What do Airport Operator Need to Know about Managing their Runways ? 1) What are the best maintenance strategies to keep pavements/runways in top form? 2) What technologies are out there to minimize maintenance down time cost-effectively? 3) What are the various environmentally friendly solutions to enable additional cost savings while keeping in line with sustainability initiatives? Presented by Dieter Pade VP Sales & Service SMETS Technology/RCS Contracting Companies

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What do Airport Operator Need to Know about Managing

their Runways ?

1) What are the best maintenance strategies to keep

pavements/runways in top form?

2) What technologies are out there to minimize

maintenance down time cost-effectively?

3) What are the various environmentally friendly solutions

to enable additional cost savings while keeping in line with

sustainability initiatives?

Presented by

Dieter Pade VP Sales & Service

SMETS Technology/RCS Contracting


What do Airport Operator Need to Know about Managing

their Runways ?

I. The Leagal Implication - if runway is not maintained well and an accident


• Safety Management System in place

II. International Requirements and Recommendations

• ICAO, FAA, National CAA requirements

III. Physical reasons for Ground Accidents

• Runway Texture Status, Runway Layout, Wind Shear Forces, Runway

Texture Material and its influence on SAFETY

IV. Technical / Operational reasons for Ground Accidents

• Runway Condition Reporting

V. Runway Maintenance Technologies and their impact on the Runway Texture

I.) Legal Implications

• Most Airport Operator are not aware of the fact, that

for any Accident, which happens on the Traffic

Areas, they are liable to the Airline, if ICAO, FAA or

national CAA Recommendations or Regulations are

not considered and observed.

• The Insurance of the Airline will in case of a Runway

Excursion or Accident immediately ask for proof that

the Friction Values on the Runway are within the limits

of ICAO Recommendations.

• Chapter 1.3 summarizes requirements for

• Licensing procedures

• Necessary documentation

• Functions of the licensing Authorities

• According to the ICAO requirements all certified airports should

have a

• Safety Management System (SMS) in place as of November 2005

• All contractor working on a licensed airport should have a SMS in

place as of November 2005

• An airport operating with international civil Aviation must be certified.

II.) ICAO Amendment for Introduction of SMS based on

ICAO Annex 14 (Aerodromes Chapter 1.3)


ICAO Doc 9774 Manual on Certification of Aerodromes and ICAO Doc

9859 SMS

• :Ref Annex 14

§1.4.1 : “states shall certify aerodromes used for international operations…”

§1.4.4 : “States shall ensure that an Aerodrome Manual which will include all

pertinent information on the aerodrome site, facilities, services, equipment,

operating procedures, organization and management, including a safety

management system, is submitted by the applicant for approval prior to

granting the aerodrome certificate”

§ 1.5.3 : “ States shall require, as part of their safety program, that a certified

aerodrome operator implements a safety management system …

§ 2.13.1 “…. To report to the responsible aeronautical information services unit,

with a minimum of delay : a) information on the status of certification of

aerodromes and aerodrome conditions “ With reference to

• ICAO Doc 9774 Manual on Certification of Aerodromes and

• ICAO Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual for guidance material

Note : § 2.13.1 means that the status must be published in the AIP so that the

aviation community is aware that the aerodrome is in accordance with ICAO

standards and that it is safe to operate because the issue of a certificate means

that the aerodrome is allowed

ICAO Annex 14

• Clauses in ICAO Annex 14:

• 2.9.6: A runway or portion thereof shall be determined as being "slippery

when wet" when the measurements specified show that the runwa

• Surface friction characteristics as measured by a continuous friction

measuring device are below the minimum friction level specified by the


• 2.9.9: Whenever a runway is affected by water & snow, slush or ice, and it

has not been possible to fully clear the precipitant, the condition of the

runway should be assessed and the friction coefficient measured.


ICAO Airport Manual part 2 (Doc. 9137)

• Damp Runway: The surface shows a change of color due to moisture

• Wet Runway: the surface is soaked but there is no standing water Water patches:

significant patches of standing water are visible Flooded: extensive standing water is


• ICAO Annex 6 Attachment C

• Wet runway: A runway that is neither dry nor contaminated.

• Contaminated runway: A runway is contaminated when more than 25% of the

runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required

length and width being used

• Is covered by: Rubber, Water or slush more than 3 mm (0.125 in) deep ;

• Loose snow more than 20 mm (0.75 in) deep; or Compacted snow or ice, including

wet ice


JAR-OPS 1.480 Amendment 13

• Wet runway: A runway is considered wet when the runway surface is covered with water, or

equivalent, less than specified in what is identified in the contaminated runway or when there is

sufficient moisture on the runway surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant

areas of standing water

• Contaminated runway: A runway is considered to be contaminated when more than

• 25% of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length

and width being used is covered by the following:

• Surface water more than 3 mm (0·125 in) deep, or by slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more

than 3 mm (0·125 in) of water

• Snow, which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression

and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow)

• Ice, including wet ice

• Damp runway: A runway is considered damp when the surface is not dry, but when the moisture

on it does not give it a shiny appearance

Cir 329 AN/191

• Runway Surface Condition

Assessment, Measurement and


• Draft 2011

Hazards Related to Friction Issues and

Atmoshere Cir 329 AN/191 Hazard Friction characteristics Significant

change Physical Functional Operational

Texture Microtexture Slippery Slippery Retexture

Macrotexture Wet smooth


Macrotexture Wet skid resistant


No slope Standing water Poor drainage at tire/ground interface.

longer stopping distance.

New design

Hydroplaning Loss of directional control

Natural rounded aggregate

Susceptible for polishing

Slippery Slippery when wet Retexture


Rubber deposit on crushed aggregate

Cover texture Reduced texture No performance credit on Wet skid resistant pavement

Remove rubber deposit

Slippery Slippery

Rubber deposit on natural, smooth aggregate

Cover texture Reduced texture Longer stopping distance.

Slippery Slippery

Grooves Closing due to deformation

Poor drainage at tire/ground interface

Longer stopping distance

Open grooves

No performance credit on Wet skid resistant pavement

Filled with contaminant

Poor drainage at tire/ground interface

Longer stopping distance

Remove contaminant

No performance credit on Wet skid resistant pavement

III.) What is a Runway Excursion?

• When an aircraft on the runway surface departs the end or the side

of the runway surface

Runway excursions can occur on takeoff or landing. They consist of

two types of events:

Veer Off: A runway excursion in which an aircraft departs the

side of a runway

Overrun: A runway excursion in which an aircraft departs the

end of a runway

• Extract from the © International Air Transport Association 62011. All

Rights Reserved.

And this is absolutely dangerous if runway is wet


Overun result because of

poor friction

Physical Reasons For Ground Accidents

• Nose wheel aquaplaning and loss of directional control

• Main Gear aquaplaning and loss of braking action

Interdependance between

Adequate tyre quality

Type of pavement

Micro (40mph)and Macro (60mph) texture conditions of

this pavement

Friction between tyre and pavement surface

Corelation between pavement age and friction

Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane


• Worldwide Operations 1959 - 2010


Worldwide, there were 16 hull loss accidents in 2010 that

are included in the book.

The average over the preceding ten-year period (2000

through 2009) was 20 hull losses per year.

The fatality count in 2010 was 556, compared to the

average of 525 per year over the previous ten-year period.

Accident statistics by IFALPA

• Runway Excursions

Landing incidents on wet or contaminated (reduced friction) runways

are the second largest cause of incidents and accidents in aviation.

• Investigated 91 overrun and veer-off accidents

• (MTOW > 5700 kg, Europe, 1976-1995.)

• 53 % were veer-offs,

• 47 % overruns

• 75 % landing, 25 % rejected take-off landing incidents

• 51 % on a wet or contaminated runway

• 55 % after landing long & speed higher than normal. (wind,

turbulence, pilot margin) from which 75 % on a wet or contaminated


Statistically 20 Aircraft per year leave slippery

runways globally



• What is Retexturing?

• The mechanical modification of a sound pavement surface to

restore skidding resistance and texture depth or both

• Removal of Rubber and Traffic residue build up from the matrix,

• •Abrasion of aggregates

• Improvement of the macro and micro texture

No Comment on this not „properly“ maintained runway

IV.) Hydroplaning or Aquaplaning

Dynamic Hydroplaning

For fast landing of an aircraft on wet runway inertial effects prevent water

escaping from foot print area below tyreand the tyre is boyed off the

pavement by hydrodynamic force

Viscous Hydroplaning

When a tyre is unable to puncture the thin residual film left on a pavementin

the footprint area.

This water lubricats the surface and friction is reduced

Reverted Rubber Skidding

It follows often Dynamic or Viscous Hydroplaning were the wheels are


Locked wheels create enough heat to vaporise the underlaying water film

and form a cushion of steam which eliminateds the tyre /pavement contact.

Once started revert rubbr skidding will persist down to very low speed and

during this skidding there is NO steering or braking capability for the pilot.

Summarising the Danger of Aquaplaning

• Greatly increased stopping distant of aircraft

• Given enough water depth the critical speed for dynamic hydroplaning

increases with the square root of the tyre inflation pressure

• Runway shape supporting to reduce „standing water“ on runway or runway

shape is compromised by depressions

• Smooth or excessively worn tyres on a smooth ( with rubber covered )

runway surface is lethal on wet conditioned runway surfaces

To control the above dangers ICAO recommends

that the average surface texture depth of a NEW surface pavement should

not be less than 1 mm

Friction measurement shall be made periodically using a CFME with wetting


Why Do Airports Measure Friction?

Safety, Safety, Safety

1. ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices

(SARPS) Annex 14 Chapter 10

2. Aerodrome License Holder’s Safety Management


3. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-12C “Measurement,

Construction, And Maintenance Of Skid-resistant Airport

Pavement Surfaces”

4. French STBA Manual “L’ascultation des aerodromes”

5. UK CAA CAP 168 for Safety requirement // UK CAP

683 for friction measurement

6. National CAA Requirements

Friction Requirements and Measurements 1

• Both FAA and ICAO have adopted three friction levels:

• Minimum Friction Level (MFL) upon which breaking

distances of A/C are calculated;

• Maintenance Planning Level (MPL) When reached -

maintenance planning must started;.

• Design Objective Level (DOL) extending the time it

takes before MPL is reached

• Remarks: • FAA does not request/publish DOL for typical Asphalt/Concrete

Friction Requirements and Measurements 2

• To measure the Micro texture 40 mph speed is used –

for Macro texture measurement with 60 mph is used.

• ICAO mandates adherence to MFL + MPL;

• NOT to DOL, because DOL is a Recommendation only.

• It is left to States/Authorities to specify a DOL value

• Notam „caution runway is slippery when wet„ has to be

published if Friction Level has reached specified MFL

• Friction measurement numbers are different, depending

which type of CFME is used

In their advisory circular 150/5320-12C the

U.S. Department of transportation / federal aviation administration

recommends frequent rubber removal


• The build up of rubber deposits highly affect the level of friction and Aquaplaning of the runway.

• Makes it a potentially slippery surface in wet conditions.

• The accumulation of rubber deposits can vary depending on :

The number of landings

The size/weight of the aircraft

The period between runway surface cleanings

Runway Condition Reporting is a contributing factor to


• A common factor in most of the wet runway overrun and

excursion accidents is the fact that the actual condition

of the runway is not reported to the pilots

• Different Airplane Braking Action

reporting results are used.

The End Is Close

(Old Pilots Saying on Slippery Runways) NASA statement

• aquaplaning speed is calculated

• if you multiply the square root of the tire pressure with 9

• i.e.

• For a light twin a/c with tire pressure of 36 pounds aquaplaning on

contaminated Rwy starts with 54 kts.

• For a B727 with tire pressure of 180 pounds aquaplaning on


• Rwy starts with 117 kts

• For an AB 380 with a tire pressure of 200 pounds aquaplaning on

contaminated Rwy starts with 127 kts

• Or a Swedish study states:

• if the friction value is decreased by rubber by 0,01 you reduce

• the runway available length by 70 meters (LFV)

V.) Let us now discuss the differences of


present available Technologies

• ACRP Synthesis 11 investigated in 5 Chapter the following

techniques and gives their views from an US perspective,

• which must not be accepted unchallenged.

• Ch 1: Rubber Removal Background

• Ch 2: Water blasting Rubber Removal Techniques

• Ch 3:Chemical Removal Techniques

• Ch 4:Shotblasting Rubber Removal Techniques

• Ch 5:Mechanical Removal Techniques/Grooving

• Ch 6: Ultra High Water Pressure Removal Techniques

Ch 1 Rubber Removal Background

• When an AC is landing on a surface both

the micro and macro texture are filled up

with rubber and their ability to produce

good friction is progressively reduced.

• During wet rwy operation the net friction

level is drastically reduced.

2.Conventional Water Blasting Technique

• Advantages:

• Environmental compatibility

• Equipment maneuverability i.e.rwy clearance below 3 minutes

improved macro texture

• Improved pavement friction

• Retexturing possibility

• Disadvantage:

• Possible pavement damage

• Damage to grooves

• Environmental issues like amount of water used/disposal of residues

• Ambient air temperature limitations

• No AGL cleaning

• No Center line cleaning

600 to 1500 bar Damage to


3. Chemical Removal Technique Chemical removal was the standard till environmental awakening of


• Advantages:

• Min potential for pavement damage due to softened rubber before


• Ability to use in house maintenance equipment and personnel

• Process speed (743 to 1641 m²/hour) Biogradable / environmental

benign chemicals

• Disadvantage:

• Environmental issues regarding disposal of waste water and

dangerous influence off chemical on staff

• Possible pavement damage to asphalt pavement and grooves when

„soap“ is removed

• Damage to in-house equipment hoses, increased mechanical

breakdowns , Inability to reopen rwy in case of an emergency( 6-8

hours closure reported), paint loss during rubber removal

• AGL runway lights damaged ( UK CAA report.)

Surface after frequent applying

Chemical and HPW

4. Shot blasting Rubber Removal Technique

• Advantages:

• Retextures the pavement in addition to removing rubber

• Process speed (929 – 2700 m²/hour)

• Ease of getting rubber removal equipment off the runway

• Environmental compatible

• Disadvantages:

• Environmental issues with appropriate disposal of residue

• Possible pavement/groove/paint damage to asphalt pavements

• Possible AGL lighting damage

• Process cannot be used in wet conditions

• Process can only be used > 4 degrees C. at

• Surface Wind constraints (15 km/hour)

• FOD hazard owing to in asphalt embedded shots (USAF statement)

• Costs

Shot blasting damage on


5. Mechanical Removal = using steel bruches • Advantages:

• Improves surf. friction by removing existing polished surface


• Removes high areas that cause bumps

• Can use existing sweepers with steel tipped brushes

• Disadvantages:

• Environmental issues with appropriate disposal of residues

• Possible groove damage

• Slow production rate

• Micro cracking leading to accelerated aging of surface

• Damage to AGL lights

• Damage to paint markings

• Polishing of runway texture

• Dry weather for process required

• Steel bruches cause FOD

6. Grooved Runways

• Most of the runways, worldwide, are not grooved

• Grooved runways allow water to flow off the runway


• Resulting in significant reductions in

wet landing stopping distance,

reducing hydroplaning during wet weather • Minimized skids: Overall good ground handling is sustained

• Minimized hydroplaning :Positive nose-wheel steering is maintained

during landing roll-out

• Minimized drift: Provides high cornering forces

• Improved braking: Reduced stopping distances

• Safer landings: Improved Controllability during moderate and heavy rain

• However, In northern climates: grooved runways have some

disadvantages with freezing precipitation

6. Ultra High Water Pressure Rubber & Paint Removal

• Advantages:

• Extreme little damage to pavement texture

• Extreme little damage to grooves

• Extreme low water consumption (environmental friendly)

• AGL lights cleaned during rubber removal process

• Center line paint cleaning from rubber without repainting (depending on

used technology)

• 95 % of rubber and paint marker removed without damage

• Runway/ Road retexturing possible

• Runway departure in less than 1 minutes leaving an absolute clean rwy

• Prolonging lifetime of rwy . by 50% and increases the cleaning cycles

• Disadvantage:

• Because of 95 % rubber to be removed, process requires speed

between 900 to 1500 m²/hour

• Slightly scoring the Asphalt runway textures

UHWP is not like UHWP difference is

computer control

Possible Damage from Rubber Removal methods at US Airports

Possible Damage Water- Chemical Shot- Mechanical

blasting Removal blasting Removal UHWP

Groove damage x X x x no

Damage to asphalt x x x x no

Polishing of aggr. x x X X no

Loss of Aggregate x X x X neglectable

Damage to joint/seal x X x x no

Damage to patches x X x x no

Damage to equipm. x no

Damage to AGL x x x x no

Damage to paint m. x x x x no

Findings by ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program Fi airports

BAA + Customers

The ARC1000 manufactured by SMETS Technology GmbH Germany

1. Rubber removal - average 1200 m²/hour

of SMETS Equipment

• Rubber removal 500 – 3,500 m²/h depending on thickness of Rubber Layer

• Average rate 1,200 m²/h

• Working width 1.0 m / 2 m under development

• Less than 2 litres of water per m².

• Removal rate 95 %

• AGL Cleaning while removing rubber

• Oil + fuel spillage removal with rubber removal mode

• ComputerTechnology assures NO damage to surface texture, grooves, sealings, AGL below

ACR1000 before & after

rubber removal

Skopje Int. Airport rubber removal IV 2012

CFME Friction values - based on My meter

TDZ before / after/ mtrs off/ Friction

rubber remov center L. increase

16 C 0.55 0.93 3 0.38

34 C 0.52 0.89 3 0.37

16 C 0.47 0.91 5 0.44

34 C 0.55 0.89 5 0.34

Increase friction by 0.01 and you gain 70 meters

additional rwy (Study of Swedisch CAA)

ARC 1000 in operation on the „Formula 1“ race court in Interlagos,

Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2007.

We increased the section number in average from 0,45 to above 0,75.

F1 Race Track Brasil

F1 cleaning , no damage to paint

2. Paint Marking- or Taxi Line- removal

by SMETS Equipment

• Demarking up to 2,000 m/h

• Working width 250 mm (standard)

• After a small adjustment -- equipped

with a rotating nozzle head of

• 350 and 500 mm can be applied.

• Consequently the system can be

used to remove ALL kind of markings

=Taxi lines & marking areas.

Paint & Line Marker Removal with extreme

little damage

Thermoplastic 1.500 meter/hr

Waterbased color 3000 meter/hr

Paint removal on Asphalt

3. Sweeping of traffic areas (average 15,000 m²/h) Optional

• On the opposite side of the “rubber removing device” a sweeping device (working width 2,7 m) can be installed (Optional)

• This optional available device makes our system worldwide unique. ( all components are driven hydraulically ) which gives our clients the chance to use the truck for two applications: ..

• Sweeping ( working width 2,800 mm )

• Rubber removal ( working width 1,000 mm )

• The Sweeping device consists of one cylindrical brush( under the chassis ) and two conical brushes. The sucking device, which is used for this application, is the same as the one for the rubber removal device.

• The efficiency ( fl ow volume ) of the sucking device will be raised by increasing the rotation ( rpm ) of the blower ( fan ).

Conclusion and why I myself propose the

use of the SMETS ARC1000 UHWP Water technology

• 95% Rubber removal therefor

• Friction Values greater than 0.7 after rubber removal mission

• Frequency of rubber removal required per annum can be reduced

• No Damage to grooving, joint sealing

• No Damage to any type of Surface texture

• AGL are cleaned during Rubber Removal mission without damage to lenses

or sealing

• Frequency of re-surface can be prolonged (Runway life time increase)

• Extreme low water consumption 1,6 ltrs/m² (protecting the environment)

• 100 % removal of waste water

• •Cleaning Output general up to 1400 m²/hour (depending on rubber

thickness or paint type)

• Runway vacation time for incoming emergency flight is < 1 Minute

• Computer controlled cleaning process

• One man operation

The Suction duct and the conical Brushes will be installed on the left side of the

truck, while the Rubber Removal Device is installed on the right side. The truck can

be used as a ROAD SWEEPER (working width 2740 mm)

or as a Rubber removal Device (working width 1,000 mm).

Both operations cannot be activated at the same time.

4. Washing of traffic areas+Suction Device (average

12,000 m²/h) Optional

• At the rear side of the ARC1000 a “rear-washing & suction device”(working width 2,4 m) can be installed.(optional)

• Rear grit suction unit inclusive additional high pressure pump installation.

• The rear grit suction unit is used to clean large areas without the application of brushes, in conjunction with a separate, 80 kW HP pump ( 190 bar – 212 litres / minute ).

• For the installation of this device, the tank construction has to be changed completely, because the sucking connections have to be guided through the fresh water compartment.

• This unit is driven via the NMV-PTO or the hydrostatic gearbox.

• Cleans and dries the surface dust-free in one step.

• Contrary to the systems of other manufacturers this surface suction unit is fitted beneath the vehicle frame and does not influenceother activities and /or operations the truck does in any way

Grit suction and Washing unit

Rear Grit Washing Device in


5. Magnetique Bar for Metall FOD

removal Optional • On all our trucks a “magnet system” can be installed in order to

remove metall pieces from the traffic areas (optional)

• The permanent magnet system will be installed under the front of the truck.

• The magnet bar can be lowered and raised by means of a pneumatic cylinder.

• The permanent magnet bar is covered by a aluminum housing which allows an easy removal of all collected metallic parts.

• Working width 2.2 m

• Operation Raised and lowered position ( operation from driver’s cabin )

• Installation Under the front of the truck; before the front axle

• Working Speed approx. 15 – 20 km / h

• Height in Upper Position approx. 280 mm

• Height during operation 50 mm above ground

• Compared to the system of other manufacturers and competitors this system is fitted under the front of the vehicle and does not infl uence other activities and / or operations the truck does in any way.

• No assembling and disassembling works are needed.

The permanent magnet system will be completely installed

under the front of the truck. The whole system can be

raised and lowered easily by means of a pneumatic

cylinder. Working width: 2200 mm

6. Suction device DN 200

(installed at the rear of truck) Optional

• The suction device can be used for all dry materials like sand, dust and foliage.

• The rear suction device shown on the pictures can be installed optionally to every of our road & runway sweepers or the runway cleaning truck ARC·1000®.

• Before starting the operation a manual gate has to be opened, the suction hose has to be moved out of the

• storage hooks and can then be moved by the pneumatically powered ( up/down ) suction arm.

• After finishing the mission the hose will be stored again into the hooks and the gate has to be closed.

The hose can be moved easily by means of a pneumatic arm.

The diameter of the suction hose is 200 mm

Easy Maintenance

The ARC1000

1 truck for 9 missions 1. Rubber removal (average 1,200 m²/h)

2. Paint Marking/Taxi Line removal (av 2,000 m /h)

3. AGL cleaning in Rubber removal mode

4. Fuel and Oil spillage removal

5. Centerline cleaning

6. Sweeping of traffic areas (av. 15,000 m²/h)

7. Washing of traffic areas+suction device (average 12,000 m²/h)

8. Permanent Magnet system (installed at the front of truck) for FOD removal

9. Suction device DN 200 (installed at the rear of truck)

• Operated with 2,750 bar / 35,000 PSI

• Power consumption 370 kW / 500 hp

• Water consumption 20-29 l/min / 7.5 gal/min

• fresh water tank (6000 l)

• waste water tank (7000 l)

• Working time 3,5 hours

Meeting Customer Requirements • Using ONLY water (no drinking water needed)

• Extreme low water consumption = less than 1,6 ltrs/m²

• Innovative nozzle and spray-bar configuration assuring no damage to all kind of textured

• AGL„s are cleaned during rubber removal without damage to lenses or sealings

• No damages to joint sealings, grooves or sensitive surface like „Antiskid“

• Computer (PLC) controlled cleaning process

• Direct suction of rubber and/or paint and waste water-100% pick up of waste

• ONE man operation

• Highest possible friction values or friction increase.

• In case of emergency landing of AC = runway clearance within 10 sec.

• Absolute environmentally friendly because ONLY water is used in process

• The operator cannot make any mistake. If he touches, by mistake, coupling or brake, the computer system switches to “pressureless mode” at once.

• That avoids any damages to the surface.

• All parameters are shown to the operator on a color monitor in driver‟s cabin.

• The cleaning process is shown on color monitor in the driver‟s cabin.

• A rear camera transfers a picture of the area behind the truck into the driver‟s cabin.

Recommendations to Airport Operator for

Wet / Contaminated Runways

Airport Operators role must be:

1. To monitor, report and improve the runway surface conditions of their


2. Prompt removal of RUBBER, snow and ice operation, ensure to

have appropriate equipment be available for removal of RUBBER &


3. should be fully aware of the changing nature of the runway condition

especially when continuous snow or heavy rain occurs

4. A Runway friction test to be carried out, which quantifies

runway conditions, especially on approach to a wet / contaminated

runway (An index scale runs from 0.9 (good) to 0.18 (poor)

5. To establish prompt notices (NOTAMs) containing information

concerning the condition, or change in any component of the runway

when wet or contaminated

If interested I deliver different information about

airports relevant issues free of charge

1. German SMS, developed by German Government for all airports in


• 2. CFME system presentation of ASFT company

• 3. Friction Presentation by Gatwick Airport

• 4. IFALPA Runway Excursion Presentation

• 5. EUROCONTROL Aviation Day Information regarding SMS and IATA

• information on 10.12.2010

• 6. Rincent BTP international :Water thickness measuring device

We Thank the Supporting Organizations, which allowed the

use of their Data in this Presentation

• Boeing Company -- RWY Safety Study Ground Accidents

• Flight Safety Australia-- Mr. Graham Bailey

• EUROCONTROL-- Runway Excursion Prevention Initiative in Europe

• IATA -- Runway Safety Initiative

• Runway Condition and Aircraft Performance

• IFALPA -- Runway Excursions

• Schiphol Airport – Airport Operators Role preventing Rwy Excursions

• Gatwick Airport– Friction Management at Gatwick Airport



AGL cleaning, APRON cleaning needs

ACRP Synthesis 11 -- Impact of Airport Rubber Removal Techniques

on Runways (Airport Co-operative Research Program sponsored by FAA)

• http://www.trb.org/news/blurb_detail.asp?id=9944

ARC1000 Technology

Demonstration • Our facilities at the former Airport TEMPELHOF in Berlin

give us the possibility to make realistic & practical

• ARC1000 demonstrations at any time.

When are YOU visiting us in Berlin Germany ?


• Thank You for Your attention and many safe landings at Your airport of responsibility.

Range of Products

Contact Details SMETS-Technology GmbH RCS Contracting GmbH

• Head office: Airport Tempelhof Berlin Germany

• Airport Tempelhof

• Platz der Luftbrücke 4 – 6

• Gebäude D 2

• 12101 Berlin . Germany

Stephan Smets Dieter Pade

CEO VP Sales & Service

• PHONE +49 [0] 30 - 780 96 49 60

• FAX +49 [0] 30 - 780 96 49 20

• E-MAIL [email protected]

Web: www.smets-technology.com

• www.rcs-contracting.com