Weston's Shippers Sudbury F-T Depot 2018-2022...1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all employees of the Company, at Sudbury, Ontario,

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Page 1: Weston's Shippers Sudbury F-T Depot 2018-2022...1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all employees of the Company, at Sudbury, Ontario,








Effective: January 5, 2018

Expiry: September 3, 2022

Page 2: Weston's Shippers Sudbury F-T Depot 2018-2022...1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all employees of the Company, at Sudbury, Ontario,


Carl Davis Secretary-Treasurer

Business Representative

Martin Cerqua President &

Principal Officer

Gary Bast

Business Representative Trustee

Page 3: Weston's Shippers Sudbury F-T Depot 2018-2022...1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all employees of the Company, at Sudbury, Ontario,


As a proud member of the Teamsters for nearly 33 years, I am a firm believer in our Union values for equality, justice and fairness for all workers in Canada. Teamsters Canada believes that everyone deserves a decent quality of life. That’s why we work to protect what matters to you, your job, your health and your family. Our goals are to promote our collective rights and to protect the common good. Your Collective Agreement allows you to achieve these goals. Through concrete actions in your workplace and your community, we are building a country where we can live with respect and dignity.

Francois Laporte Francois Laporte President, Teamsters Canada Follow our campaigns: teamsters.ca

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Congratulations on your new Collective Agreement.

Teamsters Local No. 647 goal has always been simple; to use our collective bargaining power to fight for equality, fairness and job security in an ever-changing economy and workplace. Going forward there will be many obstacles and issues. However, I am confident that working together with our members we will succeed regardless what challenges come our way. In Solidarity; Mart i n Cer q u a Martin Cerqua President Teamsters Local # 647

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WESTON BAKERIES LIMITED, SUDBURY, ONTARIO (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)





OF TEAMSTERS (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”)

Contract Term: January 5th, 2018 – September 3rd, 2022

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ARTICLE PAGE 1 Recognition 7 2 Relationship 7 3 Reservation of Management Rights 7 4 Union Membership & Deductionof Union Dues 7 5 No Strikes or Lockouts 8 6 Union Committee and Stewards 8 7 Complaints and Grievances 9 8 Arbitration Procedure 10 9 Discipline and Discharge Cases 10 10 General Grievances 10 11 Seniority 11 12 Leave of Absence 12 13 Bulletin Boards 12 14 Health & Safety 12 15 Vacations with Pay 13 16 Paid Holidays 14 17 Schedules 15 18 Group Insurance and Benefits 16 19 Gender 16 20 Duration 17

Schedule “A” Days of Work, Rates of Pay 18 Letter of Understanding # 1 – Shipper’s Shift Allocation 22 Letter of Understanding # 2 – Severance in the Event of Complete Facility Closure 23 Letter of Understanding # 3 – Benefit Package 24 Letter of Understanding # 4 – Early Retirement 25

Who is Teamsters Canada? 28 Strike Fund 29 Student Scholarship 30 Grievance, Complaint, Disagreement 32 The Grievance Procedure and You! 33 WSIB Rights & Obligations for Workers 36 Union Contact Information 40 Company Contact Information 41

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ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION: 1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for all employees of

the Company, at Sudbury, Ontario, save and except foremen and supervisors, office staff, persons regularly employed for not more than twenty-four (24) hours per week, and students hired for the school vacation periods.

ARTICLE 2 - RELATIONSHIP: 2.01 Neither party nor representatives of the parties shall exercise or practice discrimination,

interference, restraint or coercion against any employee because of his/her participation or lack of participation in the Union.

2.02 There will be no solicitation of employees or other Union activity on company premises during

the working hours without authorization of the General Manager or his/her designate. 2.03 The duly accredited representative of the Union responsible for the membership covered by this

Agreement shall be granted permission to enter the Company's premises to interview employees after first receiving permission from the General Manager or his/her designate, and with the understanding that there will be no interference with or interruption of production.

ARTICLE 3 - RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS: 3.01 Except where abridged by the specific terms of this Agreement, the management of the

Company's operations and the selection and direction of employees shall be vested exclusively with the Company. The Company shall not exercise their rights inconsistently with the specific term of this Collective Agreement.

ARTICLE 4 - UNION MEMBERSHIP AND DEDUCTION OF UNION DUES: 4.01 All present employees shall be required to become and remain members of the Union and to pay

Union dues. 4.02 Employees shall be required to have the initiation fee and the regular monthly Union dues, and

delinquent dues deducted from their pay for each month they work or portion thereof. The initiation fee shall be paid no longer than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of hire. The employee shall sign his/her authorization card at the time of hire. The Union shall inform the Company of the amount of dues and initiation fees.

4.03 The Union will not unreasonably withhold membership from any employee.

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4.04 As of the date an employee is hired, he/she shall be required to authorize the deduction of the initiation fee from his/her pay. Such deduction shall be at the rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) each week for three (3) weeks, commencing with the pay received for his/her second full week of work.

4.05 In the event of an employee being on vacation at the time of a regular deduction, such deduction

shall be made from the employee's vacation pay. 4.06 If, through absence from work, an employee miss’s payment of dues, such dues will be deducted

after the employee's return to work. 4.07 Students hired for summer relief - ie. generally speaking, June 1st to September 15th, are

excluded from the terms of the Agreement and do not have to pay the Union initiation fee, but shall pay the regular Union dues during the term of their employment. Employees hired on any other basis shall be required to pay the initiation fee.

4.08 The Union will save the company harmless for any and all amounts deducted from wages as

provided in 4.04, 4.05 and 4.06 above. ARTICLE 5 - NO STRIKES OR LOCKOUTS: 5.01 The Company will not cause or direct any lockout of its employees. The Union will not cause or

direct any strikes or other collective action which will stop or interfere with production, or impair efficiency of operations, and if any such collective action should be taken by employees, the Union will instruct employees to return to work and perform their duties in the usual manner.

ARTICLE 6 - UNION COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS: 6.01 The Union has the right to select a committee of up to two (2) employees in Sudbury who shall be

the Union Committee for negotiations and also act as Stewards. All such employees must be regular, full-time employees who have completed their probationary period. The Company will pay the two (2) members of the negotiating committee for all time spent during the employees’ regularly scheduled working hours, for negotiating the renewal of the Collective Agreement.

6.02 The Stewards shall have no authority to alter or amend any part of this Agreement. No employee

shall be permitted to make any written agreement which conflicts with any Article of the Agreement.

6.03 The Union shall notify the Company, in writing, of the names of the members of the Negotiating

Committee and of the Union Stewards and the department or group of departments each Steward represents, and of any changes of the Union Steward, before the Company shall be required to recognize them.

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6.04 The Union acknowledges that the stewards and members of the grievance committee have their regular duties to perform on behalf of the Company and that such persons will not leave their regular duties without receiving permission from their immediate Supervisor. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.

6.05 In return for observance of the terms of 6.04 above, the company shall pay stewards for any

regular scheduled work missed while having direct dealing with the Company. This shall not apply to any arbitration proceedings.

If the Company requests consultation with a steward regarding a grievance or a matter of administration of this Agreement (including JLM’s), and his/her presence is required, such time shall be treated as time worked.

ARTICLE 7 - COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES: 7.01 An employee who has a complaint shall first take the matter up orally with his/her immediate

supervisor. He/she may, if he/she wishes, be accompanied by his/her steward. The supervisor will give an oral reply to the complaint within two (2) working days after its presentation. Written grievances must be registered within five (5) days of the alleged circumstances.

7.02 If the reply of the supervisor is not satisfactory to the employee, the employee may, within three

(3) working days after receipt of the said reply, submit the complaint as a grievance, in writing, dated and signed, to the branch manager or his/her designate. The Department Supervisor or designate will arrange a meeting with the applicable steward and the employee to discuss the grievance. At this meeting a full-time representative of the Union may be present. The Department Supervisor, or his/her designate, shall give his/her answer, in writing, within three (3) working days after the said meeting has been held.

7.03 If the procedure as outlined above does not result in a satisfactory settlement of the grievance,

then there shall be a further meeting and/or conference between the full-time Union Representative and the Plant Manager, or his/her designate, within five (5) working days after the answer in 7.02. If the grievance remains unsettled, then either party may, within ten (10) working days after the date of the Plant Manager's or his/her designates reply, refer the grievance to arbitration.

7.04 Any of the time allowance provided in the Article may be extended by mutual agreement. 7.05 It is understood, however, that unless agreed to by both the Company and the Union, no

grievance shall be processed, the alleged circumstances of which originated or occurred more than five (5) working days prior to its original presentation in writing.


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8.01 Arbitration shall be in accordance with the Ontario Labour Relations Act. 8.02 Each party will bear the expenses of the single Arbitrator. 8.03 The Arbitrator shall have the right to amend or modify and penalty except for those specifically

stated in the Collective Agreement. ARTICLE 9 - DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE CASES: 9.01 A claim by an employee who has completed the probationary period, that he/she has been

unjustly discharged from his/her employment, shall be treated as a special grievance if a written statement of such a claim is lodged with the Company within three (3) working days after the action has been taken by the Company. Such special grievance will then commence at the Plant Manager's stage of the grievance procedure.

9.02 Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the Company's action or by reinstating the

employee with full compensation for time lost, or by any other arrangement which is just and equitable.

9.03 When an employee has been dismissed without notice, he/she shall have the right to interview

his/her steward for up to thirty (30) minutes before being required to leave the Company premises.

9.04 Any discipline notice on an employee’s record will be removed from such record after eighteen

(18) months have elapsed from the date such notice was issued provided there is no re-occurrence of a similar matter.

ARTICLE 10 - GENERAL GRIEVANCES: 10.01 If the Company has a complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its officers,

commitment or stewards, the Company may lodge such complaint within thirty (30) days of work after the alleged occurrence with the Union, and it will be treated as a grievance, commencing at the Manager's stage of the grievance procedure.

10.02 If the Union has a claim that the Agreement is being violated or misinterpreted by the

Company, a full-time representative of the Union shall have the right to submit a grievance in writing, dated and signed, within thirty (30) days of work after the alleged occurrence. The discussion of such grievance shall commence at the Manager's step of the grievance procedure. The terms of this clause shall not be used by the Union to bypass the right of individual employees to submit grievances in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 7.


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11.01 An employee will be considered on probation and will not be placed on a seniority list until after he/she has worked a total of forty-five (45) days for the Company. His/her seniority will then date back the forty-five (45) days he/she has worked for the Company. An employee who has not completed his/her probationary period may be discharged without cause and at the sole discretion of the Employer without recourse to the grievance procedure, unless the decision is contrary to the Ontario Human Rights Code.

11.02 (a) Where it is necessary to reduce the working force of the employees, seniority

shall be the guiding factor, so long as it does not prevent the Company from maintaining a working force of employees who are qualified and willing to do the work which is available. Probationary employees in a department shall be laid off first. Notice of lay-off will be given as soon as practical. Applications from employees on lay-off will be given first consideration for any vacant jobs before hiring off the street, as long as the laid-off employee has the ability and qualifications to do the job. Employees who have completed their probationary period will be given five (5) days’ notice of lay-off.

(b) In the event of an employee being laid off, the affected employee may bump the junior

employee in the bargaining unit, provided he has the qualifications.

The employee will be granted a ten (10) day training/evaluation period. If within the ten (10) working days the employee is deemed not competent at his/her duties, he/she will be laid off immediately.

11.03 Employees who are laid off will be retained on the Company's seniority list for a period of

eighteen (18) months. If recalled to work during that period, they must signify their willingness to return to work within three (3) days after being requested to do so, and report to work within a further four (4) days thereafter, or forfeit their claim to re-employment by the Company. Notice of recall shall be by registered mail to the last recorded address on file with the Company.

11.04 Seniority shall be lost, and an employee's employment terminated for any of the following

reasons: (a) If the employee quits;

(b) If the employee is discharged and the discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure;

(c) If the employee fails to return to work in accordance with the provisions of 11.03 above

after lay off;

(d) If the employee fails to return to work in compliance with the terms of a leave of absence granted to him;

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(e) If the employee is absent from work for a period in excess of three (3) scheduled working days without a written leave of absence unless a reasonable excuse is given by the employee;

(f) Does not render service, for a period of eighteen (18) months, worker's compensation

excluded. ARTICLE 12 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE: 12.01 The Company may grant leave of absence to any employee for legitimate personal reasons, and

any person who is absent with such written permission shall not be considered to be laid off, and his/her seniority shall continue to accumulate during his/her absence. Leave of absence for Union activity will be considered in the same manner as any other leave of absence.

12.02 An employee will be granted up to five (5) days leave of absence with pay in the event of the

death of his/her father, mother, sister, brother, wife (husband) or child; and up to three (3) days leave of absence for his/her father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent or grandchild to make arrangements for and to attend the funeral. Only that portion of five (5) or three (3) days which could otherwise have been working days will be paid. If the bereavement leave falls while an employee is on vacation, his/her vacation will be extended by the number of applicable bereavement days at the end of their vacation. If additional leave of absence is necessary in addition to the bereavement leave, then this request shall be considered in the same manner as any other leave of absence, but the Company shall make every effort to make the employee available for leave of absence in these circumstances.

12.03 In the event an employee is subpoenaed by proper authorities to serve on the jury, or act as a

witness (except in his/her own defense), the Company will pay the employee the difference between his/her regular rate of pay and the amount received for jury service, provided the employee produces the subpoena and reports for work when not required to serve on the jury, or report to the Court House. An employee who serves on a jury shall consider this work week to be Monday to Friday and shall not be required to work Saturday or Sunday.

ARTICLE 13 - BULLETIN BOARDS: 13.01 The Company will provide bulletin boards in mutually satisfactory locations throughout the depot

for the convenience of the Union in posting notices of Union activity. All such notices must be signed by the proper officer of the Local Union and be submitted to the Plant Manager or his/her authorized representative for approval before being posted.


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14.01 The Company will make reasonable provision for the safety and health of its employees during the hours of their employment. Both the Company and the Union desire to maintain high standards of cleanliness and working safety. To this end, a Safety Committee with representation from the employees and management shall meet to discuss and enforce safety regulations. The Union can appoint their committee (Department Steward etc.) and meetings are to be required, but not more than once a month.

14.02 An employee who is injured at work in the course of performing his/her assigned duties, and as a

result of such injury requires medical attention, will be paid for regular hours lost from work at his/her applicable hourly rate on the day of the injury.

14.03 Employees shall be required to wear safety footwear in accordance with the Company’s National

Safety Footwear Standard. The Company shall pay 100% of the cost and arrange for a safety footwear provider. Safety footwear shall be provided on an annual basis. Full-time employees requiring additional safety footwear must make their request known to the Joint Health and Safety Committee and if deemed warranted by the Committee, the employee will be provided with an additional pair of safety footwear.

ARTICLE 15 - VACATIONS WITH PAY: 15.01 Vacations with pay will be granted to employees on the following basis:

a) One (1) year of continuous service 2 weeks

b) Five (5) years of continuous service 3 weeks

c) Ten (10) years of continuous service 4 weeks

d) Seventeen (17) years of continuous service 5 weeks

e) Twenty-four (24) years of continuous service 6 weeks

15.02 Continuous service for the purpose of computing vacations with pay will be calculated up to June

30th of the year in which vacations are granted. In increment years, the employee's anniversary will be used to calculate vacation entitlement.

15.03 Payment for vacations shall be at the rate of 2% of an employee's earnings for each week of

vacation the employee is entitled to receive. In calculating vacation pay, the two percent (2%) shall be based upon the T-4 form issued for income tax purposes for the year immediately preceding.

15.04 Employees who have less than one year of continuous service as of June 30th will be entitled to

vacation payment in accordance with the Employment Standards Act and Regulations made thereunder.

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15.05 Employees will be paid their vacation pay as per the regular payroll cycle. All deductions normally made from an employee's regular pay will be deducted from vacation pay.

15.06 (a) Employees will be given preference in selection of vacation dates in order of

bargaining unit seniority. Once decided, employees may not change vacation dates without Company permission.

(b) Employees will be polled by seniority commencing February 1st for their preference of

vacation weeks. During the initial polling, the employee may select dates for up to two (2) weeks of entitlement. When the initial polling is complete, a second polling will be done at which time employees will book their remaining entitlement from the weeks remaining after the first polling is complete. With this second polling employees will be allowed to choose up to one (1) additional week of vacation during prime time provided no other employee has scheduled that week. Such polling will be completed by March 1st and a complete final vacation schedule will be posted by March 15th of each year. Senior employees will not be allowed to delay the process to the detriment of more junior employees and will be bypassed if they do not express their desires when polled. Prime time is defined as May 1 to September 1

(c) It is agreed and understood that two (2) employees from shipping may take their vacation

at the same time. Effective for the 2020 vacation year or in the event the number of full- time staff is reduced to six (6) employees, the Company may at its discretion reduce the prime-time vacation to one (1) employee during this period. The Company will meet with the Union prior to introducing this change.

Starting with the 2018 vacation year, the parties agree that the Company may adjust employee schedules in weeks where there are two (2) employees on vacation and the practice of bumping up for vacation will be at the discretion of the Company.

15.07 It is agreed and understood that two (2) employees from shipping may take their vacation at the

same time, only from the period of May 1 to September 1. During the period from January 1 to March 1, employees will be allowed to take their vacation as requested.

ARTICLE 16 - PAID HOLIDAYS: 16.01 The following days will be considered as paid holidays:

New Year's Day Victoria Day Labour Day Boxing Day January 2nd Canada Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Civic Holiday Christmas Day

There will be an additional floating holiday.

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* Should the Federal Government declare and enforce another official paid holiday in the period between January 1st and Good Friday, it may at the discretion of the Company, replace the January 2nd paid holiday.

16.02 Subject to the discretion and control of the Company, the day prior to the above holidays may be

declared as the paid holiday. Once agreement has been reached for the taking of a Floater Day with a minimum of fourteen (14) days’ notice, the day cannot be changed.

16.03 The Company will pay shipping for holidays at their hourly rate of pay, multiplied by eight (8) if

scheduled five 8-hour days for the week or ten (10) if scheduled four 10-hour days for the week, provided:

(a) an employee has completed his/her probationary period;

(b) an employee works the full shifts on the scheduled working days preceding and

succeeding a holiday. An exception to this rule shall be made if an employee worked during the week of a holiday, but was absent from work on the full shift preceding and succeeding a holiday because of:

(i) verified personal illness;

(ii) death in his/her immediate family;

(iii) layoff for either or both of the said shifts only;

(iv) being granted permission by the Supervisor to be absent on either or both of the

said shifts only.

16.04 If a paid holiday occurs during an employee's vacation with pay, the employee will either be paid, or granted another day's vacation (provided the employee qualifies for the paid holiday as in 16.03 above), at the option of the employee, but the day off, if chosen, will be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the employee.

Hours worked on the day observed as the Statutory holiday shall be paid at time-and-a-half in addition to statutory pay. Such hours shall not be used to calculate weekly overtime. Inside Shipping Employees will be permitted to designate a working day to be taken as time off with pay in lieu of the holiday pay to a maximum of four (4) holidays, to be taken during the period of September 15th to December 15th and January 15th to May 15th, provided the maximum number of employees off at one time does not exceed two (2).

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• Attached hereto and forming part of this agreement are the following schedules:

• Schedule "A" - Days of work, rates of pay and other specified conditions. ARTICLE 18 - GROUP INSURANCE AND BENEFITS: 18.01 The company shall keep in effect the Company Group Insurance Plan including group life,

weekly indemnity and major medical and dental coverage in accordance with the terms of the master policy and regulations thereunder. The group life coverage shall be sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 2/3%) of earnings up to the U.I.C. maximum and paid on a 1/4/39 basis. Employees absent due to verified personal illness shall have their regular earnings projected for annual earning for purposes of weekly indemnity scale. The major medical annual deductible shall be eliminated. Effective January 1, of each calendar year, the Dental Plan shall be based on the previous year’s O.D.A. schedule of fees. A major restorative work feature shall be on a 50/50% cost-sharing of actual work done.

18.02 Implement a 20% employee co-payment on benefit premium costs. 18.03 Full coverage for benefits is applicable at the completion of the probationary period. 18.04 The optical plan will provide a pair of glasses and eye exams to a maximum of one hundred and

sixty dollars ($160.00) combined every two (2) years for all qualifying employees and their dependents. Effective September 1, 2010 the combined vision plan maximum will increase to one-hundred and seventy dollars ($170.00) every two (2) years.

18.05 The company will introduce a long-term disability plan (L.T.D.) to provide a benefit of fifteen

hundred ($1,500.00) per month payable to age sixty-five (65). Effective September 1, 2010, the benefit maximum will increase to seventeen hundred ($1,700) per month.

18.06 The Group Life Insurance will be twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). The A.D. & D will be

twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). Effective September 1, 2010, both the Life and the A.D.&D will increase to $27,000.

18.07 The company will introduce a pay-direct drug card. 100% coverage at company pharmacies,

70% at non-company pharmacies. Coverage of lowest priced interchangeable drug. ARTICLE 19 - GENDER: 19.01 Use of the masculine gender in the Agreement shall be considered also to include the feminine.

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ARTICLE 20 - DURATION: 20.01 This Agreement, which supersedes all others, written, express or implied, shall continue in effect

from and including the 5th day of January 2018, to the 3rd day of September, 2022, at 12:00 a.m., inclusive unless either party gives a notice in writing to the other party during the period of not more than ninety (90) days and not less than thirty (30) days prior to September 3 2022, then this Agreement shall be automatically renewed until September 3, 2023 and so on from year to year thereafter, unless proper notice in the period mentioned above is given prior to and succeeding the anniversary date.

Dated at Sudbury, Ontario this __________ of January 2018. FOR THE COMPANY FOR THE UNION

Dave Gilbert (Vice President Labour Relations) Mike Porkola (Steward)

Pardeep Singh (HR Director) Gary Bast (Business Representative)

Carl J Davis (Secretary-Treasurer & Business Rep)

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DAYS OF WORK, RATES OF PAY AND OTHER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS A-1 The Company does not guarantee to provide work for any employee for any number of hours.

The regular work week shall be forty (40) hours, to be worked in five (5) days of eight (8) hours each or four (4) days of ten (10) hours each. Shift schedules for the following week shall be posted by 12:00 noon Thursday.

A-2 Lunch Period:

Employees will be allowed one-half (1/2) hour for lunch without pay at a time convenient, in view of the necessities of production, but as close to the midpoint of the shift as possible.

An employee required to work overtime for four (4) hours or more - i.e. twelve (12) hours worked - shall be paid a meal allowance of $8.00.

A-3 Rest Periods:

Two rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes each will be allowed during each full shift. Each rest period will be allowed as close as possible to the middle of each half shift. Rest periods, however, will be allotted at the discretion of the foreman.

A-4 Employees who have completed their posted shift and have left the depot but later are

recalled for work, shall receive a minimum allowance of four (4) hours pay at time and one-half the regular hourly rate.

A-5 Reporting Allowance:

Employees reporting for work who have not been advised in advance to the contrary, will be given work for at least four (4) hours at regular rates, or if no work is available, shall be paid four (4) hours at regular rates in lieu of work.

Where lack of work is due to circumstances beyond the control of the Company, such as power failure, floods, fire, acts of God, etc., the Company's obligation shall not prevail.

A-6 Rate of Pay: Full Time Shipper Classification

The Company shall classify inside employees within the classification titles below and pay the corresponding hourly rates after the date of ratification.

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The above

classification title is descriptive only, and employees will be required to perform related or assigned duties.

The increases indicated above shall be in the first pay period in each September as indicated above.

All shippers shall receive a shift premium of forty-five cents ($0.45) per hour for all hours worked between 7:00pm and 7:00am.

All full-time employees active on the payroll at the time of payment shall receive a $1,000 lump sum payment on the first full pay period following September 4, 2018 and September 4, 2020. Payment is effective in the first pay period in September each year and is to be made on a separate deposit.

A-7 The Company may designate certain employees to act as lead hands. These employees

shall be paid an hourly premium of forty cents ($.40) per hour above the regular hourly rate of the area in which they are acting as lead hand for all time spent as a lead hand. When it is determined that a Lead Hand is required, the Company will canvas the employees to see who is interested. The Company will make the final selection. Lead Hands will be scheduled as required by the Company. The Company reserves the right to increase the lead hand premium during the term of the collective agreement. Any such increase will be retroactive to the date of ratification.

In addition to their regular duties, the responsibility of a Lead Hand is to delegate work that is required to be performed. It is understood that Lead Hand assignments will not be for less than one (1) day.

A-8 Overtime will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) an employee's regular hourly rate


Ø all hours worked in excess of the employees daily scheduled hours.

From To DOR 04-Sep-18 04-Sep-19 04-Sep-20 04-Sep-21 0 1000 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50

1001 2000 $14.79 $14.79 $14.79 $14.79 $14.79 2001 3000 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 $15.09 3001 4000 $15.39 $15.39 $15.39 $15.39 $15.39 4001 6000 $15.85 $15.85 $15.85 $15.85 $15.85 6001 8000 $16.32 $16.32 $16.32 $16.32 $16.32 8001 10000 $16.81 $16.81 $16.81 $16.81 $16.81

10001 12000 $17.32 $17.32 $17.32 $17.32 $17.32 12001 14000 $17.84 $17.84 $17.84 $17.84 $17.84


$21.51 $21.51 $21.91 $21.91 $22.31

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Ø all hours worked in excess of forty (40) in any one (1) work week;

Ø all hours worked in excess of thirty-two (32) for employees working five (5) days of eight (8) hours each, or in excess of thirty (30) hours for employees working four (4) days of ten (10) hours each, in work weeks containing one (1) paid holiday;

Ø all hours worked in excess of twenty-four (24) for employees working five (5) days of

eight (8) hours each, or in excess of twenty (20) hours for employees working four (4) days of ten (10) hours each, in workweeks containing two (2) paid holidays.

NOTE: Overtime shall not be pyramided and will be paid under one (1) of the above sections only.

A-9 If a sufficient number of employees do not agree to work overtime, the Company may select

employees starting with employees with the least seniority, regularly performing the work required.

A-10 Guaranteed, Allowances and Premium Pay:

(a) Employees who were full-time as of November 6, 2017 and who have completed three (3) years of continuous employment will receive minimum weekly pay of no less than the equivalent of forty (40) hours at his/her straight time rate (including holiday pay), provided:

He/she reports for work for each scheduled working hour assigned by the Company and; he/she performs whatever work is available and assigned to him by the Company;

(b) The terms of this section will not apply where the company is prevented from providing

work to any employee or group of employees because of fire, flood, strike, breakdown of machinery, or any other circumstances beyond the control of the Company.

A-11 All new hires in shipping shall receive, for a period of two (2) years, two dollars ($2.00)

less than the regular rate. Part-time employees moving to full-time shall receive 50% credit for their seniority up to a maximum of one (1) years credit.

A-12 Shippers will be provided with and expected to wear a uniform supplied by the Company which

will consist of a set of five (5) T-shirts, five (5) shirts, two (2) pairs of shorts, and three (3) pants. Shippers will receive a vest every two (2) years.

In the event the Plant Manager is required to align the uniform policy to the Corporate standard of supply and launder the Company will provide employees 4 weeks’ notice of such change. During this period employees will be fitted and supplied with uniforms and policy requirements.

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A-13 Part-time employees will normally work no more than 24 hours per week, which may be exceeded for the purposes of filling in for a full-time employee who is absent due to vacation, accident, illness, leave of absence, when full-time employees decline overtime or during the period between April 15th and September 15th. Part-time shall not be used to the extent that they cause the layoff of a full-time employee, prevent the hiring of a full-time employee, prevent the recall of a full-time employee on layoff or cause a reduction in regular hours for any full-time employee.

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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING # 1 January 05, 2018 Mr. Gerry Cadeau Milk and Bread Drivers, Dairy Employees Caterers and Allied Employees, Local Union No. 647 979 Derry Rd E Mississauga, ON L5T 2J7 Dear Mr. Cadeau: Re: SHIPPER'S SHIFT ALLOCATION This letter which is separate and apart from the Collective Agreement shall confirm our commitment to the implementation of shift schedules by seniority in the shipping department. The Company will dictate the staffing levels and start times. In the allocation of overtime shifts, seniority will be the guiding factor based on availability as follows: less than 4 hours overtime work will be assigned to employees who are on shift and 4 hours or more, the company will call in by seniority. Work schedules will be posted on the Thursday prior to the work week. In the event there is a schedule change of 2 hours or more to and employee’s start time or days of work that will exceed 2 weeks, employees will be given the opportunity to bid on the new schedules. Sincerely yours, Dave Gilbert Labour Relations

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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING # 2 January 05, 2018 Mr. Gerry Cadeau Milk and Bread Drivers, Dairy Employees Caterers and Allied Employees, Local Union No. 647 979 Derry Rd E Mississauga, ON L5T 2J7 Dear Mr. Cadeau: Re: SEVERANCE IN THE EVENT OF COMPLETE FACILITY CLOSURE This letter confirms the parties’ agreement that in the event of a complete facility closure the Company and the Union shall meet to discuss severance provisions. Sincerely yours, Dave Gilbert Labour Relations

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January 05, 2018 Mr. Gerry Cadeau Milk and Bread Drivers, Dairy Employees Caterers and Allied Employees, Local Union No. 647 979 Derry Rd E Mississauga, ON L5T 2J7 Dear Mr. Cadeau: Re: BENEFIT PACKAGE It is understood that during the term of this Collective Agreement, the Company may discuss alternatives to the current Benefit Package with a view to providing other forms of coverages for full-time employees. If acceptable to the Committee, the package could be presented to the employees for their consideration as a group. Yours truly, Dave Gilbert Labour Relations

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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING # 4 January 05, 2018 Mr. Gerry Cadeau Milk and Bread Drivers, Dairy Employees Caterers and Allied Employees, Local Union No. 647 979 Derry Rd E Mississauga, ON L5T 2J7 Dear Mr. Cadeau: Re: Early Retirement; A maximum of one (1) employee per year may elect early retirement if the total of their age plus service is equal to 85 or more (full years). Within thirty (30) days of his/her early retirement, the employee will receive a lump sum payment equal to one week per completed year of service to a maximum of thirty (30) weeks’ pay, capped at $21.11hr. The company will maintain coverage of O.H.I.P. and prescription drugs until the employee reaches his/her sixty-fifth (65) birthday or the employee returns to work. Only full-time employees on the date of ratification (January 5, 2018) are eligible to apply for and receive the early retirement benefit and if selected the employee must retire prior to their sixty third (63rd) birthday. Yours truly, Dave Gilbert Labour Relations

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The Teamsters are known as the champion of freight drivers and warehouse workers, but have organized workers in virtually every occupation imaginable, both professional and non-professional, private sector and public sector. Our 1.4 million members are public defenders in Minnesota; vegetable workers in California; sanitation workers in New York; brewers in St. Louis; newspaper workers in Seattle; construction workers in Las Vegas; zoo keepers in Pennsylvania; healthcare workers in Rhode Island; bakery workers in Maine; dairy workers in Ontario: airline pilots, secretaries and police officers. Name the occupation and chances are we represent those workers somewhere. There are nearly 1,900 Teamster affiliates throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, with the following breakdown: Teamsters stand ready to organize workers who want to bargain collectively. Once a contract is negotiated and signed, the Union works to enforce it—holding management accountable and invoking contract grievance procedures if management chooses not to. Wages and benefits under Teamster contracts are markedly better than those of non-union employees in similar jobs. Teamster contracts are the guarantors of decent wages, fair promotion, health coverage, job security, paid time-off and retirement income. The Teamsters Union also performs vital tasks in such areas as pension management, safety & health, community outreach, governmental affairs and communications. For more than a century, the Teamsters have been a public voice for the rights and aspirations of working men and women and a key player in securing them.

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Who is Teamsters Canada ?

At the turn of the century, drivers were delivering merchandise with teams of horses drawing the wagons, wherefrom the name Teamsters. The two horses in our logo looking in opposite directions, represent the two rival unions that joined forces in 1903 to form the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The middle circle of the logo represents the wheel of a horse-drawn wagon.

It was during these early years that the Teamsters earned a reputation for being a strong, dynamic, militant Union that stood up for its rights and its jurisdictions.

The Canadian Conference of Teamsters was created in 1976; this was done in recognition of the special needs, interests and aspirations of its Canadian membership. The Canadian membership has grown from 74,000 members to more than 115,000 members today.

In 1995, Teamsters Canada negotiated the terms of a proposed Canadian sovereignty amendment to the International Constitution, which would grant Teamsters Canada more autonomy and control over Canadian membership issues.

Since 2001, a major change to the International Constitution recognizes the autonomy of Teamsters Canada.

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Teamsters Canada Services

Teamsters Canada represents approximately 115,000 members across the country in various industry sectors. The Teamsters’ national office is in Laval, Quebec. Two other regional offices are located in Ontario and British Columbia. Evolving services Due to its rich experience, our union has developed appropriate tools over the years in an effort to better help our members. Historically, unions restricted themselves to negotiating collective agreements and dealing with members’ grievances. Times have changed, as well as laws, and we have adapted. Our services are set up to better respond to the new realities of our members. Strike funds To be ready to confront the employer and establish our position of power in negotiations, Teamsters Canada created a Canadian strike fund in 1994. (Strike pay currently $300.00 per week). Communications Teamsters Canada has its own website, (www.teamsters.ca), which is updated regularly. All union news is reported there. In addition, the Communications Department puts out a magazine as well as information brochures for members. Lastly, it supports local unions during press briefings (preparation, organization, etc.). Union training A number of training courses are offered across the country. These courses, which are regularly offered to Shop Stewards, accident prevention officers, union advisors, etc., are developed and updated regularly to consider new realities in the work world, changes in legislation and jurisprudence, in accordance with the needs of the members we represent. Various courses are offered, such as: psychological harassment, violence in the workplace, collective bargaining, grievance procedure, occupational health and safety, etc. Government lobbyists Due to current government policies, our union has decided to get involved in various political parties in order to better pressure the governments elected. Our union is the only one in Canada to have in its ranks two people whose sole mandate is to lobby the government. The mission of these lobbyists is to make our union position and our demands known, so that new legislation and amendments reflect our vision. They have been called to participate in a number of important matters, including occupational health and safety, etc.

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Student scholarships and essay contests In order to help young people in their studies, each year in Canada, 15 student scholarships of $1,000 and $10,000 are disbursed to members’ children and grandchildren who have excelled academically. In addition, in an essay contest, young people can submit a text for a chance to win one of five $1,000 scholarships awarded throughout the country. Research In-depth ongoing research underlies the collective bargaining process. Teamster’s specialists are ready for any eventuality, as they are constantly compiling the results of their research. Teamsters’ specialization and research departments are supported and backed by the general executive and the International Brotherhood, whose head office is in Washington. Organizing For Teamsters Canada’s President, organizing is a priority because it is the essence and the heart of a good labour union. Our Canadian Organizing Director, with the help of representatives from every part of the country and in collaboration with local unions’ organizers, works to build the Canadian Teamsters membership. Their main role is to organize the non-unionized and the misrepresented members. One must not forget however that the best organizers come from within our ranks. Affiliations With the rise of globalization, as a large, strong union, it was necessary to adapt and create relationships with provincial organizations (worker federations), national organizations (Canadian Labour Congress) and international organizations (ITUC and IBT). Teamsters play an active role in these associations, so that, in their actions, they will take into account the interests of the members we represent.

• International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) http://www.ituc-csi.org

• Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) http://canadianlabour.ca/

• District Labour Councils


• Federation of Labour http://canadianlabour.ca/index.php/Kevinerations_fr?language=en

Over the past decades, unions decided to make use of these organizations to coordinate various services, in order to support each other in various recruitment drives and during disputes.

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Women’s Committee Due to the ever-growing number of women in our organization, our union sits on the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) women’s committees.

Teamsters Youth Committee

During a meeting held in January 2009, the Teamsters Canada Executive Board voted in favour of the creation of a national Youth Committee in its organization. On June 9, 2009, during the 10th Convention of Teamsters Canada, a resolution to this effect was adopted unanimously by the attending delegates. In order to set up this Committee, each Joint Council and Conference was asked to appoint representatives aged below 35 years to this Committee. In total, 15 youth, men and women of various ages, backgrounds and religions, were appointed. They represent various regions and fields of activity.

The Committee’s mandate is, amongst other things, to provide a voice for young members, advise Teamsters Canada on matters of interest to young members and support Teamsters Canada in its activities. The Committee’s main goal is to unite the young members of different Local Unions through local, regional, provincial and national networks. Youth account for a significant percentage of Teamsters members and represent a powerful resource for the union. The Committee deems that the active participation of young members will give the union more leverage at the bargaining table, during organizing campaigns and in the political arena.

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Grievance, Complaint, Disagreement The Grievance The grievance is a mechanism negotiated by both parties to a Collective Agreement, the Employer and Union, to settle disputes and of which they are sole owners. This is why a grievance cannot be filed against another employee. This is also why the Union is the only one to decide if a grievance will proceed to arbitration. A grievance originates from any violation of the collective agreement. Grievances are also used to clarify ambiguous clauses that are hard to interpret, and when disciplinary measures have been taken. Lastly, subsequent to the 2004 decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, a grievance can be filed every time a provision of labour legislation is infringed. Therefore, for a grievance procedure to defend ones rights, there is an essential condition. There has to be an article in the collective agreement that provides for that right, whether it is an article on overtime work, seniority, work schedule, statutory holidays, workplace health and safety, etc., or a violation of labour laws. In concrete terms, if an employer acts or takes a decision that violates the collective agreement or a Labour Law, there is ground for grievance. For instance, the Employer posts a position according to hiring provisions described in the Collective Agreement. Two employees bid on that position which is granted to the junior employee. This is contrary to seniority provisions provided in the Collective Agreement and it is the senior employee’s right to file a grievance. The purpose of his grievance is to demonstrate that the Employer has violated provisions of the Collective Agreement and to force him to remedy the situation. Why should we bother going through the grievance procedure to settle a violation of the Collective Agreement? Why not just walk out until the Employer decides to “smarten up”. The answer is simple. It is illegal and unrealistic to think that labour disputes can be settled this way! It is illegal because, during the Collective Agreement, the Union and the Employer MUST settle their differences about the Collective Agreement without work stoppage. The grievance procedure is the only way to settle problems arising from the interpretation and application of the Collective Agreement and Labor Laws during the terms of this same agreement. It is also agreed between the Union and the Employer that employees will not resort to strike action to settle grievances and the Employer agrees to settle disputes promptly. It may seem to you that the employee will be the losing party; remember that in non-unionized companies, the Employer is still the only one to manage, discipline and discharge employees as he/she wishes, and their only recourse is to file lawsuits, when and if they can. Work Now, Grieve Later! Even if there are grounds for a grievance, an employee cannot refuse to follow an order from the employer. Refusal to work is considered as insubordination. However, there are some exceptions to the

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rule “work now, grieve later”. There are situations where continuing to work could have consequences so severe for the employee that even if he wins his grievance, it would never allow him to overcome the prejudice he suffered (whether illegal or situations where the health and safety of the employee are at risk). Don’t grieve too late! Most collective agreements set a time limit and a procedure to follow in order to file a grievance. Follow the steps and time limits of your grievance procedure. You may end losing your grievance just because it was filed out of the delay, so be attentive to your time limits. The Complaint A complaint arises from any disagreement regarding the application or interpretation of a law. In this case, it is possible to resort to procedures set out pursuant to the law. For example, an employee is the victim of discrimination with respect to his age, race, colour, religion, sexual orientation or a handicap. He can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission, but it is also possible to file a grievance, as this is an infringement of labour legislation. In the event of a complaint, the Shop Steward’s role is to inform the member of his rights and steer him toward the proper resources. In fact, a complaint is a personal remedy that only that person can institute. The union cannot take the initiative but must provide the member with support. The Disagreement The disagreement originates from a misunderstanding of an Employer’s decision with regard to a condition not covered by the Collective Agreement. It will therefore be possible for you to discuss with the Employer to try to settle the dispute.

The Grievance Procedure & You!

Article # 7 of your collective agreement is one of the most important in your contract! The first thing to remember is all grievances should be discussed with the individual Union member, their Union Steward and Supervisors first. Hopefully, the issue is resolved verbally at the first opportunity. If the matter is not resolved, the member and the department Union Steward need to file a written grievance and have a meeting to discuss the matter in greater detail. Remember do not wait, collect all the related documents, schedules, paystubs, previous discipline, or anything that may be useful in explaining or proving your case. Remember the 5 W’s

• Who • What • Where • Why • When

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Writing the Grievance The ideal grievance should be written in such a way that it is short, simple, and specific. It should highlight who is involved, the problem, and request redress (full compensation). It should not go into arguments in the grievance form. The arguments and evidence will be dealt with in the grievance meetings. It is also important to note that the phrase “and/or any other clause in the collective agreement which may be applicable” must be included after the original problem statement. This allows the Union to argue the whole collective agreement not one article only. It is also important to ask what you want from the grievance. But always include “I request full redress including but not limited to” (a remedy that you are looking for) or, in disciplinary cases state “I request full compensation and my record made whole”. Always make sure to sign the grievance form. Example Grievances: Individual Contractual Grievance: The Company failed to offer me 4 hours of over-time on Tuesday March 4th when it used part-time employees before asking me to work. The Company violated articles 8, 9, & 19 and/or any other article the collective agreement that may be applicable. I request full redress including but not limited to the hours in question. Group Contractual Grievance: The Company failed to pay us correctly for the hours worked during the week of the statutory ending on July 6th. We request full redress including but not limited to being paid all outstanding wages Violations of Employees Rights/Unfair Discipline Grievance: I am protesting the suspension issued on September 1st without just cause and contrary to article 25 and/or any other article in the collective agreement that may be applicable. I believe that management did not act in a fair and reasonable manner. I request full compensation and my record made whole Union Policy Grievance: The Union protests the new Company policy without the Union agreement or approval. This policy violates the collective agreement and is an unfair & unreasonable exercise of their management rights. The Union requests full redress for all applicable members including the policy be withdrawn

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Labour Law Grievance: The Union is protesting the high temperatures in our workplace that violates article 3 of the Collective Agreement and/or the Health & Safety Act of Ontario. The Union request full redress for all affected members and that immediate action be taken to resolve the problem. Remember resolving the Grievance quickly and at the earliest step is very important

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WSIB Rights & Obligations for Workers

Report All Workplace Injuries & Illnesses What if someone gets injured at work or the work makes them ill? Follow these key steps

1. Get first aid immediately, or medical care if needed.

2. Tell the employer or supervisor about the injury or illness as soon as possible. Remember if you are injured at work? tell your employer immediately & get medical treatment right away if required!

When the WSIB registers the claim, they will send you a form 6 so you can describe what happened. You should complete, sign and send this form back to the WSIB as soon as possible. This is important because we need your signature to get your permission for your doctor to give your employer information to help with early and safe return to work. If you get Medical treatment? Tell the person treating you that the injury happened at work. The doctor or person treating you needs to complete a report and send it to the WSIB so you can claim benefits. On the form there are places for you to give information about yourself and your employer. When not to claim benefits Do not make a claim if ALL FOUR statements that follow are true:

1. only first aid treatment was required

2. you did not take any time off work

3. your pay was not affected

4. your job duties did not change as a result of the injury. The employer must pay you full wages for the day of injury.

What are my other responsibilities if injured at work?

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Workers need to:

• stay in contact with your employer while you recover • talk with your employer about ways to return to work quickly and safely, including doing

different work from your regular job or working shorter hours.

Co-operation: a worker’s obligation To get disability insurance benefits from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, a worker has an obligation to co-operate with the Company for a safe return to work. If the worker refuses to co-operate and has no reasonable cause, the WSIB may reduce or suspend the worker's benefits. What are the activities the injured worker must co-operate with? Workers must:

• co-operate in the health care and prescribed treatment indicated by the WSIB

• undergo a health examination at the direction of their health professional or the WSIB

• provide information to the WSIB to assist in the adjudication of their claim and

• co-operate in an early and safe return to work or labour market re-entry assessment and plan, as indicated by the WSIB.

Planning for an early and safe return to work All workers and employers are required to co-operate in return to work efforts. In Ontario, returning an injured worker to work is a shared responsibility, primarily between the employer and the worker. Functional Abilities Form The Functional Abilities Form for Planning Early and Safe Return to Work (2647A) is a tool to help workers and employers meet their return to work obligation. When completed, it helps workers and employers arrange an early and safe return to work. The information gathered highlights what a worker can do after a workplace injury, what limitations apply, and whether the worker requires a specific period of “time to heal”. The Functional Abilities Form is completed at the request of either the worker or the employer. It does not replace Form 7 (Employer's Report of Injury/Disease), Form 8 (Health Professional's First Report) or any other reporting form required by the WSIB. When do the workplace parties use the Functional Abilities Form? Workers and employers can ask a health professional who is treating the worker to complete this form, so they can have the functional abilities information that is needed to identify suitable work for the returning

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employee. With detailed information about the worker’s ability to lift, walk, stand, etc., the employer can identify possible job accommodations as part of a phased return to work while the worker continues to recover from the workplace injury/illness. Who can complete the Functional Abilities Form? This form can only be completed by a health professional who is treating the worker. This includes physicians, chiropractors, physiotherapists, etc. (a member of the College of a health professional as defined in The Regulated Professions Act, 1991). Workers & the Functional Abilities Form Complete the Worker’s Signature section of the Functional Abilities Form to authorize the health professional who is treating you to release functional abilities information to your employer. Bring the signed form to your health professional and ask the health professional to complete the form. The employer must:

• Pay the worker’s wages for the day or shift the injury occurred

• Arrange and pay for transportation to get medical care if it is needed

• Give you a copy of the accident report once it is completed.

When can workers claim benefits? As a worker, you can claim benefits if you have:

• received medical attention and/or

• lost time or wages from work beyond the day of injury

• continued to work, but on a reduced work schedule, at regular or reduced wages. What are my other responsibilities if injured at work? You need to:

• stay in contact with your employer while you recover

• talk with your employer about ways to return to work quickly and safely, including doing different work from your regular job, or working shorter hours.

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Someone Else

The Union was saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our most valuable member: Someone Else. Someone's passing created a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Else had been with us for many years and for every one of those years, someone did far more than a normal person's share of the work. Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results. Whenever there was a job to do or a meeting to attend, one name was on everyone's list: "Let Someone Else do it." It was common knowledge that Someone Else would make up the difference. Someone Else was a wonderful person, sometimes appearing super-human; but a person can only do so much. Were the truth known, everybody expected too much of Someone Else. Now, Someone Else is gone. We wonder what we are going to do. Someone Else left a wonderful example to follow, but who is going to follow? Who is going to do all the things that Someone Else did? If you have an opportunity to participate in the affairs of your union or your community, remember - we can't depend on Someone Else anymore. If you are laid off, on sick leave, leave of absence, discharged or voluntarily leave your employment, make sure you apply to your local Union office for a withdraw card. Do not ask your Stewards, do not ask your Business Representative, the Responsibility is yours. To be eligible member you must have your dues paid up and including the month in which you request the withdraw card

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Secretary-Treasurer &

Business Representative:

Carl Davis

Work Phone: 905-760-0209

e-mail: [email protected]

979 Derry Road East

Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2J7

Business Representative:

Gary Bast

979 Derry Road East

Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2J7

Work Phone: 905-760-0209

Cell: 519-502-3875

e-mail: [email protected]

Teamsters Local Union Office

979 Derry Road East

Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2J7

Web Site: www.teamsters647.ca

Phone: 905-760-0209 Tol free: 1 800-387-9924 Fax: 905-760-8615

e-mail: [email protected] If you are off work for longer than one month, discharged or voluntarily leave your job make sure you apply to Teamsters Local Union office 1-800-387-9924 for a withdrawal card. The responsibility is yours.

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Weston Main Phone Line Weston Sick Line Supervisors Desk Weston Fax


Pension Plan

Healthcare & Dental Benefits


Ø Plan Number Ø Plan Contact Ø Toll Free Canada & USA: Ø Customer Service Centre: Ø Website:

Employee Assistance Plan Information Weston Helpline

Ø 1-800-594-1495 Morneau Shepell

Ø 24 Hours A Day – 7 Days A Week Ø Employees and their Families (Spouse & Dependents) Ø 1-800- Ø Website: www.workhealthlife.com