WHO IS CO CHARLOTTE? - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/campusoutreach/documents/Complete_Annual...effects of the lives changing and being renewed here at UNCG is a reflection we

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The vision of Campus Outreach is “Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World.” We seek to build laborers with a commitment to the Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship. We are passionately reaching students with the gospel and training them to become mature followers of Christ. Our desire is then to see students leave college fully equipped to labor in the harvest field for the glory of God.

Glorifying God. The ultimate purpose of God and of all His creation is to bring attention to God or to glorify Him (Is 43, Ps 33, Ps 115, Rom 1 & 8, Eph 1, Rev 5) forever. Because there is nothing and no one more valuable or important than God Himself, CO exists that He may receive continually what He deserves or is due to Him: praise, honor, and glory from us as we find our joy in Him. We, like many throughout history, desire to spread a passion for the glory of God throughout the world. It is our desire that His identity, reputation, and fame be proclaimed to all people, in all places, by all appropriate means, as urgently as possible.

Building Laborers. The need of the hour for the church is trained followers of Jesus Christ. Our desire is not to babysit students but to work to help grow them up to mature disciples. Matthew 9:36-38 says, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out workers into the fields.” We believe God has called Campus Outreach to raise up men and women from the college campus and train them to be effective workers that will labor in the various fields of today’s world.

On the Campus. The college campus is a strategic mission field. College students are at the crossroads of life, making lifetime decisions and moving out to influence the world. Our campuses include UNC Charlotte, Davidson College, Wingate University, Elon University and UNC Greensboro.

For the Lost World. These same college students who are trained on campuses eventually become men and women in the workplace, the home, our schools and many other avenues of life. Upon graduation they have the potential to affect the lost world with the gospel and to train others to labor for Christ. In 2014, sixty-two graduates were mobilized from our campuses.


When you are engaged in a work that will reverberate into eternity, how do you know when you are done for the day? At the end of a long day of serving, my staff regularly wonder if they should spend one more hour looking to share their faith with someone in a dorm. How do you even measure one’s work (or give account for it in an annual report) when the work is a spiritual one?

This year we have sought to join Christ in the transforming work He is doing in the lives of students. We wanted to strive to complete the work. We knew ministry was about so much more than just more bodies in a room. We wanted to focus not on more eyes, more noses, more feet in a room. Rather we sought for the complete power of Jesus’ presence in our lives and in the lives of our students. We knew that if this was our focus more people would be gathered to our glorious King Jesus.

This year, we took John the Baptist as our model for a complete ministry. Towards the end of John 3, we find John’s disciples frantically alerting the Baptist that all his followers were leaving him to go over to Jesus! You can imagine what John’s annual report would have read like. “This year...everyone in our ministry left us.” But John understood that this was the whole intent of his ministry. John explains to them that he is always the groomsman, never the groom. That is how ministry is supposed to be. The one who has the bride is the bridegroom, and that groom is Christ alone. John the Baptist, just like each of us in full time ministry, and each of you as supporters and servants of Christ’s work, is just the friend of the groom. And what is our job? We are to prepare the bride for her groom. You can imagine the scene of a wedding where the groomsman thinks that whole day is actually about him. Let it not be so for us.

Our ministry is all about preparing the bride for her groom. We await the groom’s coming and when he arrives on the scene and his bride rushes off to meet him then we can say with John – “Therefore this joy of mine is complete.” This is the kind of completion we have been striving for in our service. We hope these testimonies of transformed lives will give you a taste of the joy we have experienced over this year.




UNCC Wingate Davidson Elon UNCG 18/22 TOTAL

# of 1:1 Gospel presentations 11 70 24 120 171 2 398

Avg. attendance at weekly meeting 60 75 35 40 120 15 345

Students being established 23 40 14 20 64 1 162

Students being equipped 35 12 3 5 10 3 68

Students being mobilized 10 14 5 9 9 0 47


Directors UNCC Wingate Davidson Elon UNCG 18/22 Resource TOTAL

# of staff including wives 9 2 3 2 2 3 2 5 28

# of contingent staff -- -- 1 2 -- 2 -- -- 5


Staff (including wives)

Andrew HolbrookLauren HolbrookWendy EuniceJames BroadawayKelly BroadawayZach FulginitiAmy FulginitiDavid SpringerJamie Springer Gavin Billings Joni Clayton Phil Sineath Ashley Sineath Rachael Newmister

Tennant Brastow Heather Conarroe Pat Mauney Julie Nichols Phil Thomas Charity Smith Alicia Harbold Stuart Lockhart Candi Marshburn Artie Van Sciver Kittery Van Sciver Erich Crowson Susan Pruitt Jessica Myers

Contingent staff

Abby MenchingerLuke WulsinRachel McCulloughDrew GustavsonRandi Tollner




Phil Thomas | This year we launched our ministry on campus with our 2nd annual dodgeball event, where almost 800 students attended and played. This set the tone for our ministry and allowed for effective evangelism to take place throughout the year. There truly has been a sense of urgency and joy around our student leaders to faithfully go and spread the good news to the people around them. Over 30 people have prayed to receive Christ coming from all different backgrounds and nationalities. Also, we have seen this through seniors who are committed to go to various places like Richmond, Maryland, and Atlanta with a mindset of using their gifts and talents for God’s kingdom. Whether it’s impacting a church, being a witness at their jobs, or coming on staff with Campus Outreach, our seniors have modeled before us the importance of giving your life away for the advancement of the gospel. (Philippians 1:12-13) Our work here on the campus is only a glimpse of the work taking place around the world, but the effects of the lives changing and being renewed here at UNCG is a reflection of the completed work of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

Gavin Billings | This year on UNC Charlotte’s campus we were able to see God work through the lives of students in many ways during a unique season of transition for the ministry. For myself, and my staff partner Joni Clayton, we came into our first year on staff eager to see God raise up laborers on the campus while being well aware that this would be a new and exciting experience for us both. Despite our fears and failures along the way, God remained faithful and we can now look back on the year and rejoice in the spiritual work that God has brought to completion in the lives of particular students through the means of evangelism and discipleship.


Candi Marshburn | What a year it has been for 18/22! With a new addition to our staff team as 18/22 Director, Stuart Lockhart, new relationships are being built and thriving here within Christ Covenant Church. Serving alongside this body of believers has been so rewarding for us, and such a good gift from the Lord. Candi Marshburn, 18/22 Women’s Coordinator, has been investing in 16 girls throughout the school year- having a discipling relationship with four of them. 18/22 saw bigger numbers at Campus Outreach events like New Year’s Conference, Winter Blast and Charlotte Leadership Project than ever before and many of the students are growing in their view of evangelism and discipleship. They are learning what it means to give their lives away for the Gospel. Whether they are investing in other college students, youth, or being a Gospel witness at their jobs, each of them are growing in their knowledge and joy in “seeking first His Kingdom” (Matthew 6:33). God has indeed been so good!


Artie Van Sciver | One of the main goals of the Charlotte Resource Center is to provide administrative support to our staff and students that promotes their growth in Christ and fruitfulness in ministry. Our efforts were bolstered this year by the blessing of three new staff. This addition was an answered prayer in the face of both increasing needs and opportunities arising in recent years. Through them, God has increased our capacity to serve our campus ministries, partner with our regional church and contribute to the overall health and development of our region. God is teaching us how to partner together for the greater good of our team and simultaneously develop us individually in our respective responsibilities. We are working hard to improve in the areas of alumni communication, graduate mobilization, project management and financial systems so that as a ministry we might be more faithful and fruitful in the joyful work of building Christ-like laborers who will make disciples for a lifetime!




Phil Sineath | This year at Wingate, God worked to expand our influence into areas where historically there has been no gospel influence. Multiple students in fraternities and sororities placed their faith in Christ for the first time, and we were able to see an in-breaking of gospel ministry in Kappa Alpha Order, Chi-Omega, and Alpha Xi Delta. Just prior to praying to receive Christ for the first time, one brother in Kappa Alpha Order said, “I’m realizing that my whole life I’ve been trying to do good things and climb a moral ladder so that God will accept me. I now know that I will never be good enough to meet God’s perfect holy standard, but only by God’s grace through Jesus Christ can I come to him and know him. My whole life I thought I was a Christian because of my church attendance, bible reading, and praying. But now I know I’ve been placing my hope in myself, and that I’ve never been a Christian.” Another sister in Alpha Xi Delta while going through a multi-week study of the gospel said that, “This is changing everything. Since studying this, the whole way I view the world is changing...I’ve heard about Jesus before, but it’s as if I’ve never really heard it before...I feel like my mind is being blown.” This sister made a decision to want to follow Christ at the end of the study. In addition to evangelistic ministry, 12 seniors were mobilized into their career fields, with 4 of those 12 moving towards full-time ministry.


Tennant Brastow | A football noseguard, a Sig Ep frat boy, a Korean pre-med student, a jock from Charlotte, and a community service enthusiast. Though they each came from different corners of campus life, God knit together a brotherhood between them with one unifying force: a love for Jesus that surpassed all their other loves. For four years, Davidson’s Campus Director Tennant Brastow had the privilege

of teaching these men everything he knows about Jesus, and now they are ready to launch out into the world as spiritual leaders for others. Whether they’ll be leading an 8th grade small group, representing Christ at their jobs with the NIH, or coming on staff with Campus Outreach, these men are following Jesus faithfully into His good purposes for their lives. Now, as one generation of students graduates and moves on from Davidson, the question is who’s next?! We are compelled to pray that as one group leaves, the Lord will raise up more kingdom servants at Davidson. Maybe they will come from the Eating Houses (sororities), where ladies have placed their faith in Christ this spring. Maybe they will come from this past year’s CO Freshman Bible studies, 8 out of the 14 participants of whom were non-white ethnic minorities. Maybe they will come from the football team where the Lord has opened strategic doors for team chaplaincy. Whatever the case may be, we take heart that He is good and His purposes will stand forever.


Pat Mauney | This past year Elon has seen a tremendous completion of spiritual work through the avenue of Mobilization. Elon has officially mobilized 9 seniors into the world. These students have taken many different routes since graduating, but all of them have been excited to serve the Lord in their respective professions. A few professions that our students have decided to pursue post-college include education, professional athletics, grad-school, overseas missions, accounting and journalism. Each student that has been mobilized is not leaving with just a bachelor’s degree in his or her field of study, but with the Gospel and the training to be lifelong laborers. It has been a significant privilege to see the Lord work in these students lives while at Elon and we are excited to see how the Lord will use them in this next season of life!


JESS MILLER, Sophomore



UNC Charlotte | Beginning in the fall, Yancy (second from the right in picture), one of our student leaders, felt called to build relationships with women in a Hispanic sorority on campus for the purpose of ministry. The first signs of fruit became evident in October when a student in her Bible study came to faith. As she continued to labor and invite girls to our weekly evangelistic meetings, we continued to see God work. In January, a second girl accepted Christ followed by a third girl later in the spring. Each of these newly converted students committed to spend their summer in Myrtle Beach at Summer Beach Project to continue to grow in their new walks with God. This is a wonderful testimony of God’s grace and we look forward to see how these students might grow up and begin multiplying their own lives in the years ahead!


18/22 Generation, Catawba College | Katie has been involved with Youth group at Christ Covenant Church from a young age. The Lord has just recently been working on her heart to not only be established in the faith, but also be equipped to invest in other women. She is growing in discipline to study God’s word, pray, and share Christ with others. She served as the full-time intern Women’s Coordinator for Charlotte Leadership Project this summer. Katie has received ministry training through this opportunity and has developed in godly character and vision for multiplying her life through discipleship.

Davidson College | Heather, Davidson’s Women’s Coordinator, had been meeting up with a student named Jess since the beginning of the year to do one to one Bible studies after Jess expressed an interest in learning more about God and what it would be like to have a relationship with Christ. Heather had shared the gospel with her on a few different occasions, but said that the biggest thing holding her back was not knowing entirely what it would be like to let go of life as she knows it, particularly the pressures of academics and Division I athletics, to trust Christ.

They continued meeting up to look at different Bible stories together. One day they opened up to the story of Jesus and the paralytic, who comes to Jesus asking for physical healing, and instead Jesus tells him, “your sins are forgiven.” They saw over the course of the conversation, that this man’s greatest need stretched beyond his inability to walk-- what he needed most was forgiveness of his sins. Jess seemed startled by this reality; as if it was getting through to her for the first time that we all are deeply in need of a savior. At that point Heather asked Jess what it would take for her to put her own trust in Jesus and step out in faith the way the man did when he got up and walked. She began to tear up as she expressed how the things she had been looking to for hope and fulfillment were not satisfying, and that deep down, she did want the life that is offered to her through Christ. Heather asked her if she was ready to trust Christ as her Lord and Savior. Jess needed time. During a follow up conversation the next week, then and there, over lunch in Conner Eating House, Jess prayed to receive Christ! Heather continued to meet up with Jess weekly to help her grow and to study the Bible together.




UNC Greensboro | LaQuanda came into her freshman year at UNC Greensboro solely focused on her academics and future plans. The Lord began drawing her to Himself through an evangelistic Bible Study with Campus Outreach, and in January, she gave her life to Christ. Afterwards, she committed to going to the Summer Beach Project in order to continue growing in her faith. The Lord used that summer to show her the importance of evangelism, discipleship, and the spiritual maturity of herself and others. She returned to her campus, led evangelistic Bible Studies, and committed to other leadership projects in order to continue growing in her faith. This summer, she committed to going on the Cross Cultural Project in South Africa, and the Lord used it to grow in her a burden and a love for the nations, so much so that she is now entering her Senior year of college certain that she will be returning to the mission field upon graduating.



Wingate University | This past year at Wingate, God has worked in and through Matthew Potter in numerous ways. After returning from the Cross Cultural Project in Johannesburg, South Africa last summer, Matthew began the 2013-14 school year with a new resolve to spend his Senior year impacting Wingate University for Christ. He set the pace for the Wingate Campus Outreach community in devotion to the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, scripture memory, evangelism, and intentionality. It was clear all year that God was stirring Matthew’s passion to know Christ and make Him known. He also served in numerous leadership capacities this past year. With a CCP under his belt the previous summer, he spent many weeknights engaging in evangelistic dorm ministry.

Matthew was also responsible for managing the programming team for our campus critical events, events ranging from planning a weekly evangelistic meeting, to planning and executing a dodgeball tournament for 300 students, in addition to numerous other critical events. Matthew also led a discipleship group of four students, one of whom began their own personal Bible study over the course of the year. Matthew served and led in various unofficial and unrecognized ways during the course of the year, ways that contributed to a culture of both evangelism and hospitality. Campus Outreach at Wingate will miss Matthew’s personality and influence, but we are excited to see where the Lord takes him next!

Elon University | One of the great joys of ministering to college students is seeing them graduate with a vision to walk with God and influence others. Brian Gerwig is one example of a senior who is being mobilized with this vision. Brian got involved with Campus Outreach as a freshman through the influence of some older students on the football team. During his time at Elon, he took advantage of a variety of opportunities to grow spiritually and develop as a godly man. Whether it was investing in Bible studies, attending retreats and conferences, or serving on CO’s student leadership team, he was consistently looking for ways to multiply his life.

His involvement with Campus Outreach encouraged him to think missionally about his life. Part of this stemmed from his participation in a Cross Cultural Project to South Africa in the summer of 2013. While ministering to college students in Johannesburg, South Africa, Brian fell in love with the people, the country and the mission of building laborers on the college campus. This experience had such a tremendous impact on his spiritual development that Brian is planning to spend two years serving as a staff member with Campus Outreach Johannesburg. What a privilege it is to watch God raise up men and women who are willing to give up comfort for the sake of His name!



18/22 Wingate UNCG Davidson Elon UNCC TOTAL

Total students praying to receive Christ during spring semester 0 6 25 3 5 7 46

Total students praying to receive Christ in the 13-14 academic year 1 9 32 3 8 15 68

CCP/CEP/CLP participants 6 4 4 2 0 12 28

African American students on all summer projects 0 3 11 1 1 3 19

Non-international and non-African-American minorities on summer projects 0 0 8 4 1 5 28

New disciples in campus movement 2 20 57 9 19 10 117

New disciples in campus movement through conversion 1 10 10 2 5 7 45

Multiplying student laborers in campus movement 0 8 1 6 12 0 27




Campus Outreach is a treasure! It was a privilege and honor to be involved with both COC and COJ when they first got started at Christ Covenant Church, and it is a joy to serve this great effort through its Board once again. Having become acquainted with the various Christian student movements over the years, and their almost universal disconnect from local churches, it is an enormous encouragement to see the priority that CO places on this connection. The highly effective way that it succeeds in connecting students to Christ first, but also to local churches through evangelism, discipleship, and modeling, both here in the Carolinas and in South Africa, is phenomenal.

38% of new disciples in our campus movements were through conversion.



Our Washington, D.C. New Year’s Conference is an annual event where students from 22 schools of four distinct regions in the country have the opportunity to come together and connect through worship, topic specific seminars, the teaching of God’s Word and fellowship. This year we had 700 staff and students join us in our nation’s capital for five days at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown D.C. Each year our goal for this conference is to expose non-believing students to the transforming power of the Gospel and for our student leaders to have the opportunity to grow in spiritual leadership, as well as, grow in their own personal walks with God.



Wingate University 2000, BS Marketing • 2010, MBA

What are you doing now? I am approaching my 14 year anniversary with Hughes Supply/Hajoca Corporation. I recently relocated from Matthews, NC to Greenville, SC to take over purchasing and inventory control for our profit center. Because of my recent move, I am experiencing the mobilization process all over again. Last year, I helped lead a group of Wingate seniors through the “Lasting Fruit” Mobilization Handbook. I didn’t know the Lord was preparing/reminding me how to do it again almost 14 years later after graduating college. I am so thankful for His perfect plan and timing! Since transitioning here, I’ve been attending Mitchell Road PCA. I am involved in a women’s small group/discipleship group, and I played on the church softball team. I’m continuing to meet people and get more involved.

What are the main things you learned from being involved with CO and in what ways does your life look different now because of how God worked in your college years? One key thing I learned from my involvement in CO that makes my life look different is to be intentional about my personal walk with Christ...in knowing Him and making Him known. I am intentional about always having a core group of friends who know me well and point me to Christ through His Word, accountability, and prayer. They know what is going on in my life and how to encourage me. We may live in different cities and be in different life stages (single, married, kids), but we remain connected and are intentional about it. I am intentional about having a mentor figure involved in my life; someone who is farther ahead in her faith and life experience. Before my move, I met with two ladies from my old church every week for lunch. It wasn’t formal. We just did life together. Words can’t describe how God used them to encourage me in my faith. Finally, I am intentional about building relationships to share the Gospel. I don’t know a lot of people in Greenville, but I force myself out of my comfort zone to meet people. I live in an apartment complex and have met several neighbors and had great conversations. The evangelism training from CO still comes in handy! It is always good to remind your heart of the Gospel as you are sharing with others too.

New Years Conference participants

Elon - 33UNCG - 104

UNCC - 76

Guilford - 17

Davidson - 1918/22 - 7

Wingate - 49



40 60 80200 100 120 140

- 70- 18- 12

- 137- 48- 74

- 32- 16- 12

- 21- 10- 11

- 76- 16- 11

- 6- 2- 0








Each February our Winter Blast retreat allows for two important things to happen. First, Winter Blast creates the space and clarity for students to make the decision to submit their lives to Christ. Many students have been investigating the claims of Jesus Christ for most of the previous semester and might have gone to New Year’s Conference, but have not yet decided to submit their lives to Him. Winter Blast creates space for this decision to be made. Secondly, it serves to catalyze recruitment to Summer Beach Project. This has truly served to be a critical time for our campus movements because it creates opportunities for our students to see, maybe for the first time, the impact that Christ is having in the lives of so many college students across the state of North Carolina. This is a small glimpse of what their summer could look like at the Summer Beach Project. We are privileged to see so many people come together, different nationalities, races, background, etc. all for the purpose of getting to see more of the glory of Christ!

This weekend retreat truly was an example of the passages we studied in 2 Corinthians 3 and 4, on how the glory of God is found in Christ, and that we ourselves have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. What a privilege it was to be in the presence of the Lord during Winter Blast! 26 Nations were present, 359 students attended, at least 25 students claimed to profess Christ for the first time at this retreat this year. 2 Corinthians 4:5-6, sheds light into the weekend, “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” This weekend we saw the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, through the work He did in the students’ lives who attended.



All participants

Winter Blast participants

30% of the total participants at Winter Blast were freshmen, meeting our goal for 2014.

23 of the participants at Winter Blast prayed to receive Christ!


This summer, more than 155 students and Campus Outreach staff traveled to Myrtle Beach, SC to participate in the Summer Beach Project. The project was represented by students from more than 12 campuses in North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC. The Summer Beach Project (SBP) is an 8-week leadership development program where college students have the opportunity to live together in community, work jobs with various employers, and grow spiritually. The context of the SBP provides a unique environment where students are able to focus on their walk with God, while being developed as spiritual leaders. Our training is focused on the basics of the Christian life, as we seek to establish participants in how to study the Bible, pray, share their faith, and invest their lives in other students. At the end of the summer, our hope is to send these students back to their campuses and families with a passion to know Christ and make Him known.

Each year, the SBP has a central theme that runs throughout all of our teaching and training content. The theme for SBP 2014 was “ALL IN.” There were several factors that led our staff to select and implement this theme. First, we live in a culture that is increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of commitment. For example, “yes” and “no” have been replaced by maybe and marriage covenants and business contracts are commonly disregarded. However, when we look at the Scriptures, we see a picture of a God who is committed to His people. The most visible display of God’s faithfulness is revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s sovereign plan to redeem us through sending His Son demonstrates the glorious reality that Jesus went “ALL IN” for us. This good news should compel us to respond with gratitude and joy, as we have an opportunity to commit our lives to Him by going “ALL IN” for Him. It has been a joy to walk through the Bible with our staff and students this summer, as we have explored many of the places where this theme emerges in the Scriptures.


30 35 40 452520151050

- 14- 1- 2- 1

- 33- 14- 11- 1

- 16- 6- 1- 0

- 5- 2- 1- 2

- 26- 5- 3- 0

- 1







Summer Beach Project participants


FreshmenAll participants



The Cultural Exchange Project is a seven week project where students from the United States spend significant time with university students in China helping them become more proficient at conversational English. The Cultural Exchange Project is done in cooperation with other non-profits that serve the residents of South East Asia.


The Cross Cultural Project is a seven-week short-term mission trip to Johannesburg, South Africa to partner with staff and student leaders of Campus Outreach Johannesburg. CCP students come alongside the long-term team on the 4 campuses in Johannesburg by sharing their faith in the dorms, helping lead Bible studies, and bringing students to the Joint Winter Conference. The CCP team also participates in a mercy ministry project while in South Africa. The CCP is a vital component of developing Christian leaders who have a vision for God’s global initiatives.


How does giving to Campus Outreach make a difference? Leadership. I am sure that in your own life you could say that leadership has made the difference. The very heartbeat of Campus Outreach is to train up godly leaders, people who will labor for a lifetime with Jesus Christ. Jesus showed his disciples that the solution to the problems in the world was to pray for God to raise up laborers. (Matthew 9:37) Training men and women to labor with Jesus Christ for a lifetime is the fundamental way to meet the needs of the world. Yet this requires more vision than other initiatives because the outcomes of leader (laborer) development are not as clear as other initiatives. When focusing on leader development you can never say the job is done because you are talking about the development of a person. Everything Campus Outreach does revolves around the training and development of leaders who will labor with Christ for a lifetime.

At the conclusion of our fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 our revenue exceeded expenses by 1.1%, representing a total gain in cash year-to-year of $121,055. Last fiscal year we received 6,225 gifts to fund our staff with an average gift amount of $130. We have kept in place the same financial policies that have lead to organizational health including our 2% administrative fee. It is common for many organizations to have an administrative fee that is somewhere between 10 – 30%, drastically increasing the amount of support staff members must raise. However, because our regional church covers many operational costs, 98% of the money raised by individual staff goes to fund their personal ministry on the campus, resulting in a more efficient use of contributions given to Campus Outreach.

We want you to know that we not only aim to be good stewards of your financial contributions by having lean and efficient administration, but also by directing our ministry efforts toward qualitative and quantitative ministry goals. On behalf of the college students we serve and the many graduates who have been benefited from Campus Outreach Charlotte we want to say thank you!”


The Charlotte Leadership Project is a ten-week leader development program for college students living and working in Matthews and Charlotte for the summer. Each Tuesday we have a weekly meeting, and each Sunday we

offer “Stewardship training” during the Sunday School hour. Stewardship training is training on how to live each aspect of our lives in a biblical, Gospel-Centered way. From the stewarding of our finances to our physical health. During the week, we offer socials and retreats for our leaders and their small groups to build relationships and establish community between the students. Our theme for this summer, is “Grow Up” taken from Ephesians 4: 11- 16: “...Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to GROW UP in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love”. We are praying that these men and women participating gain a vision for what it means to be spiritual leaders and gaining a value for discipleship. This summer ministry is based out of the regional church for Campus Outreach Charlotte, Christ Covenant Church.


Campus Outreach Charlotte800 Fullwood LaneMatthews, NC 28105(704) [email protected]

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