Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2020 Turn to the Lord for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving. — Isaiah 55:7b 512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish Registration forms are available in parking lot vestibule or by calling the office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de la Reconciliación Saturday/Sabado 1:00pm-3:00pm Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 8PM Mass Schedule/ Misas Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 PM Sunday/ Domingo 7:00 AM Español Live streamed 9:00 AM English 12:00 PM Español Drive-thru Communion/ Comunión por autoservicio 10:00AM-10:30 AM/12:00PM-12:30PM Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre semana Wednesday 6:00 PM Thursday 7:00 AM Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma Music Coordinator: Colette Estes Faith Formation Coordinator: Dawn Harris Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe Finance Council: Scott Harris Building Committee: Kim Price

Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

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Page 1: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 20, 2020 Turn to the Lord for mercy; 

to our God, who is generous in forgiving. — Isaiah 55:7b

512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org

Welcome to Visitors & New Members

You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish

Registration forms are available in parking lot vestibule or by calling the office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacramento de la Reconciliación



Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 8PM

Mass Schedule/ Misas

Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 PM

Sunday/ Domingo 7:00 AM Español

Live streamed 9:00 AM English 12:00 PM Español Drive-thru Communion/ Comunión por autoservicio 10:00AM-10:30 AM/12:00PM-12:30PM Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre semana Wednesday 6:00 PM

Thursday 7:00 AM

Parish Staff

Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma

Music Coordinator: Colette Estes

Faith Formation Coordinator: Dawn Harris

Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres

Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe

Finance Council: Scott Harris

Building Committee: Kim Price

Page 2: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

It is very encouraging that we see a strong spirit of optimism among all. Mainly the credit goes to our brothers and sisters. During this pandemic all of you developed a stronger devotion to the Lord which helped everyone to have perseverance and a better faith in the Lord’s mercy. The economic discipline, the spiritual awakening, the enhanced family unity, a deeper sense of personal responsibility, etc. all made us better Christians today. We are grateful to the Lord for the visible signs of redemption from the pandemic through aggressive scientific progress in our Nation. Now almost all of us back to church in progressive numbers. Hopefully our children will be able to restore their normal school hours as well.

It is very encouraging that during these difficult times the Lord’s mercy helped most of us to keep the jobs and save more for better days and participate generously in our church projects.

As you all know our building dream is making steady progress. The drawing and drive way are nearing completion.

Now we are looking for contractors to build the church. Obviously it brings the imperative of fund raising ! By the end of this month our committees will start meeting and developing plans to appeal to everyone for building fund donations.

You all were very generous in the past and I am confident in your good will participation now. This is our time. This is the God given moment to build His temple. It is our privilege to join together for a successful effort.

Please start making donations to the building fund.

The committee will come up with opportunities to purchase special items on the building. If you plan to participate please start saving for that. Now we are at a realization moment which we were longing for many years. Let us thank the Lord for the opportunity and let us resolve to actively involve in every step of this realization.

Coming days I encourage the parents to discuss with your family especially your children of the impotence of your family participation in this for the glory of God. It should become a family project and everyone together come up with ideas for contributions.

God bless you all

09/20/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 2

From the Pastor’s Desk / Del Escritorio del Padre

Es muy alentador que veamos un fuerte espíritu de optimismo entre todos. Principalmente el mérito es de nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Durante esta pandemia, todos ustedes desarrollaron una mayor devoción al Señor, lo que ayudó a todos a tener perseverancia y una mejor fe en la misericordia del Señor. La disciplina económica, el despertar espiritual, la unidad familiar mejorada, un sentido más profundo de responsabilidad personal, etc., nos hicieron mejores cristianos hoy. Agradecemos al Señor por las señales visibles de redención de la pandemia a través del progreso científico agresivo en nuestra Nación. Ahora casi todos volvemos a la iglesia en números progresivos. Esperamos que nuestros niños también puedan restablecer su horario escolar normal. Es muy alentador que durante estos tiempos difíciles, la misericordia del Señor nos ayudó a la mayoría de nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos saben, nuestro sueño de construir está progresando constantemente. El dibujo y el camino de entrada están casi terminados. Ahora estamos buscando contratistas para construir la iglesia. ¡Obviamente trae el imperativo de la recaudación de fondos! Para fines de este mes, nuestros comités comenzarán a reunirse y desarrollar planes para atraer a todos a las donaciones de fondos de construcción. Todos fueron muy generosos en el pasado y confío en su participación de buena voluntad ahora. Este es nuestro momento. Este es el momento dado por Dios para construir Su templo. Es nuestro privilegio unirnos para un esfuerzo exitoso. Comience a hacer donaciones al fondo de construcción. El comité ofrecerá oportunidades para comprar artículos especiales en el edificio. Si planea participar, comience a ahorrar para eso. Ahora nos encontramos en un momento de realización que anhelamos durante muchos años. Demos gracias al Señor por la oportunidad y resolvamos involucrarnos activamente en cada paso de esta realización. Los próximos días animo a los padres a discutir con su familia, especialmente con sus hijos, de la impotencia de su participación familiar en esto para la gloria de Dios. Debería convertirse en un proyecto familiar y todos juntos propongan ideas para las contribuciones. Dios los bendiga a todos

Page 3: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

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Jesus’ parable depicts workers who “punch the clock” at various times throughout the long day: dawn, nine, noon, three, and five o’clock. Regardless of when they began working in the vineyard, the laborers all receive the same reward. The reward seems lavish to the latecomers, of course, and shockingly unfair to the long-faithful workers. The landowner soothes his most dutiful laborers, however, delighting in them as friends and transforming their bitter confrontation into a reflection on generosity. The laborers who arrived at five o’clock might have been late to the job, but those who began at the crack of dawn were last to understand the extravagant bounty of the landowner. Seen in this way, the parable discusses not only God’s generosity toward “unworthy” believers, but also the Lord’s inexhaustible patience toward those who thought they had nothing more to learn.


La parábola de Jesús describe a los trabajadores que “registran la entrada al trabajo” en varios momentos en el transcurso del día: al amanecer, a las nueve, a las tres y a las cinco. Independientemente de la hora en que empezaron a trabajar en la viña, todos los trabajadores reciben la misma paga, y para quienes empezaron tarde la paga les parece generosa desde luego, pero a los que sí empezaron temprano les parece injusta. El patrón calmo a los trabajadores enfadados; sin embargo, junto con ellos se alegra y transforma su enfado en una reflexión hacia la generosidad. Los trabajadores que empezaron tarde como a las cinco, pero aquellos que empezaron al amanecer fueron los últimos en entender la extravagante paga del patrón. Visto de esta manera, la parábola no solamente habla de la generosidad de Dios hacia los creyentes “indignos”, sino también de la infinita paciencia del Señor hacia aquellos que pensaban que no tenían nada que aprender.

WEEKLY OFFERINGS: 9/06/2020 Offertory: $5,071.00

Weekly Budget Expectation: $5,900.00

Weekly Over/Under: $(829.00)


MASS SCHEDULE: Week of 9/20/2020

Sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Mon 9/21 8:15am St Joseph’s Honor & Intentions by Albert Hodges

Wed 9/23 6:00pm Carlos & Mary Olascoaga

Thur 9/24 7:00am St Joseph’s Honor & Intentions by Albert Hodges

Fri 9/25 8:15am †Deceased Members of the Hodges Family by Albert Hodges

Sat 9/26 4:00pm Special Inetentions by Albert Hodges 6:00pm

Sun 9/27 7:00 am 9:00am †Bob Snyder by Carol Rich and Marie Shandor 12:00pm

9/21 Francy Bejarano, Matthew Bryant, Heriberto Calvillo Martinez, Katelyn Hernandez, Francisco Marin, Alberto Ismael Maya Silva, Arnulfo Perdomo, Karen Stutts, Humberto Telles, Gis-selle Velazquez

9/22 Mauricio Aguilera, Kaitlin Cuna, Lilia Montes, Emmy Perez, Olivia Ponce, Alondra Sandoval, Gabriel Torres

9/23 Alejandra Carrillo, Mariana Casas Vasquez, Julissa Belen Cortez, Johnny Garcia, Jose Grullon, Maria Uribe, Ana Rosa Vazquez

9/24 Luna Corona, William Dawson, Hector Escutia, Becky Glasgow, Mercedes Lara, Evant Yael Mora, Guadalupe Morales, Concepcion Pasillas, Martin Vaquera

9/25 Oswaldo Arellano, Gilberto Benitez, Skye Benitez, Mitchel Carranza, Joanny Cruz Ugalde, Roselia Hernandez Cortes, Alexander Hernandez

9/26 Albert Hodges, Kayla Martinez, Richard Pincus, Susana Roman, Michele Smith

9/27 Marfelia Casas, Joshua Castro Xinaxtle, Jessica Jaimes, Beneranda Montes

Have a Very Blessed Birthday

Page 4: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

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SAINTSANDSPECIALOBSERVANCESSunday: Twenty- ifthSundayinOrdinaryTimeMonday: St.MatthewTuesday: AutumnbeginsWednesday: St.PiusofPietrelcina PadrePio Saturday: Ss.CosmasandDamian; BlessedVirginMary

TODAY’SREADINGSFirstReading—TurntotheLordwhoisgenerousinforgiving Isaiah55:6-9 .Psalm—TheLordisneartoallwhocalluponhimPsalm145 .SecondReading—LiveyourlivesinawayworthyofthegospelofChrist Philippians1:20c-24,27a .Gospel—Thelastwillbe irst,andthe irstwillbelastMatthew20:1-16a .

LECTURASDEHOYPrimeralectura—Asícomoelcieloestámuyaltoporencimadelatierra,asísonloscaminosylos pensamientosdeDiossobrelosnuestrosIsaías55:6-9 .Salmo—ElSeñorestácercadetodoslosquelollamanSalmo145 144 .Segundalectura—Cristosemagni icaráatravésdemí,seaqueyovivaoquemuera Filipenses1:20c-24,27a .Evangelio—Losúltimosseránlosprimerosylosprimerosseránlosúltimos Mateo20:1-16a .

LOSSANTOSYOTRASCELEBRACION Domingo: VigésimoQuintoDomingodel TiempoOrdinarioLunes: SanMateoMartes: ComienzaelotoñoMiércoles: SanPíodePietrelcinaSábado: SanCosmeysanDamián; BienaventuradaVirgenMaría

READINGSFORTHEWEEKMonday: Eph4:1-7,11-13;Ps19:2-5;Mt9:9-13Tuesday: Prv21:1-6,10-13; Ps119:1,27,30,34,35,44;Lk8:19-21Wednesday:Prv30:5-9; Ps119:29,72,89,101,104,163;Lk9:1-6Thursday: Eccl1:2-11;Ps90:3-6,12-14,17bc; Lk9:7-9Friday: Eccl3:1-11;Ps144:1b,2abc,3-4; Lk9:18-22Saturday: Eccl11:9—12:8;Ps90:3-6,12-14,17; Lk9:43b-45Sunday: Ez18:25-28;Ps25:4-9;Phil2:1-11 1-5 ; Mt21:28-32

LECTURASDELASEMANALunes: Ef4:1-7,11-13;Sal19 18 :2-5; Mt9:9-13Martes: Prov21:1-6,10-13; Sal119 118 :1,27,30,34,35,44; Lc8:19-21Miércoles: Prov30:5-9;Sal119 118 :29,72, 89,101,104,163;Lc9:1-6Jueves: Ecl1:2-11;Sal90 89 :3-6,12-14,17bc; Lc9:7-9Viernes: Ecl3:1-11;Sal144 143 :1b,2abc,3-4; Lc9:18-22Sábado: Ecl11:9—12:8;Sal90 89 :3-6,12-14, 17;Lc9:43b-45Domingo: Ez18:25-28;Sal25 24 :4-9;Fil2:1-11 1-5 ;Mt21:28-32

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21 de septiembre

Leví era su nombre, hasta que Jesús, viéndolo sentado en su mesa de cobrador, le dijo: “Sígueme” y dejándolo todo, lo siguió. El teólogo Dietrich Bonhoeffer señala en esto la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús a emprender una conversión total que no puede esperar. En adelante no será Leví, sino Mateo: “regalo de Dios”. Este antiguo cobrador de impuestos vivía en Cafarnaúm y su trabajo era recolectar dinero para entregarlo a los romanos. Era considerado traidor y al igual que sus colegas era despreciado, pues la gente los tenía por deshonestos ya que sus exagerados cobros hacían imposible la vida de los pobres. No obstante, Jesús se fijó en él y escandalizó a los religiosos de su tiempo cuando no sólo lo llamó a ser su seguidor, sino que además compartió la mesa. Aquello fue un escándalo, porque tal acción equivalía a compartir el estilo de vida y aprobarlo. No obstante, Jesús no aprueba su proceder, sino que le ofrece su amistad y lo invita a la construcción del Reino de Dios. Esa es la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús. -Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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September 23

Did the World War II American flyer really see Padre Pio in midair, preventing the bombing of his village below? Did Pio actually “bilocate” in Italy, the Holy Land, even America, as countless witnesses testified? Or “read hearts” before penitents spoke? What of the stigmata, Christ’s wounds imprinted on Padre Pio’s hands, feet, and side? John Paul II, who as a young man visited Pio, never mentioned these extraordinary elements at the canonization. Instead, the pope spoke of “trials accepted with love,” referring perhaps to sanctions restricting Pio’s faculties for hearing confessions and celebrating public Mass, imposed because of criticism, later discredited, sent to the Vatican; of Pio’s offering his sufferings in union with Jesus’ passion for a suffering world; of his continual availability to sinners seeking direction and absolution; of Padre Pio’s prayer that blossomed in charity, especially through his House for the Relief of Suffering, a healthcare facility that anticipated by decades today’s holistic partnering of medical science and spirituality. Finally, how comforting for us ordinary Christians, this extraordinary saint’s most frequent advice: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry!”

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Isaiah tells us something that we already know, and yet seem to forget every now and then. He tells us, essentially, that God is God and we are not. When we’re confused and troubled and can’t figure everything out, it might be wise to recall Isaiah speaking on the Lord’s behalf and explaining that God—who is on a much more, well, Godly wavelength than we are—moves in ways we can’t even imagine.

Saint Paul, by comparison, has everything figured out. Kind of. At least he understands his calling in life—to magnify Christ in everything he does. That should give all of us the direction we need. Jesus gives us direction, too, explaining to us once again in the parable of the workers in the vineyard that the last will be first, and the first, last. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Isaías nos dice algo que ya sabemos, pero que parecemos olvidar de tanto en tanto. Nos dice, en esencia, que Dios es Dios y nosotros no lo somos. Cuando estamos confundidos, llenos de problemas y no podemos solucionarlo todo, tal vez sea sabio recordar a Isaías (alguien que está más en la sintonía divina que nosotros) hablando en nombre del Señor y explicando que Dios se mueve de maneras que ni siquiera podemos imaginar.

En comparación, san Pablo lo ha resuelto todo. Casi todo. Cuando menos entiende su llamado en esta vida: dar gloria a Cristo en todo lo que hace. Esto debería marcar el rumbo para nosotros. Jesús también nos marca el camino, explicándonos una vez más en la parábola de los viñadores que los últimos serán los primeros, y que los primeros serán los últimos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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† Sacraments †

**Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221) to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish community **Sacrament of Marriage - Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior to the wedding date for necessary preparation.

**Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336-629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a pa-tient’s room number before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness.

**Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status

******************************************** Out of respect for the Liturgy in which we partake, please

turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers as you enter the Sanctuary of Our Lord. If your Children are acting up,

please take them to the cry room in order not to disrupt the liturgy for others.

Box Tops Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you for your help

St. Joseph Columbiettes will be doing Children’s Summer

Book Drive.

The St. Joseph Columbiettes are collecting books for children and students from pre-school age through the 12th grade. These books will be donated to Randolph Partnership for Children.

We are reaching out to the entire Parish community to help us fill the blue bin that is placed near the side parking lot entrance. Thank you for the generous support.

Calling all young men ages 10-18. Are you looking to grow in your faith, learn to become a community leader, or help your community and church all while having fun with other Catholic young man? Well, the Columbian Squires are looking for new members.

The Columbian Squires is part of the Knights of Columbus family. For more information please have a parent contact Grand Knight Jason Kroeger at 336-301-4418.



Please take a moment to pray for our parishioners needs, Illness, persona problems and our young men serving our country:

Christopher Gardner, Lillian Hazelwood & Ramona Shepard, Colleen Greene, Flora Smith, Gary Hutchins, Jose Espiallet, Monica Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel, Josefina Arellano, Laurie Wills, JR Newsome, Mary Matthews, Sara Dunmeyer’s daughter, Donald Hills, Robert Barker, Mary Poremba, Sharon Derosi, Bob Snyder, Chester Devarney, Ernest Devarney, Albert Trapani, Luis Saavedra, Don Troup, Phyllis Morrison

Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez, Matthew Bryant

Semenarians & Religious: Jose Palma, Kevin Martinez, & Jessica Palma

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS *The Knights are looking for new members to join their brotherhood. COLUMBIETTES:

The St. Joseph Columbiettes – Auxiliary 10891 would like to extend an invitation to all the ladies of the parish to join our organization. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact the church office. A current Columbiette will return your call.

Page 7: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

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Y_[r of St. Jos_ph 2020/ El [ño ^_ S[n José


September – Joseph Most Prudent

Prudence is the mother of virtues which depends upon the practical wisdom gained by experience matched with an agile

mind to make decisions in the here and now. Each time Joseph knew the will of God he acted decisively, swiftly, and

accurately. He acted neither rashly nor timidly, but prudently..

“In human life, Joseph was Jesus’ teacher in their daily contact, full of refined affection, glad to deny himself to take better care of Jesus. Isn’t that reason

enough for us to consider this just man, this holy patriarch, in whom the faith of the Old Covenant comes to full fruition, as a master of interior life? Interior life is nothing but continual and direct conversation with Christ, so as to beco-me one with him. And Joseph can tell us many things about Jesus. Therefore, never neglect devotion to him—Ite ad Ioseph: “Go to Joseph”—as Christian

tradition puts it in the words of the Old Testament (Gen 41:55)”

St. Josemaría Escriva

Visit the Year of St. Joseph website throughout 2020 for a list of activities, pilgrimages, devotions, prayers, and more: www.YearofStJoseph.org Visite la página web del Año de San José a lo largo de 2020 para obtener una lista de activida-des, peregrinaciones, devociones, oraciones y más: www.YearofStJoseph.org.

Priest Retirement and Benefits Collection

Our assessment is of $6104.00. Please help us to reach our assessment soon. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.

Colecta para Pensión y Beneficios de Sacerdotes

Nuestra cuota es de $6104.00. Por favor ayúdanos a alcanzar nuestra meta pronto. Gracias y que Dios bendiga su generosidad.

Page 8: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · nosotros a mantener los trabajos y ahorrar más para mejores días y participar generosamente en los proyectos de nuestra iglesia. Como todos

Please print and send 100 copies.

Than you for the help and assistance