Where does chocolate come from? This pack has lots of fun activities all about chocolate! We will go on a journey with Coco Loco the Cocoa Bean and his friend Pablo the Super Banana. It even has some yummy recipes for you to try! If you haven’t got access to a printer, you can do the activities in your writing book. You will need to print the world map at the end of this pack.

Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

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Page 1: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Where does chocolate come from?

This pack has lots of fun activities all about chocolate!

We will go on a journey with Coco Loco the Cocoa Bean and

his friend Pablo the Super Banana.

It even has some yummy recipes for you to try!

If you haven’t got access to a printer,

you can do the activities in your writing book.

You will need to print the world map at the end of this pack.

Page 2: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Where does our food come from?

The food we eat does not just come from the UK.

It comes from all over the world!

TASK: Have a look in the kitchen or the fruit bowl and see if you can

find 5 foods that were made or grown here in the UK and 5 foods

that come from other countries. Write the name and/or draw a

picture of each food in the correct column.

Food from the UK Food from around the world

Which country is it from?

Can you find the countries on your world map and label them?

Draw or write which food it grows.

Page 3: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

The Cacao Tree

Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans.

A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree.

TASK: Research what a cacao tree looks like.

Draw a picture underneath or in your writing book.

Add as much detail as you can and label the

different parts.

What conditions does a cacao tree need to grow? Think about the

weather. Do you think a cacao tree could grow here in England?

Page 4: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

The journey of a cocoa bean

Watch this video:


and follow the journey from cocoa bean to chocolate bar.

Can you draw the journey in the right order? You can use the

pictures on the bottom of the page to help you.

Page 5: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Fairtrade Product Hunt!

Watch this video about Pablo the Super Banana:

https://vimeo.com/153120034 or


and learn all about Fairtrade.

TASK: How many Fairtrade products can you find in your house?

Collect them all and write a list of all the different things you found.

Can you find out where they come from?

TIP: Look on the packaging or research online.

Fill in the sheet on the next page.

I come from a hot country in

South America called Columbia.

This is south of Mexico. Can you

add me to your world map?

Page 6: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Fairtrade Product Hunt

Recording Sheet

List the Fairtrade products you have found and draw a picture.

Can you find out which country it came from? If you can’t find any

Fairtrade products at home, do some research online.


Picture of what it looks like Which country

(or countries) is it from?

Can you add your products to your world map?

Page 7: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

The Fairtrade logo

What is different between these two pictures?

Do you know what the sticker means?

The sticker shows us that these bananas are Fairtrade.

Fairtrade means that the farmers growing the food get more money

to feed their family and send their children to school. The picture

shows the Fairtrade logo. You can find it on packaging or sometimes

on a sticker on a fruit. Can you redraw the Fairtrade logo or come

up with your own Fairtrade logo?

Page 8: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Send Pablo a postcard

Can you send Pablo a postcard telling him about your favourite

food and where it comes from? You can make your own postcard

(based on the design below) or use the template on the next

page. Don’t forget to tell him your name and where you are from!

Page 9: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what


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Page 10: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Fairtrade cooking

Have a go at making

this yummy Fairtrade recipe!

Chocolate Bananas

You will need:

1 banana

1 small bag of chocolate buttons



1. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan (or use your BBQ!)

2. Make a slit through the skin of the banana along one side –

make sure you don’t cut all the way through to the other side.

3. Pop the chocolate buttons into the cut.

4. Put the banana onto a sheet of foil and fold the edges

together to seal into a parcel.

5. Transfer to a baking sheet (or straight onto your BBQ!) and

cook for 25 mins until the bananas have turned black

6. Scoop out the banana with the melted chocolate

7. Serve with a scoop of ice cream and any melted chocolate

that has escaped!

TASK: Can you come up with your own Fairtrade recipe?

Write up the instructions of how to make your recipe. You can do

this in your yellow books or use the template on the next page.

Remember to use bossy (imperative) verbs, adverbs and time

conjunctions (first, after that, next, finally).

We can’t wait to see your recipes!

Page 11: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Recipe Template

My recipe for: ___________________________________________













Continue on a separate sheet of necessary.


Page 12: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what

Time for Reflection

Think about these different questions.

Then make a poster promoting Fairtrade.

Do you think Fairtrade

is important?

Should people buy

Fairtrade products?

What is Fairtrade?

Page 13: Where does chocolate come from? - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 4. 24. · The Cacao Tree Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. A cocoa bean grows on a cacao tree. TASK: Research what