Who 2"‘1 May 2019 T0 __ To -7 Bombay Stock Exchange Ltdi National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. i Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza. 5'h Floor I Dalal Street Plot no. 0/1, G Block 1 Mumbai - 400 001‘ Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) i W ; Sub: Audited Financial Results (Standalone) for the Quarter and Financial Year ended 31SI March 2019 Dear Sir, ln pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulation 2015. we enclose herewith a copy of the Audited Results (Standalone) for the Financial Year ended 31Sl March 2019 which have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on Thursday. 2"a1 May 2019. We also enclose herewith Independent Auditor's report of BGJC& Associates LLP. our Statutory Auditors on Audited quarterly standalone financials results and year end Audited standalone results of Radico Khaitan Limited along with Form A (For Audit Report with unmodified opinion) in the prescribed format, The Board of Directors have recommended a final Dividend on Equity shares @ RS120 per Share amounting to Rs,1600.91 Lakhs (excluding dividend tax) subject to approval of the shareholders in their ensuing Annual General Meeting. The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 12.00 Noon and concluded at 2.40 PM Please notify the above information to the Members of your esteemed Stock Exchange and confirm having taken on record, Thanking you. Yours faithf glly. for Radico haitan Limited Comp ny Secretary Mem ership No. FCS 6615 Encl: As above. Radico Khaitan Limited Plot No J-1_ Block B-l. Mohair Co-op Industrial Area MaLhurs Road, New Dr:|l\i»‘| 10044 Ph [81»11] 4037 5400 JJJ-‘SOD’SSS Fax‘ [91-1114187 13041-32 Ranisioned Dllicc Saroilly Ho.\d.R;xmpur«24-’1901 [U P] Phone: 05932350601 2 2351703 Fax 0595-2350009 omuil Inlns'radico in :11 website l‘Jt‘ w radicukhmmn com ClN No Lafifi-HUPiE'ASSPLCC‘ZTE 3’6

Who - Radico Khaitan

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Page 1: Who - Radico Khaitan


2"‘1 May 2019







Bombay Stock Exchange Ltdi National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. iPhiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza. 5'h Floor IDalal Street Plot no. 0/1, G Block 1Mumbai - 400 001‘ Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) i

W ;

Sub: Audited Financial Results (Standalone) for the Quarter and Financial Year

ended 31SI March 2019

Dear Sir,

ln pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements)Regulation 2015. we enclose herewith a copy of the Audited Results (Standalone) for the

Financial Year ended 31Sl March 2019 which have been approved by the Board of Directors of

the Company at its meeting held on Thursday. 2"a1 May 2019.

We also enclose herewith Independent Auditor's report of BGJC& Associates LLP. our StatutoryAuditors on Audited quarterly standalone financials results and year end Audited standalone

results of Radico Khaitan Limited along with Form A (For Audit Report with unmodified opinion)in the prescribed format,

The Board of Directors have recommended a final Dividend on Equity shares @ RS120 per

Share amounting to Rs,1600.91 Lakhs (excluding dividend tax) subject to approval of the

shareholders in their ensuing Annual General Meeting.

The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 12.00 Noon and concluded at 2.40 PM

Please notify the above information to the Members of your esteemed Stock Exchange and

confirm having taken on record,

Thanking you.

Yours faithf glly.for Radico haitan Limited

Comp ny SecretaryMem ership No. FCS 6615

Encl: As above.

Radico Khaitan LimitedPlot No J-1_ Block B-l. Mohair Co-op Industrial Area

MaLhurs Road, New Dr:|l\i»‘| 10044

Ph [81»11] 4037 5400 JJJ-‘SOD’SSS Fax‘ [91-1114187 13041-32

Ranisioned Dllicc Saroilly Ho.\d.R;xmpur«24-’1901 [U P]

Phone: 05932350601 2 2351703 Fax 0595-2350009


Inlns'radico in :11 website l‘Jt‘ w radicukhmmn com


Page 2: Who - Radico Khaitan

Ema” ld:[email protected],in


Regiswled 0111110, 52701117 Road, Rampur . 244 901 (U.P,)

Tel. “0.0595-2350601/02, 23617011531"0.0555-2350009

Website; ytwmradicokhaitanLcm

CIH: L26941UP1983PLCOZ7278

Slam-men! 011-1141in Standalone 1ND AS Financial ResulLs for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2019

(Rs in L2khs,excepl EPS)

81.119. Pamculals (3} W I (5) I1 .

Omaha! 1 Year E Year


ended 3 ended

1 W M11: M 2 mm=

I (Audited) (Audited) (Audited; j (Auditedu1 I 1 E I

': 51-1-1211: 1 1 9732612] 205.235 93 1,55 222,92. 05.200253 527 935 43:

a '1 1007 97.11 325 77. 2 667 02

1 | 1

79121 !ncomc-1 136,125.42 157,230.59; a,o7,129.ozI 11.29.703.45


2 51961111111179 I 1I

.25.165035 1 ca 529 90; 93 920101

1 531.501 1115.521 255412:

1 1 1.

i -1 669.341 14159291! 11253 25;i 1.1314711 595105711 44475924:

1 4.13522 17,136 07: 15495 541

1 1.43145: 3547 95: 6824 :2,

1 1,023.43 4 243.561 4 059 £121

; 6,171.99 28 436.351 21 535.531

1 7,038.44 25 497 361 22 1395.22

I l.

i 152,074.54 775.552.0511 5,111,975.49.

i | .

3 "'1" 111.222, 65‘7“. Eim‘ 72‘ 1'em | 5.156 35 za 570 931 12 72/ 5'

1 1 1

4 EIGe”’/2 'Vr''

_ I _ 1 .

: 1 1

5 5 c" I- / _:;;' Le'c'e 51/341 1 5,156 35! 28 570 '33; 18 727 961

l- 1

5 1'21 5196' “a ,5 1.737 63 9754 ¢75 5 352 63 1

| 1 1 a 03'

7 n;- Pm“ 1-1114:I 3413.72! 12 305

46;12 345 33;

- 125.? 1


1 ! 1 i. 1

'6 1 : 1

I 1 1

4001 11053! 232011

I 1

(1 321; 133 621I (30 2?'


9 3416.10 18,734 55 12193.61!

1 3

10 2.66615 266319"; 2.56615;

1 ;17 1 i

‘ 2

' 42.56 14 10 I 926 1

2 56 l 14 03 1 9.25 1

Page 3: Who - Radico Khaitan

Statement at Assets 8. es Standalone under re ulation 33 olthe Listin Re ulatlons

(Re In Laklis unlena otherwise stoma)

Ac; at A5 Bl

ParticularsMarch 31, March 31.

2019 2018


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment59 79? 33 {'5 7t”; r;-

Capital workun-progress1 5‘19 55 2 013‘ '3‘:

Intangible assets'1601 79 ‘ 780 "J

Financtal assets

Investment in a joint venture15 535 53 15 533 53

Investment in others0 60 0 50

Loans503 08 2 901 30

Others159 60 217 51

Other non-current assets 11,025 14 9 995 29

Total Non-Current Assets 1.011.520.58 99.22148

Current assets

Inventories 35.971 29 31 085 68

Financral assets

Investments- 5 000 00

Trade receivables 64,174 89 63 001 07

Cash and cash equivalents825 40 1.676 51

Bank balances other than above941 61 558 92

Loans 4.659 95 5,449 20

Others 2412 35 2 506 39

Current Tax assets (Net). 2 27

Other current assets 13,544.00 14 1312 211

Total Current Assets 122.539 49 1.23 894 26

Total Assets 223,060.47 2,215,115.76



Equrty share capital 2.668 19 2 666 15

Other Equity 1.28.82610 1 11.545 50

Total Equity 1.31.494 29 1.14 21135

Non-current IiabiliLles

Finanmal liabilities

Borrowtngs 2.165 56 3.439 79

Others 47 19 68 19

Provisions 1.036 69 980 60

Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 10.404 90 9 252 38

Other non current liabilities 19.13 35 15

Total Non-Current Llabilities 13573 47 13 77s 11

Current liabllitles

Financtal liabilities

Borrowings 30,160 06 48.780 09

Trade payablesTotal outstanding dues at micro enterprises and small


other Enterprises 24.483 57 21.413 50

Others 3.154 84 8.352 91

Other current liabilities 12.413 17 8.424 27

Prowsmns 6,835 20 8.155 93

Current tax liabilities(Net) 845 87 .

Total Current Liabilittes 77.392 71 95127 70

Total Liabilities 233,060.47 2,221,115.76

Page 4: Who - Radico Khaitan

Radico Khaitan Limited 13.

CIN: L26941UP1983PL0027278

Registered Office: Baroilly Road. Ranipiir - 244 901 (U.P.)

Eiiiiill id: lnfo@rndlco,co.ln. website: www.mdtcokhaltancom

I j/il’r’l(//'('(Jiiti...utiiiii.,ii.


'1. The audited standalone IND AS linonciol results of the Company for the quarter and year

ended March 31, 20 iv have buen reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the

Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 02, 2010 The statutory auditors have

expressed an unmodified audit opinion on these results

2. This statement has been prepared in accordance with the Companies (Indian Accounting

Standards) Rules 2015 (Incl AS) prescribed under Section 133 of the Act, 2013 and other

recognised accounting practices and policies to the extent applicable

3. lND AS lili "Revenue from Contracts with Customers", mandatory for reporting periods

beginning periods on or alter April 01, 2018, replaces eXisting revenue recognition

rennin-intents Under the Cumulative calch»up approach opted by the company there

were no adjustments required to the retained earnings as at April 01 2018 Also tne

application ol IND AS ll5 did not have any significant impact on recognition 8;

measurement of revenue and related items in the financral results

4. As the Company‘s business activity falls within a single primary busmess segment.

namely Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages. the disclosure requirements as per Ind-AS 108

"operating segments“ are not applicable.

Tax expenses includes current tax and deferred tax.‘11

5.7. Revenue from operations for periods up to June 30. 2017 includes eXCise duty, which is

discontinued on few items effective July 01. 2017 upon implementation of Goods and

Service Tax (GST) in India. In accordance with ‘lnd-AS 18, Revenue' GST is not included

in revenue from operations. In view of the aforesaid restructuring of indirect taxes.

revenue from operations for the quarter/year ended on March 31. 2018 are not

comparable with the previous periods."

7, During the year, the Company has allotted 1.02.000 equity shares on exercise of

Employees Stock Option by the eligible employees, as per the ESOP Scheme 2006

8, The Board of Directors has recommended dividend on equity shares @ Rs 1 20 per

equity share having face value of Rs 2l~ of the Company amounting to Rs 1,600.91 lakhs

(excluding dividend distribution tax), for approval of the shareholders at their ensumg

Annual General Meeting.

9 The figures for the quarter ended March 31, 2019 8. March 31‘ 2018 are the balancing

figures between the audited figures in respect of the full finanCiaI year and the published

year to date figures up to the 3'd quarter of the current financial year and preVious

Finanmal Year, respectively.

10. The previous period figures have been regrouped / reclassified, wherever considered


For RadicoFh

itan Ltd.

b ’s ek Khaitan



anagtng Director

i i‘ NNo. 00772865

Place: New Delhi

Date: 2"“ May 2019

Page 5: Who - Radico Khaitan

ii, itiux it true and lair View in cuulcmmt)‘ with lhc aim

Slumlurdv and other accounting principlu; :cntmliy utcf‘flit‘rl In India vi 142: r 1

profit um! “Other cumprchumivc Income" and mhcr financial rni‘mnnhrn u! iii:

L‘ompuny for the quarter and year ended Much J], 2019

4. The Stun-mun! includes the rusulls for the (lleflCl’ cndcd Mart h .‘H. 2M0 hm; hm! “:2

wrrcspunding quarter ended in the prcv|ous year as ruportcd in thuxc annml xxx: ;

linnuciul rmults am the balancing figure between audited figurci in map-:21 of Liz:

financial your and the published year to date ligurcfi up to the third quan-sr at th: relevant

finnncial your which were subject to limited review by us_

For BGJC Si Associates LLP

Chartered Accountants

[CAI Firm Registration No. 003304N

Dans 11 Ch


Membership No. 08830

Place: New Delhi

Date: May 02. 2019

mm) Indzmt A: u vutmn:


Page 6: Who - Radico Khaitan

Borer.ifsoruns LLP

unlicl‘u n-tm

Independent Auditor's report on Standalone quarterly and year end results of Radieo .Kllntlafl

Limited pursuant to regulation .53 01' the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015

To the Board of Directors 01' Rndico Kltaitun Limited

1. We have audited the accompanying Statement of Standalone 1nd AS lsmnncml Rmultx or

Radico Khaitan Limited ("the Company") for the quarter and year ended March 3i. 20W

("the Statement“), attached herewith. being submitted by the company pursuant to the

requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclouirc

Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended by circular no. CIR/"Cl-D-‘FACvfilr‘ZOI(a.

dated July 5. 2016.

These quarterly financial results as well as the year to date financial results have been

prepared on the basis of the annual financial statements, which are the responsibility of

the company‘s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial

results based on our audit of such financial statements, which have been prepared in

accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian

Accounting Standards prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read

with relevant rules issued thereunder as applicable and other accounting principles

generally accepted in India.

to We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in

India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable

assurance about whether the financial results are free of material misstatement(s).

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and

the disclosures in the Statement. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's

judgement, including assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Statement.

whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers

internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair presentation of the

Statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.

An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and

the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the management. as well as

evaluating the overall presentation of the Statement.

We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us is sufficient and appropriate to providea basis for our audit opinion.


3. Based on our audit conducted as above, in our opinion and to the best of our information

and according to the explanations given to us, the Statement:

i. is presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI

(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) RegulatigMIS in this

regard as modified by Circular No. Cir/CFD/FAC/62/ZOI6.gat/”"Itill‘ytxé, 2016;

and 9’ \I'm

Raj Tower—l, G-l, Alaknanda Commumty Center, New Deliu-IIO 019, India

Ph.: 91 11 2602 5140 e-mail: bgjc©bgjcinDelhi Gurgaon Noida

Page 7: Who - Radico Khaitan


Annual Audit Report to be filed with the Stock Exchanges along with Audited Annual

Accounts pursuant to Regulation 33 (3) (d) of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure

requirements) Regulations, 2015

1. Name of the Company Radico Khaitan Limited

2. Annual financial statements for the year 3 lSL March 2019


3. Type of Audit observation Un-qualified / Emphasis—941mm

4. Frequency of observation

5. To be signed by —

o CEO / Managing Director

. 9%;For BGJC & Assééiates LLP

Chartered Accountants

0 Auditor of the company ICAI FRN: 003304N

ia/Da hhaj er

Partper—(Mem.no.:0 88308)

0 Audit Committee Chairman



Radico Khaitan Limited

Plot No. J-1.Elloek B-1.Mohan Cu-up Industrial Area

Mathura Road, New Delhi-1 10044

Ph‘ [9'l-1’114097 5400/444/500/555 Fax. (91-1114187 8841-42

Registered Office'

Ban-ailly Fload, Rampur-244901 (U P]

Phones : 0595-2350801/2, 2351703 Fax10595—2350009

e-matl . iniutfilradlcorn in. website’

WWW radncokhaitan com

CIN Nu L25341UP1BB3PLC027278