What's Wrong With Those Stupid Mormons

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  • 8/3/2019 What's Wrong With Those Stupid Mormons


    Whats Wrong With Those

    Stupid Mormons?By Einnor Yarb

    Mormons make me sick! Nor only do they say they are

    Christians [yeah, right, eh?] but then they go about acting

    as if they actually were Christians! I mean, being a

    Christian is one thing, but acting like a Christian is

    something no sensible person expects of another, right? Imean, even those goody-goody go-to-church-on-Sunday-

    Bible-reading-Christians drop the faade sometimes and

    behave like normal human beings, right? They sure do, but

    those Mormon dont, and thats what makes me sick. I

    expect they get up your nose too, right? I thought so!

    You and me have seen enough Christians to know thatwhile they are pretty good most of the time, they are not so

    fanatical that their religion becomes the core of everything

    they do. Jesus knew that Christians were sinners and didnt

    ask them to stop sinning. I know you know that, unless

    you are one of those Christians that think Jesus meant whet

    he said when he told Christians to be perfect just as God is

    perfect. But, you dont believe that, right? You havent

    fallen for that old piece of religious nonsense, because you

    know that Christians are just ordinary people that sin and

    bluff their way through the world just like the godless do,


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    No one but a fool expects Christians to be kind and nice to

    everyone because it is humanly impossible. Judas was a

    Christian and he betrayed his teacher, but thats what

    Christians do, right? I mean, well, I suppose you could callme a Christian. I was christened as a baby, went to Sunday

    School for a few years, and even read the Bible once. Not

    from cover to cover, because I am not a religious fanatic.

    But I read part of it. Something in Matthew I think around

    Christmas time. It was about some men on camels bringing

    gold bullion to a baby and some scented candles. One of

    the men was called Frankenstein, but I dont know what the

    other names were. Anyway, I read enough to know thatJesus was supposed to be a star and lead Egypt out of

    Israel, but it all came to nothing because he got lost when

    he was twelve and was not heard from again.

    When someone sends me a Xmas card with a star on it I

    remember how badly wrong it all went, and I am a bit mad

    because Christians refuse to believe the truth about whatswritten in the Bible and how Harrods killed all the babies

    but one and he was hidden in Noahs Ark and floated down

    the Nile back into Egypt where he built pyramids and set

    fire to shrubbery. Then he crossed the desert looking for

    King Solomons Mines.

    But, you tell that to a Mormon and hell not believe you!

    The problem with Mormons is that they take what Jesus

    and the Bible says too literally. No true Christian believes

    that Jesus wants us to serve each other, bear each others

    burdens, and weep for those that mourn. Thats religious

    idealism taken too far. Jesus knows we are human and

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    makes mistakes and doesnt expect too much of us. Id say

    that it someone keeps two or three of the Ten

    Commandments, then thats enough for Jesus. It is

    probably OK with Jesus if you just keep one, so you can pretty much please yourself which one and youll be a

    heaven bound Christian. Mormons talk as if Jesus meant

    everything he said and as if the Bible was a book you could

    believe in. That shows how out of touch they are with

    Christianity today.

    My sister married a Mormon and so I know all about them.

    They dont follow the Pope, but then a lot of Christiansdont, but Mormons read the Bible too much and too often

    for me to trust them. How can you trust someone that

    believes a dead man was brought back to life after being

    pronounced dead? Mormons believe that. Mormons

    havent caught up with Christians today that know Jesus

    rising was simply a spiritual thing and not a literal physical

    thing. Christians dont believe that dead people live againlike they did in life with the same bodies, but that they float

    about someplace out there with no shape, no identities, and

    no personalities. A bit like wispy clouds on a summer day.

    Mormons believe in a real bodily resurrection, poor fools,

    and that show how far away from proper Christianity

    Mormons are. Job believed that same thing, but then he

    lived in a time when science hadnt set religion right.

    Mormons take the Bible literally. When it says God made

    the world, then thats what they believe! Unlike proper

    Christians, they dont believe that it was simply a cosmic

    accident waiting to happen. They have been fooled into

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    thinking that God intended to make the world, meant to

    make people, and that everything God does or did has a

    purposes and that humanity is at the centre of his divine

    aspirations. They wont agree with you and all yourworldly-wise and learned pastors that man came out of a

    primeval soup that turned to slime and then little animals

    were generated by accident and grew over many years to be

    the variety of flora and fauna abroad in the world.

    Therefore, I have to ask: Whats wrong with those stupid


    Mormon Morals belong in the Old Testament and in theNew Testament time of Jesus and the apostles. Mormons

    dont cheat, lie, backbite, gossip, or curse. In fact, they

    dont do all the things that normal Christians do. And why

    dont they? Because of their primitive unscientific belief in

    the Bible as Gods word.

    Mormons are so out of touch that they teach chastity,honesty, integrity, straight dealing, and in giving value for

    money. Theyll never get anywhere thinking and behaving

    like that. Leastways not into heaven.

    Every preacher worth his salt will tell you that if mass

    murderers like Hitler ask for forgiveness on their death

    beds and accept Jesus with their dying breath that all their

    sins are forgiven and they get into heaven with the white

    robe, the golden crown, the harp and everything the best

    saints of history will get for their suffering for Christ.

    Thats all you have to do, confess Jesus and then you can

    go on living the life of Satan himself but you are saved

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    when you die.

    Whats wrong with Mormons that they cant see that? Why

    do they have to complicate religion by bringing God andJesus into it? Just because Jesus said if you dont DO the

    will of the Father then you wont get into heaven, Mormons

    believe Jesus. But listen to the evangelists on TV and

    theyll tell you that all you have to do it believe and your

    saved once and for all no matter what kind of life you live

    after that! Once saved always saved, and dont worry

    about the straight and narrow or building your house on the

    sands. Jesus wasnt always right!

    Dont get me wrong. Mormons are nice folk that go

    without food to feed the poor. Well, that kind of thing was

    alright in Jesus days when there were poor people around.

    But today, well, just look at your neighbours and none of

    them is starving, right? Who do Mormons think theyre


    Mormons should be thankful that real Christians ignore

    them. There were times when their fellow Christians

    couldnt stand Mormons and so they lied about them, raped

    them, beat them, killed them, and stole from them, driving

    them out of one place after anogther just to keep

    Christianity pure. It was the fault of the Mormon. Their

    fellow Christians would have left them alone if Mormons

    hadnt gone on about worshipping God as Christians did in

    the Bible. Nobody wants to go back to those days when

    saints were tortured and martyred by pagans for being

    Christians. Even the days when Christians rose up against

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    other Christians with swords and pistols to murder them for

    the good of their souls have mostly disappeared. Mormons

    are lucky about that, for if that same spirit was still around

    then concerned Christians and other murderous clubswould fill pages and pages of Facebooks with outrageous

    lies about Mormons to generate hatred from other

    Christians. Some of these haters would even pretend to be

    Mormons, such a stake president, missionary elders, and

    the like because although Christianity has lost its old

    spiritual power, and much of its righteous content, it is still

    a force for violence and hatred and they would attack those

    Mormon mercilessly, because thats what they do best.

    You can put a white shirt on a black-shirted Nazi but hes

    still a Nazi. You can put a surplice on a Mormon hater but

    he and she are still Mormon haters, and it is these haters

    that set the standards for millions of Christians to go after

    Mormons. I dont know why Mormons dont see the light

    and abandon their faith so they can have easier lives. Theymust be stupid because no one would put up with that much

    persecution for years and years and be hated, reviled, and

    spat upon, even murdered, if the had any sense.

    Jesus was just as stupid as Mormons are. He was

    persecuted, lied about, and beaten up by the religious of his

    day just as Mormons are by todays Christians. But neither

    Jesus nor Mormons have the wit to call it quits and run and

    hide. Some say that Jesus courted death because he

    believed he had to die to save mankind from themselves. I

    suppose Mormons have the same idea as Jesus and that is

    whey they wont simply fade into the dark and disappear.

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    Like Jesus must have done, I suspect that Mormons take

    drugs so they can smile at those that revile them and speak

    evil of them without raising their hands to strike theirmalefactors. I have heard Mormons bless those that rail

    against them and despitefully use them, and they say that

    Jesus did the same. I have to ask why Mormon must go to

    such extremes to be like Jesus when other Christians dont

    seem to take the time or trouble to be Christlike?

    I tell you there is something wrong with someone whose

    religious faith leads them to martyrdom and suffering whenit would all be over if they would abandon their principles

    like Judas and other Christians that have turned traitor and

    while keeping the name Christian have dropped all

    pretence of following him. Whats wrong with these stupid


    Dont they know that Christianity of the kind Jesus taughthas had its day? Dont they see the signs all around them?

    Dont they hear the haters mocking them and telling them

    they are too Christlike and are trying too hard to keep

    Gods commandments when the rest of the Christian world

    has dropped the commandments as if they were hot


    Ill never understand Mormon as long as I live. But then, I

    dont understand that Jesus fellow either!

    Just think what the world would be like if all Christians

    started acting like Mormons! Just think what the world

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    would be like if Mormon Christian values were to hit

    politics and politicians always spoke the truth. Why,

    nowadays we know that politicians tell lies. We rather

    expect that of them. But, if Mormons go into politics hellalways tell the truth no matter what it costs him in votes,

    and then where will we be? Its better to know you cant

    trust a politician than it is to have them stand up and start

    telling the truth all over the place. Those Mormons have a

    lot to answer for.

    Did you know and Ill bet you didnt that Mormons

    teach their children to love God and Jesus? They do! Theyalso teach them to love each other and to honour their

    parents. Can you imagine what a mess the world would be

    in if everybody did that?