Why Silver 2013

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History of Silver Silver, often called the poor man’s gold, has actually been worth more than gold twice in recorded history. This is important because we at believe that an ounce of silver in the next 30 years has the potential to be equal in price to an ounce of gold. It is gold that often gets the credit for being real money, but let us dive into seeing why silver is the real money. To start, we shall take a look at the Webster Dictionary definition of the word

“ .” money Money: ‘Something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.’

Does silver meet the definition of money? Yes, in our opinion it absolutely does and in fact it meets that definition more closely than gold

does. Is gold money? Yes, gold is real money, with a 6,000 year old resume to convince you so. Gold however, in the last thousand years has been the money of kings. Silver has been the common man’s money; the money that is recognized officially and unofficially as a medium of exchange. Silver was something with a constant measure of value and of course a means of payment. This last part is where gold just doesn’t stack up to silver. Silver broken down to 1/10 of an ounce is worth approximately three bucks at

today’s prices. Silver is perfect for everyday purchases of bread, fruit, meat, and other daily human needs. Gold, even if you took 1/10 of an ounce which is smaller than a tenth of an ounce of silver, is worth $160 at today’s prices (measured in U.S. currency). Knowing this, gold simply cannot be used for money when it comes to everyday transactions. It is unrealistic to think that we could use physical gold to buy everyday commodities. In order for gold to be money for everyday transactions, we would need a type of gold certificate that represents fractions of ounces or grams of gold, rather than walking around with a bunch of gold dust or tiny slices. Could you imagine attempting to purchase items with a piece of gold the size of an ant? Using 90% junk silver in pre-1965 dimes for example, at today’s silver spot prices, that silver dime is worth $2.15. In actuality, a dollar’s worth of pre-1964 junk coins had 0.72 ounces of silver in them. The common assumption now is to assume 0.715 ounces are in them today after wear and tear over the years. A dime is a very reasonably sized denomination of money that you can hold in your pocket or travel with to use for everyday purchases. That same dime however, if it were gold, would be worth about $300 at today’s spot levels. We want to really emphasize this point that when it comes to the best definition for money, silver easily trumps gold, platinum, palladium, and diamonds. Now this could change in the future, but for now, silver is money. Even if silver was worth $250 an ounce, a silver dime would only be worth $17.87 and you can imagine that prices for the vast amount of goods that contain silver would have to go up in price as well to reflect the

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rising cost of silver that is contained within the products. To be very clear, this report isn’t supposed to be about silver vs. gold, since is very bullish on both the precious metals. However, our bullishness on gold is miniscule when compared to our outlook for silver. Silver doesn’t need a fiat currency crisis to be a great investment, it just needs time. For silver’s rise, the death of our fiat currency system is just the icing on the cake.

Silver vs. the U.S. Dollar

When looking at silver vs. the U.S. Dollar, it is pretty ugly for the dollar. In 1964 the U.S. federal debt was $316 Billion and the Dow Jones saw a high of 891. This year, the last year a quarter was real money, a gallon of gasoline cost around 25 cents, a dozen eggs cost approximately 50 cents, and a gallon of milk was around one dollar. This means we needed one quarter for a gallon of gas, two quarters for eggs, and four quarters for milk. Fast forward to today, when the average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.75. This means it takes 15 quarters to

purchase one gallon of gasoline, unless, of course, you had a silver quarter made in let’s say 1950. This coin has a current silver value of $5 using the average silver price from

2010 to 2013 of $27.57. With this silver quarter you could not only still afford to purchase a gallon of gasoline with the same amount of money, but get change back. In terms of silver, gas has actually gone down by 33%. On the other hand, when using a paper currency backed by debt as your medium of exchange, gas has risen 1,400%! When looking at other items such as eggs and milk, the average cost for those items today in fiat dollars is $1.83 and $3.55 respectively. It now takes just over seven quarters for eggs and 14 quarters for milk. Seems like prices are really going up aren’t they? In fiat terms they are because your measuring stick is flawed. Paper money always loses value and will eventually return to its inherent value: Nothing. Think about the collectable coins you may have. These coins may not be in circulation anymore, but they still have real value. It is not the collectors’ value though, it is the real value of the metal mined from the earth that is contained in that coin. Now think about the value of an old paper currency that is no longer in circulation, it is the same as a baseball card, only worth something to others who want an old paper currency. To everyone else that piece of paper with pretty writing and a slight green tint is worthless. A paper bill has no natural value. In paper money terms, eggs have risen 266% and milk 255% since 1964. We argue that it isn’t the items’ prices rising; it is the value of the currency that is falling. The distribution of these items is better than ever. Mass production, increasing technology, and improved

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delivery systems have made these products more easily available to an increasing consumer base. As technology improves, prices should fall, not rise. By using the U.S. dollar as our medium of exchange however, prices are rising every day. In real money terms calculating inflation, the price of eggs has fallen 83% from 1964 to 2012. This makes sense for the reason stated above because the ability to sell eggs to consumers is much more efficient than it was in the old days of 1964. When looking at milk, milk has fallen in price since 1964 when it took four quarters to purchase a gallon whereas now it takes less than one quarter. This is a drop by about 83%. We should not have to mention that the quarters we are using in this example are quarters containing silver which we use as the barometer for value. Now let’s talk about the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In 1964 it took 3,564 quarters to equal the Dow. Today with the Dow 12,400 it takes 49,600 quarters. However, if you take the value in quarters minted in the 1950s, which is a value of $5.36, the Dow Jones is only worth 2,313 of those quarters. It took 25 ounces of gold in 1964 to purchase the Dow, today it takes 7.8 ounces of gold. Now to show that this isn’t just an isolated situation just in metals, we will use other things set

mainly by the market in 1964 to use as a gauge for the Dow. In 1964 it took 1,782 egg cartons to purchase the Dow. Today the Dow is worth 6,776 egg cartons. This is good, this means that priced in eggs, the Dow is up 280%. However, measured in dollars, the Dow is up a massive 1,300%. In terms of real money the Dow is down, but in terms of purchasing power measured with eggs, it is up 280%. In terms of fiat currency it is doing spectacular. Real money keeps or gains its purchasing power. If it didn’t, why would anyone save in it? Money has to be a store of wealth; it has to have purchasing power that doesn’t get devalued in order to make the stock market look like a great investment. When it comes to purchasing power, you have to look at a person’s annual wage. To do this, we will visit back to 1964 one last time. This was the last time in our history that the U.S. had real money in circulation. In 1964 the average income was $4,576 dollars a year; this was typically a single income earner for an entire household. Today the average income is $41,673. Using the conventional measuring stick of fiat currency, income has rose in the U.S. by 810% since 1964. It is important for most people to know though, that your purchasing definitely has NOT gone up 810%. If you were paid in silver ounces at a price of $1.29 per ounce, you would have been paid 3,547 ounces of silver. If someone paid you the exact number of ounces of silver today, they would be paying you $106,410 at $30 per ounce of silver. This means that in silver

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ounces, Americans are being paid 61% less what they earned in 1964. This makes complete sense knowing that now it takes two income earners to raise a family. When estimating a household’s purchasing power, we are effectively about the same even though we now have two people working in a household instead of just one. This means the real standard of living, despite our vast technological advancements, has actually lowered. Americans quality of life is not better or even equal to what it was in 1964. It now takes two workers and a credit card or two in order to keep up with the cost of living. Suppose you were paid in shares of the Dow in 1964, you would have received 5.13 shares a year. Today, you would be paid 3.3 shares. The average cost of a house was about three times the average income, today the national average for a home is four times the average income.

When it comes to purchasing power, Americans are on a fiat currency treadmill and their pay appears to be steadily moving forward. But when you step back and look at their purchasing power it is actually going down, especially when you compare apples to apples. That is why the best way of knowing how much a dollar is worth, is seeing how many dollars it takes to purchase an ounce of silver, or how many dollars it takes to buy a 25 cent

piece (quarter) that used to be in circulation. Remember, if we just focused on the content of silver in the quarter, in 1964 we would be paying 18,304 quarters for your annual wages but today, with the value of the silver in that same quarter equaling $5.36, wages would only need to be 7,775 pre-1964 quarters. Silver is money. The word money in fact means silver in over 50 countries. Silver meets the exact definition: A medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment. The only reason silver isn’t generally accepted today is because the U.S. government has outlawed competing currencies and has conditioned its citizens into believing the dollar is king when it comes to money. The only reason the U.S. government can make this case is because the dollar was once backed by gold and silver. The dollar for all intents and purposes was as good as gold at one point, but now it is as good as thin air. Our money displayed silver or gold certificate on the top and now it states, quite anti-climactically, ‘Federal Reserve Note.’

Uses for Silver “Here we have a vital material, known to all men

for all time, literally disappearing before our eyes, both above and below ground. It is a material upon which modern life and rising standards of living are dependent. It is beyond

indispensable, it is a miracle metal. ” Ted Butler

You Can’t Beat Silver as an Investment

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One can make a great argument that platinum is a great investment with soaring industrial demand. One can also argue that gold is a great investment

with soaring monetary demand; however, silver is the only metal in the world where both arguments can be made. Silver is an industrial metal, jeweler’s metal, and is treated like a monetary safe haven (like gold is). The big difference between silver and gold is that gold is hoarded in vaults, with an increasing supply while silver is actually consumed, reducing overall supply. What most people don’t know is that right now there is less above ground available silver than there is gold, that’s right, there is less silver than gold. This trend of consuming silver and hoarding gold isn’t going to stop. The above ground supply for gold will continue to grow, while the above ground supply for silver will continue to move us towards a physical silver shortage. Silver is without a doubt the most important metal in the world, yet most people when they think about the uses for silver only think of jewelry, silverware, and perhaps photography. This barely scratches the surface for the uses for silver. Personally, we could write an entire book on just the different applications silver is involved in. Silver is the best conductor of electricity and heat. Silver can also withstand extreme temperatures without igniting.

Here are some of the uses for silver that will help continue to grow demand for physical silver. We want everyone to understand that silver is all around you; whether you are talking on the phone, driving in your car, or looking for something to eat in your refrigerator, silver is in more products than you can imagine. Silver Antibacterial Bandages

Silver has germicidal effects that kill many lower organisms. The colloidal or ionic silver is a silver solution that is an

antibacterial product now sold on special bandages. For years, burn wards have soaked bandages in low concentrations of silver solution in order to prevent infection. Silver has been used to preserve and help save the skin of burn victims. Silver also promotes the production of cells, helping to heal wounds faster. Washing Machines This may not be what you’re thinking, so please don’t start disassembling your old washing machine in order to extract some precious silver. The silver we are talking about is in the new Samsung washing machines that inject silver ions into the rinse cycle in order to kill 99.9% of bacteria that causes odors. By using about 1 ounce of silver, these Samsung washing machines can sanitize over 3,000 loads, this means no hot water or bleach necessary, just a dash of silver.

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Food Processing Silver based food packaging liners that preserve food quality made by Agion. They use an active ingredient called silver zeolite which dispenses silver metal ions in a controlled release over time. The silver is able to disrupt microbe growth by interrupting ribonucleic acid that is needed for an organism to reproduce. Water Storage According to David Eaton, secretary of The Institute of Water Ionization Technologies in the United Kingdom, silver based water purification systems offer the most reliable and cost effective alternative to chlorine. In fact, both Russian scientists and NASA concluded that the best method for long term water purification was using silver as the purifying agent. Silver kills bacteria in the water and is able to help maintain the purity over a long period of time. Ever wanted to store water? You can put a few drips of colloidal silver and kill over 650 known bacteria that grow in stored water. On cruise ships and airplanes, they often make sure there is some silver in their water tanks for this very reason. Silver was even used in the 1980’s in the United Kingdom to help stop the spread of Legionnaire’s disease, a disease named after Legionella Pneumophila, an aquatic organism. Oxygen Machines Since silver will not ignite, if you want to avoid a spark turning into an explosion,

then you need to use silver. Hospitals handle pure oxygen at high pressure in liquid form. In order to avoid it becoming dangerous, the equipment used to transport the oxygen is made at least in part of silver. Autocatalyst In 2008, Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co Ltd announced that it had developed a new catalyst for diesel engine cars. This new autocatalyst replaces the use of platinum with silver. Platinum as this is being written is about 48 times more expensive than silver, so you can see that this will be a lasting change and another new use for silver. At the time of the announcement, a spokesperson for Mitsui stated that “silver will totally replace platinum in this new autocatalyst that we’ve developed.” Autocatalysts are used to filter out carbon monoxide and other particulates from the emissions of vehicles. Cell Phones

There is about 80 cents worth of

silver in the average cell phone, in fact the metal contents in cell phones are

very precious, having all four precious metals in them: Platinum, palladium, gold, and silver. Solar Panels Approximately one ounce of silver is in each solar panel you see on residential roofs. Without a doubt this is one of the fastest growing industrial uses for silver; this being photovoltaic cells in solar panels. In 1999 the amount of

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silver used in this industry was so small there isn’t even an official reporting of the number. Just 10 years later the number is 18 million ounces that were consumed by solar panel manufacturing. In 2011, 70 million ounces were used for solar panels. David Morgan, editor of The Morgan Report who runs the website Silver-Investor.com, feels that solar demand could reach 130 million ounces a year around 2014. Jessica Cross, CEO of the VM Group, believes that “solar panels will probably be one of the leading industrial uses” for silver. Silver is crucial in photovoltaic technology as silver helps collect electrons for the electrical current and transports them out of the module for power use. A case in point happened on July 4, 2013 when China’s State Council announced that it would grow it’s solar electricity by about 10 GW (gigawatts) per year until it reaches its target of more than 35 gigawatts by 2015; a stunning 67% increase above the previous target. Installed capacity in 2012 was about 7 GW, this translates into a 400% increase in solar capacity. A typical photovoltaic solar panel uses roughly two-thirds of an ounce of silver; about the same as 80 cellphones or 20 laptops. Architecture Glass Silver is used in the windows of skyscrapers in order to reflect away over 90% of the heat from sunlight. Silver, more than any other metal is the best reflector of light which is one of the reasons it is used in mirrors.

Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) Chips

This industry will one day replace bar codes, something that should be familiar to every American who’s ever purchased something at a retail store. Imagine the largest retailer in the world, Wal-Mart switching to use RFID tags, which have a thin silver foil as a high-performance receiver, in every single product they sell. This technology is basically a tag with a mini-antenna that saves data and is able to emit a radio wave in order to send information to a central processor. Basically, retailers and manufactures who want to know more about their products and have a more efficient flow of goods after leaving their possession can now have these RFID tags placed on their products. U.S. department of State for example uses RFID chips in all new American passports. Now the passports can be scanned by the authorities, who will see your personal information to verify it matches the same information on paper. RFID chips are controversial with civil rights and other groups, however, ignoring the controversy, RFID chips contain silver and are becoming very popular and thus will add to the growing silver demand. The important part to remember here is not that it is a small amount of silver in the RFID chips, but that once that silver is used to make

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one, it is literally out of the market forever. There are no plans to recycle or use that silver again for any other purpose. Medical Uses Silver compounds have a toxic effect on some bacteria, algae, fungi, and even some viruses. The use for silver goes back to the beginning with the father of medicine, Hippocrates, who wrote that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties. Silver was also used to prevent infection during war time before antibiotics were used. Batteries Silver oxide-zinc is used in batteries for digital cameras, watches, and phones. Recently it was announced that all Apple products will be using silver oxide-zinc batteries. Electronics

The use of silver in electronics is widespread and is used in almost all electronics you have in your home, from your television and computer to circuit breakers, switches, and

fuses which all have electrical components

containing silver. The odds are if something has a ‘power on’ button then it has some silver in it.

Silver Bearings Silver bearings in engines have become essential components in jet engines. Steel ball bearings that are electroplated with silver become the strongest type of bearing in the industry. As noted before, silver is able to withstand high temperatures which make this metal perfect for bearings in jet engines. According to the silver institute, even in the event of an oil pump failure, silver-plated bearings provide enough lubrication to allow a safe engine shutdown. Automotive Throughout your vehicle you have electronics, from opening your windows to adjusting your seats. Your engine has silver and even your antifreeze has ethylene oxide, a compound made from silver. Catalysts One of the largest uses for silver is in industries like the production of plastics, where silver is used as a catalyst. Approximately 150 million ounces of silver were used last year in order to produce ethylene oxide and formaldehyde, both of which are used to make plastics. Formaldehyde is the chemical building block for plastic and in order to produce that you need silver. Once again you see that the products of silver are all around you, even if they don’t have silver in them. That plastic cup you are drinking out of and the remote control in your hand needed silver in order to be created. The list for silver uses is starting to look as long as the lines at your local DMV.

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Silver is also used in lasers, satellites, robotics, high-tech weaponry, TV’s, refrigerators, wall switches, photography, glasses, brazing, soldering, cloud seeding, wood preservation, musical instruments, the automotive industry, explosives, dental fillings, methanol production, nuclear reactors, X-ray machines, polyester clothing, deodorant, disinfectants, catheters, and thousands of other applications. 20th Century Most of these new uses for silver are from the 20th century. Prior to this, silver had a very limited role for industrial uses; silver was mainly used for money, jewelry, and in the 19th century for photography. Of the 46 billion ounces of silver ever mined in history, only about one billion remains above ground and we believe what we saw in the 20th century is nothing compared to what we will see in the 21st century. With electronics almost at every inch around you and 7 billion people all desiring to live the lifestyle of the west, the above ground available supply of silver will likely be completely consumed over the next 10 years. Silver vs. Other Metals As you can see, the arguments made for silver can’t be made for any other metal. This is why when people suggest to diversify into platinum or palladium we suggest again and again just to buy more silver. If you want to own a precious or industrial metal, silver is King. If you think the economy is going to collapse and we will all be living in a mad max world, then you definitely want to own some silver to barter with. Silver

after all is the most used monetary metal in world history. If you think the economy is going to boom and the 1990’s is just around the corner, then you want to own silver, industrial demand will soar as the rest of the world becomes industrialized. The Chinese want cars, cell phones, and other electronics just like the west, which means the largest population in the world is demanding a lot more silver. The entire world will need a lot more silver and so the question is: Can new mining keep up with demand? Living in a finite world of resources, the logic is simple and reveals some serious profit potential.

How to Buy Silver When it comes to buying silver,

recommends people start off with a core physical position. This means going to your local coin shop and receiving it directly in your hands or ordering through an online bullion dealer and having the metal physically delivered to your home. Once you have a core physical position at your home, then we believe you should consider diversifying your holdings with companies like GoldMoney.com ran by James Turk, GoldSilver.com ran by Michael Maloney, or SilverSaver.com who has often been mentioned by the Silver Guru himself, Economist David Morgan. Ultimately though, if you want to see the biggest profits from peak silver, you will need to have exposure to the silver miners.

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What type of Silver

Should you Buy?

Bullion We prefer getting the most bang for our buck, so we typically purchase physical silver bullion in one, ten, or one hundred ounce bars. The premium over the spot price for generic bars ranges from five to thirteen percent. Compare that to the American Silver Eagle which has a premium of fifteen to twenty percent over the spot price. You can safely and easily purchase more silver by sticking with generic silver bullion. If you are just getting started, you can start off with buying one ounce bullion rounds because when it comes to selling silver, these are the most liquid form of silver bullion because the buyer can buy as little as one ounce and up to how much they can afford. The larger 10oz or 100oz bars should be purchased with the mindset of wealth storage. In other words, we consider these a long term investment that you would never need to sell in a hurry. It is likely that the only buyers for larger bars will be the bullion dealers themselves, many of whom you will have to mail the bar to, so the turnaround in getting cash then may take a few weeks anyway. When it comes to the larger bars, the most popular ones universally recognized by silver investors and bullion dealers are Engelhard, Johnson Matthey, Royal Canadian Mint, U.S. Assay Office, and Sunshine Mint. There is also APMEX and First Majestic Silver bars that are also widely recognized, but not as widely as the others.

Expect some of your silver to be tarnished, especially if it isn’t new. If it is tarnished, don’t worry, it does not affect the value of your silver. Silver tarnish is pretty common,

especially with older coins and larger bars. When silver comes in contact with sulfur in the air, the natural reaction creates silver sulfate. This silver sulfate will give your silver the appearance of being dark brown. Do not worry, all the silver is still there. The best thing to do is to store your silver in a secure environment with no exposure to water and minimal exposure to open air. If you just can’t stand to see your shiny silver bar turning brown, then you can clean the silver by removing the silver sulphate by using a piece of aluminum foil at the bottom of your kitchen sink, and fill the basin with water. Then, sprinkle in two tablespoons of table salt; and drop your silver pieces into the water. Allow your silver to soak for 2-3 minutes; then, remove and rinse. This will leave your silver like it just came from the mint. Back to the bullion…the only bullion we do not suggest is the one thousand ounce and five thousand ounce bars. These are simply ridiculous in size for investors to purchase as this much silver is meant mainly for industrial purposes. We see no reason to hold these sizes of bars as they would greatly limit the amount of buyers you can sell them to when you decide to convert your silver into something else.

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Junk Silver

Junk silver is older coins that have a face value, but the physical silver in the coin makes the face value pointless. For example, a dime

minted before 1965 at today’s price of $30

per ounce of silver is worth $2.14. This means that the value of the silver content in the dime is 2,045% more valuable than the original denomination of just 10 cents! Now when looking at junk silver, the premium over the spot price is typically the lowest you will find; between zero and five percent. The most common junk silver which is the ones we like to buy are the 90% silver coins. List of 90% Coins:

Morgan Dollars 1878-1921 Peace Dollars 1921-1928 and 1934-1935 Liberty Head Half Dollars 1892-1915 Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1916-1947 Franklin Half Dollars 1948-1963 Kennedy Half Dollars 1964 only Liberty Head Quarters 1892-1916 Standing Liberty Quarters 1916-1930 Washington Quarters 1932, 1934-1964 Liberty Head Dimes 1892-1916 Mercury Dimes 1916-1945 Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1964 Coinflation.com is a good site to quickly see the value of specific silver coins. When purchasing junk silver, the math for calculating your silver weight in U.S. 90% silver coins is easy, for every 1 dollar, you have approximately 0.715 troy ounces of silver. So it doesn't

matter if you have 5 dimes and 2 quarters or two half dollars, you will have 0.715 ounces of silver. The only exception to this rule is when you have Morgan and Peace Dollars, these contain 0.7736 troy ounces of silver. However, typically when you purchase a junk bag of silver, the century old Morgan and Peace Dollars are not included as they are typically purchased separately. When purchasing junk silver, if you are looking for the 90% coins, make sure to look at the date of the Kennedy Half Dollars, the ones from 1965-1970 are only 40% silver as well as the Eisenhower Dollars 1971-1976. There are Jefferson wartime nickels that contain 35% silver that were made between 1942-1945 and even some 1942 nickels had no silver at all. We like junk silver for a few reasons:

1. It’s easy to divide, sell, and to trade with.

2. It is universally recognized by anyone, even someone who doesn’t know that there is silver in it because everyone has seen a U.S. dime or quarter.

3. If you are a survivalist and investing in silver because of the monetary aspect, junk silver is probably the least likely to ever have the risk of confiscation.

If you are interested in checking some of the coins you may already have through collection or just spare change in your pocket, you can visit CoinTrackers.com and click on their “Is It Silver” tab to find out the silver content or lack thereof in a coin.

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One final note on junk silver, a question that comes up often is:

“Can I melt the coins down?” According to the U.S. Treasury website, Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code provides criminal penalties of up to five years in prison for anyone, “whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the Mints of the United States, or any foreign coins which are by law made current or are in actual use or circulation as money within the United States.” That pretty much settles that; don’t mess with any coin foreign or domestic. So when you see dealers advertise prices over melt value, just know the whole melting down part is not encouraged by the U.S. government. The American Silver Eagle

Second to none, the American Silver Eagle is the most popular coin in the world. The U.S. mint sold 35 million of these coins in 2010, this means that 4.8% of all the silver mined in 2010 went to create the American Silver Eagle coins. Now the odds of these ever being melted down are zero to none, in fact as noted before, since the American Eagle does have a face value, it is actually illegal to melt it down, so in our opinion it is safe to say that these coins should not be included in the above ground available silver supply.

To purchase an American Silver Eagle coin, you will have to pay one of the highest premiums, typically 15-20% over the spot, sometimes even higher, especially when you include the shipping costs when buying it online. If you can get these close to spot prices, we would encourage you to purchase them, if not, it’s advisable to just purchase coins with a lower premium to accumulate as much silver as possible.

What NOT to Buy Numismatic coins, do not buy them, in fact; avoid them like the plague if you are really trying to invest in the actual metal. In our opinion, we would never own a numismatic coin because it is a total waste of money to us and is equivalent to collecting baseball cards or collecting art. You can only sell a collectors coin to a fellow collector or a greater fool that is willing to purchase a coin because it is from a certain year,

mint, or has a special history tied to it. A numismatic coin is a coin in which the value is dependent on a collector’s desire to have it and not

the actual metal content contained in the coin.

Any bullion dealer who tries to push these coins on you should be avoided. To be clear, we have no problem when bullion dealers offer these coins, but we believe it’s misleading and a poor strategy to purchase these coins because they are telling you its solid diversification. Some will say it is a good way to avoid confiscation, but in our opinion, the dealer is less concerned about confiscation than he is with making a profit off of selling you a coin several hundred percent over spot.

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Recently a company called Goldline had a criminal complaint filed by the Santa Monica City Attorney’s consumer protection unit. The complaint alleges that Goldline “runs a bait and switch operation in which customers, seeking to invest in gold bullion, are switched to highly overpriced coins by using false and misleading claims.” This is really annoying because most people who are buying from a Goldline commercial are concerned about the economy, inflation, and a potential currency crisis. This is exactly what the Goldline advertisements appear to be focused on, yet when people get on the phone with one of their professional salesmen, they are talked into buying numismatic coins that have nothing to do with, in our opinion, protecting yourself from economic calamity. When it comes to investing in silver, if you believe the silver price is going to go up, then keep it simple, buy the metal itself.

Where to Buy Silver Your Local Coin Dealer The biggest advantage to buying from your local coin dealer is that you purchase the transaction in cash. If you value your privacy and want to keep your silver holdings out of the government’s files or other institutions that might have access to your bank account, this is the best way to go. This also helps your local economy as a secondary benefit. Try to build several relationships with the local dealers in your area. Make sure your local dealer uses a scale when purchasing silver from people off

the street. As the silver price rises, we can expect more and more counterfeit coins to enter the market. If you’ve ever seen some counterfeit silver, you will know that it can resemble and look very close to the real thing. Online Bullion Dealers There are a lot of great online bullion dealers, Miles Franklin, APMEX, Bullion Direct, Gainesville Coins, Golden Eagle Coins, Kitco, Lear Capital, Monarch Precious Metals, Northwest Territorial Mint, DBS Coins, Provident Metals, Rosland Capital, First Majestic Silver Corp, and so many others. One website that we highly recommend is GoldShark.com. GoldShark.com is like the Expedia for precious metals because it is free to use and they don’t sell any metals themselves. With GoldShark.com you simply put in the amount of silver you want, what type, and how much. The search result will give you a true ranking on who has the best online deal. GoldShark.com includes the shipping costs, this is an important point to mention because often people will visit the site and find out that the price on GoldShark is different from the price on the actual dealer’s website. Storage Companies The most important thing when deciding to go with a storage company is making sure they are charging you for the storage. This seems like a no brainer, but there are actually companies that claim to store silver for you, but don’t charge anything to store it which is an indication of fraud. It doesn’t make sense at all since it costs money to have

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a vault, warehouse, security, alarm system, and the ability to accumulate more metals for your clients. So that’s rule number one, make sure you are being charged to store. There are several very reputable companies that we trust that can store your silver in the U.S. or if you choose to do so; outside of the U.S. Bullion Storage Companies (Not Listed in any Particular Order) GoldMoney.com with storage in New York, London, Zurich, and Hong Kong. MilesFranklin.com with storage in Montreal and Minneapolis. GoldSilver.com with storage in Salt Lake City, Hong Kong, Miami, and Canada. SilverSaver.com with storage in Massachusetts. FSdepository.com with storage in Delaware. GoldSilverVault.com with storage in Idaho. BullionVault.com with storage in Zurich, London, and New York. PerthMint.com/au with storage in West Australia. At some point, if you begin to start accumulating a significant amount of silver, you will feel uncomfortable with a certain amount of silver in your possession. It’s important to have some silver on hand to easily sell and some stored at a bullion dealer for protection. We suggest storing your silver outside of the country in safer regions like Switzerland and Canada. When we say safer regions, we want you to know that the Swiss have an excellent reputation for securing wealth even during times of war and that Canada is home to most of

the world’s mining companies. Logically we feel that there lies little risk in storing your wealth within those countries, as opposed to the U.S. who confiscated gold in the 1930’s and made it illegal to own. If that’s not enough, we’re currently in a major financial crisis that will eventually lead to a collapse in the U.S. dollar. In our opinion, storage in the U.S. should only be executed after you have a comfortable amount near your physical location as well as offshore.

Storage Terms You Need to Know: Allocated Having an allocated account means you have a specific amount of bars or coins stored for you. These are generic coins or bars that are set aside for you, but are not segregated from others’ bars and coins. Segregated This metal is assigned to you often times with a certificate. You have an exact amount of specific coins or bars that have been stored for you that no one else can lay claim to. You can also have them delivered. Unallocated An unallocated holding is a pooled account where you own a certain portion of the metal in storage, but not a specific bar or coin. This is the cheapest and most commonly used method of holding metal. What we prefer… We prefer allocated accounts because if you want to purchase a coin or bar you should want to know what specific coin or bars are yours. You have the option to take delivery if you want to receive those exact silver holdings.

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Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) The most popular ETF for silver is the iShares Silver Trust that trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SLV. The SLV claims to be backed by silver, but it has been highly controversial amongst physical silver advocates. When looking at the prospectus there is a lot of legal jargon that gives us reservations to think about whether or not they even have the silver to back the fund.

doesn’t believe any of the ETF’s are an option for your physical diversification. The fact is you can’t receive delivery of physical metal, so when it comes down to it, the metal is obviously not yours. The only ETF that we can begin to trust and know that the silver is actually there is Eric Sprott’s Physical Silver Trust that trades under PSLV. However, we still prefer being able to hold our metal or at least having the option to do so. Buy the Physical Metal However you choose to buy your metal is ultimately a matter of personal comfort and security. The important thing is that you purchase your silver before there is a physical shortage either from a paper price collapse, COMEX default, or hyperinflationary event either here in the U.S. or globally due to a loss of faith in all fiat currencies.

Your Silver Position

is often asked:

“How much silver should I buy?” or

“What percentage of your portfolio should I have silver?” Knowing all the facts about silver, combined with what is going on with the current fiat currency system. We honestly believe individuals who want to both profit from a silver shortage and give themselves some protection from the fiat currency system should have at the very least 10% of their entire net worth is physical silver. The exact amount is going to be completely up to you. We’ve heard of people who have told us that they are 100% physical silver. Based on the scenario laid out, we can definitely understand why! Silver has the potential to be the best investment in your entire life. However, we do understand that it’s important to have cash to store for miscellaneous opportunities and events that may come your way that you can invest in. In the end, whatever percentage you decide to make silver part of your own personal net worth is completely your decision. Having any amount of silver is better than not having any exposure at all.

Because of the fact that only about one billion ounces of above ground investible silver exists and the massive amount of new demand we described above, we see a silver shortage in the next ten years that will make silver the best investment of the decade!

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P.S. If you’re still not convinced that silver is a great investment, watch our prophetic Silver video from Dec 30 2010:

Silver Shortage This Decade, Silver Will Be Worth More Than Gold

0:44: “Silver is destined to be more rare…than Gold”