Pocket Doge Whitepaper Multi Rewards/Manual Buyback BSC token August 2021 So much doge. Too many token. How choose? Wait. Why choose?

Whitepaper Doge Pocket

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Multi Rewards/Manual Buyback BSC token

August 2021

So much doge. Too many token. How choose?Wait. Why choose?

About Pocket DogeIntroducing Pocket Doge, the friendly little doge you can bring with you

any and everywhere you go. Pocket Doge empowers you to choose which

coin you want in your pocket. The community has decided we will begin

with Binance (BNB), Ethereum, BUSD, USDT, Cardano (ADA) and Cake.

You will be able to choose which token you want from our new dApp -

available immediately at launch. Our community vote function, within the

dApp, allows us to gradually expand the selection.

Our merchandise store has everything from flip-flops and bags to boxers

and caps. As we grow, we will begin producing our own Pocket Pet

hardware wallet so that way, your doge can always be pocketed.

Hopefully, by now you've checked out the game we've created. We will

soon be creating and releasing the Pocket Pets blockchain game. This will

feature a play to earn specification and in-app gambling (Pocket Doge

agreement deposits, also called PADs). This will be an ever expanding

ecosystem featuring exciting new tokens with entirely unique functions.

Users invested from the beginning of our journey and who do not sell more

than 50% will have priority in our other upcoming releases. We reward our

holders for being diamond hands.



Providing a Safe SpaceSecurity in investment is of paramount importance to us.That’s why we take the following measures to bring themost dynamic and safe solutions to investors.

The Pocket Doge Project requires all tokens reflected to be amongst themost respected and established.A Solid Proof audit and KYC will be completed prior to launch. Certikaudit will be completed in phase 3.New projects launched within the Pocket Pets Ecosystem will adhere tothe same stringent criteria of the well established tokens we reflect.Many on the team intend to fully doxx as the project develops andgrows into a multi-national corporation.Investors will always have the option to reflect a stable coin if they sochoose, or change whenever they'd like.*

NOTE: *Investors have a period of two (2) minutes after selection of reflection to changetheir minds. After two (2) minutes, the selection is locked for a period of six (6) hours.

Partnership PotentialPartnerships are an integral part of the Pocket Doge tokenomics. ThePocket Doge investors community vote on additional tokens to reflect, andby doing so, not only receive the perks of Pocket Doge tokenomics, but theperks of the reflected coin's tokenomics as well.

This means we as a community must work together with other tokendevelopers. Due to our unique reflection strategy, we provide significantexposure to their project in addition to a wider holder pool as people arefar more likely to add to an existing position than to open a new one. Ourinvestors get the best of all worlds. Everybody wins here.





Future DevelopmentsGaming. We continue to evolve not just the Pocket Doge token but thegaming space as a whole. We are developing a blockchain based gamewith play to earn, gambling, and winner-take-all features. If you haveexperience developing games, please see the Contact Us section and sendus an email or apply here. We're always excited to bring talented peopleon the team!

Pocket Pet Ecosystem. Part of our gaming ambitions is to create a uniqueecosystem. We'll be hard at work consistently improving Pocket Doge,while also introducing new and innovative tokens to the market. These canbe reflected to you, at your discretion. Priority for these tokens will begiven to Pocket Doge holders, especially to those who have held over 50%since the whitelist.

Pocket Pet Wallet. Have you seen our logo? Letting you in on a littlesecret: it's more than just an incredible little pocket doge. It's ourhardware wallet! Our team is already hard at work developing this walletusing 3D printers. To name just a few features we have so far: safety &security, ability to see reflections in real time, contactless payment, and, ohyeah, gaming!

NFT & Artist Collaborations. You may have seen some of the art or heardthe music our team and community produces. What you may not know isthat we're planning to offer NFTs as well. These will not only be related togaming, but also help to enable artists do what they do best. Lots morecoming on this! We already have a head start here with our original track,Pocket Doge by Last Name Jones, and our music video to accompany it.We intend to reward and support artists through our own NFTMarketplace where users can bid in auction.



The Financial StuffThe symbol for Pocket Doge is $PDOGE, which is a BEP20 token on theBSC blockchain. The total supply is 100,000,000,000 and one of our keyfunctionalities is our decentralized usage rewards mechanism. For everybuy, there is a 5% tax, distributed proportionally among holders asrewards. For every sell, there is a 24% tax: 10% distributed proportionallyamong holders as rewards; 8% distributed to marketing/dev; and 6%distributed to liquidity

Additionally, our idiosyncratic approach to taxes allows our investors theability to choose the token reflected to them. They can change at any timeand choose another from a list of regularly updated and fully vetted tokensthrough use of our dApp based voting mechanism.

Given these unique tokenomics, $PDOGE does not intend to renounceownership of the contract at any point. Liquidity will, however, be lockedfor 6 months, as we recognize the importance of exchange listings for ourinvestors.

There are three rounds of funding prior to launch. The initial two roundsare a private sale. The first two rounds were made up of early investors.The proceeds from these early rounds were used as 70% toward fundingliquidity, and 30% to fund marketing for the presale and Pancake Swaplaunch.





Core Team5%

Airdrops & Buyback5%



Rewards (10%)41.7%



Liquidity (6%)25%





5% Buy Tax

Total supply: 100,000,000,000

*Our knowledgeable team will fine-tune the taxes/fees depending on conditions internally (like liquidity andreserve pool or the need for extra marketing or development funds) as well as how the market is looking. Thefee structure will often be asymmetrical - meaning that the fees for buying and selling may differ. Toincentivize holding over selling and early profit-taking, the tax for selling will often be greater than that forbuying. In the event of a large dump, we will temporarily double the sale tax after the buyback has beenactivated.

24% Sell Taxentirely to rewards



Communication &TransparencyLet's be honest, though. We won’t always get it right. We don’t have allthe answers. But we are committed to always communicate any concernsor issues we have and work through them for the benefit of the community.



In time, you’ll likely feel that we overshare. And in many ways, we hopeyou'll appreciate hearing constantly of our victories. But we also promiseto share our defeats, our challenges, our setbacks. Our focus oncommunity means that we want others to learn from our best practices butalso to avoid our pitfalls. Out sincerest hope is that whatever the next bigproject is (after Pocket Doge, of course) comes from within our communitythrough sharing our experience.

We fully believe that there is far too much conflict within the crypto space.The Pocket Doge team is working to create a fun and safe environment forall investors. Communicating with one another openly and freely is thebest way to move this space forward, create excitement, and put trusttrust back into the ecosystem.

Influencer partnerships in USA,Europe and ChinaMerch store, new website, anddApp launch7,000 Telegram membersRelease first Pocket Doge gameSolid Proof - KYC/AuditDevelop International communitiesLaunch




Trend on DextoolsList on CMC and CGAdvertise on BTOK Expand InfluencerrelationshipsGrow team by 20%10,000 Telegram members

Certik AuditPhysical rewards to holdersCollectable NFTsBillboards in USA & ChinaAdditional and expandedInfluencer relationships40,000 Telegram membersExchange listings

4Release of Pocket Dogehardware walletPocket Pets Blockchaingame with slots100,000 Telegram membersRelease of additional tokensin the Pocket PetsEcosystemTop 20 Market Cap on CGand CMC




Meet The Team

The Doctor [email protected]

Our brilliant Chief Technology Officer, the Doctor has been coding for 20years, dedicated to quality and security in everything he develops, strictlyadhering to the old adage that “anything worth doing is worth doing right.”The good Doctor romanticizes New York City, loves blockchain, adoresinnovation, and anxiously awaits turning DeFi on its head. Famous for hisnovella-style texting and Anglo-Scandanavian heritage, he thinks it’simportant everyone knows he owns a keyboard with pink backlighting,even though he ordered a purple one. Growing up, his pocket pet was awhite pooch named "Chip"!



Gareth, our nifty Chief Operations Officer, comes to Pocket Doge with adiverse background in customer service, project management, marketing,and data insight (yup, he does it all!). He loves understanding every facetof a business, believing that true innovation is borne out of collaboration. A crazy cat lover (he has five now: Ninja, Diablo, Kami, Kraken, andNymph), part-time DJ, and avid gamer, he loves that Pocket Doge, and aninevitable feline sibling, ticked so many boxes! A white pocket pet was hisjam growing up.

[email protected]

With 20 years working in and leading asset management firms, MP, ourclever Chief Financial Officer, has successfully launched investmentproducts that have gone on to multi-million and billions in asset undermanagement. MP’s experience working with capital markets and salesfunctions ensure that each product is given every opportunity to succeed.MP may not have had a pocket pet growing up, but he is hopeful that hiswork with Pocket Doge will help redeem himself from the trauma ofabandoning a pet bunny a day after getting it from the pet store as a child.

Oliver [email protected]

Oliver, our immensely talented Chief Brand Officer (seriously, how amazingare the Pocket Doge graphics, amiright?), has worked in motion graphics,creative management, graphic design, and front-end web development forfive years. How much does he love what he does, you might ask? Well, inhis free time, he tinkers with game development. His favorite things arepizza, cats, the occasional walk on the beach, and his pocket pet growingup was purple!



[email protected]

Jared [email protected]

Jared is our Chief Executive Officer, possessing many years of experiencebuilding and leading companies, sales teams, and strategic planning. Hispassion is in developing new and exciting ideas, bringing together thetalent to make them come to life. Noteworthy is his love of dolphins, hotsauce, and Curious George. Growing up, Jared had a purple pocket petjust like Oliver! But he wants everyone to know he didn’t copy Oliver, it’sjust one of those silly little coincidences.

Amanda [email protected]

Our Chief Communications Officer, Amanda has 16 years experience inpolitical and nonprofit communications. She believes wholeheartedly thatwithout the Oxford Comma, the world would simply fall apart. Amanda’sgreatest vice is television and prides herself on watching shows faster thanthey actually take to air. Her celebrity crushes are Alan Alda and MarkTwain, but she has a very special place in her heart for the fictional JoshLyman. Growing up, Amanda’s pocket pet was purple with pink framingthe screen window. And with that level of specificity, you know she’sdefinitely not copying Jared or Oliver.



Jonny [email protected]

Spunky Chief Development Officer Jonny brings to the team a methodicalbackground in chemical engineering and clinical research. Steeped in thepursuit of what’s next?, Jonny leverages his background as a Very SeriousThinker to the unending quest to solve Very Difficult Problems. Anencyclopedic connoisseur of both metal and crunk, Jonny’s love of theharder edges in life drives him to develop a revolutionary NFT platformdesigned to cater to creative artists and content creators; eyes up, people.Sadly, Jonny didn’t have a pocket pet growing up [insert collective “aww”here], but if he had, it would’ve been orange. Once again, thinking tensteps ahead.

Contact us



Do you still have questions? Want to join our ever-growing community?

We're hiring! Click here to submit your application

You have suggestions? We want to hear them!Fill out this form.

Department contacts:

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

Email: [email protected]: t.me/pocketdoge

Website: www.pocketdogetoken.comTwitter: twitter.com/yourpocketdoge

YouTube: Pocket DogeInstagram: @Pocket_Doge_TokenTikTok: @yourpocketdoge

Announcements: t.me/pocketdogenews

Additional initiatives andcorporate philosophy:



Compassion/GivingAbove all, doges are all about love. They’re optimistic. They’re man’s best friend.They speak to each and every quality we seek to emulate every single day.

To that end, Pocket Doge will be donating a portion of our revenue to charitableorganizations our community votes on and are vetted thoroughly. We encourage ourcommunity members to reach out if they have suggestions or ideas for causes weshould pursue. To date, Pocket Doge has already contributed to St. Jude's Hospital andNorth Shore Animal League America on behalf and in honor of our community.

Separately, prior to any donation by the Pocket Doge community or investorsindependently, we highly recommend researching charitable organizations on CharityNavigator. This is a wonderful resource that provides those interested with detailedinformation on how charitable donations are used, the organizations efficacy, and otherimportant data a potential donor should be aware of before giving money.

DisclaimerPocket Doge including but not limited to the overall project, the token,

website, smart contracts and any apps (“POCKET DOGE”) as presented in this

conceptual paper is not an licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or

payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any terminology used in

this Whitepaper, on the Website or within the app is intended only as a basic

reference, without any effective or legal meaning of the same terms in a

regulated and/or financial environment. POCKET DOGE is a fully and

completely decentralized and community driven project and does not have

owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other

figures or entities exerting any form of governance; the POCKET DOGE smart

contracts are open-source, security audited, permanent and non-modifiable

in any way. The POCKET DOGE token is a strictly utility token in any

jurisdiction and is not and can not be considered as a security or otherwise a

regulated token of any kind, is not in any way e-money and/or a fiat or asset

backed stablecoin, whether global or limited in scope. This Whitepaper taken

by itself is not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, is not an

invitation, solicitation or offer to invest in POCKET DOGE or acquire or use its

PDOGE tokens in any way and with any expectation of profit in any form.

Any user of POCKET DOGE declares to have received appropriate technical,

administrative, regulatory and legal advice before and after accessing

and/or reading this Whitepaper, the website and using any portion or

element of POCKET DOGE (including any PDOGE token therein) and accepts

that there is an inherent high risk in accessing, acquiring or using any kind of

blockchain and/or crypto system, token, platform, software, interface

including POCKET DOGE and further acknowledges with full disclaimer for

any community member directly or indirectly involved with POCKET DOGE,

that there can be any kind of damage suffered, including total loss.