Who Good Distribution Practices for Pharmaceutical Products

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  • 8/3/2019 Who Good Distribution Practices for Pharmaceutical Products


    WHO GoodDistributionPractices for


    WHO GoodDistributionPractices for


    Presented by:

    Director of Pharmacy AffairsU.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • 8/3/2019 Who Good Distribution Practices for Pharmaceutical Products


    M ap of


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    HistoryHistoryOctober 2005: WHO GDP adopted by WHO Expert Committee on Specifications

    for Pharmaceutical PreparationsNovember 2006: IMPACT decided to revise existing GDP to improve security of distribution chain vis--vis counterfeits

    April 2007: IMPACT Regulatory Implementation Working Group met andidentified recommended edits

    September 2007: Proposed revisions open for commentDecember 2007: Finalized by IMPACT General Meeting held in Lisbon

    October 2008: Expert Committee reviewed document and recommendedmeeting of IMPACT and WHO

    September 2009: Meeting of Experts

    October 2009: Expert Committee adopted, pending consideration of outstandingcomments

    October 31 2009: General comments due

    November 2009: Expert Committee and IMPACT considering final comments

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    C ontentsC ontents

    1. Introduction2. Scope of the document3. Glossary4. General principles

    5. Regulation of the distributionof pharmaceutical products6. Organization and

    management7. Personnel

    8. Quality system9. Premises, warehousing and

    storage10. Vehicles and equipment

    11. Shipment containers andcontainer labeling

    12. Dispatch13. Transportation and products

    in transit14. Documentation15. Repackaging and relabelling16. Complaints17. Recalls18. Returned products19. Counterfeit pharmaceutical

    products20. Importation21. Contract activities22. Self-inspection

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    Assist in ensuring the quality and identity of pharmaceutical products during all aspects of thedistribution process.

    Revised to include particular situations andconsiderations related to preventing counterfeit medicinesfrom getting into the legitimate supply chain

    Addresses only pharmaceutical products, but may beapplied to medical devices where appropriate Medical device GDPs in early stages of development by trade


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    Definition of distributionDefinition of distribution

    The procuring, purchasing, holding, storing,selling, supplying, importing, exporting, or movement of pharmaceutical products, with theexception of the dispensing or providingpharmaceutical products directly to a patient or his or her agent

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    General principlesGeneral principles

    All parties in distribution chain have a responsibility toensure the quality of the products and that the integrityof the distribution chain is maintained from themanufacturer to the entity responsible for dispensing

    GDP principles should be included in nationallegislation and guidelines

    Principles apply forward AND backward in the supply

    chainCollaboration between regulators, law enforcement,customs agencies, manufacturers, distributors,pharmacies,

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    Regulation: Only authorized entities should be entitledto buy and sell pharmaceutical products

    Personnel: All personnel should be trained and

    qualified re: GDP requirementsDispatch: Specifies items to be included in dispatchnotices and procedures

    Repackaging and relabeling: Should be limitedRecalls: Should be procedures for prompt recall of known or suspected defective or counterfeit products

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    Highlights: TraceabilityHighlights: Traceability

    Shared responsibility across supply chain

    Requirements to have a form of documentation thatcan be used to permit traceability of the products fromthe manufacturer/importer to the entity responsible for dispensing to the patient

    A suitable and, to the extent possible, internationallycompatible product coding and identification systemshould be in place

    Traceability vs. Pedigree

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    Highlights: C ounterfeit pharmaceuticalproducts

    Highlights: C ounterfeit pharmaceuticalproducts

    K eep suspect counterfeits apart and clearly labeled

    Sale and distribution of suspect counterfeit productsshould be suspended and national regulatoryauthorities notified right away

    When confirmed as counterfeit, a formal decisionshould be made re: disposal and ensuring that productdoes not re-enter the distribution system

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    N ext stepsN ext steps

    HOPEFULLY .. It will be finalizedSOO N!!!!

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    Q uestions???Q uestions???