Where Did The Pilgrims First Land ?

Where Did The Pilgrims First Land ?. Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills

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Where Did

The Pilgrims

First Land ?

Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills


Students will learn that the Pilgrims first landed on the tip of Cape Cod.

Students will discover why the Pilgrims did not establish a settlement onCape Cod, but chose Plymouth as a permanent settlement instead.

Students will ascertain where the Native Americans lived and how they made their living.

Students will detect what the interaction between European settlers andNative Americans was and what happened to the Native Americans’ way of life as they were pushed out of their traditional lands.

The Pilgrims were separatists who broke away from the Church ofEngland to seek religious freedom. They sailed from Plymouth, England, aboard the Mayflower for the New World.


The Mayflower encountered many fierce crosswinds on the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.



This painting depicts the dramatic rescue of John Howland during the voyage of the Mayflower.


The Mayflower sailed through dangerous riptides and shallows off the coast of Cape Cod.

The 102 Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower first landed on the tip of Cape Cod at what is now Provincetown, Massachusetts.

All photos without URLs are by Glenda Sullivan

The Mayflower was anchored off Cape Cod at dawn on November 11,1620, after a 65-day voyage across the Atlantic.




Cape Cod was a narrow strip of sandy land about sixty miles long. Gooddrinking water was scarce and the sandy soil was not good for growing crops.

The men, led by MylesStandish, set out to explorethe country. The explorerssaw two Indians whoimmediately took off intothe forest.

The women were gladto go ashore to washtheir clothes after thelong voyage. Since itwas a Monday, washday in New England has always been onMonday.


ProvincetownPilgrim Monument commemorates the Pilgrims’ firstlanding in the New World onNovember 11, 1620.

The Pilgrims stayed in Provincetown Harbor for five weeks, where they created and signed the Mayflower Compact.

The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of PlymouthColony. These are the names of the forty-one male passengers whosigned the document.

Provincetown lies on the very narrow tip of Cape Cod peninsula on anunprotected spit of land in the path of the icy winds brought by thecold Labrador Current in the winter. The Pilgrims found the land to berocky underneath the constantly shifting sands which was not good forfarming. There were few streams and the salt water coming in from theocean at high tide made the water undrinkable.


After five weeks in Provincetown, the Pilgrims sailed across Cape Cod Bay and foundeda settlement at Plymouth.

The Pilgrims madetheir historicPlymouth Rocklanding onDecember 21, 1620.




The Pilgrims chose Plymouth as a permanent settlement because it had good drinking water, an excellent harbor and land for cultivation.

In 1621, the Pilgrims and Indians held a three-day feast. Lobster was plentiful and was served at this feast. It was this harvest celebration that later became known as the “First Thanksgiving.”


When the Pilgrims arrived on Cape Cod and at Plymouth they foundlobster so plentiful that they could pick it up on the beaches.