What is -  · character’s abilities and develop some scenarios and possibly a campaign for ... I like to think of this like Zombicide- if you don ... What is an Action Card

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What is Tannhauser Solo?

Born from the idea that I would never get this game to the table to play with a group of people on any

consistent basis, I decided I might be better off just playing it out solo. While the game works pretty well

playing both sides, it does take something away from the experience when you are planning against

yourself. Add to that idea the solo scenario available in the game (not great in my opinion) and the

Gears of War style deck made by Michele Esmanech, and I found myself with the idea to flesh out each

character’s abilities and develop some scenarios and possibly a campaign for Tannhauser.

The Tannhauser materials needed

Tannhauser Solo starts off by utilizing the core game set, but it will not be limited to that one box.

Having everything produced for the game, there will be scenarios for many characters and maps

produced eventually. I will likely attempt to link all third-party materials so everyone who wants to play

them can.

The first Solo materials are the Reich Action Cards and the Event Cards. These can be used with the core

game and have been produced with Castle Ksiaz in mind. They have had limited playtesting and proofing

and are ready to be used.

Up next are the Union cards. Once they have been produced, the other factions will receive treatment

and will follow. The event cards will continue to evolve as new ideas come to light.

How are the cards used?

The action cards for the characters are relatively easy

to use and can fit any deathmatch game. Choose the

characters and their packs, shuffle the cards and you’re

ready to go! Individual scenarios may call for specific

characters and packs. Just choose those characters,

outfit the packs, shuffle and play.

The event cards also fit into any deathmatch game.

They are random events plugged in to the main game

to heighten the tension, reward the player or amp up

the difficulty. It’s luck of the draw! In scenario play,

certain cards (they are numbered) may be pulled out to

form a deck or to leave out of a scenario. It will depend

on the situation.

Are the rules any different or changed in Tannhauser Solo?

The short answer is yes. I have done my best to stay within the ruleset of the revised game, but

because you’re playing against basic AI, there have to be some modifications:

1. The rules on the cards always trump the rules in the book. When in doubt, use

the card.

There are some abilities that get used up or refreshed through the cards that wouldn’t normally do so in

the game, but follow the cards and things will work out. Action cards may allow for an ability that is not

in a character’s pack or may be part of a bonus pack. That is done purposefully. Follow the card’s rules


2. The player will have to make some AI decisions.

It is impossible to cover all circumstances on the cards. They have limited space and the combinations

of actions are incredible. If a character needs to follow a path and there is more than one possibility, use

solid logic for the way he moves. In other words, don’t move into harm’s way when there is an

alternative. That said, don’t change the action of the cards either. If a character’s card has three actions

listed and he is incapable of performing any of them, he does nothing. Sometimes that is his best move.

You’ll find pretty quickly when you need to make the “right” decision for the enemy.

3. Use the dice to decide ties.

Many times, there are equal paths or multiple characters to engage. If that is the case, use the ten

sided die to break the tie. For example, if von Heizinger wishes to use the Patmos Amulet but there are

two characters equidistant on his path, first check to see if either puts von Heizinger in danger (avoid

that attack of possible) and then roll a d10 to decide which character he attacks. Odds, it’s one and

evens, the other.

4. Use common sense

The only person who will know if you cheated or not will be you, so make your own decisions and live

with them. I like to think of this like Zombicide- if you don’t like a rule, change it. If you don’t like a card,

don’t use it. If you think it should do something else, change it (and then email me your idea, so I can

add it to the game).

Preparing the game.

1. Read the rules of the scenario and set up the map, objectives, crates, etc.

2. Choose your characters and outfit their packs- limited or sometimes determined by the scenario.

3. Set up the enemy- established by the scenario. Packs may be determined, random, or picked by the


4. Find the Action Cards that go with each player. There are different card counts based on each

character. Shuffle each character’s Action Cards separately and create individual decks. There are three

ways one may utilize the cards:

A. Preferred method: Deal five of each character’s cards into five separate decks (like dealing a poker hand

to five people). Do this for all enemy characters in play. The five decks will have one card from each character

in it. This represents five rounds (turns) of play. Shuffle each of the decks. Starting with the first deck, roll for

initiative and draw all the cards during a round (turn), alternating between the person playing and the deck

hand. This allows randomness to the activations for each AI character. If a character dies and his card is

drawn, simply set it aside and draw the next one until you activate a character that is alive or able to activate.

After the turn ends, discard the deck and you use the next one until all five decks have been used. Then

separate the cards into their individual type, shuffle and repeat step one to create another five rounds.

Why only five cards? It leaves the possibility that the same action can happen more than once a game. If

all of the character’s cards are separated into decks, they would all get used before a reshuffle and that

removes some of the randomness of the AI.

B. Second method: For the lazier gamer (and I can be in that category sometimes), deal out the cards

into ten decks instead of five. While it won’t be as random as the first option, it does save time. The

downside is there are always one or two big play cards for each character that can hurt the solo player

pretty badly, so if you don’t reshuffle you’ll be sure to see those cards.

C. Third option: Not my preferred method, but to keep it simple, one could choose the enemy

characters, stack the cards next to each one and draw a card for each as his activation comes up. It takes

the randomness down to a minimum, but makes it much easier to shuffle, deal and track the cards.

Character Boards Equipment Pack Action Cards Discard

Set-up of Action Cards using option 3 playing the characters and cards in a set order.

The sequence of Event and Action Card play

1. Draw an Event Card

Before resolving initiative, draw and possibly resolve an Event Card. If it is a card that requires some

resolution, do so when the card says to do so. If there is no indication of when it should be resolved, do

so immediately. If it allows the player to keep the card, add or discard it immediately. Some cards grant

a team initiative. If it does, skip step 2.

2. Roll for initiative

Do this as normal, adding any bonuses. Remember: All passive powers that a pack gives an enemy are

still valid in the solo or co-op game. They generally do not get mentioned on the Action Cards, but they

should still be used in the game. For example, von Heizinger’s Generalleutnant ability that grants +4 to

initiative would still be used when he has his command pack.

3. Begin giving activations

Depending on what side wins initiative, the player should begin taking alternating turns with the AI. Any

time the AI needs to activate a character, turn over one of the cards in that round’s deck (unless using

option 3- then just turn over the next card in order). Whatever character is drawn will be activated.

Continue doing the same process until all characters have

activated. See the next page on how to complete the instructions

on the cards.

When all activations have been resolved, go back to the beginning

and start a new turn.


Helpful Tip: On Tannhauser Solo’s cards, a

ROUND = TURN. They are interchangeable.

What is an Action Card and how does it work?

An Action Card lists the action or series of actions an enemy character will take when it is his turn to

activate. It may be either an offensive or defensive action or perhaps no action whatsoever. The diagram

below shows what makes up the cards.

Dominant Faction: A character may belong to several different factions, but they generally have one

that stands out above the others. All the factions they are a part of are listed on the

character boards. This designation may have some impact in the future Event Cards.

Character names: This is the name of the character.

Pack Categories: This is the area one checks to see what actions the enemy character will perform.

Actions: A character will perform only one of the actions listed. In order, the enemy will perform the

first available action listed under the character’s pack. If the character is able to perform an

action, execute the action and stop. If a character goes through all available actions and cannot

perform any of them, no action is taken. Essentially, the character forfeits his activation (which

is pretty rare).

Additional Actions / Rules: Any time the card has this green area, the player should attempt to resolve

this text first before continuing with the enemy character’s activation. The text may be quite

varied and may have an immediate effect, a delayed or lasting effect, etc. Unless otherwise

stated, the resolution affects only the current turn or characters that have yet to activate and

the effects of the text only last the current turn or round.

Card number: Every card has a number. They are used to keep track of the number of cards. They also

may be used to separate out cards for certain scenarios and maps, but mostly it’s just a


Flavor text: Also known as fluff text and a half dozen other names. This tells a little about the contents

of the card.

Example: In the example above, the card was flipped activating Karl Zermann (figure 3), who had

previously been assigned the combat pack. The player rolled a d10, gets odds, and discovers he can now

re-roll shock rolls for the rest of the turn (it has no effect on shock rolls already made).

The player reads the first set of instructions (#1), checks on the map (figure 1), and sees that Zermann is

not able to move within firing range of either of the troopers.

The player then moves to the next set of directions (#2). The only objective left is the one on the southern

part of the map, so the player moves Zermann along the green line toward the objective (figure 2) ending

the movement in the checkered foyer of the castle. He doesn’t pass any enemy troops, so his activation

has ended. Zermann has essentially just repositioned himself closer to the objective.

Scenario Changes and Additions to the Revised Rules

These changes are adapted from some advanced rules created by Artemus Maximus on BGG. There

are very few rules that will affect all scenarios. Any other changes will be included as special rules

within the individual scenarios themselves.


Characters may exit the map through their entry point during their activations during the mission.

A character may not re-enter the map once this is done. The purpose of this is to allow a hero the option

to live to fight another day. As characters become experienced, it may be advantageous to try to save

one to fight in the next scenario.


A. When a hero sustains enough wounds to be eliminated, he is considered to be bleeding out instead.

He is still alive, but critically wounded. His stats are considered to be all 1’s. The character may be healed

from the aid of other characters (i.g. if MacNeal is bleeding out, Tala Aponi may use First Aid Kit to heal

two wounds from him).

B. The bleeding out character does not activate as normal. After all characters have been activated,

each bleeding out character may move two spaces (ignoring movement penalties). A character may exit

the map through his entry point in this way.

C. The bleeding out character’s equipment is not dropped, but any other character may spend an

action to take any disposable piece of equipment off of that hero.

D. Any character may use his action to pick up and carry a bleeding out hero. While someone is

carrying a bleeding out character, he uses his lowest combat and movement values by default. If the

character carrying the hero suffers any wounds, the first one MUST be assigned to the bleeding out

hero. The character carrying the bleeding out hero may carry it off of the map to extract him safely. The

bleeding out character may not, however, return after carrying him out.

E. If a bleeding out character sustains one more wound, he is permanently killed, as in a normal

Tannhauser game.


Much like the traditional Tannhauser game, command points play a significant role during a solo scenario.

Fortunately, for the seasoned player, there isn’t a significant difference in the way they are used on the

player’s side. There is, however, a change for the AI. It was quickly discovered that the number of command

points given to each side can sway a battle in a big way. The changes to command points are listed below.

A. The solo player’s points may be used as stated in the Revised Rules. The limitations are only different if

otherwise stated in a scenario’s special rules.

B. The AI will only use its command points to heal injuries. The AI will not add movement points, try to win

imitative, bring on reinforcements, etc. through the points. Those actions are generally covered in the Event

or Action Cards.

- Any time an AI character is wounded, he will use a command point to heal one wound until no

command points remain.

- If a character is attacked more than once in a turn, he will use the command points to heal a point

each time he is attacked.

- The AI will never save command points. If they are available, they are used. It is the luck of the draw

as to who will benefit from the points.

Example: McNeal attacks a healthy Stosstruppen and does three points of damage. He avoids one due to his

shock roll. He then uses a command point to avoid another, leaving him with one wound. In the same turn,

Commando Delta then does another two points. The Stosstruppen again avoids one due to his shock roll and

then uses another command point to avoid the other. The Stosstruppen lives to fight again!

C. Distribution of command points will generally be determined through scenario play, but in

deathmatch, use the following to distribute the command points:

DIFFICULT SETTING:……………….PLAYER: 2 …………………. AI: 4

STANDARD SETTING:……………..PLAYER: 2 …………………. AI: 3

NOVICE SETTING:…………………..PLAYER: 3 …………………. AI: 1


Because Hoax is simply too powerful to be used in a solo scenario, new

rules must be used. The AI of the cards isn’t designed to seek out Hoax, so

she would run rampant through the opposition.

The following are Hoax’s rules:

When Hoax becomes invisible, remove her character and

place one of the clear figures in her circle and another

adjacent to that circle (no change in rule).

The player may move both invisible figures up their full

movement value and only one may take an action per turn

(no change).

If Hoax becomes invisible after starting her movement,

each figure may only use up to the remaining movement points she has left. (no change)

If one figure becomes visible, remove the others on the board. If both become visible at

the same time, the player chooses which one is the real Hoax. Remove the other (no change).

When invisible, Hoax may not move through an enemy character and vice versa, unless attempting

a bull rush. If Hoax bull rushes, she becomes visible. If an enemy bumps into her, she becomes

visible. (new)

Hoax becomes visible during any of the following:

- She makes an attack of any kind or throws a grenade (new) - She suffers a wound - An enemy character bull rushes her - She shares a path with a smoke token - She spends an action to become visible - She claims an objective, flag, or opens a crate (new)

Hoax may possibly be detected when first sharing a path with an enemy. Any time an invisible

Hoax figure shares a path with an enemy (it may be at the beginning or during her turn or during an

enemy’s turn), she has a 50% chance of being discovered. Roll a d10 to determine if she is

detected. If she is, replace the invisible figure with the real Hoax and remove any others. She may

not turn invisible again on this turn.

Hoax must check every additional time she crosses an enemy’s path, but she doesn’t have to

check if she shared the path with a character and checked once already. (new)

For example: An invisible Hoax moves through Ksiaz undiscovered. She needs to move through a hallway occupied by an enemy, so she rolls a d10 to see if she is discovered and she passes. She runs out of movement points and stops on the enemy’s path. Later, the enemy starts his activation. Hoax does not have to check for detection again, because they already shared the path. If a new enemy activates and crosses her path, she will check for detection again.

President Edison has finally made the commitment to rid the Union of their most hated enemy, Hermann von Heizinger. The latest intelligence report has he and his cast of goons returning from Egypt and taking up residence at Castle Ksaiz in Poland. The rumor is also circulating that the Kaiser has sent one of his favorites, Eva Kramer, to monitor von Heizinger's progress on some new biological weapon. At this time we have no idea what that weapon may be, but knowing Heizinger, it must be truly evil. We won't be taking an army with us this time. This is strictly a covert mission to find Heizinger's new project, destroy it and recover any information we can find for the scientist's back home. Should we get a chance at the demon von Heizinger himself, all the better. Edison has chosen MacNeal to lead this mission and he has hand-picked his help. Board the plane, because in a few short hours you'll be dropping into hostile territory and it's do-or-die in mostly unknown territory. We have an old map of the castle and will sneak in through an old passage, but after that, we'll be moving blind through the halls. Who knows what those Reich bastards have waiting for us.

SETUP and SPECIAL RULES: Use the Castle Ksaiz map. This scenario pits your Union force versus the Reich. You must use John MacNeal and any combination of the following: 2 troopers and 2 additional heroes. You may not use mercenaries in this scenario. The Union will use 2 command points and the Reich will get 3. Refresh after each turn. Place enemy characters according to the map. You may choose to use the EVENT CARDS if you own a set of them.

Set up the map using the legend on the next page. Place random crate items where they belong. They may be discovered normally. Place the flags where listed. They represent the information the Union is seeking and all objectives must be recovered. It costs an entire activation to recover a flag. If a character is killed, drop the flag(s).

The entry point is the blue dot on the map (the staircase).

The yellow arrow is the path the Shocktruppen and Strosstruppen will follow. They will continue on the path, moving their maximum movement until they or any other character spots anyone from the Union (sharing a colored path at any time), at which time, actual turns start and the player must begin rolling for initiative and using the cards. No other characters will move until turns begin.


The only path to victory is

recovery of all the

information (flags).

The operation is expected

to have some acceptable

losses, but not many. If

more than two Union troops

are killed, even if you have

all the information, the

mission is considered a


IF the mission is a victory, read this

section and move on.

IF the mission is a loss, read the

section below.

We knew we couldn’t accept anything less than total victory on this mission. The wounded and downed

troops have been pulled free and even those that seemed to be lost are finding some recovery under the

close eyes and odd science behind closed door in the Union hospital in London. President Edison and

General Patton have lost a great deal of confidence in MacNeal after this fiasco. There is rumor running

through the corps that MacNeal may be put out to pasture, but he isn’t through just yet.

John MacNeal refuses to lie in a hospital bed and accept defeat. It’s time to get back to action, but we’ll

have to do it without the consent of the Union. John knows just the personnel for the job. They’d follow

him anywhere. Take MacNeal and another group consisting of the same number of troops and attempt

the mission again.

Congratulations are handed out all around. The

Union has won a great victory on this day, but don’t

get too comfortable with the cigar just yet, John. You

and your people will be saddling up again very soon.

It turns out they’re doing more than just planning on

making a biological weapon. They’ve succeeded, and

we’ve got to go in a stop it before the Reich and that

crazy SOB unleash Hell on the world. Enjoy the night,

get some much-needed rest and we’ll brief you soon.

Move on to scenario 2

Beneath the seemingly quiet Castle Ksiaz, passersby

swear they can hear hushed screams and low moans

coming from inside. Reconnaissance has produced little, but

from the intel MacNeal gave the Union earlier this month it

appears Heizinger and Harbinger are up to their eyeballs in

the occult. While we couldn’t get anyone inside, we were

able to get Hoax close enough to take several pictures from

the courtyard and overhead from a plane. There is Reich

movement all over the place.

We’re sending another team back to the castle, but this time they’ll be going

in through an underground passage we believe intersects with the tunnel entering the catacombs.

With Hoax on another mission, the team will be a little short-handed, but this mission is about

extraction and disruption, so a small team will be to your advantage.


Use the catacomb side

of the Ksiaz map.

Place the crates where


The Union will start

with 2 command points

and the Reich starts

with 3. They replenish

each turn.

Place one

Frankenstahl in the

middle of the board. If

you don’t own one,

add one Reich Hero

and decrease the

Union command points

by one.


Place a zombie at each of the locations indicated. You may use any token or

Miniature desired, like those from Zombicide, etc. If no other tokens or minis

are available and you own the expansion with the guard tokens, those may be

used instead.

Reproduce and use the Undead sheet provided for this scenario. See the

Undead rules that follow.

The Union team will consist of any two heroes (except Hoax) and two troopers.


Players have the initiative the first round. Alternate normally. The Union will enter and exit from the

space indicated.

The newly spawned undead will enter from the blue colored space in the bottom corner.

The Undead will move their full movement value toward the nearest living character. As the

Frankenstahl is nearly undead, the undead simply ignore him. Any undead that get adjacent to a

Union character will attack hand-to-hand. If using a different Reich hero, the same rule applies.

Any undead character that dies is replaced (respawned) at the end of the undead’s activations the

following turn. So, for example, if a zombie is killed, he is removed from play. After initiative the

following round, all characters on the board will activate. After all of the enemy units have finished

activating, the zombies that were out of play will enter from the blue zombie entry space. There will

never be more than six undead on the board.

The undead may be killed like any other character- fire, grenade, guns, knives, etc. all work against

the horde.

The Frankenstahl will not activate until it shares a path with a Union character. Once that happens, it

will activate after all characters in the current turn. It will then join the Reich’s undead in the next

initiative. If using a different Reich hero, the same rule applies.


To achieve victory, the Union must destroy all the crates. Each crate may be destroyed by using

one action. The crates hold the parts used in Heizinger’s creation of the hideous creatures roaming

down in the catacombs.

All of the Union characters must make it out of the original entryway alive for a victory.



It’s unclear whether the creatures roaming under the belly of Castle Ksiaz are truly deceased or

have just had so much of their humanity stripped from them that they are akin to the dead. Either

way, the zombie-like walkers have been tagged as Undead and they seem determined to “live” up

to the name. The experiments von Heizinger and Hoss Harbinger have commissioned the Reich

scientists to perform have seemingly gone awry and the catacombs have become littered with the

foot-dragging monsters. According to reports, they move slowly but are difficult to bring down.

They are believed to be disease-infested and filled with an unstoppable rage.

MOVEMENT: Undead participate in initiative and activate normally. They will always move toward

the closest enemy character unless otherwise stated in the scenario. They may move through

friendly characters (including Reich characters). If moving toward an enemy that is inaccessible,

they will move as close as possible to the enemy’s circle and stop. If an undead stops to attack but

has movement points left, it will forfeit the remaining points.

COMBAT: Undead do not use weapons. They will only attack hand-to-hand. If an undead

character moves adjacent to an enemy, it will stop and attack. If an undead character kills an

enemy, a different undead character activates, and the dead enemy is the closest to him, he will

attack the dead character as long as it’s during the same turn.

For example: An undead gets adjacent to MacNeal. It attacks and kills him. That undead’s activation is over. A

second zombie activates and is 3 circles from MacNeal and 5 from Hoax. Even though MacNeal was killed earlier this

turn, he is closest, so the activated zombie will attack the dead MacNeal this turn. Next turn he will move and attempt

to attack the next closest character.

OTHER RULES: Undead may not check crates, pick up items, attempt mental checks or be

targeted with mental attacks.

NOVEMBER 3, 1951

Last mission didn’t go as planned. We knew the task was difficult, but we had no idea

what we’d find went we went under the castle. The undead seemed to be coming out of the walls

and we lost some good men… no… great men. Fortunately, we have intel letting us know they are

still alive and being held by von Heizinger’s goons. We have no idea what condition they’re in, but

as long as they’re in enemy hands, our mission isn’t over. I intend to get those men back out of

that Hell hole one way or another. This isn’t a mission that calls for a hammer. It’s about stealth

and no one is better at sneaking into tightly guarded places that Hoax. She’s already been dropped

by plane a half mile from the castle and is making her way in.

OBJECTIVE: We wouldn’t be in this position if we hadn’t lost at least two members of the Union

team. It’s time to get them out. Get Hoax in the castle, find the two downed soldiers, and extract

them. Kill anything that gets in your way. The Union wins the scenario if Hoax gets out the

front door and has at least one of the soldiers with her alive. We’d prefer both of them.

SET-UP: Use the Castle Ksiaz map. Set up the characters and crates as shown on the map.

Outfit Hoax with the STAMINA PACK, Eva with the COMMAND PACK and Schocktruppen with the

COMBAT PACK. Place the killed (captured) Union members from SC2 on the 1 and 2 circles. They

are immobilized. If one of them is MacNeal, give him the COMMAND PACK. All others have the

COMBAT PACK. They start

with the inventory that

can’t be dropped (black-

ringed). If more than 2

Union characters were

killed, choose two for the


The Union gets 2

command points. The

Reich gets 1. They

replenish each turn.

The crates are random

equipment and may be

discovered and claimed

for 1 action. Unclaimed

equipment is left in the


RULES: The guards will follow the blue

arrows while making their rounds.

They will not leave their routes unless

they are attacked or end their movement

sharing a path with a Union character.

Only then will the guard attacked or on

path attack/pursue the Union

character(s). The other guards will stay in

their routes until they too end on path or

are attacked with a Union character.

Guards always activate last after all

other characters have activated.

Guards have 2 HP and make no shock rolls. Once killed, guards are out of the scenario

permanently. They will use any available command points to shrug off a point of damage.

All guards move at once at the end of a turn. Guards move at a rate of 4 circles/turn and will

never leave their pattern unless they get on path with an enemy. At that point, they will pursue.

Guards will not bull rush. If there is no path, they will stop, even if that means losing an activation.

Any time a guard ends its turn on path with an enemy, it deals 3 auto wounds. Enemies may

make shock rolls.

Eva and the Schocktruppen will not activate until shots are fired. Until that time, the Union will

always go first and the guards will activate afterwards. Once a shot is fired, use Eva and

Schocktruppen’s action cards and roll for initiative. Alternate activations are as normal- with all the

guards activating at the end of the turn.

SAVING A UNION CHARACTER: Only Hoax may revive another Union character. It costs one

action to revive another character. The character is considered bleeding out and may only move two

spaces. He may be healed as normal.

If Hoax manages to save both characters:

It was a victory hard-earned, Hoax. You’re sure to be out up for several commendations after such a daring rescue.

We’ll be expecting a full report on what you saw going on in that insane asylum so we can make a full-on assault at

some point in the near future. Get some chow, grab some shut-eye and make sure you find your way to the field

hospital. You have a couple very grateful commandos that would like to see you. MacNeal will want your team back up

and running and General Patton already has a plan of action to put a stranglehold on the Reich. Go to scenario 4.

If Hoax doesn’t save everyone and get them out alive:

Report immediately to headquarters. You have some serious questions to answer. Patton isn’t happy and neither

am I. You call yourself elite? You’re not. You just let the elite die at the hands of tyranny.

No Union member killed in this scenario may be used for the remainder of the campaign. Go to scenario 4.

November 28, 1951

“It’s time to bring the bastards down,” MacNeal commented as he rose from his stool in the corner

of the briefing room. The others in the room looked at him with surprise, startled he broke the silence.

“What? Do any of you disagree? This madman and his thugs have been allowed to operate in that castle for

far too long. We know what he is trying to do under that building and we have the means to stop it. Let’s not

waste any more time discussing this…”

“Calm yourself, Captain,” replied the general looming over the oak table from across the room. “We’ve

already begun the final blow to the Kaiser’s house of horrors. A double-agent has hidden enough explosives

in an ammo crate in the castle to bring the whole place down. Unfortunately… he never made it out. We know

the charges are still in there, but we’re uncertain of their exact location. The plan is to send in a small squad to

quietly find, set the timer and detonate the charges. We’ll need to move quickly though. Word is the Kaiser

has ordered a major offensive and the crates are on their way out of the castle.”

“Well, sign me up, sir,” MacNeal responded. “My men are ready to go on your say-so.”


1. Track down and search all the crates. One of them holds all the charges and a detonator. 2. Once discovered, the charges must be set in all four corners of the castle- marked with a green “X” on the map. 3. Get out of the castle as fast as you possibly can. Eliminate anyone who gets in your way. 4. At least one Union soldier must make it out of the castle to set off the charges and win the scenario.

SET-UP: 1. Put crate tokens where they are marked on the map. * 3 tokens should be random items * 1 should be a command point. The command point token is the explosives and detonator. Mix them up and randomly place them in the marked spots on the map.

2. Place the Reich figures where they are marked on the map.

3. Give the Reich characters the following packs: (A) VonHeizinger: Command pack (B) Yula and Eva: Stamina pack (C) Shocktruppen: Combat pack 4. Stack four guard tokens (or any approximate token/figure to represent guards) at the entrance of the castle where the colored arrows begin.

5. Choose your characters. You may choose any two heroes and two troopers. You may not choose a hero that was killed in the previous scenario (unless there are no other figures from which to choose).

Union secret door entrance.

You struck a major blow to the Reich. It seems the

next move by the Kaiser has been thwarted, but it

isn’t over yet. Von Heizinger has retreated from

Germany to a remote site in Egypt. We need you to

follow him there. We’ve tracked him to some ruins

and he has already set up a dig site there. We have

no idea what Von Heizinger is up to, but we know it

isn’t good for the Union. Get your people down

there and figure out what he has planned.

Go to scenario 6.

Once again, the Reich has slipped through our

fingers. It seems Von Heizinger is one step ahead

of us. We tracked his trucks to a remote location

in Crete. He has flown in supplies for weeks now

to the Palace of Knossos. We think he is looking

for a spearhead to the major offensive the Reich is

planning. Get your team there and find out what

his next move is and shut it down.

Go to scenario 5.


To be continued….