What is a Value? What does value mean in math class? What does value mean while shopping at the store? What does it mean when someone says, “I have learned my parents values”? a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life

What is a Value? What does value mean in math class? What does value mean while shopping at the store? What does it mean when someone says, “I have learned

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What is a Value?

What does value mean in math class?What does value mean while shopping at the

store?What does it mean when someone says, “I

have learned my parents values”?

a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is

important in life

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Try to identify THREE values that are mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance!

Three American Values

Use textbook pages 8-9 to define the following terms:Liberty EqualityJustice


Freedom from control Government promotes liberty by

protecting rightsExamples: right to vote, free

religion, privacy, fair trial, own a weapon, etc.

Rights can be limited The people decide what are

acceptable limits



Concept of treating everyone the same

Government promotes equality by protecting rights equally and enforcing laws equally

Government protects equal opportunity – not equal outcome



A system of fair laws and consequences Government promotes justice through law

enforcement and a court system



Suppose Zombies have overrun the U.S. You and your group have relocated to a “Safe Zone” in the middle of the country. Protected and able to live successfully, you need to start rebuilding a New America. Your first step is to start structuring your laws:TEAM LIBERTY: Write 3 laws that guarantee liberty. TEAM EQUALITY: Write 3 laws that guarantee equality.TEAM JUSTICE: Write 3 laws that guarantee justice.


After establishing new laws, your group needs to determine how people should act. Imagine if no one took the rebuilding of

America seriously? Make a list of 10 qualities that would make someone a functional member in your new society.

Qualities of a Good Citizen

In your groups, circle the characteristics that you think are also qualities of a good American citizen in today’s society. Each of

you needs to write the circled characteristics down

Qualities of a Good Citizen

Return to your seats and complete the “Qualities of a Good Citizen” graphic organizer using pages 9 and 10 of the textbook. Take quick reference notes highlighting the main idea

of each red subheading. Which, of any, of the characteristics that you identified

in your groups are present on the list on page 10?

Main Values of the United States (Explain each)

Liberty Equality

Justice Pick which one you think is most important and explain why

On the back, please agree or disagree with the following statement and explain why:

“If you obey all laws, you have fulfilled your responsibilities as an American citizen.”