Why is the MiniRae Perfect for Hazardous Environments? Average: Your rating: None Of the many benefits offered by the MiniRae gas detection devices, an essential one is the ability of the MiniRae to be used in any environment, no matter the weather or safety conditions. MiniRaes are versatile gas detectors that can be used to analyze the atmospheric quality in confined spaces, in a variety of high risk workplaces, or to aid in evacuation procedures in an emergency response to a chemical leak. But what is it about the MiniRae that makes it so adaptable for use in any situation? Contributing factors include a clever and intuitive interface design, a super fast response time and a wide measurement range. The MiniRae gas detectors feature a highly sensitive Photo Ionization Detector (PID) which is able to pick up the presence of a huge range of harmful substances which would otherwise escape our notice until it is too late. In many situations it is necessary to determine the spread of these harmful gases throughout an area, making the portable nature of the MiniRae model an extremely useful feature. Hand held MiniRae gas detectors allow safety inspectors to easily examine areas of greater risk, such as at the source of a leak to determine the quantity of a harmful gas in the atmosphere, and to accurately determine a safe perimeter around the hazard. The specialized design and construction of the MiniRae gas detectors also make them highly suitable for use in emergency response situations where the nature of the environment cannot be predicted. The sensitive gas detection technology, including specific programs for recognizing over three hundred compounds, is protected by a rugged, durable and waterproof hard plastic outer casing. This casing is shock proof and easy to clean, meaning that safety personnel and emergency response teams can concentrate on the task at hand rather than caring for a delicate instrument. Whether the application is leak detection or industrial safety, MiniRae gas detectors are perfect for use in any difficult situation where accuracy and reliability is absolutely necessary. The MiniRae range all give atmospheric. The majority of industrial submersible water pump installed pumps were not initially specified for their present use. Quite often, a line in a factory is moved and a pump that started out providing cooling fluid to an injection molding machine is now needed to transfer oil from a rail car to a tank. All too often, this is the cause of many problems for the pump and the

Why is the MiniRae Perfect for Hazardous Environments?

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Page 1: Why is the MiniRae Perfect for Hazardous Environments?

Why is the MiniRae Perfect for Hazardous Environments?


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Of the many benefits offered by the MiniRae gas detection devices, an essential one is the ability ofthe MiniRae to be used in any environment, no matter the weather or safety conditions. MiniRaesare versatile gas detectors that can be used to analyze the atmospheric quality in confined spaces, ina variety of high risk workplaces, or to aid in evacuation procedures in an emergency response to achemical leak.

But what is it about the MiniRae that makes it so adaptable for use in any situation? Contributingfactors include a clever and intuitive interface design, a super fast response time and a widemeasurement range.

The MiniRae gas detectors feature a highly sensitive Photo Ionization Detector (PID) which is able topick up the presence of a huge range of harmful substances which would otherwise escape ournotice until it is too late. In many situations it is necessary to determine the spread of these harmfulgases throughout an area, making the portable nature of the MiniRae model an extremely usefulfeature. Hand held MiniRae gas detectors allow safety inspectors to easily examine areas of greaterrisk, such as at the source of a leak to determine the quantity of a harmful gas in the atmosphere,and to accurately determine a safe perimeter around the hazard.

The specialized design and construction of the MiniRae gas detectors also make them highly suitablefor use in emergency response situations where the nature of the environment cannot be predicted.The sensitive gas detection technology, including specific programs for recognizing over threehundred compounds, is protected by a rugged, durable and waterproof hard plastic outer casing.This casing is shock proof and easy to clean, meaning that safety personnel and emergency responseteams can concentrate on the task at hand rather than caring for a delicate instrument.

Whether the application is leak detection or industrial safety, MiniRae gas detectors are perfect foruse in any difficult situation where accuracy and reliability is absolutely necessary. The MiniRaerange all give atmospheric. The majority of industrial submersible water pump installed pumps werenot initially specified for their present use. Quite often, a line in a factory is moved and a pump thatstarted out providing cooling fluid to an injection molding machine is now needed to transfer oilfrom a rail car to a tank. All too often, this is the cause of many problems for the pump and the

Page 2: Why is the MiniRae Perfect for Hazardous Environments?

factory. Pumps operate where the pump curve crosses the system curve. If you relocate a pump fromone system to another, this means that the system curve is different. This new system may cause thepump to operate away from its best efficiency point, leading to shaft breakage and other componentproblems that are merely symptoms of a mis-matched pump and system.readings in real time,making it easier than ever to analyze the environmental conditions and make any improvements asquickly as possible.

Fast response times also make the MiniRae perfect for environments in which the atmosphericquality is rapidly changing, as the MiniRae is able to chart the rise of a gas leak or the depletion ofgas as it happens. Expect that there are some simple upgrades that may be added to a standard

centrifugal or positive displacement pump. In pumps that have overhung impellers, changing to asolid shaft is a straightforward adjustment in relation to more common sleeved shafts. Mechanicalseals ought to be enhanced through silicon carbide faces, and elastomers should be replaced withViton. Finally, magnetic bearing protectors would be a gigantic step up in relationship to the lipseals that many water pumps use to keep bearing sump oil clean.

The MiniRae gas detectors are also the perfect device to use in humid conditions, as they feature aninbuilt balancing device which overcomes any potentially impairing factors in the environment.

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This article is about the technology.miniRae can be used in any environment and its ideal inhazardous conditions. visit website for more information about minrae.