What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

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Page 1: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

What are examples of corruption in the 16th century Catholic church?

What was the initial response to this corruption?

Page 2: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

The Major Players of the Reformation.

Page 3: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

Martin LutherThe Leader of the Protestant

Reformation•One can achieve salvation by faith alone.• The Bible is the ultimate authority.• All humans are equal before God.

• The Lutheran Church was the first of the Protestant Churches.

• Luther wrote the 95 Theses- a list of 95 complaints against the Catholic Church. Posted on the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany.

•A religious and spiritual revolution.http://www.history.com/videos/martin-luther-sparks-a-revolution#martin-luther-sparks-a-revolution

Page 4: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

John Calvin

•God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned (predestination)• Faith is revealed by living a good life.

• John Calvin started the Calvinist Church- another major Protestant Branch of Christianity.

• Calvin helped to expand the Protestant movement.

•A religious and spiritual revolution.


Page 5: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

King Henry VIII The King of England

•With the Act of Supremacy, I declare that the king was taken, accepted, and reputed the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England. The Pope has no authority.

• Dismissed the authority of the Pope.

•Headed the national church in England- became Known as the Anglican Church (Church of England)- another branch of Christianity.

•Redistributed land in England controlled by the Catholic Church and did away with monastaries.

•A personal and political revolutionhttp://www.history.com/videos/henry-viii#henry-viii

Page 6: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

By the end of the Reformation period, what new branches came

out of Christianity?


Catholic OrthodoxWhy the



Why the split?




Page 7: What are examples of corruption in the 16 th century Catholic church? What was the initial response to this corruption?

How were each of these reform movements different and how were they similar?

•Causes (motivating factors)

•Effects (social, political and economic)

•Support for reform movements (who-people, institutions- supported the reforms?)