X.ECTUKE. PI KGBOSASPniS WOKR." A LECTCRE MY DAVID WALK. '" or Hip Pastors' Afo - f - - CrTnertuWof thePftrtorof the 1 I. Viinbriland Prbytlan Church, on ? Jst May i, ITS. the following resolution r 2 -- cj ly ReV.S. R.Srrtt, wai unanimous "7? nut Rev. David Walk In hereby e d1u deliver before the public at as y a"d:.te m may suit ht convenience. Ills icr 'S nuT2"on and hi Work." -- reon . xijRfM. PrwidecU ::aj O. T. Staik ha k. Secretary. 3 j the aboc request, the lc-I- a V' fw delivered In the LINDEN fcKlFXT CHRISTIAN CHIRCH. aioodar Nlftf, Jnne 31. IS73, A' r. lor k. Admission 50 cents. mis TAKEN TJP. if JW An old Lrlndie cow with white ipot. rr-nn- n rjcbt ear. swallow lork on '"vfocwitT can have eer by arplylne at the r -- rrrt PYort and WalkerM. L. A. I'n ckolt. TO EXCHANGE. RBaiDEN IK - J ex-J- C (L, LAS TA 1 ION - ciaaco a plantation (price ten thousand - nd a rim-clas- n suburban resi de, co (rree forty-fiv- e hundred dollars), for 1- roved city property; or 1 will exchange I rin residence and a amall plantation (price Mt Lhn-u- nit dollars). rcnM lor flvo hundred Co. rt per annum. lor Improved, city proper- ly, T.'S to above property perfect, and Iree 111 a a.l Incumbrance whatever. Address, de t.t'.vz property, and state lowest ca&h La. Jt of trade. T.J. HUM PHHKY8, j aoiXIiTY --The valuable property known an tl;o Donoho place, for a ilfctlsidppl rlv-- - ;o!..c:n plantation WM.M.KLKDGE. JR. FJERSONjM,. Y RKMEDY m a are cure for murrain In IY. cattle. B. J. BELL, V. S.. j IS r o. szi reconu st. TAX ALFRED VOORHIES makes a speci-- 1 J a-- v of trcatlne Eye and Ear Diseases. C " tc '1 Pr.p.ar street. my29 rOR LEASE OR SALE. OTB Hi uatedon Madison and Courtstreet j extended. In elEhlh ward. rreion-- s suo- - d. !3n Thee ground are shaded by foreht t's c.ard are in a neighborhood unexception al, ccsa. A rare opportunity is nere ouereu rnct T.ti es, ad terms to the convrnisnce of appll TMk7r'lVT I'll it y1 1 Madison Mreet. AHD BOASD. 11 OOil AND BOARD Ft ret floor front room l with Hoard, fs:uay Doara .tj j cr week, at 92 Monroe fX. Jul 11 OOM A FplendW room, with board; terms ti moucraic.aiiiv jiumucmievu juio KJARD Itefnrnlsbed Room, with Board, In J a rrivrt-j- i famlJ v : dellchtful and healthy Jo-:c- bcs.1 reference required. Apply at 1.3 tcost corner lanaen nnu xauuerunie bls. IfJ --KJMH AU BOARD-Desira- ble front room, vniimn . at VKivn hi: TOR RENT. OOMH-N'l- ce furnUhf d room. at Sb 1A1 B1HCE1. 5 if Cool, airy, furnished roomF. Meals desired. Reference required, uau nouse. tl OCBC Brick house, heven rooms, all Lm -- a No. vl aiarthall avenue, next door to 3X2 ua onKtreet, where apply 1: .5 JOHN E. KIN LEY. No.2 Main street, corner Kj MoXson. Apply to Oliver, finnie a: co. fp ESIDENCE Elsbt rooms, 84 Mosby street. Apply at 48HECONDBT. f V NTRAL HOTEL On Adams street. Ap-- rivtn David IlafcUncs. Commercial hoUU. WANTS. RVANT- - -- Woman to do general house work. at ftil KUEDBY STREET. hn: l.KORAPHINO Ladles and gentlemen tJ. to learn telegraphing. School conducted IhiTinanv. For Information call at Western I tl .a Telegraph office, 3 Madison street, or at school r om.lH Main street tup suun, be: reen 13 and 12 ajn-- 3 and S, and 7 and S p.m. I X)K A sicgle woman or girl to cook and t do general housework In a small family a uie country, appiv i U.U11UWAHU& u.f, rroniM. i.RVANTH (tood man or boy and woman j ArpSy CiERMAN NATIONAL BANK. LEGRAPHY Young men to learn tele-rapli- y. Address PaclncTelegraph.151 Main plJOK A girl that understands how to do I BouseworK ana cooKing. odb uiuh i d apply. 1C7 BEALE ST. r rAUTED YOUR ATTENTION TO THE ly ii Waxhlnston st. Awnings or oil styles ki 1m m order. Cabinetwork and Furniture u ie and repaired, varnished, !ni nacked for snlnment. Carpets taken up, ) iiedani reiald. All work called for and d- - FOR SALE. .:iESS, OINK, LTC one Wlnshlp power pre-'?- ; oct uirver gm; one vv i iptt ein. one Reynold's revolving cotton ices; one large writing dek;a lot of shaft- - n. puu cys, t ic ;cp stairs, corner Third and Madison RNED GROCERIES-Ham- s, Breakfast v.tiem. Lard. Flour. Commeal. Hucar. B.i Fruit and a full assortment of groceries trzta supply OI gooas mibuuj uamueu uy re and water, we are selling ior ajmosi otl.lcg. Olveusacall. t "No. CIS Poplar street, nearly oppoMte our Cud stand. 1 oriSB The convenient twolory brick J dwelling house, So. 65 Market street. PI HSIO SUl. U1B UUIW. Alll'l) Ml Ji 18 PRATT GIN , 266 Front st. v KT.AND FEMALE 8 KM1NARY SHU Jated In the town of Oakland, on the M. n,iln.fMmM.(iinll. ThnhnlTH. w are new and easy of accesi, surrounding T. itry thickly settled and community re-- J. It Uwell adapted for teacher'f, family board en; good gardens and two good cls-- a. Tennavery liberal. Apply to JAMES MOORE, or G. A. ALLEN, .5 Oakland, Mississippi. AND LOT 23 Poplar street one oi iOrSE cost pleasant residences on that rsrlte streetoffered Tor sale at moderate 1 to and oa easy terms. Apply to iU TRE.LVANTA(X., WMadlsousU r riVAM.EKOlVEKand Ikillers. nortableand ( cUiUonary, new and second-han- sulta-- 1 13 run saw and gristmills and cotton-gin- s, v for casn or city acceptance Apply to k 3 CUBBINS & OUNN. i T AVCTION Tlie following Lots will bo I ikcld to tte highest bidder on Thursday jy lit. on the north-res- t corner of Main kl liadlvon strests: Part lot 01. being b6hi .4! ifcct,Fonlh side Ji fler-o- n street, next f lot Mr. P- - M. Patterson ; also, the follow-- i lots. It Mock 12 Brlnkley A Snowden's -- 1 vtoa , 7, V, ii and 1", ea side oi Marley ' JLe, and 12, H.Ji and 2!, west side Hastings Tl, crd tio following, tn block 13 of said P ;l'.C3 2, 4, 6. h, 1 1 and 16,west side Moi-cl- y ViU?, a- -S mil. 17 and IB, east side of each of said lots 60 feet front by I . fe, i (tenth. Terms, half cash, half in i year, with Interest rroui date of sale at six 7 cent., feccined by tniht dted. HHIXEHCE My late residence on Jessa- - maln street, tmra uoor east oi lauaer- - e street House ana gronnas in peneci 'sr. JOHN OVKKTO? IK. -- AT- .YES Q26 T&Eii-tJL- . 3t. TILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS T3IS f week In STAPLE AMU FANCY mealies, Toweling", Calicoes, Edgings. Caaslracrea, Inser-llngs- , Uncus, Bhlrllngs, ble Unena, Genla' Fnrnlsblna; Goods, SHOES, cnenpest In tlie city. early n- -d secure BARGALNH, as wo S. VENDIGi liBO Stroot. O.ITARY INSTITUTE. tOlb beislon Begins September otli. ACILITIFS for education unsurpassed. ires to health, gracefulness, manliness, fiifclcess, and sense of honor. Estimated ecses fcr one cadet f US. teferenccs-S- . P. Read, cashier I'nlon and liteia talk. Cant. J. M. Trezevant; F. W. lto and T. A. Lamb, 388 Front street; H. Major R. H. Wlldberger.or tne Irder.E-sq- . 3 Front street. Information and catalogues COL. ROBT. D. ALLEN, Bnp't, 13 ranadale. Franklin oo- - hy. k00RE, EMERY & CO. (Successors to Stanton & Moore,) OOBRS, COTTON FACTORS AND bminissiou Mcrdiants, BO. 323 FRONT 6TKEET. leclal attenUon given to the sale of Cotton, I eat ana jgroauce gcuwav ONE DOLLAR FOR THE APPEAL. Persons leaving the city for the country can, have the DA ILi APPEAL sent to them for one month, on sending to or leaving tlitir name and address and One Dollar at our counting-roo- m or for any time longer than that at tlie same rates. ItELIGlODS SERVICES. Calvary (Episcopal) Church. This Church will be open for Divine services y, morning and evening, the rector offic- iating. Linden Street Christian CuoRcn Bandar- - uool at 9 ajn. "What doth hinder me to be tiapllxed?" Rev. David Walk will dlseus this question this morning. No night service. First Baptist Church Rev. G. A.Lofton pastor. Service at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. BaptNm atnlgbt. Bt.Lazarus(Episcopal) Church Maditon ttreeU Services at 11 a.m. by Rev. Geo. White, D. D. First Methodist Church. Quar- terly meeting. Services at 1030 ajn. and p.m., by Rev. John Moss. 1. t. Central Methodist Episcopal Cuubch. Union Uirtt Services at 11 a.m. and b p.m.. by Rev. Jas. A. Heard. First Presbyterian CnuRCH Corner of Third and Fojtlir ilrertj. Services at 11 aun. and 8 p.m., by Rev. Eugene Daniel, pastor. Central Baptist Church. Second ttrett, near Bcalt Services at 11 a.m. ami pjn. Dr. Landrum, pastor. Seats free. Bab- - bath-scho- at 9 a.m. Fort Pickering M. E. Church. Corner Sixth and Jackton ttrecti.Wtn. Shim mm, pastor. ITeaching at b p.m. uy uev H.Stricklln. Ht. JonN's M. E. Church. Corner of Vance and Irtwierdal: ttreett.-J.- lt. Cband ler. nastor. Services at 11 a.m. and b p.m Class meets at i)iU a.m. Bunday-scho- ol at p.m. Grace (Episcopal) Church Her nando ttreet Sunday-school- 'J a. m.; service at 11a.m.: service In Swedish at 3 p.m.; chll dren's meeting at 5 pjn. Seats free. German Presbyterian Church. Services at 100 a.ra. by Rev. J. U. Tschudl pastor. Sunday-scho- at 9 ajn. St. Mary's Cathedral. Poplar at Services at 7 and 11 a.m. ; and i $0 and 8 p.m. immanuel Church Bcale street Services by Rev. G. H. Jackson at 3:30 p.m and at 8 pjn. Bethel Sunday-Schoo- l. 2i p.ni The exerclsfw to-d- will be very Interesting, Ail are inviieu. Third Presbyterian CnuKcn. Rev. E. M. Richardson, pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. Scats free. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Court ttreet. Services at 11 a.m by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Stalnback. Second Cum berland Presbyte- - BlAit church- - Vance ttreet. Services at 11 a.m. by Rev. A. C. Culton. Sunday-schoo- l at 9 ajn. Church of the Good Shepherd (Episoopai.). Cor. Iturth and Mill ttreett, Cheltea. Services y at 11 a.m., by Rev. T. C. Tupper, rector. Lutheran Church Washington ttreet. Sabbath-scho- ol at 8 ajn. ; morning ser vice at 10:30. Union Street Presbyterian CnuRCH Near Orleant ttreet. Divine ser- vice at 11 a.m. Sabbath-scho- 930 ajn. Rev J.N. Waddel, D.D., pastor. First Congregational Church. Union Street Rev. W. B. Millard, pastor, Services at 11 a.m. Chelsea Baptist Church. Preach- ing by Rev. S. K. TigTett, pastor, at U ajn, Sabbath-schoo- l at 9:30 a.m. Third Cumberland Pbesbyterian CnURCU. Corner Jiurth and Looney ttreett, Cheltea. Service at 11 a.m. Rev. L. C Taylor, pastor. Alabama Street Presbyterian ClIUBCH. Alabama ttreet and Jonet avenue Rev. Dr.Steadman, pastor. Services at 11 a.m Sabbath-scho- 9:30 a.m LOCAL PARAGKAPB8. Yesterday was very hot. There was a heavy rain yesterday morning. Prepare your babies for Leubrie's in fant snow. We thank the Southern express company for a file of late papers. The city council holds its regular weekly meeting next Tuesday afternoon The board of education meets TueS' day night for the purpose of electing teachers. The total amount of police and fire warrants issued by the city is 13,020, Of this sum S76S0 are police, and $5340 are lire warrants. The Mississippi river ferry case of Unanes organ vs. Jonn uverton, sr. and John Claybrook, was on trial in the second circuit court yesterday. The July number of the Qalaxy is before us. It has a splendid table of contents, and is probably the most in- teresting nmber yet issued. i The lire this morning was the burn ing of the shed overChas. Jones's brick- yard, near the corner of Hulintr and Tennessee streets. Two sheds were de- stroyed. A special to the Appeal from Col- - lierville says that George W. King was drowned near there yesterday while bathing. He is a young man; his rela- tives are said to live in Keokuk, Iowa. By invitation of the Pastor's associa tion. Rev. Dr. David Walk will lecture in the Linden street Christian church night upon the subject of "Spurgeon and His Work." Admission fifty cents. BilJy Lieben, at No. 236 Main street. has a news-stan- d full of interesting readine stock. cnmnrisini thi lntoef monthlies, periodicals, illustrated jour- nals, dime novels, etc. He keeps also the latest dailies of the Union. Extensive preparations are beintr made for the Masonic picnic at James's nark next Thursdav. fipnnral TsT. P. Banks, of Massachusetts, will deliver an oration upon the occasion. He is ex pected to arrive by the Louisville train Wednesday aiternoon. Mansford, at the corner of Second and Monroe streets, ban received all the latest magazines, illustrated papers, jour nals, novels, etc. ie keeps a lull sup- ply of miscellaneous literature, school-book- s, etc.. and has on hand the latest dailies from the east, west, north and south. United States Commissioner Garrett yesterday committed to jail on waiver of examination a youna: man named C. W. Clemmens, the postolllce agent at Mar- tin, Weakley county, Tennessee. Clem- mens is charged with stealing money from letters, and we understand that he admits his guilt. We are in receipt by mail of Scrib-ner- 's &l. Nicholas, the illustrated maga- zine for boys and girls. This number is the beat yet issued, its table of contents being replete with illustrations, interest- ing stories, etc., calculated to please as well as instruct the little people. Three dollars a year, or twenty-fiv- e cents a number. All the newsdealers have it. Lou Leubrie'fl baby show will be a great attraction at the Masonic picnic in James's park next Thursday. Leu-bri- e is oiling his bald head and expects to varnish it quite artistically in order to look as venerable as possible upon the occasion, ue is comment of making this entertainment far more attractive than any previous ones he has given in tms city. From the programme published, we see that the Mson3 have in pi o spec t the finest celebration ever given in this country. We are confident it will com mand the largest crowd ever assembled at James's park. The address of Itself will attract thousands, as General Banks is acknowledged as one of the finest or ators in the land. We trust none of our intelligent citizens will miss this good opportunity to near mm. Henry G. Dent, of this city, has a silver watch, which has been used more than one hundred years. As far as can be ascertained, the watch belonged to Thomas Gayle, who was born In April, 1750. and died in May, 1S24. It descend ed to Peter 8. Gayle, thence to his daughter Sarah L. Gayle, wife of Henry G. Dent, by whose son It is now owned. The watch is what is known as tne Jt.n glish bull-ey- e time piece. Mansford has the Lakeside Library for this week, in which is begun an in teresting story, "The Portent, a story of the Second Sight," oy ueorge aiacuon-ald- . All the pictorials, including Frank Leslie's double sheet, containing handsome illustrations of all the strik- ing scenes and incidents connected with the battle of Bunker Hill, and the celebration; of its centennial anifiver-sar- y. With the July number the Oalaxy will enter on ts twentieth volume. It will celebrate the event by appearing in entirely new type and being printed on laid tinted paper, which will make it in appearance, as it has long been in con- tents, one of the most attractive maga- zines published. The July number contains a sketch of Alexandre Dumas, by Albert Rhodes, an article on paint-jDg- a by Henry James, jr., "A Napoleon. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, JTTtSTE 0, 1875. ic Letjend," by Grenville Murray, aud mauy other attractive articles. Yeaterilay morning the temperance societies gave a pleasant picnic at White Haven, on the Mississippi and Tennes-t- - raltruad, eight miles south of this city. The attendance was very large, as several trains went out crowded with vibitorH. it was one of the largest, as well as Hi"3 most creditable and delight- ful eiitertHinffleuta ever giveu by any organization f Memphis. During the morning there was a proceseion of the different temperance lodges, the advance IxjIiik tnken by the Templar Guards down Main street to the depot. List of undelivered telegrams at the Western Uuion telegraph olTlce, No. 33 Madlrou etieet: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lippman, ; F. D. Bsrnum fc Co., W. Y. C. Humee, Mra. R. F. Looney, Price, Jones & Co., steamer A. J. White, Hor- ace E Garth, J. H. Black, 2; L. Jvatz-onberp- & Sons, Hayden Bro?., A. V. Treadwell & Bros , H. Luhrmau. Mil- - burn. Walker & Co., Mrs. G. T. Pease Mrs. Mollie Nelson, Brooks, Neely & Co., T. N. Johnstone, Meyers A bneed Mrs. T. T. Writtht, W. J. Littltjohn Elv. Harvev & Richardson, 2: Louis Hanauer. Mrs. N. T. Skelton. B. Loew euritine & Bros., C. C. Ward & Bro J, H. Drake. H-in- es & PartoD. A. M. Scar brouch & Co.. D. C. M'Dnueal & (3oe Carrinirton Mason. E. L. Plummer, Jo Frankie, Cooper & Co., Superintendent nublic seliools. Helen earron, Ann Shannon, Kato Emerson.George Gantt, Miss M. Ii. Titus, Michael Jveatcner. The following is tlie mortuary re port for the week ending yesterday af ternoon, six o'ciock: NAME. IAOK' SEX. COIK CAUSE. B. Rleley C2 male...iwhite debility W. Kpp 21 male...1 white dlarrhn a E. C, rftoiir.. jC male.... white alcoholism A.C. Walker.. 2 male...lwblte meningitis J. Kane 42 male... wnltemeoility A. Mergell. 4 d'umale... white premature F. Farrell 8d's male... white, spasms M. Broder E0 female white! conges. b'ls P. Springier 7m Ifemale while iollm. bo'ls 1. Price flni ifemale white pn'umonia A. W. Waddell JO m female while remit lever A. Chenck 5m female white marosmus Inf. of J. Cook U"'b female white nremaiure R. Cook 3S female white mfla. brain M. Komtzer 2m female' white not stated E.Kllitore 14 female white tumonr, in G. M Donald .. 40 male... colo o dysentery M'Clering.... 11 m male... colo'd wh. cough W. White .. 7m malc...,colo'd Infanticide J. P.Cain 5m male... colo'd brain fver G. Ross. 21 male 'colo d Injuries L. Cart wright female colo'd ronsump'n S. M. Galllspie 14 m female colod in (la. brain hienson Jiu iiemaie com u mu :igo L. Hell 7m femaleicolo'd dlpttioria M. Woods 90 female colo'd old age N. Sanders. 21 female, colo'l'consump'n Total for the week, 27: whites 16, blacks 11: males 12, females 15; adults 12. minors 15: under 1 year of age,12; un der 5 veara of ace,14 ; from the hospital, 3 The mortality for the week was heavier than any corresponding time ior many months. What sickness there is in the citv is lareelv amoDK children, aid mothers cannot ba toc reful in protect ing thsir young from fij j excessive heat of the sun, and from t'.e imprudent in dulgence ofpremature fruits. ItlUiiAitu n. lAiuiit, ji. u.. Secretary Board of Health. PERSONAL. Captain Charles M. Wellons, of thn mprnantilfi firm of Adams. Wellons & Co., of Bolivar, has been in the city a couple or three days, and returns home to-da- He gives nattering accounts of the farmers' prospects m oiu uarueman Mr. C. F. Lawlor leaves for New York, where he sails direct for Dublin, Ireland, to visit his parents, whom he has not seen ior lour years, We hope his visit to the old country will be very pleasant and that he will return safe to America, where he has so many friends. The Vicksburc Herald of Friday an nounces the departure from that city of General T. C. M'Mackin. Jlo goes to Hot Springs, Arkansas, where, we be lieve, it is the purpose ot our old menu, the "prince of hotel-keepers- ," to take nositionln some hotel for the season. In parting with General M'Makin, for the summer, says the iieraca, we uesire to commend him to the Kind courtesy and consideration of our friends at the Hot Springs as one eminently worthy of their respect anu inentisnip, anu wno, n occasion oiler., win assureuiy estaonsn his claim to the respect and good feeling of all whose respect is worth having. Meantime we beg our friends every- where to take coed care of General M'Makin, and send him back io us next fall with restored health and a oratefl constitution. Mrs. M'Makin ac companies the general, and to each we extend our best wishes for a pleasant visit and a safe return to their old home and old friends. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS is DItEiS 600DS, ETC, AT MEBTKEH BROTHERS'. Large lines grenadines, Japanese per cales, etc., on our center tables, at 10c. Choice new linen lawn3 at 20c. Our lace striped ecru at 20 j. Figured French pique, choice goods, 25c. Fine cambric muslin, 13Jc. Ladies' linen suits, $3 50. Children's suits. S7Jc, SI 25. SI 50, all at cost. Hemp carpet, 203 and 30c. Ingrain carpet, 50c, 65c and 75;. 500 parasols, to close out cheap. 5000 ladies' silk ties, Tery cheap. Mosquito nettings. Bathing towels, etc. MENKEN BROTHERS. LAW REPORTS Criminal Conrt Fllpptn, JTndce. The following cases are set for trial on Monday next; 101, Waddy Thompson et at; 42, James Larkins; 81, J. E. Har- - man; 142, John M'Uinnis: iol, Henry Yancy; 154, Miles Ledbetter; 270, Dy son Watklns; 170, JJ. Hammer; 182, Thomas Cogan; 193, Charles Meyers and P. M'Mahon: 200, Jim Nelson; 202, Lnch; 20S, Solomon Bradshaw; 222, Wm. Btasley; 250, Ed McCoy; 253, Dudley Watson; 257, Peter Capurro; 265, Maggie Quinn; 273, Todd; 293, Borg; 297, Andrew Trigg; 299, Wm. Hockett; 307, Julius Cuhu; 311, Peter Mitchell and Joe Keeley; 323, Henry Bunch: 325. Charles Gallena: 332. Os- - ear Turner; 195, Anthony Raggio. First Clrcnlt Conrt ITelsbell, Jndge. Court will meet at nine o'clock Mon day morning, and the calendar last pub- lished will be called. Second Chancery Court Wulher, Chan cellor. Causes set for Monday, June 21st: Myers ve James; Neal vsTodd, and also every cause that now etaud3 for trial, anu they will be called peremptorily, and must be tried or continued. United States District nnii Clrcnlt Courts Trigg-- , Jnilae. Yesterday: Cox va steamer John Overton, execution ordered to issue; Camron vs Ktna life insurance company, demurrer sustained; Hamp-so- n vs Steele, older of reference to clerk; Hendig vs Dean, case argued and taken under advisement. On Monday morn- ing a peremptory call of district docket, commencing at 6S3. For the latest style of gentlemen's and ladies' boots and shoes, go to Cof- fey's. CUBBINS & GUXK. Elsewhere appears a card of the Union iron works'of Cubbins & Gunn, at Nos. 160 and 174 Adams street. This institu tion manufactures all manner of steam-engin- es and mills, agricultural imple- ments, house and jail works, promptly executes all steamboat work, and fills satisfactorily all orders for brass and iron castings. Mr. Cubbins has withdrawn from the planing mill of Cubbins, Gunn & Coover, and is devoting hi3 entire time to the Union iron works. All the latest style of boots and shoes for men, ladles, boys, misses and chil- dren can be found at Coffey's. Improved Fly-Trap- s, 30r. f tr sale by Bine years experience nni demon-slralr- d the superiority or the celebra- ted, first premium, patent American Itefrlcerator over all others lu the enfenllals of simplicity, efficiency, economy and durability, pre- serving all kinds or perishable lood longer, with less Ice. 1st Save from 25 to 30 per cent. ice. 2d Produce n dryer and colder temperatnre, as therr is no condensation of moisture vrltnln the provision chamber. 3d One article or rood will not taste or smell or another. 41b All portions or the Rerrlicerator canbenird nd vanlnRConsly at the (tame time, as tns com air is rarrifa io every part. Acents Ior nnupliln.il. Yftlrt Co., stoves and tlnwarr, and 13 aion-ro- e street, Mtiaphls, Tennesiee. THE HOGUE'S GALLERY. A Collection lVorlby tha Htndy of PbyaiogBomUU Tlie People IVIie Prey Upon Moclety and Illus- trate Evil Ways, The roirue's callery which is kept at police headquarters, under the charge of Clerk Sim. Banuds, is a most valuable album. It contains the photographs of three hundred and six criminals and is handsomely bound. The pictures have been fathered with much trouble ana expense, and the collection is as com- plete as can be found in any city in the Onion. Many of the pictures are copies fromtho renowned Pinkerton detective agency's album, while others have been sent from Europe. All have been artis- tically arranged, and the name and particular Hoe of business of each crimi- nal is uiven. Amonc the number are George Macdonnell and Austin B. Bid well, two of the bank of Ensland forcers "those exploits in London were of such a character as to challenge the admira- tion of all ofilcials by their shrewdness and boldness. They succeeded In ob taining near live hundred thousand dol lars from the bank on forged certificates of deoosits. but tney were detecteu ana brought back for trial and sentenced for lire, lieorge Macaonnen ngurea in Memphis at one time and had some dealings with our Union and Planters bank, but was unsuccessful in his efforts to swindle the officers. The photograph of Onsen b. btorrs, who committed forgery at Buffalo, New York, and of James M. Hotchkiss, at Peoria, Illinois, are also among tho number, Of !the thieves, the most noted are: Miles Ogle, John Dennison, Theopholus George, Sam Uevine, William niana gap, James M'Gowan, James Kealey, James Connarton, James Wilson, uen nie Monahan, James Munday, Lairy King, Joseph Wilson, William Parker, Peter Munday, John alias uoc ityan, Walter Sheridan, Hugh Dully, Frank Dean, alias "Dago Frank," and Dave Cummings. The latter two, together with Billy Forrester, committed the great diamond robbery at New Orleans in 1871, when the jewelry store of M, Scooler was broken open and robbed of seventy thousand dollars worth of jew elry and diamonds. After committing tne tneit tne thieves came to Memphis, and remained in this cityfor two weeks. at the saloon of Angelo Marre, who kept at that time near the Overton hotel. Angelo Marre's picture also graces the album. He it was who put up the job to rob tjhiel Athy's safe, and secured the services of Doc Ransom, alias Wright, alias Levy, to do the work. Angelo languishes in the peni- tentiary at Nashville, but his time ex pires, through the intervention of the late governor, in October next. He will not be permitted to a "fence house," for such was the character of his saloon in this citv. What Angelo Marre was to Memnhis so is Mat Hogan to New Orleans, for he is the aider and abetter of all criminals who visit the Crescent City, but he is shrewder than was Angelo, since he never gets so deep in but what there is a loophole ,for him to escape. The fa- miliar faces of William Kirby. Henrv Belmont and John Wren, known as the "Speed uarroters," also appear in life- like form. These worthies are the three who garroted the popular ticket agent of the Louisville railroad; were caught at vicksburg and sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment. There are also the photographs of Louis Sturgeon, Samuel Levy (colored), both of whom committed murders in this city; the former shooting young Murphy at the river while bathing, and the latter kill- ing Michael Burke in September, 1872 Pictures of Harry Ford and Robert Ford, brothers,;both burglars, who com- mitted a robbery at Humboldt, Tennes see, can also no seen. The photograph of little Charlie Ross, for whose recovery twenty thousand dollars reward is of- fered, is conspicuously displayed. Good photographs of Cole Younger and James younger, the notorious "Gads Hill rob bers," and general desperadoes, as also the picture of Captain J. E. White, the renownel horse-thi- ef and jail breaker, are among the collection. Col- umns could be written of the exploits of these men and many of the gallery. A sketch of a few of the most noted has been hastily written, and last, but not least, can be noticed the faces of Matt Morris. Ed Johnson, John Woods and Henry John- son (colored), the Brady express rob bers, wno a few days since were sen- tenced to the penitentiary for terms that joiutly represent seventy-tw- o years. I he latest addition is the handsome face of Chastaine, for whose arrest a reward of two hundred dollars has been offered. Chief Athy is daily adding to his col- lection, and it is well worth the time taken in looking over the faces of crim inals, each of whom has a history as distinct as that of any renowned indi- vidual of our country. New black plaid grenadines st popu lar prices this week, at B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. Improved Fly-Trat- soc. for sale by II. WETTi.lt A CO. 1000 FASHIONABLE WHITE MAR SEILLES TESTS, 1000 Fashionable White Russia Duck Vests, just received From Onr Own Hannfactory, AT S3 50 EACH. Our entire stock at prices to suit the times. You will pave money by buying first-clas- s clothing at prices usually paid for inferior grades. ESI'ROUI.E A a'COWH. misses' and children's para sols reduced; ladies' belts reduced, fans reduced, ribbons reduced, sashes re duced, hat scarfs greatly reduced, at B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. Improved Fly-Tran- s. SOc, for sale by II. WETTER fc CO. Ladies' box-toe- d Newport.new styles at Coffey's. MAIN STREET SENSATION. As an elegant gentleman was passing up Main street yesterday afternoon, he dropped his pocket-boo- k containing two hundred dollars. A little boot-blac- k picked the pocket-boo- k up and returned it to the owner, who showed his appre- ciation of the boy's honesty by stepping into hoi uoieman's cigar and tobacco tore. No. 200 Main street, and buving three boxes of Rosa Concha cigars for the chap. Good enough ! LEGAL LAW FIRM. Messrs. John D.Robinson and Bayliss Rose have formed a copartnership for the practice of law. Their office is in the Planters insurance Duiiaing, wnere they can be found during the day. We commend both of these young gentle men to the public as reliable and faith ful in every respect. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAIHS in HOUSE-FURNISHIN- G GOODS, AT B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. Steamboatmen, housekeepers, hotel and boardinghouse keepers, can now purchase supplies in towels, napkins, doylies, table damasks, tollinetts, buck and crash toweling.honeycomb and Mar- seilles quilts, at prices heretofore unpre- cedented. Do not neglect availing yourself of the vast inducements we are offering this month. B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. Ladies' box-toe- d, side-lace- d and but- ton gaiters at Coffey's. DR. T. T. TURNER, DENTIST, No. 203 Slain Street Over Barnnms FINE STATIONERY. A full line of the latest styles sold at popular prices, at A. f. dod & co.'s, 311 Main Street. Go to Leddin's Business College. The cheapest and best Steau Dyeing andCi-iANiit-a Houss In the city is at 248 Se- cond slrest. HANSON & WALKER. ruowEBB, uuidous toots, plants, dou- - queta and decorations. Craig's, 379 Main, THE tilt EAT KC1) STOKE. IMMENSE BARGAINS IN HUMMER (IOOHS THIS WEEK. 500 gingham and silk parasols at cents up. Sash ribbons (wide) 25c a yard, worth 50c. Mosquito bars made to order or in the piece, for one-hal- f the usual price. 500 gents' fine gauze undershirts at 25c each. 500 extra long shell fan chains at 35c apiece. We still have 50 pieces dress goods, to close, at 7c a yard. 500 new and stylish ladies' straw hats at SI, sold by the miliners at S4 each. SHOES' SHOE3!! SHOES!!! Chenpcfitln the City. Our 75c kid slippers are worth SI 60. To close- - balance of children's suits at 60c ea:h. WM. FRANK & CO,, 249 MAIN ST. N. B. Pollco and Firo Scrip Taken AT PAR Fo- - the Cheapest Dry Goods In ii.o City. W. F. & CO., 219 Main st. See advertisement of the Kentucky military injitituto. Call on Major R. H. Wildberger, 208 Front street. FASHION. Hoopskirts made to order in the latest styles. The latest long skirt supporting tournures are now ready, and cannot fail to become as popular hero as they are north. I am finishing the reliable fold ing bustles must stronger, and ladies who wore them know I do not exagger- ate. Several new shapes in corsets, both white and light drab. LOUIS LANGE, Manufactory SS3 Main St. AN OPPORTUNE CHANCE. Visitors to tha springs or seaside can now procure a complete outfit at prices less than the cost of materials to make them up. .Ladles', misses' and children's under- - garments,at unprecedentedly low prices. Ladies' linen suits, Ladies' lawn suits, Ladies' organdie suits, Greatly reduced. Children's pique dresses in elegant variety, suitable for all ages, extremely low. Bargains in lace sleeveless jackets this ' B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. L. M. DEAN & CO. The popular firm of L. M. Dean & Co., deajers in wall-pape- r, houje-good- s, window-shade- s and ornamentals, con- tinues receiving new goods to the al ready large stock now on hand. In point of novelty, beauty and elegance, their goods stand unrivalled. They offer great inducements by the low prices asked for goods of the most excellent quality. All who wish anything in this hue should call at L. M. Dean & Co.'s. JOHNSTON & VANCE. Yesterday we dropped in at the great clothing and furnishing house of John- ston & Vance, No. 305 Main street, and were surprised to find that they had made still further reductions in the price of their elegant clothing, gentlemen's furnishing goods, underwear, etc. Tho prices of shirts are now so low mat any person can slloru lo wear a good gar- ment, if they only go to Johnston & Vance's. These great reductions in fine clothing, underwear, shirts, etc., make Johnston & Vance all the more popular, and give them increased patronage. We are satisfied that Johnston & Vance offer a better quality of goods and at lower prices than any firm in Memphis. What they have is reliable, and no dis- appointment is ever caused their numer- ous custon?ers. THE GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS., CONTINUE3.THIS WEEK. Go there and secure some of the great- est bargains ever offered in Memphis in those lines. FOSTERS TEXAS DRAWING. Indorsed by the city council. Last chance, June 30th, $200,000 In gold coin, houses and lands. Tickets SI each, or 11 forSlO. J. E. Foster, manager, Houston, Texas. G. H. Samuels furnishes infor- mation. SELL YOUR FRUIT. We are selling our own make of every kind of fruit, vegetable and packing boxes at less than northern prices. MEMPHIS WOOD WORKS, 351, l5U, 361 and 3)3 Second street. Parties wishing to join the California excursion on the tenth of July will please give their names in at 2S1 Main street during the coming week, and oblige ' w. II. TOLER. June 19, 1B7 . GRUBBS & AUSTIN, 332 Halu Street, Continue their closing-ou- t salo of clo- thing, and, to aid tho working-peopl- e, will take the new issue of city warrants at par for all goods in their line. Button Newport, new styles, at Cof- fey's. Novelties in plaid grenadines just received at b. lowenstein & bros. LIYINGSTON k COMPANY, IMJUEMHC AND FOitEIQW BAlSEiEES, 10 PINE BTREET, NEW YORK. Conservatively organized for doing the business of banks, bankers, corporations, merchants and Individuals, Usual Interest allowed on dallv balances. Collections made and promptly remitted. Corrtsaondence toliciled. Exchange on princi- pal dues of Europe. London See advertisement Foster's second Texas drawing postponed for a few days. Go to Kenealy's Business College. SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Dr. Rogers Agnln Nnccpmfnl Wonder ful Kesnlls Attending au )ern . tion for fllone in the Jllmliler. The announcement of the fact that the skeleton of a child had passed through the aperture made in a male person operated upon for stone in the blarlder by Dr. W. E. Roger?, has caused no little comment among tho medical fraternity of this city. Quite a number of physicians have vi?ited the oiliee of Dr. Kogera io examlno the bones of the skeleton, and to learn the particulars at- tending the passage. The facts, as we learn them, are as follows: On the eighth of this month Dr. W. E. Rogers, assist- ed by Doctors Nuttall, Sim, Jones, White and Morgan, operated on Jerry Walker, aged eighteen, for stone in tlie bladder. The operation was success ully performed, and from the bladder wa extracted a stone as large as a guinea's egg. Some days after the operation the nurse, while dressing the wound, saw something protruding from the wound, which she extracted and gave toDr. Rogers on his next visit to the patient. This proved to be the bones of a child. In this formation are part of both bones of the thigh, one of tho leg, one of each arm, and one hip bone. The .nurse stated that there were many more bones, but not knowing the importance of preserving them, she threw them away. This is indeed a remarkable case and, naturally enough, has excited much wonder among those who have heard of it. We learn from the doctors that cases are re- ported where bones, teeth and hair are found in the cysts, but this is the first case where perfectly formed bones of a skeleton have been brought to light, the strongest feature being the fact that the skeleton came from a boy, whoso name, as above stated, is Jerry Walker. The patient resides at No. 2G6 DeSoto street, and is doing quite well now. rNEW BLACK PLAID GaENADINiS at B. LO WENSTEIS & BROS. Dress goods reduced, Linen lawns reduced, Percales reduced, Piques reduced, at B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. STATIONERY OF THE FINEST QUALITY. During the present stringency in the money market stationery, plain, fancy and fashionable, has fluctuated greatly in price, and a great many dealers have been enabled to take full advantage of the market to the great benefit of their numerous customers. Among this class ranks E. L. Cleaves, the popular sta tioner and bookseller, No. 281 Mam street, who has just received one of the finest stocks of stationery ever brought to Memphis. The stock embraces every- thing that is new, novel and fashiona- ble, conspicuous among which may be mentioned Pivie's exquisite envelopes in every jtyle, shape, color and shade, and such as is used by the cretiii, lu create of society. These en- velopes are perfectly unique, with varied colored flaps and gilt borders, with cream wove and rice not e paper to match. The bijou envelopes and petite note paper and pretty papcteries are neautirui ani most suitable ior iasuionaoio young misses, who wish to maite loving mis sives to their friends and fellow-student- s. The supply of mourning envelopes have every degree or muck uoruer, indicating a slight bereavement or one of agonizing woe. To match an tnese air. uieaves has a 6UDerb selection oi gold pens with every imaginab.'e kind of holder, with gold pencil cases.tasteful ink-glass- and stands in endless variety, paper-weig- of all kinds, and visiting cards, lvoiy reps, enamel Jand bristol, with a larye and admirably selected stock of every article pertaining to the stationery bust ness. A very large stock of businessen- - velopes has jUat come to hand, which will be soiu at prices to sua tne limes The stock of books on counter and shelves will be found to be rich, rare and varied, and includes all the latest novels and miscellaneous works, uraers tor an kinds of printing and book-bindin- g re ceived anu executed with care, taste and dispatch. e. l. cleaves, kOi j urn aiicei. 31. Ii. 3IEACIIA3I A CO. Wholesale Urocors nntl Cotton Factors Large Stock or Ties, Etc. Rare Inducements to Cnstoiners. Attention ia called to the card of the well-know- n house of M. L. Meacham & Co.,wholesale grocers and cotton factors, at No. 9 union street. This house is one of the largest in the southwest, is composed of reliable and experiuced busiuess men, who deal largely with ail the country tributary to Memphis. Among their stock of goods now on hand, we would mention niteen tnou sand bundles of cotton ties, purchased beforo the recent rise, three thousand rolls of bagging and ten thousand bar rels of salt on the levee, which are offered very cheap in order to save storage and other expenses incurred by removing and handling the same. Ttey are prepared to handle wheat on com- mission, and furnish all necessary sacks. They offer planters especial induce ments in the price of cotton-tie- s, which having, as above stated, been purchased before the recent rise in tho price of the same, they will continue to sell at the low figures asked heretofore. Their gro ceries embrace the best brands known to the market, for M. L. Meacham & Co, always deal in reliable goods, and guarantee to satisfy any customer. FRANCISCO & WIGGIN-STB- AW GOODS. Ti'rnnnlHr'n As Wicirin. tho crpftt hat dealers at ISo. 3lb Mam street, have re ceived another very large stock of fash ionable straw good3 for summer, em bracing the latest and prettiest styles for men, boys and children. They offer heir entire stock sf straw goods at very low prices. Give them a call, whether you wish to purchase a silk, a straw or a ielt hat. GREAT SWEEPING SALE AT COST! Ladies' Linen Suits at S4, S5, SS, S7, S3, $9, S10! THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN MEMPHIS!! A large lino of children's dresses at cost. Also, a complete line of ladies' linen dusters, polanaisea, overssirts and jackets at very low prices. Ladies underwear at a great sacrifice. Parties wanting a good linen suit can procure the same at F. &. HARDY'S, 247 Main Street. Call early and secure bargains. THE ROYAL. We present in another column the splendid statement of the Royal insur- ance company of Liverpool, England, showing total assets to be over sixteen and a quarter million dollars. The juris diction or Messrs. isarnee & casueman, the managers at Louisville, Kentucky, formerly confined to Kentucky and Tennessee, now includes nearly all the southern States conclusive evidence of tho estimation in whieh their labors are appreciated at the home olllce of the company. Colonel H. T. Tomliuson, No. 17 Madison street, is the Royal's agent for Memphis and vicinity. Of him wo need not speak. For twelve years he has been with us, and of us, and we have so often paid tribute to his worth and skill as an underwriter and adjuster that it is useless to repeat it. PUBLIC BENEFACTORS. This community cannot fail to appre- ciate the great benefit which has been done and will continue to be given by the great firm of E. F. Risk & Co., No. 306 Main street, who, with commend- able energy and judicious determina- tion, have burst up the coal-o- il ring and now offer the very best character of coal oil at twenty-fiv- e cents a gallon. This is good news 1 1 the public, who can now have good lights for a very small price by purchasing their coal-o- il from E. '. Risk & Co., who eell it fifteen cents cheaper than any house in Memphis. They offer special rates and extra in- ducements to retail merchants and oil dealers generally. The intend keeping the price of coal-o- il down to twenty-fiv- e cents, and guarantee the very best quali- ty of the fluid at this price. Nburix. The Instantaneous cure foi ncurolrfo, irfn- - TP". Jones A Co.. keep It, Attend Robertson's Business College, " " " rr.Ttt.-.- , - . IlERZOG & BRO.'S GREAT BARGAINS f 1 THIS WEEK! Beautiful sash ribbons 25, 30, 35 and 40C. Seal-brow- n eaah ribbons just received Elegant embroideries, half yard wide, for skirts and dresses, at half price. Beautiful white and striped hose, very cneap. Bargains in massalia nainsooka,muil, tuckings, piques, laces, etc. 6000 yards assorted dreta goods at 10c a yara. New lawn8 and linen lawna. Silk and wool iron grenadines, 50c. New calicoes opened. Parasols and fans at cost. New ties, handkerchiefs, etc. All dress goods at cost. Bargains in mosquito nets and bars, A GREAT BARGAIN ! To close out stock, gentt.' white shirts, oest quality, 1 45, $1 50 and 51 7o. Gents' underclothing, gauze, nain sook, etc., 33J, 50 and 60c apiece; best quality. Best British half-hoa- e, 33te a pair. Fifty pieces all-wo- ol casalmere, 50c a yard. Remnant sale begins To close the summer stock, extraordi- nary good bargains cau behad this week, RERKOG & BSO'S. CALIFORNIA WINES. Duffy & Carey, wholesale and retail grocers, No. 209 Main street, between Adams and Washington streets, have just received a very superior consign ment of port and sherry wines, manu factured by the finest grape-growe- rs of California. These wines are of superb quaii'y, and especially adapted for fami ly use, and will be sold by the bottle or gallon at unprecedented low prices. A single trial is only ncce3sary to make the aoove wines general favorites for tho table by all lovers of tho juico of the grape. A finely assorted stock of gro ceries of all kinds always on hand. Gents, call and see the "Memphis ties" at Coffey's. No house in Memphis has the stock of boots and shoes that Cofley has. Plakts Cibllae,Tomato,Egg,CraIg, ADDITIONAL ElVEE KEF0KT8 Cincinnati, June 19 Night. River falling, with 10 feet 5 inches water in khe channel. Weather cloudy and cool. Arrived : Arlington, Memphis. Depart- ed: CbarlesMorgan, NewOfleans; Mlu-neol- a, Memphis. New Orleans, June 19. Weather clear and hot this morning, with a light rain this evening. No arrivals. De- parted: Thompson Dean, Cincinnati; Great Republic, St. Louis. Vicksburo, June 19. Weather warm and cloudy. River stationary. Down: John F. Tolle. Up: Susie Silver. Pittsburg, June 19 Night River falling, with 3 feet 1 inch water in the channel. Weather clear and pleasant. STEAMBOATS. FOR LCUISVILLE & CINCINNATI. For Cairo, Louibville and Cincinnati. Tuo splendid passenger Str. Thompson Dean,&5S& W. B. Miller . jnahter Leaves WEDNESDAY, June Zlil, at S a.m. For freljrht or passage apply to J. T. WASHINGTON. A't, 380 Front Bt. Cincinnati and Memphis Packet. For Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati. Steamer JAS. D. PARKER, leaves weu.nbsua l.june zn, at o p.m., giving through tickets to all eastern points at lowest figures. Apply to R.W. LIOHTBUKNE. Sup't. 15 Madison St. iOK CAIRO AIMD ST. LOUIS. 1'OS CAIRO AND ST. LOUIH. Senipiii8 and St Louis Packet Co. United States Mall Line. l'r)!U Eievator Building, foot EvtSlc at. JULIA...... . Blake, master Wednesday, Jnne lUth, at a.m. CITY OF CHESTER Zelgler, master Thursday, June lTlh, at 5 pan. ST. GENEVIEVE Vlckers, master Frlrlny, Juno IStli, at G p.m. GRAND TOWER -- .Lennox, master Saturday. June l'Jth, at 5 p.m. CITY OF VICKSBURU Riley master Sunday, June .Mb, at 10 a.m. BELLE MEMPHIS Crane, master Monday, June 21st, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply to AD. STORM, Sup't Mississippi River Elevator Company. FOR VICKHBCBG. F0K VICKSSU1SU. St. lionlsniiri VIc&sbarsr Slp.il. Anchor IJne. CAPITOL CITY master Thursday, June 17th, at 6 p.m. CITY OF HELENA .McKee, master Saturday, June 19th, at 5 p.m. JULIA . Blnke, master Monday, June iilst, at 5 p.m. Making all the way landings. For freight or passage apply to AD. STORM, Bnp't Mlwlsslopl Rlvsr Elevator Company. FOR WHITE RIVER. Regular Hf emplils and White Biver Mail Liue. For Augusta, Jacksonport, and Little Red itivor. xne eiegsni steamer M. R. Harry master Ed. Crowell clerk Leaves promptly every SATURDAY, at 5 p.m For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. t. WAsmsuTUfl, sou Front st, R. P. GLENN, on Wharfboat. Freight consigned to Milt Harry will he handled free or storage, drayage and commis, slon, and put through promptly. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Regular Memphis and 1'iiie lllutr JlHil Line. For Red Fork, Auburn, New Ga3cony nd all points through to Pine Bluff, conn ctlng with light boats through to Fort Smith. itLEiCi: of tisxan. ,rr Jno. Woodbitrn maaterJalSaam: Leaves EVERY TUESDAY, at 6 p.m. Ed. Nowland . -- .master.' Leaves EVERY SATURDAY, at o p.m. For freight or passage, apply to JNO. N. HARBIN, Sapt., 15 Madison street. R. P. GLENN, Agent, lanl5 Wharfboat. foot Court street. FOR HELENA & FRIAR'S POINT For Helena, Friars Point and the Bends, PACKET. The olegant and fleet sids-whe- el passenger steamer Lee..... master Leo . cierK Will leave as above every Monday, Wednes day and Friday throughout tne year. For freight or passage applv on hoard. FOR ASHPORT. Regular Kanaolph, Fulton, Osceola and Asnport Semi-Week- ly Packet. Str. Erau& JToirest, O. E. Joplln...mastor I Joe. W. Rhodes clerk Leaves Mempnls MONDAYS and h RIDAYB at o p.m. For freight or passage apply on hoard. FOR NxYPOLEON. EOS NAPOLEON. A. J. Wiiits George Ji alone....... mufcter. Leaveo TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS, 5 pjn. For freight or casssr-- apply on board, or to lr. . W TIIVV 'Tft 'itW Front etrAt. CATS 10 Crt'jaCH ViEt5T KilL PNCJ.CJUIUtl!' - Sit! XT. 33. 'ZrZZLJl.S-jZlL- , MANUiFACT CURING JET.ELEK, AND DEALER IN Fine Jewelry. Watches, Clock, Canes. Spectacle, Etc. Solid Gold Watches from K0 to f200. Bolid Gold Chains from S15 to SloO. The celebrated Elgin Watch (silver), K0 to S75. Silver Im- ported Watches, 55 to SO. Solid Gold IS carat lllngs. warranted perfect. 81 60 per penny weight' and other things in proportion. nrprlnns stnnps. and infltehinc? odd Jewelry, and hair chain and pipe mountings a special ty, scnooi Jieuais. jewels, oieucm, ocuu, etc. Old gold and sliver wanted. 308 Second street - - MemnhU.Tenn DISSOIiirW.ION, B. F. PARTEE haying this day MR. from llio firm or W.W.Wheeler & Co., the business will bo continued under the firm-nam- e of Wheeler Co., who will keep constantly on band a fuil lAoox of Groceries and Plantation supplies. RIDLEY, Tjm., Slay 15, 1375. my28 11M On and alter MONDAY neit, theTtli mst , XKT- - mentsto purchasers ot go vis in the :oiiow.i.g lines: Dress Goods lower than ever heard of before-Embroidere- d and Striped tJrenadines fcom XOe pr jartl itjr;, lilack Grenadines at 15c per yard. Good lilack Grenadines at from 5c per janl up. Japanese Plaid Poplins at from 10c per jard up. Nice Yard-Wid- e Percales xt 10c per yard. White Linen Lawns at 15c per yarii. Good Yard-Wid- e White Linen Lawng at 25c per jairi. White Goods at greatly reduced prices. Satin Striped Victoria Lawn at 20c per yard. Fine Wiiite Organdie at 20c per yard. &I'L'KE1 Striped Dress Silks al 60c per yard and upn cheapest Black TaUeia and Ur IIou3e-FnniisriI- n Goods RedHccd. God Llaea Dack at SOc ptr yard. Ladles' Ties, Hat Scarfj, nml Fans Ksdnced. Children's Hose at 7 c, 10c, I2c end 15c per pair. Ladies' Hose at 8c, 10c anil 12 l-- per iwir. Lailes' HenutilchednaKdkercMcfs oc, 10,', 15c, '20c sad 26c enek. Prints, Lawns, B iched and Brown Shlr ings and SUeetln (Jingham", Plain and I'tat-- Osnaburgs at extremely reduced riu. Lweiieteim & Brothers 42, 244 and 246 Main TTXE have reducel our prices on Rniited f 1 RIO, 3Cc ; also we nre selling our GI'.A JAVA. Y EAST POWDER, 35c per pound. will get the value of j our money every iluie. Proprietors Memphis Tea Company. Steam Coffee and Spiee Mill?, FURNITURE, CARPETS, I In order to reduce our stock previous to FOENITUHE, CARPETS, ETC, AT G88T FOR CASH. This is an opportunity for Ihu-- e wanting goods in our line to purchase at less prices man was ever STOCK COMPLETE 111 BRYSON A. C. TREAJJWSIiL, A E T ro 12 THEY ALSO AT A GREAT New and & 33.8 Mam TEEAUWELL, Wholesale Grocers Unless Street, .. 01 JJnlon J. T. I'AKQASOJi. J. HP (Successors to and Clinton s CELEBRATED ROSA COXCIIA. Kednccdto $1 to anv nart of the country on receipt of or by express, C. O. D. Address, tL. Rom Concha Honnnzn.ano nnlnm CO,, to Foster, Keolhofer & commission HOG STREET. IN'O removed my of Hardwaro HA and Chain Pumps to 1U Ma n street would be pleabed to see all my old incaii; and customers. W. W. Junel7,is, juio Ajnc- - k BEOS w. sha.lojer sp-- c al ami fxUuonUitary ldi S3CX.KS! ml. Plain colored Silk at 79e per yam. Th-- s Grain on the continent. Street corner Jefferson. and Ground I'ofTo" 3c dt pound. JAVA. We; Nl'L VfKD i (JF!,.E-- j In nils. Soc for RIO:!l for three p for SI. Come and tee as and you OY Sc .CO. A iJ., our annual stock-takin- g in July, we will sea oinreu m mis city. EVERY & OAMP3 B, D. FACTORS fenapiais, 'ja?eiiM, Iil i GOO DS OFFERING TrlEIK SACRIFICE. iadiea' Ties Just Received - Opposite Xeabody. ME7XPIII8, TSH5. A. HUNT. C. C. HEIST. Faegason a Cir,) rocer! DkEU HOTEL, Ualtimore and Ohio WILL OPEN JUNE 'I, 1S75. JOHN nJlLSY - MnMHger, (Formerly of Glades Hotel, Oakland). S. L. CCUHKA2-I- . ii. A. HATCHKK. t?SAJ.J.HS IB UIVfBER Bush aiidiBiinds Offices and Yards, l oot TCashiBKtoa Zt SalcEroom, So. 4 Howard's Row. SaTRnllis in NnTj.Yard. MEMPHIS : : : ; TENNESSEE ARS OFFKKING THEIR K.ITIRE STOCK OF AT FIGURES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION ARE SILKS, LADIES' OiNDBEWEAS MB MCE POINTS Style Bucliings 223 TAYX.OR, JOY CO.'S.. WHOLESALE PROVISION BEALEBS 361 Front and 22 & 2i C!Inta Streets, Giln FARGASON & CO., Wholesale G I3os. 369 Front 32 t?eots, Memnbis. Tean CJGAJSS Per Unndretl. Sent price, lOLEXi), Vignr DAYi KEALHOFER & (Successors Co.i, COTTON FACTORS km immm, FRONT REMOVAL. stocK No. RITCHIE. silks jumls DEPARTMENT. TI5EA3WELL. PARK Kallrosd,

Wholesale Grocers FACTORS Iil i DSX.ECTUKE. PI KGBOSASPniS WOKR." A LECTCRE MY DAVID WALK. f-'" or Hip Pastors' Afo--CrTnertuWof thePftrtorof the1 I.Viinbriland Prbytlan Church, on

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Page 1: Wholesale Grocers FACTORS Iil i DSX.ECTUKE. PI KGBOSASPniS WOKR." A LECTCRE MY DAVID WALK. f-'" or Hip Pastors' Afo--CrTnertuWof thePftrtorof the1 I.Viinbriland Prbytlan Church, on



'" or Hip Pastors' Afo-f - - CrTnertuWof thePftrtorof the1 I.Viinbriland Prbytlan Church, on

? Jst May i, ITS. the following resolutionr 2 --cj ly ReV.S. R.Srrtt, wai unanimous

"7? nut Rev. David Walk In herebye d1u deliver before the public at as

y a"d:.te m may suit ht convenience. Illsicr 'S nuT2"on and hi Work."--reon

. xijRfM. PrwidecU::aj O. T. Staik ha k. Secretary.

3 j the aboc request, the lc-I- a

V' fw delivered In the LINDENfcKlFXT CHRISTIAN CHIRCH.

aioodar Nlftf, Jnne 31. IS73,A' r. lor k. Admission 50 cents. mis


if JW An old Lrlndie cow with white ipot.rr-nn- n rjcbt ear. swallow lork on

'"vfocwitT can have eer by arplylne at ther -- rrrt PYort and WalkerM. L. A. I'n ckolt.


ciaaco a plantation (price ten thousand- nd a rim-clas- n suburban resi

de, co (rree forty-fiv- e hundred dollars), for1- roved city property; or 1 will exchangeI rin residence and a amall plantation (priceMt Lhn-u- nit dollars). rcnM lor flvo hundredCo. rt per annum. lor Improved, city proper-ly, T.'S to above property perfect, and Iree111 a a.l Incumbrance whatever. Address,de t.t'.vz property, and state lowest ca&hLa. Jt of trade. T.J. HUM PHHKY8,

j aoiXIiTY --The valuable property knownan tl;o Donoho place, for a ilfctlsidppl rlv--

- ;o!..c:n plantationWM.M.KLKDGE. JR.

FJERSONjM,.Y RKMEDY m a are cure for murrain In

IY. cattle. B. J. BELL, V. S..j IS r o. szi reconu st.

TAX ALFRED VOORHIES makes a speci-- 1

J a--v of trcatlne Eye and Ear Diseases.C " tc '1 Pr.p.ar street. my29

rOR LEASE OR SALE.OTB Hi uatedon Madison and Courtstreet

j extended. In elEhlh ward. rreion-- s suo- -

d. !3n Thee ground are shaded by forehtt's c.ard are in a neighborhood unexceptional, ccsa. A rare opportunity is nere ouereu

rnctT.ti es, ad terms to the convrnisnce of appll

TMk7r'lVT I'llit y1 1 Madison Mreet.

AHD BOASD.11 OOil AND BOARD Ft ret floor front rooml with Hoard, fs:uay Doara

.tj j cr week, at 92 Monroe fX. Jul11 OOM A FplendW room, with board; termsti moucraic.aiiiv jiumucmievu juio

KJARD Itefnrnlsbed Room, with Board, InJ a rrivrt-j- i famlJ v : dellchtful and healthy

Jo-:c- bcs.1 reference required. Apply at1.3 tcost corner lanaen nnu xauuerunie bls.IfJ --KJMH AU BOARD-Desira- ble front room,

vniimn . at VKivn hi:

TOR RENT.OOMH-N'l- ce furnUhf d room. at

Sb 1A1 B1HCE1.

5 if Cool, airy, furnished roomF. Mealsdesired. Reference required, uau nouse.

tl OCBC Brick house, heven rooms, allLm -- a No. vl aiarthall avenue, next door to 3X2

ua onKtreet, where apply1: .5 JOHN E. KIN LEY.

No.2 Main street, cornerKj MoXson. Apply to Oliver, finnie a: co.

fp ESIDENCE Elsbt rooms, 84 Mosby street.Apply at 48HECONDBT.

f V NTRAL HOTEL On Adams street. Ap--rivtn David IlafcUncs. Commercial hoUU.

WANTS.RVANT- - --Woman to do general housework. at


hn: l.KORAPHINO Ladles and gentlementJ. to learn telegraphing. School conducted

IhiTinanv. For Information call at WesternI tl .a Telegraph office, 3 Madison street, orat school r om.lH Main street tup suun,be: reen 13 and 12 ajn-- 3 and S, and 7 and S p.m.

I X)K A sicgle woman or girl to cook andt do general housework In a small familya uie country, appiv i

U.U11UWAHU& u.f, rroniM.i.RVANTH (tood man or boy and woman


LEGRAPHY Young men to learn tele-rapli- y.

Address PaclncTelegraph.151 Main

plJOK A girl that understands how to doI BouseworK ana cooKing. odb uiuhi d apply. 1C7 BEALE ST.r rAUTED YOUR ATTENTION TO THE

ly ii Waxhlnston st. Awnings or oil styleski 1m m order. Cabinetwork and Furnitureu ie and repaired, varnished,!ni nacked for snlnment. Carpets taken up,) iiedani reiald. All work called for and d- -

FOR SALE..:iESS, OINK, LTC one Wlnshlp power

pre-'?-; oct uirver gm; one vvi iptt ein. one Reynold's revolving cotton

ices; one large writing dek;a lot of shaft- -n. puu cys, t ic

;cp stairs, corner Third and Madison

RNED GROCERIES-Ham- s, Breakfastv.tiem. Lard. Flour. Commeal. Hucar.

B.i Fruit and a full assortment of groceriestrzta supply OI gooas mibuuj uamueu uyre and water, we are selling ior ajmosiotl.lcg. Olveusacall.t "No. CIS Poplar street, nearly oppoMte ourCud stand.1 oriSB The convenient twolory brickJ dwelling house, So. 65 Market street.

PI HSIO SUl. U1B UUIW. Alll'l) Ml

Ji 18 PRATT GIN , 266 Front st.

v KT.AND FEMALE 8 KM1NARY SHUJated In the town of Oakland, on the M.

n,iln.fMmM.(iinll. ThnhnlTH.w are new and easy of accesi, surroundingT. itry thickly settled and community re-- J.

It Uwell adapted for teacher'f, familyboard en; good gardens and two good cls-- a.

Tennavery liberal. Apply toJAMES MOORE, or G. A. ALLEN,

.5 Oakland, Mississippi.

AND LOT 23 Poplar street one oiiOrSEcost pleasant residences on thatrsrlte streetoffered Tor sale at moderate1 to and oa easy terms. Apply toiU TRE.LVANTA(X., WMadlsousUrriVAM.EKOlVEKand Ikillers. nortableand( cUiUonary, new and second-han- sulta-- 1

13 run saw and gristmills and cotton-gin- s,

v for casn or city acceptance Apply tok 3 CUBBINS & OUNN.

i T AVCTION Tlie following Lots will boI ikcld to tte highest bidder on Thursdayjy lit. on the north-res- t corner of Main

kl liadlvon strests: Part lot 01. being b6hi.4! ifcct,Fonlh side Ji fler-o- n street, next

f lot Mr. P- - M. Patterson ; also, the follow-- ilots. It Mock 12 Brlnkley A Snowden's

-- 1 vtoa , 7, V, ii and 1", ea side oi Marley' JLe, and 12, H.Ji and 2!, west side HastingsTl, crd tio following, tn block 13 of said

P ;l'.C3 2, 4, 6. h, 1 1 and 16,west side Moi-cl-y

ViU?, a- -S mil. 17 and IB, east side ofeach of said lots 60 feet front by

I . fe, i (tenth. Terms, half cash, half ini year, with Interest rroui date of sale at six7 cent., feccined by tniht dted.

HHIXEHCE My late residence on Jessa- -maln street, tmra uoor east oi lauaer- -

e street House ana gronnas in peneci'sr. JOHN OVKKTO? IK.


.YESQ26 T&Eii-tJL- . 3t.


mealies, Toweling",Calicoes, Edgings.

Caaslracrea, Inser-llngs- ,

Uncus, Bhlrllngs,ble Unena, Genla' Fnrnlsblna; Goods,

SHOES, cnenpest In tlie city.early n--d secure BARGALNH, as wo

S. VENDIGiliBO Stroot.O.ITARY INSTITUTE.tOlb beislon Begins September otli.ACILITIFS for education unsurpassed.

ires to health, gracefulness, manliness,fiifclcess, and sense of honor. Estimatedecses fcr one cadet fUS.

teferenccs-S- . P. Read, cashier I'nlon andliteia talk. Cant. J. M. Trezevant; F. W.lto and T. A. Lamb, 388 Front street; H.

Major R. H. Wlldberger.or tneIrder.E-sq-


3 Front street.Information and catalogues

COL. ROBT. D. ALLEN, Bnp't,13 ranadale. Franklin oo- - hy.

k00RE, EMERY & CO.(Successors to Stanton & Moore,)



bminissiou Mcrdiants,BO. 323 FRONT 6TKEET.

leclal attenUon given to the sale of Cotton,I eat ana jgroauce gcuwav


Persons leaving the city for thecountry can, have the DA ILiAPPEAL sent to them for one

month, on sending to or leaving

tlitir name and address and One

Dollar at our counting-roo- m or

for any time longer than that attlie same rates.


Calvary (Episcopal) Church.This Church will be open for Divine services

y, morning and evening, the rector offic-iating.

Linden Street Christian CuoRcnBandar- - uool at 9 ajn. "What doth hinderme to be tiapllxed?" Rev. David Walk willdlseus this question this morning. No nightservice.

First Baptist Church Rev. G.A.Lofton pastor. Service at 11 a.m. and 8p.m. BaptNm atnlgbt.

Bt.Lazarus(Episcopal) ChurchMaditon ttreeU Services at 11 a.m. by Rev.Geo. White, D. D.

First Methodist Church. Quar-terly meeting. Services at 1030 ajn. andp.m., by Rev. John Moss. 1. t.

Central Methodist EpiscopalCuubch. Union Uirtt Services at 11 a.m.and b p.m.. by Rev. Jas. A. Heard.

First Presbyterian CnuRCHCorner of Third and Fojtlir ilrertj. Servicesat 11 aun. and 8 p.m., by Rev. Eugene Daniel,pastor.

Central Baptist Church. Secondttrett, near Bcalt Services at 11 a.m. amipjn. Dr. Landrum, pastor. Seats free. Bab- -bath-scho- at 9 a.m.

Fort Pickering M. E. Church.Corner Sixth and Jackton ttrecti.Wtn. Shimmm, pastor. ITeaching at b p.m. uy uevH.Stricklln.

Ht. JonN's M. E. Church. Cornerof Vance and Irtwierdal: ttreett.-J.- lt. Cbandler. nastor. Services at 11 a.m. and b p.mClass meets at i)iU a.m. Bunday-scho- ol atp.m.

Grace (Episcopal) Church Hernando ttreet Sunday-school- 'J a. m.; service at11a.m.: service In Swedish at 3 p.m.; chlldren's meeting at 5 pjn. Seats free.

German Presbyterian Church.Services at 100 a.ra. by Rev. J. U. Tschudlpastor. Sunday-scho- at 9 ajn.

St. Mary's Cathedral. Poplar atServices at 7 and 11 a.m. ; and i $0 and 8 p.m.

immanuel Church Bcale streetServices by Rev. G. H. Jackson at 3:30 p.mand at 8 pjn.

Bethel Sunday-Schoo- l. 2i p.niThe exerclsfw to-d- will be very Interesting,Ail are inviieu.

Third Presbyterian CnuKcn.Rev. E. M. Richardson, pastor. Preaching at11 a.m. Scats free.

First Cumberland PresbyterianChurch Court ttreet. Services at 11 a.mby the pastor, Rev. Dr. Stalnback.

Second Cum berland Presbyte- -

BlAit church- - Vance ttreet. Services at 11

a.m. by Rev. A. C. Culton. Sunday-schoo- l

at 9 ajn.Church of the Good Shepherd

(Episoopai.). Cor. Iturth and Mill ttreett,Cheltea. Services y at 11 a.m., by Rev. T.C. Tupper, rector.

Lutheran Church Washingtonttreet. Sabbath-scho- ol at 8 ajn. ; morning service at 10:30.

Union Street PresbyterianCnuRCH Near Orleant ttreet. Divine ser-vice at 11 a.m. Sabbath-scho- 930 ajn. RevJ.N. Waddel, D.D., pastor.

First Congregational Church.Union Street Rev. W. B. Millard, pastor,Services at 11 a.m.

Chelsea Baptist Church. Preach-ing by Rev. S. K. TigTett, pastor, at U ajn,Sabbath-schoo- l at 9:30 a.m.

Third Cumberland PbesbyterianCnURCU. Corner Jiurth and Looney ttreett,Cheltea. Service at 11 a.m. Rev. L. C Taylor,pastor.

Alabama Street PresbyterianClIUBCH. Alabama ttreet and Jonet avenueRev. Dr.Steadman, pastor. Services at 11 a.mSabbath-scho- 9:30 a.m


Yesterday was very hot.There was a heavy rain yesterday

morning.Prepare your babies for Leubrie's in

fant snow.We thank the Southern express

company for a file of late papers.The city council holds its regular

weekly meeting next Tuesday afternoonThe board of education meets TueS'

day night for the purpose of electingteachers.

The total amount of police and firewarrants issued by the city is 13,020,Of this sum S76S0 are police, and $5340are lire warrants.

The Mississippi river ferry case ofUnanes organ vs. Jonn uverton, sr.and John Claybrook, was on trial in thesecond circuit court yesterday.

The July number of the Qalaxy isbefore us. It has a splendid table ofcontents, and is probably the most in-teresting nmber yet issued.

i The lire this morning was the burning of the shed overChas. Jones's brick-yard, near the corner of Hulintr andTennessee streets. Two sheds were de-stroyed.

A special to the Appeal from Col- -lierville says that George W. King wasdrowned near there yesterday whilebathing. He is a young man; his rela-tives are said to live in Keokuk, Iowa.

By invitation of the Pastor's association. Rev. Dr. David Walk will lecturein the Linden street Christian church

night upon the subject of"Spurgeon and His Work." Admissionfifty cents.

BilJy Lieben, at No. 236 Main street.has a news-stan- d full of interestingreadine stock. cnmnrisini thi lntoefmonthlies, periodicals, illustrated jour-nals, dime novels, etc. He keeps alsothe latest dailies of the Union.

Extensive preparations are beintrmade for the Masonic picnic at James'snark next Thursdav. fipnnral TsT. P.Banks, of Massachusetts, will deliveran oration upon the occasion. He is expected to arrive by the Louisville trainWednesday aiternoon.

Mansford, at the corner of Secondand Monroe streets, ban received all thelatest magazines, illustrated papers, journals, novels, etc. ie keeps a lull sup-ply of miscellaneous literature, school-book- s,

etc.. and has on hand the latestdailies from the east, west, north andsouth.

United States Commissioner Garrettyesterday committed to jail on waiver ofexamination a youna: man named C. W.Clemmens, the postolllce agent at Mar-tin, Weakley county, Tennessee. Clem-mens is charged with stealing moneyfrom letters, and we understand that headmits his guilt.

We are in receipt by mail of Scrib-ner- 's&l. Nicholas, the illustrated maga-

zine for boys and girls. This number isthe beat yet issued, its table of contentsbeing replete with illustrations, interest-ing stories, etc., calculated to please aswell as instruct the little people. Threedollars a year, or twenty-fiv- e cents anumber. All the newsdealers have it.

Lou Leubrie'fl baby show will be agreat attraction at the Masonic picnicin James's park next Thursday. Leu-bri- e

is oiling his bald head and expectsto varnish it quite artistically in orderto look as venerable as possible upon theoccasion, ue is comment of makingthis entertainment far more attractivethan any previous ones he has given intms city.

From the programme published, wesee that the Mson3 have in pi o spec tthe finest celebration ever given in thiscountry. We are confident it will command the largest crowd ever assembledat James's park. The address of Itselfwill attract thousands, as General Banksis acknowledged as one of the finest orators in the land. We trust none of ourintelligent citizens will miss this goodopportunity to near mm.

Henry G. Dent, of this city, has asilver watch, which has been used morethan one hundred years. As far as canbe ascertained, the watch belonged toThomas Gayle, who was born In April,1750. and died in May, 1S24. It descended to Peter 8. Gayle, thence to hisdaughter Sarah L. Gayle, wife of HenryG. Dent, by whose son It is now owned.The watch is what is known as tne Jt.nglish bull-ey- e time piece.

Mansford has the Lakeside Libraryfor this week, in which is begun an interesting story, "The Portent, a story ofthe Second Sight," oy ueorge aiacuon-ald- .

All the pictorials, includingFrank Leslie's double sheet, containinghandsome illustrations of all the strik-ing scenes and incidents connectedwith the battle of Bunker Hill, and thecelebration; of its centennial anifiver-sar- y.

With the July number the Oalaxywill enter on ts twentieth volume. Itwill celebrate the event by appearing inentirely new type and being printed onlaid tinted paper, which will make it inappearance, as it has long been in con-tents, one of the most attractive maga-zines published. The July numbercontains a sketch of Alexandre Dumas,by Albert Rhodes, an article on paint-jDg-a

by Henry James, jr., "A Napoleon.

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, JTTtSTE 0, 1875.ic Letjend," by Grenville Murray, audmauy other attractive articles.

Yeaterilay morning the temperancesocieties gave a pleasant picnic at WhiteHaven, on the Mississippi and Tennes-t- -

raltruad, eight miles south of thiscity. The attendance was very large,as several trains went out crowded withvibitorH. it was one of the largest, aswell as Hi"3 most creditable and delight-ful eiitertHinffleuta ever giveu by anyorganization f Memphis. During themorning there was a proceseion of thedifferent temperance lodges, the advanceIxjIiik tnken by the Templar Guardsdown Main street to the depot.

List of undelivered telegrams at theWestern Uuion telegraph olTlce, No. 33Madlrou etieet: Mr. and Mrs. LeonLippman, ; F. D. Bsrnum fc Co., W.Y. C. Humee, Mra. R. F. Looney, Price,Jones & Co., steamer A. J. White, Hor-ace E Garth, J. H. Black, 2; L. Jvatz-onberp-

& Sons, Hayden Bro?., A. V.Treadwell & Bros , H. Luhrmau. Mil- -

burn. Walker & Co., Mrs. G. T. PeaseMrs. Mollie Nelson, Brooks, Neely &Co., T. N. Johnstone, Meyers A bneedMrs. T. T. Writtht, W. J. LittltjohnElv. Harvev & Richardson, 2: LouisHanauer. Mrs. N. T. Skelton. B. Loeweuritine & Bros., C. C. Ward & Bro J,H. Drake. H-in- es & PartoD. A. M. Scarbrouch & Co.. D. C. M'Dnueal & (3oeCarrinirton Mason. E. L. Plummer, JoFrankie, Cooper & Co., Superintendentnublic seliools. Helen earron, AnnShannon, Kato Emerson.George Gantt,Miss M. Ii. Titus, Michael Jveatcner.

The following is tlie mortuary report for the week ending yesterday afternoon, six o'ciock:

NAME. IAOK' SEX. COIK CAUSE.B. Rleley C2 male...iwhite debilityW. Kpp 21 male...1 white dlarrhn aE. C, rftoiir.. jC male.... white alcoholismA.C. Walker.. 2 male...lwblte meningitisJ. Kane 42 male... wnltemeoilityA. Mergell. 4 d'umale... white prematureF. Farrell 8d's male... white, spasmsM. Broder E0 female white! conges. b'lsP. Springier 7m Ifemale while iollm. bo'ls1. Price flni ifemale white pn'umoniaA. W. Waddell JO m female while remit leverA. Chenck 5m female white marosmusInf. of J. Cook U"'b female white nremaiureR. Cook 3S female white mfla. brainM. Komtzer 2m female' white not statedE.Kllitore 14 female white tumonr, inG. M Donald .. 40 male... colo o dysentery

M'Clering.... 11 m male... colo'd wh. coughW. White .. 7m malc...,colo'd InfanticideJ. P.Cain 5m male... colo'd brain fverG. Ross. 21 male 'colo d InjuriesL. Cart wright female colo'd ronsump'nS. M. Galllspie 14 m female colod in (la. brain

hienson Jiu iiemaie com u mu :igoL. Hell 7m femaleicolo'd dlpttioriaM. Woods 90 female colo'd old ageN. Sanders. 21 female, colo'l'consump'n

Total for the week, 27: whites 16,

blacks 11: males 12, females 15; adults12. minors 15: under 1 year of age,12; under 5 veara of ace,14 ; from the hospital, 3

The mortality for the week was heavierthan any corresponding time ior manymonths. What sickness there is in thecitv is lareelv amoDK children, aidmothers cannot ba toc reful in protecting thsir young from fij j excessive heatof the sun, and from t'.e imprudent indulgence ofpremature fruits.

ItlUiiAitu n. lAiuiit, ji. u..Secretary Board of Health.


Captain Charles M. Wellons, ofthn mprnantilfi firm of Adams. Wellons& Co., of Bolivar, has been in the city acouple or three days, and returns hometo-da- He gives nattering accounts ofthe farmers' prospects m oiu uarueman

Mr. C. F. Lawlor leavesfor New York, where he sails direct forDublin, Ireland, to visit his parents,whom he has not seen ior lour years,We hope his visit to the old country willbe very pleasant and that he will returnsafe to America, where he has so manyfriends.

The Vicksburc Herald of Friday announces the departure from that city ofGeneral T. C. M'Mackin. Jlo goes toHot Springs, Arkansas, where, we believe, it is the purpose ot our old menu,the "prince of hotel-keepers- ," to takenositionln some hotel for the season. Inparting with General M'Makin, for thesummer, says the iieraca, we uesire tocommend him to the Kind courtesy andconsideration of our friends at the HotSprings as one eminently worthy oftheir respect anu inentisnip, anu wno, noccasion oiler., win assureuiy estaonsnhis claim to the respect and good feelingof all whose respect is worth having.Meantime we beg our friends every-where to take coed care of GeneralM'Makin, and send him back io us nextfall with restored health and aoratefl constitution. Mrs. M'Makin accompanies the general, and to each weextend our best wishes for a pleasantvisit and a safe return to their old homeand old friends.


isDItEiS 600DS, ETC,

AT MEBTKEH BROTHERS'.Large lines grenadines, Japanese per

cales, etc., on our center tables, at 10c.Choice new linen lawn3 at 20c.Our lace striped ecru at 20 j.Figured French pique, choice goods,


Fine cambric muslin, 13Jc.Ladies' linen suits, $3 50.Children's suits. S7Jc, SI 25. SI 50, all

at cost.Hemp carpet, 203 and 30c.Ingrain carpet, 50c, 65c and 75;.500 parasols, to close out cheap.5000 ladies' silk ties, Tery cheap.Mosquito nettings.Bathing towels, etc.



Criminal Conrt Fllpptn, JTndce.The following cases are set for trial on

Monday next; 101, Waddy Thompsonet at; 42, James Larkins; 81, J. E. Har- -man; 142, John M'Uinnis: iol, HenryYancy; 154, Miles Ledbetter; 270, Dyson Watklns; 170, JJ. Hammer; 182,Thomas Cogan; 193, Charles Meyersand P. M'Mahon: 200, Jim Nelson;202, Lnch; 20S, Solomon Bradshaw;222, Wm. Btasley; 250, Ed McCoy; 253,Dudley Watson; 257, Peter Capurro;265, Maggie Quinn; 273, Todd; 293,

Borg; 297, Andrew Trigg; 299, Wm.Hockett; 307, Julius Cuhu; 311, PeterMitchell and Joe Keeley; 323, HenryBunch: 325. Charles Gallena: 332. Os- -ear Turner; 195, Anthony Raggio.

First Clrcnlt Conrt ITelsbell, Jndge.Court will meet at nine o'clock Mon

day morning, and the calendar last pub-lished will be called.

Second Chancery Court Wulher, Chancellor.

Causes set for Monday, June 21st:Myers ve James; Neal vsTodd, and alsoevery cause that now etaud3 for trial,anu they will be called peremptorily,and must be tried or continued.

United States District nnii ClrcnltCourts Trigg-- , Jnilae.

Yesterday: Cox va steamer JohnOverton, execution ordered to issue;Camron vs Ktna life insurancecompany, demurrer sustained; Hamp-so- n

vs Steele, older of reference to clerk;Hendig vs Dean, case argued and takenunder advisement. On Monday morn-ing a peremptory call of district docket,commencing at 6S3.

For the latest style of gentlemen'sand ladies' boots and shoes, go to Cof-fey's.


Elsewhere appears a card of the Unioniron works'of Cubbins & Gunn, at Nos.160 and 174 Adams street. This institution manufactures all manner of steam-engin- es

and mills, agricultural imple-ments, house and jail works, promptlyexecutes all steamboat work, and fillssatisfactorily all orders for brass and ironcastings. Mr. Cubbins has withdrawnfrom the planing mill of Cubbins, Gunn& Coover, and is devoting hi3 entiretime to the Union iron works.

All the latest style of boots and shoesfor men, ladles, boys, misses and chil-dren can be found at Coffey's.

Improved Fly-Trap- s, 30r. f tr sale by

Bine years experience nni demon-slralr- d

the superiority or the celebra-ted, first premium, patent

American Itefrlcerator over allothers lu the enfenllals of simplicity,efficiency, economy and durability, pre-serving all kinds or perishable loodlonger, with less Ice. 1st Save from 25to 30 per cent. ice. 2d Produce n dryerand colder temperatnre, as therr is nocondensation of moisture vrltnln theprovision chamber. 3d One article orrood will not taste or smell or another.41b All portions or the Rerrliceratorcanbenird nd vanlnRConsly at the (tametime, as tns com air is rarrifa io everypart. Acents Ior nnupliln.il. YftlrtCo., stoves and tlnwarr, and 13 aion-ro- e

street, Mtiaphls, Tennesiee.


A Collection lVorlby tha Htndy ofPbyaiogBomUU Tlie People IVIie

Prey Upon Moclety and Illus-trate Evil Ways,

The roirue's callery which is kept atpolice headquarters, under the charge ofClerk Sim. Banuds, is a most valuablealbum. It contains the photographs ofthree hundred and six criminals and ishandsomely bound. The pictures havebeen fathered with much trouble anaexpense, and the collection is as com-plete as can be found in any city in theOnion. Many of the pictures are copiesfromtho renowned Pinkerton detectiveagency's album, while others have beensent from Europe. All have been artis-tically arranged, and the name andparticular Hoe of business of each crimi-nal is uiven. Amonc the number areGeorge Macdonnell and Austin B. Bidwell, two of the bank of Ensland forcers"those exploits in London were of sucha character as to challenge the admira-tion of all ofilcials by their shrewdnessand boldness. They succeeded In obtaining near live hundred thousand dollars from the bank on forged certificatesof deoosits. but tney were detecteu anabrought back for trial and sentenced forlire, lieorge Macaonnen ngurea inMemphis at one time and had somedealings with our Union and Plantersbank, but was unsuccessful in his effortsto swindle the officers. The photographof Onsen b. btorrs, who committedforgery at Buffalo, New York, and ofJames M. Hotchkiss, at Peoria, Illinois,are also among tho number,Of !the thieves, the most noted are:Miles Ogle, John Dennison, TheopholusGeorge, Sam Uevine, William nianagap, James M'Gowan, James Kealey,James Connarton, James Wilson, uennie Monahan, James Munday, LairyKing, Joseph Wilson, William Parker,Peter Munday, John alias uoc ityan,Walter Sheridan, Hugh Dully, FrankDean, alias "Dago Frank," and DaveCummings. The latter two, togetherwith Billy Forrester, committed thegreat diamond robbery at New Orleansin 1871, when the jewelry store of M,Scooler was broken open and robbed ofseventy thousand dollars worth of jewelry and diamonds. After committingtne tneit tne thieves came to Memphis,and remained in this cityfor two weeks.at the saloon of Angelo Marre, whokept at that time near the Overtonhotel. Angelo Marre's picture alsograces the album. He it was who putup the job to rob tjhiel Athy's safe, andsecured the services of Doc Ransom,alias Wright, alias Levy, to do thework. Angelo languishes in the peni-tentiary at Nashville, but his time expires, through the intervention of thelate governor, in October next. He willnot be permitted to a"fence house," for such was thecharacter of his saloon in this citv.What Angelo Marre was to Memnhisso is Mat Hogan to New Orleans, for heis the aider and abetter of all criminalswho visit the Crescent City, but he isshrewder than was Angelo, since henever gets so deep in but what there isa loophole ,for him to escape. The fa-

miliar faces of William Kirby. HenrvBelmont and John Wren, known as the"Speed uarroters," also appear in life-like form. These worthies are the threewho garroted the popular ticket agent ofthe Louisville railroad; were caught atvicksburg and sentenced to fifteenyears imprisonment. There are alsothe photographs of Louis Sturgeon,Samuel Levy (colored), both of whomcommitted murders in this city; theformer shooting young Murphy at theriver while bathing, and the latter kill-ing Michael Burke in September, 1872Pictures of Harry Ford and RobertFord, brothers,;both burglars, who com-mitted a robbery at Humboldt, Tennessee, can also no seen. The photographof little Charlie Ross, for whose recoverytwenty thousand dollars reward is of-

fered, is conspicuously displayed. Goodphotographs of Cole Younger and Jamesyounger, the notorious "Gads Hill robbers," and general desperadoes, as alsothe picture of Captain J. E. White, therenownel horse-thi- ef and jail breaker,are among the collection. Col-umns could be written ofthe exploits of these menand many of the gallery. A sketch ofa few of the most noted has been hastilywritten, and last, but not least, can benoticed the faces of Matt Morris. EdJohnson, John Woods and Henry John-son (colored), the Brady express robbers, wno a few days since were sen-tenced to the penitentiary for terms thatjoiutly represent seventy-tw- o years.I he latest addition is the handsome faceof Chastaine, for whose arrest a rewardof two hundred dollars has been offered.Chief Athy is daily adding to his col-lection, and it is well worth the timetaken in looking over the faces of criminals, each of whom has a history asdistinct as that of any renowned indi-vidual of our country.

New black plaid grenadines st popular prices this week, at


Improved Fly-Trat- soc. for sale byII. WETTi.lt A CO.


1000 Fashionable White Russia DuckVests, just received

From Onr Own Hannfactory,

AT S3 50 EACH.

Our entire stock at prices to suit thetimes. You will pave money by buyingfirst-clas- s clothing at prices usually paidfor inferior grades.


misses' and children's parasols reduced; ladies' belts reduced, fansreduced, ribbons reduced, sashes reduced, hat scarfs greatly reduced, at


Improved Fly-Tran- s. SOc, for sale byII. WETTER fc CO.

Ladies' box-toe- d Newport.new stylesat Coffey's.


As an elegant gentleman was passingup Main street yesterday afternoon, hedropped his pocket-boo- k containing twohundred dollars. A little boot-blac- k

picked the pocket-boo- k up and returnedit to the owner, who showed his appre-ciation of the boy's honesty by steppinginto hoi uoieman's cigar and tobaccotore. No. 200 Main street, and buving

three boxes of Rosa Concha cigars forthe chap. Good enough !


Messrs. John D.Robinson and BaylissRose have formed a copartnership forthe practice of law. Their office is inthe Planters insurance Duiiaing, wnerethey can be found during the day. Wecommend both of these young gentlemen to the public as reliable and faithful in every respect.




Steamboatmen, housekeepers, hoteland boardinghouse keepers, can nowpurchase supplies in towels, napkins,doylies, table damasks, tollinetts, buckand crash toweling.honeycomb and Mar-seilles quilts, at prices heretofore unpre-cedented. Do not neglect availingyourself of the vast inducements we areoffering this month.


Ladies' box-toe- d, side-lace- d and but-ton gaiters at Coffey's.



No. 203 Slain Street Over Barnnms


A full line of the latest styles sold atpopular prices, at A. f. dod & co.'s,

311 Main Street.

Go to Leddin's Business College.

The cheapest and best Steau DyeingandCi-iANiit-a Houss In the city is at 248 Se-cond slrest. HANSON & WALKER.

ruowEBB, uuidous toots, plants, dou- -queta and decorations. Craig's, 379 Main,





500 gingham and silk parasols atcents up.

Sash ribbons (wide) 25c a yard, worth50c.

Mosquito bars made to order or in thepiece, for one-hal- f the usual price.

500 gents' fine gauze undershirts at25c each.

500 extra long shell fan chains at 35capiece.

We still have 50 pieces dress goods, toclose, at 7c a yard.

500 new and stylish ladies' strawhats at SI, sold by the miliners atS4 each.


Chenpcfitln the City.

Our 75c kid slippers are worth SI 60.

To close- - balance of children's suits at60c ea:h.


N. B. Pollco and Firo Scrip Taken


Fo- - the Cheapest Dry Goods In ii.o City.

W. F. & CO., 219 Main st.

See advertisement of the Kentuckymilitary injitituto. Call on Major R. H.Wildberger, 208 Front street.


Hoopskirts made to order in the lateststyles. The latest long skirt supportingtournures are now ready, and cannot failto become as popular hero as they arenorth. I am finishing the reliable folding bustles must stronger, and ladieswho wore them know I do not exagger-ate. Several new shapes in corsets, bothwhite and light drab.

LOUIS LANGE, Manufactory SS3 Main St.


Visitors to tha springs or seaside cannow procure a complete outfit at pricesless than the cost of materials to makethem up.

.Ladles', misses' and children's under- -

garments,at unprecedentedly low prices.

Ladies' linen suits,Ladies' lawn suits,

Ladies' organdie suits,Greatly reduced.

Children's pique dresses in elegantvariety, suitable for all ages, extremelylow.

Bargains in lace sleeveless jackets this' B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS.

L. M. DEAN & CO.

The popular firm of L. M. Dean &Co., deajers in wall-pape- r, houje-good- s,

window-shade- s and ornamentals, con-tinues receiving new goods to the already large stock now on hand. Inpoint of novelty, beauty and elegance,their goods stand unrivalled. They offergreat inducements by the low pricesasked for goods of the most excellentquality. All who wish anything in thishue should call at L. M. Dean & Co.'s.


Yesterday we dropped in at the greatclothing and furnishing house of John-ston & Vance, No. 305 Main street, andwere surprised to find that they hadmade still further reductions in the priceof their elegant clothing, gentlemen'sfurnishing goods, underwear, etc. Thoprices of shirts are now so low mat anyperson can slloru lo wear a good gar-ment, if they only go to Johnston &Vance's. These great reductions in fineclothing, underwear, shirts, etc., makeJohnston & Vance all the more popular,and give them increased patronage. Weare satisfied that Johnston & Vanceoffer a better quality of goods and atlower prices than any firm in Memphis.What they have is reliable, and no dis-appointment is ever caused their numer-ous custon?ers.




Go there and secure some of the great-est bargains ever offered in Memphis inthose lines.


Indorsed by the city council. Lastchance, June 30th, $200,000 In gold coin,houses and lands. Tickets SI each, or 11forSlO. J. E. Foster, manager, Houston,Texas. G. H. Samuels furnishes infor-mation.


We are selling our own make of everykind of fruit, vegetable and packingboxes at less than northern prices.

MEMPHIS WOOD WORKS,351, l5U, 361 and 3)3 Second street.

Parties wishing to join the Californiaexcursion on the tenth of July willplease give their names in at 2S1 Mainstreet during the coming week, andoblige ' w. II. TOLER.

June 19, 1B7 .

GRUBBS & AUSTIN,332 Halu Street,

Continue their closing-ou- t salo of clo-

thing, and, to aid tho working-peopl- e,

will take the new issue of city warrantsat par for all goods in their line.

Button Newport, new styles, at Cof-fey's.

Novelties in plaid grenadines justreceived at b. lowenstein & bros.



Conservatively organized for doingthe business of banks, bankers,corporations, merchants and Individuals,Usual Interest allowed on dallv balances.Collections made and promptly remitted.Corrtsaondence toliciled. Exchange on princi-pal dues of Europe.


See advertisement Foster's secondTexas drawing postponed for a few days.

Go to Kenealy's Business College.


Dr. Rogers Agnln Nnccpmfnl Wonderful Kesnlls Attending au )ern. tion for fllone in the Jllmliler.

The announcement of the fact thatthe skeleton of a child had passedthrough the aperture made in a maleperson operated upon for stone in theblarlder by Dr. W. E. Roger?, has causedno little comment among tho medicalfraternity of this city. Quite a numberof physicians have vi?ited the oiliee ofDr. Kogera io examlno the bones of theskeleton, and to learn the particulars at-tending the passage. The facts, as welearn them, are as follows: On the eighthof this month Dr. W. E. Rogers, assist-ed by Doctors Nuttall, Sim, Jones,White and Morgan, operated on JerryWalker, aged eighteen, for stone in tliebladder. The operation was success ullyperformed, and from the bladder waextracted a stone as large as a guinea'segg. Some days after the operation thenurse, while dressing the wound, sawsomething protruding from the wound,which she extracted and gave toDr.Rogers on his next visit to the patient.This proved to be the bones of a child.In this formation are part of both bonesof the thigh, one of tho leg, oneof each arm, and one hipbone. The .nurse stated thatthere were many more bones, but notknowing the importance of preservingthem, she threw them away. This isindeed a remarkable case and, naturallyenough, has excited much wonderamong those who have heard of it. Welearn from the doctors that cases are re-

ported where bones, teeth and hair arefound in the cysts, but this is the firstcase where perfectly formed bones of askeleton have been brought to light, thestrongest feature being the fact that theskeleton came from a boy, whoso name,as above stated, is Jerry Walker. Thepatient resides at No. 2G6 DeSoto street,and is doing quite well now.


atB. LO WENSTEIS & BROS.Dress goods reduced,

Linen lawns reduced,Percales reduced,

Piques reduced, atB. LOWENSTEIN & BROS.


During the present stringency in themoney market stationery, plain, fancyand fashionable, has fluctuated greatlyin price, and a great many dealers havebeen enabled to take full advantage ofthe market to the great benefit of theirnumerous customers. Among this classranks E. L. Cleaves, the popular stationer and bookseller, No. 281 Mamstreet, who has just received one of thefinest stocks of stationery ever broughtto Memphis. The stock embraces every-thing that is new, novel and fashiona-ble, conspicuous among which may bementioned Pivie's exquisite envelopesin every jtyle, shape, color and shade,and such as is used by thecretiii, lu create of society. These en-velopes are perfectly unique, with variedcolored flaps and gilt borders, withcream wove and rice not e paper to match.The bijou envelopes and petite note paperand pretty papcteries are neautirui animost suitable ior iasuionaoio youngmisses, who wish to maite loving missives to their friends and fellow-student- s.

The supply of mourning envelopes haveevery degree or muck uoruer, indicatinga slight bereavement or one of agonizingwoe. To match an tnese air. uieaveshas a 6UDerb selection oi gold pens withevery imaginab.'e kind of holder, withgold pencil cases.tasteful ink-glass- andstands in endless variety, paper-weig-

of all kinds, and visiting cards, lvoiyreps, enamel Jand bristol, with a laryeand admirably selected stock of everyarticle pertaining to the stationery bustness. A very large stock of businessen- -

velopes has jUat come to hand, whichwill be soiu at prices to sua tne limesThe stock of books on counter andshelves will be found to be rich, rare andvaried, and includes all the latest novelsand miscellaneous works, uraers tor ankinds of printing and book-bindin- g received anu executed with care, taste anddispatch. e. l. cleaves,

kOi j urn aiicei.

31. Ii. 3IEACIIA3I A CO.

Wholesale Urocors nntl Cotton FactorsLarge Stock or Ties, Etc. Rare

Inducements to Cnstoiners.

Attention ia called to the card of thewell-know- n house of M. L. Meacham &Co.,wholesale grocers and cotton factors,at No. 9 union street. This house isone of the largest in the southwest, iscomposed of reliable and experiucedbusiuess men, who deal largely with ailthe country tributary to Memphis.Among their stock of goods now onhand, we would mention niteen tnousand bundles of cotton ties, purchasedbeforo the recent rise, three thousandrolls of bagging and ten thousand barrels of salt on the levee, which areoffered very cheap in order to savestorage and other expenses incurred byremoving and handling the same. Tteyare prepared to handle wheat on com-mission, and furnish all necessary sacks.They offer planters especial inducements in the price of cotton-tie- s, whichhaving, as above stated, been purchasedbefore the recent rise in tho price of thesame, they will continue to sell at thelow figures asked heretofore. Their groceries embrace the best brands known tothe market, for M. L. Meacham & Co,always deal in reliable goods, andguarantee to satisfy any customer.



Ti'rnnnlHr'n As Wicirin. tho crpftt hatdealers at ISo. 3lb Mam street, have received another very large stock of fashionable straw good3 for summer, embracing the latest and prettiest stylesfor men, boys and children. They offerheir entire stock sf straw goods at very

low prices. Give them a call, whetheryou wish to purchase a silk, a straw ora ielt hat.GREAT SWEEPING SALE AT COST!

Ladies' Linen Suits at S4, S5, SS, S7, S3,$9, S10!


A large lino of children's dresses atcost. Also, a complete line of ladies'linen dusters, polanaisea, overssirtsand jackets at very low prices.

Ladies underwear at a great sacrifice.Parties wanting a good linen suit canprocure the same at

F. &. HARDY'S, 247 Main Street.Call early and secure bargains.


We present in another column thesplendid statement of the Royal insur-ance company of Liverpool, England,showing total assets to be over sixteenand a quarter million dollars. The jurisdiction or Messrs. isarnee & casueman,the managers at Louisville, Kentucky,formerly confined to Kentucky andTennessee, now includes nearly all thesouthern States conclusive evidence oftho estimation in whieh their labors areappreciated at the home olllce of thecompany. Colonel H. T. Tomliuson,No. 17 Madison street, is the Royal'sagent for Memphis and vicinity. Of himwo need not speak. For twelve yearshe has been with us, and of us, and wehave so often paid tribute to his worthand skill as an underwriter and adjusterthat it is useless to repeat it.


This community cannot fail to appre-ciate the great benefit which has beendone and will continue to be given bythe great firm of E. F. Risk & Co., No.306 Main street, who, with commend-able energy and judicious determina-tion, have burst up the coal-o- il ring andnow offer the very best character of coaloil at twenty-fiv- e cents a gallon. This isgood news 1 1 the public, who can nowhave good lights for a very small priceby purchasing their coal-o- il from E. '.

Risk & Co., who eell it fifteen centscheaper than any house in Memphis.They offer special rates and extra in-ducements to retail merchants and oildealers generally. The intend keepingthe price of coal-o- il down to twenty-fiv- e

cents, and guarantee the very best quali-ty of the fluid at this price.

Nburix. The Instantaneous cure foincurolrfo, irfn-- TP". Jones A Co.. keep It,

Attend Robertson's Business College,

" " " rr.Ttt.-.- , - .



Beautiful sash ribbons 25, 30, 35 and40C.

Seal-brow- n eaah ribbons just receivedElegant embroideries, half yard wide,

for skirts and dresses, at half price.Beautiful white and striped hose, very

cneap.Bargains in massalia nainsooka,muil,

tuckings, piques, laces, etc.6000 yards assorted dreta goods at 10c

a yara.New lawn8 and linen lawna.Silk and wool iron grenadines, 50c.New calicoes opened.Parasols and fans at cost.New ties, handkerchiefs, etc.All dress goods at cost.Bargains in mosquito nets and bars,


To close out stock, gentt.' white shirts,oest quality, 1 45, $1 50 and 51 7o.

Gents' underclothing, gauze, nainsook, etc., 33J, 50 and 60c apiece; bestquality.

Best British half-hoa- e, 33te a pair.Fifty pieces all-wo- ol casalmere, 50c a

yard.Remnant sale beginsTo close the summer stock, extraordi-

nary good bargains cau behad this week,


Duffy & Carey, wholesale and retailgrocers, No. 209 Main street, betweenAdams and Washington streets, havejust received a very superior consignment of port and sherry wines, manufactured by the finest grape-growe- rs ofCalifornia. These wines are of superbquaii'y, and especially adapted for family use, and will be sold by the bottle orgallon at unprecedented low prices. Asingle trial is only ncce3sary to make theaoove wines general favorites for thotable by all lovers of tho juico of thegrape. A finely assorted stock of groceries of all kinds always on hand.

Gents, call and see the "Memphisties" at Coffey's.

No house in Memphis has the stockof boots and shoes that Cofley has.

Plakts Cibllae,Tomato,Egg,CraIg,


Cincinnati, June 19 Night. Riverfalling, with 10 feet 5 inches water in

khe channel. Weather cloudy and cool.Arrived : Arlington, Memphis. Depart-ed: CbarlesMorgan, NewOfleans; Mlu-neol- a,

Memphis.New Orleans, June 19. Weather

clear and hot this morning, with a lightrain this evening. No arrivals. De-parted: Thompson Dean, Cincinnati;Great Republic, St. Louis.

Vicksburo, June 19. Weather warmand cloudy. River stationary. Down:John F. Tolle. Up: Susie Silver.

Pittsburg, June 19 Night Riverfalling, with 3 feet 1 inch water in thechannel. Weather clear and pleasant.

STEAMBOATS.FOR LCUISVILLE & CINCINNATI.For Cairo, Louibville and Cincinnati. Tuo

splendid passenger

Str. Thompson Dean,&5S&W. B. Miller . jnahter

Leaves WEDNESDAY, June Zlil, at S a.m.For freljrht or passage apply to

J. T. WASHINGTON. A't, 380 Front Bt.

Cincinnati and Memphis Packet. For Cairo,Louisville and Cincinnati. Steamer


leaves weu.nbsua l.june zn, at o p.m.,giving through tickets to all eastern points atlowest figures. Apply to

R.W. LIOHTBUKNE. Sup't. 15 Madison St.


Senipiii8 and St Louis Packet Co.United States Mall Line.

l'r)!U Eievator Building, foot EvtSlc at.

JULIA...... . Blake, masterWednesday, Jnne lUth, at a.m.

CITY OF CHESTER Zelgler, masterThursday, June lTlh, at 5 pan.

ST. GENEVIEVE Vlckers, masterFrlrlny, Juno IStli, at G p.m.

GRAND TOWER --.Lennox, masterSaturday. June l'Jth, at 5 p.m.

CITY OF VICKSBURU Riley masterSunday, June .Mb, at 10 a.m.

BELLE MEMPHIS Crane, masterMonday, June 21st, at 5 p.m.

For freight or passage apply toAD. STORM,

Sup't Mississippi River Elevator Company.


St. lionlsniiri VIc&sbarsr Slp.il.Anchor IJne.

CAPITOL CITY masterThursday, June 17th, at 6 p.m.

CITY OF HELENA .McKee, masterSaturday, June 19th, at 5 p.m.

JULIA . Blnke, masterMonday, June iilst, at 5 p.m.

Making all the way landings.For freight or passage apply to

AD. STORM,Bnp't Mlwlsslopl Rlvsr Elevator Company.

FOR WHITE RIVER.Regular Hf emplils and White Biver

Mail Liue.For Augusta, Jacksonport, and Little Red

itivor. xne eiegsni steamer

M. R. Harry master Ed. Crowell clerkLeaves promptly every SATURDAY, at 5 p.m

For freight or passage apply on board, or toJ. t. WAsmsuTUfl, sou Front st,R. P. GLENN, on Wharfboat.

Freight consigned to Milt Harry will hehandled free or storage, drayage and commis,slon, and put through promptly.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Regular Memphis and 1'iiie lllutr

JlHil Line.For Red Fork, Auburn, New Ga3cony nd all

points through to Pine Bluff, conn ctlngwith light boats through to Fort Smith.

itLEiCi: of tisxan. ,rrJno. Woodbitrn maaterJalSaam:

Leaves EVERY TUESDAY, at 6 p.m.

Ed. Nowland . -- .master.'Leaves EVERY SATURDAY, at o p.m.For freight or passage, apply to

JNO. N. HARBIN, Sapt.,15 Madison street.

R. P. GLENN, Agent,lanl5 Wharfboat. foot Court street.

FOR HELENA & FRIAR'S POINTFor Helena, Friars Point and the Bends,

PACKET.The olegant and fleet sids-whe- el passenger


Lee..... master Leo . cierKWill leave as above every Monday, Wednes

day and Friday throughout tne year.For freight or passage applv on hoard.

FOR ASHPORT.Regular Kanaolph, Fulton, Osceola and

Asnport Semi-Week- ly Packet.Str. Erau& JToirest,O. E. Joplln...mastor I Joe. W. Rhodes clerk

Leaves Mempnls MONDAYS and h RIDAYBat o p.m.

For freight or passage apply on hoard.


EOS NAPOLEON.A. J. WiiitsGeorge Ji alone....... mufcter.

Leaveo TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS, 5 pjn.For freight or casssr-- apply on board, or tolr. . W TIIVV 'Tft 'itW Front etrAt.

CATS 10 Crt'jaCH


- Sit!

XT. 33. 'ZrZZLJl.S-jZlL-,


Fine Jewelry. Watches, Clock, Canes.Spectacle, Etc.

Solid Gold Watches from K0 to f200. BolidGold Chains from S15 to SloO. The celebratedElgin Watch (silver), K0 to S75. Silver Im-ported Watches, 55 to SO. Solid Gold IS caratlllngs. warranted perfect. 81 60 per pennyweight' and other things in proportion.nrprlnns stnnps. and infltehinc? odd Jewelry,and hair chain and pipe mountings a specialty, scnooi Jieuais. jewels, oieucm, ocuu,etc. Old gold and sliver wanted.308 Second street - - MemnhU.Tenn

DISSOIiirW.ION,B. F. PARTEE haying this dayMR. from llio firm or W.W.Wheeler

& Co., the business will bo continued underthe firm-nam- e of Wheeler Co., who will keepconstantly on band a fuil lAoox of Groceriesand Plantation supplies.

RIDLEY, Tjm., Slay 15, 1375. my28


On and alter MONDAY neit, theTtli mst ,

XKT- -

mentsto purchasers ot go vis in the :oiiow.i.g lines:Dress Goods lower than ever heard of before-Embroidere-


and Striped tJrenadines fcom XOe pr jartl itjr;,lilack Grenadines at 15c per yard.

Good lilack Grenadines at from 5c per janl up.Japanese Plaid Poplins at from 10c per jard up.

Nice Yard-Wid- e Percales xt 10c per yard.White Linen Lawns at 15c per yarii.

Good Yard-Wid- e White Linen Lawng at 25c per jairi.White Goods at greatly reduced prices.

Satin Striped Victoria Lawn at 20c per yard.Fine Wiiite Organdie at 20c per yard.

&I'L'KE1Striped Dress Silks al 60c per yard and upn

cheapest Black TaUeia and Ur

IIou3e-FnniisriI- n Goods RedHccd. God Llaea Dack at SOc ptr yard. Ladles'Ties, Hat Scarfj, nml Fans Ksdnced. Children's Hose at 7 c, 10c, I2c

end 15c per pair. Ladies' Hose at 8c, 10c anil 12 l-- per iwir.Lailes' HenutilchednaKdkercMcfs oc, 10,', 15c, '20c sad 26c enek.

Prints, Lawns, B iched and Brown Shlr ings and SUeetln (Jingham", Plain and I'tat--Osnaburgs at extremely reduced riu.

Lweiieteim & Brothers42, 244 and 246 Main

TTXE have reducel our prices on Rniitedf 1 RIO, 3Cc ; also we nre selling our GI'.A

JAVA. Y EAST POWDER, 35c per pound.will get the value of j our money every iluie.

Proprietors Memphis Tea Company. Steam Coffee and Spiee Mill?,

FURNITURE, CARPETS, IIn order to reduce our stock previous to


This is an opportunity for Ihu-- e wanting goods in our line to purchase at less pricesman was ever




T ro12



New and

&33.8 Mam


Wholesale Grocers



..01 JJnlon



(Successors to

and Clinton



Kednccdto $1

to anv nart of the country on receipt ofor by express, C. O. D.

Address, tL.Rom Concha Honnnzn.ano nnlnm


to Foster, Keolhofer &



IN'O removed my of HardwaroHAand Chain Pumps to 1U Ma n streetwould be pleabed to see all my old incaii; andcustomers. W. W.

Junel7,is, juio

Ajnc- -

k BEOSw. sha.lojer sp-- c al ami fxUuonUitary ldi

S3CX.KS!ml. Plain colored Silk at 79e per yam. Th--s Grain on the continent.

Street corner Jefferson.

and Ground I'ofTo" 3c dt pound. JAVA. We;Nl'L VfKD i (JF!,.E-- j In nils. Soc for RIO:!l for

three p for SI. Come and tee as and you

OY Sc .CO.

A iJ.,our annual stock-takin- g in July, we will sea

oinreu m mis city.



B, D.

FACTORSfenapiais, 'ja?eiiM,




iadiea' Ties Just Received

- Opposite Xeabody.



Faegason a Cir,)


DkEU HOTEL,Ualtimore and Ohio


JOHN nJlLSY - MnMHger,(Formerly of Glades Hotel, Oakland).

S. L. CCUHKA2-I- . ii. A. HATCHKK.



Bush aiidiBiindsOffices and Yards, l oot TCashiBKtoa Zt

SalcEroom, So. 4 Howard's Row.

SaTRnllis in NnTj.Yard.






Style Bucliings



WHOLESALE PROVISION BEALEBS361 Front and 22 & 2i C!Inta Streets,



Wholesale G

I3os. 369 Front 32 t?eots, Memnbis. Tean


Per Unndretl.




(Successors Co.i,


km immm,FRONT






