What is happening to ISDA documentation? Aron Berket Dirk-Jan Gerrits Rezah Stegeman FMLUS - 17 May 2018

What is happening to ISDA documentation?

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What is happening to ISDA documentation?

Aron BerketDirk-Jan GerritsRezah Stegeman

FMLUS - 17 May 2018

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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1. Recent developments1. Benchmarks2. Settled-to-market3. MiFID24. VM Requirements – FX Forwards

2. Upcoming developments1. Extended moratorium periods2. Phase 4/5 IM documentation

3. Brexit1. Impact on trading relationships2. Impact on the law governing ISDA documentation

Recent developments

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?


2006 ISDA Definitions

Fallback Supplement (new)

Fallbacks already exist in Definitions

Strengthening via a voluntary supplement to Definitions

Identified fallbacks for IBOR trades will be incorporated intoDefinitions, spelling out alternative rates (RFRs + spread)

Only applicable to trades after 1 Jan 2018

A number of fallbacks

Final fallback: If no replacement, then no fault termination

Protocol? Parties to agree on certain optionalities?

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?


ISDA/FOA Client Cleared OTC Derivatives Addendum

Switch from Collateralised-to-market -> Settled-to-market

Daily settlement rather than collateralisation

Results in reduction of assets

Economically no difference

Beneficial impact on leverage ratio of clearing brokers

Pricing benefit?

Amendment to agreement

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What has changed?

MiFID2 impact on clearing documentation

Clearing broker documentation (e.g. ISDA/FIA Addendum)

Execution broker documentation (e.g. ISDA/FIA CDEA)


RTSs 2017/589 (RTS 6), 2017/582 (RTS 26) and 2017/2155 (indirect clearing)

2017 CDEA and ISDA/FIA Model Provisions– Annual performance review– Agreement on limits– Indirect clearing– Straight-through-processing

– OTC or ETD

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What has / will be changed?

VM Requirements – FX Forwards

1995/2016 English law Credit Support Annex (CSA)



EMIR Refit

Physically settled FX Forwards will (potentially) not be subject to the EMIR VM requirements– Where neither counterparty is an investment firm

FX Swaps remain subject to UMR

Position AFM and DNB?

Upcoming developments

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?

Commission reforms extend moratorium periods

ISDA Master Agreement

ISDA Resolution Stay Protocols

Pre resolution moratorium vs In resolution moratorium

Suspension period of 5 working days

CCP’s and compensation schemes not to be affected

Unclear suspension of payment obligations

Mismatch in relation to cleared transactions

Potential consequences for netting arrangements

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?

Next Generation of ISDA Regulatory Initial Margin Documentation

ISDA Credit Support Documentation

Account Control Agreement

Additional Security Documents

Implementation EMIR Initial Margin Requirements for Phase 4 and Phase 5 are imminent (September 2019/2020)

Credit Support Documentation to be aligned with needs of Phase 4 and Phase 5 entities

Variety of additional credit support documentation

(Possibly) extensive negotiations

Issues under international private law

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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IM Documentation Architecture

Phase I IM (English law / UK law) Phase IV/V IM (applicable law)

Security Agreement

Next Gen Collateral Transfer Agreement

Account Control Agreement

Custody Agreement

Belgium / Luxembourg Security Agreement

ICSD Collateral Transfer Agreement

Membership Documents

Account Control Agreement

Phase 1 IM CSA/CSD

Other custodians Other custodiansEuroclear/Clearstream


17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?

Brexit impact on trading relationships

All (ISDA Master Agreement, Novation Agreement, ISDA 2016 VM CSA, CDEA and clearing agreement)

Novation agreement (added)

If crossborder licence for brokers, not much

If non-recognition of UK CCPs, create access to EU CCPs

If broker uses EU hub, relationship to be continued undernew documentation (+ possibly novation)

If broker uses EU hub and legacy trades;– remain in UK, split book (lack of netting)– novated to EU hub, converted to new trades that are

subject to 2016 VM CSA

(re)negotiation of all agreements if dealings with new EU hub

17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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Which Document?


What will be changed?

Brexit – governing law of the ISDA Master Agreement

ISDA Master Agreement (English law)

ISDA Credit Support Annex (English law)

EU regulation may no longer be applicable, e.g.:– Brussels I (Recast) – Rome I– BRRD

Enforceability of foreign judgements and interventionmeasures require amendments to the ISDA Master Agreement

ISDA prepares French and Irisch law governed ISDA Master Agreements as an alternative



17 May 2018. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated partnerships and other entities.© Simmons & Simmons LLP

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AmsterdamBrusselsBristolDüsseldorfFrankfurtLisbon *LondonLuxembourgMadridMilanMunichParis

DohaDubaiJeddah **Riyadh **

BeijingHong KongShanghaiSingaporeTokyo

*Sociedade Rebelo de Sousa in association with Simmons & Simmons LLP**Hammad & Al-Mehdar in alliance with Simmons & Simmons

This document is for general guidance only. It does not contain definitive advice. SIMMONS & SIMMONS and S&S are registered trade marks of Simmons & Simmons LLP. Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated practices. Accordingly, references to Simmons & Simmons mean Simmons & Simmons LLP and the other partnerships and other entities or practices authorised to use the name “Simmons & Simmons” or one or more of those practices as the context requires. The word “partner” refers to a member of Simmons & Simmons LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or to an individual with equivalent status in one of Simmons & Simmons LLP’s affiliated practices. For further information on the international entities and practices, refer to simmons-simmons.com/legalresp. Simmons & Simmons LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales with number OC352713 and with its registered office at CityPoint, One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9SS. It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of members and other partners together with their professional qualifications is available for inspection at the above address.
