For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets Directions: Start at Westminster Abbey. Head on to Parliament Square and down past The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Join Parliament Street and pass: The Department of Culture, Media and Sports, HM Revenue and Customs, Churchill War Rooms, Cenotaph, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Downing Street, Horse Guard Parade, Ministry of Defence, Banqueting House Finish up at Trafalgar Square MY BABA’s From Westminster to Trafalgar This trail is just one road long, but wow, what a road it is, it covers about 1000 years of history in just over half a mile. So, be crowned in Westminster Abbey, escape Guy Fawke’s gunpowder plot, pay your respects to the glorious dead at The Cenotaph and help Winston Churchill keep our country safe in The War Rooms.

Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

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Nanny Anita brings you the second in the series of her Cookie Adventure Trails, with an exciting trip from Westminster to Trafalgar. Perfect for a fun day out in London with the kids this half term.

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Page 1: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets


• StartatWestminsterAbbey.• HeadontoParliamentSquareanddownpastThe

Housesof ParliamentandBigBen.• JoinParliamentStreetandpass:TheDepartmentof

Culture,MediaandSports,HMRevenueandCustoms,Churchill War Rooms, Cenotaph,ForeignandCommonwealthOffice,DowningStreet, Horse Guard Parade, Ministryof Defence,Banqueting House

• FinishupatTrafalgarSquare

MY BABA’sFrom Westminster to Trafalgar

Thistrailisjustoneroadlong,butwow,whataroaditis,itcoversabout1000yearsof historyinjustoverhalf amile.


Page 2: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets

INFORMATION For Attractions


Westminster Abbey Check website www.westminster-abbey.org

Adult 18.0011-18yrs 8.00Under 11s free

Churchill War Rooms

Daily 9:30-6pmAdults 17.50

Under 16s free

Banqueting HouseDaily 10-1pm

But check website for closures

Adult 6.60Under 16s free

ACTIVITIESFrom Westminster to Trafalgar


2.Canyoufindanyof theirnames?


Page 3: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets


5.Canyouspotthestatueof AbrahamLincoln?WhichcountrywashePresidentof?

6.WhotriedtoblowuptheHousesof Parliament?



9.WhichfamousKinghadhisheadcutoff atBanquetingHouse?

10.Whositsatopof thelargecolumninTrafalgarSquare?

-1- 20th Century

Martyrs -2- Answers can be

found on a notice on the railings.

-3- St. Margret’s Church -4- 8 stat-

ues -5- USA -6- Guy Fawkes -7- 5th

November 1605

-8- No 10 -9- King Charles I -10-

Horatio Nelson


• Thereare450tombsinsideWestminsterAbbey,includingroyaltyandfamouspeople.Forseveralhundredyearsanyonewhocouldafforditcouldbeburiedthere-keepaneyeopenforsomeinterestinglookingtombs.

• WestminsterAbbeycontainsBritain’soldestdoor;itwasfoundintheChapterhouseandwasdatedbackto1050.

Page 4: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets

• Since1308nearlyeveryMonarchhasbeencrownedonthefamousCoronationChair.Butitisactuallycoveredingraffiti–courtesyof schoolboysandvisitorsinthe1700sand1800s.

• BigBenisactuallythenameof oneof thebells.TheclocktowerthateveryonereferstoasBigBenwasrenamedElizabethTowerinhonourof theQueen’sDiamondJubilee.

• DowningStreetisnamedafterSirGeorgeDowning;borninIrelandandgrewupinNewEngland.Hewasoneof thefirstpeopletograduatefromHarvardandmovedtoEnglandduringtheCivilwarin1650.

• No.10DowningStreetwasoriginallyNo.5andwaschangedtoNo.10in1779.

• Thefamousblackdoorof No.10wasn’talwaysblack.From1908to1916itwasadarkgreen.

• No10DowningStreetisoneof themostheavilyguardedbuildingsinBritain.Thefrontdoorcannotbeopenedfromtheoutsidebecauseithasnohandle,andnoonecanenterthebuildingwithoutpassingthroughascannerandasetof securitygatesmannedbyarmedguards.However,inthefirstfiveyearsafterTonyBlairbecameprimeminister,37computers,fourmobilephones,twocameras,amini-discplayer,avideorecorder,fourprinters,twoprojectorsandabicyclewerestolenfromthebuilding.

• BanquetingHouseistheonlysurvivingbuildingof thePalaceof Whitehall,whichburntdownin1698.

• CharlesIfamouslastwordsbeforehisexecutionsatBanquetinghousewere“Igofromacorruptiblecrowntoanincorruptiblecrownwherenodisturbancecanbe.”

• TheHorseGuardParadewasformerlythesiteof thePalaceof Whitehall’stiltyard.Itiswheretournaments,suchasjousting,wereheldduringthereignof HenryVIII.

Page 5: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets

Eye Spy TrailFor Younger Children

Can you find these objects on your trail?

Westminster AbbeyTick




Parliament Square

Page 6: Westminster to Trafalgar: Half Term Activities for Kids

For more fun things to do visit the My Baba blog at www.mybaba.com or tweet your trail @ mybabatweets

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Cenotaph

Nelson’s Column

Horse Guard’s Parade

Scotland Office




