Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

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Page 1: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Welcome to Year 1

Page 2: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

To build on their EYFS experiences through effective transition

To develop independence

To slowly introduce formal lessons

To provide as many outdoor experiences as possible

To encourage children to use a range of new technologies to support learning

To continue to enjoy school and develop positive attitudes to learning

About Year 1

Page 3: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

Magnificent Me!

Animal Adventures

Out of this world


Magic Carpet

Year 1


Under The Sea



Phonics Screening

Page 4: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Enrichment)

Thursday Friday



PE Computing Go Explore (Forest School)


Celebration Assembly

Assembly Golden Time

Throughout the week: Daily Phonics, Reading, Writing, Maths, Calculation Weekly Guided Reading, Handwriting, Beat That, Clic Music, Science, History/Geography, DT/Art, RE, PSHCE, Computing, PE

Page 5: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Children will become more independent by… Bringing their reading book every day and

changing it if necessary. Bringing their Library book every Tuesday. Bringing their Phonics folder every Wednesday. Ensuring all of their belongings are packed at the

end of the day e.g. reading book, jumper, snack pots etc.

It would really help the children if all of their belongings are clearly labelled.


Page 6: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

In Year 1, our English sessions will include:







Page 7: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Reading Your child will be taught reading every day. This could be through:

Shared Reading (daily) – the whole class are guided in reading an enlarged text to model effective reading, promote listening comprehension, teach vocabulary, reinforce concepts about books and build background knowledge. This can take place across the curriculum.

Guided Reading (weekly)– a small group is supported to talk, read and think their way through a text with a teacher. Guided reading enables teachers to extend children’s vocabulary and develop use of appropriate comprehension strategies. Guided reading groups are fluid, and change according to observations and assessments.

Individual Reading – children read a book of an appropriate level with an adult, working on both word level and comprehension skills.

Page 8: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Children are encouraged to change their reading book independently as and when needed. A gentle reminder as they leave you in the morning often helps them to remember this.

Reading Records are checked daily.

Following weekly Guided Reading sessions, a purple comment highlighting what the child has done well and a growing green comment providing next steps will be written in their Reading Record.

When reading with your child at home, use the growing green comment to help your child achieve their next step.

Shared Reading and other reading activities happen daily, however you will not see a comment in the Reading Record book for these sessions.

Ongoing assessment of your child’s word level and comprehension skills allow us to move them on when they are ready to do so. It is important that their comprehension skills match the fluency of their word level before moving to the next band.

Page 9: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …


Read, Write, Inc.

Pronunciation of letter sounds

Alternative spellings

Phonic Screening Check – real and non-real words

Spelling and Grammar Common exception words, days of the week, months of the

year, numbers to twenty.

Spelling rules – past tense, plurals, suffixes (ing, ed) prefixes (un).

Introduction to terminology e.g. verb, adjective, noun.


Page 10: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Maths Do it, Twist it, Deepen it:

Maths lessons take the form of Do it, Twist it, Deepen it activities. This allows the children to move quickly between activities, challenging themselves in their own learning.

Do it! – the children can show their knowledge and understanding of basic Maths concepts.

Twist it! - provides the children with a misconception that they have to prove or disprove using their knowledge and understanding of the basic concept.

Deepen it! – applying their knowledge and understanding of the basic concept to solve a problem.

Page 11: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Calculation sessions take place daily at another time in the

day. These focus on quick mental recall skills across the four operations ( + - × ÷).

Problem solving sessions take place weekly and embed basic number concepts that take place in the other Maths sessions.

Page 12: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Beat that Learn Its CLIC (Counting, Learn Its, It’s Nothing New,


Page 13: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Continual assessment (building a picture) – Year 1 Emerging, Expected and Exceeding.

Focussed Dynamic Marking- Perfect purple and growing green to celebrate and move their learning on during the session.

Self assessment using coded finished work trays.

Verbal feedback End of year Phonics Screening


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Behaviour Policy has positive

reinforcement at its foundations and

that our children should learn from

their mistakes.

However the school deals swiftly and

decisively with behaviour that does

not reflect our Motto ‘All of Us

Together’ and our Golden Rules.

We mediate where it is appropriate,

but keep sanctions discreet to the

individual. We do not support making

an example of children.

Where we feel it is appropriate we will

contact you but this might not be for

every misdemeanour your child is

involved in.

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Policy available on the website


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Encourage and reward.

Page 17: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Encourage independence.

Please hear your child read every day if possible and record this in their reading record, so that we can celebrate their reading in school.

Phonics folders will be sent home to practise reading, spelling and handwriting with the sounds and joins that they have learnt during the week.

Topic Homework projects to prepare for the next topic.

We are currently reviewing our Homework Policy, so the above is subject to change and more information will follow.

Useful websites…

www.ictgames.co.uk and www.phonicsplay.co.uk

Page 18: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Parent Helpers We need your help in many different ways:

Helping in the classroom

Reading Army

Visits to the library, church and local area

School trips

DBS checks for our school are required for certain activities. Please ask for further information.

Page 19: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

Lines of Communication We are moving towards becoming a paperless school! We are

currently looking into an App that will support this, more information to follow.

The website provides an excellent home-school link and you will find things like: newsletters, topic webs, policies, useful parental links etc.

Facebook will also have these reminders, copies of letters and other useful information. So please follow us!

We sometimes communicate with parents/carers via text so please ensure your contact details are up to date.

Pink slip communication – if you need to get a message to your child’s Class Teacher, please fill in a pink slip at the office and this will be passed on.

Email – if you are unable to speak to the Class Teacher directly you can contact them via the office email address subject titled FAO (Class Teacher).

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Safeguarding is for everyone in our school community. It is what we do every

day to keep your child safe. Safeguarding includes; Health and Safety, site

management, e-safety, child protection, risk assessments and so on.



Headteacher and




Emma Lamb Co

Headteacher and Sue

Halas Assistant

Headteacher are both

deputy Safeguarding


If you have concerns about a child at our school please speak to one of these

members of staff. Or raise the concern yourself through the Gloucestershire

Children’s safeguarding Board. http://www.gscb.org.uk/

Page 21: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …

E-Safety and Hector Protector

Keeping our children safe is a

primary concern of ours. They will

learn in school about how to keep

themselves safe online both at

school and at home. You need to

talk to them too. Only when we work

in partnership do we guarantee


If your child has access to a mobile

phone or computer make sure you

have adequate parental controls on

them to help them stay safe.

Look out for our workshops that we

run in conjunction with the junior


Think then Click These rules help us to stay safe on the internet.

We use them at school and at home.

Only click on the buttons or links when we know what they do.

Search the internet with an adult.

Always ask if we get lost on the internet

If we see something we don’t like, in school press Hector the Protector. At home tell the person caring for us.

Don’t tell anyone our passwords or information about ourselves.

Send and open emails together.

Know that not everyone using the internet tells the truth, so we must not make friends with people we don’t know without telling our teachers or parents first.

Keeping Ourselves Safe Reception and Key Stage 1


understand the rules above and agree to follow them. Reception ______________________________ Date__________________

Year 1 _______________________________ Date__________________ Year 2 _______________________________ Date__________________

Page 22: Welcome to Year 1 Year 1, our English sessions will include: Reading Writing Handwriting Phonics Speaking Listening Reading Your child will be taught …