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When is el cinco de mayo celebrated?

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Why is el cinco de mayo celebrated?

Mexico owed France money.“Pay up!” said the ruler of France.

“But my country is poor,” said Benito Juarez, the president of Mexico.

“I need the money to help my people.”

The ruler of France got angry!

He sent the French army to take over Mexico.On May 5, 1862 (el cinco de mayo), there was a battle

in the city of Puebla.“Our army is big,” said the French soldiers.

“We have better weapons.”

“We are brave,” said the Mexicans.“We will not give


General Zaragoza had an idea.

He let loose a herd of cattle.The cattle chased the French


They slid down the hills.

Then it began to rain!

The soldiers fell in the mud.

“We win!” shouted the Mexicans.“¡Viva Mexico!

We are proud to be Mexicans!”

Where is el cinco de mayo celebrated?

Who celebrates el cinco de mayo?

• People from Puebla, Mexico

• Mexican Americans

• Americans celebrate because they admire the Mexicans for their bravery

• Cinco de mayo is a time for everyone to celebrate freedom and liberty!

How is el cinco de mayo celebrated?