Welcome to the Red Squirrels United Knowledge Fair 2019 LIFE14 NAT/UK/000467

Welcome to the Red Squirrels United Knowledge Fair 2019

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Welcome to the Red Squirrels United Knowledge Fair 2019

LIFE14 NAT/UK/000467

Red Squirrels United:A nationwide approach to red squirrel


LIFE14 NAT/UK/000467

Nikki Robinson

The Wildlife Trusts

Squirrels in the UK

Red and grey squirrel distribution in the British Isles in 1945 and 2010. Copyright RSST

Red Squirrels United: Overview

A UK-wide network working together

to secure the future of our red

squirrels uniting conservationists,

volunteers and academics

Partnership of eight organisations led

by The Wildlife Trusts

A scientifically robust programme of

conservation, protecting nine main

stronghold red squirrel populations

Red Squirrels United: Mission

Support & engage local communities carrying out red squirrel conservation

Monitor squirrel populations and prevent the further spread of non-native

grey squirrels

Underpin our conservation work with the latest scientific research

Share knowledge and best practice on invasive alien species management

Conservation areas

Where are we at? 90% of the early warning and rapid response system delivered by community members in

Northern England in 2018 exceeding target of 75%. It is anticipated that this will be 100%

volunteer delivered by the end of the project

Autumn 2018 monitoring results detected the highest ever number of red squirrels at

Ainsdale Nature Reserve in Merseyside

No grey squirrels were found on Anglesey in 2018 and red squirrels were sighted in

Snowdonia National Park for the first time in 50 years!

Red squirrels were caught on camera in the Northern Irfon Forest, mid-Wales. These are

the first known records of red squirrels in this forest for more than 20 years!

Mourne Mountains eradication zone in Northern Ireland is almost complete with the focus

now moving towards reinforcing the buffer zone

Successful red squirrel reintroductions/reinforcements took place in Silent Valley, Northern

Ireland and Clocaenog Forest, north Wales

Engaging the communityMore than 100 media articles including print and online media and has featured on

several national television programmes such as BBC Countryfile and BBC


More than 600 community engagement events reaching more than 30,000 people

Over 300 volunteer training events

More than 2,000 volunteer interactions with over 1,000 volunteers in community


Two annual Knowledge Fairs attended by more than 200 delegates

Six new volunteer groups established and one refreshed and constituted

West Tyrone Red Squirrel Group

North West Red Squirrel Group

Glens Red Squirrel Group


Ards Red Squirrel Group

Tollymore Red Squirrel Group

Ring of Gullion Red Squirrel Group

Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group

Strabane Red Squirrel Group?

BroughshaneRed Squirrel Group ?

CastlewellanRed Squirrel Group

Pre Red Squirrels United

Post Red Squirrels United

Monitoring squirrel populations

All project areas have an early

warning/rapid response system in place

Conduct monitoring activity twice a year

Monitoring squirrel populations: RSU zones, Northern England

19 people involved

45 surveys delivered by volunteers = 90%

(Project target = 75% by 2019)

Anticipate monitoring surveys will be 100%

volunteer delivered by end of project

Monitoring squirrel populations: RSU zones, Northern England


Squirrels (either species or

both) detected in 58% of


Red squirrels only: 13 surveys

Grey squirrels only: 13 surveys

No squirrels: 21 surveys

Both species: 3 surveys

Monitoring squirrel populations: Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland 2018 presence/absence monitoring: Volunteer experiences of the survey

Monitoring squirrel populations: Northern Ireland

Pine Marten

Red Squirrels

Grey Squirrels

NI Presence / Absence Survey

Monitoring squirrel populations: Squirrelpox virus

Grey squirrels

asymptomatic carriers

Generally fatal to red


Highly contagious

Two outbreaks in Formby,


Monitoring squirrel populations: conservation dogs

Training workshop held in

June 2018

First fully trained squirrel

detection dog in UK

Can search an area the

size of a football pitch in

under one hour!

Help to prevent spread of

Squirrelpox virus

Monitoring squirrel populations: Anglesey

Approx. 230 island garden and woodland

feeding stations on Anglesey

Camera traps do not always pick up images

of grey squirrels present at a location

Engaging with LIFE Laserfence to establish

efficacy of laser as grey squirrel deterrent

Protocol developed in partnership with

RSPCA and North Wales Police for when

grey squirrels accidentally trapped and

transported in motor vehicles

Prevent further spread of grey squirrels: Gwynedd

Eradicate grey squirrels from 1,500

hectares of woodland in Gwynedd

Intensive trapping undertaken by 4 full

time/seasonal contractors plus volunteers

Dispatched more than 8,000 grey

squirrels since beginning of project

Assessing effect of culling upon grey

squirrel genetic diversity

Prevent further spread of grey squirrels: Mourne Mountains

Mourne plain almost cleared of

grey squirrels

Responsive shooting and trapping

Reinforcing the buffer zone

Refining the early warning and

rapid response system

Prevent further spread of grey squirrelsApproximately 90 households participating in urban Trap Loan

Scheme (TLS) in Merseyside. 11 volunteers engaged in grey

squirrel control through TLS

Approximately 119 volunteers participating in TLS in mid-

Wales, 100 volunteers engaged in grey squirrel control through


Permission granted to use Kania Trap with a live capture trap

in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Scientific research: Newcastle University

© P Muldoon

Assess impact of conservation actions

Compares and contrasts different

approaches used within RSU

Records control effort over space and


Measures effectiveness of control

management strategies

Forest Research

• Research attitudes in case study areas and wider population• Monitor and assist with engagement and outreach• Identifying gaps & assisting with knowledge transfer • RSU project evaluation and legacy

Knowledge & Attitudes Research

• Nationwide survey on public attitudes towards squirrel and their management (n = 3758)

• Interviews/focus groups in case study areas with volunteers (n = 35) and project staff

• Short community survey around knowledge of local action and barriers to involvement (~134 to date)

• Landowners and other important local stakeholders


Knowledge sharing and best practice

© P Muldoon

Knowledge Fairs

Best practice guides


LIFE and Non LIFE project interactions

© Peter Muldoon

What next? Red Squirrel United LegacyOne more Knowledge Fair

Dissemination and evaluation actions

Assessing project impact

New volunteer groups and additional volunteers

Best practice guides

Best practice videos

Modelling data to inform future grey squirrel management strategies

Results from assessing impact of grey squirrel control upon disease


Thankyou for listening

[email protected]