Why some people will always be fat

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Why will some people always

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  • 1. FemaleMenopauseMentors.com Why some People will ALWAYS be FAT! Learn the following: - Myths about fat - Why does our body burn fat - What medication helps us burn fat? - What helps us lose excess fat? - How many calories per day? - What should I eat? - Down load 30 tips from our blog By Bruce Bair PAC and Anne Vaillancourt PAC

2. Myths about Fat

  • Fat is not just extra weight, it is a hormone producing tissue

3. Most of our stored fat is not dietary fat, it is made from Carbohydrates we eat 4. Fat storage is linked to insulin levels 5. Why does our body burn fat?

  • There is more stored fat than stored sugar

6. Anytime we need more energy for daily activity between meals we burn fat 7. When glucose is not available or ignored by our cells 8. What medication helps us burn fat?

  • Short answer NONE

9. Synthetic hormones are used to boost metabolism 10. Some medications supress appetite 11. Others block nutrient absorption 12. What can you do to lose excess fat?

  • Get 7 hours of sleep every night

13. Do an hour a day of very low intensity exercise 14. It does not have to be a continuous hour buta cumulative hour

  • Stop stimulating insulin

15. Stop eating anything with any form of added sugar 16. Only eat fruit whole, not juiced 17. Eat only exactly what you need for your ideal weight 18. How many calories per day?

  • 10 cal/lb each day if you do not get out of bed to stay the same weight

19. If you work in an office and drive or bus to work 12cal/lb of IDEAL body weight 20. 14 cal/lb of IDEAL body weight daily if you walk an hour a day 21. What should I eat?

  • Do not eat food that have a high glycemic index/load

22. Easier no sugar, no second servings, no snacks 23. If it has more than 3 ingredients on the label do not buy or eat it.

  • Eat some good fats from olive oil, coconut oil and a little animal fat like Salmon, Sardines and Tuna

24. Avoid soy in all its American forms! 25. Eat fresh food or left overs but not processed food 26. Spend more time playing

  • Walk when ever you can

27. Too dark or unsafe for a walk Dance indoors 28. Have a competiton: stand on one foot or walk back and forth across a room in a certain time period 29. The Diet is 80% and Exercise 20% Download our 30 tips to avoid weight gain Implement some of the tips,But Only do one or two new ones each week Have a competition with some friends or Hire a Coach or Join a group that Encourages a healthy lifestyle There is no secret except PERSISTENCE In doing the right actions 30. Anne Vaillancourt PAC and Bruce L Bair PAC Invite You to read their blog Leave them comments and questions and tobecome a member ofFemaleMenopauseMentors.com Before prices go up June 30, 2010 Listen to Bruce discuss the info on the blog On his show Ask an Expert Every Thursday night at 730PM EST www.blogtalkradio.com/bruce-bair