1 Which is the Real Virus? Covid or 5G The Chinese Coronavirus 5G Connection is a very important factor when trying to comprehend the Coronavirus (formerly abbreviated 2019-nCoV, now Covid-19) outbreak. It is more important than most realize given the local Chinese cell-phone images of Chinese people falling over dead in their foot prints! Various independent researchers around the web for months have highlighted the Coronavirus-5G link despite the fact that Google (as the self-appointed NWO Census- in-Chief) is doing its best to hide and scrub all the search results showing the connection to 5G. Google and other search engines have been blocking access to any article, news sites, and reports related to 5G as the real source of the Covid-19 virus. It is reasonable to ask, what do they have to hide or keep from the public? Many of the You Tube articles and reports that I have captured as far back as December, 2019, have been removed, blocked, or inaccessible by the public. The facts are being kept from the public, of that there is no debate. Why does our government defend and protect the corrupt agencies such as the CDC, NIAID, and HIH? It does not require a college degree to see that the public is being scammed and hoodwinked through fear-mongering. The Corona-19 virus does not exist. This was pointed out by Jon Rappaport at ‘Nomorefakenews.com’. On October 8 th , Jon posted “Covid: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed”. Any scientist worth his credentials knows that you can’t call anything a virus, without first quantifying it really exists. That can only be done by capturing and cultivating it in a petri dish. Then it has to be introduced into a lab animal to determine whether it is contagious. Absolutely none of this has been proven by the CDC, NIAID, NIH, or WHO to be the case. The CDCs own document proves the point made by Jon Rappaport! There is no Covid-19 virus until you can see it under a microscope! You would not know what it was if you were shown a slide labeled Covid-19, you are not trained to know what you are being shown is not something as basic as the common cold. This is how Dr. Anthony Fauci deceived the world thirty years ago with his so-call HIV/AIDS scam. Dr. Fauci’s past crimes have surfaced and as is the case in all scams, the truth ultimately surfaces and truth has no fear. Fauci, Gates, Redfield, and partners in crime are running a bluff and as the truth comes out their narrative continues to change and flip-flopping is revealing their scam. Demand proof and accept nothing less than validated evidence. Dr. Fauci has waffled so many times now that he has to be having trouble keeping track of his narrative for the day! Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measureable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. They have no proof such a virus can be blamed as the cause of this scamdemic!

Which is the Real Virus? Covid or 5Gpastorbobreid.com/PDFs/TRV.pdf · his credentials knows that you can’t call anything a virus, without first quantifying it really exists. That

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Page 1: Which is the Real Virus? Covid or 5Gpastorbobreid.com/PDFs/TRV.pdf · his credentials knows that you can’t call anything a virus, without first quantifying it really exists. That


Which is the Real Virus? Covid or 5G

The Chinese Coronavirus 5G Connection is a very important factor when trying to comprehend the Coronavirus (formerly abbreviated 2019-nCoV, now Covid-19) outbreak. It is more important than most realize given the local Chinese cell-phone images of Chinese people falling over dead in their foot prints! Various independent researchers around the web for months have highlighted the Coronavirus-5G link despite the fact that Google (as the self-appointed NWO Census-in-Chief) is doing its best to hide and scrub all the search results showing the connection to 5G. Google and other search engines have been blocking access to any article, news sites, and reports related to 5G as the real source of the Covid-19 virus. It is reasonable to ask, what do they have to hide or keep from the public? Many of the You Tube articles and reports that I have captured as far back as December, 2019, have been removed, blocked, or inaccessible by the public. The facts are being kept from the public, of that there is no debate. Why does our government defend and protect the corrupt agencies such as the CDC, NIAID, and HIH? It does not require a college degree to see that the public is being scammed and hoodwinked through fear-mongering. The Corona-19 virus does not exist. This was pointed out by Jon Rappaport at ‘Nomorefakenews.com’. On October 8th, Jon posted “Covid: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed”. Any scientist worth his credentials knows that you can’t call anything a virus, without first quantifying it really exists. That can only be done by capturing and cultivating it in a petri dish. Then it has to be introduced into a lab animal to determine whether it is contagious. Absolutely none of this has been proven by the CDC, NIAID, NIH, or WHO to be the case. The CDC’s own document proves the point made by Jon Rappaport! There is no Covid-19 virus until you can see it under a microscope! You would not know what it was if you were shown a slide labeled Covid-19, you are not trained to know what you are being shown is not something as basic as the common cold. This is how Dr. Anthony Fauci deceived the world thirty years ago with his so-call HIV/AIDS scam. Dr. Fauci’s past crimes have surfaced and as is the case in all scams, the truth ultimately surfaces and truth has no fear. Fauci, Gates, Redfield, and partners in crime are running a bluff and as the truth comes out their narrative continues to change and flip-flopping is revealing their scam. Demand proof and accept nothing less than validated evidence. Dr. Fauci has waffled so many times now that he has to be having trouble keeping track of his narrative for the day! Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measureable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. They have no proof such a virus can be blamed as the cause of this scamdemic!

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A further tip-off is the use of the word “isolates,” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.

Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS. NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE COVID-19 VIRUS. THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THT IT EXISTS. It goes without saying we are being lied too by everyone perpetuating this gross global scam from politicians, governors, pseudo-scientists using their so-call expertise to fear-monger, and intimidate an un-informed public. The Coronavirus 5G connection doesn’t mean the bioweapons connections is false (it’s not a case of either-or), but rather broadens the scope of the entire event. Wuhan was one of the three test cities for its roll out: 56 went live on October 31st, 2019, almost 2 months before the Coronavirus outbreak began. A leading Italian Catholic historian says that there is more and more evidence that Covid-19 was not only manufactured in a Chinese laboratory but it was released by the communists in an act of “biological warfare” as part of their “program for the future.”

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In a recent video published by the Lepanto Foundation Professor Roberto de Mattei in declared that nobody should be surprised if the “ideological and psychological war” of communism has been followed by biological warfare, via a laboratory in China. “Each day that passes, the doubts of the synthetic origins of the virus are vanishing increasingly,” he said. “And why should we be surprised if this virus had its origins in Communist China, a country that still claims the ideals of Marx, Lenin, and Mao, making this their program for the future?” “We have entered into the phase of biological warfare […].” Mattei spoke earlier in his message, which opened the Jubilee Year of the 450th anniversary of the victory of Catholic forces over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto, of the battles in which the Church has been plunged since then: the continuing damage of the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. “The errors of communism have contaminated the entire world like a maleficent virus,” Mattei said. “Those who think communism has become extinct with the collapse of the Soviet Union are committing a deadly error in judgement,” he continued. Since the 1970s, following the directions of Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School after the ideological war, communism has developed into a new type of war, a psychological war which, through the weapons of words and images, aims at striking at souls before bodies. And it insults the profound tendencies in man: his sentiments, his emotions. The professor warned that this cultural Marxism has entered even the Church herself. “This war has penetrated inside the Church, since the Church is the enemy par excellence of the Revolution, is the place where souls are formed for battle,” Mattei said. “The souls of the Church’s sons and daughters, especially since the Second Vatican Council, have been victims of a process of deformation. Thus, the Second Vatican Council, whatever theological judgement is given to its documents, has the historical responsibility for the loss of the militant spirit and for its psychological and moral disarming of Catholics.” Mattei then suggested that it should not be surprising that the “ideological and physical virus” has been followed by “a biological virus, an enemy that seems to be the physical symbol, even if it is invisible in this process, of the cultural and moral poisoning of mankind.” Neither should be surprised if an “organized pandemic” has been “fabricated in a laboratory.” Debate has raged for months about the origin of the Covid-19 coronavirus, which first began to appear in Wuhan, China in December, 2019. Chinese authorities placed the blame on an unhygienic seafood and poultry market in the city, and rumors flew about

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that the virus had spread to human beings via bats or pangolins, a species of anteater used in Chinese traditional medicine. However, in May the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo stated that there was “enormous evidence” that the virus had in fact come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Steven Mosher of the Population Institute, an American authority on China, is a strong proponent of the theory that the “Wuhan flu” originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In an article he published in ‘LifeSiteNews’, Mosher identified China’s notorious “batwoman” Dr. Shi Zhengli as the inventor of Covid-19. “Dr. Shi Zhengli […] was in the business of creating new and deadly coronaviruses,” Mosher wrote. “Some of her work she published in scholarly journals, such as her 2008 article in the Journal of Virology. There she described how she and her team were taking harmless coronaviruses from horseshoe bats and then genetically engineering them to be able to infect human beings just like the original SARS virus does,” he continued. “By 2013 she had isolated the bat coronavirus now known as RaTG-13 and was using it for Gain-of-Function research. [...] Using her secret bat coronavirus as the “backbone,” she had inserted a receptor binding domain (RBD) from another coronavirus to make it more infectious. “The scientific name of the resulting chimera coronavirus is SARS-CoV-2, but it is known to the world—correctly–as the China Virus.” Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese scientist who fled China and is currently in hiding in the United States, told Tucker Carlson last month that COVID-19 was created in a lab and that China’s Communist government released the “Frankenstein” virus “intentionally” to “make such harm.” Meanwhile many scientific documents on the health effects of 5G have verified that it contains flu-like symptoms. This article reveals the various connections behind the Coronavirus phenomenon, including how 5G can exacerbate or cause the kind of illness you are attributing to the new virus. The rabbit hole is deep and I first began the investigation shortly before the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season in 2019. 5G is very much like the technology of DEW or “Directed Energy Weapons”. Many people around the world, including scientists, ordinary folks, concerned citizens, scientists, and government officials are becoming aware of the danger of 5G. This is why it has been banned by many places around the world, such as Brussels, the Netherlands, parts of Switzerland, and Ireland, Italy, Germany, the UK, the USA, and Australia. After all, 5G is not just the next generation of mobile phone connectivity after 4G. It is a radical and entirely different new type of technology – a military technology used on the battlefield that is now being deployed (military term) in the civilian world.

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It is phased array weaponry being sold and disguised as primarily a communications system when the frequency bands it uses (24Ghz – 100Ghz+ including millimeter waves) are the very same ones used in Active Denial Systems, i.e., crowd control. This is a weapons system that is lethal when modulated above 20GHz and higher! Even mainstream Wikipedia describes Active Denial Systems (ADS) as directed energy weaponry; it disburses crowds by firing energy an them, causing immediate and intense pain, inducing sensations of the skin burning. Remember, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) is behind the fall of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11th, 2001; and the fake California “wildfires”. Many cameras have caught the “laser” light images coming from the sky overhead.

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Numerous scientists have warned of the dangerous health effects of 5G. For instance, in a 5G appeal from 2017, scientists warned of the harmful of non-ionizing RF/EMF radiation. We now know that nonionizing EMF is far more harmful than previously asserted. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general wellbeing in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects in both plants and animals. If you listen to Mark Steele and Barry Trower, you will get an idea of the horrifying effects of 5G. Barry Trower echoes the above facts by stating that 5G damages the immune system of trees and kills insects. He reveals how in 1977, 5G was tested on animals in hopes of finding a weapon. The results were severe demyelination – stripping the protective sheath off nerve cells. Some nations are now noticing a 90% loss of insects (including pollinating insects like bees). This collapse of bee colonies is what got my interest back in 1996. Bees are found to congregate around lamp posts where 5G is installed.

Wuhan Military Games and Event 201 Simulation If you dig deep enough, some disturbing connections arise between 5G and the men who have developed or are developing vaccines for novel viruses like Ebola, Zika, and the new Coronavirus Covid-19. In a fantastic piece of research, an author by the name of Annie Logical wrote an article “Corona Virus Fakery and The Link To 5G Testing” that lays out the Coronavirus 5G connection. There is a ton of information, so I will break it all down to make it more understandable. Annie Logical helps the reader grasp what is happening during this crucial year noting the existence of many suspicious coincidences. From October 18-27, 2019, Wuhan hosted the Military World Games and specifically 5G (for the first time ever) for the event. Also on October 18, 2019 in New York, the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 – “A Global Pandemic Exercise” which is a simulation of a pandemic. Guess what virus they happened to choose for their “simulation”? A Coronavirus! Guess what animal cells they use? Pig cells! (Covid-19 was initially reported to be derived from a sea food market, and the fish there are known to be fed on pig waste.) Event 201 includes the UN (since the WEF now has a partnership agreement with the UN). Big Pharma (Johnson & Johnson, Bill Gates (key figure in pushing vaccines, human microchipping and Agenda 2030) and both China and America’s CDC.

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Participants in Event 201 recommended that governments force social media companies to stop the spread of “fake news” and that ultimately the only way to control the information would be for the WHO (World Health Organization, part of the UN) to be the sole central purveyor of information during a pandemic.

Inovia, Electroporation, and 5G As reported on January 24th, 2020, U.S. Biotech and pharmaceutical company Inovia receive a $9 million grant to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. Inovio got the money grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI); in April of 2018 they got up to $56 million to develop vaccines for Lassa Fever and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). CEPI was founded in Davos by the government of Norway and India, the Wellcome Trust … and the participants of Event 201: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF, CEPI’s, CEO is the former director of BARDA (U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) which is part of the Health and Human Services. Inovio claimed they developed a coronavirus vaccine in 2 hour! On the face of it such a claim is absurd; what is more likely is that they are lying or that they already had the vaccine because they had foreknowledge that the coronavirus was coming and was about to be unleashed. We know that Bill Gates and the Pirbright Institute patented the so-called Covid-19 virus two years before the outbreak in Wuhan. It has come to light in the early days of October, 2020, the Rothschild’s had patented viruses in this family multiple times since 2000. These viruses were nothing more than the common cold, but were injected with other pathogens making the virus of the day into a bio-weapon of choice. The criminals laid numerous false trails to confuse the investigators. But do not lose sight here of all the U.S. government agencies involved in all this criminality, along with Big Pharma!! So who own and runs Inovio? Two key men are David Weiner and Dr. Joseph Kim. Weiner was once Kim’s university professor. Weiner was involved with developing a vaccine for HIV and Zika. Kim was funded by Merck (a large Big Pharma company) and produced something called Porcine Circovirus (PCV 1 and PCV 2). As mentioned above, there is a link between pig vaccines/Pig DNA and the coronavirus; Annie Logical notes that “has long been established that seafood in the area is a fed on pig waste.” Kim served a 5-year tenure as a member of the WEF’s Global Agenda Council – yet another pushing the New World Order One World Government under the banner of Agenda 2030 Global Governance. Weiner is an employee and advisor to the FDA, is considered a DNA technology expert and pioneered a new DNA transference method called electroporation – a microbiology technique which uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cell membranes through which substances like chemicals, drugs or DNA can be introduced to the cell.

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This technique can be used to administer DNA vaccines, which inject foreign DNA into a host’s DNA, This means if you take a DNA vaccine, you are allowing your DNA to be changed! As if vaccines weren’t already horrific enough … but here’s the kicker … electroporation uses pulsed waves. Guess what else uses pulsed waves? 5G! This is either a startling coincidence or evidence of sinister coronavirus 5G connections. Annie writes: “The same action that 5G technology uses in pulsed waves and the coronavirus was reported to have started in an area of China that had rolled out 5G technology!” “So now we can see how geneticists using scientists are tampering with the building blocks of our existence and what is disturbing is that Prof. Weiner is a HIV pioneer and we know that soon after the Polio vaccines were given to millions in Africa that HIV emerged. They have perfected the art of injecting animal or bird things like hemorrhaging, fever, cancers, and even death.” Speaking of HIV (which is not the same thing as AIDS, but that is another story), remember also that a group of Indian scientists put out their research that the so-called Corona virus was manmade and had HIV inserts. These Indian scientists revealed their findings as early as March of 2020. They found that 4 separate HIV genes were randomly embedded with the coronavirus. These genes somehow converged to create receptor sites on the virus that were identical to HIV, which was a surprise due to their random placement. Genetic sequencing leaves a “foot” print and thus cannot be hidden from the virologist lab science of the creation of a bioweapon. But the public does not know this and remains in the dark. They also specifically stated that this was not likely to happen naturally (“unlikely to be fortuitous in nature”). In yet another example of egregious censorship, these scientists were pressured to withdraw their work.

5G and Electrporation DNA Vaccines – Both Producing EMF Waves

Consider the implications of this for a minute. The technology exists to use EMFs to open your very skin pores and inject foreign DNA into your bloodstream and cells. This is an extreme violation of your bodily sovereignty, and it can have long-term effects, because of genetic mutation – changing your very own DNA which is the biological blueprint and physical essence of who you are. What if 5G mimics electroporation? What if 5G can do on a small scale? I pose rhetorical questions as we already know that 5G has the potential to be mutagenic (DNA damaging). We do know with absolute certainty that wireless technology can and does alter the human biome.

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The frequencies that 5G uses, especially 40-100 GHz, interact with the geometrical structure of our skin and sweat ducts, acting upon them like a transmission reacting to an antenna, and fundamentally affecting us and our mood. What if 5G is being used to open up the skin of those in Wuhan so as to allow the new bioweapon Coronavirus to infiltrate more easily?

Mandatory Vaccines, Depopulation, and Transhumanism So what is at the bottom of the coronavirus-5G connection rabbit hole? I would suggest that we will ultimately find the mandatory vaccine agenda, the depopulation agenda and transhumanist agenda (via DNA vaccines). The key figures and groups who appear to have planned this already have the vaccines in place, just as they did for the other epidemics that fizzled our (SARS, Ebola, and Zika). Weiner even has links to HIV/AIDS, and even if you dive into as Jon Rappoport did, you find gaping holes in that story.

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It’s the same epidemic/pandemic game being played out every 2-3 years. There are a couple versions. In the first version, you invent a virus, hype it up, get people scared, do ineffectual and inconclusive tests (e.g. like the PCR test which measures if a viral fragment is present but doesn’t tell you the quantities of whether it would actually cause the disease) inflate the body count, justify quarantine/martial law and brainwash people into thinking they have to buy the (toxic) vaccine and introduce mandatory vaccination. You don’t even need a real virus or pathogen for the version. In the second version, you create a virus as a bioweapon, release it as a test, pretend it was a natural mutation, watch how many people it kills (which helps with the eugenics and depopulation agendas), again justify martial law, again justify the need for mandatory vaccines and even pose as the savior with the vaccine to stops it. As a variation on this second version, you can even develop a race-specific bioweapon so as to reduce the population of rival nations or enemy races as a geopolitical strategy. I have suggested from about the first half of January, 2020, that a fourth version has been surreptitiously at work, used to mask or hide the real virus, that being 5G. These people are some of the brightest in the scientific world, but work for very dark and evil Satanic rulers. They, by the nature of their work have stumbled onto, perhaps unwittingly, or by process of analysis and study, that wireless energy in the 5G spectrum can induce sickness and even death through modulation of wireless DEW. My intelligence on this goes back to the Club of Rome in 1972. Their agenda was to create “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”. More on this aspect later. I will be blunt on this, but I am suggesting that 5G is the silent weapon in a quiet war to reduce the world population from 7.8-billion people down to 500-million. I will show you the links to how this was developed and planned systematically to achieve their agenda objective. Wuhan, China was a “Beta Test” or trial run to see if they could kill lots of expendable people without the weapon being known or identified. It was an “invisible” weapon, i.e., 5G. The perpetrators simply called it a pneumonia-like flu. The crematories in Wuhan were cremating bodies for months, the smoke from the crematories were recorded by high-resolution satellite optics for months. All of the mystique served to fan the flames of fear mongering to the world, and enabled the World Health Organization (WHO) to issue their warning of a global pandemic. It has all the ingredients of a gripping movie that we have seen on the movie screen before. You have all the elements of a box-office thriller! Say hello

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to the Coronavirus! The distraction has beguiled the world and the epidemic is one of fear.

Top Secret ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’, an Introductory Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan hatched in the early days of the Cold War, which called for the control of the masses through manipulation of the masses, industry, peoples’ past-times, education, and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, pitting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on. For all intent and purpose, this document has “come to pass” and the social engineering of society has validated the document. It is likely the first document to come out of the European meetings referred to as the “Bilderberg’s” first held in 1954 at Bilderberg, Germany. Three things have facilitated their grand plan: 1. Invention of the high speed computer, 2. Development of Linear programming, and 3. Invention of the “transistor” in 1948. With these three inventions under their direction, those in positions of power discovered that it was possible to control the world with a push of a button! This Top Secret ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’, from its content corroborates that it was the initial document that launched the original Bilderberg meeting in 1954. The issue of “security” of what is contained is highlighted on page 3 of the document. At sixty pages, it set into motion a plan to control the world through this secret society.

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In May of 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on a weeklong trip to Europe where he was raising sensitive issues with national leaders — from Iranian missiles to Chinese technology to the economic collapse of Venezuela — but the most colorful conversations could take place this weekend out of public earshot in a secretive conclave at a Swiss lakeside resort. In Montreux, on the eastern shore of Lake Geneva, political and business leaders from Western nations were gathering for the 67th Bilderberg Meeting, an annual forum in which participants agree not to reveal exactly what was said or who said it. It is a shadow version of Davos, the elite annual winter conference in the Swiss Alps that President Trump has attended once but has also criticized. The State Department did not even put the Bilderberg Meeting on Mr. Pompeo’s public schedule, though a senior official confirmed he was attending that Saturday. Need I remind you that population growth is always a discussion point of the globalists. Mr. Pompeo landed in Zurich on Friday afternoon after a morning of meetings with German leaders in Berlin, then took a helicopter to Bern, where he spoke at a gathering of department employees at the United States Embassy. Mr. Pompeo was traveling with his wife, Susan. “Big cheese and chocolate fan,” Mr. Pompeo joked to reporters on the airplane Thursday when someone asked about the three-night stop in Switzerland. No doubt those culinary treats will be on hand at venues in Montreux, to fuel discussion on 11 central topics now hotly debated in countries around the globe: the future of capitalism, the weaponization of social media, artificial intelligence, Brexit, China, Russia and so on. Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and Middle East adviser, was another top administration official planning to attend on behalf of the President. The 130 or so participants also include King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands; Stacey Abrams, the American Democratic politician; Henry Kissinger, the former senior American foreign policy official; Eric Schmidt, the former chief executive of Google; and David H. Petraeus, the retired 4-star general. Some top bank executives were on the list, too. On at least one subject, climate change, many of the participants were expected to have radically different views than Mr. Pompeo. In early May, the American secretary, speaking at a meeting of the Arctic Council in Finland, praised the changes caused by the melting of ice in the Arctic Circle. “Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade,” Mr. Pompeo said, while noting the abundance of undiscovered oil and gas, uranium, rare-earth minerals, coal, diamonds and fisheries in the Arctic.

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Mr. Pompeo and the Trump administration have also found themselves at odds with European nations on Iran. Mr. Trump withdrew from a nuclear deal that world powers reached with Iran in 2015, but European governments still abide by the accord and have urged Iran to stay in. In fact, it was at Lake Geneva, in the city of Lausanne, that American negotiators led by Mr. Pompeo’s predecessor John Kerry worked with foreign officials to complete the 2015 deal. The current split between the Trump administration and Europeans became apparent again on Friday, when Mr. Pompeo met in Berlin with Heiko Maas, the German foreign minister. “It’s no secret that we have differences with regard to the right approach to pursue,” Mr. Maas said at a news conference afterward. Mr. Pompeo said he also urged Mr. Maas to ban Hezbollah, the Lebanese military and political group supported by Iran, from Germany, as Britain did this year. Tensions between the United States and Iran have soared since early May, when the Trump administration first announced military movements to counter Iran. Mr. Pompeo spoke, too, with Chancellor Angela Merkel about Iran in a separate meeting, as well as about Ukraine, Russia and Afghanistan, the State Department said. That session took place one day after Ms. Merkel delivered a forceful speech at Harvard’s commencement that was seen as a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s policies and frequent use of falsehoods. The Harvard crowd gave Ms. Merkel a standing ovation. What Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Kushner and the other Bilderberg attendees actually say to each other will be a mystery to most of the public, thanks to the meeting’s use of the Chatham House Rule, which states that although attendees can tell the public what was discussed generally, participants must not reveal who said what. I suspect that global depopulation was a confidential subject, and just a few months prior to the Wuhan, China World Military Games, and the outbreak of the released bioweapon to act as a cover for the “Beta Test” of 5G launched in one of the three “Smart Cities” selected as showcase cities for the new 5G technology.. The rule was devised in 1927 by the eponymous policy institute in London, when many people feared that the practice of “secret diplomacy led to the horrors of the First World War,” said Robin Niblett, the director of Chatham House. The idea, he said, was to encourage officials and experts to speak frankly together, in private, and then to share what they discussed with the public. “It’s actually not a rule of secrecy, it’s a rule of openness from an era when everything was secret,” he said. The Bilderberg Meetings used to hold news conferences and distribute synopses to attendees, but discontinued the practices in the 1990s and 2000s. Organizers do not plan to reinstate them, a spokesman said.

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James P. Tucker, Jr. (December 31, 1934 – April 26, 2013), also known as Big Jim Tucker, was an American journalist and author of Jim Tucker's ‘Bilderberg Diary’, who, beginning in 1975, focused on the Bilderberg Group. Tucker died on April 26, 2013, from complications due to a fall, according to his obituary. There is no doubt Jim Tucker is not missed these days when the Bilderberg’s announce their venue; sometimes as short as a few days before convening! Jim was known to compensate wait staff, bell hops, custodial and room service employee for any left behind documents. Still, the Bilderberg’s reputation for secrecy fed conspiracy theories soon after the first meeting, held in 1954 to strengthen ties between North America and Europe, at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands. In a book published a decade later, the right-wing activist Phyllis Schlafly wrote that the “secret kingmakers” of America and a “select assortment of foreigners” met at Bilderberg events, and exercised influence over American affairs, i.e., the world! On page 10 above, I suggested that a fourth plan was hatched to do a “Beta Test” or trial run of 5G technology as to determine if it could be implemented on a global scale, without the public ever knowing what was coming to kill off millions of the world’s nations. At the 1992 UN Rio Summit, 105 countries signed an agreement to reduce their population, China and the U.S. were signatories to that Treaty. Agenda 21 is a 300-page document that addresses four specific areas and the very first of the four address the issue of population control, i.e., depopulation. 179 nations were represented at the 1992 Rio Summit. In 1971, “Bilderbergers” appeared in ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy,’ a book by Gary Allen that argued that international bankers and politicians had taken decisions out of elected officials’ hands. Mr. Allen’s book has been cited as an inspiration by Alex Jones, the internet conspiracy theorist who has ranted about “globalists” trying to engineer a “new world order.” Most of the conspiracy theories around the group center on fears that a “one-world government” will take control of a nation’s domestic government, said Anna Merlan, a journalist and the author of ‘Republic of Lies,’ a book about conspiracy theories. A Bilderberg spokesman said he believed that the theories were driven by people’s desire to make sense of complex trends like globalization, and that they have been given new life by the rise of the internet. On its website, the organizers expressed regret, anonymously, about the tenacity of the “wild allegations” against it. This has only invoked their secrecy measures to keep out the prying press, especially the publicity given by the presence of ‘Infowars.com’ host Alex Jones. Alex Jones made several Bilderberg Group annual affairs a focus event, bringing even greater interest in the secret elite meetings. While the elite dismiss the “conspiracy theory” [a term coined by the evil CIA after the Kennedy assassination in November 22,1963], and that document ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ does present substantial proof that the Bilderberg Group acts as a group that manipulates the world. What is the topic of discussion tends to be executed over the coming year.

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What Is Agenda 21? Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030, according to Disclose TV.. It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide. Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” (HumansAreFree.com).

The Means of Depopulation This genocidal agenda of humanity has already begun and there are many means implemented to achieve this goal, including chemtrails (or “Geoengineering”), vaccines, irradiated food, GMOs (Codex Alimentarius), smart meters, 5G deployment that Trump promotes as part of a “technology race”. Chances are you never heard of the 1992 UN Agenda 21 gathering. I followed most of the event and reports, only to forget about the agenda again until a few years ago. Time flies as we know and my memory had to be jarred to recall the files and documents that were available. They push their globalist agenda on all of us of no rights to property and other rights. People were even fined for collecting rainwater in their own homes, according to CanadaFreePress.com One such mean which is relatively ignored in the alternative media is mass population migration from Africa and the Middle East into the U.S. and Europe. In Israel, they helped bring about 100,000 migrants from Africa who conquered entire neighborhoods in Southern Tel Aviv and other cities where the local population literally became refugees in their own country and fled to other parts in the country. They terrorize the locals and it’s horrendous what happens in these areas. However, all these means sound great when they are termed the “sustainable development” under Agenda 21. So how people who barely earn 300 U.S. Dollars per year could afford a journey from Africa to Israel that costs (according to some immigrants’ testimonies) $3,000 U.S. Dollars. It was discovered that this was being paid for and these immigrants were being protected by NGOs (Non-Government Agencies), which are funded by foreign governments and foundations. It was surmised that this is an orchestrated immigration to Israel, resembling that from Syria and Africa to Europe and the U.S., is to destroy the Western countries and those aligned with them from within. Then I started thinking about what we aren’t being told about this massive population migration to Israel. At the beginning, the Israeli mainstream media called them “refugees.” However, after the UN representatives had checked their status, they pointed out that only 6% of them were

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real refugees. This required the mainstream media to change its terminology in regard to them as ”asylum seekers.” The past decade to invade Europe, Canada, and the U.S. was orchestrated through the UN, the Vatican, as a measure to break-up local and indigenous national groups. Best examples of this are Sweden, France, and Germany.

How Is Agenda 21 Implemented Locally Worldwide? Again, Agenda 21 is carried out by NGOs funded by foreign countries, like the New Israel Fund (funded by the Ford Foundation and others, including Muslim countries) as well as such groups as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) and Oxfam with the intentions, I surmise, to destroy Israel from within like with other Western countries. Check the Periodic Report to ICLEI, the U.N.’s NGO that implements Agenda 21 locally, of 15 cities in Israel complying with its guidelines and here on YNET News. According to the UN’s own website, this is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” This plan is involved in every aspect of our lives according to Rosa Koire, an activist and a lecturer who tirelessly works to inform the unaware public about the

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dangers of this plan. U.N. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan.” (www.openmindconference.com) It seems that using the word “sustainability” helps promote their depopulation plan unabated. It sounds so “green”, advanced, and progressive. Does it ring a bell? That’s the reason why most people will consider this plan as positive. So, what is wrong with it? Pay attention to the actions of those implementing it and not to “nice”, placating words such as “sustainable development”. This agenda is run by the United Nations via an NGO called “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,” commonly known as ICLEI (pronounced Ik-lee). It is implemented locally by municipalities of major cities worldwide, including London, Berlin, Rome. From my research, fifteen cities in Israel joined this NGO in 2008. It should come as no surprise that Ron Huldai, Tel Aviv’s mayor, is the chairman of ICLEI Israel (or as it’s called the Forum 15, which is the forum of 15 cities in Israel that adopted ICLEI regulations). This is paid for by you, and taxpayers worldwide (not only in the U.S.), without your knowledge or consent, as none of us was informed of it and obviously, and you didn’t have had a vote on its implementation. This UN Agenda 21 is responsible for the development programs in your city that you are not aware of, behind the mass engineered immigration in the West and heavy population surveillance everywhere (as with “smart meters” and 5G). You can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google. According to ICLEI’s official website, this NGO comprises “12 mega-cities, 100 super-cities and urban regions, 450 large cities as well as 450 medium-sized cities and towns in 84 countries.” This NGOs stated goal is that “By 2050, a third of all humans will be living in cities.” http://kcc.iclei.org/the-iclei/members-and-cities.html They also condition children to use sustainable transport which is closely tied to Agenda 21’s population management program, in attempt to bring most people into megacities and away from rural areas which will be deemed “open spaces” for wildlife and be more easily controlled by using public transport. Recently we became familiar with a Swedish teenage girl called Greta Thunberg who according to mainstream media – that promotes agenda 21 and global warming/climate change – helps raise the awareness to climate issues (BBC). Again, we can see here how children and teenagers and even children are being conditioned to such beliefs without perhaps realizing that they are being used to promote this agenda. If the cabal doesn’t succeed one way (as with Al Gore), they will push their agenda in another way.

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Photo: Taken from the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. And below you can see the explanation:

What we are seeing with Agenda 21, and revisions primary concern here is that a hidden agenda is being masked as a beneficial plan for humanity, while being exactly the opposite. In reality, it’s a well-crafted lie to slip past our scrutiny. The upshot of all this is removing national sovereignty and empowering the U.N. to gradually take control over what was once national policies. “It will remove and destroy all constitutions, restrict free speech and disarm the people. When Agenda 21 is fully realized, the United Nations will be in possession of all guns and subsequently, there will be no opposition to their control.” (The Coveners League). Paul McGuire, an internationally recognized prophecy expert, speaker, minister, and author writes in his book ‘The Babylon Code’ that, “The true agenda of Agenda 21[/2030] is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of ‘a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all’ this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a ‘worker’s paradise.’

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Is It Legal? As this plan is covertly implemented in the name of UN Agenda 21 by an NGO called ICLEI, none of us had been informed about it or have voted for it in any way; it basically leads to the loss of personal freedom and sovereignty worldwide. This is a deceit of humanity rooted in darkness and our complicit ignorance, which allows the U.N. to implement this treacherous plan. This is totally undemocratic “and it relies on our passive, ill-informed acceptance of ‘authorities’.”

What Is Codex Alimentarius? This is a term used for the food regulations that were written and ratified in 2009. In my research, I found a connection between IG Farben (former BAYER, BASF, HOECHST) and the food laws ratified by the UN. It raises many important questions such as: How are these regulations connected to the depopulation agenda? And why is our food filled with toxins and elements that risk our health? Are there really too many people on earth? Is the World Health Organization interested in our general well-being? I found out that Nazis like Fritz ter Meer, a former executive member of IG Farben (which produced and supplied the Zyklon B to the death camps during the Second World War), who was incarcerated for fifteen years in prison after being convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was later employed by the UN after being released. He was part of the committee designed to plan the food resources for humanity that devised the Codex Alimentarius. (This is an UN-sponsored global food standards body, which criminalizes the production of healthy nutrition both commercially and at your home, whether it’s organic food, your dietary supplements, or even your organic garden). Dr. Rima Laibow talks about these regulations, which has determined that vitamins are toxins and therefore to be limited in consumption to ineffective dosages, and which includes irradiating the food supply to destroy all nutrients in our food, and to switch to the GMO foods to be consumed by the masses. This alone will lead to the death of three billion people worldwide in the next couple decades according to Dr. Rima Laibow, according to Awaken to the Truth. The World Health Organization confirms these estimates, according to several researchers. Here is more explanation on those behind the outlining of this plan: “Just fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst were again the architects of the next major human rights offences. In 1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission.” (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)”.

Why Don’t People Hear About This Plan? Most people use mainstream media, including TV, newspapers, radios and other means to keep informed, which suppresses this information; those in power control mainstream media and don’t want you to be aware of this plan. This media has denied the existence of such a plan for years, despite the existence of a book entitled “Agenda 21” (350 pages) published by the UN.

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Mister Sustainability The man behind the scenes (curtains) in so many areas, is no other than ‘Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince’, a title of a book by Joan Veon published in 1997. He is responsible for the term, “sustainable development” more than any other world figure. This book addresses the power of the Antichrist, which I have focused on other articles.

For fifty years, The Prince of Wales has used his unique position to champion action for a sustainable future. In the context of global challenges that include the climate crisis, deforestation, and ocean pollution, The Prince has promoted sustainability to ensure that the natural assets upon which we all depend among other things soil, water, forests, a stable climate and fish stocks endure for future generations. His Royal Highness believes that economic and social development will best succeed when it works in harmony, rather than in conflict, with Nature. You should see the larger than life size of a winged Prince Charles erected in Rio as “The Savior of the World” (picture on the next page.) “There is an amazing amount that can be done. It is a combined responsibility of all of us, the public sector, private sector and civil society,” says Prince Charles (aka the Antichrist!). Over the decades, The Prince of Wales has launched a number of sustainability initiatives aimed at delivering practical outcomes. In late 2019, His Royal Highness launched the Sustainable Markets Initiative and Council As well as addressing environmental challenges, The Prince promotes a more sustainable approach.

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You are likely unaware of all this since we have to go back to 1992 for the UN global conference known as Agenda 21, which became Agenda 30. Central to this “sustainability” (innocent language) by digging deep into the document, you will find that

the majority of nations signed on to the idea that embraced many areas, very innocent language, but nonetheless is the groundwork for world “Depopulation” or Eugenics by its ideological term. I am sure that most of you have never heard about this document/treaty, and yet it laid out a plan that would reduce the world’s population by the famous term engraved in granite pillars at the Georgia Guide Stones down in Elberton, GA. The plan has been in play for nearly 28 years and it has been impacting the lives of millions around the world.

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So if you don’t rely on alternative media coverage, it’s improbable that you’ll find information about this vast global plan and all of its goals. If the public worldwide had become aware of such a plan, they would immediately rise up against it and stop its implementation, which is definitely something “the powers that be” don’t want. So they have introduced this plan incrementally by using appealing wording like “sustainable development” or some other “green”-sounding term so people would gladly accept it (as fascist regimes have always done). However, it is not about environmental sustainability at all. Its true goals are implemented by deception, concealing its real aim to take over the entire planet and all its assets by a handful of people. Those promoting this agenda include royalty (such as Prince Charles who is an avid advocate of this plan, as can be seen in his speech ‘The New Environmental Agenda’), top politicians like Obama, who addressed the U.N. General Assembly on September 27, 2015 and stated that the UN blueprint “is one of the smartest investments we can make in our own future.” Bureaucrats, CEOs and the top of international banks and corporations like Hugh Grant, the CEO of Monsanto, said, “This place is getting busier and more crowded. As long as you’ve got money in your back pocket and you drive your station wagon to the supermarket on weekends, then it’s out of sight, out of mind, so far.” The lifestyle of the “global elite” with their private trains and jets, fleets of cars, and palaces and their businesses are excluded from this plan and continue to be considered sustainable.

Chemtrails In 1996, after finding out that “chemtrails” do exist, I started researching the aerial spraying. Others like Dane Wittington (geoengineeringwatch.org site); began his research. The founder of this site Geoengineering Watch, Dane Wittington, together with others filed a lawsuit against the authorities (the regime), who are supposedly behind this crime against humanity stating that HAARP is being used as a weapon that induces climate change. There are at least 12 HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) installations around the world, which together with chemtrails they can actually create earthquakes, tsunamis, and other “natural” disasters. HAARP is basically an ionosphere heater (the most famous one is located in Alaska, but such facilities can be found worldwide). See the map on the next page for these locations used to change the weather patterns. Presently, all the weather patterns of the world are being manipulated by one or more countries with the intended purpose of creating as much havoc and damage as possible. The so-called “wildfires” of California have been a planned event going back to the days David Rockefeller and Bill Clinton agreed to drive the public from the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Their agenda was to return the coastal shores to their pristine origin. Their success has been confirmed by the fact that you cannot buy or afford hurricane insurance on most of the ocean-facing real estate.

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I have watched many videos that people worldwide uploaded on YouTube showing strange colorful “clouds” half an hour before a “natural” disaster occurred.

U.S Black Budget to Spray the Populace like Roaches We know that a secret “black” budget of former President Obama sponsoring our own demise; shockingly, discovered that we unknowingly finance our own genocide (Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered—Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populace Like Roaches), according to the IntelHub.com and that it goes on for decades. Here’s the words of Dane Wittington on the ongoing chemtrails / Geoengineering: “Historical records prove beyond doubt that climate engineering has been fully deployed on a substantial scale for over 65 years (hurricane suppression for over 53 years), so why do major publications continue to lie about this blatant reality? Because that is what they are paid to do. Once global populations fully grasp the gravity of the biosphere collapse that is rapidly unfolding around them (further exacerbated by Geoengineering), our paradigm will overturn. The power structure is trying desperately to hide this reality for as long as possible. Unfortunately, most environmental groups and organizations are major participants in Geoengineering denial. I and other activists just attended a global warming presentation with standing room only, we made sure that the Geoengineering subject was not omitted from this event.” (GeoengineeringWatch.org)

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According to this agenda (Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030), humans are on the same level as animals. We are to be managed like flora and fauna. Behind it all is a materialistic and secularized view of humanity, which rejects the idea humans are sacred and part of the divine! Needless to say, this is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to this hideous agenda.

Many are blaming China for this release of the bio-weapon we commonly refer to as Covid-19. But have you ever considered that China might have its own reasons to reduce its burgeoning population growth. China has a series of issue that implies societal instability. I do not need to go into all them at this point but for the largest matter is that of The Three Gorges Dam. China’s agricultural planting season has been wiped out all but for certain small regions as a result of flooding 90% of the rainy season. The 2020 rainy season has set records and it is my suspicion that it is not all from natural causes. Government Agencies and University funded 5G research is being paid for by the telecommunications Industry who stand to profit from the 5G roll out. Government can no longer be trusted to put our health before profit. If this technology is supposedly safe, why do the American military use millimeter wave technology weapons that disperse crowds, causing burns to the skin? Public demand for Independent, long term, medical and safety research BEFORE this technology is rolled out in our streets and neighborhoods has been met with silence. Those who force this technology on us without proper safety assessments should be held accountable for any harm that this technology causes. It’s time for mankind to find its true nature and take back its power. 5G Wireless is one of the most pressing concerns as it poses an immediate clear and present danger to our health. Remember your silence is you given them consent, so don’t be silent and get involved. This article suggests that the coronavirus targets Chinese people/Asians more than others, and certainly the official death count attests to that, although it’s always hard to trust governmental statistics. Annie Logical gave her take: The con-job goes like this,

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Step 1) poison the population purposely to create disease that does not and would never occur naturally. Step 2) parlay the purposely created disease as being caused by something invisible, outside the realm of control or knowledge of the average person. Step 3) create a toxic vaccine or medication that was always intended to further poison the person the population into an early grave. Step 4) parlay the vaccine or medication poisoning as PROOF the disease, which never existed, is much worse than expected. Step 5) increase the initial poisoning, which is marketed as a fake disease, and also increase the vaccine and medication poisoning, to start piling the bodies into the stratosphere. Step 6) repeat as many times as possible upon an uniformed population because killing a population this way (the art of having people line up to kill themselves with poison … known as a “soft kill” method) is the only legal way to make sure such eugenic operations can be executed on mass and in plain sight.” DNA vaccines are a disturbing new advancement for transhumanism. After all, the objective of the transhumanist agenda is to merge man with machine, and in doing so, wipe out what fundamentally makes us human, so we can be controlled and overtaken by a deeply sinister and negative force. It’s all about changing us at the fundamental level, or attacking human sovereignty itself. DNA vaccines fit right in with that – literally changing your DNA by forcefully inserting foreign DNA to change your genetics, with consequences no one could possibly fully foresee and predict.

One Last Coronavirus – 5G Connection Finally, I will finish with another Coronavirus connection. The word coronavirus itself refers to many kinds of viruses by that name, not just Covid-19. This was nothing more than the common cold, and yet as I type this I heard that a co-worker with my daughter-in-law was diagnosed with the Covid-19. KY reported 1,002 new cases with 7 additional deaths. Guess who owns a patent for a corona virus strain that can be used to develop a vaccine? The Pirbright Institute. And guess who owns a share of The Pirbright Institute? Bill Gates! Guess who said the investment in vaccines offers a 20 to 1 return on investment? You got it right if you said Bill Gates. He made that statement at the 2020 Davos, Switzerland gathering of the World Economic Forum elite. One more interesting point is that the Pirbright Institute is a Rothschild-owned company. Are we not seeing a pattern here? By Bill Gates own words, for him vaccines have a dual

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benefit: 1. A profit margin of 20 to 1; and 2. Depopulation with the people paying for their own dose of his vaccine! As the American Intelligence Media revealed a year ago Pirbright Institute is being supported in their vaccine development endeavors by a UK company Innovate UK … who also funds and supports the roll out of 5G. Innovate UK ran a competition in 2018 with a £15 million share out to any small business that could provide vaccines for ‘epidemic’ potential.

The Motivation to Hype and the Motivation to Downplay History has shown that in cases of epidemics (or fake epidemics) there is almost always a morass of conflicting reports and contradictory information. In such situations, it can be very difficult to get to the bottom of the matter and find the truth. The conflict stems from the different motives of nations, governments, and other interested groups. Essentially, there are two main motivations: the motivation to hype (exaggerate and use the fear to grab attention, sell something, make a group look bad/incompetent, make people scared, make the public accept mandatory vaccination and martial law) and the motivation to downplay (cover up and hide the true extent of the damage, morbidity, or mortality so as to appear competent and in control, to lessen possible anger, backlash or disorder). Sometimes these 2 motivations may drive the behavior of the same group, e.g. in the case of the Chinese Government, it has the motivation to hype (to get people afraid so they easily follow the draconian quarantine rules) and the motivation to downplay (so as to appear in the eyes of its people and the rest of the entire world to have the situation under control, to ensure saving face, credibility, and a good reputation).

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Final Thoughts on The Coronavirus 5G Connection Governments around the world have experimented with bioweapons both on their own citizens and foreign citizens, and even sold that research to other governments for their own benefit (e.g. Japan’s notorious Unit 731 which developed bioweapons in China, only to hand them over that research to the U.S. after losing World War 2). The evidence that Covid-19 is a bioweapon is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virility of the virus by weakening people’s immune systems and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF to open up their skin to foreign DNA fragments (including viruses). In this kind of story, there are no major coincidences – only connections and conspiracies waiting to be uncovered. At this point, there are upwards of a hundred pharma and genetic firms offering their own vaccines and to jump on the profits band-wagon for that business. The U.S. Department of Defense announced $600 million in contracts for 5G experiments Thursday, October 8th, 2020 evening for projects at five military bases across the country. To even think 5G will be delayed is being naïve and senseless. It’s all about the money folks, and of course the ability to conduct war with greater lethality and efficiency.

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The long-anticipated awards are for a series of 5G experiments, including smart warehouses, advanced radars, and augmented and virtual reality capabilities. The awards are part of a Pentagon effort to work with commercial vendors to advance the 5G capabilities of both the department and industry.

“The Department of Defense is at the forefront of cutting edge 5G testing and experimentation, which will strengthen our Nation’s warfighting capabilities as well as U.S. economic competitiveness in this critical field,” said Michael Kratsios, acting under secretary of defense for research and engineering, in a statement. “Through these test sites, the Department is leveraging its unique authorities to pursue bold innovation at a scale and scope unmatched anywhere else in the world. Importantly, today’s announcement demonstrates the Department’s commitment to exploring the vast potential applications and dual-use opportunities that can be built upon next-generation networks.” The DoD is setting up test beds at several bases where military leaders, industry and academia will work together on a broad range of experiments. The test beds are Hill Air Force Base, Utah; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington; Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia; Naval Base San Diego, California; and Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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According to Joseph Evans, the DoD’s director of 5G, the department plans for the testbeds to be working in a year. “Each of the experiments has some aspect that’s really new and exciting to us,” Evans told reporters. “In addition, it also provides an opportunity for industry to experiment and mature their technologies along those parallel tracks.” According to a DoD press release, the bases were chosen because of their access to spectrum, and mature fiber and wireless infrastructure. At Joint Base Lewis-McChord, the Pentagon will work with four vendors to experiment with 5G-enabled augmented and virtual reality goggles for mission planning, training and operations using mid-band spectrum. The vendors are GBL System Corp., AT&T, Oceus Networks and Booz Allen Hamilton. Evans told reporters that in year three of the work at the base the department wants a “brigade-sized deployment of the technology.” The department will also address 5G spectrum sharing challenges with cellular networks through an experiment at Hill Air Force Base. The project, according to a DoD press release, will “develop sharing/coexistence system prototypes and evaluate their effectiveness with real-world, at-scale networks in controlled environments.” The department is seeking to allow sharing or coexistence between airborne radar systems and 5G cellular technology in the 3.1-3.45 GHz band. This happens to be at the low end band range of 5G, comparable to your smart phones at around 7 GHz. EMF damages are negligible but still cumulative at this exposure level, the range for “Smart Meters” and below airport body scanners which operate at the 10 GHz level. The use of a smart phone for 48-hours continuously is = to 2,000 X-rays. Vendors for the spectrum sharing test bed include Nokia, General Dynamics Mission Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, Key Bridge Wireless, Shared Spectrum Company and Ericsson. As I am closing this article out, the DoD is talking about building its own 5G defense and communications network, submitting a bill to the congress for approval! The Defense Department is also partnering with AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base for a distributed command and control testbed to enhance C2 survivability in combat. The telecom giant will eventually provide a mobile 5G environment with high capacity, low latency communications to meet the needs of a mobile combined air operations center. “We’re basically trying to make our forces more survivable by taking command and control functions that have long been housed in single buildings and spread them out and make them make them mobile,” Evans told reporters. “So [we’re] really trying to change the way our forces are deployed in the field.” The department will experiment with 5G-enabled smart warehouses at both Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) and Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, GA.

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The project in San Diego will focus on transshipment between shore facilities and naval units, while the Marines Corps project will center on vehicle storage and maintenance.

Both projects will work “to increase the efficiency and fidelity of … operations, including identification, recording, organization, storage, retrieval, and transportation of materiel and supplies,” a DoD press release said. Industry partners for the San Diego-based project are AT&T, GE Research, Vectrus Mission Solutions Corporation and Deloitte. AT&T will use cellular spectrum in the sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave bands, the DoD press release said. Partners at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Ga. are Federated Wireless, GE Research, KPMG and Scientific Research Corporation. The Air Force also recently chose AT&T to provide 5G capabilities at three bases. The DoD is also in the process of choosing vendors for 5G experiments at seven more bases. According to Evans, the first solicitation release and industry day for the Navy and Marines Corps bases in that tranche will come in mid-October using the Navy’s Information Warfare Research Project consortium. The Air Force and Army solicitations are expected to be rolled out through December through the National Spectrum Consortium, Evans said.

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The chart below shows as 5G is “modulated” up to the 60 GHz spectrum range, it results in hypoxia, starving the lungs of needed oxygen. This was a common characteristic of people diagnosed with the Coronavirus and placed on ventilators in hospitals that resulted in a death rate of 90% of elderly patients. The ventilators killed them through hypoxia.

One of the most disturbing reports was the accelerated installation of 5G during lockdowns of the public. The “Covid-19” lockdown measures across the world included prioritizing the accelerated installation of 5G on the spurious grounds that it would be needed by emergency services. This led to the “mysterious” deaths of ambulance workers, and birds, which cease to be mysterious when one is aware of the extreme dangers of Wi-Fi, hotspots/public access points, 5G and Wi-Gig at 60 GHz, which prevents the uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin. The widespread installation of 5G antennas and 60 GHz WiGig – both of which use highly dangerous beamforming antennas that concentrate the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) – endangers adults, and especially children, whose bodies and brains contain more water than those of adults and who have developing brains.

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The proof of all this about 5G and its ability to reduce the population will begin to show proof of what I and others have been saying all along. Come October 28, 2020, we shall see who is right. That is when FCC will grant full approval. In October of 2019, the FCC ruled that appeals by local government and the public had to make the case that 5G was harmful to the population. 5G because of its signal range requires higher energy output to function without the disruptive issues that are related to fog, mist, rain, snow, dust, even a sheet of copy paper can disrupt the signal transmission of 5G. Once the level of deaths begin to spike, it will become harder and harder to call it a virus! The following is from a report discussing the “Microchip” developed by DARPA, the major government agency developing advanced weapons technology.

The Microchip Is HERE: DARPA Biochip To ‘Save’ Us From COVID Can Control Human DNA

By Robert Wheeler October 8, 2020 While half of the American voting public is no doubt waiting in earnest for the announcement of a release of the COVID vaccine and as totalitarian states and governments the world over attempt to require proof of negative tests before travel, a new tool in the shed of government surveillance and control is revealing itself. The microchip has arrived. While many are still attacking anyone warning of the “coming Microchip” as a conspiracy theorist, Luddite, or religious fanatic, that microchip has arrived.

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But governments aren’t having to market the chip as a method to track, trace, and control their populations. Instead, they are marketing the chip as a way to track and detect COVID and other coronaviruses. Clearly, this is a much easier sell to a public literally terrorized by their governments and mainstream media outlets for the last six months. Raul Diego details the creation and coming rollout of the new biochip in his article, “A DARPA-Funded Implantable Microchip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021,” where he writes, The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS’ BARDA. The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an interview with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms. These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.” Here’s what the technology can do: This new technology amounts to the remote control of biological processes. Diego continues: As early as 2006, DARPA was already researching how to identify viral, upper respiratory pathogens through its Predicting Health and Disease (PHD) program, which led to the creation of the agency’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO), as reported by Whitney Webb in a May article for The Last American Vagabond. In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’. Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material

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requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G. Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism. (Source) Patrick Tucker of Defense One goes into a few more specifics of how the biochip works. He describes it as follows: The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing. You won’t be surprised by who supports this. It is clear this project has support in the halls of the corporate world and the American government. The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses and, ultimately, our entire existence, is called Profusa Inc. and its operations are funded with millions from NIH and DARPA. In March, the company was quietly inserted into the crowded COVID-19 bazaar in March 2020, when it announced an injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Diego writes, The only obstacle is a delivery system, which though Moderna claims to be developing separately, is unlikely to get FDA approval before the federal government’s own DARPA-developed hydrogel technology, in tandem with Profusa’s DARPA-funded light sensor technology, which is expected to receive fast track authorization from the Food and Drug Administration by early 2021 and, more than likely, used to deploy a coronavirus vaccine with the capacity to literally change our DNA. In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is currently investigating Moderna’s patent filings, claiming it failed to disclose “federal government support” in its COVID vaccine candidate patent applications, as required by law. The technicality could result in the federal government owning a 100 percent stake in mRNA-1273.

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Take a microchip or face the consequences Activists and concerned citizens need to stop talking about the “coming microchip” and how they will refuse to be chipped when the time comes. That time is now. Soon, people all over the world are going to have a very difficult decision to make – take a microchip or face the consequences. Judging by the amount of people walking around in masks during my trips to the supermarket, I’d say the odds are not in the favor of free humanity. Most people will line up for it willingly. Note: Listen to researcher Alan Watt of CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com discuss the biochip and much more in a historical and analytical context here. Do not forget an important point, the U.S. and China were signatories to a UN treaty at the 1992 Agenda 21 that 105 countries agreed to reduce their population by signing that treaty. For obvious reasons they never said how they would do that, however, the UN enabled them to have plausible deniability when it comes to pointing fingers as the root cause. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says China did it, and Zijingping of China says the US did it, etc., etc. Mike Pompeo once headed the CIA and his own words convict him of lying. It is conceivable that they all are complicit in the use of 5G to reduce the world population by hundreds of millions! Like “Murder on the Orient Express”, lying, like murder, is justified if it's for a good cause. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Blessings, Pastor Bob, [email protected] www.pastorbobreid.com http://jesusisthewaythetruththelife.com/node/22