercard, Gemalto[73]


• Mobile payments: Mokipay[74]

 The Netherlands

• Public transport: OV-chipkaart• Commercial services: T-Mobile, Vodafone, KPN, Rabobank, ABN Amro, ING[75]

• Employee payments: Rabobank, Multicard[76]


• Mobile payments: Polkomtel, Bank Zachodni WBK;[77] PTC, Inteligo;[78] Orange, Bank Zachodni WBK[79][80]


• Public transport: Metrorex,[81] RATT[82] and RATB[83]


• Public transport: Moscow Metro and Mobile TeleSystems[84]


• Mobile payments, marketing: Banka Koper, Cassis International, Inside Contactless, System Orga, Mobitel[85]


• Mobile shopping: Telefonica, Visa, La Caixa (Sitges)[86]

• Public transport: Bankinter, Ericsson, Empresa Municipal de Transportes (Madrid);[87] Vodafone, Entidad Publicadel Transporte (Murcia)[88]

• Event product payments: Mobile World Congress, GSMA, Telefonica, Visa, Samsung, Giesecke & Devrient,Ingenico, ITN International, La Caixa[89]

Near field communication 14

• Employee payment, building access: Telefonica Espana, La Caixa, BBVA, Bankinter, Visa, Samsung, Oberthur,Autogrill, Giesecke & Devrient[90]


• Airline Smart Pass: SAS Scandinavian Airlines introduces an NFC-based Smart Pass for frequent flyers, and theaviation industry’s adoption of NFC is now truly underway.[91]

• Hotel keys: Choice Hotels Scandinavia, Assa Abloy, TeliaSonera, VingCard Elsafe, Venyon (Stockholm)[92]

• Transportation: Pay as you go in Southern Sweden with NFC enabled "Jojo cards" [93]


• Phone service kiosk: Sicap, Swisscom[94]


• Yapı ve Kredi Bankası and Turkcell, NFC is used on mobile payment all over Turkey with Yapı ve Kredi Bankasıcredit cards via mobile phones using Turkcell sim cards[95][96]

• Mobile payments: Yapi Kredi, Turkcell, Wireless Dynamics;[97] Avea, Garanti Bank, Gemalto[98]

• Device testing: Visa Europe, Akbank[99]

 United Kingdom

Contactless payment: Transport for London[100]

• Transport study: Department for Transport, Consult Hyperion[101]

• Mobile payments: Waspit, Yates;[102] Barclaycard and Everything Everywhere (Orange, T-Mobile)[103]

North America


• Contactless Payment Cards: MasterCard Paypass, Visa PayWave• Mobile wallet: Zoompass, offered by Bell Mobility, Rogers and Telus (Enstream)[104]

• Public Transit: Presto Card• TAPmeTAGS Opens In Canada: Offered by Synaptic Vision Inc., Tapmetags [105] = NFC World [106] | - April 4,


 United States

• Device trial: Bank of America, Device Fidelity;[107] US Bank, Device Fidelity, FIS, Montise[108]

• Mobile payments: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile;[109] Adirondack Trust;[110] Community State Bank;[111] BankersBank of the West;[112] PayPal;[113] Bank of America;[114] US Bank;[115] Wells Fargo;[116] Blackboard;[117]

Google Wallet[118]

• Community Marketing and Business Rating: Google Places: Portland, OR; Austin, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Madison,WI; Charlotte, NC.[119]

• Public transit: Visa, New York City Transit, NJ Transit, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,Chicago Transit Authority, LA Metro (New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, CA)[120]

Near field communication 15

Asia and Oceania


• Mobile payments: m Payments Pty Ltd[121]

• Contactless Micro Payment Cards: m Payments Pty Ltd[122]

• Contactless Payment and Loyalty: m Payments Pty Ltd[122]

• Mobile payments: Visa and ANZ Banking Group[123]

• Mobile payments: PayPass and Facebook and Commonwealth Bank Australia[124]


• Mobile payments: China Unicom, Bank of Communications, China UnionPay[125]

• Mobile transport ticketing: China Unicom[126]

 Hong Kong

• Contactless Payment/Public Transit: Octopus Card


• Mobile banking: A Little World;[127] Citibank India[128]

• Tata Docomo, MegaSoft XIUS (Hyderabad)[129]

• PayMate have partnered Nokia to deploy NFC payment solution for mass market in India through Nokia NFCenabled handsets.[130]

• Tagstand partnered with Paymate to deploy an NFC marketing campaign for Nokia and the movie Ra-One inpriority partner stores across India.[131]


• Consumer services: Softbank Mobile, Credit Saison, Orient Corporation[132]

• Consumer services: KDDI, Toyota, Orient Corporation, Credit Saison, Aiwa Card Services, Mastercard, NomuraResearch Institute, All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Toho Cinemas, Dai Nippon Printing, NTT Data,T-Engine, IBM, Japan Remote Control Co., Hitachi, Gemalto[133]

• Consumer services: NTT Docomo and KT[134]

• Social networking: Mixi[135]


•• Clixster•• Maxis FastTap


•• Consumer and commercial services : Jollibee Happyplus Card•• Xcite Republic : J Centre Mall

 South Korea

• Consumer and commercial services: KT solo and with NTT Docomo[136]

• Cross-border services (with Japan): SK Telecom, KDDI, Softbank[137]

• Mobile payment: SK Telecom, Hana SK Card[138]

• Guided shopping: SK Telecom[139]

Near field communication 16


• Mobile payments:MasterCard, DBS Bank, StarHub, EZ-Link, Gemalto[140]

 Sri Lanka

• Consumer services: Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel, Sony Corporation[141]


• Mobile payments: Kasikorn Bank, AIS, Gemalto[142]

Latin America


• Mobile payments: Oi Paggo, Germalto’s Upteq N-Flex[143]

Middle East


• Mobile NFC payment is launched by Padisarco in Iran for the first time 2011.[144]

Notes[1] "What is NFC?" (http:/ / www. nfc-forum. org/ aboutnfc/ ). NFC Forum. . Retrieved 14 June 2011.[2] Nikhila (26 October 2011). "NFC - future of wireless communication" (http:/ / www. gadgetronica. com/ blog/ near-field-communication.

html). Gadgetronica. .[3] "Technical Specifications" (http:/ / www. nfc-forum. org/ specs/ spec_list/ ). NFC Forum. . Retrieved 11 December 2011.[4] "ISO/IEC 18092:2004 Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Near Field

Communication -- Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1)" (http:/ / www. iso. org/ iso/ catalogue_detail. htm?csnumber=38578). ISO. . Retrieved11 December 2011.

[5] "About the Forum" (http:/ / www. nfc-forum. org/ aboutus/ ). NFC Forum. . Retrieved 7 May 2012.[6] Nosowitz, Dan (1 March 2011). "Everything You Need to Know About Near Field Communication" (http:/ / www. popsci. com/ gadgets/

article/ 2011-02/ near-field-communication-helping-your-smartphone-replace-your-wallet-2010/ ). Popular Science Magazine. PopularScience. . Retrieved 14 June 2011.

[7] "Google Wallet - where it works" (http:/ / www. google. com/ wallet/ where-it-works. html). Google. . Retrieved 11 December 2011. Currentparticipating retailers include: Macy's, American Eagle, and Subway.

[8] "Germany: Transit Officials Enable Users to Tap or Scan in New Trial" (http:/ / www. nfctimes. com/ project/germany-transit-officials-enable-users-tap-and-scan-new-trial). NFC Times. February 11, 2011. .

[9] "Austria: ‘Rollout’ Uses NFC Reader Mode To Sell Tickets and Snacks" (http:/ / www. nfctimes. com/ project/austria-rollout-uses-nfc-reader-mode-sell-tickets-and-snacks). NFC Times. March 1, 2011. .

[10] "NFC as Technology Enabler" (http:/ / www. nfc-forum. org/ aboutnfc/ tech_enabler/ ). NFC Forum. . Retrieved 15 June 2011.[11] Pelly, Nick; Hamilton, Jeff (10 May 2011). "How to NFC" (http:/ / www. google. com/ events/ io/ 2011/ sessions/ how-to-nfc. html). Google

I/O 2011. . Retrieved 14 June 2011.[12] "NFC will catch on ‘like wildfire’ says Sundance festival game creator" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 20/

36516/ nfc-will-catch-on-like-wildfire-says-sundance-festival-game-creator/ ). Near Field Communications World. 20 March 2011. .[13] Charles A. Walton "Portable radio frequency emitting identifier" U.S. Patent 4,384,288 (http:/ / www. google. com/ patents?vid=4,384,288)

issue date May 17, 1983[14] "kia, Philips and Sony established the Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum" (http:/ / www. nfc-forum. org/ news/ pr/

view?item_key=d8968a33b4812e2509e5b74247d1366dc8ef91d8). NFC Forum. 18 Mar 2004. . Retrieved 14 June 2011.[15] "NFC Forum Unveils Technology Architecture And Announces Initial Specifications And Mandatory Tag Format Support" (http:/ / www.

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Near field communication 18

belgian-banks-and-mobile-operators-to-launch-sms-and-nfc-mobile-payments-service-in-2011/ ), Near Field Communications World,February 10, 2011, .

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[55] "Czech Banks and Supermarket to Test NFC with Telefónica O2" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 31/ 36771/czech-banks-and-supermarket-to-test-nfc-with-telefonica-o2/ ), Near Field Communications World NFC World, March 31, 2011, .

[56] http:/ / www. nfc. dk/[57] NFC (http:/ / www. nfc. dk/ ), DK, .[58] "France national home care services association to roll out NFC services" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 03/ 24/

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com/ 2010/ 10/ 15/ 34701/ consortium-funding-nfc-tsm-tpp-healthcare/ ), NFC World, October 15, 2010, .[60] "Orange France launches NFC time and attendance service" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 06/ 14/ 33925/

orange-france-launches-nfc-time-and-attendance-service/ ), Near Field Communications World NFC World, June 14, 2010, .[61] "France’s top sporting venue to adopt NFC ticketing" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 07/ 21/ 34175/

frances-top-sporting-venue-to-adopt-nfc-ticketing/ ), NFC World, July 21, 2010, .[62] "Centre Pompidou’s Teen Gallery lets young people test NFC", NFC World, November 19, 2010.[63] "French government funds nine NFC cities" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 01/ 13/ 35630/

french-government-funds-nine-nfc-cities/ ), NFC World, January 13, 2011, .[64] "French retailers begin the move to NFC loyalty programmes" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 06/ 17/ 33943/

french-retailers-begin-the-move-to-nfc-loyalty-programmes/ ), NFC World, June 17, 2010, .[65] "Veolia Transport to add NFC and 2D barcodes to 1,500 bus and tram stops in Nice region" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld.

com/ 2010/ 04/ 21/ 33450/ veolia-transport-to-add-nfc-and-2d-barcodes-to-1500-bus-and-tram-stops-in-nice-region/ ), NFC World, April 21,2010, .

[66] "Transport operators Deutsche Bahn and RMV to co-operate on national NFC ticketing system for Germany" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 03/ 36340/transport-operators-deutsche-bahn-and-rmv-to-co-operate-on-national-nfc-ticketing-system-for-germany/ ), NFC World, March 3, 2011, .

[67] "Deutsche Telekom details T-Mobile NFC rollout plans" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 02/ 21/ 36117/deutsche-telekom-details-t-mobile-nfc-rollout-plans/ ), NFC World, February 21, 2011, .

[68] "Vodafone brings NFC payments to Hungary’s Sziget Festival" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 04/ 14/ 37000/vodafone-brings-nfc-payments-to-hungarys-sziget-festival/ ), NFC World, April 14, 2011, .

[69] "First Data joint venture to offer mobile contactless loyalty service to merchants in UK and Ireland" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 08/ 27/ 34371/first-data-joint-venture-to-offer-mobile-contactless-loyalty-service-to-merchants-in-uk-and-ireland/ ), NFC World, August 27, 2010, .

[70] http:/ / www. NFC-Israel. co. il[71] NFC Israel (http:/ / www. nfc-Israel. co. il), .[72] "Milan to get NFC ticketing system" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 28/ 36639/

milan-to-get-nfc-ticketing-system/ ), NFC World, March 28, 2011, .[73] "Poland and Italy commit to contactless payments" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 01/ 21/ 32572/

poland-and-italy-commit-to-contactless-payments/ ), NFC World, January 21, 2010, .[74] "Omnitel launches national NFC service in Lithuania" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 07/ 11/ 38528/

omnitel-launches-national-nfc-service-in-lithuania/ ), NFC World, July 11, 2011, .[75] "Dutch banks and mobile operators to launch national NFC service" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 09/ 09/

34439/ dutch-banks-and-mobile-operators-to-launch-national-nfc-service/ ), NFC World, September 9, 2010, .[76] "Rabobank adds NFC stickers to MiniTix mobile wallet" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 28/ 36666/

rabobank-adds-nfc-stickers-to-minitix-mobile-wallet/ ), NFC World, March 28, 2011, .[77] "Polkomtel and BZ WBK bank to run NFC trial in three Polish cities" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 04/ 29/

33552/ polkomtel-and-bz-wbk-bank-to-run-nfc-trial-in-three-polish-cities/ ), NFC World, April 29, 2010, .[78] "PTC Inteligo and Mastercard test NFC payments in Poland" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 06/ 10/ 33916/

ptc-inteligo-and-mastercard-test-nfc-payments-in-poland/ ), Near Field Communications World, June 10, 2010, .[79] "Orange launches NFC payments trial in Poland" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 21/ 36546/

orange-launches-nfc-payments-trial-in-poland/ ), NFC World, March 21, 2011, .[80] (in Polish) Telepolis (http:/ / www. telepolis. pl/ news. php?id=20930), PL, 3 October 2010, .[81] "Aces ultrarapi la metrou cu cardul contactless instant pay de la BRD" (http:/ / www. efin. ro/ stiri_financiare/ produse_financiare/

acces_ultrarapid_la_metrou_cu_cardul_contactless_instant_pay_de_la_brd. html) (in Romanian), Efin, RO,[82] "Taxare" (http:/ / www. ratt. ro/ taxare/ ), Ratt, RO, .[83] "Portofelul electronic este o facilitate a Cardului ACTIV ce poate fi activata prin centrele RATB de emitere si reincarcare carduri" (http:/ /

card. ratb. ro/ ), RATB, RO, .[84] Mosmetro (http:/ / engl. mosmetro. ru/ pages/ page_1. php?id_page=56& id_text=956), RU, .

Near field communication 19

[85] "Banka Koper begins NFC payments and promotions trial in Slovenia" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 02/ 11/32693/ banka-koper-begins-nfc-payments-and-promotions-trial-in-slovenia/ ), NFC World, February 10, 2010, .

[86] "Sitges trial results: Consumers pay more often and spend more with NFC phones than with cards" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 01/ 07/ 35576/sitges-trial-results-consumers-pay-more-often-and-spend-more-with-nfc-phones-than-with-cards/ ), NFC World, January 7, 2011, .

[87] "NFC bus ticketing trial to take place in Madrid" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 02/ 12/ 32732/nfc-bus-ticketing-trial-to-take-place-in-madrid/ ), NFC World, February 12, 2010, .

[88] "Vodafone and EPT launch NFC bus ticketing service in Murcia, Spain" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 28/36634/ vodafone-and-ept-launch-nfc-bus-ticketing-service-in-murcia-spain/ ), NFC World, March 28, 2011, .

[89] "NFC trial begins at Mobile World Congress" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 02/ 15/ 32738/nfc-trial-begins-at-mobile-world-congress/ ), NFC World, February 15, 2010, .

[90] "Telefonica staff to test NFC payments and access control" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 04/ 01/ 36825/telefonica-staff-to-test-nfc-payments-and-access-control/ ), NFC World, April 1, 2011, .

[91] "SAS Scandinavian Airlines introduces an NFC-based Smart Pass for frequent flyers" (http:/ / www. futuretravelexperience. com/ 2011/ 06/sas-launches-nfc-smart-pass/ ). Future Travel Experience. 2011-6. .

[92] "NFC phones replace room keys and eliminate check-in at Swedish hotel" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 11/ 03/34886/ nfc-keys-hotel-sweden/ ), NFC World, November 3, 2010, .

[93] Skånetrafiken (http:/ / www. skanetrafiken. se/ templates/ InformationPage. aspx?id=13848& epslanguage=EN), .[94] "Swisscom prepaid customers top up at in-store NFC kiosks" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 04/ 08/ 36941/

swisscom-prepaid-customers-top-up-at-in-store-nfc-kiosks/ ), Near Field Communications World, April 8, 2011, .[95] (in Turkish) World Mobil Ödeme Özelliği: PayMobile (http:/ / www. worldcard. com. tr/ worldu-taniyin/ paymobile/ ), TR: Worldcard, .[96] Turkcell Cep-T Cüzdan (http:/ / www. turkcell. com. tr/ bireysel/ servisler/ ceptfinans/ turkcellceptcuzdan), TR, .[97] "Yapi Kredi Bank and Turkcell to launch NFC payments service using Visa’s iPhone add-on" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld.

com/ 2011/ 01/ 31/ 35801/ yapi-kredi-bank-and-turkcell-to-launch-nfc-payments-service-using-visa-iphone-add-on/ ), NFC World, January 31,2011, .

[98] "Garanti Bank and Ave to launch commercial NFC service in Turkey in July" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 05/14/ 33657/ garanti-bank-and-avea-to-launch-commercial-nfc-service-in-turkey-in-july/ ), NFC World, May 14, 2010, .

[99] "Turkey’s Akbank and Visa Europe to test microsD NFC device" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 08/ 09/ 34266/turkeys-akbank-and-visa-europe-to-test-microsd-nfc-device/ ), NFC World, August 9, 2010, .

[100] "Transport for London confirms plans to accept contactless cards in time for Olympics" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld.com/ 2011/ 02/ 27/ 36204/ transport-for-london-confirms-plans-to-accept-contactless-cards-in-time-for-olympics/ ), NFC World, February 27,2011, .

[101] "UK’s Dept for Transport reports on 18-month NFC ticketing project" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 04/ 13/33371/ uks-dept-for-transport-reports-on-18-month-nfc-ticketing-project/ ), NFC World, April 13, 2010, .

[102] "Pub chain Yates’s partners with Waspit for launch of NFC payments service in the UK" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld.com/ 2010/ 11/ 01/ 34842/ pub-chain-yatess-partners-with-waspit-for-launch-of-nfc-payments-service-in-the-uk/ ), NFC World, November 1,2010, .

[103] "Orange and Barclaycard set date for UK’s first commercial NFC service" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 01/27/ 35762/ orange-and-barclaycard-set-date-for-uks-first-commercial-nfc-service/ ), NFC World, January 27, 2011, .

[104] "Enstream begins Zoompass Mobile Payments Sticker Trial" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 03/ 04/ 32909/enstream-begins-zoompass-mobile-payments-sticker-trial/ ), NFC World, March 4, 2010, .

[105] http:/ / www. tapmetags. com[106] http:/ / www. nfcworld. com/ 2012/ 04/ 04/ 314998/ tapmetags-opens-in-canada/[107] "Bank of America NFC trial to focus on customer experience" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 10/ 15/ 34687/

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Near field communication 20

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[132] "Softbank to test NFC in Japan" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 04/ 22/ 33481/kddi-to-run-multiple-nfc-tests-in-japan/ ), NFC World, December 15, 2010, .

[133] "KDDI to run multiple NFC tests in Japan" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 04/ 22/ 33481/kddi-to-run-multiple-nfc-tests-in-japan/ ), NFC World, April 22, 2010, .

[134] "NTT Docomo partners with Korea’s KT to switch to NFC at end of 2012" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 02/09/ 35835/ ntt-docomo-partners-with-koreas-kt-to-switch-to-nfc-at-end-of-2012/ ), NFC World, February 9, 2011, .

[135] "Japanese social network Mixi introduces NFC check-ins" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 02/ 10/ 35880/japanese-social-network-mixi-introduces-nfc-check-ins/ ), NFC World, February 11, 2011, .

[136] "KT to launch commercial NFC service with new Samsung handset, Android NFC devices to follow" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 10/ 14/ 34666/ kt-commercial-nfc-service-samsung-shw-a170k-android-to-follow), Near FieldCommunications World, October 14, 2010, .

[137] "KDDI, Softbank, SK Telecom begin testing joint NFC services for Japanese and Korean customers" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 02/ 09/ 35839/ kddi-softbank-sk-telecom-testing-joint-nfc-services-for-japan-korea-consumers/ ),NFC World, February 9, 2011, .

[138] "SK Telecom and Hana launch SIM-based mobile contactless payments and promotions service" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 03/ 25/ 33318/sk-telecom-and-hana-launch-sim-based-mobile-contactless-payments-and-promotions-service/ ), NFC World, March 25, 2010, .

[139] "SK Telecom opens retail outlet that uses NFC to let shoppers browse in-store and buy online" (http:/ / www.nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2011/ 03/ 28/ 36656/ sk-telecom-q-store-retail-nfc-browse-in-store-buy-online/ ), NFC World, March28, 2011, .

[140] "DBS, StarHub and EZ-Link to begin Singapore NFC pilot in December" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 11/29/ 35271/ dbs-starhub-and-ez-link-to-begin-singapore-nfc-pilot-in-december/ ), NFC World, November 29, 2010, .

[141] "Mobitel and Sony to introduce national NFC service in Sri Lanka" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 11/ 05/34899/ mobitel-and-sony-to-introduce-national-nfc-service-in-sri-lanka/ ), NFC World, November 5, 2010, .

[142] "Mobile payments: Kasikornban, AIS, Gemalto" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 07/ 20/ 34170/kasikornbank-and-ais-introduce-nfc-payments-in-thailand/ ), Near Field Communications World, July 10, 2010, .

Near field communication 21

[143] "Mobile payments: Oi Paggo, Germalto’s Upteq N-Flex" (http:/ / www. nearfieldcommunicationsworld. com/ 2010/ 05/ 28/ 33765/oi-paggo-to-run-nfc-field-trial-in-brazil-using-gemalto-nfc-add-on/ ), NFC World, May 28, 2010, .

[144] Padisarco (http:/ / www. padisarco. com/ ), .

References• Ortiz, C. Enrique (2006-06). "An Introduction to Near-Field Communication and the Contactless Communication

API" (http:/ / java. sun. com/ developer/ technicalArticles/ javame/ nfc/ ). Retrieved 2008-10-24.• Kasper, Timo; Dario Carluccio, Christof Paar (May 2007). "An embedded system for practical security analysis

of contactless smartcards" (http:/ / www. crypto. rub. de/ imperia/ md/ content/ texte/ publications/ conferences/embedded_system. pdf) (PDF). Springer LNCS (Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices 2007,Heraklion, Crete, Greece) 4462: 150–60.

Further reading• Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology and Measurements (http:/ / www. rohde-schwarz. com/ appnote/

1MA182. pdf)

External links• NFC technology information, news & resources. (http:/ / www. nfcmagazine. com).• About NFC Antennas (http:/ / www. antenna-theory. com/ definitions/ nfc-antenna. php).• ISO/IEC 18092:2004 (http:/ / www. iso. org/ iso/ en/ CatalogueDetailPage.

CatalogueDetail?CSNUMBER=38578& ICS1=35& ICS2=100& ICS3=10), ISO.• Touch project (http:/ / www. nearfield. org/ ), Near Field.• Mobile phones hope to be 'smart wallet' (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 1/ hi/ technology/ 6168222. stm), "BBC", BBC

News (UK), November 21, 2006.• "Preparing for the NFC revolution" (http:/ / www. futuretravelexperience. com/ 2011/ 07/

preparing-for-the-nfc-revolution/ ), Future Travel Experience.• Near "Future of Near Field" (http:/ / www. theglobeandmail. com/ servlet/ story/ RTGAM. 20070911.

wgtnearfielf0911/ BNStory/ PersonalTech), The Globe and Mail.• "Near Field Communications in the security industry — Access Control with mobile phones" (http:/ / www.

sourcesecurity. com/ news/ articles/ co-3108-ga. 5735. html), Source Security.• "A day at MIT with Near-Field Communication" (http:/ / vimeo. com/ 2028724/ ) (Video), Vimeo.

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