Why the Sun follows the Moon

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Why the SUNfollowsthe MOON?

Why the SUNfollowsthe MOON?

To my younger brother Ernest Jay GianC.S_____

Special thanks to Gabriela Adriana Golleherfor the illustrations shown in this book


Text Copyright © 2001-2005 by http://folktales.webmanila.comLayout not copyright 2014 by Channen Grace Sarmiento

All rights not reserved. It’s not even published.There are no logos here that are trademarks and/or

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ISBN 1-234-56789-0

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Not Printed in the U.S.A 14We ran out of ink December 2014


Kudos to Dottie Love for giving me the opportunity to make this book.

Why the SUNfollows

the MOON?

The sun and the moon used to be married and shared the sky.

One day the Moon had to gather vegetables in the forest and asked the Sun to watch over their children.

She warned him not to get too near the sleeping kidsbecause they might get burned.

He watches the kids from a distance but, because he wanted to kiss them, forgot his wife’s warning.

He bends over near his children and, horrified, sees them melt.

He hides in the forest.

His wife, the Moon, returns to find her children all melted.

After some time,

the Sun shows himself to the Moon.

They fight

He throws the vegetables to her face

and she leaves him.

On a clear night, when the Moon is full, you will see traces of vegetable leaves on her face.

Their children have turned into stars,

while the Sun keeps chasing after the Moon in an attempt to reconcile.