Edition 4: 24 March 2016 News from Wellington Secondary College Riddle me this Wellington Journal Harmony Day Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A: A stamp! Easter Fundraiser Thank You The college thanks the community for their contribution to the Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser Harmony Day Lunchtime Activities Monday March 21 was Harmony Day - a day where schools and workplaces all over the country celebrate multiculturalism and diversity. As a way of celebrating and acknowledging this day, the Senior VCAL class organised lunchtime activities for the Junior School students. The activities included a 'guess how many lollies in the jar' competition, face painting, and a paper plane flying competition. The paper plane competition attracted many enthusiastic participants, with some well-crafted paper planes managing to fly the distance of the M-Block gallery. Three students were crowned the winners at the end of lunchtime and were awarded a small prize each. The Senior VCAL class are to be commended for their organisation and enthusiasm on the day. Well done! Sarah Cattermole - Senior VCAL Personal Development Teacher

Wellington Journal 04 Draft 2 - Wellington Secondary … Journal Harmony Day Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A: A stamp! Easter Fundraiser Thank You The college

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Page 1: Wellington Journal 04 Draft 2 - Wellington Secondary … Journal Harmony Day Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A: A stamp! Easter Fundraiser Thank You The college

Edition 4: 24 March 2016

News from Wellington Secondary College

Riddle me this

Wellington Journal

Harmony Day

Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot?

A: A stamp!

Easter Fundraiser Thank YouThe college thanks the community for their

contribution to the Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser

Harmony Day Lunchtime Activities

Monday March 21 was Harmony Day - a day where schools and

workplaces all over the country celebrate multiculturalism and

diversity. As a way of celebrating and acknowledging this day,

the Senior VCAL class organised lunchtime activities for the

Junior School students. The activities included a 'guess how

many lollies in the jar' competition, face painting, and a paper

plane flying competition. The paper plane competition attracted

many enthusiastic participants, with some well-crafted paper

planes managing to fly the distance of the M-Block gallery. Three

students were crowned the winners at the end of lunchtime and

were awarded a small prize each.

The Senior VCAL class are to be commended for their

organisation and enthusiasm on the day. Well done!


Cattermole -

Senior VCAL




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Principal’s Report

3 Way Conferences

On behalf of the Wellington teaching community we would like to thank parents, guardians and

students for their contributions in making our 3 Way Conferences such a successful day. The

opportunity to come together to discuss student progress is an essential ingredient in building

happy and resilient young people who possess the knowledge, skills and capabilities to make

the most out of life.

Continuous Assessment

As part of supporting our resilient young people, Wellington is currently trialling continuous

assessment through learning tasks. The concept is that if teachers can deliver feedback on

student progress in real time and electronically through Compass, then we have a greater

capacity to improve student learning than waiting for semester reports. The visible and

conversation components allow parents to monitor whether their child is on task with

submission of work and how well the student has completed the task in relation to the set

criteria. Parents and students can then contact teachers digitally to discuss success and areas for improvement.

We hope the by June 2017 continuous assessment will supersede our traditional end of semester reports, which may take the new

form of a summary document. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on our new grading scheme 7 to 11 and Learning Tasks.

The Victorian Curriculum

In 2017 the Victorian Curriculum will replace the Australian Curriculum in our state. A significant difference is the focus on the

newly defined General Capabilities: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology, Critical and Creative

Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding. According to Professor Bill

Lucas from the Mitchell Institute:

'Young people studying in schools now will go on to do jobs not yet invented, using technologies not now developed and with

patterns of working life only now being prototyped. They will need an agility of mind not to be found in the curriculum of most

schools. The OECD Director for Education and Skills highlighted the kinds of capabilities Australians will need if they are to

flourish in our complex world. He called on schools to focus on the development of transferable skills such as entrepreneurship. The

modern world, he reminded us, no longer rewards people for what they know but rather what they can do with what they know.'

In light of this, our work with Lee Crockett, our educational consultant, is focused on how we as educators can create a fusion

between skill’s, knowledge and capabilities that will support our students to successfully engage with the global community. On

March 16, Lee and our Principal, Hugh Blaikie, engaged with 14 teachers from our High Flyer classes to discuss and share the

wonderful innovative teacher practices that are happening across our college. Lee and I also had the pleasure of visiting a

Humanities class where students were experiencing what it would be like to be limited to an environment of one square metre on a

slave ship. Lee also visited a Unit 1 Studio Art class where the teacher shared her students' exploration of international artists

through collage. In such classes it is clear that the focus was the student rather than the teacher.

Our Director of Curriculum will talk more about Lee in her report.

Celebrating the Arts

Congratulations to Mai Mona Win (Year 12) and Fiona Davey (Year 12, 2015) who have had photographic works selected for the

'Top Shots' exhibition starting April 16 at the Monash Gallery of Art. Both girls are delighted to have their works selected and to

represent Wellington Secondary College.

On behalf of the Principal Team, we wish everyone a safe and happy Easter with family and friends.

Fern Brisbane

Assistant Principal

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My Year at Wellington

Thank you to those who took the opportunity to make a donation to the Good Friday Appeal. You have helped us raise money to support sick and injured children. If you would still like to make a personal contribution you can go to or www.goodfridayappeal.com.aucall 1300 APPEAL on Good Friday, between 9am and midnight.

Generous gold coin donations from yesterday's Casual Dress Day will be passed to the

Leukaemia Foundation. A big shout out to the students who shaved their heads: Rosco

Lough and Chanelle Caulfield of 9D, Peele Tan and Andrew Nguyen of Year 12. Your

bravery is truly commendable and we appreciate your fundraising efforts. Well done

everyone. We raised a total of $1,168.

We also salute the Year 12s who have given up some of their time to do the Red Cross

Doorknock. We hope to raise a good amount to assist those who have been affected by

natural disasters, war or poverty or who are experiencing a time of crisis.

The SRC has advocated strongly for improvements to the toilet facilities at school after

receiving feedback from many students last year. As a result, the college administration

has repainted the Eastern Quadrangle toilets and installed soap dispensers. We encourage

everyone to look after the facilities so that we can convince the college administration that

renovations to the remaining facilities will be worthwhile.

In Term Two we are hosting one of the 12 VicSRC Regional Conferences which promote

student voice and offer leadership training to students. It is a privilege to work with the

VicSRC to raise the awareness of students so that they can participate more actively in the

decisions that affect their school life.

Also early in Term Two we would like to hold Heat One of Wellington's Got Talent. This

competition is free to enter with First, Second and Third

prizes available of $100, $50 and $25. Enter via the

following link: and h�p://goo.gl/forms/ZmEYiuv08l

practise your act during the holidays to be ready to

perform in Week 2.

We wish a happy and safe holiday break to all.

Marissa Long and Andy Nguyen.- SRC Captains

SRC Report

I'm a student in the Study Abroad Program from Thailand. One year at Wellington has taught me so many things. I've improved my skills in many ways and made lots of new friends. I'm lucky to have been afforded an opportunity to study here at Wellington. I will never forget my experience here and it will remain in my memory forever.

Far Maneewongse - International Student, 12E


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Senior School Theme Day - Fictional Characters

Mandarin Club

Middle School Engagement - Basketball

Senior school theme days are always a welcome break from the rigours of senior

classes and they allow the students to shake off the stress of VCE and VCAL.

thThe first theme day of 2016 was no exception. On Thursday 17 March, the Year

11s, 12s and some brave teachers dressed up as their favourite fictional character.

The costume ideas that students and teachers came up with were exceptionally

well designed. The range was inspiring and varied from The Three Amigos to

Superman. The lunchtime runway parade to exhibit their costumes was a raging

success. Coles/Myer vouchers valued at $15 each went to the best-dressed and

most entertaining runway walk.

The creative and talented prize winners were Andrew

Nguyen, William Sayaphet, Khalid Barelvi, Zuzanna

Gryniewicz, Natalie Daley, Issy Scott-Smith and

Michelle Kittikhoun. Congratulations to those

winners and to all the students and teachers who took

part in the


Sarah Yousef

Senior Sub



3 Way Conference

Over the past two weeks, Year 9 girls have been facing off in a form vs form knockout tournament. Competition has been fierce, with all competitors giving their all. Some games have been close, others less so, but all games have been hard fought and played in excellent spirit.

In addition, the competition has been well supported by the rest of the year level, attracting a crowd of over a hundred each and every day. The girls’ tournament will wrap up with a grand final in the first week of Term 2, and then the Year 9 boys’ competition will commence. Well done to all forms and competitors for their efforts so far, and good luck for your future matches.

Mr Coles - Middle School Sub-School Co-ordinator


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As part of our High Flyers Program, students from Year 8M English are actively engaged in designing their own 'Lesson'. Given the challenge of facilitating knowledge and skills, students in teams have to create a learning intention, an outline of how their lesson will be delivered, a reflection on how the learning was received by their peers and a process for peer feedback. The idea is to change the focus of the class from a teacher centred classroom to a student lead one. We will keep you informed of their progress!

Fern Brisbane8M English Teacher

Lee Crockett and 21st Century Learning at Wellington

What’s On in Our Classrooms?


Bon Appetit!

Wellington staff had a very invigorating day on Wednesday, March 16, when our Canadian consultant,

Lee Crockett, joined us again for a full day.

Lee worked with members of the leadership team for the morning session of the day, focusing on change stmanagement and how we can develop a stronger, more vibrant 21 century learning community for both

students and teachers. We discussed the importance of a learner-centred, collaborative environment

where students are producers using new technologies. Technology enables collaboration beyond the

classroom. We considered the creation of digital resources, presentations and projects where teachers

and students will make classroom activities resemble the real world.

Three groups of staff from cross-curriculum areas met with Lee during the day and shared activities they

have developed using the Crockett 'Fluencies', and in particular the Solution Fluency which focuses on

critical thinking and creative problem solving. The Solution Fluency works on the premise of 6 Ds:

Define - providing a clear and concise definition of the problem or challenge being addressed. The

intention is to identify where the students are, so they can figure out where they need to go.

Discover - in this stage, the research and digging begins. This involves obtaining the background information that gives the

problem its context, and identifying what students need to know and what they need to be able to do to solve the problem.

Dream - is where students use the knowledge they have gathered to visualize a creative and appropriate solution. This is a whole-

mind process where students imagine what the solution will appear like, as it would in the future. Instead of asking “Why?”, they

ask “Why not?” The question “What's the worst that could happen?” becomes “What's the best that could happen?”

Design - Starting from the future, next the students design the process backwards to the present to complete the visualized solution

in measurable, achievable steps.

Deliver - This stage is the process by which the dream becomes a reality. It is where students actually implement the design to

complete the solution to the problem in two separate steps: Produce (actually creating the solution in its working format), and

Publish (applying the product in an effort to solve the problem).

Debrief – This step comes at the end of the process. It is a time to review and analyze the product and process, and identify areas

for potential improvement. Students are now given the chance to evaluate their learning journey, and this is an integral part of

guiding them towards taking responsibility for their own learning.

During the day, Lee visited a Year 9 Humanities class and a Year 11 Studio Arts class. He interacted with students, discussing their

work and sharing ideas about the focus of their learning.

Lee finished the day with a meeting with the staff of the Visual Arts Curriculum Area. The conversation focused on how the Visual

Arts can connect and collaborate with other learning areas both through team teaching and the use of new technologies. One

suggestion was to invite a teacher from the Humanities Curriculum Area into the Arts class to support student learning on the

cultural context of the art work being studied. This is an area that we will pursue further throughout the year.

Lee has invited staff to stay in contact with him until his next visit in May, as they continue to expand their teaching toolbox and

try new and innovative ways to engage students with their learning.

Marina Stergiou

Director of Curriculum

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Athletics Carnival


Monash University Pre Service Teachers Visit

On Friday March 19, 14 Pre- service teachers from Monash University spent time working with Mrs Roberts and Mr Serin's Year 7

classes. The Monash students worked with small groups of Year 7s, delivering a lesson they had prepared. The lessons covered a

number of subjects including Music, Geography, Maths and Science. Our students were engaged and enjoyed the experience. We

are fortunate to have a good relationship with Monash University and welcome opportunities to engage with Pre-service teachers.

Athletics CarnivalYear 7 Values Workshop

On Monday March 21 all Year 7 students were involved in a Values Education program run by Tamara and Rachael from our Wellbeing Team.

Students engaged in a number of activities which encouraged them to reflect on their own values and to recognise common values important in ensuring a safe, comfortable environment for all students. Some of the values reflected on were Respect, Trust, Friendship, Inclusion and Honesty.

Students are encouraged to recognise others displaying these values and certificates will be presented at Level Assemblies.

Athletics CarnivalVictorian Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge is now open and Wellington Secondary College is excited to be participating. All Year 7 and 8 students are registered and encouraged to participate by recording all books read.

The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to 16 years in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition but a personal challenge for students to read a set number of books by the closing date of the challenge.

Students in Years 7 and 8 are challenged to read 15 books by September; 10 books must be from the Premier’s list.

All students who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and can choose (with parent permission) to have their name included on the online Honour Roll.

Students will find the link to login and enter books read in the Library Course in Moodle.

Happy reading!

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Athletics Carnival


Tutoring today for a better tomorrow

Grade 5 to Year 12

For our special tuition rate of only $25 per hour you receive:

✔ Multiple teachers per class ✔ Ongoing assessments ✔ Individually tailored teaching methods ✔ Inclusive learning environment ✔ Up-to-date curriculum✔ Trained and experienced teachers

Co-ed have developed a unique tutoring system where students enjoy the benefi ts of one-on-one teaching in addition to gaining important group learning skills. Our regular assessments allow for students, parents and teachers to track student progress and work together to implement the best teaching methods for each student, ensuring the best possible results and academic success.

Call us anytime for a free consultation on 0421 212 684, email at [email protected] or make an appointment to visit us at 2 Villa Road, Springvale

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22828218 Editorial Support by Mrs Dianne Schneider. Printing and Technical Support by Mr Brian Foster and Mr David Kerrisk.

Wellington Journal - Fortnightly Newsletter of Wellington Secondary College - Designed & Edited by Ms Erin Daniels and Ms Yvonne Karfakis.

Printing and Technical Support by Mr Simon Coles.

Access Monash Holiday Study Support 2016


During the term one school holidays, Access Monash is offering two days of VCE Units 3 & 4 study support. This

tutoring is available to all students from Access Monash partner schools. Assisted study is free to a�end and will be delivered by Access Monash Ambassadors.

Students studying Units 3 & 4 are encouraged to bring along homework and areas of their school work that they need support in. Please note, this is not a revision lecture.


Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April, 2016


Monash University Caulfield campus

Study support will be available in the following VCE Units 3 & 4 subjects:

� Biology

� Chemistry

� English

� Further Mathema�cs

� Mathema�cal Methods

� Physics

Students can choose to a�end as many sessions as they like. Fruit and snacks will be provided throughout the day however students will need to bring or purchase their own lunch and drinks.

Register for Study Support:

To secure a place, register via this link: h�ps://accessmonash.wufoo.com/forms/holiday-study-support-2016/

Nominate the days and sessions you would like to a�end.

Registra�ons close:

Wednesday 16th March 2016

If you have any ques�ons, contact:

Renate Giacome Ph: (03) 9903 4324 [email protected]

Sample program

Thursday 31st March, 2016

Friday 1st April, 2016

9.00am -


Subject one

Subject four

11.00am -1.00pm

Subject two

Subject five


Subject three

Subject six