Wellington Methodist Church and Centre Sunday 9th June 2019 New Street, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1LU U.K registered charity No. 1130091 Welcome to Wellington Methodist Church! At the top of New Street, the church seeks to serve town and people and offers good news for all. If you are here for the first me or just vising the area you are welcome. Please feel at home and if you would like to know more about the work of the Church please ask, or fill in one of the contact leaflet sheets to join the mailing/ email list. Do stay and join us for tea and coffee aſter the service. Today we remember when the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples as they gathered with others at Pentecost. Acts 2 tells us that all those present understood what was being said in their own language and were amazed. This is a day of celebraon, the Birthday of the church so lets celebrate and think about the joy that those disciples must have experienced but also remember that the Holy Spirit is available to each one of us. We only have to ask. Every Blessing Julie Contact Details: www.wellingtonmethodist.org.uk Office Tel No. 01952 250944 Ministers: Rev Derrick Lander Tel No. 01952 275844 Deacon Julie Morton Tel No. 01952 640079 [email protected] Office: wmc.offi[email protected] .uk Office Hours : Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 1pm WELLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER ‘Growing by sharing God’s Love’

WELLINGTON METHODIST HURH NEWSLETTER · This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. ooking information

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Page 1: WELLINGTON METHODIST HURH NEWSLETTER · This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. ooking information

Wellington Methodist Church and Centre Sunday 9th June 2019

New Street, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1LU U.K registered charity No. 1130091

Welcome to Wellington Methodist Church! At the top of New Street, the church seeks to serve town and people and offers good news for all. If you are here for the first time or just visiting the area you are welcome. Please feel at home and if you would like to know more about the work of the Church please ask, or fill in one of the contact leaflet sheets to join the mailing/email list. Do stay and join us for tea and coffee after the service.

Today we remember when the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples as they gathered

with others at Pentecost. Acts 2 tells us that all those present understood what was

being said in their own language and were amazed.

This is a day of celebration, the Birthday of the church so let’s celebrate and think

about the joy that those disciples must have experienced but also remember that

the Holy Spirit is available to each one of us. We only have to ask.

Every Blessing


Contact Details:


Office Tel No. 01952 250944

Ministers: Rev Derrick Lander

Tel No. 01952 275844

Deacon Julie Morton

Tel No. 01952 640079

[email protected]

Office: [email protected] .uk

Office Hours : Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 1pm


‘Growing by sharing God’s Love’

Page 2: WELLINGTON METHODIST HURH NEWSLETTER · This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. ooking information

Services for Sunday 9th June - Pentecost 9.00 am Holy Communion - Rev D Lander 10.15 am Café Worship - Mrs L Zukiewicz Mid-Week Service Thursday 13th June 9.30 am- Holy Communion - Rev D Lander Services for Sunday 16th June - Trinity Sunday 10.15 am Morning Worship - Rev M Horton Marsh Green Services 9th June 11 am Sunday School Anniversary Service - Mrs J Newby 3.00 pm Sunday School Anniversary Service - Rev Jeff Short 16th June 6.30 pm Holy Communion Service - Rev D Lavender Our prayers :For this month we are asked to pray for... Anne; Denis & Sylvia C;

Annette; Simon; Catherine S; Diana D; Michael K and John on the death of

Elsie A; Graham O (now out of hospital and in Hatton Court); Jean M.


Marsh Green Sunday School Anniversary Today at 3pm Today is Marsh Green’s 178th Sunday School anniversary and the children will be doing a lively presentation of Animals, bird and plants in the Bible. Rev Jeff Short will be preaching at the 3 pm service this afternoon. All are welcome.

Jesus Christ Superstar at Theatre Severn 12th-15th June Musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Group discounts for 20+ people. Individual tickets can be purchased online or directly from Theatre Severn.

Crafti Morning Sat 15th June 10.00-12.00 noon Deacon Julie Morton is holding a Crafti Morning at Wellington on Sat 15th June along side the normal coffee morning where you can come and learn about Craft-ivism (a combination of craft and activism and explore ways in which YOU could make a difference to the world around using simple craft.

Open House Saturday 22nd June 2.00 - 9.00 pm Ganga & Persi would like to invite you all for an open house at 4 Lesley Drive, Wel-lington, Telford, TF1 2FP on Sat 22nd June from 2pm to 9pm.

Page 3: WELLINGTON METHODIST HURH NEWSLETTER · This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. ooking information

Holy Habits Celebration Service Sunday 23rd June 1.30 for 2.30 pm On Sunday 23rd June 2019 in Dawley Park (TF4 3AL). The service will start at 2:30pm. A wonderful opportunity for the Circuit to worship together and to celebrate the Ho-ly Habits preaching series. Bring a picnic from 1:30pm and enjoy the Salvation Band.

Art exhibition Fri 5th - Sat 6th July 10.00 - 4.00 pm The Art Group are busy preparing for this year’s Art Exhibition of work created by group members, and as previously is also open for local artists to exhibit their work. The exhibition will be held at the Church on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July, 10am till 4pm each day. There’s also a young people’s art competition (up to age 16), prizes will be awarded for each age category, all work will be displayed in the exhibition. Please contact Barbara Murray for entry forms on 07592 881108 (last date for entry forms to be submitted – 14th June, artwork to be delivered to the Church 3rd July). Refreshments including home made cakes will be served at the exhibition on both days and there will be the usual coffee morning on Saturday morning. Do come along to see the display, entrance is free. Thanks, Liz

Afternoon Tea at Roger Jones’ Saturday 20th July A warm invitation to 7 Minsterley Close on Sat 20th July. More details to follow.

Date for the diary Sun 8th Sept at 4pm Welcome Service for Rev Christopher Parkes at Wellington Methodist Church

Safeguarding Training Opportunities through the Methodist Church Refresher Module Safeguarding Training at Wellington on Thurs 10 October 7pm. Please make sure if you need to attend that you book as soon as possible. Remember that the Refresher Course should be attended four years after the Foundation Train-ing, then at four year intervals thereafter. Anyone who has not attended the Ad-vanced Level Safeguarding training and needs to do so, must attend the Foundation Training at least before doing so, as well as going through the Essential Preparation material. This applies to everyone whatever their previous experience. Please con-tact Sharon on 505108 as soon as possible to book your place.

3 Generate 2019 Transport This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. Booking information at 3Generate.org.uk.

Thank you from Margaret Whitehead on behalf of Action For Children. Many thanks to all who supported the Action for Children coffee morning which raised a fantastic £110 for the charity, formerly known as National Children’s Home which is celebrating its 150th anniversary in July so I’m hoping to raise as much as possible this year.

Page 4: WELLINGTON METHODIST HURH NEWSLETTER · This year 3 Generate will be on 22-24 November 2019 at Pontins, Southport. Lead-ers go free but children pay £120 each. ooking information

Monday 10th June 9.00 - 1.00 pm Slimming World Community Room 6.30 - 7.45 pm Brownies Community Room 7.00 - 9.00 pm Banner Group Hall 7.30 - 9.00 pm Severn Harmony Fellowship Room 7.30 - 9.00 pm Local Preachers’ Meeting Sanctuary Tuesday 11th June 10.30 - 3.30 pm Art Groups Hall 1.30 - 3.30 pm Macular Support Community room 6.00 - 7.30 pm Girls’ Brigade Hall and Community Room 7.00 - 8.00 pm Calm Minds Fellowship Room Wednesday 12th June 9.30 - 12.00 noon Here to listen Fellowship Room 10.00 - 12.00 noon Sugar Crafters Hall 5.15 - 6.10 pm Rainbows Community Room 6.00 - 7.30 pm Guides Community Room and Hall 7.30 - 9.00 pm Adult Dance Group Hall Thursday 13th June 9.30 - 10.00 am Mid Week Service Sanctuary 10.00 - 12.00 noon Coffee Morning Community Room 12.15 - 1.00 pm Food for Thought Sanctuary 1.30 - 3.30 pm Art Group Community Room 7.30 - 9.30 pm Boys’ Brigade Community Room and Hall Friday 14th June 10.00 - 12.00 noon Craft and Chat Hall Saturday 15th June 10.00 - 12.00 noon Coffee Morning Hall 10.00 - 12.00 noon Crafti Morning Fellowship Room