CBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety Induction Program The purpose of this safety program is to provide general information and awareness related to health and safety in the workplace. CBC Group is committed in providing a safe and healthy work environment, so far as is reasonably practicable for all workers, contractors and visitors at the workplace. It will take approximately 40 minutes to complete including 20 multiple choice questions and four task assessments at the completion of the program.

WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

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Page 1: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

CBC WH&S Induction Program

GeneralSafetyInduction Program




Page 2: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

WH&S POLICIES & PROCEDURESCBC is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all

workers, contractors and visitors to the workplace

Aims and objectives of the policy: o Provide and maintain a safe work environment without risks to health, safety

and wellbeing. o Provide and maintain adequate facilities, plan and equipment for the welfare

of workers and others carrying out their duties. o Strive to prevent accidents, injuries, and disease through identification,

assessment, control or elimination/minimization of hazards and risks. o Promote safety awarenesso Support and promote employee involvement in health and safety through

consultation or other agreed methods o Ensure compliance with Work, Health & Safety Act and Regulations



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A safe work environment is essential. The effects of poor safety performance can include: o Injury resulting in disability or death o High absenteeism and retention of employeeso Loss of productivity, higher direct and indirect costso Adverse publicity, loss of contract

Work Health & Safety Act: Under the WH&S Act, the law ensures that the PCBU provides a safe and healthy workplace for their workers. It also requires that workers use safe work practices so they do not injure or harm themselves or others


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Employers Responsibility: (PCUB): Person Conduction a Business or Undertaking The PCUB shall ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all their workers, contractors and visitors. The responsibility of Duty of Care cannot be delegated o Provide or maintain plant or systems of work that are, so far is reasonably practicable, safe and

without risk to health o Provide so far as is reasonably practicable, adequate facilities for the welfare of workers. o Provide such information, instruction, training, or supervision to enable workers to perform their

work in a safe mannero To consult with workers on matters that may affect their safety and wellbeing.

Workers Responsibility:o Every worker (employee) should take reasonable care for the health and safety of persons who are

at their work or who may be affected by any act or omission on that worker’s part. Comply with reasonable and lawful instruction

o Follow an reasonable and lawful instruction o Do not interfere or misuse equipmento Report any unsafe conditions or situations

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Safetyisasharedresponsibilityandrequiresconsultation andcollaborationbetweenallinterestedparties.


Page 6: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

KNOW YOUR SITE Be aware of your work environment There are many potential hazards in the workplace. Therefore, you need to be aware of your site policies, procedures and instruction such as: o Who authorised the work?o Who is the first aid officer/ and safety reps?o Where are the closest emergency exits?o Emergency contact details o As there any specific hazards such as electrical, asbestos, chemicals or gas. o Where are the emergency exits, equipment and assembly points?o Is any specific PPE required on the site or to do the job?o What facilities are available and where are they?

Page 7: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

RISK MANAGEMENTThe elimination or minimization and control of hazards or risks in the workplace is essential in preventing accidents or injury and maintaining a safe work environment

A hazard: Is something that has the potential to cause harm (injury or illness) or loss (damage to property and equipment) to a person or the environment.

A risk: Occurs when people are exposed to a hazard and there is a likelihood of injury or illness caused by the hazard.

A Workplace Accident: Is an event arising out of employment that causes injury, illness or damage to property or the environment

A Near Miss: Is an event arising out of employment or activity that does not cause injury, illness or damage to property or impact the environment, but has the potential to do so.

Page 8: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

FIVE STEPS OF RISK MANAGEMENTWhatisRiskManagement:Riskmanagementistheidentification,assessmentandprioritisationofhazardsandassociatedrisksfollowedbythecoordinatedapplicationofresourcestoeliminate,minimise,monitorandcontroltherisks.Anyimplementedcontrolsshouldbereviewedtoensuretheyareeffectiveandnonewhazardshavebeenintroduced.

FiveStagesofriskmanagement:1. Identifythehazards2. Assessthehazards3. Eliminateorminimisehazards

andrisks4. Controltherisk5. Reviewcontrols

CommonHazardsintheWorkplace:o Trippinghazardssuchaspallets,stairsandcracks

inthefloor.o Chemicalhazards:solvents,gas,fuel,flammable

materialso Electrichazards:frayedcords,faultyequipment,

overloadedcircuits,overhangingelectricalwireso Noise,Vibration,structuraldamage,workingat

heightso Ergonomichazards:improperlypositioned


o Biologicalhazards:infectiousmaterialsorsubstances,bloodandbodilyfluidsorviruses.

Page 9: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

RISK MANAGEMENT STEPSStep One: Identify the Hazard Hazard Identification: is the process of identifying all situations or events that could give rise to potential for injury, illness or damage to the plant, equipment or property or the environment.

The hazard identification in this picture us a liquid sill from a container in an area shared by mobile equipment (forklifts) and pedestrians.

The potential risks are: Exposure to a hazardous chemical, slip, trip and fall or serious injury to a person or damage to property, equipment or the environment due to a forklift Having no traction

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RISK MANAGEMENT STEPSStep Two: Assess the Hazard and Risk Risk Assessment: Is the process of determining the likelihood of an injury or illness or damage to plant, equipment, property or the environment.

Assess the risk and surroundings to ensure the area is safe from other hazards. Do not put yourself at risk. Do not touch any unknown chemicals or substances, damaged or suspect equipment or structures, get assistance, secure the area to prevent others entering the area of risk

Report your findings.

Try to identify what the chemical is, refer to SDSs if available


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RISK MANAGEMENT STEPS Step Three: Eliminate or Minimise the Hazard and RisksWithout putting yourself or others at risk, do what you can to eliminate or minimise the hazard and risks.

This can be achieved by barricading the area off from pedestrians and mobile equipment, place warning signs, refer to any SDSs that may be available, notify your fellow workers and promptly report the hazard to your supervisor

If in doubt or the hazard is beyond control call the emergency services


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RISK MANAGEMENT STEPSStep Four: Control the RisksHazards can be controlled or isolated to ensure a safe workplace by either eliminating or minimising the risks, substitute for a less hazardous item or product, redesign or re-engineer (such as installing safety guards, safety switches, training, display warning signs and instructions)

Page 13: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

RISK MANAGEMENT STEPS Step Three: Review Controls Once the hazard has been identified, assessed an the appropriate control measures put in place you need to review the outcome.

Was the risk treatment process effective?

No other hazards have been introduced as a result of the implemented controls

Consult with all interested stakeholders to ensure the hazard and risks have been effectively controlled.


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All unsafe conditions, incidents, accidents or injuries or near misses MUST be reported immediately to your Manager or Supervisor and the client’s representative. Including any of the above that may have been caused by a contractor.

Always be on the look out for any potential hazards or unsafe conditions.

Be familiar with your surroundings

REPORTING STEPS: o Immediately report any injury, unsafe condition, accidents or dangerous occurrences to your

manager or supervisor including the client’s representative. o Complete a Hazard Alert Report Formo If an incident or injury involves a CBC worker, complete an incident/injury report form o In the case if an incident or injury involving a CBC worker that is deemed serious enough and has

resulted in lost time and external medical treatment an investigation MUST be completed using Investigation form.

Page 15: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

SAFETY SIGNS There are potential dangers when you are working. Safety signs are displayed in the workplace to remind you of the things you MUST DO, MUST NOT DO be AWARE of or RESTRICTED to be safe.

Signs and symbols are used in a workplace to convey information to workers and visitors to the site o Safety signs help prevent accidents o Warn of health and safety hazards o Promote safety awareness o Identify where emergency equipment is located o Identifies safe egress in the event of an emergency o Identify specific safety equipment (PPE) that must be worn

Safety signs can be in the form of: o Pictures and symbolso Text based messages o Picture signs with a short message

Page 16: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

SAFETY SIGNS There are seven categories of safety signs 1. Prohibited signs: These signs indicate that you MUST NOT do: They are RED circle

with a line through it an white background

2. Mandatory Signs: These signs tell you what you MUST DO such as wear safety equipment (PPE). They are BLUE with a white background

3. Hazard or Caution signs: These signs warn of a danger or risk. They are YELLOW with black border and black symbol.

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4. Danger Hazard Signs: These signs warn of a particular hazard or dangerous condition that can be life threatening. They are mad up of the word DANGER in white on RED background and BLACK border and text

5. Emergency Signs: These signs indicate safe conditions e.g. safety equipment, First Aid and emergency exits. They have a GREENbackground and WHTE symbol

6. Fire Signs: Indicate location of firm alarm, firefighting equipment etc. They are of RED background and WHITE text.

7. Restricted Signs: Indicate limitations placed on activity or use. They are RED circular border, no crossbar, white background.

Page 18: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

EMERGENCY PROCEDURESEmergencies can result from a number of different causes such as fires, electrical, gas leaks, chemical spills, explosion, exposure to hazardous chemicals or substances or structural collapse If you discover a FIRE, raise the alarm and follow your site specific Emergency Evacuation Procedures. Therefore you need to be familiar with the sites emergency Procedures by completing a site induction

Basic Requirements in the event of an emergency: o Ensure the safety of anyone within the vicinityo Follow the directions of the Emergency Evacuation Team members of the siteo Call the fire brigade, emergency service if deemed necessary o Extinguish the fire (if safe to do so) o Evacuate the building in an orderly manner do not put yourself at risk o Do not use a lift in an emergency evacuationo Assemble ay the Emergency Assemble pointo Check on other colleagues to ensure they have evacuatedo Report to the Wardens if you think someone is missingo Notify the client’s representative that you are safe

Page 19: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESSGeneral requirements during an emergency at a client’s site

Your duties or responsibilities will vary from site to site depending on the client’s instructions. Therefore, you need to be aware of your site specific duties during an emergency.

o Follow the directions of the sites emergency team o Let someone know where you are and you are safe o Do not attempt to drive of the site during an emergency o Let someone know you are ok o Do not remain or enter areas of risk during an emergency o Evacuate as requested o Report any such occurrences to the CBC management team

Do not put yourself at risk. It should be clearly understood that the primary duty is not to combat the emergency, but to ensure, as far as is practicable the safety of yourself the occupants and their orderly evacuation from the building or work area and to assemble in a safe area.

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INJURIES AND FIRST AID o If you are injured at work it is vital that you seek immediate first aid. If the injury is

serious, dial 000 and call an ambulance. A basic first aid kit is supplied in each company vehicle. Ensure it is maintained

o All injuries should be reported to your manager and client representative immediately, and the register or injury book must be filled in

o Ensure you know the location of the first aid kit in your work areao Seek treatment on site if available o Complete and incident/injury report form

A small cut or minor graze, which causes no pain, can quite easily get infected if no treatment is given after the incident


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ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electrical equipment and appliances have the potential to cause quite serious shock, burns and electrocution or even death


The most common electrical hazards are: o Overloaded power socketso Cables laid across the flooro Unsafe and faulty equipment defective cords (frayed or damaged) o Incorrect placement of electrical equipment

o Electrical equipment should be treated with caution and any damaged or faulty equipment reported and immediately removed from service and replaced

o Keep electrical cables neat and tidy o All electrical equipment now used in the workplace should be tested and tagged in

accordance with AS 3670


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ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electricity can travel through electrical conductors including the human body-resulting in shock, burns and even death.

Factors that affect the impact of an electric shock include the type of current, the voltage, the resistance and the number of watts and length of contact with the human body

1. CHECK 2. DO

3. DON’T




Page 23: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to


1. Check o Do you need any training before using new equipment?o How many items do you have plugged into your power socket?o Are any of the cords frayed or damaged?o Is the cord squashed under other equipment? o Is there any sign of overheated sockets or cables?o Is the electrical equipment tested and tagged?o Are the cables laid out neat and tidy?o Have you checked the work area and surrounds to ensure there

are no other hazards?

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ELECTRICAL SAFETY 2. Do o Ensure the power socket is switched off when plugging in

equipment o Report any unsafe equipment. Attach an unserviceable label on ito Replace exposed, frayed or faulty power cordso Secure power leads to prevent trip hazards o Ensure that electrical equipment is regularly inspected and

maintained o Contact a qualified tradesperson to do any maintenance or repairso Do no attempt to fix faulty electrical equipment if you are not trained

or competent in its use


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ELECTRICAL SAFETY 3. Don’t × Do not overload power sockets and do not use double adaptors× Do not use extension leads unless approved × Do not attempt to repair electrical equipment yourself unless

trained× Do not remove any danger tags or Lock out Tags× Do not use any equipment identified as unsafe × Do not lay cable across the floor × Do no leave it for someone else. They might not be so lucky

Page 26: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

SLIP, TRIPS AND FALLSThe most common cause of non-fatal injuries in the Australian workplace is slips, trips and falls. They can result in serious injuries and lost time.

Themostcommoncausesofslip,tripsandfallsare:• Wetandoilyfloorsurfaces• Spillages• Wetweather• Theincorrectuseofladders• Boxes,palletsandgeneralrubbishinwalkways• Objectsorrubbishinyourway• Clutteredandcongestedworkareas• Slipperyroofs

• Obstructionofview• Poorlighting• Unevenstepsortiles• Upliftingcarpetortiles• Fallingthroughaceiling• Electricalcordsincorrectlypositionedacross


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MANUAL HANDLING Manual handling involves more than just safe lifting principles.

It refers to lifting, carrying, twisting, pulling, pushing, lowering, moving, holding, or restraining an object or person.


Not following proper manual handling procedures or techniques can lead to problems with your back, shoulders, neck, arms and legs.

The most effective way of reducing manual handling risks is to use mechanical devices, team lifting, redesign the equipment, work station layout or the system of work and regular exercise.


Page 28: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

MANUAL HANDLING Manual Handling Risk Analysis: Safe manual handling is not about seeing how much you can lift and not hurt yourself- it is about the control or elimination of risks.

1. IDENTIFY: Firstly identify the task likely to involve a manual handling risk 2. ASSESS: Secondly, assess the extent of the risk to see if the risk to health and

safety exists 3. CONTROL: Thirdly, find ways of controlling or eliminating the risk by eliminating or

reducing the manual handling risk 4. REVIEW: Lastly, then review the outcome or results to ensure no other risks have

been introduced.

Applying a systematic approach to manual handling tasks will eliminate or reduce injuries.

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Identify: the job or tasks that are likely to, or have caused injury

Know: the task, observe other employees performing the task, consult with employees who are more likely to know the risks.

Refer: to any injury reports related to the task

Seek: outside professional advice if necessary

Page 30: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

MANUAL HANDLING 2. ASSESS Evaluate: the task and assess the risks considering the following

Is the task tiring, strenuous, difficult or beyond the capacity of the person doing the task?

What is the duration and frequency of the task?

What are the weights and forces?

Is there excessive bending, twisting and reaching?

What is the location f loads and distance to be moved?

Are there any mechanical devices available or can someone help you?

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After identifying the risk factor, determine the controls that will eliminate or minimize exposure to the risks

Find and select the best options such as redesigning the work layout or using mechanical devices or get someone to help you

Is there an alternative such as using trolleys, pallet jacks, forklifts


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The control measure/s put in place must be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure they have been implemented and are effect in minimizing the risk of further injury.



Page 33: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

MANUAL HANDLING Manual Handling Lifting Techniques

Avoid lifting, pulling or pushing items that are too heavy or beyond your capacity.

Follow these safe lifting principles: 1. Get close to the load2. Feet apart for balance 3. Bend you knees4. Get a firm grip with both hands5. Point you feet in the direction you want to

go6. Keep your back as straight as possible 7. Raise your head8. Straighten your legs 9. Don’t twist your body 10. Keep the object close to your body when

moving11. Ensure you have clear vision and path.

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ü Liftwithinyourowncapacityü Useteamliftingwherepossibleü Usethecorrectliftingtechniques

ü Liftwithinyourowncapacityü Useteamliftingwherepossibleü Usethecorrectliftingtechniques

ü Takeregularexercisetostrengthenmuscles

ü Useamechanicaldeviceü Exerciseregularly

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× Don’toverstretchortwistyourbodywhenstoringorretrievingitems× Isanitemistooheavy,donottrytomoveit- gethelporuseamechanicaldevice× Donotoverload× Donottrytoliftitemsthatarenotsecuredoroverbalancedortooheavy

Page 36: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENTPersonal Protection Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment is used to protect a person from risks to your health and safety. Types of PPE: Safety footwear, safety vests, safety clothing, gloves, eye protection, ear protection, safety helmets, harnesses or respirators Protection equipment MUST be used…. • As directed by safety sign or instruction such as an SDS • As directed by a policy or procedure • When working in a shared mobile traffic area• As deemed necessary in maintaining safety • When working with machines, chemicals, hazardous, substances dust, mists or

vapors• When working at heights • When handling sharp or hot objects Refusal to wear safety equipment or tampering with safety equipment may result in disciplinary action including dismissal

Page 37: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

MANAGING CHEMICALS AND GASES There are a number of gases, chemicals or substances used or stored in the workplace. Some of these gases, chemicals or substance are safe, but others may be hazardous or dangerous and have an ad verse effect on health or the environment.


EverychemicalusedintheworkplaceshouldhaveaSafetyDataSheetor“SDS”.SDSsmustbeusedwithin5yearsoflastdateofissueandprovidebasicinformationabout:MSDSscanbeobtainedfromthemanufacturerorsupplier.• Thechemicalname,manufacturerandcontactdetails• Hazardousnatureofthegas,chemicalorsubstance• Howthegasorchemicalmaybearisktohealth,safetyandenvironment• Howtousethegas,chemicalorsubstancesafely• FirstAidtreatmentincaseofanemergency• Whatpersonalprotectiveequipmentisrequired• Howtotransportorstorethegas,chemicalorsubstancesafely• Howtocleanupanddisposeofthegas,chemicalorsubstanceincaseofaspill



Page 38: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to

MANAGING CHEMICALS Managing Chemicals in the Workplace 1. Ensure all containers are labelled 2. Know where to locate SDSs in the event of an emergency 3. Store all chemicals in accordance with regulations and codes4. Do not store chemicals near an ignition source or drain 5. Use the appropriate protection equipment such as gloves and eye protection 6. Remove and dispose of empty containers appropriately7. Clean up any spills or leaks 8. Dispose of chemicals in accordance with relative regulations and codes9. Be aware of any emergency action plans in the event of an incident or

accident 10. Do not dispose of any chemical down drains or on the ground11. Report any spills, hazards or dangerous occurrences to your manager 12. Do not store chemicals where they are exposed to an ignition source or can

contaminate the environment

Page 39: WH&S Induction Programcbcgroup.com.au/.../cbc/documents/whs-induction-program.pdfCBC WH&S Induction Program General Safety InductionProgram The purpose of this safety program is to


In the workplace there are many potential hazards. Not all hazards can be eliminate. Therefore you need to be aware of the environment you are working in and the potential hazards and risks within the work environment.

Sever injuries or death can result from the unsafe use of plant or equipment due to: lack of proper maintenance, not reporting faulty or damaged plant or equipment, improper use, poorly designed, misuse or lack of competency.

The following represented some of the hazards that you may encounter in your work: Work areas may include shared pedestrian and mobile equipment zones, the task, tools of trade.

Be aware of your surroundings. Working where forklifts operate, falls from ladders or roofs, faulty equipment, misuse of gas bottles, brazing etc.

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PLANT & EQUIPMENT IN THE WORKPLACEOther Hazards may include: • Enclosed machinery. Do not remove any guards or lockout tags, Report any unsafe

and damaged equipment • Electrical hazards such as damaged wires, cables, switches etc. Do not mess with

electricity. • Ensure people working at heights wear the appropriate safety equipment, and have

the appropriate competency training certificate or license


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In order of maintaining a safe work environment, possession of, trafficking in, using illicit drugs or being under the influence of intoxicating liquor while at work will warrant disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The use of drugs and/or alcohol in the workplace may impair a workers ability to perform their work safely, efficiently and with respect for colleagues, clients and others

Any person judge to be incapable of performing his/her duties as a result of using drugs o alcohol will be refused entry to any premises CBC workers are engaged.

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INDUCTIONRemember, safety comes first.

Be Safe, Feel safe.