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  • 7/29/2019 WhatIsMeditation-ASimpleExplanation


    What is Meditation / Dhyan/ Chan/ Zen? misconception & confusion.

    11 February 2012

    Why confusion on the correct method of Meditation? One of the confusions is getting the correct information on

    meditation. Many sects, cults and traditions have followed up various meditation methods for centuries. All claim that their

    method of meditation is correct. Whosoever is now following up his or her own cult/ method tries to pull others into

    his/her method. Many continue to progress with their methods and similarly many leave meditation dissatisfied. This

    dissatisfaction comes because of disinterest, lack of proper guidance, or selection of incorrect method. Many times ,people use heavy complicated words in their reading (or religious) literature, those are beyond the understanding of a

    common person interested in learning meditation.

    Source of meditation:

    With the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism their meditation methods also spread out of ancient Indian boundaries. It is

    said that the original Sanskrit word Dhyan when went to China, it was named as Chen and later when it went into

    Japan, it converted into ZEN. ( ref:- http://www.shaolin-wahnam.org/zen.html) . With the advent of time some methods

    were modified, made suitable to local conditions. However, the basic purpose, remained same, that is to

    concentrate your mind. However, in todays world people are looking for fast track solutions with the help of


    Three stage of Meditation: This concentration is developed in three stages. For a beginner, Dhaarana is about

    concentration and involves fixing attention on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. Dhyana is a level of mastery of

    total concentration and deep meditation. Samadhi, the highest level, is total absorption. (These are the various stages of

    altered states of consciousness in other words).

    There are various methods of meditation. A simple meaning of meditation is nothing but anchoring your mind on a single

    thought ( or thoughtlessness Shunyata). Where to concentrate? Primarily, any of these six senses. 1) skin (sensations),

    2) ears (listening to the own chants of Divine name, phrase, paragraphs), 3) eyes (internal, external focus), Tongue

    (chanting Divine name, phrase, paragraphs), Nose (focus on breath, Yogic Exercises of breathing), pl. See next


    Purpose of all Dhyana (or meditation) methods:- The longer the duration of this altered state of consciousness the

    better. It is said that the enlightened saints dont have thoughts, its only awareness, a connection to the universe &

    staying in present.

    So, how to begin with a single thought or no thoughts? Who guides us? It is said that a person goes to (or

    pulled to) the Guru of his own at the right time to learn the method that he/she practiced last birth. Some experts say

    that Guru is not required. You can get the required knowledge on your own.

    It is important to study the teacher, his work, methods before accepting him (her) as your Guru. (Fake Gurus is not

    todays problems. Shri Ramdas swami wrote it in his spiritual book- Dasbodh in 16th century that, There are plenty of

    so called Gurus available in the market at throwaway price, check them, test them before accepting from your heart

    ref:- http://www.archive.org/details/Shri.Dasbodh.of.Shri.Samartha.Ramdas.Marathi)

    What happens when you follow someone elses method/ Guru? So, to end this , I can only say that, you check

    your inner voice which method/ Guru you would like to follow, else, this may cause a spiritual indigestion. You can try a

    method and if you are happy, stick to it. Dont go by trial and error every time, this will leave you nowhere.

    All meditation methods give relaxation to mind and body if followed correctly. Because, when there are no

    thoughts, there are no emotions and emotions are the reasons for your mental energy to drain. All meditation

    methods give the same effect. Its your choice to select the method you love.Pl. refer my article on Fight or Flight

    response. There is a science behind it.

    Summary of mediation methods and techniques**

    (with the useful links wherever possible for further reading)


    using the



    Method description Narration

    skin Focusing on bodys sensations Vipassana Developed by Gautam Buddha by 480 BC

    Ears listening to the Chanting of the Divine name, mantra,

    Divine sound (Naad Brahma),it is a part of Bhakti


    To begin with, person gets interested and starts

    listening to the preaching from the Holy books,

    attending to the sermons etc. This is not meditation but

    a simple beginning to it. He needs to develop


    Eyes Focusing with the open eyes:-Visual concentration- This can be combined with chanting.

  • 7/29/2019 WhatIsMeditation-ASimpleExplanation


    trataka, God in visual forms of idols, gazing at the

    burning incense tip or single point,Focusing with the

    closed eyes:- Focusing on the Divine face or status of

    GOD, holy saints. Gazing in between the eyebrows,

    light (that appears after closing eyes)

    Tongue Chanting the Divine name.This method is present in

    almost all religions. People chant Divine name with thehelp of rosary (some believe in totaling the daily

    count). The choice of the Divine Name is

    yours, Jesus, mother Mary, Raam, Dattatreya,

    Allah, Wahe Guru, and many

    However, the most important point is getting immersed

    into the Divine name to the extent of forgetting timeand space. Then it becomes a habit of chanting in the

    subconscious mind throughout the day (& night). Mind

    remains focused on Divine Name.

    Nose Focus on breath, breath exercises as given in various

    Yogic methods/ exercise. Sudarshan Kriya,Kriya

    Yoga and others. It is a part of Raja Yoga.

    Varies from simple focusing on breath (so-hum or ham-

    sa) to the various breathing ratios (inhale-hold-exhale-

    hold). Mind remains focused on breath.

    Mind curtailing thinking process, watching the mind and

    thought itself. Thoughtlessness or Shunyata

    meditationThere is another method of getting

    immersed in logical- philosophical thinking. Here mind

    gets anchored into one thought. Compassion or karuna

    meditation- single thought on compassion by Buddhist.

    Watching own thoughts, be alert. Philosophical

    thinking like the purpose of human life, existence of

    God etc.




    Dynamic methods like walking meditation or Tai-Chi fall

    into this category. However I personally feel that this

    method works well as an exercise prior to sitting

    meditation. It helps in removing lethargy.

    Mind remains focused on the subtle changes in body

    during actions. (request to study in details about fake


    Tip: 1. ** with my little and l imited knowledge I have tried to summarize these methods. If anything is missing, Pl. let me

    know for update/ addition/ correction.Tip: 2. There are plenty of quacks who pretend to be expert and demand

    extraordinary things (exorbitant money or Sex etc etc ) as a fee for teaching meditation.Tip3: You follow the method you

    like with sincerity and devotion, you will be guided at the right time to the right people.


    4 common Yogas: (karmayoga, Jnanayoga, Bhktiyoga, Rajyoga). pl. find an important link for more info. Explanation to

    all yogas by Swami Vivekanandahttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Complete_Works_of_Swami_Vivekananda

    Divine Chanting- Naam-smaran by Dr Kashalikar http://www.archive.org/details/TotalStressManagementsuperliving

    What is my method? I follow Bhakti Yoga- chanting The Divine Name. In addition to this, some Yoga exercises to keep

    body agile and fit.

    Thanks for your patience to read this lengthy explanation. Pl. feel free to ask, reply your valuable feedback.

    warm regards

    Abhijit Kamat


