What does eFileCabinet actually do?

What does eFileCabinet actually do?content.efilecabinet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/What-Does-eF… · 13. Maximize Your Performance (Not Enough Time to Use Money-Earning Expertise)

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What does eFileCabinet actually do?

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Much More Than Some of Our Customers

and You May Think This eBook explains several crucial eFileCabinet document management system features to help

you get a glimpse of its power, scope, and potential to improve your o�ice, department, or business

in a variety of ways. From eFileCabinet’s open API to its so�ware integrations, the solution is an

incredibly diverse tool that can be leveraged to assist any organization.


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Answering the questionThere’s no shame in asking the question “What does eFileCabinet actually do?” Sometimes a customer will

call in with this very question. Other times they will assume it does much less than it really does, frequently

confusing it with a cloud storage solution or consumer-grade digital file repository—assuming it’s merely a

fancy shelf for storing digital records; something no more sophisticated than a Windows folder structure on

a typical desktop—something akin to Dropbox, circa the turn of the millennium, really.

Although these assumptions are understandable, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Our testimonials

and case studies pages are proof that our so�ware has incredible benefits, but these satisfied customers

leave much of our o�ering’s functionality, scope, and applicability unmentioned.

Additionally, at Our Edge User Conferences, we even talk to customers who love the way eFileCabinet

works and benefits them, but are shocked to learn they are only leveraging half the so�ware’s resources.


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You Can’t Maximize the Benefits of What You Don’t UnderstandYes, what eFileCabinet o�ers is a document management system (also commonly referred to as document

management so�ware), including several powerful add-ons. But the term “document management

system” doesn’t specify meaning very precisely.

Yet, we still rely on the term to describe ourselves so people can find us in the search engines. Truth be told,

although people think document management system, when in search of what we o�er, it’s not the best

term for describing what eFileCabinet does, nor is it the best term for describing what our competitors do.

Why is this term flawed? Well, think of it: Technically, a traditional filing cabinet (which has

been in circulation for over a century) is a document management system, or

system for the management of documents, however you’d like to put it.

Nothing revolutionary about that.

Same goes, again, for a Windows folder structures and other lightweight,

consumer-grade devices that workers in the insurance, finance,

healthcare, human resources, accounting, property management, real

estate, and construction industries should not be using to manage


Now that you have the appropriate context, we’ll delve into what

eFileCabinet actually does: What we actually do serving as proof that

we can save the world’s workforce—one small business at a time: Our

technology not only reinstates e�icient processes and educated workers

as the backbone of global economic health, but also provides workers

with convenience, peace of mind, profitability, free time, and mobility.


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eFileCabinet Solves Huge O�ice Problems You Aren’t Even Aware Of I can almost envision you thinking it: But if I have so many o�ice problems, why am I not aware of them?

Well, simply put, the answer is because you’ve been conditioned to view traditional work as a pain in

the butt. Even if you do what you love for a living, paperwork and menial o�ice tasks are likely part of

the job you could do without.

In developed countries, and especially in America, documentation struggles are such an accepted fact

of work life that we don’t believe they’re an issue.

We push paper at our desks all day, saunter to the printer and fax machine, lose documents, then find

the originals a�er re-creating them; we manually fill out information in forms over, and over again;

search frantically for paperclips, staplers, and file folders; send unencrypted email messages with

sensitive client information that could result in a data breach, or needlessly spend time encrypting

sensitive messages.

We rummage through desks downtrodden by paper and search folders for misplaced documents. This

is a big part of why the workday gets longer. Information proliferates at a greater pace than ever before,

but we rely on outdated means of managing it.


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Chances are you aren’t even aware of how awful this is. Chances are you’re equally unaware of how preventable it is. But work doesn’t have to be this way. It can be empowering, liberating, and a means of achieving personal

growth and satisfaction in your life, and this freedom begins with understanding and using the following

eFileCabinet tools.


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eFileCabinet Solves More of These Small Business Problems Than Anyone

eFileCabinet solves more of the problems that small businesses face than any other so�ware company.

Period. More specifically, eFileCabinet securely automates, organizes, and mobilizes small businesses.

Here are the most commonly listed results of using eFileCabinet as reported to us by our user base, with

the corresponding problems solved shown in parentheses.

1. Keep Everything in One Place (Scattered Information)

2. Waste Less Time (Ine�iciency)

3. Eliminate Lost or Misfiled Documents (Disorganization)

4. Work from Anywhere (Inflexibility)

5. Facilitate Compliance and Ensure Security (Breach Susceptibility)

6. Improve Customer Service (Poor Customer Acquisition and Retention)

7. Consistent File Structure (Inconsistent Information Storage)

8. Securely Share Files of Any Size (Inability to Share Lots of Info Securely)

9. Automate Redundant Processes (Doing Repetitive, Unskilled Tasks)

10. Control Access and Track Documents (Internal Data Breaches, Digital Clutter)

11. Save Space and Money (Too Many Operating Costs)

12. Fast-Track Document Turnaround (Slow Process Pipeline)

13. Maximize Your Performance (Not Enough Time to Use Money-Earning Expertise)

14. Protect Your Business (No Automatic Data Backup or Encryption)

15. Expand Your Business (Ine�iciency Is Stunting Growth/Innovation)


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Let’s say you have 100 clients, and you o�er all of them the same service (a regular occurrence in

healthcare, insurance, financial services, manufacturing, and accounting). This means you will be dealing

with similar documents for each client, and a ton of mind numbing manual folder and file creation,

including manual creation of the folder and cabinet structures for storing these documents.

This is made even worse if you organized the structure of your folders, cabinets, and files in a way that

doesn’t make long-term sense for sharing information with others in your company. If you want to re-create

the structure, you’ll have to copy, paste, and move folder structures.

It doesn’t matter how smart you are. This eats up time.

That is, if you aren’t using a document management system from eFileCabinet, which solves this problem

via templates. Templates let you replicate drawer, and folder structures across di�erent territories of the

system, automating a broad scope of manual processes that save time, especially for fast growing


And in our lite product, Express, advanced templates let users apply the same replicating power to

documents themselves, not just folders and drawers within the system. And if you make the wrong

structure, it’s no big deal. They can easily be deleted without deleting the information and files stored

within the system.



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Seriously, CPA Practice Advisor says so, and here’s why:

Email is breach susceptible. If you’re an accounting, insurance,

healthcare, or financial services professional, clients aren’t going to be

happy with you. Even worse, the information can be intercepted and

lead to a variety of issues, including identify the�.

That doesn’t mean you should never use email again. In fact, our

document management system integrates with Outlook so you can still rely

on traditional email for non-sensitive client information.

However, when you need to send that sensitive document, SecureDrawer lets you share it without removing

it from its bank-grade encryption vault, and the easiest way to prevent something from breach isn’t

removing it from its location, or sending it transit, but granting certain users access to it, and that’s exactly

what SecureDrawer does.

You could spend time wrapping an email up in encryption to combat the breach susceptible aspects of

email, but that requires time and technological expertise that most small to mid-sized businesses and

departments simply don’t have.

SecureDrawer is such a sophisticated yet simple file sharing tool that customers are happy to pay you

additional fees to use it. And the more customers (potential SecureDrawer guest users) you have, the more

tra�ic you can drive to your website: SecureDrawer o�ers you custom branding and design options in its

interface, including a unique URL. If you garner enough guest users to SecureDrawer, the unique URL will

increase your page rank in the search engines, making you more visible to potential customers.

SecureDrawer: Why You Need a Web Portal (Even if You Don’t Know What It Is)


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Zonal OCR Makes It Feel Like Files Find YouSeriously, you’ll be able to find a document so fast it’ll feel like it found you instead. This is important as

some studies have suggested the average worker in knowledge industries (accounting, finance, human

resources, financial services, insurance, healthcare, etc.) spend over 20% of their time searching for

paper-based information.

Zonal OCR (optical character recognition) prevents you from having to fill out the same form with the same

information manually, and automatically routes documents where they need to go within the document

management system through user-specified metadata.

Without Zonal OCR, you’re scanning a document, uploading it somewhere, and probably losing it. With

Zonal OCR, you’re putting documents in the scanner and everything else is done for you. Over the span of a

year or more, this can save vast amounts of time.

The recent Zonal OCR update also leverages several new modes for unparalleled document management

precision—especially for accounting document management.


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File Versioning Reduces Clutter, Confusion, and Information ChaosIf you’ve ever had the same document go through several revisions, it’s probably been named and saved in

two di�erent places, creating information clutter, confusion, and duplicate project e�orts. These bad

practices significantly reduce e�iciency.

eFileCabinet’s document management system solves this problem by letting you save di�erent versions of

the same document in the system, ensuring that the document name is not changed when it’s been edited

or updated to a new version. This will ensure that the right document is utilized as a final dra�, and

eliminate any confusion about who edited and checked out the file.


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Role-based User PermissionsThis is, essentially, employee management automation and project management automation at its best.

Although eFileCabinet document management system lets you keep everything in one place, that would

be cause for concern if we could not control who saw what—and that’s where role-based user permissions

come into play.

Permissions assist with compliance in the event of an external audit, and, additionally, ensure certain

documents are viewed only by parties allowed to view them.

This ensures the controlling access and tracking of documents as specified in the previous section. A

significant portion of data breaches are internal (occurring from within the organization), and this is why

role-based permissions are so crucial to security.


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In conclusion, eFileCabinet solves your most common o�ice problems, many of which you may not even know you have.

Get a Free eFileCabinet Demo Today

To see how Templates, Zonal OCR, Versioning, and SecureDrawer solve these

problems, visit our website and request a free demo.

Automated Retention and DeletionThis may sound scary to some, but the document management system can delete documents a�er specific

periods of time as specified by the user. This reduces clutter, keeps things organized, and makes it easier to

find what you’re looking for. This is a particularly useful feature for human resources managers and
