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International andNational Travel

Courses 2012Costa RiCa






puERto RiCo

san FRanCisCo


International andNational Travel

Courses 2012Costa RiCa






puERto RiCo

san FRanCisCo


Begin Your

A new streamlined application is available at westfield.ma.edu/educationabroad. Apply now to reserve your space in a course conducted in one of these exciting locations:

Costa Rica nicaraguaEurope puerto RicoGhana san Franciscoireland VietnamJordan

Westfield State University Short-Term Courses for 2012

*Estimated Cost ✈ First-year students may apply





Payments and Charges

Two Payment Options are Available


JANUARY TRAVEL$500 due at application and balance due October 15th

MAY/JUNE TRAVEL$500 due upon application and balance due February 15th

2. INSTALLMENT PLAN OPTION You may apply for the Installment Plan as early as July 15th; if you join later,

your first payment will include the deposit and any missed months.


ing balance will be paid in August, September, October,

and November.


remaining balance will be paid in August, September, October,

November, December, January, February, and March.


$3500.00 + INSTALLMENT PLAN FEE= $3550.00


BALANCE= $3000.00

paYmEnts:AUG 15: $375.00 DEC 15: $375.00 SEPT 15: $375.00 JAN 15: $375.00 OCT 15: $375.00 FEB 15: $375.00 NOV 15: $375.00 MAR 15: $375.00


deadline to apply: september 30 for January travel october 14 for may/June travel”

Begin Your

A new streamlined application is available at westfield.ma.edu/educationabroad. Apply now to reserve your space in a course conducted in one of these exciting locations:

Costa Rica nicaraguaEurope puerto RicoGhana san Franciscoireland VietnamJordan

Westfield State University Short-Term Courses for 2012

*Estimated Cost ✈ First-year students may apply





Payments and Charges

Two Payment Options are Available


JANUARY TRAVEL$500 due at application and balance due October 15th

MAY/JUNE TRAVEL$500 due upon application and balance due February 15th

2. INSTALLMENT PLAN OPTION You may apply for the Installment Plan as early as July 15th; if you join later,

your first payment will include the deposit and any missed months.


ing balance will be paid in August, September, October,

and November.


remaining balance will be paid in August, September, October,

November, December, January, February, and March.


$3500.00 + INSTALLMENT PLAN FEE= $3550.00


BALANCE= $3000.00

paYmEnts:AUG 15: $375.00 DEC 15: $375.00 SEPT 15: $375.00 JAN 15: $375.00 OCT 15: $375.00 FEB 15: $375.00 NOV 15: $375.00 MAR 15: $375.00


deadline to apply: september 30 for January travel october 14 for may/June travel”

Now!Westfield state University offers

short-term stUdy abroad opportUnities

dUring the 2012 academic year. all

programs are developed and delivered

by Westfield facUlty and Will travel

for approximately tWo Weeks dUring

semester breaks in JanUary and may.

I am a First Year Student. Can I study abroad?Yes! Consider enrolling in Environmental Biology in Costa Rica, Ghanaian Arts and Culture in Ghana, Service-Learning in Ireland or Nicaragua, an International Seminar in Jordan, or in Culture, History and the Media in Vietnam! All open to First-year students!

I am a returning student. How do I qualify to study abroad?It’s easy! You must:

•be an Undergraduate, evening, graduate student at West-field State OR a student at another accredited college or university in Massachusetts.

•have Sophomore status (24 earned hours) unless otherwise noted

•have a GPA of 2.25

Can I afford to study abroad?Take advantage of our new installment payment plan! Students approved for the Installment Plan will make a $550 deposit to secure a seat in the course and will make monthly payments until the balance is paid. Students who enroll in the Installment Plan after the first month will make up the preceding payments in their first payment. Alsospeak with Westfield State University’s Financial Aid office in the Horace Mann Center about your eligibility for loans.

Space is limitedTurn the page to begin exploring an opportunity that can change your life.

Investigate the diversity of ecosystems in a tropical country! Costa Rica is a small, Spanish-speaking country in Central America, bordering both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea and known for its openness to ecotourism.

On this course you will:

• Visit environments throughout Costa Rica, including wet and dry tropical forests, cloud forests, rivers, and marine ecosystems.

• Explore the diversity of ways that people interact with these ecosystems, including their use of natural resources, environmental conservation, and food production.

• Experience day and night hikes, tide pool exploration, a river raft tour and snorkeling. One moderately strenuous day hike to a field station may be included.

• Walk over hanging bridges, take forest canopy walks and try zip lining.

• Stay at a sustainable farm, visit cacao and banana plantations, take a Latin dance class and experience Costa Rican food and culture.

Excursions include: Venado Caves, Arenal National Park, Rancho Margo, the cloud forest, the Santa Elena Reserve, and the Pacific slope.

Faculty Leader

Tim Parshall, PhD, Associate Professor, Biology and Environmental Science Departments. This will be Dr. Parshall’s third laboratory course abroad. He has research experience in forest ecosystems, invasive species, and climate change. While in Costa Rica, local biologists will guide students on field trips and offer lectures on environmental and ecological topics of the region.

Academic Program

BIOL 102: EnvIrOnmEntaL BIOLOgy (4 credits*)This course satisfies a Laboratory Science Core Requirement. First-year students may apply.

Students may also take this course asBIOL 0279 SpEcIaL tOpIcS In BIOLOgy: cOSta rIca (3 crEdItS)

The trip to Costa Rica begins with a course in Session B of the Fall 2012 semester (October 26), with Travel in January.

travel costs: $2,900** Includes tuition and fees** Tuition and Fees are additional for DGCE students

January 2-15, 2012

January 3–14, 2012

travel costs: $3,900 Includes tuition and fees

Immerse yourself in the culture of this African nation! The Republic of Ghana is located in West Africa and is one of the most stable of the modern African democra-cies. Ghana was inhabited in pre-colonial times by a number of ancient kingdoms, including the Ga Adangbes on the eastern coast, inland Empire of Ashanti and various Fante states along the coast and inland. Founded by the Portuguese in the 15th century, Cape Coast was where most of the slaves were held before their journey on the Middle Passage.

On this course you will:

• study the film, music, and literature of Ghana using a multidisciplinary approach.

• illuminate a living culture by actively engaging its imaginative and creative thinkers in direct dialogue, to see how these individuals create and inhabit their world.

• spend time with some of Ghana’s best writers, artists, thinkers, traditional royalty, musicians, and film makers.

• contemplate how Ghana’s past, especially the independence movement and the history of slavery, has achieved meaning in the artist’s work.

In-country orientation will be provided by University of Cape Coast faculty and personnel– led by Dr. Opoku-Agyemang –who have a long and impressive track record of implementing highly successful international student programs at UCC.

Excursions include: Elmina Castle, a staging point in the trans-Atlantic slave trade; Aburi, a wood carving village of international import; Bonwire, the major kente weaving village in historic Ghana; various cultural and historical sites in Accra and Kumasi, the capital of the Ashanti region to the north; the Cocoa Research Institute at Tafo; TV Africa, the heart of Afrocentric programming on the continent; Kakum National Forest, for a stroll atop the forest canopy, and much more.

Faculty Leader

Kamal H. Ali, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Ethnic and Gender Studies Department. This will be Dr. Ali’s second Westfield State course in Ghana. He has taught a number of courses at the university during that time including Multicultural and Ethnic Studies, Introduction to Islam, and Contemporary Issues in Islam, and led a small contingent of Westfield State University students on a summer session to the University of Ghana at Legon in 1996. He will provide an in-depth program orientation to augment the student experience including information gleaned from more than 30 years of travel to Ghana and West Africa.

Academic Program

EgSt 0230: IntrOductIOn tO ghanaIan artS and cuLturE (3 credits)

First-year students are encouraged to applytravel costs: $2,900** Includes tuition and fees** Tuition and Fees are additional for DGCE students

Enhance your commitment to global awareness! Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. The Pacific Ocean lies to the west of the country, the Caribbean to the east. The country’s Caribbean coast is part of the Western Caribbean Zone. Falling within the tropics, Nicaragua’s abundance of biologically significant and unique ecosystems contribute to its designation as a biodiversity hotspot.

On this course you will:

• study the cultural diversity of Nicaragua while engaging in community service in a global setting.

• build with the local non-profit organization, La Esperanza Granada and the local community in the city of Granada and the neighborhoods it serves.

• visit the active volcano of Mombacho, the natural island of Ometepe, the markets of Masaya.

• Experience San Juan del Sur and learn to surf or experience a zip line through the jungle!

This experience will deepen your appreciation for the diversity of cultures in both the United States and Nicaragua and enhance your commitment to global awareness, setting the stage for future exploration of our world.

Excursions include: We will arrive in early January and begin our work followed by a weekend visit to local sites including the market, Las Isletas, the Mombacho volcano and more. Our second week continues with service with a number of local visits and a trip to Ometepe and San Juan del Sur to end our stay.

Faculty Leader

Katheryn L. Bradford, M.S., Bilingual/Bicultural Education. Ms. Bradford has spent extensive time in a number of Spanish speaking countries, including Mexico, Nicaragua and Bolivia, giving her significant knowl-edge of the customs, language and history. She has traveled extensively and has coordinated numerous service learning trips around the world and is passionate about student travel. She has been part of the Westfield State community for 30 years and is currently the Director of Alumni Relations. Her combined passions for service learning with students and for the indigenous Nican people and their country will make this course a life changing experience.

Academic Program

SLtS 0201 SErvIcE-LEarnIng travEL SEmInar: nIcaragua (3 credits)

First-year students are encouraged to apply

travel costs: $2,000 Includes tuition and feesDoes not include gratuity. We will also fund-raise for ad-ditional school building supplies

January 4–18, 2012

December 27, 2011 – January 14, 2012

travel costs: $2,000 Includes tuition and fees

Develop fluency in speaking and understanding Spanish conversation! Puerto Rico

is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern

Caribbean Sea, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States

Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico (Spanish for “rich port”)

comprises an archipelago that includes the main island of Puerto Rico and a number

of smaller islands. Due to its location, Puerto Rico enjoys a tropical climate.

On this course you will:

• immerse yourself in Puerto Rican culture, history, and politics.

• practice with often-used expressions and patterns of speech common in a conversational style.

• work to develop fluency in speaking and ease in understanding while being immersed in a Spanish speaking culture.

• engage in conversation on a variety of topics beyond immediate needs

• respond to unanticipated questions on increasingly complex topics

• display communicative ease within given context

• be understood by native speakers unaccustomed to dealing with non-natives

• display appropriate non-verbal communication

• ask questions related to the topic and respond correctly to questions

Excursions include: Students will explore the Calle de la Selud, Calle Cristina and other rural and urban areas in and near Ponce and San Juan.

Faculty Leader

Enrique Morales-Dias, PhD, Associate Professor, World Language Studies Department. Dr. Morales-Diaz has research experience in Puerto Rican, Latin American and Latino/a Studies. He has taught all levels of Spanish language, literature, and culture classes covering Latin America and Spain. He has previously taken students to and taught courses in Puerto Rico and Spain.

Academic Program

LSpa 0200 SpanISh cOnvErSatIOn Or LSpa 0206 advancEd OraL SpanISh (3 crEdItS) prErEquISItES: LSpa 0104Spanish IV, or Permission of Instructor

travel costs: $2,000 Includes tuition and feesDoes not include gratuity. We will also fund-raise for ad-ditional school building supplies

Explore the rich historical, cultural, social and political issues central to San Francisco that led to the extraordinary diversity and mosaic of the city today! San Francisco was known as the “Paris of the West” in the late 19th Century, the “Gay Mecca” beginning in the mid 20th Century, the birthplace of the National Farm Workers Association in the 1960s and home of the dot-com boom in the 1990s. Today the 12th largest city in the United States, San Francisco continues to be a vibrant and sophisticated metropolis that leads the nation in the quest for social justice.

On this course you will:

• follow a reading list, hear lectures designed especially for you by faculty located in San Francisco, and visit locations key to the city’s particular history.

• keep a journal, participate in discussions, write a research paper, and engage in community service.

The Service Learning Component of the course will take place at GLIDE Memorial Church, which runs a number of social services for city residents. GLIDE’s mission is “to create a radically inclusive, just and loving community mobilized to alleviate suffering and break the cycles of poverty and marginalization.” GLIDE has been working for more than 40 years with children and families to provide food, healthcare, and counseling, and to help them move away from violence and beyond crisis.

Excursions include: Multiple excursions in and around San Francisco including Angel Island (the Ellis Island of the west), Alcatraz (the famous island prison), and many of the city’s neighborhoods.

Faculty LeadersMarsha Marotta, Ph.D., Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Dr. Marotta, a tenured professor of Political Science and former chair of the Department of Political Science at Westfield, is a staunch supporter of international and national study opportunities for students, faculty and staff. She led a student travel seminar focused on the historic 2008 National Democratic Convention in Denver, CO. Her professional background as a news reporter and city editor and her academic interests in political theory, feminist political thought, and political leadership provide a rich platform for the integration of living/learning experiences for students.

Nanci Salvidio, M.A., Executive Assistant to the President and Associate Vice President of Advancement and College Relations. Nanci has held a number of leadership roles within the University during her 28 years of service. Over the last several years, she has traveled extensively to explore and develop exciting partnerships, exchanges and study opportunities for students and faculty, including trips to Poland, Ireland, China, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nanci is an alumnus of the University and strong advocate for advancing opportunities for experiential learning.

Academic Program

SLtS 0202 SErvIcE-LEarnIng travEL SEmInar: San FrancIScO (3 credits)

January 3–18, 2012

travel costs: $1,990 Includes tuition and fees

travel costs: $3,500** Includes tuition and fees** Tuition and Fees are additional for DGCE students

Immerse yourself in the economic power, problems and culture of the European Union! The required spring 2012 course will introduce students to the world of International Business and Economics with a concentration on the European Union (EU), its history, growth, and evolution. Europe is the world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods and services, and is the biggest export market for more than one hundred countries. Through 13 class hours before departure, students will learn the basics of International Business through studying the EU, its diverse culture, its economic power, problems, and relationships with the rest of the world. Students will receive a series of articles for discussion during the class time at Westfield.

On this course you will:

• be introduced to to some of the economic ramifications of the EU, and EU banking and monetary policies

• enjoy guided tours in London, Brussels, Amsterdam and Paris including excursions listed below.

Excursions include: In London, we will tour Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey; we will view the Magna Carta in the British Library, and attend a lecture on government. In The Hague, we will take a guided tour, visit the Peace Palace, and visit the International Criminal Court. The court is a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, wars against humanity, and war crimes. In Amsterdam, we will take a guided tour of Amsterdam and visit the Anne Frank House. We will take a guided tour of Brussels and visit the European Commission. The European Com-mission is the EU’s executive body. In Paris, we will take a walking tour of Paris, visit the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral.

Faculty Leader

Bradford Knipes, Ph.D., Professor, Economics and Management Department. Dr. Knipes has taught at Westfield State University for over two decades, and has enjoyed teaching courses in many areas of management, such as International Business, Entrepreneurship, and Policy and Strategy. He has traveled extensively, and is looking forward to integrating international businesses and travel to Europe into the International Business course.

Academic Program

mgmt 0338: IntErnatIOnaL BuSInESS: thE EurOpEan unIOn (3 credits)

(nO prErEquISItES)

padm 0680: SpEcIaL tOpIcS In puBLIc admInIStratIOn: thE EurOpEan unIOn (3 graduate credits)

PADM students must obtain approval from Professor David Smailes for this course to apply toward degree requirements

Accepted students will register into one of the courses above for the spring 2011 semester; travel will take place in May/June

May 24 – June 5, 2012

Develop an understanding of the warmth and hospitality of the people of the Middle East! Jordan is a kingdom on the East Bank of the River Jordan. The country borders Saudi Arabia to the east and south-east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and the West Bank and Israel to the west, sharing control of the Dead Sea. Much of Jordan is covered by the Arabian Desert. However, the north-western part of Jordan is part of the Fertile Crescent. The capital city is Amman.

On this course you will:

• experience academic study and cultural immersion including lectures, field trips to historical and archeological sites, national cultural museums, schools and government offices and home visitations.

• examine some of the traditions, assumptions, issues, conflicts, barriers, and misunderstandings which can arise between eastern and western cultures.

• pursue personal encounters with local teachers and students, journalists, government, and media people, to begin understanding Middle East culture directly from men and women who live there.

• begin to feel the level of warmth, hospitality, and welcome found in Middle East families, and begin to understand that there is much more here than the violent headlines which appear in western news media.

Excursions include: The Jordan state broadcast facilities; the Department of Antiquities; the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan; a McGill University (Canada) peace studies program; the Jordan River Foundation which develops programs for the advancement of women; the Jubilee School for academically talented young people; the editorial offices of the Jordan Times; the Department of Palestinian Affairs; the Baqa Refugee Camp; the Jordan River at Bethany, site of Herod’s Fortress at Mukawir; Mt. Nebo where Moses commissioned the Hebrews to go forth to the promised land; Karak Castle, preserved from the time of the crusades; Jerash, once a thriving Middle East Roman City; Ajlun Castle built in 1183; Umm Qais, once a Roman Decapolis City overlooking the southernmost end of the Lake of Galilee; Petra, an ancient treasure city built over two thousand years ago; Wadi Rum; the Dead Sea and other sites.

Faculty Leader

John D. Paulmann, Ph.D., Professor, Communication Department. Dr. Paulmann has taught at Westfield State University for twenty-five years. He has been awarded two summer Fulbright Fellowships, and his Middle East travel includes Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. In his leisure time, he has traveled about ten thousand miles by bicycle.

Academic Program

cOmm 0280 IntErnatIOnaL cOmmunIcatIOn (3 credits)

First-year students are encouraged to apply travel costs: $3,200** Includes tuition and fees** Tuition and Fees are additional for DGCE students

May 23 – June 10, 2012

travel costs: $3,200** Includes tuition and fees** Tuition and Fees are additional for DGCE students

travel costs: $3,500/$3,600 Includes tuition and feesDoes not include gratuity. We will also fund-raise for additional school building supplies

May 22 – June 3, 2012

Transform your thinking about the world and your place in it! Costa Rica is a tropical country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west and south and the Caribbean Sea to the east. This course will provide early childhood, elementary, special needs teachers and teacher candidates the opportunity to immerse themselves in another culture while developing their own understanding of natural science including the topics of biodiversity, tropical habitats and ecology. Students will engage in service learning as they observe and assist with instruction in three different Costa Rican elementary schools.

On this course you will:

• have the opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture. • learn to appreciate cultural differences and how these differences

enrich our lives.• gain an appreciation of what it is like to be a second language learner

as you attempt to communicate in another language and work with students whose primary language is not English.

• develop an appreciation of the environment as you learn about the diverse ecosystems of Costa Rica.

• improve your science process skills and learn ways to integrate new learning into your curriculum.

• develop new insights as people and as teachers to transform your thinking about the world and your place in it.

Excursions include: Birding at various sites, guided day and night hikes including an ascent to the Continental Divide in the Children’s Eternal Rain Forest. We will travel by coach to the Atlantic lowlands, the high elevations of volcanic mountains, into the cloud forests of Monteverde, ending with an exploration of the Pacific lowlands including mangroves and the beautiful beaches of the Pacific Ocean. We will visit multiple sites such as a pineapple or banana plantation, a chocolate making demonstration, and other highlights such as zip lining and multiple suspension bridges over rainforest canopies.

Faculty Leaders (2012 course will include two of the following course leaders)

Sandra Berkowitz, PhD, Associate Professor, Education Department. Dr. Berkowitz is the coordinator of the Reading Specialist Program at Westfield State University where she teaches literacy classes to undergraduate and graduate students.

Kathleen Itterly, EdD, Professor, Education Department. Dr. Itterly teaches literacy courses to undergraduate and graduate students.

Trudy Knowles, PhD, Professor, Education Department. Dr. Knowles is the coordinator of the Elementary Education Program. She teaches curriculum courses and social studies courses to undergraduate and graduate students.

Academic Program

Educ 0398/0598: SpEcIaL tOpIcS In EducatIOn: a cOSta rIcan IntErcuLturaL and trOpIcaL EcOLOgy ExpErIEncE (3 credits; may be taken for undergraduate or post-baccalaureate credit)

Deepen your appreciation for the diversity of cultures in both the United States and Ireland! This experiential seminar will help students build a foundation for interna-tional education experiences through travel and global service learning combined with classroom learning. The course will allow students to work in an international setting combining classroom education with hands-on service in Northern Ireland. Service opportunities extend beyond our geographical boundaries and this course allows students to experience first-hand the connection between experience, cultural awareness and education. The service-learning segment will focus on working with local organizations and/or building/renovating a local school.

On this course you will:

• apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to your international education and service experiences.

• gain an understanding of the world outside of our country by understanding some of the historic, cultural, social, political, and economic issues of Ireland.

• engage in community service in a global setting.

• deepen your appreciation for the diversity of cultures in both the United States and Ireland.

• enhance your commitment to global awareness and education.

Excursions include: Dublin, Killarney, Blarney Castle, Dingle Peninsula, Belfast, and Derry.

Faculty/Staff Leaders

Brian Cahillane, M.S., J.D., Assistant Director, Counseling Center. This will be Brian Cahillane’s second time instructing this course. Instructor Cahillane has been with Westfield State University for more than eighteen years. He is both a social worker and an attorney. His interests include aspects of policymaking, social justice, international education, various mental health issues, mental health and the law, education and the law, and several other legal issues. He is Past President of the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors and has served on the Governing Council of the American Counseling Association. He pres-ently serves on human rights committees for two local human service organizations.

Junior Delgado, M.Ed., B.A., Director, Career Center. Junior has been the Director of the Career Center at Westfield State University since August 2009. Junior served as the Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach at Westfield State for eight seasons. Also, he was a First Year Experience Instructor on campus for five years. He earned his Bachelor of Art in Spanish and Education from Clark University and a Master of Education in Educational Administration from Westfield State.

Academic Program

SLtS 0201 SErvIcE LEarnIng travEL SEmInar: IrELand (3 credits)

First-year students are encouraged to apply

travel costs: $3,500 Includes tuition and fees

May 21 – June 3, 2012

travel costs: $3,500 Includes tuition and fees

travel costs: $4,900 Includes tuition and fees

Learn cultural sensitivities essential to operating and communicating in a global economy! There will be two academic tracks within this course: The first track will examine a particular aspect of the U.S.-Vietnam War and compare Vietnamese accounts of particular episodes in that war or effects of the war with coverage of the same aspects by U.S. mainstream media. The effects of Agent Orange is one example. The second track will examine contemporary Vietnamese mass media and the impact of that media on attitudes and beliefs among Vietnamese college-age youth. At least three class meetings and advance reading will be required prior to the trip. Each student will produce a final paper or a documentary report in audio or video format on their findings related to one of the two tracks above or a mutually agreed topic of interest. Required readings before departure include Vietnam, by Mark Ashwill, and The History of the Vietnam War, by Marilyn Young.

On this course you will:

• visit museums, villages and tunnels, and observe some of the natural beauty of Vietnam.

• interact with English-speaking Vietnamese college students in Hanoi, Hue, and Ho Chi Minh City.

• attend lectures by Vietnamese professors and experts on a number of topics.

• learn to contrast direct observation with media representation.• foster heightened skills of media literacy and consider the impact of

modern media on traditional culture.• gain insights into the culture, economy, governance, and media system

of a country whose past and future is intimately tied to the United States.• reflect on the impact of modern warfare.• learn cultural sensitivities essential to operating and communicating in

a global economy.

Excursions include: Hanoi, Hue, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Angkor Wat Temple, Cambodia

Faculty Leader

Thomas N. Gardner, PhD, Associate Professor, Communication Depart-ment. Dr. Gardner has taught courses in public relations, journalism, communication law, and political and persuasive communication since 2001. He earlier served as managing director of the Media Education Foundation, public affairs officer for Harvard Divinity School, senior editor at the Harvard Institute for International Development, and director of communications for the Union of Concerned Scientists. He was an award-winning senior political reporter, columnist, and city editor at the Pulitzer Prize-winning Montgomery Advertiser. Prof. Gardner has spoken widely on media and war, and he recently published a chapter on war rhetoric in a book by Routledge press entitled Constructing America’s War Culture.

Academic Program

cOmm 0180 St: vIEtnam (3 credits)

cOmm 0316 St: vIEtnam: cuLturE, hIStOry, and mEdIa (3 credits) First-year students are encouraged to apply

June 7 – 19, 2012

Westfield State has made a good faith effort to anticipate the costs for these programs. Westfield is not responsible for changes in costs that are outside of its control (such as airfare, currency fluctuations, and in-country taxes and fees), and reserves the right to pass those along to students.

The costs and itineraries of these courses are tentative and are subject to change. Estimated costs include, in most cases, tuition and fees, round-trip airfare, lodging, most excursions, entrance fees, and some meals. Students are responsible for the costs of their passports, any visas and required immunizations. Students are also responsible for personal, out-of-pocket expenses, typically one or more meals per day and gratuities.

For detailed policies and procedures, and up-to-date travel information, visit the website at westfield.ma.edu/educationabroad

If you have questions, please contact:

Cynthia Siegler Director, International Programs Parenzo Hall Lobby [email protected] (413) 572.8545 westfield.ma.edu/educationabroad

International Programs

Energy and the Environment in the Netherlands

Environmental Biology in Costa Rica

International Business in Ireland

Islamic Jurisprudence in Morocco

Women in Organizations in India

Service Learning in New Orleans

Biocultural Diversity in Belize

Begin Your

A new streamlined application is available at westfield.ma.edu/educationabroad. Apply now to reserve your space in a course conducted in one of these exciting locations:

Costa Rica nicaraguaEurope puerto RicoGhana san Franciscoireland VietnamJordan

Westfield State University Short-Term Courses for 2012

*Estimated Cost ✈ First-year students may apply





Payments and Charges

Two Payment Options are Available


JANUARY TRAVEL$500 due at application and balance due October 15th

MAY/JUNE TRAVEL$500 due upon application and balance due February 15th

2. INSTALLMENT PLAN OPTION You may apply for the Installment Plan as early as July 15th; if you join later,

your first payment will include the deposit and any missed months.


ing balance will be paid in August, September, October,

and November.


remaining balance will be paid in August, September, October,

November, December, January, February, and March.


$3500.00 + INSTALLMENT PLAN FEE= $3550.00


BALANCE= $3000.00

paYmEnts:AUG 15: $375.00 DEC 15: $375.00 SEPT 15: $375.00 JAN 15: $375.00 OCT 15: $375.00 FEB 15: $375.00 NOV 15: $375.00 MAR 15: $375.00


deadline to apply: september 30 for January travel october 14 for may/June travel”

International andNational Travel

Courses 2012Costa RiCa






puERto RiCo

san FRanCisCo
