White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

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Page 1: White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

White Paper

Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility

Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

Page 2: White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

Table of Contents

Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Pre requisites ................................................................................................................................. 3

Steps Involved in Migration ................................................................................................................ 3

Migrating FDM to FDMEE ................................................................................................................... 4

Updating DB Schema:- .................................................................................................................... 4

Updating FDMEE Schema...................................................................................................................... 4

Update the FDM Schema ...................................................................................................................... 6

Configuring ODI.............................................................................................................................. 7

Importing the Scenarios ...................................................................................................................... 10

Executing the Migration ............................................................................................................... 12

Pre requisites before running the Extract Setup ................................................................................ 12

Extract Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 12

Verify Migrated Objects in FDMEE .................................................................................................... 16

Migrated Data Load Rule & Workbench Data .................................................................................... 19

Challenges in Migration ................................................................................................................... 20

FDMEE Target application shows wrong dimension name ............................................................. 20

What can be done if you have already ran the migration with default alias name in FDM? ............. 20

Migration Issue when using Load type SQL INSERT............................................................................ 21

Migrated Data Load Mappings in Upper case ................................................................................ 22

Drill Region for HFM ........................................................................................................................ 22

Migrating Multiple Applications ................................................................................................... 22

Page 3: White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015


This document explains step by step process involved in migrating Oracle Hyperion Financial Data

Quality Management (FDM) to Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition

(FDMEE). Also discusses about the challenges faced during the migration. It is intended to have look and

feel of using FDM Migration utility, more information available in ORACLE® HYPERION FINANCIAL DATA

QUALITY MANAGEMENT, Migration guide.


Pre requisites


Working 11.1.2.x FDM Application Database

Database details of the FDM application Schema

Working FDMEE Environment

Downloaded FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility

Database details of FDMEE Schema

ODI studio Installed & Configured

Steps Involved in Migration

Run the Prerequisite SQL Scripts in FDMEE & FDM Database

Configure FDM Data source on ODI

Import the Scenarios to ODI Designer

Execute the Scenario from ODI

Challenges in Migration

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Migrating FDM to FDMEE

Updating DB Schema:-

Updating FDMEE Schema

1) Log in to FDMEE Schema using any SQL Client (SQL Developer in this case)

2) Run the aif_fdmee_create_Oracle.sql

Note: Use aif_fdmee_create_sql_server.sql for SQL Server Database

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Page 6: White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

Update the FDM Schema

1) Log in to FDM Schema

2) Run aif_fdmc_create_common.sql

Note: aif_fdmc_create_common.sql works for both Oracle & SQL Server Database.

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Configuring ODI

1) Extract the downloaded patch in to a newly created directory FDM. Below are the contents

of the Patch.

2) Open ODI studio configured with the FDMEE database

3) Select Topology Manager > Physical Architecture > Oracle > Right Click & Select New Data Server

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4) Name the Data server as FDMC_DATA_SERVER > Enter the DBA Admin details to access the


Enter the JDBC URL Pointing to FDM Database & Test the Connection

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5) Create Physical Schema under FDMC_DATA_SERVER > Select the FDM Schema & Save the Changes

6) Choose Generic SQL > New Logical Schema > Name > FDMC_SOURCE

Choose the context for GLOBAL as FDMC_DATA_SERVER

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Importing the Scenarios

1) Designer > Load Plans and Scenarios > Right Click and Select Import Scenarios

2) Copy the XML files (SCEN_FDMC_EXTRACT_SETUP_001.xml And SCEN_FDMC_EXTRACT_DATA_001.xml) from the Extracted patch to the work repository



3) Select the Import Type: Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE > Browse to the Work Repository

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4) Open Work Repository > Select the FDMC_EXTRACT_DATA_001 & FDMC_EXTRACT_SETUP_001

> OK to import the Scenarios.

Report will be generated showing the imported objects.

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Executing the Migration

Pre requisites before running the Extract Setup

1) Length of Artifacts should NOT exceed 20 Characters, if it exceeds the process will fail.

You can identify the artifacts causing the issue by running SQL #4 in the script


Refer Migration Guide for more details.

Extract Setup

1) Go to ODI Studio > Designer > Select the Scenario “FDMC_EXTRACT_SETUP_Version-001” >

Right Click & Execute.

2) Select the right Context from Execution Screen.

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3) Variable Values window will open with default values

4) To Edit the Value Field the Latest Value column should be Unchecked.

Replace Application with the Actual name (Should be entered in UPPERCASE)

Enter the Application Type

DB Name used for Planning application, ignored for HFM Applications

Prefix- Optional

5) Click OK to start the execution Process

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6) Monitor the status from Operator Tab.

Go to Data Management > Verify whether all the objects got migrated

Page 15: White Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Paper Using FDM-FDMEE Migration Utility Created on: 9-Nov-2015 Last Modified on: 12-Nov-2015

7) Once the execution is successful, Select the FDMC_Extract_DATA_VERSION_001 > Right Click & Execute

8) Enter the Application Name and Start & End Date for Data migration.

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9) Verify the Process in Operator

With the above status, Migration would be completed.

Verify Migrated Objects in FDMEE

1) Migrated Target Application Details

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2) Source System

3) Migrated Import Format

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4) Migrated Location

5) Period Mapping, Category Mapping & Logic Groups

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5) Data Load Mapping

Migrated Data Load Rule & Workbench Data

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Challenges in Migration

FDMEE Target application shows wrong dimension name

1) FDMEE Target application uses dimension alias name mentioned in FDM application. The alias names of

FDM Dimensions MUST be same as mentioned in HFM Application.

Open FDM Workbench, verify the Dimension Aliases & Change as necessary with reference to the HFM


Below example displays the dimension alias for ACCOUNT. The same procedure applies for all the other


What can be done if you have already ran the migration with default alias name in FDM?

Usually REFRESH METADATA option can be used to refresh the dimension names according to the

Target Application. Due to a known issue in FDMEE, it will duplicate the dimension members

and dimension members appear twice.

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How to Overcome?

1. Fix dimension aliases in FDM Adapters as mentioned in the above & run the migration


2. Delete all the dimensions in Target Application and then Refresh Metadata (this case was verified

in the example migration done for this documentation)

Note: Please have regular database BACKUP points to restore it to previous stages.

Migration Issue when using Load type SQL INSERT

Some of the records in the TPOVPARTITION table have a PARTTYPE value of 1. A load type 'SQL Insert' is

stored as 1 and load type 'Bulk insert' is stored as 2. In the first version of the migration utility, due to a

known issue, load type 'SQL Insert' is not supported. This will be fixed in the future versions of the

migration utility.

Follow the below workaround:-

Create a backup table


create table tpovpartition_bk


select * from tpovpartition

update the table


update tpovpartition

set parttype = 2

where parttype = 1


The above information is available in the Oracle Knowledge.

FDM to FDMEE Migration is not Extracting All of the Artifacts from the FDM Application (Doc ID


Note: Prior to making any changes have a clean BACKUP of your DATABASE.

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Migrated Data Load Mappings in Upper case

When FDM used with Oracle Database, the migrated Data load mappings will be in Uppercase, which

will cause validation errors in FDMEE. FDMEE Stores members AS IS in Target applications.

To resolve this, run the Refresh Members process from Target Application, and then run the SQL#2 in


Drill Region for HFM

Need to run the SQL#1 in aif_fdmee_misc.sql for using Drill URL in FDMEE.

Note: It has to be run on HFM database.

Migrating Multiple Applications

For Migrating more than one Application

Create new Physical Schema with Database details of the other application

Create new Context

Map the newly created Physical Schema

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