WELLGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL - CONDITIONAL, PHASED REOPENING – 1 JUNE 2020 1 WELLGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL CONDITIONAL, PHASED REOPENING ACTION PLAN 1 JUNE 2020 The document below has been written by the Headteacher (CE) in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team (SB, KE and PN), School Business Manager (RW) and Premises Manager (SS). All details of this plan have also been sent to the Local Governing Body and relevant bodies of ECMAT to ensure that they are aware of the application of DfE guidance and Trust policies whilst paying attention to the schools own individual needs, circumstances and situation. In completing this plan the following documents have been followed and best endeavours to apply have been made Our Plan to Rebuild : The UK Governments COVID-19 Recovery Strategy Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) : implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings Further documents (including ECMAT and school policies) may be added to this plan as more guidance and information is received.

WELLGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL CONDITIONAL, PHASED …€¦ · Action completed by / Date agreed / How many children will we have returning to school on 1 June from the permitted year groups

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    1 JUNE 2020

    The document below has been written by the Headteacher (CE) in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team (SB, KE and PN), School Business

    Manager (RW) and Premises Manager (SS). All details of this plan have also been sent to the Local Governing Body and relevant bodies of ECMAT to

    ensure that they are aware of the application of DfE guidance and Trust policies whilst paying attention to the schools own individual needs,

    circumstances and situation.

    In completing this plan the following documents have been followed and best endeavours to apply have been made

    Our Plan to Rebuild : The UK Governments COVID-19 Recovery Strategy

    Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) : implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings

    Further documents (including ECMAT and school policies) may be added to this plan as more guidance and information is received.



    GENERAL HEADLINE Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied /

    confirmed Action completed by / Date agreed /

    How many children will we have returning to school on 1 June from the permitted year groups (FS1, FS2, Y1 and Y6)?

    *Gather initial numbers before reopening so that necessary plans / adjustments to plans and staffing can be made

    Letters sent to P/C of Vulnerable and Key Workers Letters sent to P/C of N, F2, Y1 and Y6


    *Publish reopening plan on school website so Parents/Carers/Carers are able to make an informed decision

    Published on Blog/Link to FB



    If all children who are eligible for a place under priority groups, key worker and reopening guidance attend school we could be in the situation where

    we would have over 120 children in school

    FS1 = 37 children (these will be staggered)

    FS2 = 55 children (Split into four groups)

    Y1 = 50 children (Split into four groups)

    Y6 = 46 children (Split into four groups)

    Y2, 3, 4, 5 Key worker /vulnerable children = approx. 62 children

    Whilst we recognise that these are the maximum numbers and that some of our key workers are on shift patterns we will have to plan for this number

    of children attending school and ensuring that all guidance can be applied to maintain the safety of staff and children.



    WHOLE SCHOOL PROCEDURES “How to implement protective measures in an education setting before wider opening on 1 June”

    1. Refresh your risk assessment and other health and safety advice for children, young people and staff in light of recent government advice, identifying protective measures. Also ensure that all health and safety compliance checks have been undertaken before opening

    2. Oragnise small class groups, as described in the ‘class or group sizes’ section 3. Oragnise classrooms and other learning environments such as workshops and science labs for those groups, maintaining space between

    seats and desks where possible 4. Refresh the timetable:

    a. decide which lessons or activities will be delivered b. consider which lessons or classroom activities could take place outdoors c. use the timetable and selection of classroom or other learning environment to reduce movement around the school or building d. stagger assembly groups e. stagger break times (including lunch), so that all children are not moving around the school at the same time f. stagger drop-off and collection times g. for secondary schools and colleges, consider how best to supplement remote education with some face to face support for students h. plan Parents/Carers’ drop-off and pick-up protocols that minimize adult to adult contact

    5. In addition, childcare settings or early years’ groups in school should: a. consider how to keep small groups of children together throughout the day and to avoid larger groups of children mixing b. consider how play equipment is used ensuring it is appropriately cleaned between groups of children using it, and that multiple

    groups do not use it simultaneously 6. Remove unnecessary items from classrooms and other learning environments where there is space to store it elsewhere 7. Remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with intricate parts) 8. Consider how children and young people arrive at the education or childcare setting, and reduce any unnecessary travel on coaches, buses

    or public transport where possible (guidance will shortly be published on safe travel)



    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    1. All risk assessments, health and safety policies and compliance checks will need to be completed before reopening

    These will be completed at trust level (PPE, H&S etc.) and then applied to individual Wellgate circumstances. It is vital that all of these changes and new ways of working are communicated to staff and that these are then made available to Parents/Carers/Carers through website/School Blog

    Information sharing with staff, Parents/Carers/Carers as advice is updated and risk assessments and policies are completed

    SLT 01.06.20

    2. Organisation of class sizes and groups in accordance with all relevant guidance

    This will initially have to be planned working on the assumption that all eligible children will be attending school.

    Key Worker and Vulnerable children will have to be prioritised in terms of full-time places

    Once these children have been catered for we will need to consider if all eligible children can attend school on a full time basis.

    SLT meet to gather information on number of children requiring place in school and plan accordingly by 20.05.20. Follow Government guidance as updated regarding further opening.

    SLT 20.05.20

    3. Organisation of workspaces to maintain space between desks and seats wherever possible

    *2m spacing between desks, therefore limiting number of children accessing a classroom (15 maximum) *Classrooms will have to be organised to maximise the space available and create maximum space between children. **Social Distancing cannot be fully maintained whilst we are expected to cater for the amount of eligible children that we have in school - NOR - 414

    Premises Manager to work alongside SLT to look at classrooms, and organise desks in Y1 – Y6 to accommodate Social Distancing

    SLT and Premises Manager 27.05.20

    4. Refresh the timetable

    *Lessons and activities will be delivered as close to the school timetable as possible (KS1 and KS2 Hall, Library and ICT suite will be out of use as it will be impossible to maintain the expectations around distancing and cleaning). *Cloakrooms will not be used either as these are ‘hot spots’ for bringing groups together. *Outdoor learning will be considered wherever possible but the reality is that this will not be an option all of the time.

    SLT by 21.05.20 – share with staff 21.05.20 Share with Parents/Carers/Carers via School Blog FB 25.05.20

    21.05.20 25.05.20



    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    *Timetables for the day will be carefully designed to ensure that there will be minimum contact/crossover between groups and their movement between spaces *No assemblies will be completed during this time. SLT will deliver virtual assemblies. *Break times and lunch times will be staggered. *Staggered starts and finish times across school to avoid congestion on school grounds/site. *Two entry points to school which will be in use to support and ensure social distancing. *Parents/Carers/Carers will be reminded of Social Distancing rules at all times. PARENTS/CARERS/CARERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ACCESS TO EITHER THE MAIN OR NURSERY BUILDING. ONLY ONE PARENT /CARER WILL BE ADMITTED ONTO THE PREMISES FOR ARRIVAL AND COLLECTION.

    5. EYFS settings/classrooms Please see the individual plans below for actions relevant to the EYFS and Y1 - 6

    6. Removal of unnecessary items from classrooms

    Please see the individual plans below with reference to individual classrooms

    7. Remove soft furnishings Please see the individual plans below with reference to individual classrooms

    8. Arrival and exit procedures *No Parents/Carers/Carers or children to be permitted access to school grounds before 8:40am. *Parents/Carers/Carers will be advised not to gather around classrooms and in the grounds to allow everyone to access school grounds safely and not having to pass crowds. *Only one adult per family group permitted onto school grounds *Registration period extended to allow Parents/Carers/Carers to make decision with regards to entry and follow Social Distancing Measures.

    SLT by 21.05.20 – share with staff 21.05.20 Share with Parents/Carers/Carers via School Blog FB 25.05.20

    21.05.20 25.05.20

    9. Staff or children showing signs of COVID 19 / Confirmed case of COVID 19 and testing

    Follow guidance as stated in “Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings”.

    See information letter and guidance to staff 25.05.20




    EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE (Nursery and Reception) “For pre-school children in early years settings, the staff to child ratios within Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) continue to apply as set out here, and we recommend using these to group children.” “In addition, childcare settings or early years groups in school should: •consider how to keep small groups of children together throughout the day and to avoid larger groups of children mixing •consider how play equipment is used ensuring it is appropriately cleaned between groups of children using it, and that multiple groups do not use it simultaneously”

    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    FS1 (Nursery) to be open on a morning only to allow safe opening in line with current guidelines

    *Due to number of Parents/Carers/Carers requesting a place from 01.06.20 in Nursery the PM group will be offered morning attendance. *The offer of 30 hours provision is withdrawn for the foreseeable future to ensure that necessary social distancing (non-mixing of groups), cleaning and hygiene standards can be maintained. *No New Starter F1 children to be admitted.

    SB to call all F1 Parents/Carers/carers and offer AM place only


    FS2 (Reception) children to be split into two groups to allow safe opening in line with current guidelines These two groups will be taught as separate “classes” whilst ever this can be maintained with current staffing.

    *All groups will be able to be offered full time places as long as staffing can be maintained. *As other groups of children return and if we have to maintain the smaller groups then a reduced timetable will have to be implemented *F2SB/AP plus one SEND child to remain in Foundation 2 unit with SB, LH, CM and RP *Children to be given a square to sit in on their carpet to ensure distancing is encouraged during direct teaching *F2 KEl to work within Year 1 with JG, RD and TB (mornings only)

    SB and JG to mark out squares on carpet areas to ensure children sit at a distance.


    Toilets and handwashing *Nursery (F1) have own toilet area, cleaning maintained through the morning session by staff. *Staff to remind children of handwashing advice when going to the toilets

    All staff to remind children about and model handwashing routines.

    Daily from 01.06.2020



    *In F2 (Reception) both areas/classrooms have sinks and washing facilities. *Staff will monitor children handwashing following use of the toilet. *Cleaning maintained through the day by staff

    In line with DFE guidance “remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with intricate parts)”

    *Small toys that cannot be easily washed and cleaned and soft toys and furnishings, will be removed from provision until government guidance changes

    SB to share agreed actions with staff following Trust EYFS meeting 21.05.20 and EYFS Staff briefing 22.05.20 EYFS meeting via Zoom 22.05.2020


    With regards to indoor equipment

    remove unnecessary items from classrooms and other learning environments where there is space to store it elsewhere

    remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with intricate parts)

    *Indoor provision to be evaluated following agreed actions at Trust EYFS meeting 21.05.2020 and SB to feedback to EYFS Team 22.05.20 *Cleaning to take part on a daily basis and ‘use’ basis

    SB to share agreed actions with staff following Trust EYFS meeting 21.05.20 2020 and EYFS Staff briefing 22.05.20 EYFS staff to remove resources that cannot be easily cleaned from provision. One set of resources to be transferred to Y1 classroom

    29.05.2020 28.05.2020

    With regards to outdoor equipment “consider how play equipment is used ensuring it is appropriately cleaned between groups of children using it, and that multiple groups do not use it simultaneously”

    *Nursery (F1) children have access to own outdoor equipment *Outdoor equipment to be split into two groups so that F2 children working in Y1 classroom are appropriately resourced. *The two groups will both have their own outdoor space – Group 1 to use the existing space and Group 2 will use the space outside 1AR. Staff must be very clear about what equipment is to be used for each group. *Cleaning of outdoor equipment to be carried out on a ‘use’ basis

    SB to share agreed actions with staff following Trust EYFS meeting 21.05.20 and EYFS Staff briefing 22.05.20 All F2 staff to remove resources that cannot be easily cleaned from provision.

    22.05.2020 28.05.2020



    A set of outdoor resources to be transferred to Y1 classroom

    Ensure that drop off and pickups are completed safely and in a way that minimises contact between adults. “plan Parents/Carers’ drop-off and pick-up protocols that minimize adult to adult contact”


    *F2SB/AP who will be using Foundation 2 setting will be dropped off and picked up from the Foundation 2 Conservatory. *F2 KEl who will be using the Year 1 classroom will use the door at 1JG for drop off and collection. *The link corridor will be closed and should remove the temptation to enter cloakroom. This will mean that children must be dressed in coats and with any bags at finish time in preparation for immediate dismissal. *Parents/Carers/Carers will not be allowed entry to classroom as part of normal settling routine. This will be communicated to Parents/Carers beforehand with clear explanation as to why. *Usual EYFS routines for dismissing children will take place i.e. One member of staff on door and one with children to ensure safe entry / exit

    EYFS Staff briefing 22.05.20 Letter to Parents/Carers/Carers explaining new routines and expectations.


    Decision to be made whether sessional times will be maintained or changes needed to ensure safety of all.

    *Sessional times reviewed and no PM F1 (Nursery) and no 30 hours provision. *Communicated with staff and Parents/Carers/Carers by 22.05.20 *SB to create and modify existing EYFS timetables so children know familiar routines and structures on returning whilst maintaining social distancing guidance.

    SLT meeting to plan re-opening SB to set timetable and share with EYFS team SB to work with JG to support with EYFS pedagogy and routines


    Lunchtimes and bringing large amounts of children together

    **F1 (Nursery) – No 30 hours Provision so no lunchtime provision required. F2 (Reception – Lunchtime Provision) *The two groups of children will remain in their separate spaces/classrooms for lunch and will form part of the staggered lunchtime approach that will be implemented for the whole school.

    Timetable to be shared with staff 21.05.20 and EYFS Staff briefing 22.05.20




    *Each group will have an assigned SMSA to stay with them for lunchtime. *Both groups/classes will have two SMSAs to provide support for SEND children.

    The current provision contains soft furnishings and small toys which would not be advised under current guidance.

    Small toys that cannot be easily washed and cleaned should be removed from provision until government guidance changes

    Week of 25.05.20 EYFS Staff to assess resources in provision according to guidance


    Ensure clear guidance around use of PPE particularly for intimate care and first aid

    *As part of Trust Policy all adults in school will be required to wear a face mask. *Staff who engage in Intimate Care to support a child’s need will have the appropriate PPE available and a stock of this will be placed in the classrooms. *PPE supplies in school will continue to be monitored by Premises Manager, SLT and SBM *PPE supplies have been purchased and directions for use will be provided by the Trust.

    CE/SB to share Trust guidance around PPE with staff 21.05.20

    25.05.2020 Ongoing from 01.06.20

    Will sand, water and dough still be permitted within EYFS settings?

    No Sand, water or dough areas of provision will be in place from 1st June

    Areas of provision closed week of 25.05.20


    Ensure that all rooms, resources and surfaces are cleaned after each group of children’s session

    *End of each session all surfaces and high use areas are cleaned to correct standards *As part of usual EYFS practice staff will routinely surfaces and equipment.

    Week of 25.05.20 EYFS Staff to assess resources in provision according to guidance. EYFS staff to wash resources that have been used in warm soapy water at the end of each day.

    27.05.2020 Daily from 01.06.2020

    Staffing levels need to be legal under the supervision ratios detailed in EYFS guidance

    *LN and KS will remain in the FS1 unit. SS (Provide Nursery Nurse) will be in Nursery Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. *F2 (Reception Team) will all be in school (albeit it AP and KEl). This is well within the staffing ratios set out in the EYFS Statutory Guidance.

    Staffing ratio planned on return of ECM Individual Health Questionnaire Sharing of the initial plan with staff on 21.05.20




    YEAR 1 and 6 (including YEARS 2, 3, 4, & 5 – VULNERABLE AND KEY WORKERS) “It is still important to reduce contact between people as much as possible, and we can achieve that and reduce transmission risk by ensuring children, young people and staff, where possible, only mix in a small, consistent group and that small group stays away from other people and groups. “Classes should normally be split in half, with no more than 15 pupils per small group and one teacher (and, if needed one teaching assistant). Desks should be spaced as far apart as possible.

    “Each setting’s circumstances will be slightly different. Any setting that cannot achieve these small groups at any point should discuss options with their local authority or trust. This might be because there are not enough classrooms or spaces available in the setting or because they do not have enough available teachers or staff to supervise the groups. Solutions might involve children attending a nearby school. If necessary, settings have the flexibility to focus first on continuing to provide places for priority groups and then, to support children’s early learning, settings should prioritise groups of children as follows:

    early years settings - 3 and 4 year olds followed by younger age groups infant schools - nursery (where applicable) and reception primary schools - nursery (where applicable), reception and year 1”

    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    Setting up the classroom(s) to ensure that all DfE and government guidance is adhered to. “remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with intricate parts)” “Desks should be spaced as far apart as possible”

    *Within the classroom, children will use individual desks. *Desks should be spaced as far apart as is possible given the number of children and the space available. (Max 15 in class). *Children will receive individual work packs with stationery that will not be shared. *Work stations and desks will be disinfected at break times and lunch times and deep cleaned after school when children and staff have left. *ALL soft furnishings (rugs, cushions, blankets etc.) will be removed from the setting/classroom

    Classroom set up week of 25.05.20 - Classteachers, SLT and Premises Manager




    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    Class split into two groups *After canvassing Parents/Carers/Carers numbers are as follows (Key Workers. Vulnerable and Phased Opening year groups) – Y6 = 27 (2 x Classes/Groups) Y5 = 9 (1 x Class/Group) Y4 = 13 (2 x Classes/Groups) Y3 = 14 (2 x Classes/Groups) Y2 = 4 (1 x Y1/2 Class/Group) Y1 = 13 (1 x Y1 Class/Group) FS2 = 18 (2 x Classes/Groups) N = 8 (AM Session only) *Children will be split (where possible) to ensure they are in a familiar classroom, with familiar adults to support children’s SEMH. If mixing of classes is required, then friendship group and children’s happiness will be considered. *Learning will be differentiated so that appropriate curriculum teaching can be delivered without a crossover of support staff. *Toileting protocol in place to ensure that groups of children will not be mixing (KS2 classes). Year 1 and Year 2 classes own set toilets. One of the Year 6 group (6RO/KE) will not need to share toilets and the Year 6 group (6CL) will follow strict distancing and single use rules of the toilets to ensure children do not mix.

    Groups 19.05.20 Classroom set up week of 25.05.20 - Classteachers, SLT and Premises Manager Shared Parents/Carers/Carers 25.05.20

    25.05.20 29.05.20

    Staffing of two groups *Each class will have two adults to support children with SEND needs and EHCPs. *Where required an additional adult will be placed in the class. Guidance states that TAs, classroom supervisors and HLTAs can be used to manage larger groups of children under the supervision of a class teacher

    Staffing ratio planned on return of ECM Individual Health Questionnaire Sharing of the initial plan with staff on 21.05.20


    Playground and equipment *PE and playtime equipment will be assigned to specific groups/classes of children for their own use. This will be

    Classroom set up week of 25.05.20 -




    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    managed and supervised as well as thoroughly cleaned after use on a ‘use basis’. *Groups of children will be allocated a location on the playground and field that they can access at playtime and lunch time. No other group will access this same area at the same time. *Split playtimes and lunch times to allow for maximum distancing. The adults supervising each group at playtime will be the adults within their classroom so to ensure there is not mixing of groups. *Children will also receive individual work packs with stationery that will not be shared. *Work stations and desks will be disinfected at break times and lunch times and deep cleaned after school when children and staff have left.

    Classteachers, SLT and Premises Manager Shared Parents/Carers/Carers 25.05.20

    Lunchtime *Groups of children will remain separate for lunch and will form part of the implemented staggered lunchtime approach for the whole school. *Children will bring a packed lunch from home (ideally this will be in a paper bag/plastic bag that can be disposed of on a daily basis). *All children will be able to order a cold Grab-A-Bag from school. *Children will eat within the classroom. All desks will be disinfected before and after the children eat. *Groups of children will be allocated a location on the playground and field that they can access at lunch time. No other group will access this same area at the same time. *There will be an allocated SMSA who will supervise one group of children within their outdoor area and their own classroom so to ensure there is no mixing of groups.

    Classroom set up week of 25.05.20 - Classteachers, SLT and Premises Manager Shared Parents/Carers/Carers 25.05.20




    Issue Additional information and proposed actions Actions applied / confirmed

    Action completed by / Date agreed /

    Entry and exit points *Entry and exit points will form part of the whole school approach to ensure Social Distancing is adhered to. *There will also be staggered start and end timings for the groups/classes. *This guidance will be shared with staff and Parents/Carers/Carers before the conditional, phased reopening on 1 June.

    Shared Parents/Carers/Carers 25.05.20


    Ensure clear guidance around use of PPE particularly for intimate care and first aid

    *As part of Trust Policy all adults in school will be required to wear a face mask. *Staff who engage in Intimate Care to support a child’s need will have the appropriate PPE available and a stock of this will be placed in the classrooms. *PPE supplies in school will continue to be monitored by Premises Manager, SLT and SBM *PPE supplies have been purchased and direction for use will be provided by the Trust.

    CE/SB to share Trust guidance around PPE with staff 21.05.20

    25.05.2020 Ongoing from 01.06.20




    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Restabilising Routines

    *Recognition that it may be more difficult than anticipated to re-establish routines - This goes beyond school routines: *daily life routines for staff and children *sleep patterns may have been disrupted *The issues often associated with beginning of a new term may be magnified including a substantial chance we will have attachment issues where children have spent the whole time with their family *Staff will have to allow for a period of adjustment. However, there are benefits in re-establishing these routines for staff, children and Parents/Carers/Carers *Getting back ‘into the swing of things’ will need to be a priority.

    *We will aim to get back ‘into the swing of things’ as quickly as possible (this could provide much emotional support)

    *The vast majority of children feel more secure when routines are set, and they know what is expected of them, similarly, so do the vast majority of staff

    *We will recognise that some families may struggle with getting back into the swing of things

    *We will support these families where it is needed (CP/PH to take the lead)

    *We will provide more open activities in the afternoon so adjustments to the timetable may be needed.

    *The school is back to working routines in a short time

    *Children respond well to the routines that have been set for them

    *There are few, if any, issues that can be associated

    with a return to school

    *Staff are very much into the routines also and this is helping children to settle

    *Staff have dealt well with children from families that are finding it difficult to get back into the swing of things

    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Re-establishing expectations

    *Recognition to be given that different children, families, and people will have had very different experiences during the lockdown period. *Some will have been in school throughout Lockdown *The majority of children will have been at home – all having had different experiences *For some, it will take time for them to re-establish and re-learn the expectations of the school, particularly learning and behaviour *Learning involves much practice and children will be out of practice in this respect.

    *We will ensure that behaviour expectations are re-established as quickly as possible and re-introduce the Expectation Ladder.

    *We will remind children about how they speak to each other; how they treat each other and the expectations with regards to positive attitudes.

    *However, we will place much emphasis on the school being a safe environment and that they are loved and cared for

    *Leaders will find time to visit each class daily (distanced) to remind them of these expectations and offer support and reassurance

    *We will work hard to re-establish the culture and

    ethos that existed before regarding behaviour and behaviours for learning.

    *Positive behaviour has been re-established and the school’s expectations with regard to behaviour have been adhered to

    *Children continue to be polite and caring and deal appropriately with their emotions

    *Staff are careful about the way they approach potentially difficult situations and take extra care with the words they use

    *Children are reminded regularly of the school’s Expectation Ladder

    *Children know what is expected of them and feel

    cared for and safe



    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Anxieties about returning to school

    *Many children will be looking forward to returning to school, but many will find being around people difficult, frightening and even overwhelming. *Some children may have developed a fear of people in general. *Many children will be overwhelmed by the implicit message that other people could be dangerous to their health. Again, many will not have experienced other people apart from their immediate family being in their personal space. *Some children may have sensory issues and anxiety about the proximity of others physically.

    *All staff will be aware of the sensory issues, especially when moving around the school

    *We will ensure we have quiet and calm spaces dedicated in the classroom and when outdoors (also following Social Distancing requirements)

    *We will help children to understand that if they crave space it is not unusual and talk to them about it

    *As most children have not been in busy rooms for some time, they may find the classroom overwhelming. We will keep noise levels as low as possible *Staff will continually remind children of the quiet spaces that have been created *Staff will support children who are exhibiting anxieties and discuss and support as appropriate.

    *Quiet places have been established both indoors and outdoors

    *Children know that it is not unusual for them to want to go to a quiet area

    *Very few, if any, children mention that they are unsettled because of noise levels around the school

    *Staff continually remind children of the quiet spaces that have been established *Child feel safe, secure and calm whilst in school.

    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Separation Anxiety

    *The vast majority of children will have become used to being with their Parents/Carers/Carers for extended periods. Even for the children who are excited to come back to school to see their friends, this could be a source of potential anxiety. *There will be some children who will struggle with this separation and experience anxiety. *Children may well worry about their Parents/Carers/Carers going to work, either as Key Workers or those returning after the lockdown. *Most children separate from their families quite easily but there may be a few who did not, even before this lockdown period. *Staff are likely to know the most vulnerable in this respect, however these numbers may now grow.

    *Thrive Time and Circle time on a daily basis will support the children with anxieties

    *Allow children to bring in photographs of their family if they wish and share these with their class

    *Elder siblings will be provided with time to ‘check-up’ (safe distance through classroom window) on their younger siblings if they would like to

    *Talk to children to reassure:

    **It is perfectly ok to miss them

    **It is perfectly ok not to want to be surrounded by lots of people

    **It is ok not to want to get back to formal learning right now

    *Children have a daily dedicated time to discuss their feelings and well being

    *Children do not feel anxious about being separated from their families

    *Safe arrangements for older siblings to see their

    younger siblings have been established, if this is appropriate

    *Children know they can talk to a member of staff

    when they feel insecure



    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    SEND children

    *The impact of all the pandemic may be even greater for children with special needs. Not only might their learning have been impacted upon, but also perhaps their anxiety about not carrying out the routines of being at school. *Some will have had issues about dealing with the changes when the lockdown came in the first place. *There could be issues with managing transition into school. *On returning to school the environment will have changed as some of the routines due to Social Distancing Measures. *Positive Handling Plans may be required.

    *Establish routines once more and reassure the children that everything is ok

    *Visual timetables will be used as needed daily to reassure them what the day will look like

    *Arrangements and adjustments will be made for those children that will struggle

    *Accept that it may take a few weeks to re-establish routines and appropriate behaviour

    *Support will be put into place and adults supported

    so they know how to support the children in their


    *RO and MH will be available to support with any

    SEND issues as will SLT and PSAs. *Video and photos to be taken of the new layout that will shared with Parents/Carers to prepare children for the re-opening. *Discussion with parent/carers of children who have positive handling plans. *All staff made aware of the sensory issues, attachment issues that children may return to school with. *Ensure we have quiet and calm spaces dedicated in the classroom and when outdoors (also following Social Distancing requirements) *As most children have not been in busy rooms for

    some time, they may find the classroom

    overwhelming. We will keep noise levels as low as

    possible and complete Thrive, SEMH activities to

    support children’s feelings.

    *Children with special needs have returned to school and settled down into familiar routines.

    *Children with special needs feel safe and are happy to be back at school.

    *There is excellent behaviour management re-established.

    *Where children have struggled, they have been identified quickly and helped by individuals so that they settle back quickly.

    *Children are well supported with SEMH needs and feel settled in school.



    Issue Additional information What success will look like


    *Y6 children/cohort are unable to attend school as a whole group *Y6 children are unable to complete transition preparation as we normally would **In normal circumstances the school will have said a fond farewell and wish Y6 children well on their way. Transition for new starters will not be able to take place in the same way we usually do at this time of year

    *We will endeavour to support our Y6 children with the best transition through a combination of Zoom activities for the whole class together and coming into school in two separate groups.

    *Directing parents/carers and children to transition websites and support from secondary schools through emails and Facebooks posts. *Close liaison with the high schools who will undertake a range of opportunities to work with the children remotely through the VLE *Y6 teachers to communicate with secondary schools through virtual meetings to share information meaning their secondary schools are aware of needs. *We will conduct Y6 leaving activities as far as we can within DfE guidelines and keep all children and Parents/Carers informed about these *If we are unable to provide some of these activities, we will do all we can to provide them in September so children get a chance to say goodbye properly *School will monitor the situation for new starters very closely offering a transition in July if this is at all possible. Alternative plans for September will be made if needed. Leaders will keep Parents/Carers of new starters informed

    *Year 6 children will have been provided with opportunities to make a smooth transition to their secondary school

    *Year 6 children will have had a positive and happy experience of leaving their primary school and moving onto high school

    *During the period before the end of the academic year much has been done to focus on children’s well-being, safeguarding routines and social interaction

    *New starters will have a positive and well organised transition period at the right time be this virtually or face to face



    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Home Learning – Child not attending school


    *All staff will be required in school on a full time basis (or their regular hours if not full time)

    *A Team of Virtual Teachers will be created with a member of the SLT leading this and being point of contact.

    *We will continue to maintain the On line Learning element for all children not accessing school

    *Children will be set activities that cover a broad range of curricular topics.

    *Teachers will provide feedback to children where learning is submitted – this may not be as frequent as before due to increased sizing of groups.

    * Adults need to ensure expectations continue to be realistic yet still challenge the thinking of the children at home.

    * A range of tasks linked to Summer Term Topics will be provided to ensure a range of learning styles are catered for.

    *All children will continue to have access to educational provision

    *Children will be provided with activities that are well suited to their age, challenge them and help to embed learning.

    *Children at home will still feel a part of ‘school life’ as best they can.

    *Children are motivated to complete the tasks set due to the ‘irresistible’ content of the learning.

    *Appropriate teacher work-life balance will be maintained

    Issue Additional information What success will look like

    Keeping Safe/Safeguarding

    *Consistent messages around contact, social

    distancing need to be given and adhered to by both

    staff and children.

    *Posters and areas remind children of how to

    Socially Distance

    *Children may need comfort and help especially

    during a first aid situation

    *Children will need to be clear on fire safety

    procedures in light of this current situation.

    *Staff are allowed to comfort children and this may

    include getting close to them if children need this

    for reassurance or in a first aid situation.

    Safeguarding for children/families not accessing school *Safe and well visit will continue as have done during Lockdown *Joint safeguarding continues across all agencies

    *All adults in school model and share the message at all times *Appropriately trained First Aiders are in school and PPE is available for these staff *Fire Drill carried out on 1.6.20 *CP and PH to carry out visit in consultation with CE *Continue with dialogue with outside agencies to support families and children.

    *Class Bubbles are successful in meeting Social Distancing requirements and minimise the number of people they come into contact with *Children and adults will be able to move around school, only when absolutely necessary, in the safest way possible

    *Children feel safe, secure and happy whilst in school and their needs are met

    *Fire Drills are carried out successfully and within appropriate evacuation time.

    *Children are safe and secure at home.

    *School work alongside outside agencies to support families.