What is diabetes - Ben's Natural Health is diabetes... · medical drugs and invasive treatments and instead use natural holistic methods, including changes in diet and lifestyle and

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Page 1: What is diabetes - Ben's Natural Health is diabetes... · medical drugs and invasive treatments and instead use natural holistic methods, including changes in diet and lifestyle and
Page 2: What is diabetes - Ben's Natural Health is diabetes... · medical drugs and invasive treatments and instead use natural holistic methods, including changes in diet and lifestyle and

What is diabetes

and how can I cure it?

You have probably been told and probably also believe that diabetes is incurable. The fact is, you have been lied to.

This report is going to explain to you not only what diabetes is and where it comes from, but also how you can cure yourself of it naturally, quickly, and safely.

Moreover, if you prefer, I have developed a packaged system that will make it quick and easy for you to do so with successful results guaranteed. My guarantee is simple and to the point, if my 30 day cure hasn't cured you of Diabetes in 30 days, you get all your money back. I will tell you about that right at the end.

My report is the copyright of Ben Ong Corp and may not be reproduced in any form without my permission. However, if you wish to share this report with friends, relatives or acquaintances, you have my permission to send/email them a copy, provided you do not change any of the content.

If you have any questions about the content of this report, you can contact me at [email protected] or you can visit my site at http://www.bensdiabetes.com

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Table of Contents

Introduction and A Story 1

Below I reproduce my test results before and After 2

Diabetes Type II is a metabolic disease 3

So What if you are diabetic? 3

The medical conspiracy 4

A Pharmaceutical company speaks 5

Are you ready to cure yourself of diabetes now? 6

So what gives you diabetes? 6

Physical effort is essential to your well-being 9

What goes on in your body? 10

The key role of insulin 11

Prediabetes 12

Insulin resistance, the top 10 signs. 12

A doctor's diagnosis and prescription. 15

The other issue is Leptin 16

The 37 inch frontier 17

What happens when you get type II diabetes? 17

The five damaging events in your body 18

Why drugs will not help you? 19

Studies that prove that diet cures diabetes 20

What to do? 21

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Introduction and a story

My name is Ben Ong and over the last eight years, I have very successfully helped tens of thousands of men cure themselves of prostate disease.

I have achieved that by recommending that they avoid conventional medical drugs and invasive treatments and instead use natural holistic methods, including changes in diet and lifestyle and the use of natural supplements.

About nine months ago, my Dr told me that my blood results showed that I now had diabetes. He went on to explain that diabetes is incurable but that it could be controlled with some drugs. He wanted me to start taking a slow release form of glucophage.

I have known my family Dr for many years and he is a lovely, fine, caring and intelligent man. I also knew that my wife, who would naturally be very concerned and would insist that I follow his advice. And I certainly wanted peace and quiet at home.

So I did a deal with him. I told him that I would take the medication he recommended but that I would return to him for another blood test in six weeks time. If at that time, my blood sugar in terms of my haemoglobin A1C had returned to normal, he would agree that I could stop taking that medication. He agreed but I'm pretty sure he did not think that I could do that.

So I went off, did my research and some thinking based on the experience I have already had in devising diets to cure disease. I formulated a diet which I felt would achieve the results I hoped for. I followed that diet. I am am not saying it was easy, but I knew I was on the right track because in six weeks I lost 30lb and 3 inches off my waistline.

When my new blood test results came through, my blood sugar was now normal. Indeed, my cholesterol, triglycerides and other blood markers also showed improvements.

On 25/3/2011 my Dr also noted that my blood pressure was now 120/70 and he assumed that was the result of my hypertensive medication. However, I surprised him when I told him that I had stopped my hypertensive medication some four weeks earlier.


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I had been monitoring my blood pressure and it had gone too low because of the effect of my improved diet. I had always gone to the gym every day so that was not new. As a result of my new diet, my medication was now pushing my blood pressure down too low. So I stopped taking it and my blood pressure was now completely normal without any medication.

He agreed that it was no longer necessary for me to take the medication and I arranged to do a follow-up blood test after six weeks of not taking any medication to see whether my blood sugar would rise after stopping my medication. Those results still showed entirely normal blood sugar.

Below I reproduce my test results before and after.

My haemoglobin A1C level has tended to be around 46 mmol/mol = DCCT% 6.36% which was a bit high but considered below the borderline of 48 mmol/mol that would have taken it from good control to acceptable control.

At my blood test 19/12/2010 my A1 C level had jumped to 77 = DCCT% 9.2% which was above the level of 64 that spelled diabetes and the point where my Dr insisted I start taking glucophage medication.

I started my 30 day cure diet and my next blood test was at 25/3/2011. By this time I had dropped 31lbs as a result of my diet. My A1 C level had fallen to 36 = DCCT% 5.45%

With my doctors permission, I ceased taking any medication. At my next blood test on 09/05/2011 (six weeks later) my A1 C level was 38 mmol.mol = DCCT% 5.62%.

This report will explain why I could do that and why the medical profession have got the treatment of diabetes completely wrong. It will also explain how I did that, and how you too could do that.

Best of all, I will show you a way in which you can make it even simpler and easier for you than it was for me. I will show you how you can cure yourself of diabetes in 30 days under medical supervision with my supervision and guaranteed results.


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Diabetes type II is a metabolic disease.

In other words you get it by eating the wrong foods, not eating the right foods and by living a sedentary existence. To make matters worse, if you also live a stressful life with inadequate sleep that will accelerate the process of getting diabetes type II.

Diabetes is the fastest spreading disease in human history. It has doubled within just the last 30 years. It currently effects close to 20% of the world's adult population and in the United States alone it is estimated that 30 million adults and teens have diagnosed diabetes. There are an additional 57 million walking around with pre-diabetes and most of them do not even realise it.

Although it is possible to reverse diabetes, despite what the conventional medical establishment would have you believe, some damage will be permanent if you do not stop it early enough. In its initial stages diabetes generally shows very few if any symptoms.

With 7 million new cases of diabetes type II per year the US spent $174 billion on diabetes treatment and the cost as a result of lost productivity and sick leave was a further $58 billion. Most people who get type II diabetes die 20 years prematurely.

So What if you are diabetic?

Diabetics have to constantly worry whether they will fall prey to the innumerable disease conditions that are caused by diabetes type II.

Diabetes accelerate the ageing process causing premature wrinkling of the skin and that is only the outward appearance of what is happening to your inner organs. It is not surprising that diabetics generally look 15 to 20 years older than they actually are.

Diabetics are more likely to suffer depression, have higher rates of Alzheimer's, get more heart disease and strokes, are prone and vulnerable to kidney disease and above all live under the constant threat of a heart attack. 75% of death in diabetics is caused by a premature heart attack.


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And if all that is not bad enough, diabetics will often suffer loss of vision and ultimately blindness, insufferable nerve pain known as neuropathy, and poor blood circulation resulting in gangrene and consequent amputation of the limbs (every 6 seconds in the US, a limb or digit is being amputated as a result of diabetes).

The result of all this is that diabetics who would normally be in the prime of their life will suffer a range of quality-of-life destroying complications. They are at risk that their bodies and minds will waste away losing their mobility, mental clarity, independence and even body parts one by one.

This is a horrible picture but do not be misled by the advertisements from the drug companies that try to make diabetes seem like no problem at all. They do not have any real solution, just quick fix ones which are illusory, I explain why they are illusory further on. If you are unfortunate enough to have diabetes, their drugs will not prevent your decline, in fact they will accelerate it.

But as I will show further on, it does not have to be that way. It is possible to normalise your blood sugar naturally without any drugs by changing your diet and lifestyle. I will show you how you can cure yourself of diabetes type II and avoid all the risks of heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure, amputation of limbs ,stroke, Alzheimer's and other complications.

The medical conspiracy

You may well wonder if it really is possible to cure diabetes why doesn't your Dr tell you so? Indeed, does he even know? The fact is that the entire education that a Dr gets at medical school is centred around pharmaceutical drugs. A doctor will be lucky to get six hours of education on nutrition over a six-year period of study. And even that six hours on nutrition is largely misguided and misinformed.

But it is not the doctor's fault. If you wish to seek the perpetrators of the falsehood that diabetes is incurable, and that you need drugs to control it, you will not have to look far. It is the pharmaceutical industry. They control what doctors are taught, what the FDA enforces and doesn't enforce, and how the politicians regulate medicine and alternative healing.


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At bottom, it is only about money. And the pharmaceutical industry make many billions of dollars every year selling drugs and equipment to diabetics. They are not motivated by altruism, it is about their bottom line. It's just business, as the Mafia would say, nothing personal. And if they allowed themselves to know that diabetes was curable without drugs, not only would they not tell you, but they would use all their immense political leverage and financial power to try to prevent you from finding out.

It is simple, there is more money in treating diabetes with drugs than in curing it with diet and lifestyle. Diabetes related drugs can easily cost you $400 or more each month. The average diabetic requires at least $40,000-$80,000 a year in additional medical care compared to non-diabetics. Work out how much is spent over a 10 year decline in health and multiply that by perhaps 30 million and you will understand why the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and the FDA - dragging the government behind them, will not want you to know that it doesn't have to be that way.

A Pharmaceutical company speaks

You may be interested what is stated on the site of one of the largest pharmaceutical corporations in the world about diabetes. Glaxo Smith Kline states the following on their site:

"Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease, which means that you have it for life.

Although there’s no cure, you and your doctor can work together to control your blood sugar, which can help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes complications.

Managing type 2 diabetes over months and years can mean making changes in your treatment plan. Diet and physical activity may control your blood sugar at first, but you may need to take medicine down the road. Over time, you may need to change medicines, or add medicines, to keep your blood sugar under control. You may even need to use insulin."

In other words, GSK is telling you that if you are being treated with conventional medical drugs, your diabetes is incurable and will get progressively worse. They should know.


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Furthermore, they are really telling you that you will in time suffer one or more of the complications of diabetes which are listed below.

If you have diabetes, you are at serious risk of kidney disease and kidney failure. You have a substantially increased likelihood of having a stroke and developing heart disease. You are also likely to develop peripheral arterial disease a very painful condition. You will almost certainly have a reduced sex life. You are substantially at risk of developing Neuropathy (extremities go numb). You have a high likelihood of suffering an amputation of one or more of your limbs. And finally, and not least, you are at risk of going blind.

The fact is that they are implicitly telling you that none of the medication offered to you will actually protect you from any of this. Do you really want to take go down that road? Wouldn't it be smarter to cure yourself now?

The only way to protect yourself is by making significant changes to your lifestyle and I can show which changes and how.

Are you ready to cure yourself of diabetes now?

I will first explain how you got your diabetes and how it works. I will explain how you can cure yourself of diabetes. And once I have done that I will show you an even easier and simpler and more convenient way to cure yourself because if you use my 30 day cure program I have done all the hard work for you.

It is not easy to change your lifestyle and your diet. Many temptations lie between you and success. Habits are hard to break. Many of the foods that cause diabetes are very seductive. But if you can break yourself free and I believe I can help you do that, you will never look back.

So what gives you diabetes?

If you are serious of wanting to cure yourself of diabetes, you will really need to understand what it is first. Most people understand that diabetes is not something you catch. It is not infectious or contagious. It also isn't


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genetic, although there may be some genetic predisposition that will make some people get diabetes sooner than others.

As I said at the beginning it is metabolic. It is about what you eat and what you don't eat and how you live and how your body responds to all of that. It is not for nothing that the incidence of diabetes has doubled worldwide in the last 30 years. If you want to seek the cause, look at the changes in how people live today and what they eat today compared to how they lived 30 years ago and what they ate 30 years ago.

30 years ago far more people in the world prepared their food only from natural ingredients. Convenience and junk food had really just begun to make its impression in the United States. Today, where the United States has led, much of the rest of the world is following which explains the doubling of the incidence of diabetes in the last 30 years.

Perhaps you habitually eat your ready-made meals out of a paper bag or a plastic box. Are you gulping your lunch down in five or ten minutes, on the go, hardly pausing to chew it, let alone savour it, because you are in a hurry and stressed. Perhaps you wash your mainly refined carbohydrate meal down with a cup of coffee or even worse, a sweet soda. Maybe you even follow that with a donut. If this is you, I am sure you are also likely to take a drug for your indigestion to follow that meal. And of course, over time, all that is the perfect way to get diabetes.

The FDA has just announced that one of the most popular antacid and anti-reflux category of drugs on the market, proton pump inhibitors, is more dangerous than was thought.

The Some examples are esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, prilosec and Prevacid. They are very popular.

These heartburn and acid reflux drugs often provide symptom relief, but in exchange for that relief, patients may end up with an increased risk of getting Hypo-Magnesemia. Proton pump inhibitors deplete the magnesium in your body and there are many serious disease conditions that can start from that depletion, for example magnesium is one of your key defences against type 2 diabetes .


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Maybe you also start your day with a generous helping of bacon, perhaps also sausages and three fried eggs washed down with a glass of cold milk. That too will help you on your way to diabetes.

If you really want to make sure that you are a candidate for diabetes, make your favourite dinner a burger with fries or even a one pound steak with fries, all eased down with a cola.

Let me explain why living like that over a period of years will set you up for diabetes. Essentially, we have not evolved to survive and thrive on either an artificial, partially synthetic diet or one that is overbalanced towards large amounts of animal protein.

Human beings have evolved over millennia to draw their sustenance from naturally grown foods, including a reasonable proportion of vegetables, greens, salad leaves and fruit. For many, today's diet contains very little of any of those and rather are primarily animal protein, laced with toxic chemicals and lots of refined carbohydrates. In fact they call the people who design these ready-made meals food scientists. It is no longer the chef or cook that produces meals, it is a food scientist.

The ready-made meals that most people eat today have been processed, transmogrified and adulterated to the extent that much of it has little or no nutritional value at all. That way, you can become obese with the excessive calories provided by the refined carbs, while at the same time be malnourished, as you are getting less nutrition than someone living in


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a third World country. And all this is done for the benefit of business and for the bottom line.

Not one single action is taken to make your convenience food more nutritious or beneficial to you. Synthetic colourings make the food pleasing to the eye, synthetic preservatives increase the shelf-life, synthetic ingredients to make the food keep its shape, synthetic neurotoxins to make the food addictive to you and of course synthetic replacements to make your sweeteners cheaper to source.

Even before the food processors get to handle your food, agribusiness is reducing the cost of the ingredients but at the price of reducing the nutritional value. And, to make sure that you are receptive to the eventual products, the advertising industry is paid by agribusiness and food processors to misinform and bamboozle you.

It is hardly surprising that in our cultural environment a new generation is growing up believing that cooking is a quaint antiquated habit. In their world, food doesn't grow on trees or in the ground, all you need is an accessible supermarket for a ready-made meal in a box and pop it into a microwave oven. They are also led to believe by the dairy and meat marketers, that animal protein is the most nutritious and essential food.

The only thing that surprises me is that the food industry has not figured out that they should be paid referral fees for the millions of future patients that they are sending to the medical establishment.

Physical effort is essential to your well-being

Most adults today are completely sedentary in their habits. To get to work, they will use transport. During the day, they work at a desk and their most strenuous activity is moving a computer mouse. To get back home they will use transport. In the evening their most strenuous activity will be to sit on the couch or in bed and switch channels on the TV. Everything has become electronic and programmed and effortless.


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But your body needs effort if it is to function properly. Again, it is a matter of evolution. We have only just emerged from a jungle where we had to hunt and forage for our food. If we were not running after food, we were running away in order not to become food. And when we emerged from the jungle, we had to sow and reap our food on the land. All this serious physical effort ensured that our entire body systems functioned optimally. That is simply the way our bodies have evolved.

What would you expect if you left your car in the drive for a couple of years without ever taking it for a ride. Would you be surprised to find the battery flat? Would you expect it to run smoothly and not have rust? You know that even your car needs to be used in order to function properly. How much more so is that true for a biological system? If you don't use it, you lose it.

What goes on in your body?

So what happens if we do not eat the right food and we do eat the wrong food and we live the wrong lifestyle? I will now explain the consequences.

All living beings need energy. Without energy, they would stall, stop, and die. The primary fuel for human beings that is converted from food and


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drink is glucose (which is the same as blood sugar). At the individual cell level, glucose is transformed to adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP).

If you have more glucose then you need for your immediate energy requirements, that is stored as fat (triglycerides). That is why, if you eat energy rich foods, particularly if they are refined carbohydrates, and you are sedentary, you will put on weight and eventually become obese. And that whole process, let alone the eventual outcome, is exceedingly bad for your health.

The key role of insulin

Insulin is arguably the single most important hormone produced in your body. It is produced in your pancreas. The main function of insulin is to convert your excess glucose in your bloodstream to stored triglycerides. They are stored in your body and in your liver.

Without insulin or with too little of insulin, you would very quickly die. That is not only because it is insulin that makes it possible for the last stage of your digestion to function, i.e. to manage the glucose in a way that allows it to become energy and stored energy. It is also because it is insulin that prevents a build-up of too much glucose in your blood (blood sugar).

The fact is that too much of a good thing can become a very bad thing. An excess of blood sugar is extremely inflammatory, it causes great damage to your tissues and organs with which it comes into contact. That is why you get all the secondary damaging diseases including heart disease as a consequence of having diabetes.

Because diabetes is the condition that occurs when you have too little insulin, generally because you are insulin resistant or eventually as a result of the pancreas becoming exhausted constantly trying to produce enough insulin to deal with a chronic excess of glucose in your blood. That is why if you eat the kind of diet I described in the previous chapter, that causes you to become diabetic.


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But generally, even before your pancreas becomes exhausted, another problem occurs which is commonly called prediabetic. When you are prediabetic, you are already well on your way to becoming a diabetic.

It is at that point that although your pancreas can produce a sufficiency of insulin, you have started to become resistant to the insulin. In other words, your insulin can no longer function properly, and that of course sets up this spiral where you become increasingly insulin resistant and your pancreas is constantly chasing to catch up by producing more insulin, which in turn makes you more insulin resistant.

This is doubly damaging. It is now that your arteries are flooded with both glucose and insulin, both of which are highly inflammatory. Together, they literally "burn" tissue and organs. This is a process called glycation which encrusts your tissues with oxidised sugar. The oxidised sugar is called advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Elevated levels of AGEs accelerate the ageing process. That is why people with diabetes often have prematurely wrinkled skin and organs that makes them 20 years older biologically than their physical age. Moreover, the damage that is being done to their arteries and organs is taking a serious toll.

Check out if any of these early symptoms could apply to you. If they do, you might wish to have a fasting glucose test from your Dr.

Insulin resistance, the top 10 signs.

Insulin resistance is insidious. You hardly know it is happening. It does serious damage long before you become diabetic. If you are insulin resistant, you are in danger that the insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas could die from exhaustion.

At this stage, relatively little permanent damage has been done and it is possible to reverse the process by a radical change of diet and lifestyle which is what I will describe further on. Essentially, the first thing you need to do when you discover what it is that is causing damage is to stop doing it.


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Unfortunately, most doctors do not have the time, knowledge or inclination to advise such a change. Ideally, you need to be motivated and supervised. That is not something most doctors do. The good news is that I have setup a program that does all that for you. More on that later.

Below is a list of the signs to look out for. If you experience some of those signs, it would be a good idea to go to your doctor and have various blood markers checked out. I describe those in the next chapter.

Belly fat. A swelling abdomen is an early sign of insulin resistance in men. In women it appears as belly fat combined with prominent buttocks. That condition is often called diabesity because it invariably means that there is improper metabolism of sugars and fats.

Depression. When you are depressed the associated stress causes the liver to produce an excess of cortisol (often called the worry hormone). A bi-product of high levels of cortisol is that it causes blood sugar to rise. With chronic depression you therefore find an excess of insulin which can lead to diabetes.

Low blood sugar. The excess of insulin produced by eating the wrong kind of food can overcompensate and cause your blood sugar to fall too fast, especially after a heavy meal. If you feel agitated and jittery and if only eating something can get rid of that feeling, you are probably experiencing low blood sugar and especially if you also notice physical and mental fatigue, you may be experiencing insulin resistance.


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Fatigue. Insulin resistance is very wearing. If you notice that you are easily fatigued, it might indicate that you are having a problem metabolising excess sugar.

Brain fog. If you notice that you are mentally fatigued, finding it hard to focus and being forgetful, this may be a symptom of insulin resistance.

Bloating. People who are insulin resistant very often need to drink a great deal plus if you eat refined carbohydrates and sugar you will produce a great deal of gas. Both of those together will make you appear and feel bloated. That could also be telling you that you are insulin resistant.

Sleepiness or insomnia. Both too little or too much sleep can be a tipoff that you are insulin resistant. Eating refined carbohydrates can make you sleepy and alternatively if you are sleep deprived that is stressful, raising cortisol and insulin in its turn.

Dental problems. A frequent cause of periodontal disease (gum infections) is Prediabetes.

The elevated sugar encourages the growth of bacteria and that gum disease can also increase your risk of heart disease.

Slow healing and frequent infections. With Prediabetes, your immune system is impaired and as a result you are more likely to suffer from Colds, flu and slow healing wounds.

Sexual problems. Erectile dysfunction in men and inflammation of the vagina or cystitis in women are frequent indications of Prediabetes. These


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are caused by too much insulin in the blood which in turn damage the layer on the inside of blood vessels.

A doctor's diagnosis and prescription.

While I strongly recommend that you do go to your doctor in order to test whether you are prediabetic, in the event that he does diagnose prediabetes or diabetes, I do not recommend that you take his prescription for some sort of glucose lowering medication such as glucophage.

You do not need drugs to lower your blood sugar which in any event is the wrong end of the problem. What you need to do is to reduce and eventually eliminate your insulin resistance. Lowering your blood sugar by taking a drug withich encourages your pancreas to create more insulin just stresses the pancreas more and does not prevent the continued deterioration of your condition.

There is a harmless way to reduce and eventually eliminate your insulin resistance. It is simply to stop doing what has caused the problem in the first place. You need to reduce your consumption of animal protein and refined carbohydrates and be more physically active. Numerous studies have shown that giving your pancreas a rest and reducing the production of insulin will eventually reduce insulin resistance.

There are a number of indicators that will be key to deciding whether you are prediabetic or diabetic. The first is your fasting glucose test which checks your glucose level in the blood after a night in which you have not eaten or drunk anything. This checks your haemoglobin AIC level which is the long-term sugar level in your blood.

A more precise test is the glucose tolerance test where you take it sugary drink after a night's fasting and your glucose level in the blood is checked before and after one hour to see how well your insulin has functioned to clear the high levels of blood sugar from your blood.

Other pointers are, you should be checking your triglycerides as a high-level is an indicator of diabetes or imminent diabetes. Similarly if your LDL cholesterol is elevated and HDL cholesterol is relatively low, this is often a pointer towards diabetes


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Hypertension often accompanies Prediabetes and diabetes as the flow of blood through your arterial system is generally impaired by fat deposits if you are suffering Prediabetes or diabetes. There is also a direct relationship between too much insulin in the blood and high blood pressure. As the level of insulin rises so does your blood pressure.

The other issue is Leptin

Most doctors do not understand the importance of the hormone leptin. But it can be crucial. The function of leptin is to tell you that you are no longer hungry. Your body does that by sensing the nutrition that you have had but it does not sense calories, it senses nutrition. The problem is that it is very easy to confuse the body with what you are eating so that it no longer sends or hears the leptin signal.

If you consistently overeat and eat rapidly, the signal will get lost. In particular if you eat highly refined carbohydrates and synthetic products like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) a sweetener which is widely used in sodas, fruit drinks, baked goods, and all kinds of processed foods because it is inexpensive. In those circumstances, you can consume an inordinate amount of calories, because you are actually not getting that much nutrition. As a result your brain will not send the leptin signal.

Not only does that mean that you will continue to overeat. And in fact this resistance to the leptin signal is probably why many people become obese. It is very hard to stop overeating when your body is telling you that it is still hungry.

The problem goes beyond just overeating because when the brain does not hear the leptin signal, as you keep eating, your pancreas also keeps generating insulin and your insulin levels in the blood go up with all the damage that does.

The solution is to stop eating refined carbohydrates and to eat only those carbohydrates that also contain considerable soluble fibre. If you are living a sedentary existence, you need also to increase your level of physical activity.


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The 37 inch frontier

I have already mentioned that men tend to accumulate fat and bloat around their belly. As soon as your belly fat makes your waist exceed 37 inches, you are at risk of becoming diabetic and your risk of other disease also increases.

There is ample research to show for example that a 37 inch waist increases your chance of getting prostate cancer. There is very little doubt that your risk of cardiovascular problems also increases. It is a pretty sure sign that you probably have problems metabolising blood sugar.

What happens when you get type II diabetes?

If you have insulin resistance and/or metabolic syndrome and you do not make changes to your diet and your lifestyle, this will rapidly evolve into full-blown type II diabetes.

Do not be misled into thinking that a diet high in animal protein is healthy and will protect you against type II diabetes. It is not only refined carbohydrates and sugar that cause an insulin reaction. Studies have shown that red meat will generate an insulin reaction almost as great as sugar.

When insulin is blocked by fuel-burning cells, glucose gets converted into fatty triglycerides. That is why if you have diabetes and you do exercise, instead of the body burning up more fat, it begins to burn up muscle tissue. And that in turn is why it is so hard to lose weight when you are prediabetic or diabetic.

Those fatty triglycerides are circulating in your bloodstream along with excessive insulin and some of the triglycerides end up as plaque on the inside of your arterial wall. That increases the danger of a cardiovascular event. In fact 75% of all diabetic fatalities are caused by heart failure.

Perhaps now, you understand that being fat does not cause diabetes. It is the other way round. It is eating the wrong diet that gives you diabetes and makes you fat. Those two events are intimately entwined.


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The five damaging events in your body

Let's re-cap of what is now happening in your body if you have not dealt with your Prediabetes or diabetes. And don't forget that for every diagnosed diabetic there are probably two pre-diabetics or diabetics walking around totally oblivious of what is happening inside their body and the danger they are in.

1. The effect of the high levels of glucose and insulin in your bloodstream are highly inflammatory. It is as if billions of tiny shards of glass are coursing through your arteries under pressure. They will scrape and scratch the tissue they come in contact with. The consequence of that is that the body tries to protect and repair the damage done by creating layers of fat and cholesterol over the damage. These layers are called plaque and are cumulative, restricting blood flow, increasing blood pressure and reducing the amount of blood getting to every organ in your body. They can also produce a blood clot which can initiate a heart attack or stroke. And that is why it is diabetics who largely suffer those events.

2. Inflammation is caused by and also causes free radicals. It is free radicals that can cause cancer. When your diet consists of very few fresh vegetables, greens, salads and fruit, you also have very low levels of the antioxidants that can mop up free radicals. When the free radicals damage your DNA, that is the beginning of cancer.

Moreover, if your diet contains a large quantity of animal protein, your body's cellular infrastructure will be acidic. And cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment which is what you get when you have a cellular structure that is highly acidic. And of course the preferred food of cancerous cells is glucose. So with that diet, your body is creating the ideal environment for cancer cells to thrive.

If you continue with your highly refined carbohydrate and animal protein diet when you know you have diabetes or insulin resistance you are asking for an eventual diagnosis of cancer.

3. Glucose molecules in the blood displace oxygen within the red blood cells. Oxygen is essential to all your vital organs. Without a sufficient delivery of oxygen you are now likely to get serious diabetic complications including blindness, gangrene and consequent limb amputation.


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4. When there is insufficient oxygen and high levels of glucose your blood becomes thick. That causes it to move slowly and the brain in response sends out a signal to drink in order to help the blood to get thinner. That is why one warning signal of diabetes is excessive drinking.

Many people compound the damage by responding to the signal by drinking soda. Drinking too much liquid causes frequent urination which can flush out precious nutrients that are already in short supply. This may cause the body to eat its own muscle (as previously mentioned) and this is why diabetes is sometimes called a "wasting disease".

5 The endgame if you make no changes to your diet and lifestyle is that your pancreas will become exhausted by its overproduction of insulin. When your body can no longer produce its own insulin, you will have to inject a synthetic version of insulin and that brings its own problems.

Why drugs will not help you?

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of drugs that can bring down the level of your blood sugar. Because conventional medicine treats


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symptoms, your doctor will be very happy at this reduction in your blood sugar level.

But we have to look at how those drugs are bringing down your level of blood sugar and it turns out they do it by increasing the insulin production of your pancreas. While that may appear to be helping the problem, it is in fact making it worse.

Your pancreas is being even more stressed and will wear out even faster. That is why the conventional medical establishment believes and would have us believe that diabetes is incurable and progressive.

You may recall that earlier in this report, I reproduced an extract from the Glaxo Smith Kline website where they stated quite clearly that diabetes is incurable and progressive and that over time your drug regimen will have to change and eventually you may have to take insulin. Quite simply, if you take their drugs that is true. With treatment by drugs, your diabetes and the complications that follow it can only get worse.

I should note that everyone produces less insulin as they get older. That normally does not matter too much. But if you have type II diabetes, getting older just makes things worse.

Insulin resistance is the primary cause of destroying the beta cells in the pancreas that generate insulin. Therefore insulin resistance accelerates the development of diabetes and worsens its consequences.

Studies that prove Diet cures Diabetes.

A small scale study was recently run by Prof Roy Taylor of Newcastle University in the UK. He believed that adhering to a strict 600 cal a day diet would cause fat levels in the pancreas to drop through the floor and that that would restore normal function.

The results of his study showed that after just a week, prebreakfast (fasting) blood sugar levels had returned to normal, suggesting a resumption of correct pancreas function. After eight weeks, all had managed to reverse their diabetes. Three months on, seven of the eight participants remained free of diabetes. He has just presented his findings to the American diabetes Association conference in San Diego.


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What to do?

There are two ways in which you can cure your diabetes. The first is to do it yourself and I am giving you enough information in this report to help you start doing that right away. However, I do caution you that if you decide to do it by yourself, you should do this with medical supervision and not stop any medication without a doctor's agreement.

The second is to join my 30daycure programme where I make it easy and do most of the work for you. More about that further on.

In both cases you have to stop doing the things that have caused the problem in the first place. That means stop eating refined carbohydrates, fried foods, animal protein, sugar and synthetic sweeteners. Especially stop eating ready processed meals.

If you stop doing those things completely, your pancreas will breathe a sigh of relief. For the first time it will be able to have a rest and not be stressed. To the extent that it can, depending upon the damage that has already occurred, it will begin to repair itself. With my program, in 30 days you will become less insulin resistant.

Eventually, you will be able to eat a more normal diet without any problems. That does not mean however, that you can instantly go back to all your bad habits after the 30 days. If you do so you are at risk that you may simply give yourself another case of diabetes.

So let me go into more detail so that you understand, refined carbohydrates consists of any sugar or sweetener, all flour, (so bread and cakes are out), all grains even whole grains in the initial stages of recovery, all meat, fish and dairy products which includes milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt.


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What is ideal is a raw organic vegan diet.

I would not be surprised if your initial reaction is, so what can I eat?

Actually, there is a great deal of food that you can eat but some of that food may be very unfamiliar to you right now. You have been trained to eat what the food industry wants you to eat. Now you need to explore the world of salads, vegetables, beans, lentils, modest amounts of fruit, nuts and seeds, all of which are highly nutritious and contain soluble fibre which slows down the absorption of the glucose and thereby reduces the demand for insulin from your pancreas

As an alternative to doing it yourself, my 30 day cure programme makesit easy for you. Take my supplements and my ready meals. That is it. If you still feel hungry, eat as much raw greens and salads (without dressing) as you wish.

I provide easy to prepare ready meals in convenient packaging so thatall you need to do is mix with water and put it in a blender. All the foodthat I provide is raw, organic, and vegan in a balanced and highlynutritious formulation. It tastes great and it fills you up so that you arenot hungry.

I also provide a special range of natural supplements that willsupercharge your healing process.

If you follow my regimen using my food powders and supplements for 30 days and eat nothing else, other than fresh greens and salads, I guarantee you will lose weight. If you are prediabetic, you will be cured. If


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you have type II diabetes, you will be able to come off all your medication subject to medical supervision.

If you want to know more about my program, you can e-mail meat [email protected] or you can visit my site athttp://www.bensdiabetes.com