of winners leveraged social media to boost impact 57% WHAT DIFFERENTIATES WINNING MOBILE CAMPAIGNS IN APAC? Campaign Brief The KIA “Game On” campaign evolved from the idea of giving TV viewers the opportunity to feel the speed of an actual tennis serve coming at them – placing them on a virtual tennis court. It needed to deliver a realistic experience, work anytime and anywhere (via TV, via online, via digital outdoor). Why was the KIA “Game On” campaign successful? 1. KIA “Game On” campaign was a success because of technological innovation. The mobile app was able to synchronise the action performed by the audience to a TV ad and instantly measure the user’s timing, gyro and accelerometer movements (return of serve) versus the perfect movement; all to within half a millisecond. It enabled an Xbox-style experience to the 80% of Australians who own a smartphone. 2. The campaign also took advantage of multi-screening behaviour instead of fighting it; you used your phone whilst watching TV, or when online, or even at outdoor events with digital signage. Being able to play anywhere broadened reach and drove massive consumer engagement. "With multi-screening now the norm, you must consider what people are doing on the device that’s in their hand - and not just the one in front of them. Technological innovation is the way to truly engage and keep their attention.” Travis Johnson CEO, Mnet Mobile “There is nothing more contagious than a smile – when you see someone smile, you can’t help but smile back. With a brand like Zhonghua, which encourages you to discover your smile, the campaign’s success came from creating ‘native’ brand experiences within different media environment and formats that is naturally contagious and makes you smile. Turning a smile-fie by collaborating with popular photo app helped us create once such native brand experience, keeping Zhonghua at the absolute core of the campaign. “ Nishtha Mehta Consulting Partner, Head of Mobile Capability, PHD China “Mobile provided a unique opportunity to reach the teen audience before they went to sleep when Citra night lotion was relevant. Only mobile could match message to context (time and place) perfectly. By riding on teens' current mobile habits, it made it easy for Citra to become part of their night time ritual.” Crisela Cervantes Head of Digital, Mindshare Unilever Innovate - Use the unique strength of mobile Make the brand the hero Keep the end in mind Campaign Brief Using online branded content to reach, engage and inspire audiences to find their reason to smile. Partnering with Story Camera, China’s leading photo app owned by Tencent, Zhonghua added a first-of-its-kind innovation within the app. Creating ‘SMILE-FIE’ technology that detected the strength of a smile in a selfie encouraged users to smile more and share their Zhonghua smile photos with their friends. Finally, linking the “Find Your Reason To Smile” campaign to Zhonghua’s social cause – sponsoring corrective surgery for Chinese children born with cleft palates. Why was the “Zhonghua-One Hundred Million Smiles” campaign successful? 1. The success of the campaign can be attributed to the new technology / functionality that has been built into the app to detect strength of smiles. 2. The campaign re-connected with the younger urban female audience and delivered Zhonghua’s core promise of helping you discover your smile. By using integrated branded content and mobile, the campaign has helped audiences find their reasons to smile. Campaign Brief Consumers saw teasing brand messages “Are you sleepless?” or “Wanna wish Good Night to your friends?” across the mobile ecosystem (i.e. browsers, chat apps, games and social media), whilst browsing their smartphones at night. They landed on a rich media application which allowed consumers to wish their friend a good night’s sleep once they click on the ad. Why was the “Citra Night Call” campaign successful? The campaign tapped on the strength of mobile phone. It used time-targeting to deliver its brand messages at night, when most of the consumers are laying in bed, playing with their mobile phones. Knowledge Partner of the winners had a clear objective of increasing sales 70% of gold winners used new innovation or technology 38% $ of the winners had a clear, well-defined role for mobile in an integrated campaign 80% All winners made it relevant to their brands Synergies work of winners used multi-channel strategy 86% 2 4 3 1


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of winners leveraged social media to boost impact57%


Campaign BriefThe KIA “Game On” campaign evolved from the idea of giving TV viewers the opportunity to feel the speed of an actual tennis serve coming at them – placing them on a virtual tennis court. It needed to deliver a realistic experience, work anytime and anywhere (via TV, via online, via digital outdoor).

Why was the KIA “Game On” campaign successful? 1. KIA “Game On” campaign was a success because of technological innovation. The mobile app was able to synchronise the action performed by the audience to a TV ad and instantly measure the user’s timing, gyro and accelerometer movements (return of serve) versus the perfect movement; all to within half a millisecond. It enabled an Xbox-style experience to the 80% of Australians who own a smartphone. 2. The campaign also took advantage of multi-screening behaviour instead of �ghting it; you used your phone whilst watching TV, or when online, or even at outdoor events with digital signage. Being able to play anywhere broadened reach and drove massive consumer engagement.

"With multi-screening now the norm, you must consider what people are doing on the device that’s in their hand - and not just the one in front of them. Technological innovation is the way to truly engage and keep their attention.”

Travis Johnson CEO, Mnet Mobile

“There is nothing more contagious than a smile – when you see someone smile, you can’t help but smile back. With a brand like Zhonghua, which encourages you to discover your smile, the campaign’s success came from creating ‘native’ brand experiences within di�erent media environment and formats that is naturally contagious and makes you smile. Turning a smile-�e by collaborating with popular photo app helped us create once such native brand experience, keeping Zhonghua at the absolute core of the campaign. “

Nishtha MehtaConsulting Partner, Head of Mobile Capability, PHD China

“Mobile provided a unique opportunity to reach the teen audience before they went to sleep when Citra night lotion was relevant. Only mobile could match message to context (time and place) perfectly. By riding on teens' current mobile habits, it made it easy for Citra to become part of their night time ritual.”

Crisela CervantesHead of Digital, Mindshare Unilever

Innovate - Use the unique strength of mobile

Make the brand the hero

Keep the end in mind

Campaign BriefUsing online branded content to reach, engage and inspire audiences to �nd their reason to smile. Partnering with Story Camera, China’s leading photo app owned by Tencent, Zhonghua added a �rst-of-its-kind innovation within the app. Creating ‘SMILE-FIE’ technology that detected the strength of a smile in a sel�e encouraged users to smile more and share their Zhonghua smile photos with their friends. Finally, linking the “Find Your Reason To Smile” campaign to Zhonghua’s social cause – sponsoring corrective surgery for Chinese children born with cleft palates.

Why was the “Zhonghua-One Hundred Million Smiles” campaign successful? 1. The success of the campaign can be attributed to the new technology / functionality that has been built into the app to detect strength of smiles.

2. The campaign re-connected with the younger urban female audience and delivered Zhonghua’s core promise of helping you discover your smile. By using integrated branded content and mobile, the campaign has helped audiences �nd their reasons to smile.

Campaign Brief Consumers saw teasing brand messages “Are you sleepless?” or “Wanna wish Good Night to your friends?” across the mobile ecosystem (i.e. browsers, chat apps, games and social media), whilst browsing their smartphones at night. They landed on a rich media application which allowed consumers to wish their friend a good night’s sleep once they click on the ad.

Why was the “Citra Night Call” campaign successful? The campaign tapped on the strength of mobile phone. It used time-targeting to deliver its brand messages at night, when most of the consumers are laying in bed, playing with their mobile phones.

Knowledge Partner

of the winners had a clear objective of increasing sales70% of gold winners used new innovation or technology38%$

of the winners had a clear, well-defined role for mobile in an integrated campaign80%

All winners made it relevant to their brands

Synergies work

of winners used multi-channel strategy 86%