WHO’S IN CHARGE? “Understand how leaders develop.” “Understand the impacts of this leadership.” CONTEXTS SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COMMUNITIY LEADERS e.g. Mayor

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WHOS IN CHARGE? Understand how leaders develop. Understand the impacts of this leadership. CONTEXTS SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COMMUNITIY LEADERS e.g. Mayor WAR CONTEXTS e.g. ANZACS, Nancy Wake, Te Moananui-a-Kiwi, Charles Upham, Willie Apiata. LEARNING INTENTION: We are learning to understand how the ways in which leadership of groups is acquired and exercised have consequences for communities and societies. SUCCESS CRITERIA We will find out information about how leadership can be developed in different contexts. We will explore values and perspectives of leaders and groups in society. We will consider responses and decisions of leaders and their communities. We will reflect and evaluate on the qualities of different types of leaders. IDENTIFYING LEADERS BRAINSTORM LEADERS CATEGORISE What sort of leaders are they? List the qualities / virtues of a good leader. MT HUTT COLLEGE LEADERS DESIGN A FLOW DIAGRAM TO SHOW THE LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE OF THE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS AT MT HUTT COLLEGE. HOW DO PEOPLE BECOME LEADERS IN SCHOOLS? (Appointed / elected???) LEADERS IN THE COMMUNITY LOCAL LEADERS Who are the official and unofficial leaders in our communities. NATIONAL LEADERS Who are the leaders of our country? INTERNATIONAL LEADERS Who are the influential leaders in the global community today? WHAT SORTS OF DECISIONS DO THESE PEOPLE MAKE? LEADERS OF THE PAST Brainstorm leaders from History. How did they get into power? What type of leader were they? What decisions did they make when in power? How did these decisions impact on people? LEADERS and HEROES during wars. WW1 Gallipoli leaders. The Donkey Man (Richard Henderson) WW2 Charles Upham, Te Moananui-a-Kiwi Ngarimu VC, Sir Keith Park, Nancy Wake, Afghanistan Willie Apiata VC What situations were these people in? How did they acquire leadership? What type of leader were they? What was the consequences of their leadership? Whos In Charge Assessment: Methven needs a Mayor! Task: Your task is to design a situations vacant advertisement to be placed in the Ashburton Guardian. In you advertisement you need to include: 4 leadership qualities you think are essential for the job. 3 skills the successful applicant will need to be Mayor. 5 key jobs the successful applicant will be in charge of. A logo for the Methven Council. Contact details for applicants. Your advertisement is to be presented on an A4 page. You must complete the justification and self assessment sheet and hand this in with your advertisement.