GEH1005/GEK10 21 Crime Fiction in Eng & Chinese Final Project Whodunnnit: A Play Shen Le (A0101484N)

Whodunnit: A Play

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A detective play by Shen Le. For NUS GEK1021.

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Page 1: Whodunnit: A Play

GEH1005/GEK10 21   Crime Fiction in Eng & Chinese

Final Project

Whodunnnit: A Play

Shen Le (A0101484N)

Lai Xin Ying (A0147318A)

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Word count: 3747


ACT 1SCENE 1. EXT. NIGHT SURROUNDINGS-HDB Void deckA dark and stormy night. A woman is running along a HDB void deck. A shadow follows her. She is cornered. The shadow slows down. The person moves closer. The cornered woman looks up at her pursuant. A shade of fear appears on her face. She backs away. The pursuer moves menacingly towards her.

PURSUERHow have you been, Yvonne? You must have been well-off with the

museum, eh?

YVONNE (shaking voice)No… Why… Why? Look, look, we can talk this over


You know it, don’t you? In fact, you knew it long ago.

With that, the pursuer whips out a knife and moves forward menacingly. The shoes make no noise on the floor.

YVONNENo! NO! Aaaargh!

In one fluid motion, the attacker stabs Yvonne in the stomach, twisting it a few times. Blood pools out and mixes with the rain, before flowing down the drain. Standing over Yvonne’s still and crumpled form, the attacker throws the knife near Yvonne’s body, adjusts the jacket and cap, and stalks off. Meanwhile, an old woman dressed in rags was standing behind the rubbish bin, watching the scene unfolding right in front of her eyes.

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FADE IN. ACT 2.SCENE 1. INT. MORNING-CHANGI AIRPORT Sherwood yawns as he gives the airport attendant his British passport.


Welcome to Singapore!

SHERWOODThanks, it’s my first time here.

Suddenly, his cell phone rings.

One moment please.

COMMISSIONER LAUGood morning Detective Inspector Sherwood, I hope you had a good


SHERWOODMorning, Deputy Commissioner. I just touched down. Ain't it too

early for a call? Anything up?

COMMISSIONER LAUWell, as much as I would love to let you rest, we’ve got a case.

Your assistance is highly appreciated.


I’ll be there right away. Please ask my partner to ring me through this number. Cheerio.


The rain is pouring. We are in the middle of a crime scene. A policewoman, Private Wong, and a senior-looking post-mortem physician analyst are gathered around a zipped up body bag. Agent Bell is one of CID’s finest and most experienced employees. Her partner was hospitalised so now she’s getting a temporary one.

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She has several plastic bags containing some nails, hair, cloth fibres, and blood droplets. Private Wong is dusting the place for fingerprints.

BELLSo where is this hotshot new detective anyway? He’s late.


There you are, Inspector! And I was just getting worried. Private Wong said to the slouching figure slowly approaching them. The man was looking around wide-eyed.

BELL (scanning Sherwood up and down)I know you just got off the plane, but you’re not even dressed


SHERWOODSherwood here. And you must be my partner.

Peering at Bell’s ID badge, he saw her name “Natasha Bell Lee”.

Can I call you Nat?

BELLNo, you can call me Agent Bell.


What am I missing Agent Bell, any leads?

BELLWe don’t know yet. We’ll send it to the specialists in

headquarters. It’ll take about a few days.


Sherwood motions for Private Wong to pass him a zip-lock bag. It is a wallet. Putting on some disposable gloves, he carefully opens the bag and checks the money inside.

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Hmm. So Yvonne Lim, 28, curator, took over the museum just weeks ago. Had a bit of reputation for herself aye, going to social events, appearing on the news. What kind of people would be her


BELLYour guess is as good as mine, Inspector.

Bell left to talk to an old woman who appears to be a can-collector.

WONGThe killer is good. He covered up his tracks. We did however find

some skin samples and some muddy footprints.

SHERWOODWhat about that old lady over there?

Sherwood points towards the old woman.

WONGOh, that’s our only eye witness. She’s the one that discovered

the body and called us. But she’s not much help now as she’s in a state of shock now. Bit of a bad luck, really, on top of the

blasted rain that washed away most of our evidence.

BELL (in Mandarin)Perhaps after you feel better, you can come down to the station to do a full report? You did say you have something you want to

show us.

While Bell strode off to talk to the old lady, Sherwood’s attention was diverted towards the crime scene since he could not understand Mandarin anyway. He had a feeling that someone is watching him. At the corner of his eye, he spotted a figure hiding behind a pillar. Just as Sherwood wondered if he should approach the figure, Bell called him.

BELLInspector Sherwood, are you ready?


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Coming. Sherwood turns around and the figure disappeared. Frowning, he joins Bell.

So what did the old woman tell you anyway?

BELLI’ll fill you in later.

Everyone left. A masculine figure slowly appears. He got there first thing in the morning after reading about Yvonne’s death online. But he saw the police and he hid himself as he got a bad criminal record. His eyes were tearing as he looked across the police tapes “Do not cross”. His attention was soon caught by an old woman sitting near the old concrete table. She is holding something in her hands, and he is alarmed to see it was Yvonne’s couple ring! Panicking, he pushes the woman, snatches the ring and twisted her arm.

MASCULINE FIGURE (menacingly)You will not tell the police about me being here, or else!

All the while he is saying that, he waves a fist in the woman’s face. Mdm Ong, terrified, nodded. Satisfied, the man runs into the pouring rain. Tearing in pain, Mdm Ong sees the figure of the running man and thinks it looks familiar. FADE IN ACT 3.SCENE 1. INT. NOON-CID HEADQUARTERS

BELLOk, our cyanoacrylate fuming test is done, but nothing showed up.


She produces a zip-lock bag. Inside it contains some leathery material.

We found this around the knife. If the murderer thinks it’s enough to hide his fingerprints, then he’s wrong. Apparently the

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leather glove he is wearing worn out and we think that this is a high quality leather material which can’t be bought easily. By

the way, Sherwood, what’s your take on the status of the killer? Could he have fled?

SHERWOOD (laugh)

I should jolly well think he wouldn’t.

BELLWhat makes you so sure?


Professor Lim was said to be a nice person and she had few enemies. So let’s find those who stand to gain something from by killing her. Just put your shoes in his, there’s a reason the murderer killed her. It’s definitely not money since the wallet is still there. Wouldn’t go all the way to kill her and then run

off. Unless...

BELLUnless what?

SHERWOOD Unless... He already has what he wants, or at least he is going


BELLWhat do you mean?

Sherwood shrugged and saved his explanation.


I need you to dig up Yvonne’s background, her friends, relatives or anything revolving around the museum. It can’t be a

coincidence that she got offed within weeks of accepting the post.

BELL (peeved)

Fine. Private Wong, will you help me question Professor Lim’s friends, relatives, co-workers about their alibis?

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SCENE 2. INT. NOON-POLICE STATION Hours later, Private Wong comes through the main door. Shaking off the water droplets on her raincoat, she hands over her findings.

WONGThey all checked out. Especially Jade Tan, daughter of the

previous owner of the museum.

SHERWOODWatcha think of that?


She seems to have a clear alibi and was devastated when she heard that Yvonne was killed. She’s a big fan of art and a sculptor herself. Even told me about her new sculpture, I think it was

named Rachel.

SHERWOOD (smirks)Jade is a sculptor you say? It must be hard that she didn’t get

the museum in the end, since she’s an art lover. Bell on the other hand remains quiet as she scans through the name list and statements.

BELLSherwood, check out this guy. Song Weishun. Has a record. Three

years in Changi due to petty theft and fraud charges. Been in and out of the Boys Home since young, because of alleged gang

activities. According to her friends, he and Yvonne were together for quite some time before she dumped him. Well then, the motive

in this case is quite easy to guess.

SHERWOOD (raising his eyebrow)Well, Bell. It would be wise not to have immature conclusions and

scratch beneath the surface

BELL (sarcastically)

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Actually, Sherwood, I think this case is quite straightforward and we no longer require your service. Why don’t you head on to

your hotel and freshen up, Inspector? The two were on loggerheads when suddenly Private Wong receives a call. After hanging up, she looks hopeful.

PRIVATE WONGInspector! Agent! Our men just called! The old lady’s been assaulted and they believe that it was the killer. They are

sending her over now.

SHERWOODAlright, leave that to us. Bell and I will see her.

The interrogation room was quiet as Mdm Ong was cradling her injured arm with Sherwood and Bell sitting in front of her, exchanging glances. Then all of a sudden, like a gun gone loose, she started wailing in rapid-fire Mandarin. START OF FLASHBACK Madam Ong, a can-collector, saw something shiny roll on the ground towards her. She picked it up. Her rheumy, cloudy eyes thought that this ring was valuable. She could dimly see a womanly figure walk past quickly.

MDM ONG(In Mandarin)Xiao jie, xiao jie! Aiyah, I must return this to her!

But she was old and could not walk fast. Plus the blasting rain was not of any help either. Very soon she was a long way off. To catch up, she decided to take a shortcut to avoid some stairs. When she reached, all she saw was a manly figure running away and the dead body.


MDM ONG (In Mandarin)I was going to give you guys the ring but I was in too much shock to think clearly. Then after I spoke to you guys, the same guy came back! I know because his back figure looks the same. He

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attacked me--he must be the killer! You must catch him, you’re the police!


Calm down Madam. Are you sure the murderer attacked you because you’re an eyewitness? Can you tell us any characteristics about


MDM ONG (In Mandarin)He is of a sturdy built and tanned. And he’s about as tall as

your partner, the Ang Moh!

She points at Sherwood. Sherwood frowned, as it seemed insulting.

BELLWell well, Sherwood, how about it? Still think Song Weishun is

not suspicious?

She dialled Private Wong’s number.

Private Wong, bring Song Weishun in for questioning.

SCENE 3. INT. AFTERNOON-POLICE STATION A man is being interrogated, his hands are handcuffed.

BELLSo tell me, why did you come back and attack Mdm Ong? You want to

finish the job?

SONGWhat you talking about? Who’s Mdm Ong?

BELL (slams the table)

Don’t lie to us!

SHERWOODMdm Ong accused you of assaulting her, nicking the ring then

legging it.

Sherwood reached into Song Weishun’s pocket and took out the ring.

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Curious, this ring is not very valuable. Yet you left the wallet

untouched but took the ring?

SONG (agitated)I told you I didn’t kill her, I will never do that. And that’s

supposed to be our wedding ring! How dare you take that away from ME?! That was supposed to be our wedding ring...

His voice trails off and turns choking.

I know you guys wouldn’t believe me. But I didn’t want any trouble with the police alright, which was why I threatened the old lady. I had past records, records that I’m not proud of. Yvonne was the only one who loved me and accepted me for who I

was, but we got problems. After Yvonne broke up with me, I wanted her back. So I followed her.

BELLYou said you followed her? So you followed and killed her?

SONGHELL NO! Not yesterday! I was at Cafe Iguana at Clarke Quay

working as a new bartender. Trust me! I didn’t know nuts till I saw the news online! I only want the ring back when I saw it in

the old woman’s hands. I swear to God.

Sherwood and Bell exchanges looks.

SHERWOOD (sighs)Whatever you say now, I need you to be kept in custody for a few

days. Can’t let you off so easily because we’ve got evidence against you.

Hinting at Bell to the door,

Bell, can I have a word with you?

Bell closes the door behind her.


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Now do you see? Look at the snivelling, heart-broken man inside. He’s piss-poor, with a dead-beat job barely making ends meet. He is the look of a man completely miserable in love. Do you think

he is the sort to commit a completely perfect murder and not take a full wallet?

BELL (reluctantly)

Yes, I have to admit you might be right. If he knew there was an eye-witness, why attack her now instead of yesterday? And why do such a sloppy job? Plus he barely hurt the old lady, the wounds are superficial. There’re just some things that don’t quite add


SHERWOODTell me, Bell, how exactly does a Singapore art museum look like? SCENE 4. INT. AFTERNOON—MUSEUM Since Yvonne’s death, the museum was temporarily closed and the police took over the place for further investigation. So the museum is deathly quiet, and chilly. Sherwood notices a sculpture that looked new and stopped in his tracks.

SHERWOODHello, what’s this?

Bell peered at the description.

BELLOh, this sculpture is by… Jade Tan!?

SHERWOOD (murmurs)




The title, it’s not Rachel! Its Rache! Tally ho! We’ve got a criminal to catch.


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What? Why? Where are we going?

SHERWOODDon’t you see? Jade Tan is the murderer. ‘Rache’ is German for ‘revenge’. Private Wong misheard. Perhaps it was a masterpiece she can’t help creating after Yvonne’s death. Now let’s see how Jade looks like and we’ll find why Mdm Ong mistaken the murderer

to be a bloke.

BELLSo now we’re going to her house! Let me bring along some search

tools. Better bring along some men too, Jade must be strong for a woman. You don’t know what people might do if they’re cornered.


Second that, Agent Bell.

And with that, they went out of the museum and into the carpark. Moments later, the engine is heard. FADE IN. ACT 4.SCENE 1. EXT. AFTERNOON—HDB FLAT We see a rather new-looking HDB flat looming up. The camera tracks to the fifth storey. Then it flickers, and when it reappears, it’s shown from inside the peephole.

BELL(rings the bell)Hello? Is anyone inside?

Sherwood and Bell were at the front door, joined by two policemen. Sherwood discreetly tucks a gun under his coat. Slow footsteps are heard coming towards the door. It was flung open.

JADE(irritated)What do you want? I’m late for my kickboxing session at the gym.


Miss Tan? We’re detectives and would like a word with you.


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We have reason to suspect you for the murder of Professor Yvonne Lim yesterday night.


Look, I’ve already given my statement to one of your men, and I definitely did not kill Yvonne.


Well, due to new circumstances, we still need you to go down to the police station for further assistance.

As Sherwood talked, one of the policemen places his hand on the gun holster, seemingly ready to counter any resistance. Jade notices and got flustered, her veins throbbing in her neck.

JADE(shouts)I said I’m busy! Now go away!


Miss, we hope for your cooperation.

The policeman curls his fingers around the trigger.

Jade suddenly bursts open the door and shoves Sherwood aside. Jade runs down the stairs. Sherwood and Bell run after her as Sherwood curses and swears at the amateur policeman for causing alarm. Gaining speed, Bell and Sherwood draw near. Jade reaches for a pocketknife inside her pocket, but stops when Sherwood raises his gun.


Drop your knife or I’ll shoot you. Put your hands up. Up!

Jade reluctantly does as she is told. Bell moves behind her to handcuff her. SCENE 2. INT. AFTERNOON—POLICE STATION

Private Wong brings in the laptop that was confiscated from Jade’s house. After the password is disabled, Sherwood and Bell search for evidence. Jade has a folder with all the incriminating evidence.

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SHERWOODSo, in summary, Jade Tan’s father owns the museum. He died just weeks ago, same time as when Yvonne took over. In her father’s will, he states that the museum will be left to Professor Lim,

and then if she died, to Jade. Jade has been in financial difficulties lately. As she did not have many friends, we assumed

she resorted to the murder of Professor Lim to gain money by selling off the museum. She knew that Professor Lim, lover of historical art, will never allow her to sell off the museum. So

she killed her.

BELLPlus, the fibres in the crime scene completely match the

suspect’s cloth fibres. The footprint also matched the shoe she owned. The skin samples found, such as from dandruff, are all of

her DNA. We have reasons to believe that Ms. Jade Tan is the murderer of Professor Yvonne Lim after all. Let’s go see her now.

Sherwood and Bell join Private Wong who had been interrogating

Jade Tan.

WONG(matter-of-factly)You’re a smart girl, Jade, claiming you were at your friend’s

house. But guess what, we caught your friend and he admitted that you were not there all along and he had no idea what you were up to the entire night. Plus, the synthetic fibres of your gloves

match the one we found at the crime scene. Your height and figure matches too. You knew Professor Lim and her boyfriend. You

thought you could put the blame on her boyfriend who has a dirty record. Duplicating his attire to match his frame and size. Plus, wearing the same shoe size that matched his. Not forgetting that those were gifted from Yvonne. And you, knowing Yvonne, would

very well have known where she bought it from.

JADEI demand a lawyer! Of course many people buy the same kind of brand of gloves, hats, coats, and boots. You can’t blame me.


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There’s something going on between you, isn’t there? Mistrust, jealousy, petty feuds?

JADE (blurts out, looking quite mad)

Petty feud! Losing my father’s museum is no big deal. If she’s not alive, then the museum will be mine! Now that she’s dead, I

will have it! (laughs cruelly)

SHERWOODThat is, until she threw a spanner in the works. And Bob’s your


JADELike I said, the killer is not me! The real killer’s out there!


Well, it’s true that Mdm Ong insists that it was a man.

SHERWOODYou see, Ms Tan’s gym sessions had paid off quite well, she would

seem to look like a man indeed, especially by someone with cataracts.



SHERWOODYes, Bell. I can see it from the way she looked at you when

talking to you.


30 minutes before Yvonne’s death It was midnight. And raining. Yvonne parked her car in the carpark. While locking her car door, she saw a shadow flash by which was reflected by the rear window.

“That must be my good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend again.” She shrugged with a roll of her eyes. Ever since they broke up, he had been stalking her hoping she would forgive him.

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She continued walking to her house, and she still heard footsteps behind her. Well, she’s more exasperated than mad. She walked so fast that her couple ring, originally loose, fell off. She hesitated. “Whatever, it’s not valuable anyway.” She continued walking.


SHERWOODI know what happened. You have been stalking Yvonne, waiting for the moment to strike. How happy you must be when you realised

that Song Wei Shun had been stalking her since their breakup. So the hunter became the hunted when you realized that you are of the same built as Song Weishun. You had your chance when Yvonne assumed it was him following her, not you, as she did not feel

threatened by him. And with the help of God, it was raining, the perfect opportunity for you as nobody would hear her screams.

When she turned around because she realized she dropped her ring, she saw you instead.

Miss Tan keeps silent.

WONG(impressed by Sherwood)

So, do you confess to the murder?

JADE (Looking defiant)So what if I did? She deserved to die because she took what belonged to me! My museum! It wasn't hers to begin with!

Jade sinks back into her seat, aware that she had confessed suddenly.

I...No..I didn’t kill her. You’ve mistaken. I DID NOT!

WONGWell, nothing else you say will matter anymore. Jade Tan, you’re under arrest for the murder of Yvonne Lim. Good job, inspector,


Sherwood manages a smile. So did Bell.

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Now that she’s confessed, please come with me to get the legal documents drawn up.

Sherwood, Bell and Private Wong left the room. Jade covers her head in her hands. All goes black. FADE IN. ACT 5.SCENE 1. EXT. MORNING—CEMETARY

It is drizzling as Yvonne’s body is lowered into the grave. A

rainbow appears. Song Weishun’s head is bowed. Bell and Sherwood appear behind him.


I hope you can turn over a new leaf. Yvonne would want that.

SONGThank you for catching her killer and for proving my

innocence. And thank you for giving me a chance to attend her funeral before going into the jail.

After bowing to them, Song Weishun left with two other policemen.


Hey, Sherwood


BELLGood job in deciphering the message and closing the case. That’s all I want to say. And I want to apologize for my

attitude previously…You know...

SHERWOODCome on, what are partners for? I say we make a good pair

after all!

And both of them fade into the background, into the rain...

The End