Why Do Diplomats Defect

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  • 8/6/2019 Why Do Diplomats Defect


  • 8/6/2019 Why Do Diplomats Defect


    the other issue, the Colombian Government claims that Peru was obliged to guarantee the safe conduct of the refugee in order

    to enable him to leave the country.

    The Court relied upon the Havana Convention on Asylum and the Montevideo Convention on Political Asylum and came to the

    conclusion that, asylum being based upon extra-legal factors, the only applicable legal rules were those laid down by the

    Convention and accepted as binding by the disputing states left the dispute over Haya de la Torre at an impasse. The Court

    suggested that the only means to resolve this dispute was for Peru and Colombian to reach and agreed solution. Haya de la

    Torre spent five years in the Colombian Embassy until finally Peru agreed to allow him a safe- conduct to leave Peruvian


    As far as the status of diplomatic asylum is concerned, the Australian response of June 1975, to the General Assemblys

    invitation showed a more favorable attitude than that adopted towards the events in Chil e in 1973. In the aftermath of the coup

    detat in Chile, Australia felt obliged to refuse requests for asylum in its embassy; the most that it has done was to arrange for

    asylum to be granted in the embassy of states that were parties to the various South American conventions.

    The three diplomats stationed in Canberra lodged their claims for asylum in the aftermath of the crack down and massacres

    followed by the military coup in Burma during September 1988. Their claims for asylum were refused; however, they and their

    families were allowed to stay in Australia on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. That was the short and sweet part

    but to get resettled in a country in which one was an alien it took a long hard road. There were times one would reflect on how

    life would have been if one were to go back and live within a lie. In the end it was like in Frank Sinatras song, For what is a

    man, what has he got; if not himself then he is not , to say the things he truly feels, and not the words of the one who kneels; the

    record shows I took the blows and did it my way

    With the Arab Spring in full swing not only dictators were dropping like flies but also diplomats were too. There may be various

    reasons and under various circumstances which diplomats chose to defect and seek asylum. Like any other citizen they are

    entitled to vote with their feet. As Harvel said in his essay, Living with Truth, If every day a man takes orders in silence from

    an incompetent superior, if everyday he solemnly performs ritual acts which he privately finds ridiculous, if he unhesitating ly

    gives answers to questionnaires which are contrary to his real opinions and is prepared to deny his own self in public, if he sees

    no difficulty in feigning sympathy or even affection where, in fact, he feels only indifference or aversion, it still does no t mean

    that he has entirely loss the use of one of the basic human senses, n amely, the sense of humiliation. One can choose to live

    within the system permeated with hypocrisy and lies or chose to live with truth.

    As Professor Gene Sharpe describes in one of his lectures on non-violence for the people to overthrow authoritian regimes

    their non-violent form of action must be based on non-cooperation, therefore When people refuse their cooperation, withhold

    their help, and persist in their disobedience and defiance, they are denying their opponent the basic human assistance and

    cooperation which any government hierarchical system requires. If they do this in sufficient numbers for long enough, that

    government or hierarchical system will no longer have power. There is no freedom without equality before the law and if one is

    to be free and regain his or her dignity as a human then one must be true to oneself. One must be among those small and

    isolated minority who dare to speak out when everyone else can only dare to think. One must dare to revolt if one is to live

    within the truth. END