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What Teachers Say About LLL, p.2

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What Teachers Say about “Lead Like the Legends” (p.2) I can’t begin to think of all the incredible motivating speakers I have witnessed live in person from Joel Osteen at the Baltimore Civic Center, to Tony Robbins in Vegas, to David Steinberg today. Dr. Steinberg’s show really hit home as to why I love what I do! I caught myself tearing up on a few occasions due to the stories that really hit home. I know I will utilize what I got from today by recognizing the leadership attributes as I deliver my lessons in class. What a fun way to be reminded about the importance of the work we do. I drove home thinking about teamwork and my team. I loved the diverse examples he used musically and how the music connected to an idea. I can recall his leadership lessons because of the music legends he tied them to. When I got home I called my mom to tell her about the presentation and it just reminded me how important our job is and how cool it is to be able to make a difference in so many lives. I was at dinner with some friends this evening and I was so excited to share with them all about the many things he talked about. What a terrific way to begin the week and it reminded me the importance of an educator in a child’s life. His examples were ones that I myself have in my head of great teachers and ones I hope in years to come, my students and parents would say about me. It really reinforces why we got into this profession. Overall…A+ presentation - I would recommend it to anyone. It helped me to be reflective and made me take a step back and think. The meeting energy left me in awe of how Dr. Steinberg made connections with music, thinking, co-operative conversations, famous role models, and teachers. He truly values education at every level and continues to give at his greatest capacity.” I walked away thinking: What am I doing in my own life that leaves a breath of fresh air to others and leaves them feeling hopeful and more happy? Teachers, Great Seneca Creek Elementary School