What Was The Russian Revolution? The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social- democratic forces who are overthrown in their turn by the Bolsheviks (means 'majority', though they weren't) Inspired by principles set down in the Communist Manifesto in 1848 by German socialists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Results in Russia's exit from WWI, 3 years of grueling civil war between revolutionary 'red' and conservative 'white' forces, creation of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. One-party communist rule in U.S.S.R. lasts until 1990 when USSR breaks up into separate states, satellites 'freed'

What Was The Russian Revolution? The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

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First Edition, Communist Manifesto

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Page 1: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

What Was The Russian Revolution?

The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their turn by the Bolsheviks (means 'majority', though they weren't)

Inspired by principles set down in the Communist Manifesto in 1848 by German socialists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Results in Russia's exit from WWI, 3 years of grueling civil war between revolutionary 'red' and conservative 'white' forces, creation of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

One-party communist rule in U.S.S.R. lasts until 1990 when USSR breaks up into separate states, satellites 'freed'

Page 2: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

What Does the Manifesto Argue?

“A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre.”

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie ... has simplified class antagonisms. Society is splitting up into two great hostile camps ... — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.”

“The bourgeoisie has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”.

“Modern bourgeois society ... that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers.”

“The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.”

“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”

Page 3: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

First Edition, Communist Manifesto

Page 4: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

What Does Communism Propose?

Abolition of Private Property, Inheritance, Rents Free and universal public education for children Means of production, communication, transport,

finance brought under the control of the State Labor organized by the State Heavy progressive income tax Period of dictatorship by elite necessary to

transition from revolutionary to Utopian era in which state will wither away and disappear.

Page 5: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

Russia before the Revolution

Preceded by 50 years of simmering unrest against Tsar's absolutist, reactionary rule

Peasants, workers lived in dire poverty as country late to modernize, industrialize. Workers have 60-hr week.

No outlet for criticism, heavy censorship/oppression after 1881 assassination of liberal tsar Alexander II (emanicipator of the serfs, creator of zemstvos)

Communist leaders conspire underground, often imprisoned, sent to Siberia, exiled abroad.

1905 Revolution, begun by strikes, massacre of up to 1,000 as troops fires on peaceful protestors. Tsar grants concessions, but keeps ultimate control.

Page 6: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

1905 Revolution's 'Bloody Sunday'

Page 7: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

The February Revolution, 1917

Frustration at Russia's heavy losses vs. Germany in WWI: 5 million killed, missing, or captured by end of 1916.

The Tsar's inept leadership (he assumed direct control), lack of equipment, lead many conscripted soldiers to desert, mutiny.

Inflation impoverishes urban workers, food supplies scarce. Peasants want land; cities want bread, everyone wants peace.

Tsarina's favorite Rasputin assassinated in Dec. 1916; sign that aristocracy too discontented with Tsar Nicholas II's rule

Massive strikes Febuary 1917; army refuses to follow Tsar's orders. Tsar abdicates and is placed under house arrest.

Moderate government set up, led by lawyer Alexander Kerensky, unpopular due to decision to continue war, inability to resolve pressing problems such as supply of food to cities.

Page 8: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

The October Revolution 1917

Exiled Bolshevik leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin sent by Germany in a sealed train from Zurich to Petrograd, arrives in April. Germany hopes he'll get Russia to quit war.

Lenin, ne Ulyanov, the son of liberal Russian bureaucrat, well- educated, trained as lawyer, brother executed age 17 as terrorist.

“The country is passing from the first stage of revolution—which, owing to the insufficient class-consciousness and organisation of the proletariat, placed power in the hands of the bourgeoisie—to its second stage, which must place power in the hands of the proletariat and the poorest sections of the peasants.” --Lenin's April Theses, written on train home.

Lenin, with Leon Trotsky, who has returned from NYC in May, builds power in workers' Soviets, or councils. Legalisation of political parties, free speech allows them to organize opposition to Kerensky's moderate regime.

Premature July coup fails, Lenin flees to Finland, Trotsky arrested but later released, made chairman of Petrograd Soviets, Bolsheviks solidify their support.

August military coup thwarted with Bolshevisk assistance.Lenin returns October. Trotsky leads take over of Winter Palace and the Provisional Government is ousted.

Non-Bolsheviks banned from participation in Soviets. Establishment of one-party rule.

Page 9: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

Vladimir Lenin (left); Leon Trotsky (right)

Page 10: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

After the October Revolution: Civil War

Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (in today's Belarus) with Germany, huge losses of territory

Conservative and moderate socialists organize “white army” to battle Red Army, led by Trotsky.

Britain, US, France, Japan support 'whites'. Civil War lasts until 1922, though most fighting over by

1920. Chaotic and bloody. The Royal Family killed in Ekaterinburg on July 17, 1916, ten days before the White army captured the town.

Trotsky conscripts peasants, takes ex-Tsarist commanders' families hostage to ensure loyalty. Most of Red Army led by former Tsarist military leaders

Page 11: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

Lenin addresses Red Army recruits (Trotsky on left, later 'whited out')

Page 12: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

Bringing Revolution to the Peasants

Page 13: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

Map of Russia during the Civil War

Page 14: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

White Army Propaganda

Page 15: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

After the Civil War: Russia in Ruins

Russia in state of collapse: 750,000 soldiers killed, die of disease. Secret police, the Cheka, execute another 250,000 'enemies'

Up to 500,000 Cossacks killed or deported by Red Army. Cossack Army executes 50,000 in turn. 100,000 Jews killed in Ukraine by Whites.

Droughts of 1920 and 1921, 1921 famine; 3,000,000 die of typhus in 1920

1-2 million 'White émigrés' flee Russia—much of the educated, skilled population of Russia.

Industry, agriculture, completely devastated

Page 16: What Was The Russian Revolution?  The overthrow of the Tsar and his autoritarian regime in 1917 by social-democratic forces who are overthrown in their

The Rise of Joseph Stalin

Son of a Georgian shoemaker, studies for Orthodox seminary, drawn to Marxism in teens, orchestrates famous bank robbery, sent to Siberia 7 times but usually escapes

Adopts name “Stalin” from Russian word for steel.

Scarred by smallpox, damaged left arm from horse carriage accidents spares him military service

Allies with Lenin in April 1917, Lenin's stroke in 1922 let him acquire more power. Though Lenin comes to distrust him, he gains Soviet leadership after Lenin's death in 1924

Rival Leon Trotsky exiled 1929, finally murdered 1940

Stalin accepts “socialism in one country” against Trotsky's drive for 'world revolution'

Rules until 1953; helps defeat Hitler in WWII