WELCOME DERMATOLOGY & ALLERGY CLINIC APPOINTMENT INFORMATION Thank you for making an appointment with the Dermatology & Allergy Clinic at UW Veterinary Care. We look forward to meeting you and your pet. A map and directions are on the back of this page. To help us provide beer service to you, please note the following details regarding your visit: What to bring It helps us tremendously to have a clear idea of your pet’s medical history – the more information, the beer! Please bring the following items with you to your appointment, or email them in advance to [email protected]: » The form marked Client History Questionnaire, filled out on both sides as best as you can. If you did not receive this form by mail, you can download a copy at: uwveterinarycare.wisc.edu/dermatology. » If possible, a copy of your pet’s previous medical records should be faxed or emailed in advance. Our fax number is 608-265-8276. » If possible, boles of any medications your pet has taken in the past or is currently taking, including shampoos or other topical products. Costs At the time of the visit we will provide you with an estimate of anticipated costs. Rough guidelines are: initial examination fee and diagnostic tests $200; allergy testing procedure $275-$350 (not including exam); average range of bills including examination and testing $200-$600; medication and advanced procedure costs are in addition. GUIDELINES Please arrive 15 minutes BEFORE your appoint- ment time to allow for check-in and completion of forms, if necessary. If you are delayed in transit and anticipate being late to your appointment, please call us immediately so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Please be prepared to spend about two hours at UW Veterinary Care for an initial appointment, or longer if testing is necessary. If your pet needs extensive testing, he or she will be hospitalized for the day. In this case, we will give you a time at which you can return to pick your pet up, usually between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the initial visit is to evaluate your pet’s medical history and skin disease, discuss with you an overall plan for testing or treatment, perform initial diagnostic tests, and begin treatment. Certain types of tests, such as intradermal testing for allergies (skin testing), sometimes are best not performed on new patients at the first visit. If such testing is recommended, but unwise at the first visit, we will provide you with instructions on scheduling and how to prepare your pet. Medications Corticosteroid medication (steroids, prednisone, cortisone, Vetalog, Panolog, Temaril-P, etc.) must be stopped for at least one week prior to your initial appointment. This includes pills, creams, ear drops, and eye drops. Antihistamines (Benadryl, Zyrtec, hydroxyzine, etc.) and tranquilizer medications must also be stopped for one week. If you feel your pet will suffer by stopping the medications for this long, or if you have an urgent appointment, you can continue to give them, but we may not be able to complete all planned tests on the first visit due to medication interference. Please check with your regular veterinarian if you have any questions. It is not necessary to stop giving antibiotics, thyroid, heartworm, cyclosporine (Atopica), Cytopoint injections, Apoquel, antifungal pills, insulin, allergy shots or drops, fay acid supplements, or seizure medications. See reverse

WELCOME [d34y695x0pxlvj.cloudfront.net]...WELCOME DERMATOLOGY & ALLERGY CLINIC APPOINTMENT INFORMATION Thank you for making an appointment with the Dermatology & Allergy Clinic at

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Page 1: WELCOME [d34y695x0pxlvj.cloudfront.net]...WELCOME DERMATOLOGY & ALLERGY CLINIC APPOINTMENT INFORMATION Thank you for making an appointment with the Dermatology & Allergy Clinic at


APPOINTMENT INFORMATIONThank you for making an appointment with the Dermatology & Allergy Clinic at UW Veterinary Care. We look forward to meeting you and your pet. A map and directions are on the back of this page. To help us provide better service to you, please note the following details regarding your visit:

What to bringIt helps us tremendously to have a clear idea of your pet’s medical history – the more information, the better! Please bring the following items with you to your appointment, or email them in advance to [email protected]:

» The form marked Client History Questionnaire, filled out on both sides as best as you can. If you did not receive this form by mail, you can download a copy at: uwveterinarycare.wisc.edu/dermatology.

» If possible, a copy of your pet’s previous medical records should be faxed or emailed in advance. Our fax number is 608-265-8276.

» If possible, bottles of any medications your pet has taken in the past or is currently taking, including shampoos or other topical products.

Costs At the time of the visit we will provide you with an estimate of anticipated costs. Rough guidelines are: initial examination fee and diagnostic tests $200; allergy testing procedure $275-$350 (not including exam); average range of bills including examination and testing $200-$600; medication and advanced procedure costs are in addition.

GUIDELINES Please arrive 15 minutes BEFORE your appoint-ment time to allow for check-in and completion of forms, if necessary. If you are delayed in transit and

anticipate being late to your appointment, please call us immediately so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Please be prepared to spend about two hours at UW Veterinary Care for an initial appointment, or longer if testing is necessary. If your pet needs extensive testing, he or she will be hospitalized for the day. In this case, we will give you a time at which you can return to pick your pet up, usually between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.

The purpose of the initial visit is to evaluate your pet’s medical history and skin disease, discuss with you an overall plan for testing or treatment, perform initial diagnostic tests, and begin treatment. Certain types of tests, such as intradermal testing for allergies (skin testing), sometimes are best not performed on new patients at the first visit. If such testing is recommended, but unwise at the first visit, we will provide you with instructions on scheduling and how to prepare your pet.

MedicationsCorticosteroid medication (steroids, prednisone, cortisone, Vetalog, Panolog, Temaril-P, etc.) must be stopped for at least one week prior to your initial appointment. This includes pills, creams, ear drops, and eye drops. Antihistamines (Benadryl, Zyrtec, hydroxyzine, etc.) and tranquilizer medications must also be stopped for one week. If you feel your pet will suffer by stopping the medications for this long, or if you have an urgent appointment, you can continue to give them, but we may not be able to complete all planned tests on the first visit due to medication interference.

Please check with your regular veterinarian if you have any questions. It is not necessary to stop giving antibiotics, thyroid, heartworm, cyclosporine (Atopica), Cytopoint injections, Apoquel, antifungal pills, insulin, allergy shots or drops, fatty acid supplements, or seizure medications.

See reverse

Page 2: WELCOME [d34y695x0pxlvj.cloudfront.net]...WELCOME DERMATOLOGY & ALLERGY CLINIC APPOINTMENT INFORMATION Thank you for making an appointment with the Dermatology & Allergy Clinic at

Do not bathe your petPlease do not bathe your pet for seven days before the appointment. You will wash away ‘clues’ that we use to help us in our examination process! In case any testing is necessary, please do not feed your pet the morning of the appointment (no food after 10:00 p.m. the night before). Water is OK to give in the morning and if diabetic, your pet should still receive any usual morning meal.

CancellationsIf you are unable to keep your appointment, please call to cancel. We have many pets on a waiting list, so please help them (and us) by canceling your appointment as soon as you know you cannot keep it. We are always happy to reschedule your appointment for a different time.

MAP AND DIRECTIONS The hospital is located at 2015 Linden Drive on the western end of the UW–Madison campus. Detailed directions and maps are available online at:uwveterinarycare.wisc.edu/maps-and-directions

The best route is to take University Avenue to Walnut Street. Turn north on Walnut Street for about ¼ mile

until you come to a roundabout. Take the first right off of the roundabout onto Observatory Drive. Pro-ceed ¼ mile east to the first stop sign. Turn right onto Easterday Lane. The hospital is directly ahead ap-proximately 100 yards at the intersection of Easterday Lane and Linden Drive.

Parking for small-animal clients is on the west side of the building in front of the main entrance to the Small Animal Hospital. The reception desk staff will provide you with a hangtag to place in your car (except af-ter-hours and weekends). Large-animal clients should follow signs and pull up to the gate into the fenced area; the gate will open automatically.

CALL US 24/7 608.263.7600 | 1.800.386.8684 | uwveterinarycare.wisc.edu