Romeo & Juliet Questions 1 1. Where is this play set? Verona, Italy 2. What problem exists in this city? The Capulets and the Montagues are fighting. 3. What does the term “star-cross’d lovers” suggest? They thought the stars directly influence an individual’s fate. Act I, Scene 1 – A Street in Verona 1. Sampson and Gregory, servants to the Capulets, are bragging, vulgar-mouthed men who engage in word games. What bawdy comment does Sampson make? He will kill any Montague woman and their dogs. 2. What is there about the talk and actual actions of Gregory and Sampson that suggests that they are not as brave and tough as they pretend? Give an example of their actions that contradicts their talk. They bite their thumb and say they were not biting it at them (Montagues). 3. Who is Benvolio and what does he attempt to do? Romeo’s cousin who tries to stop the fight. 4. How does Tybalt, a Capulet, misinterpret Benvolio’s action? What does he say to him?

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Romeo & Juliet Questions 1

1. Where is this play set?

Verona, Italy

2. What problem exists in this city?

The Capulets and the Montagues are fighting.

3. What does the term “star-cross’d lovers” suggest?

They thought the stars directly influence an individual’s fate.

Act I, Scene 1 – A Street in Verona

1. Sampson and Gregory, servants to the Capulets, are bragging, vulgar-mouthed men who engage in word games. What bawdy comment does Sampson make?

He will kill any Montague woman and their dogs.

2. What is there about the talk and actual actions of Gregory and Sampson that suggests that they are not as brave and tough as they pretend? Give an example of their actions that contradicts their talk.

They bite their thumb and say they were not biting it at them (Montagues).

3. Who is Benvolio and what does he attempt to do?

Romeo’s cousin who tries to stop the fight.

4. How does Tybalt, a Capulet, misinterpret Benvolio’s action? What does he say to him?

He sees Benvolio’s sword drawn. How are you breaking up the fight with your sword drawn?

5. Why is Tybalt considered hot-tempered?

He likes to fight.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 2

6. What remark of Lady Capulet says something about Lord Capulet’s age and condition?

He’s too old to be fighting.

7. What do you suppose prompts Lady Montague to hold her husband back from the fight?

She doesn’t want him to get killed.

8. The Prince appears, and he is angry. Why is he angry and what is the promise (or threat) he makes?

This is the 3rd fight to disturb Verona and he’ll sentence them to death if they fight again.

9. Lady Montae, glad that Romeo missed the fight, asks Benvolio if he has seen Romeo. What is Benvolio’s response?

He’s seen him, but Romeo ran away from him (avoided him).

10. At this point, what is Lady Montague worried about?


11. Romeo enters and tells Benvolio the problem. What is Romeo’s problem?

He’s lovesick…the girl he loves cannot love him back (unrequited love: one-sided love).

12. What is Benvolio’s response?

I understand; I’ve been there before.

13. Although both are saddened by accepted love, what joke are they able to make?

Benvolio says, who do you love? Romeo replies, a woman.

14. What practical advice does Benvolio give Romeo?

Basically, there are more fish in the sea…look for other girls!

Romeo & Juliet Questions 3

Act I, Scene 2 – Lord Capulet’s House

1. After some small talk, Paris gets to the point of his visit. What is it that he asks of Capulet?

To marry Juliet

2. What is Capulet’s response?

She’s too young, but he’d consider it after she became older.

3. Paris says that girls younger than Juliet have been married. What is Capulet’s response to this?

Juliet is the only child he has living. He will not force her to marry.

4. What suggestions and invitation does Capulet make to Paris?

To win her heart at the party…Make her fall in love with him.

5. Romeo, lamenting over Rosaline, is approached by the illiterate servingman. In reading a guest list, Romeo finds that Rosaline, his love, is going to attend the Capulet party. What suggestion does Benvolio make?

Romeo should attend the party to compare Rosaline’s beauty with the other girls’ beauty.

Act I, Scene 3 Capulet’s House

1. The Nurse quotes the bawdy remark that her husband made to the young Juliet and then likes it so much that she repeats it. What do the Nurse’s indecent remarks in front of the family indicate about her relationship?

She’s like a “mother” to Juliet.

2. What does Juliet’s mother tell Juliet?

That Paris wants to marry her and that Juliet should consider him as a “potential” husband.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 4

3. What is Juliet’s response?

She will meet him and see if she can “like” him. I’ll look to like if looking liking move.”

Act I, Scene 4 – A Street by Capulet’s House

1. Why does Romeo say he will not be able to dance?

He says that he is too depressed to dance. His “soul” is weighing him down.”

2. How do these Montagues expect to be able to enter a Capulet house?

It’s a masquerade party, and no one will be able to see their faces.

3. Romeo seems to believe that our dreams have something to do with our lives; perhaps, dreams act as an omen. What is Mercutio’s opinion of dreams?

Dreams can be tricky because they lie.

4. How does Mercution end this conversion?

Don’t take dreams too seriously; they’re not real.

5. What is Romeo’s misgiving, and what does the line “some consequence yet hanging in the stars” have to do with his feeling of dread?

He thinks something bad will happen.

Act I, Scene 5 – Capulet’s House

1. Lord Capulet and a relative stand, unmasked, on one side of the room. Romeo, masked, standing on the other side, asks a servingman who a certain pretty girl is. How does Romeo describe the girl and what does he conclude?

He says she’s beautiful, and he’s in love with her.

2. What is hot-tempered Tybalt’s reaction when he hears Romeo’s voice?

He wants to kill Romeo.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 5

3. What does Lord Capulet say to Tybalt?

Tybalt withdraws and says that he’ll get revenge at another time.

4. Tybalt obeys his uncle, but what does he vow?

He wants to kill Romeo.

5. Romeo, going up to Juliet, begins a conversation and ends up kissing her twice before the Nurse comes and tells Juliet that her mother wants her. Romeo and his friends leave. How do we know that Juliet feels as strongly about Romeo as he does about her?

Juliet allows Romeo to kiss her twice. Then he asks the Nurse who is Romeo is. When she finds out that he’s a Montague, she is sad that she’s in love with “her enemy.”

Act II – Chorus

1. The chorus comments on the action of the play. Put in your own words the meaning of the first four lines.

The love he once had for Rosaline is “dead” because he’s now in love with Juliet.

2. What problem of the lovers is alluded to?

Their families are enemies.

3. What is the suggested solution to their problem?

Romeo and Juliet will find a way to be together because their love for each other is so strong.

Act II, Scene 1 – Outside of Capulet’s House

1. Romeo slips away from his friends and the practical, vulgar Mercutio makes some indecent comments about Rosaline. What truth does the audience know?

The audience knows that Romeo is no longer in love with Romeo, which is an example of dramatic irony.

Act II, Scene 2 – Capulet’s Garden Outside Juliet’s Window

1. This is one of the most famous of Shakespeare’s soliloquies. What is Romeo doing?

Romeo comments on Juliet’s beauty.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 6

2. What is Juliet saying?

Why is Romeo a Montague—her enemy? She loves him, but the family feud stands between them.

3. Why, at this point, is Juliet suddenly startled?

She at once realizes that someone is beneath her window. It happens to be Romeo.

4. As Juliet points out, Romeo is risking death by being there. What is his response?

He’ll risk anything to be with her…he doesn’t care.

5. Since Romeo has overheard her private thoughts, what is Juliet’s greatest concern?

She now wants to know how he feels about her so that he will not think she’s too easily “won.”

6. When Romeo swears by the moon, what does Juliet tell him?

Not to swear by the moon because it changes.

7. After an exchange of vows, the Nurse calls, and Juliet must leave. What is Romeo’s feeling as he stands there?

He feels that it has been a dream—too good to be true.

8. Juliet then appears. What does she tell Romeo?

If he is serious, she’ll marry him.

9. What decision does Romeo make?

He decides to go see the friar (priest), his friend.

Act II, Scene 3 – Outside the Friar’s Monastery

The Friar, guessing that Romeo is our early because he was us all night, assumes that Romeo was with Rosaline. When Romeo informs him that it is not Rosaline he wishes to marry but somebody else, what is the Friar’s reaction?

The Friar is shocked that Romeo can change his affections so quickly because Romeo was just in love with Rosaline.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 7

2. How is the Friar making fun Romeo?

The Friar tells Romeo that his tears over Rosaline aren’t dried yet, and now Romeo is saying that he’s in love with Juliet.

3. Why does the Friar agree to help Romeo and Juliet get married?

The Friar thinks it will end the feud between the families.

Act II, Scene 4 – A Street Near the Montague House

1. As Romeo enters, Mercutio and Benvolio are discussing Romeo’s longing for Rosaline and Tybalt’s challenge to Romeo. What change in Romeo’s behavior does Mercutio comment on?

Mercutio notes that Romeo is happier.

2. After Benvolio and Mercutio leave, the Nurse asks, in effect, who the wise guy was. What is Romeo’s answer?

He tells her his name is Mercutio who likes to hear himself talk…he means no harm.

3. The Nurse, angry and upset with Mercutio and with Peter who just stood there while she was being insulted, expresses what doubts about Romeo?

She is concerned hat he is not responsible enough to marry Juliet and may be leading her on.

4. What is the message that Romeo gives the Nurse to give Juliet?

To come up with an excuse to go to confession.

5. What is it that Romeo’s man is to bring to the Nurse for Juliet?

He is supposed to bring a rope ladder so that Romeo can climb the balcony.

Act II, Scene 5 – Juliet’s House

1. As Juliet waits for the Nurse to return, what is her mood?

She is extremely anxious and impatient.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 8

2. How does the Nurse tease Juliet?

She complains about her body aches and stalls telling Juliet what Romeo has said.

3. Finally, what does the Nurse tell her?

She will be married that evening.

4. The Nurse informs Juliet that she is off to fetch the rope ladder. What is the rope ladder to be used for?

So that Romeo can climb up the balcony and consummate their marriage.

Act II, Scene 6 – Friar Lawrence’s Cell in the Monastery

1. The Friar seems to have some doubts about the wisdom of what he is about to do. Romeo responds that after he is married to Juliet, death can do what it dares to him. What reservations does the Friar express?

Moving too quickly can lead to failure…he wants to be careful with how soon they become married.

2. Juliet enters. What is the mood that Romeo expresses, and the mood that Juliet expresses?

They are both happy.

3. What follows after they exit from the stage?

They get married.

Act III, Scene 1 – A street in Verona

1. How does Benvolio show himself to be a reasoning man?

He tries to convince Mercutio to leave because it’s hot. and the weather can make people do bad things.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 9

2. What is Mercutio’s response?

He tells Benvolio that he (Benvolio) is just as hot-headed as Tybalt.

3. What is Romeo’s response to Tybalt’s challenge and to Tybalt’s insult? (Tybalt calls Romeo a villain.)

Romeo tries to reason with Tybalt by telling him that he loves him.

4. In what way is Romeo responsible for Mercutio being stabbed?

Romeo tries to break up the fight, and Mercuitio is stabbed under Romeo’s arm.

5. In what way is Mercutio’s comment about his would sarcastic?

He says that it’s just “a scratch,” but it’s actually a fatal wound.

6. What is Romeo’s reaction to Mercutio’s death?

Romeo seeks revenge on Tybalt.

7. What does Lady Capulet request of the Prince?

To kill Romeo.

8. What is the Prince’s decision?

He decides to banish or exile Romeo.

Act III, Scene 2 – Capulet House

1. As Juliet impatiently waits for the night and Romeo’s visit, the Nurse arrives with news. What is the Nurse’s news and in what manner does she present it?

She tells Juliet that Tybalt is dead and that Romeo has been banished for it. Juliet first thinks that something had happened to Romeo.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 10

2. Juliet’s first reaction is to call Romeo vile names for having killed Tybalt, but what is her second reaction?

Juliet realizes that Tybalt would have killed Romeo had Romeo not killed him first.

3. Why does the Nurse, who was obviously fond of Tybalt, volunteer to go and get Romeo?

Juliet threatens to kill herself if the nurse doesn’t go and find Romeo.

4. Where is Romeo hiding, what seems to be Juliet’s plan, and why does she give the Nurse a ring?

He is hiding at Friar Laurence’s cell. Juliet wants to see him before he is banished. She sends the ring so that Romeo will know that she still loves him.

Act III, Scene 3 – Friar Lawrence’s Cell

1. How does Romeo react to the news that he has been banished?

He wants to kill himself.

2. Why can’t the Friar, according to Romeo, truly understand Romeo’s feelings about and his banishment?

The friar can’t marry and doesn’t understand how Romeo must feel.

3. The Nurse arrives and informs the Friar and Romeo that Juliet, too, is crying, just as Romeo is. Hearing of Juliet’s unhappiness and the hatred he supposes she feels toward him, he draws his knife to kill himself. What does the Friar accuse him of?

The friar says he’s acting like a woman.

4. For what things does the Friar say Romeo should be happy?

He’s alive—Tybalt didn’t kill him. Juliet is alive, and Romeo’s punishment was not death.

Romeo & Juliet Questions 11

Act III, Scene 4 – Capulet’s House

1. In the conversation between Lord Capulet, his wife, and Paris, we learn that they have not yet spoken to Juliet about marrying Paris. What do they think is Juliet’s present cause of grief?

Act III, Scene2. What decision does Lord Capulet make, and why do you suppose he makes this decision?

Decides for Juliet to marry Paris because she is depressed.

Act III, Scene 5 – Romeo and Juliet at Juliet’s Window as Dawn is Breaking

1. What is going on in the interchange between Romeo and Juliet at the opening of this scene?

Romeo is leaving early. If he is caught, he will be killed.

2. Lady Capulet enters and, seeing Juliet weeping at Romeo’s departure, believes her daughter is weeping for Tybalt. Lady Capulet then vents her own anger at Romeo and discloses her plan to have him found and poisoned. Why does Juliet appear to speak ill of Romeo?

She speaks ill of Romeo to mislead her mother into thinking that she hates Romeo.

3. What news does Juliet’s mother bring?

Juliet is to marry Paris on Thursday.

4. What is Juliet’s response to her mother?

She will not marry Paris.

5. Why does Lord Capulet get angry when he hears of Juliet’s desire not to marry?

He feels that she’s being ungrateful, and he’s mad that she’s questioning his decision.

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6. When the Nurse tries to speak up for Juliet, what is she told?

To be quiet.

7. If forced to marry, what does Juliet threaten?

To kill herself.

8. What is her mother’s response?

Her mother says she’s finished with Juliet; she takes the father’s side.

9. What is the Nurse’s advice, and how could she give that advice knowing how Juliet feels?

She tells Juliet to forget Romeo and marry Paris.

10. What is Juliet’s decision regarding the Nurse?

She’s not going to tell the nurse anything else.

11. Juliet tells the Nurse she is going to Friar Lawrence to confess her sins. Why is she really going there?

To find out if the Friar can give her an option to avoid marrying Paris, and if not, she’ll kill herself.

Act IV, Scene 1 – Friar Lawrence’s Cell

1. What does Juliet tell the Friar?

She’s willing to do anything but marry Paris. She’s even considering killing herself.

2. What plan does the Friar set out?

Pretend to agree to marry Paris. Then, take a potion that will make her appear dead while the Friar sends the plans to Romeo who will be there when she awakens so that they can go to Mantua together.

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Act IV, Scene 2 – Capulet’s House

1. Why is Lord Capulet happy?

Because Juliet has agreed to marry Paris.

Act IV, Scene 3 – Capulet’s House, Juliet’s Room

1. If the potion does not work, what is Juliet’s plan?

Juliet will kill herself with a dagger.

2. Juliet is a little fearful and a little suspicious. What suspicion about the Friar does she voice?

She’s afraid that he may have actually tricked her (and really wants her to die)…in other words, the potion may not work.

Act IV, Scene 4 – Capulet’s House, the Next Morning

1. In the interchange between the Nurse, Lord Capulet, and his wife, what does his wife accuse Capulet of?

Of being flirtatious.

2. What does all the action in the house indicate?

They are preparing for the wedding.

Act IV, Scene 5 – Juliet’s Bedroom

1. How do the mother and father react to the news of Juliet’s death?

They are shocked and sad.

2. Does their grief seem sincere?


Romeo & Juliet Questions 14

3. How does the Friar try to comfort them?

Friar Laurence’s words of solace (comfort) have helped to further convince them that she is in a better place.

4. The next bit between Peter and the musicians seems to be for “comic relief.” How do you suppose the scene is supposed to functions in the play?

After the sadness of Juliet’s death, the musician’s and Peter provide comic relief.

Act V, Scene 1 – A Street in Mantua

1. The Friar was supposed to send a messenger to Romeo informing him of the plan and Juliet’s death. Who arrives in Mantua instead, and what news does he give Romeo?

Balthasar arrives before the Friar’s letter is sent and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead.

2. Although it is illegal to sell poisons in Mantua, how is Romeo able to purchase some?

Romeo finds a pharmacist who is starving (he’s very poor) and tempts him with 40 pieces of gold.

Act V, Scene 2 – Friar Lawrence’s Cell

1. Why was Friar John not able to go to Mantua and deliver Friar Lawrence’s message to Romeo?

He was quarantined in a house he was visiting because there has been an outbreak of disease.

2. What revision does Friar Lawrence make in his plan?

Friar Laurence will go to the vault to be there when Juliet awakens. Then, he will take her back to his cell and try to get a message to Romeo.

Act V, Scene 3 – Verona. A Churchyard

1. What is Paris doing at the crypt?

Laying flowers of respect for Juliet.

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2. What does Romeo give to Balthasar, and what does he tell him to do? Why doesn’t Balthasar do it?

He gives him a letter to deliver to his father. Tells him to leave and not spy on him. He senses that Romeo is going to do something to himself (look in his eyes).

3. Why do Paris and Romeo fight, since Romeo really has no wish to fight anyone?

Paris is going to arrest Romeo and turn him in for attempting to harm the bodies in the Capulet tomb.

4. Although Romeo has just fatally wounded Paris, what act of compassion does he perform for Paris?

Lays (places) his body next to Juliet.

5. Who or what does the Friar say “thwarted” all their plans?

A divine power.

6. When Juliet refuses to leave, what does the Friar do?

He leaves her there.

7. What does Juliet do?

She stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger.

8. What has happened to Romeo’s mother?

She dies of grief when her son is banished (exiled).

9. The concluding lines state a major theme in this play. State what these lines mean and how they reflect a theme in this play.

They erect statues of Romeo and Juliet and end their feud.