Wheelerisms: an Analysis of Kenny Wheeler's Harmony

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  • 7/23/2019 Wheelerisms: an Analysis of Kenny Wheeler's Harmony


    Qfddcdrbsgs= He Hehcysbs Ol Kdeey Qfddcdrs Fhrgoey Ghrtbe Achnu

    B no cbkd h cot ol gy iogposbtboes, `ut be tfd den B noe't lddc cbkd B rdhccy owe tfdg.

    Bl you cbkd, B fhvd dde cuiky to thpbeto sogd sourid hen pbikdn tfdg up,

    hen B aot tfdg `dlord heyoed dcsd nbn. Kdeey Qfddcdr


    Ndsirb`dn hs bgprdssboebstbi, gdcheifocbi, hen hustdrd `y tfd prdss, Ihehnbhe iogposdrKdeey Qfddcdrs bnbosyeirhtbi stycd dpbtogbzds tfdsd shgd bndhs ht tfd fdhrt ol heyiogposdrs owe rhbsoe ntrd = bndetbty, uebibty hen dgotboe. Hen hctfouaf fbs gdconbdssfbed `y tfdbr owe wfddncbea cyrbibsg, bt bs fbs fhrgoey tfht fhs ahredrdn tfd gost

    prhbsd. Tendrsthenh`cy so= tfd why be wfbif fbs tfdgds lhcc oe tfd supportbea ydt nbsirdtd

    fhrgoebi sdqudeids iogghens httdetboe hen stuny.

    Ihcc bt tfd Bgghiuchtd Ioeidptboe ol Qfddcdrs iogposbea, tfbs ueiheey h`bcbty to ghrrysoppy, roghetbi gdconbds 8 wbtf fhuetbeacy arbppbea iforn ifheads rdghbes sfroundnbe gystdry. Nods bt iogd lrog fbs stuny ol Fbendgbtf? tfd tdhifbeas ol Pbifhrn Ponedy@deedtt? or pdrfhps lrog tfd tbgd spdet be `ba `hens, bggdrsdn be vobibeas henioetrhpuethc cbeds ol nblldrdet ndesbtbds hen tdxturds? Fhrn to shy. Gordovdr, dvbndeidfhs sfowe tfht fbs iogposbtboe routbed bs hcc `ut sibdetblbi= ^fd why B work bs to adt tfdgdcony lbrst, hen tfhts tfd fhrn phrt. ^fde B try to adt sogd iforns hrouen bt, fddxpchbedn0. Bl heytfbea, tfbs gdtfon ol iogposbtboe sddgs to rdcy gord oe trbhc-hen-drror,dxpdrbgdethtboe hen dxpdrbdeid tfhe bt nods oe vobid-cdhnbea rucds, ioevdetboes hen

    otfdr proshbi proidssds (nbsichbgdr= B fhvd eot `dedlbtdn lrog Qfddcdrs tutdchad eorfhvd B sdde fbg iogposd. Qfht B nbn tfouaf whs pdstdr tfosd fd thuaft, hen nbcbadetcyhehcyzdn tfd siords fd ahvd tfdg.) ^fht shbn, tfdrd bs hs guif to cdhre lrog tfd gusbibtsdcl tfhe tfdrd bs lrog nbrdit o`sdrvhtboe, prbvhtd tutdchad hen phrtbibphet betdrvbdws.Qbtf tfbs be gben, B ioenuitdn he bevdstbahtboe ol Qfddcdrs gusbi wbtf h ndcb`drhtdloius oe wfht B ihcc Qfddcdrbsgs, be otfdr worns, fbs fhrgoebi tdendeibds. Tpoeiogpcdtboe ol tfd hehcysbs, B ioeicundn tfht, ndspbtd tfd lhit tfht fbs iogposbtboes nobenddn dxdgpcbly tfd iheoes ol gonhc mhzz, he hraugdet ioucn edvdrtfdcdss `d ghnd totfd dlldit tfht h portboe ol fbs fhrgoebi cheauhad ioucn `d hehcyzdn lrog nblldrdethehcytbihc pdrspditbvds. Be sfort, B louen tfht tfd gonhc mhzz tha nbn eot iogprdfdesbvdcydxpcbihtd edbtfdr bts dxtdet eor bts struiturhc su`strhtd.

    Be icdhr, B posbt tfht, bl oed cooks ht tfd gusbi lrog h nblldrdet tfdordtbihc pdrspditbvd,wfht sogdtbgds hppdhr supdrlbibhccy hs tfd bgprbet ol gonhcbty ihe `d ioevdrsdcy hraudnhs irdhtbvdcy-spue ioestruits rootdn be tfd louenbea tfdorbds ol toehcbty. ^fht shbn, gyo`mditbvd bs eot to nbgbebsf tfd bgprdssboebstbi, gonhc hspdit wfbif pdrvhnds fbs gusbi,

    `ut hnn to bts hehcysbs tfht ol lueitboehc fhrgoey tfdory, hs wdcc hs otfdr ioeidpts sdtlortf be tfd loccowbea sditboe. Fbs loenedss lor pocyiforns, dxtdendn fhrgoebds, pdnhc

    pobets, ostbehtos, hen ndcb`drhtd hvobnheid ol sthenhrn proardssboes hen iforn typds, hcc

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    `dhr tfd tdedts ol gonhc mhzz, `ut cookbea ht tfd ihevhs lrog heotfdr heacd rdvdhcs tfdgord ioevdetboehc prbeibpcds be tfd orahebzhtboe ol tfd gusbi. Cbkd tfd phbetdr Goedt,wfo ndpbitdn ehturd usbea tfd shgd tdifebquds ol ichssbihc nrhwbea tfhe fbsioetdgporhrbds, `ut wbtf h lcbttbea, gyopbi `rusfstrokd, Qfddcdr gbxds tfd ocn wbtf tfdedw to arbppbea dlldit.

    Pbdghees ^fdory ol ^oehc Fhrgoey= H @bt ol @hikarouen Belorghtboe

    ^fd Edw Fhrvhrn Nbitboehry Ol Gusbi ndlbeds Lueitboehc Fhrgoey hs=

    H tfdory ol toehc fhrgoey ndvdcopdn `y Fuao Pbdghee hiiornbea to wfbif hccfhrgoebds ihe `d hehcyzdn hs fhvbea oed ol tfrdd lueitboes= toebi, nogbehet,

    su`nogbehet (...) Yihcd ndardds BB, BBB, hen \B hrd oltde betdrprdtdn hs tfd rdchtbvd gbeorsol B\, \, hen B rdspditbvdcy, hen tfus hs fhvbea tfd lueitboes su`nogbehet, nogbehet, hen

    toebi. BBB ihe hcso lueitboe hs tfd uppdr rdchtbvd ol \ hen tfus fhvd tfd lueitboe

    nogbehet, hs nods \BB (...)9

    Hiiornbea to tfd `hsbi rucds ol iforn su`stbtutboe, hcc tfdsd trbhns - hen, `y dxtdesboe,tfdbr nbhtoebi, >-eotd beihrehtboes - hrd nddgdn betdrifheadh`cd. Lor dxhgpcd, h Nghm1wfo lueitboes hs h ^oebi ihe `d su`stbtutdn lor he L#gbe1, h @`gbe1 wfo lueitboes hs hYu`nogbehet ihe `d su`stbtutdn `y h N`ghm1, dti. ^fd shgd prbeibpcds hppcy lor gbeorkdys. @ut `dihusd ol bts proxbgbty to tfd toebis lbrst bevdrsboe, oed gust eotd tfht gheytfdorbsts vbdw tfd BBB hs h ^oebi lueitboe, ihccbea bt tfd ^oebi Iouetdr Zhrhccdc. ^fd chttdrvbdw bs usdn tfrouafout tfd phpdr.

    @dihusd tfdbr fhrgoebi ihevhs whs bgportdn lrog ichssbihc Duropdhe works, Pbdgheestfdory hccows lor he dhsy, besthethedous hehcysbs ol ^be Zhe Hccdy soeas, mhzz sthenhrnshen `d`op tueds. Oe tfd otfdr fhen, bts usd be ioetdgporhry mhzz works suif hsQfddcdrs ghkds ghey tfdorbsts sfrbdk, hen tfht, lor tfd gdrd rdhsoe tfht gostioetdgporhry works hrd gonhc. ^fht shbn, B lben tfht bl tfdy hrd utbcbzdn lor fdurbstbi,

    pdnhaoabihc hen/or gedgoebi purposds, tfd usd ol suif proidssds ol rdnuitboe,sbgpcblbihtboe hen adedrhcbzhtboe bs nddgdn `otf rdhsoeh`cd hen rdidbvh`cd, hen be tfbsrdspdit, Pbdghees tfdory hppdhrs tfd gost usdluc. Hs B wbcc try hen ndgoestrhtd,Qfddcdrs fhrgoebi systdg, wfbcd gonhc be ghey rdahrns, ihe edvdrtfdcdss `d vbdwdntfdordtbihccy - wbtf tfd hlordgdetboedn purposds hen proidssds hs h `hiknrop - hs `hsdnoe Pdbghees sbgpcd prdidpts. Fowdvdr, to `d gost dllditbvd, tfbs hraugdet rdqubrds tfhtbt beicunds hs phrt ol bts dch`orhtboe otfdr dcdgdets ol tfd toehc phrhnbag, ehgdcy tfosd

    pdrthbebea to tfd loccowbea=

    - ^oebibzhtboe hen Ydioenhry Nogbehets;- Gonuchtboe, gord prdibsdcy, tfd Nbrdit kben (bd= tfd ueprdphrdn, pbvotcdss typd ol

    gonuchtboe);- Ihndeids, phrtbiuchrcy tfd Zdrldit hen Ndidptbvd kbens;- tfd lour ghmor gonds ol wdstdre gusbi (bd= Ghmor, Gbeor, Fhrgoebi Gbeor hen

    Gdconbi Gbeor);

  • 7/23/2019 Wheelerisms: an Analysis of Kenny Wheeler's Harmony



    - gonhc betdrifhead.

    Be sug, tfd tdstdn ro`ustedss hen sbgpcbibty ol Pbdghees tfdory cdens btsdcl pdrlditcy totfd fdurbstbi, pdnhaoabihc hen gedgoebi purposds ol tfbs phpdr. Hcoea wbtf tfdhlordgdetboedn dcdgdets, B opbed tfht bt provbnds h vhcbn hen, h`ovd hcc, prhitbihc

    dxpchehtboe ol idrthbe proardssboes o`sdrvdn be ghey ol Qfddcdrs iogposbtboes.

    Fow Qfddcdr Nbsaubsds Iforn Lueitboes= ^fd Nuhc Tsd Ol H Zrborb FhrgoebiYu`stbtutboes

    Oe tfd cbedhr, syethitbi pched (bd= wfdrd tfd `hss cbed nbvdrads lrog bts dxpditdn, gordioggoe ioursd), Qfddcdr usds h prborb fhrgoebi su`stbtutboes tfht iogd nbsaubsd tfdlueitboehc su`strhtd ol tfd proardssboe. ^fd ifbdl dlldit hifbdvdn `y tfbs strhtday bs tfhtol h ihndeid-cdss lcow ol gonuchtbea fhrgoebds wbtf o`cbqud, eoe-lorguchbi `hss cbeds.^fd loccowbea hrd dxhgpcds ol suif iforn su`stbtutboes=

    8) Ngbe1/A (N) to D`ghm1 (^) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe A1 (N) to Ighm1 (^) hen A1(hct) (N) to Igbe< (^) proardssboes. Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7 suspdendn N

    0) A1(hct) (N) to D`ghm1 (^) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe A1(hct) (N) to Igbe< (^) proardssboe. Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7ndidptbvd ihndeid

    9) L#gbe1/@ (N) to Ighm1 (^) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe @1(hct) (N) to Dgbe< (^) proardssboe. Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7 suspdendn N + ndidptbvd ihndeid

    >) L#gbe1`4 (Y) to @1(hct) (N) to Ighm1 (^) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe L#gbe1`4 (Y) to @1(hct) (N) to Dgbe< (^) proardssboe. Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7 ndidptbvd ihndeid

    4) Anbg1 (N) to H`gbe1 (^) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe D`1(`2) (N) to H`gbe1 (^) proardssboe. Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7iforn su`stbtutboe vbh bevdrsboe

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    >) @ghm1(#4)/A (N) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe A1(`2, `89) (N) Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7 iforn eogdeichturd

    4) H`ghm1(#88) )/A (N) bestdhn ol tfd gord ioggoe A1(`2, `89) (N) Ghskbea lhitor(s) 7 suspdendn Nogbehet

    = iforns hrd ifosde lor tfdbr iocor rhtfdr tfhe lor tfdbr rocd.^fouaf tfbs ioeicusboe ghy vdry wdcc `d pfdeogdeocoabihccy iorrdit, B o`sdrvdn tfht tfdeogdeichturd ol tfd iforns ht tbgds ihgoulchads tfd uendrcybea orahebzhtboehc prbeibpcdsol tfdbr hssdg`cy. Lor dxhgpcd, bl oed wrbtds= @ghm1(#88), Dgbe2/H, Aghm1(#88)/L#,Lgbe2/@`, D`Ghm1(, 4 hen < strhy lhr lrog tfdrdhcg ol toehc fhrgoey, hen tfdrd hrd eo why to tfdorbzd tfdg otfdr tfhe hiiornbea tfdbrrdhc ehturd (bd= gonhc ifheads.) ^fht shbn, h ldw sdqudeids - tfosd be bthcbis ghrkdn ol hehrrow - ihe `d vbdwdn hs proardssboes tfht fhvd dgbarhtdn lrog tfd toehc phrhnbag betotfd Qfddcdrbhe oed. Ioesdqudetcy, tfdbr uendrsthenbea hen gdgorbzhtboe `y bgprovbsdrsihe pdrfhps `d gord dhsbcy ihrrbdn out keowbea tfht tfdy ihe `d vbdwdn hs orbabehtbealrog tfd toehc systdg (wfbif bs, hltdr hcc, tfdbr `hsd systdg ol rdldrdeid.) Ioupcdn wbtf h

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    workbea keowcdnad ol tfd 9- hen >-^oebi Yystdgs, hen ol tfd thxoeogbds louen be tfdth`cds ioeicunbea tfbs phpdr, tfdbr ghstdry ol Qfddcdrs fhrgoey sfoucn tfus `d ardhtcybgprovdn.

    Pdiurrdet, Lueitboehc Fhrgoey-Pootdn Zroardssboes (Eot @hsdn oe Zrdldrrdn @hssGovdgdets)

    @dsbnds tfd ldw fhrgoebi sdqudeids o`sdrvdn be tfd Zrdldrrdn @hss Govdgdets tfht ihe `d hehcyzdn wbtf Pbdghees tfdory (bd= tfosd be bthcbis), otfdr rdiurrdet proardssboes ghy `d vbdwdn hs `dbea rootdn be tfd toehc phrhnbag. ^fdy hrd louen be ^h`cds 1, 6, 2 hen 8:,wfbif sugghrbzd Qfddcdrs lhvorbtd two- hen tfrdd-iforns sdqudeids. ^fdy hrd= tfd \ -B, B\ - \ - B, BB - \ ol BBB - B, `BB - \ - B proardssboes hen tfdbr vhrbhtboes.

    Hahbe, oed rdbtdrhtds tfht Qfddcdr usds h rhtfdr dgpbrbi, kchealhr`de -rdgbebsidet gdtfonol iforn typds sdcditboe. Rdt tfdsd soeorbtbds wbcc popuchtd tfd shgd syethitbi spots

    sfhrdn `y tfdbr eot-so-nbsthet, gord ioggoe-souenbea rdchtbvds. Zcdhsd rdldr to ^h`cd 8lor suif Qfddcdrbsgs.


    Gy o`mditbvd be ioenuitbea tfbs rdsdhrif hen wrbtbea tfbs fug`cd phpdr whs tfrdd-locn=

    8) Bndetbly tfd fhrgoebi sdqudeids tfht Qfddcdr usds rdiurrdetcy bd= tfosd tfht ghkdfbs fhrgoebi cheauhad bnbosyeirhtbi hen orbabehc;

    0) Orahebzd tfdg be h ldw, sbgpcd thxoeogbds so hs to lhibcbthtd tfdbr uendrsthenbea,cdhrebea, hen gdgorbzhtboe;

    9) Hraud tfht sogd tfdorbds (bd= Pbdghees Lueitboehc Fhrgoey) hen eotboes `orrowdn lrog tfd toehc phrhnbag (^oebibzhtboe, Ndidptbvd Ihndeids, NbrditGonuchtboes, dti), wfde hppcbdn to idrthbe Qfddcdrbsgs, fdcp gddt tfd sdioeno`mditbvd gdetboedn h`ovd.

    @dihusd h tforouaf keowcdnad ol gonhc mhzz fhrgoey bs rdqubrdn bl oed whets to luccyarhsp Qfddcdrs cheauhad, tfd hbg ol tfbs phpdr whs edvdr to hraud hahbest tfd gonhcbtyol fbs gusbi. @ut B lben tfht, huagdetbea bts hehcysbs wbtf sdcditdn tfdordtbihc eotboesioggoecy usdn be toehc ioetdxts - so hs to lhibcbthtd tfdbr uendrsthenbea, cdhrebea, hengdgorbzhtboe -, bs eot oecy h ehturhc proidss, `ut oed tfht sfoucn provd bggdesdcyfdcpluc. Tendrsthenbea Qfddcdrs fhrgoey ihe `d h sogdwfht nbsioeidrtbea dxpdrbdeidto sogd gusbibhes. @ut keowbea tfdy ihe rdcy oe idrthbe, sdcditdn ioeidpts be tfdbr `hsdsystdg ol rdldrdeid - hen `d opde hen wbccbea to scbaftcy hnhpt tfdbr vbdw ol h ldw oltfdsd eotboes to rdendr tfdg hehcoa to Qfddcdrs cheauhad - dhsds tfd trhesbtboe betoQfddcdrs gusbi. Ioesdqudetcy, B suaadst to hcc tfosd struaacbea wbtf Qfddcdrs sbeauchrfhrgoebi stycd tfht tfdy stuny tfd lourtdde th`cds `dcow.

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    Gbeor ^oebis (be I)Igbe(hnn2)



    Nogbehets (be I)

    h) YuspdendnsIghm1/A

    Ngbe1`4/A or H`ghm1(#88)/AA1sus>

    Ngbe1/A or Lghm1/A

    `) HctdrdnsA1(hct)N`/A


    i) ^rbtoed Yu`stbtutboesN`ghm1(#88)



    Yu`nogbehets (be I)

    h) Gbeor Ydvdetfs, Yuspdendns hen HctdrdnsNgbe1`4



    N1(hct) -5 hs h \ ol \

    `) ^rbtoed Yu`stbtutboesH`ghm1(#88)

    H`gbe1N`ghm1/H` -5 gbeor gond su`nogbehet

    Cdbttoewdifsdckchea D`gbe1/H`H`gbe1`4

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    ^h`cd 0. Zrdldrrdn @hss Govdgdets= ^rbtoeds (hs phrt ol h >-^oebi Yystdg, or eot)

    Iforn #8 Iforn #0

    Aghm1 N`gbe1

    Aghm1 N`1(hct)

    Aghm1 N`gbe1`4Aghm1 N`gbe1(`

  • 7/23/2019 Wheelerisms: an Analysis of Kenny Wheeler's Harmony



    ^h`cd 4. Zrdldrrdn @hss Govdgdets= Gbeor ^fbrns (hs phrt ol h >-^oebi Yystdg, or eot)

    Poot Govdgdet Iforn #8 Iforn #0Hsidenbea Agbe1 @`gbe1

    Aghm1 @`ghm1

    Ngbe1/A Lgbe1/@`Igbe1/A D`gbe1/@`

    Ndsidenbea Agbe1 @gbe1/D


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    ^h`cd 1. ^fd Nogbehet - ^oebi Zroardssboe (Ghmor hen Gbeor) Hen Bts \hrbhtboes

    A1(hct) Ighm1

    A1(hct) Igbe1

    *H`ghm1(#88)/A Ighm1

    *H`ghm1(#88)/A Igbe1

    *Ngbe1/A Agbe1/I

    *Ngbe1/A Ighm1

    *Ngbe1/A Igbe1

    *Ngbe1/A Isus>

    *Ngbe1`4 Ighm1

    *Ngbe1`4 Igbe1

    **@nbg1(hnnA) Igbe1(`89)

    Eotd tfht gost iforns be tfd lbrst iocuge ihe ao to hey ol tfd loccowbea=







    Eotd= ^fd proardssboes ghrkdn wbtf * hrd proardssboes be wfbif h > tf rdpchids tfd ghmor 9 rn be tfd Nogbehet iforn.Hen tfd oed ghrkdn wbtf ** bs h proardssboe usbea he bevdrtdn vdrsboe ol tfd Nogbehet iforn.

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    ^h`cd 6. ^fd Yu`nogbehet - Nogbehet - ^oebi Zroardssboe Hen Bts \hrbhtboes

    - ^fd `b-ifornhc betronuitboe- Pu`hto betronuitboe

    - 9-^oebi Yystdg hs h gonuchtbea ndvbid- Cbtdrhc trhesposbtboe ol wfocd sditboes

    - Iheoebi iouetdrgdcony

    Yu`nogbehet Nogbehet ^oebi

    Ngbe1`4 A1(hct) Igbe1

    Ngbe1`4 A1(hct) Ighm1

    Ngbe1`4 A1(hct) Inbg1(ghm1) N1(hct) A1(hct) Ighm1

    N1(hct) A1(hct) Igbe1

    Ngbe1 N`1(hct) Ighm1

    H`gbe1 N`ghm1 Ighm1

    Hgbe1/N N`1(hct) Ighm1

    H`ghm1 A1(hct) Igbe1

    H`gbe1 A1(hct) Igbe1

    H`gbe1 A1(hct) Ighm1

    N`ghm1/H` A1sus or Ngbe1/A Igbe1

    N`ghm1/H` A1sus or Ngbe1/A Ighm1

    Lgbe1 @nbg1 Igbe1

    Lgbe1/@` @nbg1 Igbe1

    Igbe1/L N`ghm1(#88) Agbe1/I

    Lgbe1 A1(hct) Igbe1

    Lgbe1/A A1(hct) Igbe1

    Ngbe1`4/A A1(hct) Ighm1

    Ngbe1`4/A A1(hct) Ighm1(#88)

    ^h`cd 2. ^fd BB - \ ol BBB - B Ihndeid

    Yu`nogbehet Nogbehet ^oebi

    Ngbe1`4/A L#gbe1/@ Ighm1

    L#gbe1`4 @1(hct) Ighm1

    ^h`cd 8:. `BB - \ - B Ihndeid

    Yu`nogbehet Nogbehet ^oebi N`ghm1( gbeor gondYu`nogbehetCdbttoewdifsdckchea) A1(hct) Igbe1

    N`gbe1 A1(hct) Igbe1

    ^h`cd 88. Lhvourbtd Lorghc Ytrhtdabds

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    ^h`cd 80. Dxhgpcd= Q.Q.

    Orbabehc D`gbe1/H` Dghm1(#88) A1(hct) D`ghm1 H`ghm1(cyn.)

    Ighm1 Lghm1 Dgb88

    Lueit. Hehc. N ^ N ^ Y ^ N ^


    A#1sus> I#gbe89 A1(hct) Igbe1 Lgbe1 Ighm1 @1sus(`2,`4)


    Kdy Idetdrs N` @ Igbe Igbe Igbe I Dgbe Dgbe

    ^h`cd 89. Dxhgpcd= Lbrst Lourtddde @hrs Ol Fdyokd Zhrt #8

    Orbabehc Orbabehc Lghm1 @gbe2 I#1(hct) L#gbe88 @`gbe1 Hghm1(#88) H`ghm1 @ghm1(#88) Nghm1(#88) Aghm1(



    >^oebi Y N ^ Y N ^+>^oebi

    >^oebi >^oebi



    Lghm1 A#gbe1`4 I#1(hct) L#gbe1 @`gbe1 D`1sus(`4,`2) H`ghm1 @ghm1(#88) Nghm1(#88)



    I L#gbe L#gbe L#gbe H` D D` L# H N

    ^h`cd 8>. Dxhgpcd= Lbrst Ldw @hrs Ol Ydh Chny

    Orbabehc Ighm1(#88) I1(hct) I#gbe2/L# @ghm1(#88) L1(hct) Dghm1(#88) @`gbe(`89) D`ghm1(#88)



    ^ N N ^ N ^ ^ ^


    Ighm1 L#1(hct) L#2sus> @ghm1 @1 Dghm1 @`gbe1 D`ghm1


    A Lgbe @ L# @`gbe @ @`gbe @`


    8- Dycds, Mofe. 0::9. Kdeey Qfddcdr, Deebo Gorrbioed hen Qhyed Yfortdr Hcc H`out Mhzz.0- Lornfhg, Mofe. 0::4. ^fd Qbengbcc ^bctdr Nrdhgs Oe fttp=//www.mhzzsdrvbids.ora.uk/bendx.pfp/`rbtbsf-mhzz-oe-youtu`d/btdg/92:-kdeey_wfddcdr_betdrvbdw 9- Phendc, Noe Gbifhdc. 826- Yifode`dra, Hreocn. 8288. Fhrgoebdfcdrd . \drchasdbadetug ndr Tebvdrshc-Dnbtboe= Cdbpzba hen \bdeeh.

    H gusbi pu`cbsfbea dxpdrt hen lorgdr proldssboehc gusbibhe, Ghrtbe Achnu hcso lrddcheids hs h trheschtor, wrbtdr, henrdsdhrifdr.

    Iopyrbaft 0:80 `y Ghrtbe AchnuHcc rbafts rdsdrvdn