Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved. Following Directions SEL materials • Example of a newspaper advice column such as the Dear Abby section • A simple costume item (such as a hat or glasses or a scarf) to become a Directions Crew Expert If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet (Note: One version for non-writers, one version for writers) • Simple costume pieces from which students may select (optional) • Dear Directions Crew Letters – cut apart directions follow Vocab words Why is it important to follow directions? Essential Question: Project and Purpose: Students will become experts in why it is important to follow directions. Following Directions Social Emotional Learning Room Set up: Chairs, tables and desks pushed back to create an open space to move and interact.

Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

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Page 1: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL


•Exampleofanewspaperadvice columnsuchastheDearAbbysection•Asimplecostumeitem(suchasahator glassesorascarf)tobecomeaDirections CrewExpert• If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directionsworksheet (Note: Oneversionfornon-writers,oneversionforwriters)•Simplecostumepiecesfromwhichstudentsmayselect(optional)•DearDirectionsCrewLetters–cutapart


Vocab words

Why is it important to follow directions?

Essential Question:

Project and Purpose: Studentswillbecomeexpertsinwhyitisimportanttofollowdirections.

Following DirectionsSocial Emotional Learning

Room Set up: Chairs,tablesanddeskspushedbacktocreateanopenspacetomoveandinteract.

Page 2: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Introduction1. Showtheclassthenewspaperanddiscusshowwenotonlygetnews


2. Talkabouttheadvicewriterasanexpertwhohasalotofexperienceinthatarea.

3. Readanappropriateexample.










Page 3: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Direct Instruction (I do)1. Tellstudentsthattheyaregoingtobecomeliveadvicecolumnistsabout


2. Explainthatyouhavelettersfromstudentsthatwanttoknowwhytheyshouldfollowdirectionsfordifferenttasks.

3. Tellstudentsyouwillshowhowthiswillhappen.YouwillputonyourcostumetobecomeanexpertmemberoftheDirectionsCrew.Turnaround,putonyourcostumepiece,andturnbackin-role.

4. AstheDirectionsCrewexpert,selectoneoftheletters,readitaloud,andthendoathinkaloudtocreateyourresponse.

a. Think/talkaboutwhythedirectionsarethere.

b. Think/talkaboutwhatwouldhappenifthedirectionswerenotfollowed.

c. Think/talkabouthowyouwillrespondtothewriter.

5. DemonstratehowtousetheIf You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directionsworksheettowriteordrawyourexpertresponse.







Page 4: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Guided Exploration (We do) 1. Turnaround,removeyourcostume,anddebrieftheexperiencewiththe


2. Askstudentstohelpyouwithanotherexample,andthenbecometheDirectionsCrewExpertbyturningaroundandputtingonyourcostume.

3. Askstudentstoprovideavarietyofideasforwhyitisimportantforthepersonwhowroteinwiththeproblemtofollowthedirections.Encouragethemtothinkaboutsafety,organization,fun,fairnessandthepossibleconsequencesoffollowingornotfollowingdirections.

4. AskthestudentsforideasfortheIf You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directionsworksheet.

Independent Practice (You do)1. Givestudentstheopportunitytobecomeexpertsandgiveadviceto

letterwriters.Offerthemdifferentcostumechoices.Note: dependingondevelopmentalabilities,eitherbringuponeexpertatatime,orplacethemwithpartnerstocreateresponsesfortheletters.

2. GivethemtimetodeveloptheirresponsesandfillouttheappropriateIf You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directionsworksheetfortheiradvicecolumn.

3. Ifyouhavestudentsworkinpairs,askvolunteerstosharetheirexpertadvicewiththelargegroupwhenyougatherbacktogether.




Page 5: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Conclusion/Reflection1. Havestudentsreturntobeingthemselvesandcollectthecostumes.

2. Discuss:

a. Whyisitimportanttofollowdirections?

b. Whyisfollowingdirectionsdifficultsometimes?

c. Howcanwehelpeachotherfollowdirectionsintheclassroom?











Page 6: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Vocab words

Vocabulary Definitions

follow (v)

• Definition:tobeguidedby;obey.

• Context:Weplayedfollowtheleadertodayinschool.

direction(s) (n)

• Definition:guidanceofactionorconduct;aninstruction,indication,orordergivenwithauthority.

• Context:Henryfollowedthedirectionsandbuiltthemodelplane.

Page 7: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SELCalming Down Strong Feelings SEL

If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions...

If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions...

Directions: Drawapictureofcanhappenifyoufollowdirectionsinthefirstbox.Drawapictureofwhatcanhappenifyoudon’tfollowdirectionsinthesecondbox.Writeaboutyourpictures.

Name: _______________________________

Page 8: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

If you don’t follow directions:












Calming Down Strong Feelings SEL

If you follow directions:












If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions...

If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions...

Directions: Intheleftbox,writeaboutwhatmighthappenifthepersonwhowrotetoyoufollowsdirections.Intherightbox,writeaboutwhatmighthappenifthepersondoesnotfollowdirections.Usethisinformationtowriteanadvicecolumnresponseontheback.

Name: _______________________________

Page 9: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Dear Directions Crew










Page 10: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Dear Directions Crew










Page 11: Why is it important - Amazon S3...If You Follow/If You Don’t Follow Directions worksheet for their advice column. 3. If you have students work in pairs, ask volunteers to share their

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources www.connectwithkids.com © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Following Directions SEL

Dear Directions Crew








